
2024-04-21·17页·1.1 M

2024年 LOP第二次模拟测试


第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对


例: How much is the shirt?

A. 19. 15. B. 9. 18. C. 9. 15.

答案是 C。

1 What does the man mean?

A. The woman is crazy. B. He hates mosquitoes. C. This summer is amazing.

2. Why does the woman correct the man?

A. For a wrong order. B. For a word spelling. C. For a culture difference.

3. Why is the man stopped?

A. Getting wrong tickets. B. Getting parking fine. C. Breaking traffic rules.

4. What does the woman suggest?

A. Working at a cafe. B. Getting some juice. C. Seeing some laptops.

5. How does the man feel now?

A. Annoyed. B. Guilty. C. Embarrassed.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,共 22. 5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个

选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听

完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6, 7 题。

6. What drink does the woman recommend?

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A. Berry milkshake. B. Blueberry juice. C. Orange tea.

7. How much will the man pay?

A. $ 8. B. $ 8. 8. C. $ 9. 6.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8, 9 题。

8. Why does the woman want to take this course?

A. For social connection. B. For academic interest. C. For employment preparation.

9. What does the woman think of the textbook?

A. It's difficult. B. It's outdated. C. It's expensive.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 13 题。

10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. A couple. B. Friends. C. Trainer and trainee.

11. How does the man keep working out at home?

A. By using apps. B. By watching videos. C. By teaming up with families.

12. Why does the woman have trouble sticking to a plan?

A. She needs motivation from others.

B. Her plan is designed unreasonably.

C. She is always disturbed by other things.

13. Which course will the woman choose first?

A. A VIP course. B. A free course. C. A tailored course.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. What do the speakers mainly talk about?

A. Energy production. B. Information safety. C. Smart cities.

15. Which is among the man's research focuses?

A. Traffic release. B. Equality promotion. C. Data management.

16. What does the man mean in the end?

A. Personal information can be secured.

B. Data leakage will never happen.

C. Greater security can be achieved.

17. Who might be the woman?

A. A professor. B. A journalist. C. A scientist.

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听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. What is the best cure of loneliness?

A. Trying different lifestyles. B. Talking to a trusted one. C. Keeping enough sleep.

19. What do many successful people owe their success to?

A. Their hard work. B. Their career planning. C. Their social skills.

20. Why should we communicate?

A. To broaden our views.

B. To encounter beautiful things.

C. To experience another kind of life.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


These picks contain 4 special editions of classic books:

Farewell to Manzanar

By Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston (Clarion Books)

Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston lived with her family at Manzanar, a camp where the US imprisoned

Japanese American during the World War II. This is the 50* anniversary edition of her incredible

memoir. Ages 8 and up

I Shook Up the World

By MaryumMay MayAli, illustrated by Patrick Henry Johnson(Beyond Words)

This is the 20th anniversary edition of a book about boxer Muhammad Ali (1942-2016),

written by his daughter. It is divided into rounds about his life, including when he won an Olympic

gold medals. It also describes his role in the civil rights movement. Ages 6-10

The Tale of Despereaux

By Kate DiCamillo, illustrated by Timothy Basil Ering (Candlewick)

The Newbery Award-winning fantasy book contains a new short story by author Kate DiCamillo

in the 20th anniversary edition. The story, The Tapestry at Norendy, is about a girl who discovers

magic by listening to a tale about a mouse. Ages7-10

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Warriors: The Ultimate Guide

By Erin Hunter(Haper Collins)

This colorful guide has been updated to mark the 20th anniversary of the Warriors series, and it

includes profiles of 85 of the most outstanding warrior cats. With new art, detailed map, and

introductions to each of the clan (宗族) , the book makes you personally on the scene in the

Warrior World. Ages 8 and up

21. Which book tells the stories of an Olympic golden medalist?

A. Farewell to Manzanar B. I Shook Up the World.

C. The Tale of Despereaux D. Warriors: The Ultimate Guide

22. What is special about Warriors: The Ultimate Guide?

A. Magical elements. B. Inspiring stories.

C. Historical significance. D. Various artistic forms.

23. What do the four books have in common?

A. They are intended for children. B. They win different awards.

C. They mark significant anniversaries. D. They are related to animals.


We decided not to tell the kids. Marla knew that once our three daughters understood that their

mother had been given 1, 000 days to live and they'd start counting.

