
2024-03-27·16页·6.9 M



第一部分 听力

1—5 CBCAA 6—10 BCBCB 11—15 CBAAA 16—20 BACCA


Text 1

M: When does the meeting start and end? And when’s the speech?

W: It starts at 9 AM on Monday, and ends at 5 PM on Friday. The speech is at 10 AM Wednesday.

Text 2

W: I decided to take a break from social media.

M: Oh, why’s that?

W: They were affecting my writing the article about the robots.

Text 3

M: Hey, the dinner was excellent. Let’s go home now.

W: Where did we park the car after the movie?

M: Let me think...I believe it’s near the caf across the street because we couldn’t find a parking place then.

Text 4

W: What do you plan to do this weekend?

M: Not sure yet, maybe explore a new hiking trail. How about you?

W: I’m thinking of trying out that new Italian noodle place downtown.

Text 5

W: Hey, Bob! What’s your take on AI? Will it replace humans someday?

M: Not really, Alice. AI can enhance our lives, but human creativity isn’t replaceable. We’ll work together with

machines rather than be replaced by them.

Text 6

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: I’m just looking at the moment. I bought my trainers from you a few months ago during the sale and I thought I’d

come back to see what else you have in store.

W: Well, we’re planning to reduce some of our running shorts next week, so feel free to have a look at them.

M: Thanks. I’ll buy a pair of running socks while I’m here. I can get them cheaper online, but I like to support local shops.

Text 7

M: So I hear you’ve decided on Manchester University. Is that right?

W: Yes. I’ve looked at a few now and I think that’s the best for me.

M: You were saying there are better ones for your subject area but I’ve been told it’s still good.

W: I know, I’m happy with the course. I’ve now got to organize my accommodation.

M: I’ve heard rent isn’t too expensive there so you may be able to find somewhere nice. Once you’ve made some

friends at university, you’ll be able to share a place.

Text 8

W: Hello. Online Meals Service.

M: Could you tell me about the different meal options?

W: Sure, we do Meals for Two. That’s 160.50 per week. Then we do a Family Meals option, which is suitable for two

英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 1页(共 8页)

adults and up to three children.

M: I see. What do you include in each meal?

W: I can send you some menus to look at. Sometimes we include bread, but not always, and sometimes we offer different

desserts. However, what we never do without is some kind of fruit. We want our meals to be varied, but nutritious.

M: Nice idea. So, in terms of cost, my friend told me she was paying 192.75 each week.

W: That’s what it is, yes. It was 219.50, until we found some different suppliers, and so we were able to reduce the

price by 26.75.

M: Great!

W: There’s one more option. Luxury Meals. Well, they are for five people, 233.50 a week, which I think are good for money.

Text 9

W: Hey, Taylor! I heard you’re planning a trip to Antarctica. That’s quite adventurous!

M: Yeah, Ava! I’ve always been fascinated by the untouched wilderness down there. It’s like stepping onto another planet.

W: Absolutely! But it must be really challenging too, right? The extreme cold and all that snow.

M: Oh yes, definitely. I’m preparing for sub-zero temperatures and unkind winds.

W: How are you getting around? Will you be taking one of those ice-breaking ships?

M: Yes, exactly. We’ll sail through the Drake Passage, which is known to be rough but also incredibly scenic. Once we

reach Antarctica, we’ll use boats to land on shore and explore the icy landscapes.

W: And what about wildlife? Are you excited to see penguins and seals up close?

M: Absolutely! Seeing Emperor Penguins in their natural habitat is one of my top priorities. Plus, the whales and

leopard seals —It seems that a photographer’s dream is coming true!

W: Sounds amazing! Just remember to respect the environment and follow all the guidelines for responsible tourism.

Enjoy every moment of this once-in-a-lifetime journey!

M: You bet! It’s all about engaging myself in nature while being aware of its weakness.

Text 10

If you’re looking for things to do over the summer, there’s lots going on in the area. The Activity Centre is

running a wide range of activities for all the family. There’s climbing for beginners on the fifth of July. The centre has

also organized a walk along the coast path for a look at some of the creatures you can find there. The centre is open

seven days a week, with a special open day on the thirteenth of June to give you an idea of what else is on offer.

As you know, our town has a very long history, and those with an interest in the past can sign up for one of the

guided walks the History Group has organized.

For film lovers, the Arts Centre has a full programme of films running throughout the summer months. And the

Book Festival, which starts on the fourteenth of August, has several speakers on its programme and book readings by

some well-known authors. What’s novel and most attractive is that this year they’ll be organizing a question and answer

session for anyone interested in writing poetry. The Arts Centre expects this to be quite popular, so you should call

them first to book a place.

第二部分 阅读



【篇章导读】本文是一篇应用文,本课程是由《卫报》组织的一场在线付费活动,由屡获殊荣的作家 Stuart Evers



【解析】细节理解题。根据“with a special focus on coming up with ideas”可知,本课程特别重视创作构思。故

选 C。

英语参考答案(新高考卷)第 2页(共 8页)





