
2024-01-24·7页·343.2 K

can explore the Library Square, the site of the city’s monthly produce and arts and

姓 crafts market.

1.What is a must for the volunteer of the program?

名 ————

密山市高级中学2023-2024学年度高三联考期末考试A.Environmental awareness.

B.Hands-on training.

C.A healthy body.

英语试卷 D.Related experience.

2.What is a daily task for participants?

注意事项:1.考试期间,注意考试时间 A.Cleaning up the project grounds.

B.Building animal enclosures.

2.禁止在试卷上乱写乱画 C.Providing shelters for animals.

D.Raising money for endangered animals.

一、阅读理解(45 分) 3.Why is Mount Larcom called the “lion mountain”?

班 A A.It shows respect for lions.

Conservation Volunteers for Endangered Animals B.It looks like a pair of lions.

级 ————

Overview C.It stores plenty of food for lions.

The program in Australia is meant for all those animal lovers who want to D.It protects endangered lion species.

volunteer abroad for a meaningful cause and contribute effectively toward the well- B

being of the native animals. Being a volunteer, you’ll get to work at a rescue center or Kyle Semrau came home on the morning of April 12 after an overnight shift

a shelter, which has lots of animals in care at any given time. feeling light-headed. He told his wife he would be laying low for the day, joined by his

Program Requirements 6-year-old daughter, Macie.

Volunteers must be 18 years old or older, with an open mind and a flexible On a normal day, Macie would have been at school, but that particular morning

attitude to working in a new and different environment. The program is open to all and she had refused to even get dressed for school, so she stayed home. It turns out that her

you do not need any necessary qualifications (资历)to join it. Participants should be unexplained want to stay home was for the best.

prepared to work outdoors and should be fit and healthy. Volunteers must note that this Later in the day. Semrau collapsed from a medical event that caused him to slip in

is a hands-off project and you are not allowed to touch animals unless given specific and out of consciousness. Macie learned her dad was in trouble when she heard him

学 permission. yelling. In a moment while Semrau was conscious, Macie asked her dad for his phone

Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities

号 ————- passcode so she could unlock the device. She logged in, opened the browser, and

As a volunteer for this program, every day your activities may consist of: phoned the local police department.

*preparing food for the animals Macie relayed the relevant information, including their address, to Judy Smith, the

*cleaning the animal enclosures(围场) Eliot Police Department’s administrative assistant who answered the phone.

*keeping the project grounds clean and tidy “That’s really lucky,” Semrau told Boston 25 News. “I still have it saved. If you

During Your Free Time Volunteers can choose to spend time in Gladstone or start open up my browser, that’s the way it is spelled, ‘Elliot poliz’. She pushed the call

to do some of the interesting things in the surrounding areas. The Great Barrier Reef is button, which actually goes right to the dispatcher (调度员) here in town.”

a good choice for volunteers to do a dive course or live aboard. Only minutes from the The police arrived two minutes after Macie called.

project location is Gladstone’s famous natural landmark Mount Larcom. It is Semrau’s medical emergency was due to issues with his sinuses (鼻窦炎), which

commonly referred to as the “lion mountain“, because it looks like a lion and a lioness led to difficulty breathing, according to Seacoast Online. He is now home and doing

that are facing each other. At the heart of the city is Goondoon Street, where volunteers well.

“If I can say anything about this whole experience, it’s for everyone to teach kids 物) disappearance,” he said and noted that this has much to do with the activities of

about awareness. If I hadn’t taught my daughter certain things she wouldn’t learn in introduced cats and foxes.

school, this outcome could have been completely different,” Semrau told Boston. com. The report estimated(估计) the cost of the damage caused by invasive species in

“She is, and will always be my hero.” Australia at about $18 billion each year and growing. The study said that immediate

4.Why did Macie skip school that day? action was needed to stop the spread of invasive species and protect Australia’s

A.She foresaw an accident. “irreplaceable native animals and plants”.

B.She intended to have a rest. Traditionally, chemical and biological controls have been used to manage wild pest

C.She did that for no reason. populations.

D.She wanted to help her father. There are debates about these methods and some supporters of animals are against

5.Which words can describe Macie? them as inhumane.

A.Calm and capable. Scientists in Australia are working on genetic pest control methods. Testing is under

B.Talented and skillful. way on small laboratory animals, but a so-called “working system” could be up to five

C.Brave and respectful. years away. One possible biocontrol(生物防治) includes limiting their ability to

D.Careful and considerate. reproduce.

6.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to? 8.What are threatened in Australia because of the introduced species now?

A.The web browser. A.Local people.

B.Semrau’s address in the city. B.Animals’ habitats.

