
2023-12-26·12页·288.4 K

赤峰二中 2021 级高三上学期第四次月考


第一部分:基础知识(共一节,每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1.You may already know of UNESCO’s famous list of World Heritage Sites, (consist) of places

selected for special protection because of their value to the world. (用所给词的适当形式填空)

2.It was only when he finally drifted off to sleep the headaches eased. (用适当的词填空)

3.The good thing about cycling is that you don’t have to worry about (stick) in a traffic

jam. (用所给词的适当形式填空)

4.The official insists medical aid should be given to developing countries with no strings (attach).


5.The documentary has caused a lot of bad feelings, especially among the workers lives it

describes. (用适当的词填空)

6.Now the internet keeps us (inform) of what is going on around us at any time. (用所


7.They carried out an in-depth (analyze) of the conflict between Palestine and Israel. (用


8.Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport courage matters more than strength. (用适当


9.The Great Wall is the last place Mr. Smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing. (用


10.How did it come about a quiet person should appear so wild today? (用适当的词填空)

11.The boss requested that all the bags (pack) within two days. (所给词的适当形式填空)

12.Teachers should not judge a student depending on personal p .(根据首字母单词拼写)

13.As we all know, it’s f______ cold in the water in winter.(根据首字母单词拼写)

14.A (专心致志的) in painting, John didn’t notice evening was coming. (根据中英文


15.Having b (worry, annoy, or upset ) myself with small issues several times, I made up my

mind to take it easy. (根据英文提示单词拼写)

16.To qualify for a grant, students must satisfy a few c (标准). (根据中英文提示填空)

17.The children (诊查、检查) at the hospital yesterday were seriously ill. (根据汉语提


18.Tickets are (可获得的) free of charge from the Students’ Association. (根据汉语提示


19.It’s no use __________ (后悔) what you have done.

第1 页,共 10页

20.Under no (条件) should you give out your personal information to strangers. (根据汉语


第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每小题所给A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Dear Editor,

I’m now a postgraduate student and have studied at top universities, but am troubled that my life

choices are conditioned by a need to prove myself, possibly resulting from a deep-rooted sense of

insecurity. At school, I based my self-worth on academic success. I care excessively (过度地) about

what impression I’m making and can’t bear the thought of displeasing people. How can I stop caring

what other people think?

Mr. Perfect

Dear Mr. Perfect,

You are living your life by externally referencing. This means your actions are guided by what

you imagine other people think of you. Your challenge is to become more internally referenced,

which means you can make choices guided by the experience of how things feel to you. Go with what

feels good, not with what you think would look good to others.

You don’t need to impress anyone. You are good enough exactly as you are. We are not

necessarily accepted by people because we impress them and, in fact, if we try too hard to do that, we

are more likely to be rejected. You don’t have to say “top” university, you can be proud of what you

have achieved, but without being competitive.

We do care about what people think about us. We want friendly colleagues and close friends-it

matters. People will want to be around you because they feel seen by you and you can get on each

other’s wavelengths, not because you are impressive. So let go of impressing and think more about

relating. Worthiness is not about being a top academic, it is about being a caring, curious human



21.According to Philippa, what should Mr. Perfect do to live by “internally referencing”?

A.Seek others’ advice. B.Make sensible choices.

C.Follow his own heart. D.Leave good impressions.

22.Why should Mr. Perfect stop impressing others?

A.He can never be good enough. B.He is a worthy person as he is.

C.His relationship decides his worth. D.His academic performance matters.

第2 页,共 10页

23.What does the underlined word “relating” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Showing empathy. B.Turning for help.

C.Establishing new relationships. D.Pleasing people.


Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he

came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and

car keys. They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.

Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would

smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?”

I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy. I would

excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied

that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me, and place

the comb on top of his wallet.

About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started

primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our

stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to. And when he did come

home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum

and just stick to his old job? Why take the risk and place the whole family in trouble? Over the years,

I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.

Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back

on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me went on.

Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. On that evening, I helped him

carry his bags into his study as usual. When I turned to leave, he asked me to clean his comb. I looked

at him for a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.

It was a new comb. This one was brown. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it. After cleaning it, I

passed it back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad

had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as


24.From the first three paragraphs, we can learn ________.

