
2024-01-21·10页·776.8 K

2023-2024 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检查


(本试卷共三大部分,满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟)

第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The holiday season is a time for celebrating with friends and family,when people give

gifts or decorate their homes.Unfortunately,this can all lead to a lot of waste.However,there

are ways to reduce the amount of waste you create.

Use reusable bags for gifts

Gift bags or wrap that can be reused are recommended on the list.You can reuse them the

next time you give a gift.You can also wrap gifts in old maps,pages from magazines,and art

paper.The person receiving the gift could use the wrap for something else.The Chinese

traditional cloth-wrapper is popular wrapping cloth,which is pretty and strong.It can be used

for other things,like a colorful scarf or tablecloth,rather than just thrown away.

Choose electronic cards

For many people,sending holiday cards is a tradition.Now people are increasingly

accepting electronic holiday cards.“There are so many digital options now,and people get just

as much joy out of it,some people said.These cards offer a range of benefits.With the

increasing popularity,electronic cards have become a preferred choice.

Buy a real tree from a local farm

For decorating the home,real trees have become first option rather than plastic

ones.Some trees are grown for the purpose of being cut,and new ones are typically replanted

every year.So,the cycle continues.Buying local trees means that it doesn't use much fuel.After

the holidays,trees are picked and processed into usable products,like small wood pieces for

the garden.What's more,you can't beat the smell of a fresh-cut tree.

21.What makes Chinese cloth-wrapper popular?

A.Its fresh smell.

B.The multiple uses.

C.Various digital options.

D.Its original birthplace.

22.What is the benefit of buying local trees for decoration?

A.They match the gardens.

B.They are easier to cut

C.They have better quality.

D.They are environmentally friendly.

23.Where is this passage probably taken from?

A.A novel.

B.A textbook.

C.A magazine.

D.A journal.


Benjamin Spock was a famous doctor for children.He completed his medical degree at

Columbia University in New York City and began to treat babies and children in 1933.During

the next ten years he continued to fit the theories about how children develop with what

mothers told him about their children.What he found gave birth to his first book The Common

Sense Book of Baby and Child Care.

Before Dr.Spock's book appeared,the most popular guide to raising children was

Psychological Care of Infant and Child,whose writer was John B.Watson.He urged extreme

firmness in dealing with children.The book warned parents never to kiss,hug or physically

comfort their children.

Dr.Spock's book was very different.He gave gentle advice to ease the fears of new

parents. Dr.Spock said his work was an effort to help parents trust their own natural abilities

in caring for their children.He emphasized that parents'natural loving carefor their children

is most important.

Dr.Spock based much of his advice on the research and findings of the famous Austrian

psychoanalyst(精 神 分 析 学 家 ),Sigmund Freud.“I was interested in how children grow

emotionally.And I think Freud has given us a very good explanation of development.”

Dr.Spock's book discusses the mental and emotional development of children.It urges

parents to use that information to decide how to deal with their babies when they are crying,

hungry or tired.For example,Dr.Spock dismissed the popular idea of exactly timed feedings

for babies.Baby care experts had believed that babies must be fed at the same times every day

or they would grow up to be demanding children.

Dr.Spock said babies should be fed when they are hungry.He argued that babies know

better than anyone about when and how much they need to eat.He did not believe that feeding

babies when they cry in hunger would make them more demanding.

750,000 copies of the book were sold during the year after its release.

24.What may contribute to Spock's first book?

A.His fame.

B.His mother

C.His discovery.

D.His education.

25.In what way does Spock's book differ from others?

A.Covering professional theories.

B.Offering expert suggestions.

C.Including comprehensive contents.

D.Building up parents' confidence.

26.Which of the following statements would Dr.Spock agree with?

A.Parents should hug babies regularly.

B.Parents should warn babies of danger.

C.Parents should follow Watson's opinions.

D.Parents should feed babies when necessary.

27.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.An introduction to Spock and his book.

B.Stories about Spock as a famous doctor.

C.Differences between two baby care books.

D.Influences of Spock's book on other experts.


