
2024-01-11·14页·433.5 K

郑州市2024 年高中毕业年级第一次质量预测英语试题卷

本试卷分四部分,考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分(听力成绩算作参考分)。考生应首先阅读答题卡上


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标

在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话


1. How much time is left before handing in the paper?

A. 15 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 45 minutes.

2. What is the woman doing?

A. Studying road signs. B. Having a driving test. C. Asking for directions.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a hotel. B. In a restaurant. C. At a department.

4. What is the woman looking for?

A. A watch. B. A young lady. C. A young man.

5. What kind of magazine is the man interested in?

A. Sports magazines. B. Fashion magazines. C. Science magazines.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听

完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Who is the biggest gift from?

A. David. B. Jack. C. Sienna.

7. What does Sienna give the woman?

A. A scarf. B. A coat. C. A music box.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. What is Ted's cousin?

A. A journalist. B. A teacher. C. A sailor.

9. How does Ted find teaching?

A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Challenging.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Neighbors.

11. Why did Mary go to Xiamen?

A. To escape Wuhan's heat.

B. To help her uncle with his business.

C. To help her uncle with his new apartment.

12. What does Mary think of seafood?

A. Just so-so. B. Delicious. C. Terrible.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. Why does Linda want to talk with John?

A. To borrow a book from him.

B. T o invite him to a reading club.

C. To ask for advice on her report.

14. When does the group usually meet?

A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.

15. How is The Kite Runner in Linda's opinion?

A. It's simple. B. It's difficult. C. It's nice.

16. What will John do in the following two weeks?

A. Write a book review.

B. Read the book mentioned.

C. Discuss the book with Linda.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. Who are the listeners?

A. Students. B. Visitors. C. New employees.

18. What can NatWest account provide?

A. A free driving lesson.

B. Free mobile phone insurance.

C. Discounts on train fares in Britain.

19. What do the three banks have in common?

A. They provide free life insurance.

B. They have many branches in Britain.

C. They don't charge interests if customers are overdrawn.

20. Which bank has the lowest interest rate?

A. Barclays. B. HSBC. C. NatWest.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Influential Art

Sheila Metzner: From Life William Blake: Visionary

Jan.20,2024-Feb.25,2024 Jan.17,2024-Feb.24,2024

This exhibition celebrates the artistic skill of the A remarkable printmaker, painter, and poet, William

internationally respected American photographer Sheila Blake (1757-1827) developed a very wildly unconventional

Metzner. Her unique style integrates aspects of Pictorialism world view. By combining his poetry and images on the page

andModernism to create an aesthetic(美感),which not only through unique drawing techniques, Blake created some of

stands out in the history of photography but also becomes British art's most striking and lasting imagery. This major

very closely associated with the best of 1980's fashion,beauty international loan exhibition explores the artist-poet's

and decorative arts trends. imaginative world through his most celebrated works.

Alfredo Boulton: Looking at Venezuela Eugn e Atget: Highlights from the Mary

(1928-1978) & Dan Solomon Collection

Daily, through Jan.16,2024 Daily, through Jan.25,2024

Alfredo Boulton was one of the most important Around the turn of the 20th century,photographer

intellectuals of the 20th century inLatin America and an Eugne Atget broke new artistic ground. Walking at dawn

influential photographer of the modern period. Through his with his heavy camera, he photographed the soul of Paris and

large collection of works, Boulton generated a new cultural its surrounding areas by focusing on its old alleyways, shop

definition of Venezuela. This exhibition explores Boulton's fronts, architectural details,staircases and street sellers. This

wonderful photography, his relationships with modern artists focused exhibition features highlights from the artist's work,

and his influence on the formalization of art history in his which continues to influence quite a few photographers

country. today.

