
2024-03-13·6页·9.3 M




高考金卷2024届全国卷适应卷(三) 耗它们储存的脂肪,导致它们没有足够的食物,从而导致它们死亡。B/D 两个选项均为症状,但

饥饿才是蝙蝠最后死亡的直接原因。故选 C。

英语答案 29. C 根据第三段 They help control the number of bugs that harm forests and spread

听力答案 1—5 BCACB 6—10 ACACB 11—15 BACBA 16—20 CBACA diseases, which can cause a whole bunch of problems. It could go worse, given that

阅读理解: the reduction in the number of bats will almost certainly disrupt the harmony in the

A 篇 21-23 DCA ecosystem and lead to disasters.可知蝙蝠有助于控制危害森林并传播疾病和导致一系列问题

主题:人与社会 的昆虫数量。考虑到蝙蝠数量的减少几乎肯定会扰乱生态系统的平衡并引发灾难,所以是一件相

大意:本文主要介绍四部经典美剧。 当令人担忧的事情。故选 C。

21.D 根据第一段“all of which offer authentic American accents and idioms”可知四部电 30. D 根据第三段和第四段 Experts are hired to watch bat colonies(群) more closely,

视剧都能给观众提供地道的美式发音和俚语。故选 D。 working with other countries and organizations, and making strict rules to limit the

22. C 根 据“ This Is Us”段落中“ Inspired by true figures, This Is Us tells the movement of things that might have the fungus ; Additionally, public awareness

story of the Pearson family”可知该美剧是根据真实故事改编的。故选 C。 campaigns are being conducted to gain support for bat conservation efforts and

23. A 根据 Prison Break 段落的“an engineer who intentionally gets himself imprisoned promote responsible cave exploration practices to minimize the risk of disease

to aid his wrongly blamed brother”可知 Michael 是故意去坐牢的。故选 A。 transmission 可知政府制定严格的规定,限制可能携带真菌的物品的流动,并没有说禁止蝙蝠的

活动。故选 D。

B 篇 24-27 BDDA 31. A 本文旨在说明一个真菌感染蝙蝠,导致问题以及政府所采取的措施,作者并未强加任何主

主题:人与社会 观色彩。故选 A。


24.B 根 据 第 一 段“ my Jewish friend, Rachel, who like me don’t get connected with D 篇 32-35 BACD

Christmas due to any religion thing, invited me to join her for a Chinese dinner. 主题:人与社会

She explained that it was a tradition for many Jewish people to eat Chinese food on 大意:本文介绍数学的重要性和学好数学的关键。

Christmas Eve”可知犹太人和我庆祝圣诞都与宗教无关,另外对于许多犹太人来说,吃中餐过圣 32 B 根据第三段 As a matter of fact, the main reason why many people do not excel in

诞是一种传统。故选 B。 mathematics is the widespread worry and unease.可知事实上,许多人在数学方面表现不佳

25. D 根 据 第 三 段 中“ At first, I was puzzled. Why were they singing in a Chinese 的主要原因是普遍存在的担忧和不安。故选 B。

restaurant”可知当有人在中餐馆唱圣歌的时候,我非常迷惑。 故选 D。 33 A 根据上下文可知通过认识到数学在日常生活中的实际应用以及在推进科学知识方面的不可或

26. D 根据第一段中 Rachel, who, like me, doesn’t get connected with Christmas due to 缺的作用,一个人可以发掘其在个人和智力成长方面的潜力。Crucial 最接近上下文表述。故选

any religious things, invited me to join her for a dinner in a Chinese restaurant 可 A。

知 Rachel 邀请我过节和宗教无关;再根据最后一段的内容,作者明白了过圣诞节就是吃吃喝喝, 34. C 根据最后一段 Let us drive away the myth that mathematics is an abstract and

享受朋友的陪伴,而这正是节日的真谛,与宗教信仰无关。B/C 选项包含在 D 中。故选 D。 useless subject, and instead, let's embrace it as a powerful tool that opens doors