The mushrooming video screens in buses,taxis and apartment halls in cities like

Shanghai are taking away our already rare resource:a place for a moment of peace.Taking a

nap or reading a book on buses is less pleasant now,as the LCD screens broadcast news,

entertainment and advertisements at unbearable volumes.

You pay the bus fare simply to get a ride—undisturbed-but now you are exposed to this

“added value”,whether you like it or not.If it's a crowded bus,the noise is even more

exasperating.More and more Chinese cities have joined Shanghai,regarded as the first to put

video screens on buses,disturbing millions of passengers.

Some may like to watch programme aired on buses or in apartment halls.But those who

don't should be equally respected.Because of the bus screens,students cannot focus on

reviewing their lessons or preparing for a test.People who like to read or reflect feel unsettled

by the noise.Youngsters who like to listen to music on their iPods must increase the volume to

fight against the competing audio.If you already feel stressed after a busy day,the bus video

advertising certainly increase the tension of both your muscles and nervous system.Bus

drivers are surely the worst victims because they have to bear it at least eight hours a day,non-


A high public tolerance for noise pollution has helped bus video advertisers to expand

their businesses.But opposition has already started to make its voice heard.Some people have

already accused bus companies of breaking their contracts,since their obligation is only to

deliver passengers to their destinations.

Shanghai,as a world-class city,should set an example for the country.It should first adopt

world-class behavior in its massive public transportation system to return the public a

peaceful place

28.What does the underlined wordexasperatingin Paragraph 2 mean?





29.Who are influenced most heavily by the video screens according to Paragraph 3?


B.Bus drivers.


D.Office employees.

30.What does the public tolerance for noise pollution cause?

A.More use of public transport.

B.An increase in bus video advertising.

C.More complaints about bus companies.

D.Lower public awareness of consumer rights.

31.What's the author's attitude to the video screens in the public?






A new medicine developed in China has been recently introduced,which is expected to

significantly enhance the prevention and control of malaria in Africa.Compared with the

previous medicines,this latest medicine is not only more efficient but also easier to

administer. Its introduction is anticipated to result in a sharp decline in the number of deaths

caused by malaria.

In case studies conducted in Kenya,second-generation artesunate(青 蒿 琥 酯 )for

injection, developed by Chinese medicine company Fosun Pharma,has proved highly

effective in treating severe malaria in children,Kenyan health experts said.

In addition,the new drug—produced under the brand name Argesun—can be easier and

faster to prepare,and safer to inject,than its previous generation,which was produced under the

name Artesun,and which was widely used in dozens of countries for more than10 years.

“We think that this is a very good development.It is really going to cut our rate of deaths

and also the complications caused by malaria,”Walter Otieno said,a Kenyan Medical


Argesun was pre-qualified by the World Health Organization in June and has been

registered in 18 African countries,according to Fosun Pharma.

Both Artesun and Argesun are innovative antimalarial drugs based on artemisinin(青蒿

素), which was discovered by Nobel Prize winner Tu You you in the 1970s,and which has

made significant contributions to malaria control and prevention in the world during the past

two decades.

Wu Yifang,chairman of Fosun Pharma,said the company recognized the strategic value

of antimalarial drugs based on artemisinin and restructured its sub company Guilin

Pharmaceutical in 2004 to start introducing the drugs to the international market.Its first

antimalarial drug entered Africa in 2007,and the company launched a training program for

front-line medical workers in Africa in 2014.

“To win the battle against malaria,we have to get rid of it worldwide,”Wu said,adding

that the company is pushing to transform its antimalarial drugs from“made in China and used

in Africato“made in Africa and used in Africa,in order to increase the accessibility and

affordability of the drugs there.

32.What is the advantage of Argesun compared with Artesun?

A.It is originally based on artemisinin.

B.It is user-friendly for doctors and nurses.

C.It has been widely used for over 20 years.

D.It is much cheaper for patients in Africa.

33.Why did Fosun Pharma restructure its subcompany in Guilin?

A.To enter the African market.

B.To train the doctors and nurses in Africa.

C.To spread its antimalarial drugs worldwide.

D.To learn the strategic value of antimalarial drugs.

34.How can Africans use antimalarial drugs more easily according to Wu Yifang?

