
2024-03-07·17页·3.3 M




本试卷共8 页,满分 120 分。考试用时 120 分。


1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。

2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息



3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域



4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


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The Art Of Home:

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In The Art Of Home, the author Shea McGee takes us through every room of the house, starting

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Never Too Small:

Small footprint design proves that living better doesn't have to mean living larger. Following the

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21. What is Steeple Chasing about?

A. Exploring history behind London's churches.

B. Spreading knowledge of church construction.

C. Showing beautiful photography of great cathedrals.

D. Sharing experience of being an award-winning writer.

22. What do The Art Of Home and Sort Your Life Out have in common?

A. They have the same prices. B. They are both adapted from a show.

C. They share the similar focus. D. They both guide readers in three steps.

23. Which of the following meets the concept of Never Too Small?

A. Less is more. B. Live smaller but better.

C. The smaller, the better. D. Enlarge your space, enlarge your life.


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Here we are, wrapping up 2023 in a red bow like one of the holiday presents in a TV commercial.

It was a year full of poetic discoveries for our editorial team and especially for me. I encountered so

many new-to-me poets. Diana Solis from the December 2022 issue and Joyce Mansour from the June

2023 issue are examples of this: poets with whom I was unfamiliar and who have now become part

of my daily conversation. Living in Chicago, I might have encountered Diana Solis some other way.

She is an icon of revolutionary poetry and photography. What a gift to learn, to be enthusiastic about

new poetics like I'm still in the front row of the classroom, trying to do my best.

Two truths I've learned about Chicago since moving here: Chicago is a city that holds things

close and doesn't need to show off about its riches. And there are riches everywhere -great music all

over the place, the best pizza, an embarrassment of architectures, and, of course, poetry on every

corner. Nelson Algren said every great writer must spend time in Chicago.

The final version of 2023 is from a distinguished Chicagoan, the poet and journalist Frank

Marshall Davis. When I read his work for the first time, I was struck by the truth of the poems, his

clear-eyed critique (批评). He was a truth teller when no one wanted to listen. This issue also

includes poems of another Chicago great, Li-Young Lee. His poems taught me how to think about

romance as an engine for a poem. Multiple generations of poets have been using the man's gestures

in their love poems, often without realizing it, because even their teachers were borrowing from Li-

Young Lee too.

So maybe that is why this issue has me in my holiday feels. Poems can be for the poet and the

community concurrently, an offering of the self that indicates the care of the giver.

24. What is the occupation of the author?

A. A magazine editor. B. A news reporter.

C. A blog writer. D. A Chicagoan poet.

25. What does the author think of the year 2023?

A. Everything was new in this year. B. It was a year of poetry revolutionary.

C. New poets led the way in this year. D. It was a year of discovery and learning.

26. What impresses the author most about Chicago?

A. The great art everywhere. B. Its multicultural atmosphere.

C. The economic development. D. Its hidden music and poems.

27. Why does the author mention poets Frank Marshall Davis and Li-Young Lee?

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A. To set examples for young poets.

B. To show the great impact of poems.

C. To promote their unique writing technique.

D. To emphasize the importance of poetry reading.


A wild African bird that will lead people to trees with honeycomb(蜂巢) seems to somehow

learn the distinct whistles and calls of the human foragers(觅食者) who live near them.

This bird species has far more information about what the bees are doing than humans ever

could. In Tanzania, Hadza foragers can use a special whistle to attract this bird, which will then fly

down and start leading them to honey. With its noisy chattering sound, the bird is very conspicuous.

Once the bird arrives at a tree with honey inside, it will rest near the beehive silently, seemingly not

to disturb the bees. That's the signal to the Hadza to really start searching, says Brian Wood, an

anthropologist at University of California, Los Angeles. Pretty soon, the foragers will locate the hive

and cut open the tree trunk.

It is found that the birds are more likely to show up when the familiar signal used by the locals

is being broadcast. According to the research, the birds appear 82% of the time when Hadza whistles

are being played. But they appear only 24% of the time when the researchers play the whistles

traditionally used in a different country.

This makes it clear that the birds have learned what their human neighbors do when they want

to partner up and go honey-hunting. This is a very strong result which supports the idea that there's

a learning process involved, says Wood.

But how do the birds learn? It's still unclear. What is clear is that this human-animal

communication seems to benefit both parties, and it may go back many thousands of years. When the

honeycomb is out, the birds get some of the beeswax, which they love to eat. And the human foragers

get the honey -which is an enormously important food for the Hadza. Wood has calculated that the

Hadza get about 10% of the calories in their annual diet with the help of the birds.

28. What does the underlined word conspicuous in Para. 2 mean?

A. Eye-catching. B. Care-free. C. Naughty. D. Attractive.

29. What can we know about the birds?

A. They are raised by humans. B. They help cut open the tree trunk.

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C. They feed on honey as their annual diet. D. They can distinguish different whistles.

