
2024-04-03·13页·289.1 K

鞍山市普通高中 2023—2024学年度高三第二次质量监测


考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分



2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话

后,你都有 10 秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15.B.9.18.C..9.15.

答案是 C。

1.What is the weather like now?

A.It’s sunny. B.It’s cloudy. C.It’s rainy.

2.Who won the race?

A.Michael Robinson. B.Kyle Nash. C.Chris Scott.

3.Why will the man go to the downtown?

A.To spend weekends.

B.To return some library books.

C.To borrow some books from the library.

4.How many members are there in the man’s lab now?

A.Nine. B.Seven. C.Five.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Classmates. B.Mother and son. C.Colleagues.

第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What is the man looking for?

A.A modern hotel. B.An inexpensive hotel. C.A comfortable hotel.

7.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.In a restaurant. B.In the bank. C.In the street.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8.Where did the girl get the cloth?

A.In a cloth store.

B.In Baijia Supermarket.

C.In Hongtu Department Store.

9.What does the man think of the girl?

A.She is anything but beautiful.

B.She has a good sense of judgment.

C.She is critical of the design of her clothes.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10.Why does Tony have to go to his parents?

A.To have a vacation.

B.To take them to the party.

C.To help them build a house.

11.What is the woman going to wear to the party?

A.Casual clothes. B.Formal dress. C.Work suit.

12.What will the woman bring?

A.Some soft drinks. B.A bottle of wine. C.A side dish.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13.What’s Alva’s attitude towards Colin’s writing the book?

A.Doubtful. B.Uninterested. C.Admirable.

14.What can we learn about Alva?

A.She dislikes taking pictures.

B.She has just moved to New York.

C.She has adapted to New York customs.

15.What does Colin want Alva to do?

A.Hide her right hand. B.Look at a high building. C.Adopt a proper pose.

16.When can the woman first read the book?

A.In August. B.In September. C.In October.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.What does the speaker’s father do?

A.A chef. B.A waiter. C.A restaurant owner.

18.Who is the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge open to?

A.Children. B.Parents. C.Grandparents.

19.How old may the speaker be?

A.Twelve years old. B.Ten years old. C.Eight years old.

20.What did the speaker do last Friday?

A.He visited the White House.

B.He took part in a cooking contest.

C.He gave a speech on healthy eating.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Ideally located in the heart of New York Times Square, Yotel New York, a five-star hotel, has comfortable

accommodation in a modern design.

The hotel has convenient transportation with an 18-minute walk from Fifth Avenue and Grand Central Station.

John F Kennedy Airport can be reached directly from Times Square Underground Station.

All rooms include cozy beds, 54-inch HD TVs with free Sports and Movie channels, and free Wi-Fi. Each room

also has luggage storage, and hanging space for clothing. Yotel New York also offers wheelchair accessible rooms

and free accommodation for kids under 13.

American breakfast is served in Yotel New York every morning, including fresh juice, corn flakes, buttered toast

and scrambled eggs. A selection of salads, sandwiches and hot dishes are offered throughout the day.

Yotel New York is our guests’ favorite part of New York, according to independent reviews. This area is also

great for shopping, with popular brands nearby: Apple, H&M, Zara, Burberry and Channel.

Yotel New York is rated for the best value in America! Guests are getting more for their money when compared

to other hotels in this city. Come and stay with us!


Room type Price Options

Twin Room—non-smoking $125 Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Double room—non-smoking $165 Non-refundable Good breakfast $9

Queen Room—disability access $215 Pay at the hotel Good breakfast included

21.What probably makes a tourist choose this hotel?

A.Airport pick-up service. B.Chinese-style breakfast.

C.Good value for guests’ money. D.A shop with popular brands in the hotel.

22.If a person in a wheelchair wants to stay in this hotel for two nights, how much should he pay?

A.$259 B.$339 C.$421 D.$430

23.In which section of the newspaper will readers see the above information?