A.the precious green comb of Dad was made of jade

B.the earliest memories with Dad were full of joy

C.the author wasn’t willing to clean the comb for Dad

D.the author would study together with Dad every evening

25.What probably made Dad decide to resign from his original job to start his own business?

第3 页,共 10页

A.That he was fired and had to make a living.

B.That he was eager to get everything on track.

C.That he hoped to earn a better life for the family.

D.That he wanted to keep the life for his family stable.

26.What emotional changes did the author experience when staying with Dad these years?

A.mad satisfied warm

B.satisfied worried angry

C.warm concerned uncomfortable

D.cheerful mad warm

27.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Evenings with Dad

B.A Comb of Jade Green

C.My Earliest Memories with Dad

D.Dad’s Sales Job & His Wholesale Business


If you make a list of the world’s top ten most challenging jobs, chances are that being a teacher

will not make the cut. But think about the discouraging task millions of educators face each day as

they try to shape a group of often bad-tempered, wild kids into intelligent, well-rounded individuals.

That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that there is no promotion or

bonus awaiting them even if they are wildly successful!

What if these all-important individuals that we often take for granted disappear from our lives?

That was what Project Ed and Participant Media’s Teach campaign asked filmmakers of all ages to

imagine in their recently-held competition. Entitled “A World Without Teachers”, its purpose was to

inspire more young people to become teachers. However, the 62 amazing video submissions also

serve as a reminder of how horrible things would be if we didn’t have these selfless individuals

guiding us through life. What was interesting is that even the youngest participants did not appear to

be happy at the idea of not having anybody telling them what to do.

High-school student Savannah Wakefield reflected if art as we know it today would have been

different without teachers. Would Monet have discovered his talent for impressionism? Los

Angeles-based Miles Horst, who won the 1000 USD prize for the best adult submission imagines a

world where teachers are replaced by a “brain box” in his fun lively entry.

Youth category winner Marina Bahama's video represents a fact we all know but often forget.

Teachers don’t just teach, they inspire—something that no electronic device, no matter how smart,

can do! So the next time you think your teacher is being “mean” for trying to channel you in the right

第4 页,共 10页

direction, imagine a life without him/her. We have a feeling it will not appear as rosy!

28.What is the text mainly about?

A.The significance of teachers.

B.The campaign to promote teachers’ status.

C.A survey of people’s views about teachers.

D.A competition to win the prize for the best teacher.

29.From the passage we can learn that .

A.teaching naughty kids is a very discouraging task

B.being a teacher is one of the most challenging jobs in the world

C.a successful teacher has the greatest chance to be promoted

D.teachers have little influence on kids’ individual development

30.What is the purpose of the project “A World Without Teachers”?

A.To attract kids to submit more videos of their teachers.

B.To encourage more people to go into teaching career.

C.To expect teachers to devote themselves to their jobs.

D.To remind students to appreciate teachers’ hard work.

31.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 suggest?

A.Teaching is quite different from other jobs.

B.The future of teachers’ work appears inspiring.

C.A world without teachers will be unimaginable.

D.Many people attach more importance to teaching.


Children’s Acquiring the Principles of Mathematics and Science

It has been pointed out that learning mathematics and science is not so much learning facts as

learning ways of thinking. It has also been emphasized that in order to learn science, people often

have to change the way they think in ordinary situations. These changes in ways of thinking are often

referred to as “conceptual changes”. But how do “conceptual changes” happen? How do children

change their ways of thinking as they learn in school?

The psychologist Piaget suggested an interesting hypothesis ( 假 说 ) relating to the process of

cognitive (认知的) change in children. Cognitive change was expected to result from the pupils’ own

intellectual activity. When met with a result that challenges their thinking, that is when faced with

conflict, pupils realize that they need to think again about their own ways of solving problems,

regardless of whether the problem is one in mathematics or in science. He hypothesised that conflict

brings about unbalance, and then triggers processes that ultimately produce cognitive changes. For

第5 页,共 10页

this reason, pupils need to be actively engaged in solving problems that will challenge their current

mode of reasoning. However, Piaget also pointed out that young children do not always abandon their

ideas in the face of conflicting evidence. They may actually abandon the evidence and keep their


Piaget’s hypothesis about how cognitive change occurs was later translated into an educational

approach which is now termed “discovery learning”. Discovery learning initially took what is now

considered the “lone learners” route. The role of the teacher was to select situations that challenged

the pupils’ reasoning; and the pupils’ peers had no real role in this process. However, it was

subsequently proposed that interpersonal conflict, especially with peers, might play an important role

in promoting cognitive change. This hypothesis has been investigated in many recent studies of

science teaching and learning.