C.Semrau’s telephone. C.Native animals and plants.

D.The phone number of the police. D.Unique mammalian.

7.What enabled Macie to save her father according to the last paragraph? 9.Why are there so many nonnative species in Australia?

A.Her strong love for her father. A.Because Europeans brought them to Australia.

B.What she had learned at school. B.Because Australians love European wildlife.

C.The awareness taught by her father. C.Because of the activities of cats and foxes.

D.Her previous similar experience. D.Because of the disappearance of mammalian.

C 10.What can be inferred from the text?

A new report warns that Australia’s native wildlife could see extremely unfortunate A.Scientists have limited the populations of invasive species successfully.

effects from nonnative plants and animals. B.Those traditional measures have no effect on introduced species at all.

Experts at the national science agency, the CSIRO, are predicting much of the C.Some people don’t consider the ways to deal with invasive species right.

country’s native plants and animals are in danger. They believe they could disappear D.Genetic methods have proven perfect in controlling invasive species.

by 2050 unless immediate action is taken. 11.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

Nonnative species have invaded(侵略) Australia and threaten to overrun(侵占) A.Danger from Nonnative Wildlife in Australia

native plants and animals. Introduced species are endangering more than 80 percent of B.Australian Native Wildlife in Great Danger

Australia’s threatened species. C.New Ways to Control Nonnative Wildlife

Andy Sheppard, the CSIRO’s research director, said Australia’s colonization(殖民) D.The New finding by Scientists in Australia

by the British more than 200 years ago has left harmful environmental effects. He D

added that there were groups set up to introduce plants and animals by design so the Ancient builders across the world created structures that are still standing today,

Europeans felt more at home. Australia just like New Zealand has suffered as a result. thousands of years later. Yet the concrete that makes up much of our modern world has

“Australia unfortunately has the worst record internationally for mammalian(哺乳动 a lifespan of around 50 to 100 years. A growing number of scientists have been

studying materials from long-ago eras, hoping to uncover how they’ve held up for A.Lime blocks in Roman concrete indicate poor mixing of materials.

millennia. B.Ancient Roman concrete structures have witnessed a long history.

Many researchers have turned to the Romans for inspiration. Starting around 200 C.Modern builders are confused about the Roman method of construction.

BCE, the architects of the Roman Empire were building impressive concrete structures D.The concrete used in modern structures has a lifespan of over 200 years.

that have stood the test of time. Even in harbors, where seawater has been battering 13.What is proposed as a possible explanation for the self-healing abilities of Roman

structures for ages, you’ll find concrete basically the way it was when it was poured concrete?

2,000 years ago. Most modern concrete starts with Portland cement, a powder made by A.The uniform mixing of lime in the concrete.

heating limestone and clay to super-high temperatures and crushing them. That cement B.The use of extracts from chukum and jiote trees.

is mixed with water to create a chemically reactive paste. Then, blocks of material like C.The addition of whatever was within reach in the mix.

rock and gravel are added, and the cement paste mixes them into a concrete mass. D.The scattering of blocks of lime throughout the material.

According to records from ancient architects, the Roman process was similar. The 14.The passage mentions that today’s builders can’t simply copy ancient recipes

ancient builders mixed materials like burnt limestone and volcanic sand with water and because ______.

gravel, creating chemical reactions to stick everything together. A.ancient recipes were not well-documented

In a study published earlier this year, Admir Masic, a civil and environmental B.ancient materials were too expensive

engineer, proposed that this power comes from blocks of lime that are scattered C.ancient materials couldn’t hold up heavy loads

throughout the Roman material instead of being mixed in evenly. Researchers used to D.ancient builders used materials that are no longer available

think these blocks were a sign that the Romans weren’t mixing up their materials well 15.According to the passage, why do some researchers believe ancient builders

enough. Instead, after analyzing concrete samples from Privernum—an ancient city included various natural materials in their mixes?

outside of Rome — the scientists found that the blocks could fuel the material’s “self- A.To enhance the beauty of the structures.

healing” abilities. When cracks form, water is able to flow into the concrete, Masic B.To make the construction process more cost-effective.

explained. That water activates the leftover lime, leading to new chemical reactions C.To create structures that were resistant to chemical damage.

that can fill in the damaged sections. D.To follow ancient traditions without considering effectiveness.