27. A 全文记述了作者和朋友庆祝圣诞的亲身经历,故此文有可能出自私人博客。 故选 A。 to new possibilities and insights 可知让我们驱散数学是抽象且无用的谬论,相反,让我们

拥抱数学,将其视为一种强大的工具,打开通往新可能性和洞见的大门。故选 C。

C 篇 28-31 CCDA 35 D 文章的写作思路大致为,先提出数学学习的问题,再给出解决方案。故选 D。


大意:本文介绍了一种针对蝙蝠的致命真菌以及它的影响,还有加拿大政府对此“生态危机”所 七选五 36-40 GBFAD

采取的措施。 主题:人与自我

28. C 根 据 第 二 段“ one of the most accepted views is that it makes them 大意:本文介绍了肺炎的基本情况和相关注意事项。

uncomfortable. This makes the bats stay awake a little bit more and uses up their 36. G 根据上文提到的北方肺炎的严重形式,“人们有必要了解肺炎知识”符合语境。故选 G。

stored fat, leading to them not having enough food, which causes them to die”可知其 37. B 根据上文 Going to the doctor quickly is extremely important to get the right

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treatment 可知及时就医得到正确治疗很重要。“否则可能致命”符合题意。故选 B。 56 higher 57 expressed 58 by 59 generosity 60 an

38. F 根据题目的“症状”提示以及后文的具体症状描述可知“流感迹象出现的时候要小心”符 61 university's 62 unbelievable 63 founding 64 which 65 officially

合语境,故选 F。

39. A 考查段落大意。本段主要阐述了需要正确使用抗生素,以及不正确使用的后果。“正确治 主题:人与社会

疗”符合题意,故选 A。 大意:本文主要讲述小米集团创始人雷军给其母校武汉大学捐款的事迹。

40. D 根据下文的多休息可知“不过度劳累”符合题意。故选 D。 56 higher 考查词性转换-形容词变比较级。句意:中国高等教育史上接收到的最大单笔捐赠。

完形填空 41-45 DACBA 46-50 DCBAA 51-55 BCDDB higher education-高等教育,属于固定搭配。故填 higher。

主题:人与社会 57 expressed 考查谓语动词时态。句意:雷军,这位 1991 年该大学计算机学院的毕业生,表达

大意:本文主要讲述作者生气后故意摔坏钢笔,父母独特的处理方法教会了我做人的道理。 了他希望通过支持培养中国优秀的工程师、科学家和科技企业家来促进学校未来发展的愿望。

41D 考查动词短语。句意:父母处理这些情况的方式通常直接决定了这些错误的价值。“deal 根据上下文,此处应该是过去时态。故填 expressed。

with-处理”,符合题意,故选 D。 58 by 考查介词。句意见第 57 题。do sth by doing sth 为固定搭配。故填 by。

42 A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有责备我,我的父母选择了一种不同的方式。“approach-方 59 generosity 考查词性转换-形容词变名词。句意:为表彰他的慷慨之举,武汉大学向雷军颁

式,方法”,符合题意,故选 A。 发了“杰出教育贡献”奖章和捐赠证书。限定词 his 后需要接名词。故填 generosity。

43 C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每次我看到那支损坏的钢笔,它都成为了一堂温和而又有力的 60 an 考查冠词。 句意见 59 题解析。“一个奖章”符合题意,因为“outstanding”的首字母

教训。“damaged-损坏的”符合题意。故选 C。 发音为元音音素,故填 an。

44 B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意见 43 题解析。“powerful-有力量的”符合题意,故选 B。 61 university's 考查名词所有格。句意:该大学的校长。根据上下文,president 和提示词之

45 A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:起初,我不理解为什么他们没有直接责备我或惩罚我。 间是所属关系,故应该使用名词所有格。故填 university’s。

“directly-直接地”符合题意,故选 A。 62 unbelievable 考查词性变换-动词变形容词。句意:雷军令人难以置信的学业成就故事。

46 D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,随着日子的流逝,那支破损的笔成为我轻率行为的象 achievement 为名词,需要被形容词修饰。故填 unbelievable。

征。“ill-considered-考虑欠妥的”符合题意,故选 D。 63 founding 考查非谓语动词。句意:雷军在大学期间在软件开发领域取得的难以置信的成