A.Advertisement. B.Lifestyle. C.Entertainment. D.Business.


Two Georgian twins, separated at birth when they were sold to different adoptive families, have been reunited

and have TikTok to thank for bringing them back together.

The astonishing story began 10 years ago when one of the twins, Amy Khvitia, sat watching Georgia’s Got

Talent in her godmother’s house near the Black Sea. A young girl, who looked exactly like her, climbed up on stage

and began to dance in front of the reality show’s judges. Another seven years went by when Ano Sartania, the young

girl that had danced on television, was sent a TikTok video of a young woman with blue hair getting her eyebrow

pierced. Determined, Ano took to a WhatsApp university group with her plea. asking for help finding the woman with

the blue hair. Against all odds, someone in the group knew Amy and the pair was connected through Facebook. Amy

and Ano agreed to meet in-person at a local train station.

“It was awkward, it was awesome, it was everything,” Ano told The Sun of that first meeting, adding, “It was

weird for me like I was looking in a mirror.”As they grew to know each other more, the two women began to list the

similarities they shared and admit to being a bit unsettled by it all. Both were born in the same hospital, but their birth

certificates said they were born a couple of weeks apart. Wanting answers, they turned to their families to ask some

hard questions and soon had an explanation — both families admitted to adopting the girls as newborns.

It turns out both of their mothers had been unable to have children and were told they could pay to adopt

unwanted babies at the hospital. DNA tests ‘eventually confirmed that that Amy and Ano were twins. However, they

wanted to know why their biological parents have given them up and if they had been sold for profit. The twins have

since been reunited with their birth mother, Aza, who claimed she fell into a coma after delivering her identical

daughters and when she woke up hospital staff told her that her babies were dead.

“While Ano and Amy’s story contains a lot of coincidence on their path to reunion, their adoption circumstances

aren’t that unique in Georgia—as many as 100,000 Georgian babies have been put up for illegal adoption since the

1950s on the black baby market,” says Georgian journalist Tamuna Museridze, who has been working to reunite


24.Which of the following properly describes the twins?

A.Their foster parents paid to adopt them legally.

B.Their first in-person meeting was full of mixed feelings.

C.It took them a smooth decade to get connected with each other.

D.Their biological parents sold them at birth for profit through hospital staff.

25.What does the underlined word “unsettled” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Changed B.Shaped C.Upset D.Unsolved

26.What is Tamuna Museridze’s attitude to baby adoption?

A.Tolerant. B.Supportive. C.Unclear. D.Disapproving.

27.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Black baby market gains popularity in Georgia

B.Twin sisters, abandoned by birth mother, reunited

C.Twin sisters, sold illegally at birth, reunited thanks to TikTok

D.Lots of coincidence brought adopted twin sisters a family reunion


Bullet comments—comments which fly across the screen on certain video platforms—represent a modern

approach to communication that young people use in cyberspace to express their ideas, emotions and feelings. When

looking back, however, they are a good reminder of what was hot or trending in the past year.

On Dec 15,2023, Bilibili, a Chinese video-sharing platform, picked “Ah?” as the Bullet Comment of the Year. In

2023, “Ah?” appeared more than 13.2 million times on Bilibili as a bullet comment, according to Dazhong Daily.

Today, young people in China use “Ah?” to express their surprise and amazement. User Mo Xin filmed himself

writing down the ancient Chinese text Hard Is the Road to Shu(《蜀道难》)in one stroke(一笔)and subsequently

uploaded the video to Bilibili. This feat(壮举)resulted in the video winning the most “Ah?”bullet comments on the


China’s huge technological advancements have also generated “Ah?” comments from Bilibili users. In August,

China made a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion(可控核聚变)technology. Its new-generation “artificial

sun” Huanliu-3 looks to open new doors in the world of nuclear fusion. Videos announcing this news were inundated

(淹没)in “Ah?” comments.

