
2024-04-06·22页·1.6 M


机密启用前 国卷)


丶 五

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命题 :华 中师范大学考试研究院

本试卷共四部分,共 12页 。满分150分 。考试时间120分 钟。



1.答 卷前,考 生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。

2.回 答选择题时,选 出每小题答案后,用 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮

擦干净后,再 选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将 答案写在答题卡上,写 在本试卷上无效。

3.考 试结束后,将答题卡上交。


第一部分 听力 两节,满 分30分 )

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你 将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题


第一节 (共 5小 题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分7.5分 )

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你 都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What will the wornan probably do next?

A.Buy Dad a suit.

B.Help wear a tie.

C. Talk about a rnatch.

2. Where will the rnan go first?

A.A bank. B.A post office. C). A restaurant.

3.`Vhat is probably the wornan?

A.A coach. B.A tailor. C.A barber.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第1页 (共 12页 )


4, Why does the、 vornan like dolphins?

A、. Because they are great swirn1 ners.

B. Because they are the biggest.

C. Because they are very srnart.

5. What tirne is it now?

A. 5:00p.rn。 B.9:00p.Fn. C. 10:00p.m。

第二节 (共 15小题;每小题1.5分 ,满 分22.5分 )

听下面5段 对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你 将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时


听第6段 材料,回 答第6、 7题 。

6. What are the speakers rnainly talking about?

A.A friend. B。 A photo. C.A project.

7.What does the rnan think of rnost of his partners?

A.Humorous。 B.Responsible. C.Unfriendly(

听第7段材料,回 答第8、 9题 。

8. What did the won1an do last、 veek?

A. She had a picnic with her friends.

B. She dropped by her neighbour.

C. She picked strawberries in the garden。

9. Why does the wornan like the garden?

A.. Because it’ s full of straw berries.

B。 Because it’ s close to her house.

C. Because it rnakes her relaxed.

听第8段材料,回 答第10至 12题 。

10. What has happened to the wornan?

A. She has bought a new wallet.

B. She has lost her credit card.

C). I Ier cellphone has broken down.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第2页 (共 12页 )


11. Where were the speakers half an hour ago?

卢k. At a theatre. B. At a statlon. C)。 At a restaurant.

12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

卢k。 I-Iusband and wife.

B. Brother and sister。

C. Colleagues.

听第9段 材料,回 答第13至 16题 。

13. What does the wornan particularly want Anily to do?

A. Have fun。

B. Learn sonlething new.

C. 1ake soFne new friends.

14. What do we know about Carnp Applause?

A. It adrnits kids over ten。

BP It is a little far frorn A1 ny’ s house。

C. It doesn’ t offer swirnrning lessons.

15. What will the couple have to pay extra for?

A。 AT-shirt。 B.Meals. C。 Accornrnodation.

16. What will the rnan do next?

A. Cook。 B. Pick up Alny。 C。 Buy vegetables.

听第10段材料,回 答第17至 20题 。

17. Why did the speaker go tO London in Nover1 ber?

A。 To visit London landrnarks。

B. 'r。 try other afternoon tea.

C)。 ' o experience London red buses.

18. What can we say about the I'ondon red bus?

A. Changeable. B. Classic. C. Safe。

19. Which tea bus tour does the speaker like nlost?

A. 'rhe I.1a110w een tour。 B. 'rhe gin afternoon tea tour. C.The Grinchmas tour.

20. I-IO、 v long did the trip last?

A. several years. B. (Dne rnonth. C.Two hours.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第3页 (共 12页 )



第二部分 阅读理解 两节,满 分40分 )

第一节 (共 15小 题;每小题2分 ,满 分30分 )

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C和 D四 个选项中,选 出最佳选项。


Make life as easy as possible、 vith devices arld gear desigrled to sirnplify your travels-wllether t11at

rneans charging on the go, neat organizers or lightweight storage for no-trouble quick trips.

LARQ Bo“ le Filter(过 滤器)

This innovative drinking bottle with a low-pressure sucker is designed to filter water on the go,

wiping out pollutants such as chlorine(氯 )for a refreshing taste.The filter will work on up to 151 1itres of

water before needing to be replaced-the equivalent(等 同)of around 300 single-use plastic bottles.

Available in 500ml( 58)and 740ml( 68)sizes.

stubble&Co Adventure】 Bag

' his 42-litre backpack has an easy-access clarnshell(翻 盖 ) design that opens to reveal zipped parts of

various sizes, including a waterproof pocket for s110es. It also features a laptop sleeve, water bottle pocket

and hidden parts for valuables.Available in black,olive,blue and orange. 195.

shokz open.Fit

shokz’ s lightweight earphones sit on top of the ear canal,rneaning they’ re corn.fortable enough to wear

for long periods. he 28-hour battery life ensures you Won’ t need to charge then 1 0n an overnight trip,

though it’ s easy enough to do so by plugging in the srnall, accornpanying case. 'rhe sh。 kz App allows you

to customize the controls,too. 179.