The ancient architectures suggested using extracts from local chukum and jiote 二、七选五(10 分)

trees in the lime mix. When researchers tested out the recipe, they found the resulting How to Help Kids Save Our Oceans and Be Environmental Heroes

plaster was especially durable against physical and chemical damage. The world’s oceans benefit us in many different ways. _____________We

Studies have found all kinds of natural materials mixed into structures from long need clean and healthy oceans to protect our own health and to support future

ago: fruit extracts, milk, cheese curd, beer, even dung and urine. The paste that holds generations. Here are some simple ways to encourage children to protect our oceans.

together some of China’s most famous structures—including the Great Wall and the Do a local clean-up

Forbidden City — includes traces of sticky rice. Beach, lake or river clean-ups are a great way to get children involved in keeping

“Some of these ancient builders might have just gotten lucky”, said Cecilia Pesce, our environment free from rubbish. Even a local park will benefit from a clean-up.

a materials scientist at the University of Sheffield in England, “They’d throw just about Less trash in the environment in general is less trash that could get washed away in our

anything into their mixes, as long as it was cheap and available.” bodies of water. Gather the family to pick up rubbish together. _____________

Today’s builders can’t just copy the ancient recipes. Even though Roman concrete Reuse disposed ( 废弃的 ) items

lasted a longtime, it couldn’t hold up heavy loads: “You couldn’t build a modern A great way to get kids involved in recycling is to encourage them to find other

skyscraper with Roman concrete,” Cecilia said. “It would collapse.” Instead, uses for old items. Instead of throwing something away, help them turn it into art!

researchers are trying to take some of the ancient material’s specialties and add them _____________The children took a trip to the local beach and were

into modern mixes. encouraged to pick up different types of rubbish that could be turned into artwork.

12.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? “Trash isn’t just trash, because you can create loads of things with it. It ends up not

being trash anymore, but a beautiful piece of art,” one of the children said.

_____________ mind___27_____the final scene of reunion, on and on,___28_____my own

More than 70 percent of the plastic we use does not get recycled, and a lot of this lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together.

plastic waste is swept into our oceans. Cutting down on plastic use is important if we My mother’s__29___returned me to the real world. It__30_to me that I had

are to protect our oceans. read a book, and I had loved reading that book. Books____31____be

Often, pre-packaged fruits and vegetables at supermarkets are a big source of incredibly wonderful and I was going to read them.

single-use plastic. Getting kids interested in growing their own food is a fun and I____32____told my mother about my “miraculous” experience that summer,

educational way to cut down on plastic use and shorten supply chains of foods. but she saw a slow but remarkable improvement in my

Besides, educate kids to use as little plastic as possible. classroom__33__during the next year. And years later, she was__34____that

Eat sustainably sourced fish her son had read thousands of books, was awarded a PhD in literature,

_____________Unsustainable fishing practices threaten the food security of and_35___his own books, articles, poetry and fiction. The power of the words

these communities, both by taking away these marine (海洋的) resources but also by has held.

harming their life. You can help by eating fish that are rich in the sea. 16.A.a suggestion B.an order C.a job D.a direction

A. Reduce plastic use 17.A.defeat B.abandon C.destroy D.complete

B. Yet, our oceans are being heavily polluted 18.A.pushed B.fetched C.brought D.pulled

C. Plastic is a material produced from oil by a chemical process 19.A.presented B.printed C.included D.displayed

D. The kids will really see the difference it makes to an area that they play in 20.A.given away B.given up C.given in D.given off

E. Fish is an essential part of a balanced diet for many people across the globe 21.A.small B.hairy C.identical D.brave

F. People can have an opportunity to appreciate rare fish in an aquarium (水族馆) 22.A.picture B.title C.cover D.dog

G. Local school children in Rome, Italy recently participated in a “Creating art from 23.A.unknowingly B.unconsciously C.uneasily D.unwillingly

waste” workshop 24.A.shade B.light C.background D.influence

三、完形填空(30 分) 25.A.paragraphs B.words C.fingers D.pages

One day, when I was 12, my mother gave me___16_____: I was to walk to 26.A.stolen B.separated C.gone D.sold

the public library and borrow at least one book for the summer. This was one 27.A.witnessed B.continued C.struggled D.learned

more weapon for her to____17____my strange problem-inability to read. 28.A.before B.when C.until D.while

In the library, I sat down on the floor in the children’s section, 29.A.shout B.call C.worry D.swear

and___18_____a few books off the shelf at random. The cover of a book 30.A.seemed B.occurred C.happened D.referred

caught my eye, it_19__a picture of a dog. I had recently had a dog, the first 31.A.would B.could C.should D.must

and only animal companion I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, 32.A.seldom B.always C.never D.frequently

but one morning, he was gone,__20___to someone who had a space and 33.A.performance B.activity C.response D.reaction

money to care for him. I never forgot my dog. 34.A.proud B.eager C.crazy D.happy

There on the book’s cover was a dog which looked_21__to my dog, as if they 35.A.mastered B.found C.owned D.authored

were the same one. I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover. 四、语法填空(15 分)

My eyes ran across the___22_____, Amos, the Dog with a Plan.____23___I China's TikTok, which ______(take) the world by storm in the past three

had read the title. Without opening the book, I borrowed it from the library. years, is working its magic in its home nation, too.