Though simple and easily understandable, “Ah?” provides insights into young people’s interests. Their focus

extends beyond mere entertainment, however. They also, use “Ah?” to engage with. commentaries, and scientific

discoveries, indicating a deeper, more serious layer of interest. These “Ah?” comments reveal that young people are

attentive to the world around them. “Ah?” has become their unique way of responding to contemporary events, using

it as a tool to document today’s history.

Every year brings a new bullet comment of the year, but what never changes is how young people want their

voices to be heard. Do you still remember which video got you to send an “Ah?” in 2023?

28.What do we know about “Bullet comments” according to the text?

A.They will remind others of your opinions.

B.They are an easy way to interact with others.

C.They enable us to think about the popular events.

D.They are used in young people’s daily communication.

29.Why is Hard Is the Road to Shu mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.To prove the function of “Ah?”. B.To argue for the benefit of “Ah?”.

C.To explain the popularity of “Ah?”. D.To clarify the development of “Ah?”.

30.What are the features of “Ah?”?

A.Concrete and modern. B.Easy and accessible.

C.Abstract but popular. D.Unique but meaningless.

31.Which of the following is likely to get most “Ah?” on Bilibili according to the text?

A.Huawei made a breakthrough in 5G.

B.Southern little potatoes poured in Harbin.

C.The Moutai-flavoured coffee came into the market.

D.China, Singapore mutual visa-free policies will boost tourism.


Humans have sailed the oceans’ surfaces for millennia(千年), but their depths remain effectively uncharted.

Only about a quarter of the seafloor has been mapped at high resolution. Maps of most regions display only

approximate depths and often miss entire underwater mountains or canyons(峡谷).

So a group of researchers has recruited some deep-diving experts: Elephant Seals and Weddell Seals. Scientists

have been placing trackers on these blubbery marine mammals around Antarctica for years, gathering data on ocean

temperature and salinity. For a new study, the researchers compared these dives’ location and depth data with some of

the less detailed seafloor maps. They spotted places where the seals dove deeper than should have been possible

according to the maps--meaning the existing depth estimates were inaccurate.

In eastern Antarctica’s Vincennes Bay, the diving seals helped the scientists find a large, hidden underwater

canyon. An Australian research ship called the RSV Nuyina later measured the canyon’s exact depth using sonar, and

the researchers have proposed naming their find the Mirounga-Nuyina Canyon—honoring both the ship and the

involved Elephant Seals, genus(动植物的属)Mirounga.

But seals can’t map the entire ocean floor. The trackers used in the study could pinpoint a seal’s geographical

location only within about 1.5miles. Plus, because the seals don’t always dive to the bottom of the ocean, they can

reveal only where the bottom is deeper than in existing maps—not shallower. McMahon notes that scientists could

improve on these data by using more precise GPS trackers and analyzing the seals’ diving patterns to determine

whether they have reached the seafloor or simply stopped descending.

The current seal-dive data can still be valuable for an important task, says Anna Whlin, an oceanographer. The

deep ocean around Antarctica is warmer than the frigid waters at the surface, and seafloor canyons can allow that

warmer water to flow to the ice along the continent’s coast, Whlin explains. To predict how Antarctica’s ice will

melt, scientists will need to know where those canyons are and how deep they go.

32.What problem is mentioned at the beginning of the text?

A.Lack of the map. B.Not enough tools.

C.Ineffective charts. D.Inaccurate measurement.

33.How did the researchers conduct the study?

A.By observing the seals. B.By. comparing different data.

C.By using advanced equipment. D.By analyzing the existing maps.

34.What does the underlined words “their find” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The canyon. B.The ship. C.The seals. D.The genus.

35.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The present data is of little use.

B.Seal’s swimming pattern influences the data.

C.The ocean’s surface around Antarctica is warmer.

D.The seal can’t reach deep ocean because of temperature.