21. What did Sheila Metzner and Alfredo Boulton have in common?

A. They shaped artistic expression.

B. T hey explored cultural diversity.

C. They photographed American life.

D. They focused on modern photography.

22. What is Eugne Atget's photography mainly about?

A. French fashions. B. Natural landscapes.

C. Architectural designs. D. Urban street scenes.

23. Which exhibition is suitable for whoever studies words and images?

A. William Blake: Visionary.

B. S heila M etzner:F rom L ife.

C. A lfredo B oulton:L ooking at Venezuela(1928–1978).

D. Eugne A tget: H ighlights from the Mary & Dan Solomon Collection.


My son just turned 14 and does not have a smartphone. When he graduated fromGrade 8, he was the only kid

in his class without one. He asks for a phone now that he's going to high school. I say no, he asks why, I explain,

and he pushes back.

“You can choose to do things differently when you're a parent,” I told him. But sometimes, I wonder if I'm

being too stubborn or unfair.

The more I research, the more confident I feel in my decision. Many studies link the current men tal health

crisis among adolescents to fundamental changes in how they socialize, namely, the shift from in-person to online


But other mothers challenge my view. “He must feel so left out!”Then there are the parents who tell me sadly

that they wish they had delayed their teenager's phone ownership longer than they did. They urge me to hold out.

If teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 are truly spending an average of 8hours 39 minutes per day on their

devices, as stated in a survey conducted byCommon Sense Media, then what are they not doing? Kids absorbed in

their devices are missing out on real life, and that strikes me as really sad.

I want my son to have a childhood he feels satisfied with and proud of. I want it to be full of adventures,

imaginative play and physical challenges which he must sort out himself without asking me for help. The easiest

and simplest way to achieve these goals is to delay giving him a smartphone.

Some think my son is missing out or falling behind, but he is not. He does well in school and extra-curricular

activities, hangs out with his friends in person, and moves independently around our small town. He promises he'll

give his own 14-yearold a phone someday, and I tell him that's fine. But recently, he admitted that he missed the

beautiful scenery on a drive to a nearby mountain because he had been so absorbed in his friend's iPad. If that is his

version of admitting I'm right, I'll take it.

24. What does the underlined phrase“pushes back”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Agrees. B. Delays. C. Opposes. D. Persuades.

25. What is the author primarily concerned about regarding giving her son a phone?

A. Her son's online safety.

B. Her son's men tal growth.

C. Her son's reduced physical activities.

D. Her son's poor academic performance.

26. What quality does the author want her son to develop in his childhood?

A. Team spirit. B. Leadership.

C. Independence. D. Critical thinking.

27. What can be learned about the author's son?

A. He is falling behind academically.

B. He is easily influenced by his friends.

C. He has given up his desire for a smartphone.

D. He has realized the problems of much screen time.


All the Beauty in the World, Patrick Bringley's memoir(回忆录) about his 10years working as a guard at New

York's Metropolitan Museum of Art(Met), brings new meaning to the term“art appreciation”. During 8-12 hour

shifts spent among the galleries, he takes advantage of the gift of time to study the masterpieces he's been hired to

protect- and to think about the role of art throughout history.

Bringley is not the only Met staffer to write about the institution. But Bringley's“guard's-eye view ” is unique,

and he presents his personal story with sincerity.After his brother Tom's death from cancer in 2008, Bringley gave

up his job as a journalist for a job in which“I was happy to be going nowhere”. He explains, “Ihad lost someone. I

did not wish to move on from that. In a sense, I didn't wish to move at all.” Bringley doesn't say when he decided

to channel his experience of finding peace into art, but this story about jumping off the career ladder in order to find

the space for quiet reflection is surprisingly suite d to our times.

All the Beauty in the World offers well-chosen facts about the museum to supportBringley's personal tale. As

interesting as these facts are, it's Bringley's reflections on dozens of individual paintings, photographs, sculptures

and ancient artifacts that turn this book into a tribute(致 敬 ) to the power of art. Discussing Alfred Stieglitz's

photographs of his wife, he writes, “I think that sometimes we need permission to stop and adore things, and a work

of art gives us that. ”In a Vermeer port rait of a dozing maidservant, he is moved to see that the artist caught “ that

feeling we sometimes have that a private setting possesses a holiness(神圣) of its own. It was my constant feeling

in Tom's hospital room”.

