
2023-12-10·18页·1.7 M

浙江强基联盟2023 学年第一学期高三12 月联考




1. 答题前、考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第卷(满分 95 分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每

段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What will the man do next?

A. Collect some information. B. Discuss with some students. C. Get the woman’s opinion.

2. Why is the woman in a hurry?

A. To answer a call. B. To search for a store. C. To look for a washroom.

3. What happened to Larry last night?

A. He fell into water.

B. He couldn’t find his hotel.

C. He was caught in the rain.

4. Where will the woman go tomorrow night?

A. To the man’s house. B. To a cinema. C. To a restaurant.

5. What does the woman think of the man?

A. Bad-tempered. B. Warm-hearted. C. Absent-minded.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作


听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。

6. What is the man worried about?

A. His friend’s visit. B. Loss of his friend. C. His poor cooking.

7. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Download an app. B. Cook unique cuisines. C. Go out with his friend.

听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。

8. What does the woman show the man?

A. Her visa. B. Her passport. C. Her ID card.

9. What will the woman do with her luggage?

A. Check it in. B. Make it lighter. C. Take it with her.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。

10. Why does the woman find the study hard?

A. The poems focused on some difficult topics.

B. She has to compare poems across languages.

C. She lacks knowledge about different cultures.

11. What day is it today?

A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Monday.

12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. Where will the speakers park their motorhome?

A. At their home. B. In the woods. C. On a beach.

14. What did the woman do in the morning?

A. She stored water in the vehicle.

B. She took a picture of the vehicle.

C. She filled the vehicle up with gas.

15. What season is it now in Scotland?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Take a shower. B. Turn the heat on. C. Check the amount of gas.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. When will the event be held?

A. From January 12th to February. 10th.

B. From January 10th to February 12th.

C. From January 12th to February 12th.

18. How much should a couple with a child of 8 pay for their entrance?

A. $20. B. $10. C. $30.

19. Which event is new this year?

A. A flower show. B. A fancy dress competition. C. A winter sport.

20. Where will the food shops be?

A. In the center of the site.

B. Next to the entrance.

C. Beside the amusement rides.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Living in a dorm is definitely one of the best parts of the college experience. You finally get your own space that

you can decorate however you want. However, it can be pretty hard to decide how you want to decorate your dorm

room so that it’s the perfect, comfortable, personalized space. It’s important that your dorm feels like your home. The

following are some ideas for the coolest room on campus.

Try decorative plants

With all of your classes, you probably won’t have time to keep real plants alive, but thankfully you can get some

realistic-looking greens online to bring some grown-up vibes into the space.

Miracliy Artificial Rose Flower

RECUTMS Artificial Ivy With


LED String Light



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Add fun lights

You can go with the TikTok famous LED strip lights, or go with something a little softer, like a sunset lamp.

Rossetta Star Projector, Galaxy

Tsrarey Sunset Lamp Projection




Now 20% Off The Current Price

Now 40% Off The Current Price

Try temporary wallpaper

This is probably the easiest way to decorate your dorm room. Just pick a cute pattern or color, and then at the end

of the year, peel it off and leave a clean slate for the next student.

RoomMates Pink and Orange

Cheetah JiffDiff Peel and Stick Wallpaper

Cheetah Peel and Stick Wallpaper $13 AT AMAZON


21. Why does the author recommend realistic-looking greens?

A. You can decorate your dorm however you want.

B. It is pretty hard to choose a really personalized plant.

C. Realistic-looking greens are more beautiful than real plants.

D. Students may not have enough time to look after the real plants.

22. What is an advantage of trying temporary wallpaper?

A. It is the cutest. B. It is the simplest.

C. It is the loveliest. D. It is the cleanest.

23. How much do you pay if you buy the Rose Flower Garland and the Sunset Lamp?

A. $30. B. $27.2. C. $22.8. D. $20.


A doctor walked into an operating room where an operation was being performed. Everything seemed to be going

well, but the doctor noticed that no one was wearing a face mask. He was surprised—wearing a face mask is a basic

hospital procedure. But he didn’t say anything. The operation was a success, but a few days later the patient came down

with a fever. It turned out that she had contracted a serious infection, probably because the doctors and nurses hadn’t

followed a simple rule.