A.By producing the drugs in Africa.

B.By lowering the price of the drugs.

C.By winning the battle against malaria.

D.By changing the way of transportation.

35.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Africa Sees New Hope in Malaria Fight

B.Artemisinin Meets A New Advancement

C.African People Are Suffering from Malaria

D.Chinese Medicine Company Hit Aftican Market

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



As the most typical part of the art of Chinese language,idioms have contributed to the

inheritance and development of the old Chinese culture.__36 __This set of stamps includes

three Chinese idioms often used to enlighten and encourage people.

The idiom Yu Gong Yi Shan (The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains) is

from Liezi.In ancient times,there was an old man in front of whose house were Taihang and

Wangwu Mountains. __37__So he gathered his family and began to dig the mountain and

move the earth elsewhere,believing that with their continuous efforts,the mountains would

finally be leveled.__38__

The idiom Wo Xin Chang Dan(Sleeping on Brushwood and Tasting Gall)is from

Records of the Grand History.In the Spring and Autumn Period,the State of Wu defeated the

State of Yue, and captured the king of Yue,Gou Jian.After he was released and returned to his

country, Gou Jian,never forgetting his shame,slept on a pile of brushwood and tasted gall

before every meal.__39__This story encourages those who were once defeated to inspire

themselves and struggle hard for recovery.

The idiom Wen Ji Qi Wu (Rising up to Practice Swordplay upon Hearing the Rooster

Crow) is from The Book of Jin Dynasty.In the Jin Dynasty,to realize his ambition of serving

the country,Zu Ti rose up every morning at the moment he heard the crow of a rooster to

practice swordplay,and finally became a capable general. __40__

A.Chinese language has a long history.

B.That made it inconvenient for him to come and go.

C.This idiom implies that ambition and diligence pay off.

D.This story tells us that tough perseverance may lead to success.

E.This story calls on the patriotic spirit and courage to serve one's country.

F.They contain simple expressions,deep-hidden meanings and vivid stories.

G.After several years of endurance and preparation,he finally conquered his enemy.

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的.最


In a small town in the countryside,there lived a happy family named the

Andersen.Mr.and Mrs.Anderson had two children—Jack and Emily.They were known in the

town for their sense of__41__.

Mr.Anderson was the town's mayor and had a lot of__42__to take care of.He was always

working hard to__43__his town and help improve the lives of its residents.Mrs.Anderson was

a teacher at the local school and__44__the town's children.Jack and Emily were also very

capable children,despite their__45__.Jack was only twelve,but he was already helping his

father with some of his duties in the town hall.Emily,who was only ten,loved to help her

mother prepare__46__for her students.

In October of last year,the__47__was preparing for the town's annual carnival,which was

a big__48__.Everyone in the town looked forward to the carnival and the Anderson were

responsible for organizing the event,Mr.Anderson was__49__aranging the rides and games,

while Mrs.Anderson helped with the food and drinks together with other women.Jack and

Emily were__50__given jobs and duties.Jack was__51__to paint the carnival signs.Emily

called on her friends to__52__the carnival stage and make sure they looked attractive and

colorful.All four members of the Anderson family worked hard to ensure that the carnival was

a__53__.They spent long hours and__54__nights preparing for the event,ensuring that this

year's carnival would be even more__55__than before.The family's devotion to the neighbor

hood shone a warm light in everyone's heart.

41.A.belonging B.achievement C.responsibility D.humour

42.A.feelings B.accidents C.hobbies D.affairs

43.A.look after B,clean up about D.take over

44.A.pleased B.educated C.praised D.encouraged B.ages C.goals D.spirit

46.A.drinks B.paintings C.rides D.lessons B.class C.staff D.children

48.A.surprise B.sell C.event D.problem charge of honor of favor of need of

50.A.often B.also C.finally D.actually

51.A.taken B.ordered C.tasked D.attracted

52.A.approach B.check C.protect D.decorate

53.A.dream B.plan C,success D.trial B.late C.quiet D.beautiful

55.A.exciting B.important C.expensive D.complicated

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Every four years the best players in the world gather for one month in summer to take

part in the biggest event in football—the World Cup. __56__will be very different when the

2030 edition rolls around,

In October,FIFA released a statement__57__the 2030 FIFA World Cup will take place in

six countries across three continents to celebrate the soccer tournament's100th anniversary.

