
2024-01-23·33页·873.2 K



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第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


If you’re an English learner or an English speaker looking to widen your vocabulary, a good dictionary app is a


Dictionary. com

If you’re looking for a reliable and user-friendly dictionary app, Dictionary. com has one for you. It provides

instant access to a vast collection of definitions, synonyms and even works offline. Additionally, it provides daily

word quizzes, articles and trending word lists to keep users engaged and expand their vocabulary.


Merriam-Webster is a well-known and highly trusted dictionary. The app provides quality definitions, audio

pronunciations and usage examples in an on-the-go format available offline. It lets you save favorites, has a word of

the day and keeps track of your recent searches. The app also provides access to a thesaurus, word puzzles and quizzes

to enhance your vocabulary skills. The app even lets you search for words by speaking them!


FluentU takes real-world videos-like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks-and turns them into

personalized language learning lessons. FluentU makes it really easy to watch English videos. The best part is that

FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It even

reminds you when its time to review! Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning with

the same video.

Dict Box

Diet Box is a comprehensive offline dictionary and translator app for over 50 languages, all in one place. Each

word comes with a detailed definition, synonyms and example sentences. With a registered account, you get access

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to their urban dictionary for slang words, a picture dictionary for visual learners, the ability to back up and update

word lists across devices and an ad-free experience in the app.

1. Which app allows users to play a word game?

A. Dictionary.com. B. Merriam-Webster.

C. FluentU. D. Dict Box.

2. What is the most appealing characteristic of FluentU?

A. Presenting English videos.

B. Providing scheduled courses.

C. Tracing the learning process.

D. Transforming videos into lessons.

3. How is Dict Box different from the other apps?

A. It provides word tests.

B. It has no advertisement.

C. It can be used without Internet.

D. It offers members extra resources.


When most kids go to the beach they’re too focused on making sandcastles and splashing around to notice


litter, but several years ago, for 7-year-old Cash Daniels, noticing a plastic straw sparked a lifelong passion for saving

the planet.

Cash, who is now known as the “conservation kid”, has always loved nature. He grew up fishing along the

Chattanooga River, after all! But once he learned that 80 percent of all trash from land and rivers ends up in the

ocean, he couldn’t sit back.

He started with cleanups along the river, something that quickly went from a family affair to a community effort

with volunteers and neighbors. In 2019, Cash, together with a Canadian conservationist, Ella Galaski-Rossen, started

a nonprofit called the Cleanup Kids. Despite living in different countries, they managed to create educational videos

on their YouTube channel. “We hope to be a really big nonprofit that eliminates plastic in the U. S. and Canada,”

Cash said. “We want to inform kids and adults in the landlocked states on how their actions are connected to the

water and the ocean,” Cash said.

Cash was selected as one of America’s top 10 youth volunteers of 2021 by the Prudential Spirit of Community

Awards. He also earned the title of National Honoree, where he received a$5,000 grant to go to a nonprofit of his

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choice, and he became the first person to win the Youth Conservationist Award two years in a row from the Tennessee

Wildlife Federation.

“I want to travel the world, teach others, and help them feel connected to the ocean. Because if you are connected

to the ocean-if you love it and what lives in it—you’ll want to protect it,” he said. “This is my fun, and it becomes

more fun with every new discovery.”

4. Which can replace the underlined words “sit back” in paragraph 2?

A. Fall asleep. B. Lose heart.

C. Turn a blind eye. D. Lend a hand.

5. What is the purpose of starting the Cleanup Kids?

A. To recycle waste plastics.

B. To make instructive videos.

C. To spread marine knowledge.

D. To appeal for ocean protection.

6. Which of the following best describes Cash Daniels?

A. Sympathetic and devoted. B. Initiative and talented.

C. Ambitious and humorous. D. Determined and modest.

7. What does Cash Daniels story imply?

A. Passion fuels dreams.

B. Great minds think alike.

C. Helping others is of great fun.

D. Actions speak louder than words.


To reduce the carbon emissions from passenger jets and long-haul trucks, a vast volume of soy-based

renewable fuel will be needed. To produce it, American farmers could ruin existing cornfields to clear space, plant

millions of additional acres of soybeans and shut down all soybean exports. Researchers at startups and biotech

giants alike have found ways to create a new kind of soybeans through genetic recombination that generates more