July Carry 0)n Pro

F or those who prefer not to carry luggage on their backs, this srFlart roller is the perfect overnighter.

It has two separate internal parts,a Waterproof polycarbonate(聚 碳酸酉旨)hardshell and a zipped front part

in、vhich to store a laptop. rhe integrated, rerrlovable power bank allows travelers to charge devices on the

go. 275.

21.`Vhat is special about LARQ Bottle Filter?

A. It is of various sizes.

lB. It rnakes for health.

C.It is used to store Water。

E)。 It replaces 300 plastic bottles。

22. Which is suitable for listening to rnusic?

A. Shokz C)penFit. B.July Carry On Pro.

C.LARQ Bottle Filter. D.Stubble Co Adventure Bag.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第4页 (共 12页 )


23. What is the text?

A. A travel diary. B. A life description.

C). A science instruction. E). A sales advertisenaent.


I11ave discovered that I have a second shadow these days as I go outside. 'rhis。 ne, however, has four

legs instead of two. It is r ny daughter’ s adopted, black cat: R压 iss Alice。 Every tirne I go out t11e door she is

waiting on rny front porch,rneowing to be petted。 'rhen she follows rne down the hill to rny car sornetirnes

running in front so she can get in 1.ny way for even rnore petting. And when I fi盎 ally return horne she is

there asking for attention again。

It wasn’ t always this way.The very first time I saw Miss Alice she was hiding under my house just

having had a fanlily of kittens. W hen I looked under there I got an angry hiss(嘘 声 )fr。 rn her,warning Fne

I was in for a clawing if I got near her kittens. It took a lot of tirne, patience, kindness, love, and cat food

fror11 rny daughter to tame her. At first she didn’ t、vant to be touched at al1. 'rhen she、 vould only allow an

occasional petting. Now 1 ny daughter can pick her up and carry her up the road to her house like a little

baby. It still rnakes rne srnile to see how rrly daughter’ s loving, caring and syrnpathetic spirit tarned this

wild cat arld lnade ller as lovable as tlle rnost affectioFlate dog。

I guess that is the power of love. It can heal a hurting heart. It can save a broken spirit. It can uplift

a sunken sou1. It cam free you fror11 fear. It can transforrn your life. It can even take a violent,wild cat and

turn her into a puppy dog in a cat suit.

Elnbrace(i湃 |抱 )the love in your own life then. Welcorne the love of your farnily and friends into your

life. And let your o w.n loVe flow through everything you think, everything you say, and everything you do.

24. What do we kno、 v about the cat fron.1 the first paragraph?

A.It e萌 oys staying with the author.

iB. It tends to be in the author’ s road.

C. It is often ignored by the daughter.

I). It gets well along with the daughter。

25. What does the underlined word“ tane” probably lnean in iParagraph 2?

沪k. Feed her up。 B. Make her lnild.

C.Arrange for her. D.Dress her up.

26. What rnakes the author still slnile?

卢k. I he lovely dog. I;。 he daughter’ s love.

C)。 he cat’ s babies. I)。 'rhe harrnonious faFFlily.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第5页 (共 12页 )


27. VVThat rnessage does the text convey?

卢k. Where there is life, there is hope.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. Love is life in its fullness like the cup with its、 vine.

E). IDo what you fear, and fear that nature will fade away.


In the Seychelles archipelago(塞 舌尔群岛)in East Africa,flooding and erOsion(侵 蚀)caused by

rising sea level pose an incon ing threat to the country’ s rnany low lying islands. At the sarne tirne its

mangrove forests(红 树林),which serve as a Vital aspect against these impacts,are disappearing:

Approxirnately 709/‘ of seychelles rnangroves have been destroyed since the late 17oos due to hurnan-driven

developrnent arld agriculture as well as soil erosion~frorn sea-level rise.

1 oday the Seychelles Governrnent is working with local conlrnunity leaders to restore the rnangroves,

and not just for protection against rising sea leve1. R.esearch shows that these forests can store about 2.5

rrlillion tonnes of CC)2(equal to taking 500,000 cars off the road for a year), directly helping to fight

clirnate change. 'rhey als。 provide a breeding ground for fisheries,a sector that contributes one-fifth of the

Country’ s GlDP, benefiting-local cornrnunities’ livelihood and helping to protect the islands’ lively

biodiversity(多 样性)。

While the concept of using nature to benefit both lives and lands is by no rneans new,global interest in

nature-based solutions” has skyrocketed in recent years. R压any now see nature-based solutions as a key

approach for addressing not only clirnate change but a range of social, environlnental and econonlic

challenges— frorr1 biodiversity loss, food security and air pollution to disease control and declining local


Yet tllere rernains、 videspread debate about wllat exactly constitutes a nature-based solution as well as

how to best include these strategies into broader clirnate and conservation efforts. 'rhis indeternlination has

contributed to significant under-investrnent: It’ s estiFnated that to lirrlit ternperature rise to below 1.5

degrees C (2. 7 degrees F), hold back biodiversity loss and cOntrol land degradation(恶 化 ), annual

investr.nents in nature-based approaches rnust be three tirnes by 2030。

As nature-based solutions continue to rise on the global agenda, building a rnore consistent

understanding around the concept and its irnplications will be key to raising support for effective, extensiVe

solutions that benefit both people and the planet.