Atul Gawande was interested in that story and carried out a research on the importance of a checklist to boost

hospital services. Gawande is a doctor himself, and in his research he suggests that if surgeons run through a simple

checklist before every operation, then lives will be saved. And he’s got the numbers to prove it. In 2001, an experiment

at an American hospital required doctors to use a five-point checklist before they carried out specific procedures. The

checklist was just a list of routine things doctor should normally do without thinking—wearing latex gloves, washing

their hands before and after every patient, and so on. By making sure that the checklist was followed, there were almost

no infections during the 27 months of the experiment, and they estimate that around eight lives were saved. When the

checklist was tested again in hospitals in Michigan, infections went down by 66 percent.

In his study, Gawande looks at other professions, too, to support his argument that checklists reduce accidents and

improve success rates. He points out that people like engineers and pilots use checklists all the time, and he comes up

with some good examples. Just imagine that an airplane crashed because the pilot had failed to follow basic procedures.

Suppose a skyscraper collapsed because the engineers hadn’t remembered to do some important calculations. People

would demand that officials look into these events immediately.

Gawande’s study finding is really interesting and received much public attention. ‘It reminds us that sometimes

the easiest way to avoid making mistakes is to follow a very simple set of rules. It’s relevant for all of us, not just for


24. The function of the first paragraph in this text is to ________.

A: introduce the origin of the idea for Gawande’s study

B. explain the importance of the basic hospital procedure

C. explore the causes of infections among patients in hospitals

D. emphasize the urgency of providing relevant training to doctors

25. What are the two experiments in paragraph 2 intended to prove?

A. Young medical staff need to follow the checklists.

B. Checklists are necessary for hospitals in particular.

C. Hospitals are required to maintain good management.

D. Medical infections can be reduced by observing a set of rules.

26. What can we learn from paragraph 3?

A. Air crashes hardly occurred with the basic procedures.

B. Gawande intends to promote his idea to other professions.

C. High buildings may collapse due to engineers’ miscalculations.

D. People think it a must for a pilot or engineer to use their checklists.

27. What is the author’s attitude toward Gawande’s study?

A. Unclear. B. Dismissive. C. Approving. D. Doubtful.


Can humans really understand what animals are saying, or are we just barking up the wrong tree?

“Artificial intelligence (AI) holds the key to unlocking the fascinating insights. Beyond creating chatbots that

charm people, machine learning may soon make it possible to decode (解码) animal calls,” says Raskin, co-founder of

the nonprofit Earth Species Project. It’s developing AI models that imitate a variety of species, aiming to have

“conversations” with animals. Its team is collecting diverse data from various species and building machine-learning

models for analysis. Project CETI (鲸类动物翻译计划) focuses on understanding a particular species, in this case the

sperm whale.

Sperm whales have complex social groups. When a familiar young male rejoined his family, researchers seized the

chance to record their sounds. For two decades, scientists documented two sperm whale groups, capturing their clicking

sounds. After manually decoding some sounds, they turned to AI for faster translation. Using a neural (神经的) network,

the team trained it to discern individual whales from a subset of sounds. Next, their ambitious goal is to train a computer

to speak whale.

As tech advances, the door has been opened to using machine learning to decode unfamiliar languages. It’s found

that AI tools have practical value beyond research. Translating animal sounds aids endangered species. Scientists study

caged birds’ calls to grasp sound changes, explaining difficulties in reintroduction. Machine learning decodes pets’

signals like barks and facial expressions. Raskin’s AI model translates dogs’ expressions, revealing their surprising

capabilities to owners. Additionally, it helps predict pig emotions based on their sounds, enhancing animal welfare.

Advancements deepen our understanding of animals.

Now enthusiastic scientists are committed to open-source data and model sharing. “Every time you invent a

technology, you also invent a responsibility,” Raskin says. “Designing a ‘whale chatbot’ demands we imagine an

animal’s experience. The true value of any language is that it helps us relate to others.”

28. What is the purpose of the Earth Species Project?

A. To gather vast data with a computer.

B. To create chatbots that imitate animals.

C. To understand animal languages using AI.

D. To study the social behavior of sperm whales.

29. What does the underlined word “discern” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Train. B. Recognize. C. Record. D. Protect.