One of the startups, ZeaKal Inc., funded in part by seed giant Corteva Inc., plans to introduce its first batch of

high-oil seeds for commercial planting in2024. Scientists have tricked the plant into sustaining photosynthesis for

longer with genetic recombination, ultimately producing more oil as well as more protein.

Companies are racing to build more capacity to process soy, a critical component for expanding green fuel

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supplies. Tax credits make companies in the transportation industry switch to fuel with lower carbon emission.

S&P Global sees domestic demand for renewable biofuel reaching 4 billion gallons in 2030, up from around 2.7

billion this year. It projects that the use of sustainable aviation fuel will total 1.7 billion gallons annually by the end

of the decade, compared with just 182 million gallons a year now.

Despite the bullish predictions, the soy-based transportation fuel market is still a drop in the bucket for the fuel

industry. And even if the new breed of high-oil seeds takes off, widespread adoption will take time. Farmers may

be reluctant to become early adopters of a technology that hasn’t yet proven its benefits, especially if the oil content

comes at the expense of existing genetic recombinations that improve disease or pest resistance.

Chicken producer Perdue Farms Inc. has signed a deal with Zeakal, agreeing to pay farmers a higher price for

harvested supplies of the new variety, which is good for chicken feed because of its higher protein levels. If large

oil companies follow suit, the soybean market might never look the same. “We could have an opportunity for the

oil component of soybeans to actually become more important in some markets than the protein aspect,” says Mike

Dillon, vice president of ZeaKal, “That’s a very dramatic shift.”

8. How did researchers plan to produce more oil?

A. By planting more soybeans.

B. By banning soybean exports.

C. By fertilizing soybean fields.

D. By engineering soybean genes.

9. What does the author want to show by mentioning the figure in paragraph 3?

A. The continuous use of the fuel.

B. The growing demand for biofuel.

C. The serious lack of green fuel supplies.

D. The fierce competition between companies.

10. Who can change the current biofuel market according to the last paragraph?

A. Companies. B. Farmers. C. Scientists. D. Governments

11. Which can be the best title of the text?

A. Biofuel: A New Way to Cut Down Carbon Emissions

B. Oilier Soybeans: Possible Reliance of the Future Fuel

C. A Big Shift: From Conventional Soybeans to Altered Ones

D. Genetic Modification: A Technology to Breed New Soybeans


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Whenever I order food for delivery, I play a little game to guess how many sets of tableware(餐具)the

restaurant will provide with my meal. Sometimes restaurants will throw in two, three or four sets for just one order.

But I rarely need any tableware at all, and the waste goes into the trash or collects dust in a kitchen drawer.

Researchers working with Chinese technology group Alibaba tried a simple approach to this problem. Instead

of just wastefully doling out tableware, the company required food-delivery customers in some cities in China to

pick how many sets of tableware they wanted to receive.The default (默认设置)was set at zero. The result,

published today in the journal Science, was a 638% increase in the share of no-tableware orders. If applied across

China, researchers found, the approach would save nearly 22 billion sets of plastic tableware. The study doesn’t

cover carbon emissions, but it’s safe to say that the impact would be significant. It struck me as a useful reminder

of the many low-hanging fruits across the economy that can cut waste, and emissions.

Nudging its customers cost Alibaba nothing more than a few hours of software engineering time and the

impact it brought was immense. The concept of nudging comes from the field of behavioral economics known as

nudge theory. It suggests that a slight action can encourage good human behavior without the need for policies that

limit choice or economic punishment that raises the cost of bad behavior. To nudge customers to eat better, for

example, a restaurant might organize its menu by listing healthy options first and bury unhealthy ones at the

bottom. More recently, some big companies like Google have also begun to use nudges to advance climate


Behavioral economics broadly, and nudges more specifically, aren’t without controversy. Some might think it

assigns consumers responsibility for addressing environmental challenges. But there is another way to look at it. In

the absence of necessary policy—and policy is needed 一 companies can help encourage a widespread shift of

consumer behavior.

