
2024-01-08·19页·748.6 K

2023—2024 学年高三上学期期末考试


第一部分:听力部分(共两节,满分 30 分)

听力部分(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答


例: How much is the shirt?

A.19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15

答案是 C。

1. How soon will the man return the book?

A. In three days. B. In one week. C. In two weeks.

2. What will the woman do next?

A. Advertise for the movie. B. Prepare some food. C. Go to the cinema.

3. Where will the speakers meet on Saturday?

A. At the man’s house. B. At the theatre. C. At school.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A hat. B. A scarf. C. A sweater.

5. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Put out a fire. B. Read a scary story. C. Find some firewood.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C


阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Who is Beta?

A. The woman’s daughter. B. The woman’s dog. C. The woman’s friend.

7. What training is effective for Beta?

A. Reward training. B. Movement training. C. Confidence training.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. What is the man?

A. A doctor. B. A student. C. An athlete.

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He met with a car accident.

B. He had an operation on his leg.



C. He got injured at the age of 17.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. Where will the speakers spend their vacation?

A. At a beach. B. On an island. C. In a mountain.

11. What will the woman make a booking for?

A. The hotel. B. The flight. C. The restaurants.

12. What does the woman suggest doing before leaving?

A. Buying some clothes.

B. Booking the activities.

C. Checking the weather conditions.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Host and guest. B. Writer and reader. C. Boss and employee.

14. What is the work-life balance like in traditional workplaces?

A. People’s work and private lives are separate.

B. People work long legal working hours.

C. People spend little time with family.

15. What does the man think of working on weekends in traditional workplaces?

A. It’s normal. B. It’s impossible. C. It’s uncommon.

16. What will the man probably talk about next?

A. The influence of his new book.

B. The changed work-life balance.

C. The healthy working lives.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What could the speaker probably be?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A guide.

18. How was the first winter of the first Englishmen?

A. Easy. B. Boring. C. Tough.

19. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

A. In 1620. B. In 1621. C. In 1622.

20. What can we learn from the talk?

A. Natives were invited on the first Thanksgiving.

B. Thanksgiving is celebrated quite differently now.

C. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated in December.

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Which book should you read based on your next travel destination?



As you're traveling around Amsterdam, read The Fault in Our Stars”.

There's also a film version of this book. Amazon

Previously adapted into a film in 2014, John Green's story of star-crossed teenagers

famously includes a trip to Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House and The Rijksmuseum are two

of many major destinations mentioned in the book.

Plus, the bench from the film adaption of this novel has even become its own tourist spot.

Bring One Hundred Years of Solitude to read in South America.

The book is set in South America. Amazon

A significant work of literature, Gabriel Garca Mrquez's classic follows generations of

the Buenda family as they live in their South-American town. Garca Mrquez's magical

realism paired with his lush descriptions make the book a perfect read for visiting some of the

breathtaking sights of South America.

Call Me by Your Name by Andr Aciman should perhaps be read in the summertime,

in Italy.

The novel is set in part of Italy. Amazon

Andr Aciman's novel is said to take place in the Northern-Italian seaside region of

Liguria. And if you've seen the 2017 coming-of-age film adaptation of the book, you'll already

know the story depicts beautiful summers in Northern Italy, complete with seaside encounters

and lush greenery.

If you're visiting New York City, enter the mind of Holden Caulfield.

The book mentions plenty of NYC landmarks. Penguin Books

The Catcher in the Rye is a classic tale of a lost teenager's unplanned trip to New York

City. In the JD-Salinger novel, Holden visits a nightclub in the East Village, goes ice skating in

Rockefeller Center, and takes his sister to the Central Park Zoo.

Midnight's Children is a fantastical novel that illuminates some of the histories of


The book features plenty of magical elements. Amazon

Salman Rushdie's story begins at midnight, on the night of India's independence, when the

1,001 children born that hour are found to possess magical powers. Featuring lush imagery and

magical realism, the book is set during 20th-century India.

21. What do The Fault in Our Stars” and Call Me by Your Name have in common?

A. They were set in summer seaside.

B. They included famous characters.

C. They highlighted local destination.

D. They were once adapted into films.

22. What makes One Hundred Years of Solitude a must to read during the trip to South


A. The vivid description combined with magical realism.

B. The breathtaking sights described in this work.



C. The generations living in the South-America town.

D. The work’s significance in modern literature.

23. Which is you best choice if you are going to New York City?

A. Midnight's Children B. Call Me by Your Name

C. The Catcher in the Rye D. The Fault in Our Stars”


When Aaron Friedland was entering a master's program in economics at the University of

British Columbia, he decided to research whether the distance to school is a major factor

leading to higher school dropout rates. So he spent two months living in a rural community in

Uganda, regularly trekking(长途跋涉) with a group of kids who walked five miles each day

round trip for their education. He deeply felt the hardships of this journey to school.

