
2024-04-30·10页·19.3 M










1-5 ACACC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 BACCB 16-20 ABAAC


21-25 CBABA 26-30 DCCBA 31-35 DCADA

36-40 BDAEF


41-45 DCACC 46-50 ABBBA 51-55 CDADB

56. to honor 57. amusing 58. originally 59. are divided 60. went

61. a 62. and 63. further 64. exposure 65. from

注: 56-65 题如出现可接受的答案,由评卷点裁定,酌情给分。此次大小写错误不扣分。



One possible version:

Dear Peter,

I’m glad to hear of your exhibition about Chinese culture. I would like to offer my recommendations.

As a passionate advocate for promoting cultural heritage, I believe that a section dedicated to

traditional Chinese tea ceremonies would provide visitors with a sensory experience like no other. Also I

suggest hands-on workshops be included where visitors can try their hand at traditional Chinese arts and

crafts such as paper cutting, knot tying, or calligraphy. By connecting with the audience, the exhibition

can offer a comprehensive exploration of Chinese traditional culture.

Thank you for considering my advice. Looking forward to the opening of the exhibition.


Li Hua

第二节 (略)

高三英语答案 — 1 — (共 4 页)



Text 1

W: Tim, did you check the proposal? You're the most experienced in this area. I need your advice.

M: Yes, and I’ve made some adjustments on my laptop. However, I've forgotten my laptop

password. [1] I'll call IT support to help me out, so just give me a moment.

Text 2

M: I found your physical exam report in the closet. Why hide it?

W: It says I'm overweight and the doctor recommended I exercise more. I was worried you'd insist

on going to the gym.

M: The doctor makes a good point. [2] But, eating light food helps too.

Text 3

M: At the end of this month, the shopping mall is having a big sale for Black Friday. That

earphone you like will be cheaper by 30%.

W: Really? [3] Last week, I paid $80 for it at a discount to save $20. I thought that was the

cheapest it would get.

Text 4

M: Mary, I wish I could walk to Xizang.

W: Don't even think about dragging me into this. For our last trip to Xinjiang, I was flying. I

didn’t even consider driving a car.

M: Don't worry. [4] We'll definitely take a flight this time.

Text 5

W: I just came out of my interview for Zhejiang University. They seemed really interested in my

research plan.

M: I've heard it's hard to get into that program. Do you think you stand a good chance of getting


W: I feel quite hopeful, actually.

Text 6

M: Who called?

W: Johnson. He mentioned he got your invite for the birthday party, but he's in Arabia for the

entire month and won't make it.

M: What a pity! It's been a while since we saw him in Mike's wedding.

W: True. [6][7] Oh, I almost forgot, I scheduled a video call with Lisa to discuss what food we

need to prepare for the party. I have to go now.

高三英语答案 — 2 — (共 4 页)

Text 7

W: Nature Learning Center, this is Sarah. How can I help?

M: Hi, Sarah. This is Mr. Brown calling from Hillside School. We're looking to confirm our field

trip booking with you.

W: Ah, yes, Mr. Brown. We have your group booked for the outdoor area. [8] Your visit is

scheduled to start at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, lasting until noon, right?

M: We actually need to extend it a bit. [9] We're planning more activities, so we’ll need it until 1


W: That’s fine. I'll extend your booking to 1 p.m.

M: Another thing, do we get any special offer if we bring 50 more students?

W: [10] For groups under 150, we can’t offer discounts, but we can include a guided nature walk at

no extra cost for group about 100.

M: That would be wonderful. Thank you for making the arrangements, Sarah.

W: You’re welcome, Mr. Brown. We're looking forward to your arrival in two days.

Text 8

M: Lucy, I saw you doing Tai Chi alone on the playground this morning. Have you started learning

martial arts lately?

W: Tai Chi? Oh! [11] That was Ba Duan Jin. Jessica Zhang taught us, saying it can boost our


M: Are you taking a Chinese culture class?

W: Yeah. And you can still sign up for that class; the registration system doesn’t close until next


M: That’s very good. I’ll have a try.

W: Got any time this weekend? You said you'd teach me table tennis.

M: This weekend the gym's booked for a table tennis match, so no free tables. [12] But Tim and I

were thinking of playing basketball with some freshmen. Interested? We could teach you how to shoot.

W: I'm not exactly tall. [13] I doubt I’d be able to make it.

M: Trust me, with a little practice, anyone can make a shot.

Text 9

W: [14] Welcome, Jacopo. Your art show in Shanghai has caught a lot of eyes. Can you share

the inspiration behind the painting, “Conquista”?

M: Thanks. My art reflects my life in China. Living here so long, it's natural my art is influenced

by my experiences.

W: How has your background from Florence affected your art?

高三英语答案 — 3 — (共 4 页)

M: Florence has taught me to love art. [15][16] My studies in design helped me explore different

styles, leading me to what I do now in Beijing.

W: Your work mixes modern art with Chinese traditions. Can you tell us about that?

M: I'm drawn to Chinese philosophy and traditional art. [17] My goal is to mix modern with

traditional, creating something new but familiar. Moreover, my time with students in Chongqing has

inspired me a lot in this aspect.

W: You've also organized art shows. What do you hope to achieve?

M: I want to help Italian and Chinese cultures understand each other better. Projects like the Belt

and Road Initiative offer great chances for cultural exchange.

W: [14] Thank you, Jacopo, for sharing your story. Your work connects two rich cultures and

offers a unique perspective.

Text 10

M: [18] As the director of Bang Radio, I'm excited to invite all freshmen to join our radio

station, a standout club for 20 years, located on the top floor of the tallest building on campus, the

Skyline Innovation Building.

Bang Radio is organized into several key departments: Broadcasting, Editing, Technology,

Network Information, and Planning. Together, these teams collaborate to produce great programming

for both our faculty and student body. [18] As I approach my final year at university, I'm especially

grateful to have spent my campus years with Bang Radio by my side.

This year, we're excited to open our doors to new members across all departments. [19] You'll find

a QR code on the top right corner of the flyer you're holding. Scanning it will take you to our official

account, where you can learn more about each department's role, explore team-building activities, and,

most importantly, submit your application. You have the opportunity to apply to up to three

departments, tailoring your application to your interests and skills.

While walking or biking is a great way to explore our campus, we suggest taking the campus bus

on the day of your interview. It's the easiest way to make sure you get to your interview on time. Join us

at Bang Radio for an amazing opportunity to contribute to our campus community.

高三英语答案 — 4 — (共 4 页)