30. Which of the following can best describe the honey gathering?

A. A complex dilemma. B. An unfair trade.

C. A double-edged sword. D. A win-win cooperation.

31. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. The familiar signal in the forest.

B. A talented expert in hunting the bees.

C. A wonderful guide to collecting honey.

D. The human-animal communication in Tanzania.


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational technology has brought

convenience and efficiency to classrooms worldwide. However, despite these advancements, it is

crucial to recognize the significant challenges it poses to the autonomy and professional judgment of

instructors. One of the primary concerns associated with AI-driven tools in education is the

depersonalization of instruction. These tools often rely on pre-packaged digital content and

standardized solutions, leaving little room for instructors to tailor their teaching methods.

Each student possesses unique characteristics, including distinct learning styles, strengths, and

weaknesses. Instructors, armed with their wealth of experience and expertise, are best positioned to

customize their approaches to meet these individual needs. They know how to adapt to their students'

varying learning styles. However, AI-driven platforms restrict their ability to do so effectively,

resulting in a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to engage and inspire students to reach their

maximum potential.

The implications of this depersonalization are far-reaching. By diminishing(降低) the role of

instructors as facilitators of meaningful educational interactions, we run the risk of preventing the

growth of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

Education should not merely focus on knowledge acquisition (习得), but should also

develop the ability to analyze, evaluate, and apply that knowledge in real-world contexts. It should

help one's mind grow, not simply possess information. Through dynamic classroom discussions,

cooperative projects, and hands-on activities, instructors play a vital role in cultivating these essential

skills. AI-driven platforms, with their standardized solutions and automated features, are ill-equipped

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to provide the same level of engagement and intellectual stimulation as human instructors. While AI-

driven platforms undeniably have their advantages, we must not lose sight of the importance of

preserving instructors' autonomy and the educational experience they provide.

32. Why do AI-driven tools fail to help instructors adjust their teaching methods?

A. Their solutions will be challenged

B. They don't have professional judgement.

C. Their digital content is set previously.

D. They think little of the students' autonomy.

33. What advantage do instructors have over AI-driven tools?

A. They are more professional. B. They can satisfy individual needs.

C. They have higher efficiency. D. They adopt one-size-fits-all approach.

34. In which aspect does depersonalization in education influence on students?

A. Their response in classroom discussions. B. Their ability in solving real life problems.

C. Their willingness to cooperate with others. D. Their adaptability to various learning styles.

35. What should education focus on apart from knowledge acquisition?

A. Doing cooperative projects. B. Organizing hands-on activities.

C. Developing thinking ability. D. Evaluating students' development.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)



The Decluttering Philosophy That Keeps Your Home Organized

When you sit at your desk, you may constantly be confronted by chaos. 36 Here an expert

shares about some useful strategies to keep our messes at bay and her decluttering philosophy -getting

rid of unnecessary possessions and distractions.

37 What becomes clutter and where your clutter collects can say a lot about what's going

on with you. Thus the first thing you should keep in mind is to understand your clutter. When you

understand the reasons behind your clutter, it's a lot easier to know what to keep and what to get rid


When it comes to organizing, don't bite off more than you can chew. If you start off with too big

a goal, you might get discouraged if the job takes too long. 38 Instead, start with something less

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challenging. You can also work within short time restrictions. All in all, setting realistic goals and

breaking tasks up into manageable portions can really help.

Once you've chosen an area to declutter, make a list of everything you have in that space. Then

comes the hardest part: figuring out what to get rid of. At this stage, please look at your items with

neutral eyes. 39 .

Admittedly, it's easy to be organized the day after decluttering, when tidiness is still top of mind.

But what happens when you come home from a trip and are too tired to unpack your luggage? Or

when you get the flu and are too sick to clean up? 40 . In other words, make a system that works

for you even when you've got to work or when you've got a cold.

A. Everyone's clutter tells a personal story.

B. So don't restore your entire garage in one afternoon.

C. The key is to create practices that can be easily maintained.

D. It can help you let go of things you don't need but feel attached.

E. Comparatively speaking, the job taking shorter time will be easier to finish.

F. At this time you may wonder how to clean up your space and keep it that way.

G. If you are worried about these situations, you can delay your decluttering schedule.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空格处的最佳选


Amazonian natives are facing home destruction. To arouse people's awareness of protecting

them, Thomas, an American documentarian, decided to record the lives of the Awa, a 41 and

isolated Amazonian community. For the sake of gaining their trust, Thomas had to mix himself with

the natives. When 42 their unknown personal daily routine, he tried to remain as 43 as possible.

44 , he failed. As a tall man 45 over the natives at 1. 93 meters, Thomas couldn't fit in 46 . It

wasn't just a white guy walking in, but a massive large one.

