
2024-04-21·8页·3.7 M





2024甘肃省三月考(4 月)


第一部分 听力

1-5 BABCA 6-10 CBCAA 11-15 BAACB 16-20 ACBCA

第二部分 阅读理解


21-23 BCA 24-27 CAAB 28-31 DDDA 32-35 BACA


36-40 DGABE

第三部分 语言运用


41-45 ACDCB 46-50 BABDD 51-55 CACBA


56. traditional 57. fell 58. among/with 59. was brought 60. the

61. increasingly 62. popularity 63. to post 64. why 65. making

第四部分 写作

第一节 参考范文

Dear Anna,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Li Hua, representing my peers in our school. We are

excited to welcome you here next Monday.

In the morning, we will greet you with a welcome ceremony in the school auditorium. In

the afternoon, several students will share their views on education and UNESCO’s mission in a

presentation. To conclude your visit, we will host a reception for you to interact with our school


We hope you like our arrangements and look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

Li Hua

第二节 参考范文

高三月考 英语答案 第 1 页 (共 4 页)


Jack’s worsening condition did not go unnoticed. A friend who lived nearby was so upset

by it that he took it upon himself to send a telegram to Wilson in California, informing him of

the dog’s situation. At that, Wilson, burning with anxiety, bought a return train ticket

immediately; he knew what he had to do. Upon arriving in Philadelphia, he waited several hours

just in order that he could take the same trolley that he always did when coming home.

The trolley soon took Wilson to the station. Sure enough, there was Jack, waiting and

watching as the passengers got off. And then suddenly there Wilson was, his beloved owner. His

master had returned at last! Jack’s world was whole once again - and so was Wilson’s. Wilson later

recalled, “Jack was sobbing almost like a child might sob. He was shivering all over as if he had

a chill.” Wilson took his devoted dog, Jack, back to California with him. They were never

separated again.


1. M: Will you leave at 9 a.m.?

W: No, I’ll leave at 9:30 a.m. My friend wants to meet me at 10:15 a.m. We’ll go swimming


2. W: Hi, Henry. Could you give me a ride? I want to buy some food for the picnic.

M: Okay, I’m going home, but I can drop you at the supermarket.

3. W: Good afternoon! What can I do for you?

M: How much is the picture, please?

W: Well, it’s usually 120 dollars but it’s on sale today. We’re selling it at half price.

4. M: Welcome! How many people do you have?

W: Four. Thanks! Could you give us the seats by the window?

M: Sure. Please have a look at the menu.

5. M: Which sport do you like most, volleyball, basketball, football, or baseball?

W: Football. I really liked playing football when I was in primary school.

6. M: Welcome to Sunshine Hotel. May I help you?

W: I’d like a room, please.

M: A single room or a double room?

W: A single one.

M: OK! A single room … $188 a night. It will be $180 a night if you stay for more than two


高三月考 英语答案 第 2 页 (共 4 页)


W: Thanks, just one night. By the way, my baggage is out there in my car, two suitcases in

total. Could you please help me bring them in?

M: Of course.

W: Thank you.

M: You’re welcome.

7. M: How did you spend the weekend?

W: I went to a reading club downtown. Many readers shared their favorite novels.

M: Then, which novel are you most interested in?

W: Just Gone with the Wind. The novel has a strong story and I couldn’t stop thinking about

the characters all the way home on the bus.

M: I have read this book before. I have one.

W: Really? I’d like to borrow it sometime if you don’t mind.

M: I don’t mind, but I’m not sure whether I could find it.

W: I hope I can get the book.

M: Well, we still have some time before the mall closes. Why don’t we go to see if the

bookstore’s got one?

W: That is a good idea.

8. W: Hi, I’m looking for a dress for Betty’s party this evening. Can you give me some advice?

M: How about this dress? It goes well with your skin.

W: Really? OK. I’ll wear it to the party. Do you think I should take a handbag with me to the


M: Of course.

W: How about the brown bag you and I bought last week?

M: That would be good. Hurry up! Grandpa is waiting for us.

9. W: Daniel, what are you thinking about?

M: Oh, hi, Diana! Well, actually, I was thinking about taking an evening class.

W: Do you want to learn a new skill?

M: No. I want to learn a new language.

W: So what language do you want to learn? German?

M: No. I want to learn Chinese.

W: Do you want to work in China one day?

M: No. I’m just interested in the language. Do you have any interest in learning a new

高三月考 英语答案 第 3 页 (共 4 页)


language? If you do, we could go to evening school together.

W: I really want to learn French or German, but I’m too busy with my work now. Why don’t

you ask Lucy? She told me last week that she wanted to learn Chinese.

M: Good idea. I’ll give her a call tonight.

10. M: Hi! I’m a shark. I’m no ordinary fish. I have a big brain, a great sense of smell and

excellent eyesight. All of these things help make me one of the most powerful fish in the

sea. I breathe through gills, like other fish. We have rows of sharp teeth. Some teeth are

pointed backward, so dinner does not escape. Other fish don’t have teeth like these. We

have been swimming in the seas since dinosaurs walked on the earth - for more than 450

million years. I don’t have many enemies. I swim faster than almost everyone else like a

sharp knife through water.

I’m clever, too, so I will probably be around for a good, long time if I’m not eaten

by you first. However, many of us die from water pollution and I become an endangered

animal nowadays. The number of us is decreasing quickly. I just want to live a happy

and peaceful life in the blue water.

高三月考 英语答案 第 4 页 (共 4 页)