Christine Howe and her colleagues, for example, have compared children’s progress in

understanding several types of science concepts when they are given the opportunity to observe

relevant events. In one study, Howe compared the progress of 8 to 12-year-old children in

understanding what influences motion down a slope. In order to figure out the role of conflict in group

work, they created two kinds of groups according to a pre-test: one in which the children had

dissimilar views, and a second in which the children had similar views. They found support for the

idea that children in the groups with dissimilar views progressed more after their training sessions

than those who had been placed in groups with similar views. However, they found no evidence to

support the idea that the children worked out their new conceptions during their group discussions,

because progress was not actually observed in a post-test immediately after the sessions of group

work, but rather in a second test given around four weeks after the group work.

32.Which of the following statements is in line with Piaget’s hypothesis?

A.Teachers play a big role in learning by explaining difficult concepts.

B.Teaching should be consistent in order to easily acquire knowledge.

C.Children can help each other make cognitive progress.

D.Cognitive progress mainly relies on children’s own intellectual activity.

33.The lone learner’ route is an educational approach which ________.

A.was adopted during discovery learning early on

B.requires help from the pupils’ peers

C.relies on how the teacher guides the students heavily

D.played an important role in cognitive change

34.Which statement describes Howe’s experiment with 8 to 12-year-old children correctly?

A.The most active children made the least progress according to a pre-test.

第6 页,共 10页

B.The children were evaluated on their abilities to understand a physics phenomenon.

C.The teacher aided the children to understand a scientific problem in group work.

D.All the children were working in mixed-ability groups to work out new conceptions.

35.It can be inferred from the last paragraph ________.

A.that children acquire more when learning in groups

B.that children opposing each other would learn slower

C.that the children were given a total of three tests, at different times

D.that there can be a satisfying result thanks to the duration of test




When faced with the decision to get out of bed or have a few more minutes of sleep, which do

you choose? 36

A sleep researcher Till Roen, who has recently conducted a study. 37 And while there

are no official numbers on snoozing (打盹), a quick survey of social media makes it clear that hitting

the snooze button is popular.

As to how the snooze button will affect your day, scientists have mixed opinions. Some scientists

think people who hit the snooze button in the mornings are actually clever, creative and happy. 38

“I feel that hitting the snooze button has got to be one of the worst things that ever happened to human

sleep,” researcher Jonathan Horowitz said. “The chances of you ‘snoozing’ and actually experiencing

a meaningful rest are close to zero.”

According to some sleep experts, you simply hit the snooze button. 39 And that will

throw yourself into a deep state of being sleepy. The body needs some time to wake up. Therefore,

when returning to what will be a light sleep for a brief period of time, you are putting your body back

into a sleep mode before waking it again. At that point your body won’t know what it wants, resulting

in a sort of half awaken state.

40 The key is to form a healthy sleep cycle. Focus your efforts on getting enough sleep

each night and waking up at the same time each day so that when your alarm goes off you feel rested.

A.In fact you are confusing your body and mind.

B.How can you really take advantage of an alarm clock?

C.It’s significant to make use of willpower to struggle off bed.

D.But some said that hitting the snooze button will ruin your day.

E.About 85 percent of Americans use an alarm clock to wake up.

F.Hopefully, the following ways will help you keep refreshed in the morning.

第7 页,共 10页

G.Believe it or not, that decision could make a difference in the rest of your day.

第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节:完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 ABC和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳


Kenny Eating House is always crowded in the late afternoons right up to midnight. You will see

many people 41 around the tables. They will be on the watch for a table most likely to be

42 . Once there is the slightest 43 that the customers are leaving their table, you will see a

few people 44 it. The winner will stand at the table proudly and 45 his relatives or

friends over, while the losers will be down in the mouth.