The experience resulted in more than that planned research paper. He founded a nonprofit

The Walking School Bus, dedicated to improving access to education, and he started a

crowdfunding campaign to publish this children's book he wrote with the same title.

Set in South Africa, his story follows siblings Shaka and Nandi. Their father works far

away and their mother's work keeps her in their village. So the kids have no one to walk them

to school. The trip is long and dangerous for just two kids. They find inspiration from a toy

school bus in the sand. They finally succeed when they realize they can find safety in numbers

with other kids and form a walking school bus.

Over the past few years, the nonprofit took off. The book, however, never made it into

print until this year. That original text was an unwieldy 128 pages when Friedland brought it to

the publisher Greystone Books. They said, 'It's a great idea, but no,' explains Friedland, who

needed to figure out how to rewrite it in a more accessible format. A solution emerged when he

connected with Ndileka Mandela. The story resonated with her, and they joined forces on a

new version.

I wondered what kids who have an easy commute to school would think of this book. I

asked my 8-year-old American daughter — who only needs to walk 10 minutes to her

elementary school — to read it. Her reaction: Kids can be very imaginative and creative, and

sometimes you just need more people to be able to get where you want to go. Those kids were

really willing to go out of their way to get some education.

24. What did Friedland want to figure out initially?

A. How the distance to school impacted attendance rates.

B. How the students in rural community attended school.

C. How the school responded to increasing dropout rate.

D. How the program helped to improve access to education.

25. Which of the following best describe Friedland?

A. Suspicious and honest. B. Curious and devoted.

C. Brave and sympathetic. D. Caring and determined.



26. What does the underlined word “resonated”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Boost confidence. B. Arouse sympathy.

C. Break new ground. D. Earn reputation.

27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To raise the awareness of education.

B. To introduce a children’s book.

C. To encourage kids to walk together.

D. To share an unforgettable experience.


The groundbreaking Shaoxing Opera adaptation, New Dragon Gate Inn, captures the

interest of a new generation and brings the ancient art form for contemporary lifestyles back to


Unlike the traditional framed stage, the theater is designed as an inn, with the audience

becoming guests. They sit close to the performers, engaging with them, and immersing

themselves in a unique and fascinating viewing experience. This places new demands on our

performers, said Xu Yena, who acts in the show as the A cast of Jin Xiangyu, the landlady of

the inn. We need to abandon many of the stylized movements from traditional Shaoxing

Opera and learn from drama and film performances, adopting a more natural, authentic, and

subtle acting style.

Upon leaving the theater, these audience members feel a sense of satisfaction that prompts

them to willingly share short clips of the performance online. The fragmented(零碎的) content

of performance has generated many streams and clicks, leading to high demand for show

tickets, especially among young audiences. Now, the ticket competition has become fierce and

only those with fast internet access can get them, said Chen Lijun, who plays the important

supporting role of Jia Ting.

As both Xiaobaihua (a Shaoxing Opera troupe(剧团)) and Japan's renowned Takarazuka

Revue are all-female troupes, some internet users have drawn parallels between the two,

likening Chen to China's Amami Yuki, a former acclaimed male-role actress in the Japanese


In response, Chen said, All good performances are worth learning from. Our two troupes

share many similarities, but there are also fundamental differences, rooted in the cultural

heritage of our respective theatrical traditions.

A report by Xinhua News Agency states that Generation Z makes up 74 percent of

consumers of guochao goods or China-chic goods last year. As a cultural product, New Dragon

Gate Inn has successfully won the hearts of the young generation due to the contemporary

nature of the show.

Shaoxing Opera once borrowed and learned from Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera. Today,

we draw inspiration from a broader range of artistic forms and expression techniques,” Xu said,

“New Dragon Gate Inn has successfully drawn many nontraditional theatergoers, particularly



young people. Seeking novelty has always been what Shaoxing Opera has been doing.

28.Who became a new challenge for the performers while they were acting in Shaoxing Opera?

A. The internet users making comparison online.

B. The other troupe performing more natural and authentic.

C. The audience positioned right next to the performers.

D. The guests immersing themselves on the central stage.

29. How did Chen respond to her nickname “China’s Amami Yuki”?

A. By joyfully accepting it. B. By objectively clarifying it.

C. By politely denying it. D. By respectfully using it.

30. According to Xu Yena, Shaoxing Opera has made a positive step in regaining its popularity,

mainly depending on__________ .

A. Adaptation and advertisement. B. Specially designed theater.

C. Actresses’ popularity online. D. Integration and innovation.

31. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Generation Z Dominates The Market of Guocao.