As rich in moving insights as the Met is in treasures, All the Beauty in the World reminds us of the importance

of learning not about art, but from it. This is art appreciation at a high level.

28. What makes All the Beauty in the World different from other books by Met staffers?

A. Its author's personal sad story.

B. Its author's unique point of view.

C. Its well-chosen facts about the museum.

D. Its detailed introduction to the artworks.

29. Why did Bringley decide to become a guard at the Met?

A. To remember his dead brother.

B. To enrich his journalism career.

C. To find some peace and quiet in art.

D. To study the artworks more closely.

30. How does Bringley tell the museum stories in his memoir?

A. By relating museum facts to his personal life.

B. By interviewing retired museum staff members.

C. By presenting the background of each masterpiece.

D. By engaging visitors in the discussion of the artworks.

31. What does the author think of the book as a whole?

A. It reveals the inner world of the author.

B. It offers new insights into art appreciation.

C. It tells little-known facts about the museum.

D. It deserves to be read for some peace and quiet.


Many news reports focus on climate change these days. Extreme heat, wildfires,floods, homeless polar bears...

How do you feel when reading worrying news about climate change? You may believe that people are becoming

insensitive to the warming planet, accepting that it is only getting worse.

A research team at Pennsylvania State University, US, reported otherwise. To record how the news can impact

people's emotions, participants were first exposed to negative news stories about climate change for three days.

They then continued to read negative news headlines for seven days. In the first three days, the participants

experienced greater fear and less hope, which can potentially hurt an audience's belief that they can do anything to

tackle the problem.

However, during the seven-day-long exposure, the fear peaked and then held steady(稳定的). “We saw the

opposite pattern in our second study. The more exposure people had to these threatening news stories each day, the

more likely they are to think that they can make a difference in tackling climate change,”ChristoferSkurka, the

paper's lead author told the Pennsylvania State University website.

According to the researchers, one possibility is that when the public hears about climate change threats, they

may convince themselves that they have control over the situation. They will then believe that their actions may

make a difference.

Knowing that everyone is able to help is only the first step. According to a study that analyzed information

from 430 different studies, what motivates people the most to change their behavior is social comparison. For

example, if a person's neighbors follow a low-carbon lifestyle, such as driving electric cars, the person may feel

social pressure and become more likely to follow this behavior. This happens because people usually judge their

own behavior and follow social norms(规 范 ). Another effective motivation is providing financial rewards to

consumers, helping them save money.

“There are so many routes to our goals,” Matthew Goldberg, the co-author of the study, told Scientific

American. As Goldberg pointed out, future research like this can help policymakers decide how best to encourage

people to ward more climate-friendly habits.

32. How did the participants react to negative news in the second study?

A. They found the news unbelievable.

B. They lost hope in tackling climate change.

C. They experienced greater fear for the future.

D. They felt a strong sense of social responsibility.

33. What encourages people most to ward more climate-friendly behavior?

A. Effective policy. B. Healthy lifestyle.

C. Social influence. D. Financial support.

34. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. Responses to climate change education.

B. T he effectiveness of community initiatives.

C. T he impact of social norms on environment.

D. Ways to encourage climate-friendly behavior.

35. What is Goldberg's attitude towards similar future research?

A. Doubtful. B. Optimistic. C. Objective. D. Indifferent.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Recently, a topic featuring “ Graduates avoid sending resumes out of social anxiety disorder” received many

comments on Sina Weibo. It seems that social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia(恐惧症), is affecting

many people's lives. Over 80% of university students who took part in a survey tended to avoid social interaction

due to an assumed social phobia. 36

For those who have a social phobia, everyday social situations cause strong fear beyond their control because

they fear being watched or judged negatively by others.

Having a social phobia can mean physical symptoms like blushing(脸红), upset stomach, or having trouble

catching your breath. The good news is that it is treatable. 37 Avoiding social situations because of shyness might

mean missing out on opportunities or being rude.