47 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这让我反思我的行为以及让愤怒控制我的后果。”take control 就,以及随后在创办小米方面取得的成功,在学生中已经成为传奇。正如张平文所说,这个故事

of – 控制”符合题意,故选 C。 可以永久地激励武汉大学的无数年轻人,在各自的领域为社会发展做出贡献,不论贡献的大小。

48 B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:父母的沉默胜过言辞。“spoke-说,讲话”符合题意,故选 B。 根据上下文,介词后应加 v-ing 做宾语。故填 founding。

49 A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到耐心和自控是必须培养的重要品质。”essential-必 64 which 考查连词。句意见 62 题解析。此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整句话。故填

要的,必须的”符合题意,故选 A。 which。

50 A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:与其冲动地反应,我学会了在采取行动之前退后一步进行反 65 officially 考查词性转换-形容词变副词。在今年六月,由雷军捐资支持的人工智能教学与研

思。”reflect-反思”符合题意,故选 A。 究大楼正式投入使用。副词修饰动词,故填 officially。

51 B 考查动词词义辨析。 句意:时光飞逝,我变得更加耐心和深思熟虑。”Time flies-时光飞

逝”符合题意,故选 B。 应用文写作

52 C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那支破损的笔,那个给我带来无尽后悔的源泉,如今成为我行为 【参考范文】

积极变化的催化剂。“regret-后悔”符合题意,故选 C。 Cultural Exchange Event with International Students

53 D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:父母的静默管教教给了我一个关于反思的力量和从错误中学习的 Last weekend witnessed Cultural Exchange Event with International Students.

重要教训。“taught-教会”符合题意。故选 D。 It’s a cultural exchange event organized by our school's English Club in

54 D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次经历塑造了我成为一个更好的人,提醒我有时候,最深刻的 collaboration with international students from our city. The event aimed to foster

教训往往来自于无声的后果。“shaped-塑造,成就”符合题意,故选 D。 cross-cultural understanding and create a platform for students to connect and share

55 B 考查名词词义辨析。句意见 54 题解析。“consequences-后果”符合题意,故选 B。 experiences and of course to celebrate the brand-new year.

The event kicked off with everybody present singing Together We Can, which was

amazing. We had a great mix of activities, including language games, traditional

短文填空 food tasting, and performances that showcased the diverse talents within our

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community. It was awesome to see everyone mingling and having a blast together. The the day.

highlight was definitely the dumpling-making part, where everyone had a blast. M: I think you should also sleep early, eat more vegetables and fruit, and try to

Overall, this cultural exchange was an eye-opening experience, which made engage in regular exercise.

young folks appreciate the richness of diversity and promoted the idea that despite Text 4(24 词)栩栩如生的动物画

our cultural differences, we're all connected in this global community. W: Look at all these animals you drew!

M: Yes, I referenced some wildlife documentaries.

W: It’s a great work. They look incredibly lifelike.

Text 5(37 词)误杀宠物蜘蛛

读后续写 M: Watch it! Oh, no. You stepped on my baby regal jumper!

范文: W: Uh, what?

Unfortunately,a single misstep led to his failure. When he got back home with M: The spider! I just bought it online! Now it’s dead!

tears in his eyes, he checked all his social media and wrote, Done with W: Oh, I’m so sorry. I’ll get you a new one.

competitions forever. Coach Blake, worried and determined, rushed over to Simon's Text 6(82 词)姊妹争执

place. Sitting down next to him, he said Failing this time is just a stepping stone W: Jerry, you made the wrong turn again! You were supposed to make a right turn just

to success. I believe in you! He also shared real stories, highlighting the now!

importance of sticking it out. As Simon gazed at the coach's anxious expression and M: Uh, didn’t you say 221 Baker Street?

listened to his sincere words, he was profoundly touched. Slowly but surely, the W: I said 212 Bessy Street! Like three times!

knot of self-doubt inside him began to loosen. M: Sorry, I’ve been a bit distracted today.

He decided to make peace with his failure and embrace the challenge. Over the W: Just pull over and let me get off. I’ll get a taxi.

next few months, Simon's diligent efforts were on display as he engaged with his M: Oh, please. I’m supposed to take care of you when Mom and Dad are away.

coach in the afternoons, watched instructional videos, and continued practicing well W: I’ll be fine. Just take care of yourself first.

into the late hours of the night. Hard work paid off, and in the mid-year Text 7(96 词)公路之旅

competition of the year, Simon secured the community street dance championship. With W: Mike, how was the weather during your road trip?

the cheers of the audience, Coach Breaker tightly embraced Simon, saying, Success M: It was mostly sunny and pleasant. We did experience a thunderstorm one evening,

is not just about winning; it's about rising after each fall. You've proven that but we had checked the weather forecast beforehand, and it added a touch of

determination conquers all. excitement to the journey.