And all of that behavioral change can add up. The International Energy Agency found in 2021 that small

behavioral changes in energy consumption such as walking instead of driving and adjusting the thermostat could in

total shave off 4% of global emissions. The more that companies can do to facilitate such changes, the better.

12. What did Alibaba do with tableware waste?

A. It stopped restaurants from handing out tableware.

B. It withdrew unused tableware from customers.

C. It updated the food -delivery device regularly.

D. It allowed picking tableware at customers’ demand.

13. What do the underlined words “low-hanging fruits” mean in paragraph 2?

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A. Easily accessible things. B. Fast increasing orders.

C. Exceptionally tough choices. D. Widely accepted strategies.

14. What can we learn about nudge theory from paragraph 3?

A. It brings about economic loss.

B. It results from consumption policies.

C. It indicates small action changes behaviour.

D. It implies bad behaviour impacts economy.

15. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Nudge theory affects behaviors.

B. Good behaviors boost economy.

C. Nudging helps build a greener world.

D. Behavioral economics benefits customers.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



The format you save your photos in comes down to a choice between convenience and excellence, the short-

term ease of JPEG versus the creation in RAW of your best photo possible. Of course, it is not either-or. ___16___.

But for those times that are special, that demand greater care and effort, a simple setting on your camera will help

you take the best possible photograph.

___17___. They determine how much data is stored when you press the shutter. RAW typically captures either

12-bit or 14-bit files, meaning they can represent billions of colour shades and tones. JPEGs (limited, to 8 bits)

reproduce, about 16 million colour variations—plenty for a god basic shot, but when shooting for something special,

it’s always better to have more colour, more light and more control.

It is in the editing that you discover RAW’s edge. After uploading to your computer, tablet or phone, the images

can be “developed” in a basic photo editing program. It doesn’t take long to learn to fine-tune the images. Even

under- and overexposed images can be enhanced to enliven shadows and highlights without any of the graininess (颗

粒) that comes with inadequate light.___18___Because the editing process is “lossless”, the original RAW file is

unaffected by your edits and can be stored or edited again for a different effect.

To make sure you don’t run out of space to store all that data, bring along lots of memory cards that you can

swap in to your camera as you go. ___19___

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Wondering how to get started? Dig into your camera or smartphone settings to change format and explore RAW.

___20___ Then it’s time to play. In a flash, you’ll see just what difference you can make to your photos.

A. Take a few shots in both JPEG and RAW.

B. They are cheap and light, so there’s no need to ever run out.

C. Digital cameras have two basic shooting formats, JPEG and RAW.

D. Various camera brands have their own unique RAW image formats.

E. But learning how to edit photos requires plenty of practice and creativity.

F. There are times when a few shots are all you need to capture the moment.

G. Once edited to your standard, the image is easily shared as a JPEG or other formats.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以境人空白处的最佳选项。

As I walked to the market this morning, I saw a poorly dressed old man with a towel covering his face sitting in

front of a shop. I ___21___ he was a beggar looking for charity. I made a mental note that on my way back from the

market I should give him whatever ___22___ I had.

A few feet away was a young man on the pavement ___23___ in a drunken state and no one who passed by took

any ___24___ . I thought in my mind it was some good-for-nothing, drunkard who had ___25___ all his money on

alcohol. I finished all my shopping, and walked back along the same road. When I reached the beggar, I put out my

hand full of change ___26___ him asking him to take it. He shook his head as though saying that he did not need it.

I ___27___ and pushed it into his hand .