第二节(共5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Historically, only local governments worried about a widespread food crisis, but today, the rapidly rising food

prices and the resulting food crisis can quickly be a worldwide phenomenon. Over the next 20 years, the fight to feed

the world will be a huge challenge facing the global economy. 36 ?

The first solution lies in the combined effect of money and time. 37 . More than ever, we need the transfer

of time and money away from the army and toward creating an international plan to deal with hunger.

38 . It helps coordinate(使协调)public policies, individual actions, farmer practices and consumer

behavior towards common goals. As a result, it is crucial to work on such a strategy.

Another way to solve the crisis is to double food production in developing countries. 39 Governmental

agencies, non-profit organizations, agricultural scientists, private investors and charitable donors, all must partner

together to enhance the capacity of the developing world to meet the great need for food.

While we may not be seeing all the symptoms of food shortage, we must be clear-eyed in our current support of

food production. It is obvious that we will face a severe problem, but the problem is solvable. 40 , we must do

it carefully and consistently.

A.Since you think it beneficial to the whole world

B.What about developing economy to solve the crisis

C.If we are to reach our goal and prevent a global food crisis

D.How can we relieve the current crisis and avoid future risks

E.The goal needs an enormous investment in agriculture from various sources

F.Developing a national strategy to reduce food loss and waste is also useful to handle the crisis

G.Some countries like India have realized this fact and are giving more financial support to agriculture

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Our house was across the street from the entrance of a famous hospital in the city. We lived downstairs and

rented the upstairs rooms to 41 at the clinic. As I was fixing supper one summer evening, there was a knock

at the door. I opened it to see a truly 42 man.

He’s 43 taller than my eight-year-old. But the shocking thing was his face-uneven from swelling, red

and raw. Yet his voice was 44 . He told me he’d been 45 for a room since noon. For a moment, I

46 , but it didn’t take long to see that this older man had a big heart 47 into that tiny body. He told me he

fished for a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was 48 disabled from a

back injury. He didn’t complain; 49 , he was grateful that no pain 50 his disease.

We 51 him up in the children’s room. The next morning, he asked if he could come back and stay the

next time he had a 52 . I told him of course. On his next trip, he brought a big fish and the largest oysters I had

ever seen as a gift.

In the years he came to stay 53 with us, there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or

vegetables from his garden. Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special 54 . I know our

family will always be grateful to have known him; from him, we learned to accept the bad without complaint and the

good with 55 .

41.A.outpatients B.doctors C.neighbors D.visitors

42.A.handsome B.plain C.ordinary D.awful-looking

43.A.even B.extremely C.hardly D.much

44.A.loud B.pleasant C.bitter D.annoying

45.A.begging B.applying C.hunting D.asking

46.A.stared B.enjoyed C.admitted D.hesitated

47.A.saved B.crowded C.escaped D.held

48.A.silently B.secretly C.hopelessly D.regretfully

49.A.in fact B.in turn C.in vain D.in place

50.A.caused B.accompanied C.survived D.forced

51.A.brought B.picked C.took D.put

52.A.treatment B.puzzle C.misfortune D.suffering

53.A.anyway B.finally C.overnight D.slowly

54.A.purpose B.takeaway C.food D.delivery

55.A.happiness B.gratitude C.attitude D.pity

第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A new film featuring an overweight woman 56 regains her self-esteem after taking up boxing has

sparked 57 wave of interest in the sport all over the country, especially among women. Boxing stands out as

the 58 (fast)calorie-burning exercise among all sports.

YOLO, short for You Only Live Once, 59 (top)China’s box office during the Spring Festival holiday,

with both Du’s and Jia’s physical and psychological 60 (transform)trending on social media platforms. The

film recounts that Du Leying, 61 (play)by Jia, leads a directionless life as a self-enclosed woman. She

struggles with a 62 (challenge)life. Her unexpected encounter with Hao Kun, a boxing coach, brings a ray of

hope 63 her existence.