W: Did you get to visit all the places you had planned?

听力原文 M: Almost all. Unfortunately, we missed out on visiting the ancient ruins on the

Text 1(37 词)想买床头柜 last day due to some unexpected road closures. But overall, we covered all the major

W: Darling, I feel like there’s something missing in our bedroom. highlights. We explored stunning mountains, visited charming towns, and had some

M: Really? But we already have a great double bed. unforgettable adventures.

W: We still need a bedside table where we can place the lamp and small items. Text 8(178 词)点播歌曲

Text 2(44 词)会议推迟 M: Hello, Music on Air.

M: It’s just 15 minutes until 9 o’clock. The meeting is about to start. Can we W: Hi there! This is Samantha. I’d like to request a song for my sister Jennie.

make it to the office in time? She’s getting married.

W: Don’t worry, I just received a message. The boss is stuck in traffic. The M: Wow, congratulations to Jennie! So, what song do you have in mind, Samantha?

meeting has been postponed to 9:30. W: I’m still thinking. Do you have any advice?

Text 3(38 词)健康生活 M: Let me think, music suitable for weddings ... Well, some of the most commonly

W: I’ve already taken the medicine the doctor gave me, but I still feel tired all requested songs here are “Dancing Queen” by ABBA and “Marry You” by Bruno Mars.

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And, of course, my personal favorite is “Wonderwall” by Oasis. The project marks the first time China has built a large, advanced cruise ship on

W: My whole family loves Bruno Mars. its own. This will make China the fifth country in the world in large cruise ship

M: Great! Then I guess it’s “Marry You” then. production after Germany, France, Italy and Finland.

W: Okay. Can you play it around 11 a.m. on May 9th? In the future, the cruise ship will leave Shanghai for Japan and Southeast Asia.

M: You mean the day after tomorrow. Sure thing. Any other requirements?

W: Yes. I want to tell Jennie that I love her so much. I hope that every day of her

married life is filled with happiness and joy.

M: That’s so sweet of you, Samantha. Could you provide a contact number for our


W: Absolutely! You can reach me at ...

Text 9(212 词)关于天才们的有趣事实

M: You look so fascinated. What is it?

W: Hey, give it back! I haven’t finished reading it yet!

M: Hmm. Crazy Facts About History’s Geniuses. What kind of crazy facts?

W: Well, for example, Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, had an unusual habit

of not wearing socks.

M: Going sockless does provide a more comfortable and natural feel. I don’t like

wearing socks either.

W: You’re just lazy and don’t want to wash them. For Einstein, he believed that

socks restricted the blood flow to his brain, preventing him from thinking clearly.

M: Interesting. Let me see. Hmm, Marie Curie. What was her story?

W: Well, we all know she was a pioneering scientist, but do you know she was also a

major hero of World War I? During the war, she developed some X-ray cars known as

“Little Curies”, which provided X-ray services to injured soldiers on the front


M: That’s admirable. Let me see what else is in here. Oh, Salvador Dali — his

imaginative paintings are my favorites.

W: Yeah, he had an unusual pet named Babu. It was an ocelot, a cat-like beast. He

would take it for walks in Paris, and it even accompanied him to fancy restaurants.

Now, can I have my book back, please?

Text 10(162 词)首艘国产大型邮轮出坞

M: Hello, I am Matthew, bringing you the evening news. China’s first homegrown

cruise ship completed the process of leaving the dock in Shanghai on June 6th. It

was the cruise ship’s first time in the water. Named “Adora Magic City”, the ship

will be fully built and checked by the end of this year.

The cruise ship is over 320 meters long and about 37 meters wide, and it’s designed

to hold more than 6,500 passengers. There are 14 floors on the cruise ship. It will

have a luxury hotel, cinemas and a water park on board as well as a large shopping

center, covering about 2,000 square meters.

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