As I stood there, ___28___ of my great act of charity, the beggar slowly got up, walked up to the young man

lying on the pavement, and shook him awake, ___29___ him something close to his ear. I stood there watching with

___30___ as he walked to the tea shop, where he asked for something for which he paid with the money I gave and

___31___ a bread. He then went back to the young man, and helped him to ___32___ and eat the bread.

He noticed that I was still there so he said , “That young boy has not eaten for two days and has no energy even

to sit up. That is why he ___33___ on the pavement.” Suddenly I felt so ___34___and admired the nonjudgemental

___35___ of a man who has so little compared to me.


A. decided B. suspected C. recalled D. admitted


A. food B. opportunity C. change D. job

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A. suddenly B. obviously C. probably D. gradually


A. chance B. picture C. advantage D. notice


A. wasted B. made C. earned D. raised


A. towards B. over C. past D. for


A. shouted B. insisted C. compromised D. commanded


A. jealous B. confident C. proud D. hopeful


A. showing B. leaving C. handing D. asking


A. joy B. amazement C. thrill D. disappointment


A. delivered B. shared C. collected D. brought


A. sit B. lie C. stand D. wash


A. begged B. collapsed C. died D. slept


A. sad B. down C. great D. small


A. patience B. tolerance C. integrity D. generosity

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cloisonn (景泰蓝) is the technique of creating designs on metal containers with colored-glass paste ___36___

(place) within enclosures (外壳) made of copper ___37___(wire), which have been bent or hammered into the desired

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Known as cloisons, the enclosures generally are either stuck or soldered onto the metal body. The glass paste,

or enamel, ___38___ (color) and painted into the contained areas of the design. The container is usually fired

at___39___relatively low temperature, about 800C. Enamels commonly shrink after firing, and the process is

repeated several times ___40___ (fill) in the designs. Once this process is complete, the surface is rubbed until the

edges of the cloisons are visible. They are then covered with a thin layer of gold paint.

Cloisonn objects were intended ___41___ (primary) for the furnishing of temples and palaces, because their

splendor was considered appropriate to the function of these structures ___42___ not well suited to a more simple

and plain atmosphere, such as ___43___ of a scholars home. This opinion was expressed by Cao Zhao in 1388 in his

___44___ ( influence) Gegu Yaolun, in which cloisonn was dismissed as being suitable only for lady’s bedrooms.

However, during the period of Emperor Xuande, Cloisonn ___45___ (come) to be greatly prized at court.

第三部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

46. 假设你是李华,应学校英文报邀请,就文化古迹遭破坏的现象,写一封倡议书,呼吁大家保护文化古迹。





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear fellow students,






Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“You should throw me in the bin, Mummy.”

Those are the words my son say to me, words a mother should never hear their child say. When I asked him

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why, he told me that like his digger, he was broken and could not be fixed. My heart cracked a little more at that and

I knew that, I had to try and find a way to bring back the joy into our world.

At age two, he was diagnosed with type two diabetes and he was “just losing his puppy fat”. My son grew sicker

and sicker until eventually, he was admitted into hospital.

Motherhood changed in that moment. I went from “Mummy” to nurse, always keeping a watch for signs he

might be in danger from his own body. It can be hard to find the balance between the demands of being a full-time

carer for a child with illness and being a mother. In those early days, it broke me to hear him beg and cry for me not

to hurt him with needles again. The risks that come along are as big as they can be: blindness, organ failure, coma,

death. His life is, and always will be, dependent on the monitoring and assessment of all these factors.

Yet, I had to find a way to raise him to know that he could live it fully and with all his dreams within reach. I

had to learn how to live with these two roles, just as he had to learn to live with the demands his body would place

on him. What I had not expected was to find the way through in the mud and rubble (瓦砰) of a new-build social

housing estate.

My husband, son and I moved to the new estate in Cumbria when my son was four. The back garden was nothing

more than a patch of newly sown grass, and a thin layer of topsoil. Underneath that was rubble and rock. The site

was a former industrial stoneworks, and but to us, it was a place of hope.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Soon after we moved in, my son and I decided to plant a garden.






This small garden let us both live again.






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