They would not be able to enjoy school, friends, their teams, or birthday parties. They'd be

watching too closely how she looked, moved, acted, ate, or didn't. Marla wanted her daughters to stay

children: unburdened, confident that tomorrow would look like yesterday.

In 2009, Marla's physician called to tell her that she had early-stage breast cancer. She was also

BRCA-positive, meaning that she carried the gene for the disease, a troublesome marker. After

several medical operations, she needed eight rounds of chemotherapy (化疗) to clear the cancer

found in her lymph nodes.

Our kids were 8, 9, and 11 at the time, and though they understood then that she was undergoing

treatment, we never told them the news. We soon learned from Memorial Sloan Kettering's head of

breast- cancer oncology: Marla had a triple-negative cancer cell, the most severe of them all. It is

commonly referred to as the breast-cancer death sentence. This specialist outspokenly told her: Go

live your next 1, 000 days in the best way you know how.

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Despite the sickness of chemotherapy, she went on running long distances, for her own mental

fit- ness, and more importantly, so her kids would see her strong. I knew these miles were a wonder.

Marla earned and survived a little more than 3, 500 days instead of 1, 000 since her initial diagnosis.

In her lifetime, she celebrated 25 anniversaries, 57 children's birthdays, three college acceptances,

and two high-school graduations. But the next numbers make me numb: Zero college graduations.

Zero weddings. Zero grandchildren.

Marla said to me at the hospital, No glory days for us. We almost had the kids out of the house,

and now you're alone. I'm so sorry. I replied. Sorry about what? You made life worth living. When

you kissed me. I melted. I admired your pureness, your power. You outran science. Thank you for

taking me on your magic carpet. Rest easy, my one and only girlfriend.

24. If the children were told about Marla's illness, they would ______.

A. remain innocent B. study harder

C. hang out with friends D. live with burden

25. How did Marla face her illness?

A. She continued sports activities. B. She accepted it angrily.

C. She avoided social life. D. She refused medical treatment.

26. What do the numbers show in paragraph 5?

A. Their precious memories. B. Seriousness of her illness.

C. A mixed feeling of joy and regret. D. Importance of family celebrations.

27. What does Marla's story tell us?

A. Life is not all roses. B. Live life to the fullest.

C. Love overcomes thing. D. Happiness takes no account of time.


The open-air bookstalls (书摊) that line the River Seine are as symbolic of Paris as the Louvre

or the Arc de Triomphe. But most of the boxy, dark green stalls must be temporarily removed before

the 2024 Summer Olympics for what officials say are security reasons.

Organizers in Paris are aiming to bring back magnificence to the Games, which begin on July

26. The opening ceremony will take place not in a stadium, but along the Seine, with thousands of

Olympic athletes riding on a flotilla (船队) of 160 boats before hundreds of thousands of visitors

on the river's banks. The ceremony's unusual format poses security headaches, for both the

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International Olympic committee and the Paris police, who said they had concerns that bombs could

be hidden in the stalls.

The booksellers, known as les bouquinistes, have said they will not compromise, calling the

order issued by the Paris police chief last week an affront to the French capital's history and soul.

Paris without the bouquinistes is like Venice without the boats, said Jean-Pierre Mathias, 76, who

has had a stall along the Seine for about four decades.

Open every day from morning until dusk, the bouquinistes are both a scene along the riverside

and a symbol of Paris's literary culture, attracting curious tourists and locals looking for rare books.

The tradition dates back to at least the 17th century and by the 19th century, Napoleon gave approval

to the bookstalls, popular with intellectuals and writers, and they became permanent.