B. New Dragon Gate Inn Returns to Live Stage.

C. Shaoxing Opera's Modern Twist Wows Youth.

D. Nontraditional Theatergoers Flood into Theater.


Researchers at the University of Washington created a new web app, Self-Talk with

Superhero Zip, aimed to help children develop skills like self-awareness and emotional


At first, some parents were wary: In a world of Siri and Alexa, they are skeptical that the

makers of such technologies are putting children’s welfare first.

In Self-Talk with Superhero Zip, a chatbot guided pairs of siblings through lessons. The

UW team found that, after speaking with the app for a week, most children could explain the

concept of supportive self-talk and apply it in their daily lives. And kids who’d engaged in

negative self-talk before the study were able to turn that habit positive.

The UW team published its findings in June at the 2023 Interaction Design and Children

conference. The app is still a prototype(雏形) and is not yet publicly available. Previous studies

have shown children can learn various tasks and abilities from chatbots. Yet little research

explores how chatbots can help kids effectively acquire socioemotional skills.

“There is room to design child-centric experiences with a chatbot that provide fun and

educational practice opportunities,” said senior author Alexis Hiniker, an associate professor in

the UW Information School. “Over the last few decades, television programs like ‘Sesame

Street,’ ‘Mister Rogers,’ and ‘Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood’ have shown that it is possible for

TV to help kids cultivate socioemotional skills. We asked: Can we make a space where kids

can practice these skills in an interactive app? We wanted to create something useful and fun

— a ‘Sesame Street’ experience for a smart speaker.”



The length of these effects isn’t clear, researchers note. The study spanned just one week

and the tendency for survey participants to respond in ways that make them look good could

lead kids to speak positively about the app’s effects.

“Our goal is to make the app accessible to a wider audience in the future,” said lead

author Chris (Yue) Fu, a UW doctoral student in the iSchool. “We’re exploring the integration

of large language models — the systems that power tech like ChatGPT — into our prototype

and we plan to work with content creators to adapt existing socioemotional learning materials

into our system. The hope is that these will facilitate more prolonged and effective


32. What can we learn about Self-Talk?

A. It encouraged kids to engage in positive talking.

B. It could help kids explain complicated concepts.

C. It could be already downloaded from UW’s website.

D. It was welcomed by parents like Siri and Alexa.

33. “Sesame Street” is mentioned in this passage to show _________ of Self-Talk.

A. The primary function. B. The promising prospect.

C. The new-found popularity. D. The historical background.

34. Which may the follow-up research include?

A. Larger amounts of kinds of languages.

B. More characters with different background.

C. New technology adopted like ChatGPT.

D. Longer studies in more natural settings.

35. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the Self-Talk will _________.

A. Adapt socioemotional material and reform the education system.

B. Explore powerful technology and improve its effectiveness.

C. Promote socioemotional learning and provide ongoing support.

D. Combine large language models and lengthen its service time.

第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多


Your car isn’t just essential for keeping yourself safe as the colder months draw closer.

_____36____Here’s our top tips to help you prepare your car for the cold winter months ahead.

Check your car’s battery

The last thing you want is to be stuck on a country road or a motorway in minus

temperatures with a dead battery. ____37____, it’s worth getting your battery checked or

getting it replaced sooner rather than later.

Don’t forget de-icing spray

_____38____? You can either sit there with engine running for ten minutes (and make

yourself late for work) or clean your windows with de-icing spray and leave in seconds. Never



pour boiling water over your car’s windows when they’re covered with ice. Just use de-icing

spray instead.

Invest in winter tyres

If you’ve got a long distance to work and back every day, or are planning a long drive

over Christmas to catch up with friends and family, then it might be worth considering buying

some winter-ready tyres.

Check your car’s wipers

Your car’s windscreen wipers are vital during the winter months. If your wipers are split

or damaged, they won’t clear rain away properly and will block your visibility, especially if

you’re caught in heavy rain or snow. _____39_____.


If you’re choosing not to get a new pair of winter tyres for your car, then you should

always look at your current tyres to make sure they’re adequately inflated (充气) to the right

level. Tyres tend to deflate in colder conditions and this will reduce the control you have over

your car when driving, so check your car’s tyres regularly (ideally at least once a month) over

the winter months.

Our tips will significantly reduce the chances of you running into trouble on the road this


A. Inspect your tyre pressure

B. Choose proper tyres for your car

C. If you break down for whatever reason

D. Car windows thick with ice in the morning

E. If your car is taking a long time to start when you turn the key

F. This could potentially result in a crash and put you and other road users in danger, so make

sure to check these too

G. Taking the right steps to ensure your car is ready for winter can also save you a sum of

money in case anything goes wrong

第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


When Ariel Cordova-Rojas rode her bike to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New

York, last November, she planned to go hiking and bird-watching. A mile into her walk, she

____41____a gorgeous female mute swan near the water’s edge. Cordova-Rojas, 30, who had

worked at the Wild Bird Fund rehabilitation ( 康 复) center in Manhattan, knew that mute

swans can be____42____. But as she approached this one, it didn’t move.