英语试题(全 国卷) 第6页 (共 12页 )


28. What do the first two paragraphs focus on?

A~。 'rhe diversity of econoFny in East African.

B. 'rhe environrnental protection in East Africa。

C. I he disappearance of rnangroves in iEast Africa.

E)。 'rhe。 peration of nature-based solutions in East Africa.

29. Which of the following words can best describe nature-based solutions?

A.Nove1. B.Effective. C.Ruinous. D.Uncertain.

30. What io the ai1.n of the nature-based solutions in 2030?

A. 500,000 cars are takerl off t11e road.

B. Yearly investrnent increases by double.

C.The temperature rise is limited to below 2.7 C。

I1). A cOnference on nature-based solutions is held.

31. What is the best title for the text?

A. `Vhat Exactly Are Nature-based Solutions?

B. Why Are N ature-based Solutions on the Rise?

C. IIow Can Nature-based solutions Help Fight Clirnate Change?

E). What Are the Potential Weaknesses of Nature-based Solutions?


Neuroengineer Silvestro Micera develops advanced technological solutions to help people regain

sensory and rnotor functions that have been lost due to injury events or neurological disorders. t~Jntil now,

he has never before、 vorked on strengthening the hurnan body and cognition with the help of technology.

Now in a study published in Scjemce Ro乙 or犭 cs,Micera and his team report on how diaphragrr1(隔 膜 )

rnovernent can be rnonitored for successful cOntrol of an extra arrn, essentially augrnenting a healthy

individual with a third-robotic-arn1.

For further exploration, thc researchers first built a virtual environrnent to test a healthy user’ s

capacity to control a说 rtual arlin using 1.n.overnent of his or her diaphragn 'hey found that diaphragrn cOntrol

does not interfere with actions like controlling one’ s physiological(生 i理 的 ) arrns, one’ s speech or gaze。

In this virtual reality setup, the user is equipped with a belt that rneasures diaphragr11 rnovernent.

Wearing a virtual reality headset,the user sees three arrns: the right arin and hand,the left arrn and hand,

and a third arm between the tWo with a symmetric 寸称),sirfingered hand.

In the virtual environn 1ent, the user is then hinted to reach out with either the left hand, the right

英语试题(全 国卷) 第7页 (共 12页 )


hand, or in the rrliddle with the synlrnetric hand. In the real environ1nent, the user holds onto an

exoskeleton(夕 卜骨 骼 ) with both arms, which allows for control of the virtual left and right arms.

MoveInent detected by the belt around the diaphragrn is used for controlling the virtual n.liddle, synlrnetric

arm.The setup was tested on 61 healthy subjects(受 试者)in。 ver 15o sessions.

Previous studies regarding the control of robotic arrns have been focused on helping the disabled。 'rhe

latest,sc犭 召mc召 rt。3。莎jcs study is a step beyond repairing the hurnan body towards augrnentation. Our next

step is to explore t11e use of rnore cornplex robotic devices using our various control strategies, to perforFn

real-life tasks, both inside arld outside of the laboratory. 0nly then will we be able to grasp the real

potential of this approach,’ concludes Micera.

32. What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A。 t o introduce the topic。 B。 I o show an evidence.

c。 'r。 sur11rnarize the general idea. E)。 'ro offer s。 rrle background。

33. What are the fourth and fifth paragraphs probably about?

A. A virtual reality garrle。

B. .A.new 1.nedical device.

C. A new treatrnent rnethod.

I). An experirnent on aniFnals。

34. I-Iow does the author support the therrle of the text?

A. By listing sorne related data。

B. By offering sorne exarnples.

C. By rnaking sorne cornparisons.

I)。 By describing research processes.

35. What is probably cOntinued、 vith the text?

A。 IIow to eXpand controllable robotic devices。

B。 Where to find new and exciting opportunities.

C)。 I Iow to further develop the robot rnarket potentia1.

E). Why to balance inside and outside of the laboratory.

第二节 (共 5小 题;每 小题2分 ,满 分10分 )


Autonorny-supportive parenting is an approach that focuses on building a child’ s sense of agency in the

world as well as a strong sense of self。 36 We should recognize that children have a different

英语试题(全 国卷) 第8页 (共 12页 )


perspective or experience than adults. 'rheref。 re, instead of pushing adults’ way of thinking on children,

adults should let kids do their own critical thinking and solve problerns thernselves, which will help thern

trust their abilities.