The city's mayor (市长), Anne Hidalgo, initially highlighted the booksellers' importance to

the city and suggested an alternative plan that would keep the stalls in place once the police confirmed

they were not a security threat. But that plan was no longer under consideration because the police

declared it necessary to remove the stalls for safety, a spokeswoman for Ms. Hidalgo said on Tuesday.

28. The bookstalls must be removed before the Olympics due to _______.

A. traffic crowdedness B. audience attention

C. potential danger D. ceremony chaos

29. What does the underlined word afront in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Doubt. B. Shame. C. Claim. D. Appeal.

30. What is the mayor's attitude towards the removal?

A. Objective. B. Indifferent. C. Approving. D. Opposed.

31. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Paris bookstalls, a symbol of French culture

B. Paris bookstalls, a welcomed tourist attraction

C. Paris bookstalls gaining support from citizens

D. Paris bookstalls facing the relocation order


Picture the scene: you are sitting at a cafe on a hot summer’s day and decide to order a glass of

lemonade. It arrives ice cold and you smile in contentment until the waiter asks if you want a straw.

Now you have to choose to either take a straw or not. Actually, the decision is not an easy one.

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A study by a European research group showed there are significant health and environmental

risks associated with the paper-based and bamboo-based straws that have replaced plastic straws.

The recent ban on plastic straws saw the introduction of the modern paper straw. It was hoped

by officials that it would address the environmental issues of single-use plastic. However, scientists

observing the performance of the new paper straws found themselves puzzled by their ability of never

getting soggy (浸湿的). They wondered what might be allowing paper straws to perform so well.

The first study to investigate this was performed by Alina Timshina and co-workers in 2021. It

showed that paper and plant-based straws contain significant PFAS (含氟表面活性剂). These are

fluorine-based chemicals that have remarkable properties in resisting water, oil and pretty much

anything. And almost nothing degrades or reacts with PFAS which means they persist in the

environment and will do so for thousands of years.

They also make it into the human body by migrating from packaging into our food and drink.

Once PFAS are in our blood they are associated with a number of health effects such as liver and

kidney disease. There is also evidence that PFAS may lead to increased risk of high blood pressure

in pregnant women.

PFAS have also been found in plastic straws but at lower levels. The only material determined

to be free of PFAS was stainless steel, which are currently not widely used, so you risk the

embarrassment of sounding like a very demanding customer when asking for one. But then again,

maybe we should all be more demanding when it comes to preserving the environment and human


32. Why does the writer mention the scene in paragraph 1?

A. To show the politeness of waiters. B. To reflect the necessity of drinks.

C. To highlight the importance of straws. D. To lead to the following findings.

33. What can be inferred about PFAS from the passage?

A. They are life-threatening.

B. They are chemically stable.

C. They allow paper straws to resist water only.

D. They are less in paper straws than plastic.

34. What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Insisting on using steel straws. B. Imposing a ban on paper straws.

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C. Putting steel straws into mass production. D. Promoting the use of plastic straws.

35. What is the text mainly about?

A. The availability of stain straws. B. The inefficient ban on plastic straws.

C. The negative effects of paper straws. D. The characteristics of different straw

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)



Feeling anxious? Try smiling or doing a good deed to get rid of it.

Taitz, a clinical psychologist, published a new book Stress Resets: How to Soothe (缓和)

Your Body and Mind in Minutes. 36 . Here are a few of our favorites.

Name that emotion. You feel overwhelmed with negative emotions and you're not sure why you

feel this way. 37 . Maybe you're feeling depressed and you're at a 3 on a 0 to 5 scale. When you're

able to observe your emotion, this can loosen your sadness, anger or stress, says Taitz.

38 . There's been an upsetting event and now you think everything is terrible. Grab a pen and

paper and make a list of what you care most about: health, friendships, career, hobbies, family. Assign

each item a percentage and then draw each section in a pie chart. The image should be an instant

reminder that there are a lot of other things that matter in your life, says Taitz.

Wear a half smile. 39 ? If so, Taitz wants you to try a half smile. Ever so slightly raise the

upper corners of your lips. This will automatically reduce all that tension and relax yourface muscles,

communicating to your brain that everything's OK.