She was certain that the bird needed medical attention. Cordova-Rojas put her jacket over

the bird’s head to keep it calm, ____43____ picked it up, and held it in her arms. And then a

thought ____44____ her: What do I do now?



Her best bet was the rehab center, but that was across the East River and clear on the other

side of town. How was she going to ____45____a 17-pound swan on her bike all that way?

_____46____ , some puzzled strangers driving by offered her, her bike, and the swan a

____47____ to a nearby subway station.

On the subway, no one seemed particularly annoyed by the ____48____passenger.

Cordova-Rojas says:“One guy was sitting right in front of me on his phone. I don’t know if he

____49____ there was a swan in front of him”.

Cordova-Rojas called the rehab center on the way, and Tristan Higgin, an/a ____50____

manager, picked her up at the subway station and drove the bird, bike, and ____51____ to the

facility. There, staff members determined that the swan might have lead poisoning, caused by

swallowing ____52____ used on fishing lines.

The staff got the swan back up on her webbed feet. She even made a ___53_____ at the

center—another injured swan. Sadly, even with all that TLC, the swan was diagnosed with a

bacterial infection. Two months after Cordova-Rojas came to her rescue, she ____54____.

It’s a disappointing ending, but the real story is just how far some people are willing to go

to save a swan in the big city. ____55____, Cordova-Rojas traveled two hours by foot, car, and

subway (while dragging her bike). “That’s the perfect summary of who she is.” says


41. A. inspect B. spotted C. observed D. witnessed

42. A. aggressive B. cautious C. ambitious D. abnormal

43. A. skillfully B. willingly C. carefully D. sadly

44. A. occurred B. informed C. reminded D. struck

45. A. transport B. conduct C. preserve D. put

46. A. Suddenly B. Immediately C. Fortunately D. Normally

47. A. lift B. chance C. treat D. habitat

48. A. scared B. hungry C. injured D. feathered

49. A. doubted B. minded C. noticed D. preferred

50. A. fire-controlling B. animal-caring C. forest-protecting D. nature-loving

51. A. rescuer B. survivor C. partner D. director

52. A. goods B. weights C. contents D. facilities

53. A. fortune B. difference C. promise D. boyfriend

54. A. passed away B. die away C. broke away D. faded away

55. A. At all B. Above all C. Best of all D. In all

第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Surprisingly, in South Korea, the popularity of tanghulu has surpassed ( 超 过 )

____56___of the country's traditional fried rice cakes. Reports show that since October, the

number of representative tanghulu brand stores in South Korea _____57____(increase) more

than ten times within one year. In some stores, as many as 200 skewers are sold per day.



The sweet treat ____58_____(originate) in China during the Song dynasty (960-1279),

_____59_____Emperor Guangzong’s wife fell ill and a doctor suggested she eat hawthorn

berries fried in brown sugar every day for a fortnight. Unexpectedly she recovered soon. Then

the candied fruit gained popularity across the country. Tanghulu later became ____60___

popular street-food snack in China.

It _____61_____(make) popular in South Korea by Chinese immigrants. In the 2010s, it

was _____62_____(common) sold at street stands in Incheon’s Chinatown and Seoul’s

Myeong-dong and Hongdae areas both popular tourist spots. Over time, it became

increasingly popular not only among ethnic Chinese but also local people.

Tanghulu’s recent surge in popularity result _____63____ multiple factors, including the

social media trend among South Korean millennials of posting ASMR videos

_____64_____(feature) the treat being consumed and sharing tanghulu recipes.

“Tanghulu enjoys its _____65____(explode) popularity not only because it caters to South

Korea’s obsession with pretty food but also because it’s so visually appealing.

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


“How to Prevent a Cold”。请你为校报投稿,建议同学们如何防控流感。

内容包括:1. 说明现象

2. 提出建议(至少两点)

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;



流感病毒:flu virus

How to Prevent a Cold






第二节(满分 25 分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a typical Monday morning for Jenny,a diligent high school senior. The sound of her

alarm clock woke her up, a rude awakening from her sweet dreams. She unwillingly opened her

eyes,knowing what waited for her-another 5 long days at school.

Dragging herself out of bed, Jenny went through her usual morning routine.She hurriedly

got dressed, grabbed her backpack, and rushed to the kitchen for breakfast.Her mother had

prepared a nutritious meal, but Jenny had no appetite.She was too occupied with thoughts of an