Under the___24_of a bush I started to read about Amos. I read very slowly In the annual report of ______(it) parent company ByteDance this week, the

with difficulty. Though___25_____were turned slowly, I got the main idea of Chinese version of TikTok, _____ (call) Douyin, has accumulated 400 million

the story about a dog who, like mine, had been___26_____from his family daily active users. This is an _______ (impress) growth for the addictive

and who finally found his way back home. At the end of the story, my video app, _____ had 250 million daily active users in January last year.

The report not only describes the user behavior and trends but also illustrates (评分标准)

the cultural difference ______China and the US. For example, knowledge- 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。

based content is ________ (extreme) popular in China, and less so in the US. ______________________________________________________________

Also, in the US, it seems that it's mostly teenagers who are creating the ______________________________________________________________

dances, but in China those who produce the most dance videos are users born ______________________________________________________________

in ______ 1960s. ______________________________________________________________

With Douyin, users can record videos, edit them and share them online. It is a ______________________________________________________________

great way _______ (spend) the leisure time browsing these funny videos. ______________________________________________________

Now, Douyin has established itself as one of the largest knowledge, culture 六、作文(30 分)

and art _______ (platform) in China. 随着全球环境的恶化,越来越多的人选择过“低碳生活(low-carbon life)”,即减少二氧

五、读后续写(20 分) 化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。请写一篇英文倡议书,倡议你的同学们加入

请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。 “低碳一族”,为环保做出贡献。提示要点如下:

Much is unknown about how Covid-19, a new coronavirus, spreads. Current 1.用手洗衣服;

knowledge is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. 2.多走楼梯,少用电梯;

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different 3.去超市自备购物袋;

species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal 4.步行或者骑自行车上学;

coronaviruses can infect people and then spread between people such as with 5…….

MERS, SARS, and now with Covid-19. 注意:

Most often, spread from person-to-person happens among close contacts 1.词数:120-150 左右。

(about 6 feet). Person-to-person spread is thought to occur mainly via 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

respiratory droplets (呼吸飞沫) produced when an infected person coughs or

sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens (病原体)

spread. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are

nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It's currently unclear if a person

can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and

then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.

It's important to note that how easily a virus spreads person-to-person can

vary. Some viruses are highly contagious (传染性) (like measles), while other

viruses are less so. There is much more to learn about the transmissibility

severity, and other features associated with Covid-19.


1.用约 30 个单词概述上文有关冠状病毒传播的路径;

2.用约 120 个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:


(2)面对疫情,请你发出 2-3 个倡议,助力中国战胜疫情。






密山市高级中学 2023-2024 学年度高三联考期末考试




1-3 C A B 31.B

4-7 C A D C 32.C

8-11 C A C B 33.A

12-15 D B D A 34.A

- F C D E B 35.D

16.B has taken

17.A its

18.D called

19.A Impressive

20.A which

21.C between

22.B extremely

23.A the

24.A to spend

25.D platforms

26.B 读后续写


While coronaviruses inhabiting in wild animals rarely others,and our countryas well.

spread between people,Covid-19 actually has persion- 作文

to-person transmissibility,mainly through close One possible version:

contacts with an in fected person,especially his With the global warming getting worse,more people

respiratory droplets. choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of

In a bid to contain the spread of Covid-19both the reducing green house gases. As students, we have the

government and individuals should pay close attention responsibility to change our lifestyle to fit the

to it. Besides putting strict restrictioin on world better. The following are some small things that

travelling everywhere,the government should educate may lead to big improvement of tche environment.

people on how to prevent the virus. For individuals, Firstly, wash your clothes by hand instead of using

it's necessary to obey the regulationsr eleased by washing

the government. What's more,they are supposed to machines. Secondly,don't take elevators unless it is

reduce outdoor activities. Keep it in mind that we necessary, using stairs does good to both your health

should wear a mask when going out and wash hands and the environment. Thirdly, remember to bring your

regularly. own shoppingbags when you go to the superrmarket.

At this critical moment, we should thank those who Lastly, go to school on foot or by bicycle. Busies

are carrying the weight for us in the epidemic. What produce carbon, too

we students must do now is stay ait home and dive into Let's take action and be low-carbon people!

our studies,Which is our responsibility for ourselves,