Do a good deed. You feel like you have no control over your life and nothing seems to be going

right because you feel powerless, says Taitz. Doing a good deed can remind you that you have the

power and ability to make things better for yourself and others. 40 .

Taitz says all of these are actions like small wheels on a big suitcase. So pause the next time

you are feeling stressed and give yourself a reset.

A. Make a pie chart of your life

B. Classify the upsetting events

C. Do you tense up your face when you're stressed

D. Are you in a setting that is making you force a smile

E. Observe and describe the emotion and label its intensity

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F. You can live by your values even if so much is out of your control

G. She shares 75 techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety in real time

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


Plenty of critics have warned: don't see the new French movie The Taste of Things on an empty

stomach. The actress Juliette Binoche 41 a longtime personal cook for a man who's a gourmand

(喜欢吃喝的人). They share a(n) 42 for food. Filled with glorious meals, the film celebrates

food, and all the work and love that go into making it.

When you see a delicious meal in a movie or an advertisement, chances are, it's 43 . Food

stylists have been known to substitute glue for milk and 44 meat with motor oil so it shines. All

that is a big No for Vietnamese French director Tran Anh Hung. He says he wanted everything

in The Taste of Things to be real, from the raw 45 to the menu to the way the cooks 46 in

the kitchen.

Easier said than done. Real food can't always handle 47 takes. Plus Tran needed to show 48

at different stages of preparation. He also had to find vegetables that looked like they were 49 in

the field.

After doing 50 research into the history of French cuisine and working with a(n) 51 ,

Tran enlisted Gagnaire to make sure the menu worked in real life. Gagnaire also cooked for Tran for

five days so the director could study his movements 52 filming. Tran says watching Gagnaire

move around the kitchen 53 him that simplicity is important and you don't need to have the

perfect 54 for this or that.

The Taste of Things does not have much dialogue. The action and the intimacy (亲密关系)

are in the kitchen. In life we have two sources of 55 They are love and food. Tran says. The

film brings those two sources together in the kitchen.

41. A. invites B. leads C. plays D. introduces

42. A. passion B. curiosity C. concern D. demand

43. A. unreachable B. uneatable C. irresistible D. unimaginable

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44. A. cooking B. flavouring C. consuming D. coating

45. A. parts B. materials C. dressings D. seasonings

46. A. instruct B. apply C. move D. engage

47. A. simple B. flexible C. special D. multiple

48. A. actions B. performances C. dishes D. tastes

49. A. planted B. harvested C. arranged D. delivered

50. A. rough B. expansive C. shallow D. single

51. A. historian B. scientist C. stylist D. artist

52. A. in honor of B. in search of C. in return for D. in preparation for

53. A. taught B. encouraged C. advised D. promised

54. A. theory B. explanation C. gesture D. costume

55. A. success B. progress C. achievement D. pleasure

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The lantern fair in Zigong, southwest China's Sichuan Province, which 56 (own)a history

of more than 1, 000 years, is once again fascinating visitors with its brilliant shining lanterns.

Covering 57 area of nearly 37 hectares, the 30th International Dinosaur Lantern Show

received around 450, 000 visitors during the Spring Festival holiday from February 10 to 17.

To mark the Year of the Dragon, many of the lanterns 58 show feature the Chinese sign of

the zodiac(生肖), but there are also a wide variety of other lantern designs to meet different

needs. Visitors 59 prefer traditional lanterns can find lanterns with flowers and birds, legendary

figures, and landscapes, while lanterns with modern themes such as cartoon characters, cultural trends

and online games are gaining 60 (popular)among young people.

The lantern show is also expressing the concept of environmental protection. For example, a

dragon lantern 61 (measure)over 200 meters long was made by tying together some 200, 000

62 (abandon)water bottles.

This year's show received more than 3, 000 children's artworks from around the world. Some of

the art pieces were turned into lanterns by 63 (profession)craftsmen. Visitors can also enjoy

acrobatics (杂技), folk arts, and Chinese music performances during 64 (they)lantern-

viewing tours.

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