Morocco,Portugal and Spain are combined applicants to host most of the__58__(match),while

Uruguay,Paraguay and Argentina are targeted to host kickoff games__59__(respective)to

begin the 2030 World Cup.

“The World Cup's first match was hosted in Uruguay in 1930,so the centennial(百周年

的) World Cup could not be far from South America,__60__everything began,said__61__

FIFA officer.He added,“We will have a unique__62__ (globe) footprint in 2030 welcoming

and uniting the world while__63__(celebrate)together the beautiful game and the centennial

World Cup.”

Actually,the 2026 World Cup__64__(hold)in cities across America,Canada and Mexico,

the first time it will be played across three host nations.The current size of the World Cup, 32

teams, increases__65__48 in the 2026 event.

第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


生朋友 Peter 来体验本次活动,请给他写一封邮件。内容包括:




1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


第二节(满分 25 分)



Have you ever felt the need to grab a pen and start writing your thoughts on a piece of

paper? Tom had always been a lover of stories,and of words that come together to create vivid

imagery (意象).He would spend hours writing down his thoughts and ideas,crafting worlds

and people with his pen and paper.

But when it came to his parents,they didn't believe how much he enjoyed writing.In

fact,they discouraged him,telling him that he should focus on more practical career fields like

becoming a lawyer.

The annual writing competition arrived once again,which was a time to show creative

writing as well as the vivid imagination of students.Although Tom had a burning passion for

writing, he had always hesitated to enter the race.He was worried that his parents would

disapprove of him spending so much time writing,leading him to miss the competition in

previous years.But this time,he decided to take a chance and see if he could win this race.

Perhaps if his parents saw how talented he truly was,they would come to support him.

Days passed as he carefully prepared his writing,pouring his heart and soul into every

word.When he finished,he read it over and felt proud of what he had written.He prepared to

hand in his writing,but his parents still believed he was wasting time.He still decided to

submit his entry anyway.

Weeks went by before the contest's results were announced.Tom waited anxiously,

wondering if his writing was good enough to win a prize.He checked out his mailbox every

day after school.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


2023—2024 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检查高三英语参考答案

第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21-23 BDC 24-27 CDDA28-31 DBBA 32-35 BCAA

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36-40 FBDGC

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 CDABB 46-50 DACAB 51-55 CDCBA

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56.It 57.that 58.matches 59.respectively 60.where

61.a 63.celebrating 64.will be held

评分标准:与标准答案不一致不得分(56 小题首字母不大写,不得分)。

第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

Dear Peter.

How is everything going?The annual Science and Technology Festival with the theme of

Technology Changes Lifewill be held in our school,and I'm writing to invite you to enjoy it

with us.

As scheduled,the festival will be held next Friday afternoon in our school

gymnasium.During the event,you will have access to a wide range of technology-related

activities.An exhibition of students' scientific works and a lecture on how technology changes

our life will be the important parts of this event.Meanwhile,the interactive workshops will

provide us with a unique chance to experience some latest inventions.

I assure you that the festival will impress you deeply.I'm looking forward to your arrival.

Yours sincerely:

Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

One possible version:

Finally,the day arrived and the winners were announced.His heart raced with anticipation

as he nervously scrolled down the list of names.And then he saw it:his name in bold letters

was there.Tears filled his eyes as he felt a mixture of joy and relief,and he let out a

yell.Winning the race was not only a proof of his writin gability but also a reminder to follow

his heart.But he still worried whether his parents would change their attitude and support him.

Just then,the door opened and Tom's parents returned home from work.Tom quickly gathered

himself and went to show them the email,“Mom,Dad,I made it.”His parents looked at him in

surprise.“Writing may be a better choice.”Tom exclaimed with determination.His parents'

faces softened as they figured out what happened.His mother gave him a tight hug,“Becoming

a lawyer may lead you to a successful life,but passion can lead you a happy one.Tom had

won not just the race but also his parents' support.