Thomas 47 something else-making friends. With the help of a silly application in his

smartphone, Thomas soon 48 the children, filling the forest with hearty laughter. After all, the

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kids didn't have the 49 as adults. Unexpectedly, the adults also burst into laughter, a symbol of

trust that ensured Thomas he was 50 .

The rainforest is amazing, but it was challenging to work in it. Heat, rain, and various unwanted

souvenirs from Amazonian 51 complicated Thomas' job. The bites and poison got him to stir up

a love-hate relationship, once pushing him in a dilemma. Despite the 52 , Thomas insisted on his


To make audience better understand the Awa, Thomas focused on something 53 like the

universal affection for homes and families. With the common topics, viewers can 54 the feelings

and better realize the Awa's current problem.

With tireless efforts, Thomas presented the 55 life of the Awa to the world, fostering a better

understanding and support for protecting the Awa's home.

41. A. mysterious B. rural C. religious D. diverse

42. A. performing B. documenting C. following D. organizing

43. A. unknown B. unaffected C. unchanged D. unnoticeable

44. A. Instead B. Somehow C. Unfortunately D. Accordingly

45. A. towering B. taking C. watching D. concerning

46. A. physically B. culturally C. mentally D. comfortably

47. A. worried about B. waited for C. talked about D. turned to

48. A. fooled B. amused C. cheated D. impressed

49. A. barriers B. education C. rules D. experience

50. A. humorous B. welcome C. entertaining D. accomplished

51. A. communities B. climate C. insects D. ceremony

52. A. boredom B. objection C. unwillingness D. struggle

53. A. unique B. similar C. typical D. positive

54. A. express B. reflect C. share D. exchange

55. A. fantastic B. novel C. independent D. real

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

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In the gentle winter sunlight, Gulangyu Island lies like a pearl in the ocean, quietly revealing

56 (it)unique charm. This small island is a witness 57 history. Every brick seems to tell stories

of the past. 58 (original)namedYuanshazhou and also known as Yuanzhouzi, it 59 (

refer)to as Wulongyu during the Southern Song Dynasty. Later, due to the sound resembling a

drum, it was renamed Gulangyu. Famous for its natural landscapes and cultural heritage, Gulangyu

boasts 60 (attraction)such as Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, and more. Figures like Ba Jin

and Lin Yutang found inspiration here, 61 (enrich)the island's intellectual heritage.

During the winter, life here seems to slow down. In the early morning, it's preferable to walk

through the alleys 62 (surround)by European-style buildings. Breathing in the air filled with

the smell of the sea 63 (bring)an extraordinary sense of freshness and joy. 64 walk to

Sunlight Rock on the island offers a view of the entire city of Xiamen. In the afternoon, one can enjoy

a rich cup of coffee in a caf by the sea, 65 feels like being in a moving painting with the occasional

fishing boat passing by. As the sun sets, the entire island is enveloped in a golden sunset. At this

moment, Gulangyu becomes even more gentle and romantic.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)



1. 参加人员、时间、路线;

2. 注意事项。


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

参考词汇:紧急疏散演练 urgent evacuation drill


the Students'Union

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第二节(满分 25 分)


An Outdoor Trip That Speaks Louder Than A Regular Class

One day, as Jack, a science teacher, stressed the pressing need for protecting Tangerine Darters,

a kind of fish, students in his class seemed uninterested and bored. Jack continued, but his students

showed little enthusiasm.

He paused for a moment, allowing the silence to settle in the classroom. Then he went on in a

different way.

Imagine, Jack began, his voice filled with passion, the feeling of wading(趟水) through

the clear shallow waters of Pigeon River, surrounded by the gentle sunlight. Picture the colors of the

Tangerine Darters as they gracefully swim through the currents, their orange bellies (肚子) shining

like rays of sunshine, or in that moment, a Tangerine Darter in your hands, its orange belly shining

in the sunlight. He painted a vivid picture with his words. Curiosity lit in his students' eyes as they

bent forward, eager to know more.

Jack continued, The darters are very picky about their habitats. The place where they live should

be very clean, and slight pollution could drive them away or even endanger their very existence.

As Jack spoke, his passion spread quickly among his students, who started to ask questions,

wanting to know more about the Tangerine Darters. Inspired by their newfound interest, Jack had an

idea. Why not take students to the Pigeon River, where they can witness the beauty of the Tangerine

Darters firsthand?

A week later, they were on the trip to the Pigeon River in Canton, North Carolina, where the

environment was well preserved in comparison with other industrial areas.

Sunshine bounced off the Pigeon River, and cool water flowed over rocks and boulders (卵石

) ---the preferred habitat of Tangerine Darters. With Jack, it was the first time that the students had

stood in the shallow water, eager to see their target of this fish ecology class field trip.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Suddenly, Jack bent and quickly caught a fish.

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