But having found a place to sit is not the 46 of the wait. You next have to get the

attention of the busy waiters rushing about to 47 the customers. You will usually hear the

words hot water being shouted out as they pass, 48 they are not holding any such thing! This

is in fact their 49 way of clearing the way. In between trying to catch the attention of the

waiters and looking through the menu, you will hear 50 complaining about the slow service.

Once the waiter comes to 51 your orders, he is impatient. Sometimes, these waiters

would just walk away from 52 customers and the latter would have to work hard at getting

some attention again. 53 , the waiters shout the orders out to the cooks located deep in the

kitchen. And such behavior adds to the busy 54 of the place.

Whenever the crowd gets too thick. the tables will be 55 by two different groups of

people. People clank ( 发 出 叮 当 声 ) plates and talk loudly, thus making the loudness incredibly

56 .By the midnight the crowd begin to 57 and the noise dies down. The 58

waiters can finally sit down for a chat or have their cigarettes. The activity at the eating place

59 , ready to recover before the next day of 60 arrives.

41.A.sitting B.standing C.serving D.playing

42.A.occupied B.accessible C.abandoned D.vacant

43.A.indication B.adaptation C.motivation D.violation

44.A.gazing at B.splitting into C.bumping into D.diving for

45.A.invite B.wave C.lead D.welcome

46.A.start B.point C.result D.end

47.A.deal with B.apply for C.attend to D.call for

48.A.even if B.now that C.as though D.in case

49.A.stupid B.terrible C.clever D.aggressive

50.A.customers B.passengers C.candidates D.waiters

第8 页,共 10页

51.A.place B.serve C.take D.reserve

52.A.indecisive B.indifferent C.incorrect D.independent

53.A.Initially B.Usually C.Abruptly D.Fortunately

54.A.gesture B.signal C.atmosphere D.schedule

55.A.shared B.covered C.combined D.mixed

56.A.weakening B.deafening C.brightening D.strengthening

57.A.increase B.drop C.thin D.accumulate

58.A.good-looking B.peace loving C.easy-going D.hard-working

59.A.pulls up B.winds down C.breaks down D.tears up

60.A.happiness B.calmness C.darkness D.madness

第二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Anyone who has an interest in Dunhuang will have heard of Fan Jinshi. The Chinese

archaeologist 61 has spent more than half a century researching and preserving the caves at

the heart of the ancient Silk Road in Gansu Province 62 (know) as the “Daughter of

Dunhuang” in her field, though “protector” is probably a more fitting 63 (describe).

Fan has been studying the historical site since the early 1960s, first as an archaeology

undergraduate from Peking University, then as a conservationist when she became the deputy director

of the Dunhuang Research Academy in 1984, which serves to prevent the ancient site 64

being destroyed.

“It is over a thousand years old. It is an old person, an 65 (extreme) weak old person. It

has 66 (variety) illnesses. If you are a little careless, it could be gone. Gone forever,” Fan


Today, thanks to the work of great 67 (archaeology) such as Fan, Dunhuang is proud of

the world’s largest and best-preserved collection of Buddhist relics 68 (date) from the 13th

to the 15th centuries. The main Mogao site is made up of 735 caves spread across 69

1,700-metre-wide cliff face, containing 45,000 square meters of murals(壁画) 70 more than

2,000 colourful sculptures.

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 35分)

第一节:短文改错: (共 10分 )

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10




第9 页,共 10页



2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

The universal longing for brightness and warm gave birth to thousands of lights. They break the

darkness and carry people’s hopes and dreams on specially days. China’s Lantern Festival is one such

day, celebrating through light shows and other celebrations. It is on 15th day of the first month of the

lunar year. As Chinese people’s living standards keep rise, they have a stronger need for

entertainment during festivals. Making lanterns have become a trend again, popular among both

children and adults. Many hanfu lovers also brought lanterns, small and animal-shaped, as a

decoration while wearing your costumes. There are much lovely lanterns for people of all ages to be

light up the festival.

第二节: 书面表达(满分 25 分)








(1)词数不少于 100;


参考词汇:《论语》the Analects of Confucius

Topic: Discussion on the chapters of the Analects of Confucius

Posted by Li Hua







第 10 页,共 10页