I used to be so shy that I avoided greeting people I knew by pretending to scroll(滚屏) on my phone or turning

in another direction. 38 When I saw him, Istarted scrolling on my phone as usual to avoid greeting him. But he

immediately saw through it and asked,“Why did you pretend not to see me?” After my explanation,he replied, “I

can relate to feeling awkward, but once someone realizes that you're avoiding him, it can come across as rude.”

39 Being afraid of negative comments, they simply shut themselves down so that no one will have the chance

to judge them. But socializing not only leads to judgment. If you're lucky enough, you may come across someone

who gives direct but honest feedback, like what the senior journalist did for me. But if some people only offer you

negative judgment, simply stay away from them. 40 Why give up on opportunities for social interaction because

of fears of comments and judgment?

A. After all, they are not making you any better.

B. U nderstand it's perfectly fine to make mistakes.

C. Here are some tips for overcoming a fear of social interaction.

D. B ut is avoiding social interaction equal to having a social phobia?

E. However, my attitude began to change when I met a senior journalist.

F. But if you only feel a bit uncomfortable, it might mean you are just shy.

G. Shy people avoid socializing because they take others' opinions seriously.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题


In 2 019, Tomas Quinones undertook a 7-day bike trip, covering some remote desert in Oregon. His trip was

41 with the usual difficulties. He lost his shoes and was only relying on a pair of sandals(凉鞋). His water supply

was sometimes 42 . But there were also moments of unexpected 43 : A couple offered to share their lunch; a guy

in the truck asked if he needed any help.

On the last day of his trip, he was riding down a dusty track when he met a man lying unconscious in the desert.

44 , he was dehydrated(脱水的). Quinones tried to give him some water with little 45 . Luckily, he called the

emergency rescue team and an ambulance soon arrived. The man he 46 was an explorer who had been lost in the

desert for 5 days. “I never had any 47 about what Iwould do,” said Quinones. He had received some gestures of

help on the trip, so he 48 .

It's likely that if you've spent any time in the wild, you'll have 49 these gestures of kindness from strangers

or given them yourself too even if they are nothing so 50 as the aid given by Quinones.

What is it about being outside in nature that makes people want to help others?One opinion is that in the wild,

there may not be any other 51 , so according to the“bystander effect”, the more people who are in the presence of

someone needing help, the less likely any of those are to actually provide it. Another opinion is that exposure to

nature can make people look beyond themselves, 52 a sense of connection to others and to the world as a whole.

When we risk going into the wild, we become weak. And being in that position usually makes us 53 the

world differently. So, in the wild, where we're taken away from our normal possessions, surroundings and identities,

we seem more 54 to go the extra mile for someone. It's in nature that bonds of humanity are 55 .

41. A. flooded B. marked C. covered D. connected

42. A. unbelievable B. unusual C. unsafe D. uncertain

43. A. kindness B. appreciation C. belief D. comfort

44. A. Unexpectedly B. Unfortunately C. Obviously D. Shortly

45. A. confidence B. success C. survival D. relief

46. A. rescued B. accompanied C. knew D. admired

47. A. decision B. sense C. doubt D. surprise

48. A. got it back B. paid it forward C. carried it through D. did it over

49. A. made B. understood C. remembered D. experienced

50. A. simple B. natural C. dramatic D. slight

51. A. help B. choice C. luck D. sign

52. A. bringing B. promoting C. keeping D. providing

53. A. adapt to B. focus on C. travel around D. look at

54. A. pleased B. disappointed C. relaxed D. worried

55. A. recovered B. loosened C. strengthened D. broken

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相


China's conventional tea-making techniques and their social practices have successfully been included in the

UNESCO's world intangible culture heritage list.

“Stove boiled tea”, 56 new way of drinking tea, has been popular inChina. The process of drinking tea has

a sense of ritual (仪式), and so far the ceremony 57 (become) a new favorite of young people.

Usually, the process of boiling tea on a st ove 58 (consist ) of lightly roasting tea leaves before making tea,

sometimes with rosebuds(玫瑰花蕾), in a pot over a stove. The art of boiling tea is a time consuming process, 59

requires constant attention to the temperature in order to properly “cook” it. People sit around the stove and have

snacks such as fruits, nuts and desserts with their hot tea.It's a pleasure to chat with friends while having this new

style of tea.