The essence of YOLO carries a universal message, 64 (advocate)self-love, which forms the groundwork

for the film to bridge cultural 65 (gap)and attract a global audience.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)






1.词数 80 左右;


Dear fellow students,

Student Union

第二节(满分 25 分)

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150左


My name is Fauna, but Mom and Dad sometimes call me Magpie, since I talk a lot. They call me “animal

magnet,” too; because animals like me. I don’t mind at all because I like them, too. In fact, what I really, really want is

a pet of my own. My dad has a pet fish, and I like it a lot---but I would still like a pet that’s all mine.

“Please? I asked my parents.“Pretty please, with cherries and chocolate and whipped cream on top?”

“We’ll see!”

“I’ll walk it and feed it and brush it.... well, unless it has scales or something. Then I’ll polish them real nice.”

“We’ll see.”

Finally, though, “we’ll see” was upgraded to “soon.”

Let’s do some research,” said Dad, “and see what kind of pet is best for you.”

“And keep your eyes peeled,” said Mom.“You never know when an opportunity will come along.”

One did come along.

I was on my way home from school when I saw a unicorn(独角兽)standing in back of Baker Trembly’s shop.

He was nibbling stale biscuits out of the trash can. I thought he might be a wild unicorn come into town, but he trotted

(小跑)right up to me when I held out the apple I had in my backpack, left over from lunch.

“It followed me home!”I told my parents, after I managed to lead the unicorn to our front gate. “Can I keep it?”

“I hope you were careful,” said my dad with a frown.“Unicorns can be dangerous.”

“Not this one! He’s very sweet. And he’s just what I want!. I can keep him. in the garden.”

“He does look sweet,” said my mom. “Let’s check his tags(标牌).”

Tags? I hadn’t even noticed his thin silver collar, I’d been so excited.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


There was a little tag on it, with a phone number.

“I’ve had him since he was little,” Sari said. “We’ve never been apart.”

鞍山市普通高中 2023—2024 学年度高三第二次质量监测


第一部分 听力

1-5BBCCA 6-10 BCABC 11-15 ACCBC 16-20 BAACA

第二部分 阅读

第一节 21-23 CDA 24-27 BCDC 28-31 CABA 32-35 DBAB

第二节 36-40 DGFEC

第三部分 语言运用

第一节 完形填空

41-45 ADCBC 46-50 DBCAB 51-55 DACDB


56.who 57.a 58.fastest 59.topped 60.transformation

61.played 62.challenging 63.into 64.advocating 65.gaps

第四部分 写作


One possible version:

Dear fellow students,

Noticing a serious phenomenon that some high school seniors burdened with school work spare little time for

regular physical exercise, I’d like to appeal to you to take proper exercise.

Doing sports is of great significance, which enables us to keep in shape and get refreshed after a long time of

work. Therefore, I suggest we fit exercise into our busy schedule, making it part of our daily routine. Put down our

books to stretch our arms from time to time and do some jogging and jumping every day.

It is high time that we should arouse our awareness of proper exercise.

Student Union


One possible version:

Paragraph 1:

There was a little tag on it, with a phone number. “Do we have to call?” I said. “Can’t we pretend we didn’t see

the tag?” “Think how you would feel,” said Dad, “if it was your unicorn that was lost.” We called the number. Soon

after that a little girl about my age came to the house with her dad. The girl—Sari, her name was—almost cried, she

was so happy.

Paragraph 2:

“I’ve had him since he was little,” Sari said.“We’ve never been apart.” But this morning something scared him,

and he jumped over the fence. I guess he couldn’t find his way home. Thank you for finding him. I’m so happy!”Well,

I wasn’t happy, even though Sari said I could visit him anytime I wanted. The next day Dad took me to a pet shop and

we did buy a nice young unicorn.“That is for how honest you are and how much you like it.” said Dad.