30. How do AI tools provide practical value in deepening our insights into animals?

A. By translating animals’ calls and looks. B. By advancing animal well-being.

C. By reintroducing endangered species. D. By studying animals’ negative emotions.

31. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Lost in Translation? Not with AI

B. A Future of Chatting with Animals

C. Whales SOS: Human-AI Unite for Miracles

D. Practical Value of Machine Learning Models


In the autumn of 2020, while stargazing on his balcony in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Teju Cole was inspired to

start taking photos of his kitchen counter. He compared the daily migrations of his pots, pans, spoons, and graters to the

revolutions of celestial bodies (天体) ,and began to track them in a “counter history”. A year later, he published the

results as Golden Apple of the Sun (2021), a book-length photo essay that expands his isolated domestic experiment

until it seems to include the whole world. Cole writes about the hunger he suffered as a boarding-school student in

Nigeria, Dutch Golden Age still-lifes, slavery and the sugary recipes in an ancient cookbook. “The later a photograph

is in a given sequence, the heavier it is,” Cole explained. Somehow, from this kitchen sink of memoir (回忆录), art

history, and observant boredom emerges a portrait of the pandemic’s collective solitude, “this year of feeling buried in

the dark earth like bulbs.”

Cole’s work makes an art—and a necessary virtue—of close looking. Open City (2011), his first novel, won praise

for its portrayal of post-9/11 New York, whose buried histories of violence and displacement resurface in the course of

a medical student’s wanderings. In Cole’s essays, tranquil Vermeers reveal traces of empire in colonial times, and

stormy Caravaggios picture beforehand the uncertain journeys of twenty-first-century migrants.

His great theme is the limits of vision, and the way that these limits can serve as the basis for a kind of second

sight. “Among the human rights is the right to remain unseen and dark,” Cole writes in Black Paper (2021); a recent

essay collection. In his own pictures, people seldom appear directly, but their presence is everywhere implied. Blind

Spot (2017), an experimental photo book recording his travels, gathers images of hotel rooms, border fences, ships, and

tombs. “Darkness is not empty,” Cole writes. “It is information at rest. Beauty, briefly, slips from the shadows.”

32. What made Cole start to take photos of his kitchen counter?

A. His isolated domestic lifestyle.

B. His great interest in photo-taking.

C. The inspiration he got while stargazing.

D. The suffering as a boarding-school student.

33. What do we know about Cole’s first novel?

A. It was praised for making a new art.

B. It was written through a student’s view.

C. It resurfaces traces of a colonial empire.

D. It foresees the uncertain journey of migrants.

34. Why does Cole prefer the limits of vision in his works?

A. People can feel what is unseen by themselves.

B. Human rights can be well protected in the theory.

C. It is one of the basic skills for the artists like him.

D. He starts a new style to write about common people.

35. What can we infer about Cole?

A. He has a limited vision. B. He published a cookbook.

C. He enjoys taking photos of people. D. He focuses on stories behind pictures.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


It has been a few rough years. Many of us are finding ourselves exhausted, burned out, struggling to build balance

back into our lives. We need to recharge. Water can help.

Participating in water activities such as swimming or surfing can help us enter a “flow state”. 36 It calms the

mind, which is often absorbed by reasoning and worry, says Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, a neuroscientist and chief executive

of the neurotechnology company Neuroverse, who has studied how water affects our brain.

Bodies of water also can produce a glorious sense of awe—the emotional response to something vast that expands

and challenges how we see the world. 37 Water naturally relaxes us and helps focus our thoughts by taking away

all the noise.

Water has special properties that may boost nature’s positive impact, environmental psychologists say. When we

are near water, there is often less visual and auditory information to process. Our mind can rest, 38 Besides, its

smell can stir (激发) up positive memories and associations. When we’re floating in water, our bodies can rest too, in a

way we never can on land.

39 It moves rhythmically, producing a play of light, color and sound that is fascinating. It holds our attention,

but not in an overly demanding way, 40 It gives our brains a break from the intense, focused, exhausting attention

that much of daily life requires. “Water helps your mind wander in a positive way,” says Mare Berman, director of the

Environmental Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Chicago. “This is what is so restorative.”

A. Most important: Water is dynamic.

B. Researchers call this soft fascination.

C. One of the most calming properties of water is its sound.

D. It means we become fully devoted to what we’re doing.

E. The sound of water, typically steady and soft, comforts us.

F. Here’s some advice on how to use the healing power of water.

G. Awe can decrease stress and help us put things into perspective.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Jim owned a store. A customer once asked him how he managed to stay 41 all the time. His answer was,

“When I wake up in the morning, I know that the day will have good and bad 42 for me, but whatever happens,

I’m going to choose to be in a good 43 .”

Then one day, something 44 happened. Jim was about to leave the store when an armed robber came in, held

him up at gunpoint, and made him open the 45 . As he was trying to open it, Jim’s hand 46 . The robber saw

this and probably thought, “He’s about to attack me!” The robber 47 and fired his gun.

Jim was rushed to the hospital. In the ambulance, he felt 48 because the paramedic (医务辅助人员) kept

telling him, “I’m sure you’ll be OK.”