People also post their moments of stove boiled tea while wearing 60 (tradition) Hanfu in these ancient

teahouses. Similar to other trending 61 (lifestyle) such as cycling and camping, “stove-boiled tea” reflects young

people's desire to escape from cities to get close to nature and experience a peaceful mind. It's 62 (absolute)

relaxing to drink hot tea, feel the winter breeze, and chat with best friends.

“Stove boiled tea” is a popular way 63 ( integrate) Chinese culture elements into people's daily lives.

You may have heard of cafe latte(拿铁咖啡), 64 have you ever heard of a similar art in a cup of tea? Apart

from the“stove-boiled tea”, Dian Cha is also a tea art from the Song dynasty. During the Dian Cha making process,

the froth(泡沫) and the tea paste act like paper and ink, 65 (allow) artists to create delicate patterns.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友 Rudy 对中国美食很感兴趣。你们班最近组织了一次包饺子活动,请




参考词汇:生面团 dough; 馅 filling


1.词数 80 左右;


Dear Rudy,






Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


It was my first long race - marathon. The wind and the rain chilled(使很冷)me to the bone and the sun was yet

out to warm up the air. The starting gun would go off any second. I was ready. I was 28 and in the best shape of my

life. At least, Ithought I was. I ran all the time and had already run several races. But none of them was 26.2 miles.

The farthest I had run before was only 15 miles. Still, I was young and overconfident and I knew I could do it.

The gun went off and the race started. I was excited and the weather became the furthest thing from my mind.

I just concentrated on holding my own position among the other runners. I had no real finishing goal in mind, but

when I settled into my pace, I soon worked out that I could easily break 4 hours.

Within a few miles, I ran past an elderly runner. He must have been over 70years old and I was surprised he

was even in the race. I was even more surprised that he was still ahead of me. He kept to the side of the road, his

old legs moving one in front of the other, slowly but stably. I passed him without giving him a second glance or a

word of encouragement.

I kept moving. 15 miles came and I was on pace to beat 4 hours. Then something strange happened. I started

to get tired. My goal of 4 hours soon got pushed back to 4:10. Then 4:20. Finally, at about the 20-mile mark, I

couldn't run any more. I had to walk.

I moved to the side of the road and with difficulty I walked along. I needed a second wind, but it wasn't coming.

The rain was back. There was nothing I could do about it but concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

Then the elderly man passed me. He looked the same as he had earlier,running at the same speed. As he passed,

he looked over at me and smiled,“Only a few more miles to go. Don't give up now!”


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Thinking of being beaten by an elderly man, I moved on.

He crossed the finish line ahead of me and I was soon to follow.

郑州市 2024 年高中毕业年级第一次质量预测

英语 参考答案

第一部分 听力

1. C 2. A3. B4. C5. A6. A7. B8. C9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A 18.C 19. C 20. B

第二部分 阅读

21. A 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B 36.D 37. F38. E

39. G40. A

第三部分 语言运用

第一节: 41. B42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. B49. D50. C51. A 52. B 53. D 54. A55. C

第二节: 56. a 57. has become 58. consists 59. which 60. traditional 61. lifestyles 62.absolutely 63. to integrate

64. but/ yet 65. allowing

第四部分 写作


Dear Rudy,

I'm glad to know you like Chinese food. I'm writing to tell you an amazing activity, during which we made

dumplings. We all felt energetic. Some made do ugh and dumpling wrappers.Others prepared dumpling fillings. We

succeeded in making dumplings together due to division of labor and cooperation.

Although the dumplings we made were in different shapes and might not have the best taste,we truly enjoyed

them and were proud of the fruits of our labor. This is the first time that we have made dumplings by ourselves

through cooperation.

Hope you can join us next time!


Li Hua


Thinking of being beaten by an elderly man, I moved on. As I said, I was young and proud,and this little

setback didn't matter much to me. So,I was determined to finish it. The elderly man had run ahead of me, but I could