G;uide kids to Find their c|wn solution

A‘ s any parent with rnore than one child can tell you, kids develop differently。 ~37~While one child

rnay find it easy to start their hornework independently, the other rnight not be a self-starter. So We push

our kids to the next level by knowing their skill level and rneeting thern there.

Let kids Find their ow.n fun

38 It really is harm to them。 It also sets us up to be their cruise(航 彳亍)directors at all times.

rhat’ s a huge burden on us! Letting children find their own thing to do、 vhen boredorn strikes a11ows thern

to becorne self-sufficient and use their irnagination to find fun on their own.

B|eing syn1pathetic doesn’ t1nean giving in

Another characteristic of autonorny-supportive parenting is being open, curious, and flexible。

rrusting children to be accountable to thenaselves(or acting like it) is the only way you will know if your

child will be a responsible, independent adult. F or exalrlple, if you ask your child when they think is the

best tirne to do their hornework, and they tell you it’ s in the rnorning before school begins, support thenr1

and let ther1 try it, no rnatter how strange it sounds. 39

Don’ t forget to support yourself

Once you grasp autorlorny-supportive parenting, you’ ll see opportunities to put it into practice. No

rnatter llow old your kid is,adopting tllis style will not be easy. ~40_If you get llard on yourself because

you’ re not rneasuring up, you’ re rnore likely to return to the Controlling practices。

A. It rn.ay、vork。

B. C)ur kids don’ t know how to rnanage boredorn。

C)。 ' hat can 1.nean we have to support the111 in different ways。

I). So forgive yourself if things don’ t go right on a particular day.

E. And they rnay not know yet, but it’ s good for thern to think about it.

F. Sorne days are just going to be rnore autonorny-supportive than others.

G. It’ s trying to understand children’ s experience of、 vhat’ s going on right now。


第三部分 语言知识运用 两节,满 分45分 )

第一节 (共 20小题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分30分 )

In 2017, ]3arbara and Jean decided to spread the holiday spirit with Christr.nas gifts. I-'ittle did they

英语试题(全 国卷) 第9页 (共 12页 )


know that this sirnple act of_41_would develop into a heartwarFning tradition and,~42~, the creation

of their nonprofit organization, Resident’ sI.1ope.

In their 43 year, they spent around $120 to provide Christrnas gifts for 13 individuals at Nurses

Helping Hands.Thejoy and~44_they witnessed inspired them to_45_a more ambitious mission— to

bring the 46 0f Christrnas to as rnany nursing horne residents as possible.

Fast forward to ChristFnas I)ay in 2022, and the dynarnic two _47~ an incredible r nilestone.

Through their nonprofit Resident’ sI-IOpe, they had the~48~of serving over 400 individuals across five

different nursing home facilities.The_4上~growth of their initiative(彳 亍动 )was a_50~to their

consistent commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those often_三 .1_during the holiday


'rhis heartwarrning success 52 |Barbara and Jean to take their rnission to the next leve1. In July

2023, they _53_ founded Resident’ s I-】 Ope as a nonprofit organization. 'rheir ~b4~ initiative, the

C)hristr11as Giving event, becarne the driving force behind their cause. “C)ur organization_55~to nursing

horne facilities, shops for personalized gifts, elegantly wraps ther11 with their signature bow, and ensures

56 delivery so that residents can enjoy C,hristrnas presents,” the founders 57 .

Resident’ sI-IOpe has becorne a 58 for seniors in nursing hornes,offering not iust gifts,but a sense

of conlrnunity and connection during the holiday season. 'rhe organization’ s irnpact 59 to grow, and

the founders are deterrnined to r1 ake each(DhristFrlas brighter for those、 vho rrlay otherwise be 60 .

41. A.kindness B. bravery C. wisdon 1 D. politeness

42. 丿纹. probably B. ultirnately C. entirely E). obviously

43. A. last B. second C. next iD. first

44. A. gratitude B. curiosity C). cOr11rnitrnent D. syn lpathy

45.A. suFrl up B. cut in c. kick off D。 find out

46. y\. custom. B. celebration C. routine D. 1.nagic

47. A. described B. searched C. achieved D. designed

48. A. habit B. privilege c.irnpression lD. risk

49. A. sharp B. past c. reliable D. equal

50. /\. way B. de1nonstration C. chance D. challenge

51. z纹. deserted B. ignored C. stressed D. received

52. A. pror11ised B. invited C.pushed D. forced

53. A. fortunately B. casually c. officially D. exactly

54. A. casual B. teFnporary C. spiritual D. typical

英语试题(全 国卷) 第10页 (共 12页 )