But when Jim was in the operating room and he saw the faces of the doctors and nurses, he got the feeling that they

thought he was. 49 dead. He knew he needed to do something to change their 50 .

There was a 51 who was asking him lots of questions, very fast. One question was, “Are you 52 to

anything?” “Yes!” Jim said loudly and everybody stopped what they were doing. There was total 53 . “Bullets!”

Jim said, and all the doctors and nurses burst out 54 . And then Jim added, “Please operate on me thinking that I’ll

live, and not that I’ll die.”

Jim survived, thanks to the skill of the doctors and nurses. But what also helped was that he managed to remain an

optimist even in the most 55 moment of his life.

41. A. friendly B. enthusiastic C. generous D. positive

42. A. moments B. operations C. tests D. conflict’s

43. A. state B. mood C. event D. luck

44. A. ridiculous B. awkward C. terrible D. challenging

45. A. safe B. door C. window D. parcel

46. A. shook B. waved C. stretched D. slipped

47. A. refused B. panicked C. hesitated D. withdrew

48. A. fine B. painful C. worried D. curious

49. A. nearly B. already C. definitely D. ultimately

50. A. routine B. schedule C. direction D. attitude

51. A. nurse B. policeman C. robber D. guard

52. A. superior B. accustomed C. allergic D. sympathetic

53. A. confusion B. silence C. anxiety D. violence

54. A. crying B. applauding C. laughing D. debating

55. A. significant B. impressive C. crucial D. desperate

第卷(满分 55 分)

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Shanghai, lying in the subtropical zone of monsoon (季风) climate in East Asia, 56 (enjoy) a humid weather

with four 57 (remark) seasons in a year. April 1st marks the beginning of spring, lasting 65 days to end up 58

a rise in temperature in June. Summer calls on June 5th and finishes on the 22nd of September, while autumn falls every

23rd of September to wind up at the 26th day of November, totaling 65 days. Winter visits the land of Shanghai on

November 27th, extending 59 period of 125 days to end on the last day of next March. So it features a shorter

spring and autumn but a longer summer and winter. Though hot in summer and cooler in autumn, it is 60 (relative)

cold in winter in Shanghai, but snow is rare. The continual monsoon rain, 61 comes in the middle of June, usually

lasts 20 to 30 days to end in the middle of July, 62 (witness) an amount of rain of around 250 millimeters. Storms

frequently occur between July and September, a season often 63 (affect) by typhoon activity. Shanghai 64(locate)

in the east coast of the mid-latitude land mass; therefore, warm and cold air-current is a frequent 65 (visit). So it

features a changeable weather with drought and flood, influencing the agriculture and life of the people here.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你的外国朋友 Daniel 正在你的城市旅游。请写封邮件邀请他与你一起进行一次城市漫步

(city walk),内容包括:

1. 发出邀请;

2. 介绍行程。


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Daniel,


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


I never pick up hitch-hikers (搭便车者) as a rule. I don’t know what moved me to do so today. I was heading from

North Platte to Brady and he was just outside of North Platte. He jumped in and said, “Thanks for stopping.” I said, “No

problem, I’m going to Brady about 23 miles up the road, and I’ll take you that far.”

As we were conversing, I noticed he smelt of alcohol. I also noticed his wrinkled, sun darkened and unshaven face,

his messy hair and clothes. But what I noticed most was his clear, large, blue eyes. They say the eyes are the window to

the soul, and I believe it, if you look closely, you can pretty much tell the kind of soul a person has through their eyes.

His eyes were almost indescribable. They were so spellbinding, not a bit of hate in them. Looking at his very rough

appearance, I could tell he’d been down a very hard road. Somehow, despite the road he had been down, there was no

hate in his eyes, only love.

I asked him if he wanted a smoke, and he said yes, so I gave him one, then I let him keep the whole pack, for which

he seemed genuinely grateful. I started asking him where he was from, where he was heading, whether he had a family,

etc. He told me he had been on the road for six days, coming from Arizona where he had recently had a heart attack and

heart surgery. He was pretty much healed up but couldn’t find work. He was heading back to his birthplace of Kansas

City, which is where I was born as well. He said he lost his wife to a brain tumor ten years ago, and that he never had

kids because his wife couldn’t have any. We talked the rest of the way, and I had a feeling that there was something

about this guy that I couldn’t put my finger on, but it was something special.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

So we got to Brady and I said, “Well, this is the end of my line.”

As I mentioned, I told him I was going to give him some money.





