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2024高三二模考试英语试题 2024.5


1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 120 分,考试时间 100 分钟。


3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔

把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字



第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的

A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Oxford's world-class museums house rare treasures from the natural world as

well as amazingart and handicrafts.The museums are also a valuable study resource

for students and academics.

Ashmolean Museum

Where:Beaumont Street,OX12PH


The Ashmolean Museum is home to the university's collection of art and

archaeology. Founded in 1683,it was the first public museum in the UK and is one of

the oldest in the world.

Particularly relevant to:Ancient and Modern History.


History of Science Museum

Where:Broad Street,OX13AZ


This museum houses an unequaled collection of historic scientific instruments,

including Einstein's blackboard and the first cultures of the lifesaving antibiotic


Particularly relevant to all science and history courses.


Oxford University Museum of Natural History

Where:Parks Road,OX13PW


The museum houses an impressive range of scientific collections of zoological

and geologicalsamples in a spectacular Victorian building.

Particularly relevant to:Biology;Earth Sciences.


Pitt Rivers Museum

Where:Parks Road,OX13PW


The Pitt Rivers Museum is home to a remarkable collection of man-made

objects from all partsof the world,famous for its celebrated displays and its leading

role in contemporary research.

Particularly relevant to:Archaeology and Anthropology;History of Art.

www.prm.ox.ac uk

1.If you want to know more about Penicillin,which website should you surf?

A.www.hsm.ox.ac.uk. B.www.oum.ox.ac.uk.

C.www.ashmolean.org. D.www.prm.ox.ac.uk.

2.What is Pitt Rivers Museum especially related to?

A.Art and archaeology B.Undergraduates studying.

C.Historic scientific instruments. D.Collections of man-made objects.

3.The purpose of the text is to get people to_________.

A.study history B.preserve heritage

C.visit museums D.appreciate handicrafts


Science is always seen as hard-core and hard to understand.But could you

imagine hundreds ofpeople being attracted by the cover of a science magazine?

The achievement was completed after Wang Yixi and his team made the

cover of an Octoberissue of Structure,a US-based Cell Press journal.The cover shows

a Chinese ink painting thatvividly shows the process in which a special enzyme

(酶 )involved in the biosynthesis (生物合成 )ofan important organic compound is

activated —the latest breakthrough by a Chinese scientificresearch team.Another one

of his popular works that carries distinctive Chinese elements is acomposite

image,describing a scientist as the folk goddess Nyuwa,carrying her newly

discoveredcompound to fill a crack in the sky.

While studying chemistry at university,Wang Yixi often came across an

experimentalpreparation process that he had to explain,but the amount of text was too

large and abstract.As hehad been interested in drawing,and related software like

Photoshop,he decided to turn his graphicsinto a fine art.He went on to study 3D

graphics software in order to better display the microscopicstructures in his field and

improve the presentation of his papers.

It didn't take long before his classmates and professors noticed his talents and

asked him to helpthem with their papers.By word of mouth,more people beat a path

to Wang's door and were willingto pay for his service.Over the past four years,Wang

and his team have come up with more than 10,000 visual works for academic papers

across a variety of fields,many of which have made theirway to the world's top

academic journals,including Nature,Science and Cell.

“Every scientific paper is innovative,and graphics are an essential part of

scientific papers,”Wang says,adding that what he tries to achieve is an explanation of

models or methods,to showcaseexperimental results,visually process data or compare

differences among experiments.

4.What play a special role in Wang's works?

A.Fairy tales. B.Chinese elements.

C.Rich colors. D.Complex structures.

5.What can we learn about Wang Yixi from paragraph 3?

A.He preferred painting to Chemistry.

B.He developed useful mapping software.

C.He had an active mind to solve problem.

D.He had trouble conducting his experiment.

6.How does Wang make abstract papers easily understood?

A.By visualizing them vividly.B.By showing them accurately.

C.By explaining them in detail.D.By constructing them uniquely.

7.Which is the best title for the text?

A.The power of artB.Dilemmas of science

C.Mysteries of ChemistryD.Inspiration from science


Several times a month,you can find Doctor Daniel Nadeau in the Ralph's

market in HuntingtonBeach,California,wearing a white coat and helping people learn

about food.He notices thepre-made macaroni(通心粉)and cheese boxes in a mother's

shopping cart and suggests she switchto whole grain macaroni and real cheese.

Nadeau says sugar and processed foods are big contributors to the rising

diabetes(糖尿病 )rates among children.“In America,over 50 percent of our food is

processed food,Nadeau tells her.“Andonly 5 percent of our food is plant-based

food.I think we should try to reverse that.”This motheragrees to try more fruit juices

for the kids and to make real macaroni and cheese.Score one point forthe doctor,zero

for diabetes.

Research findings increasingly show the power of food to treat or reverse

diseases,but that doesnot mean that diet alone is always the solution,or that every

illness can benefit substantially fromdietary changes.Nevertheless,physicians say that

they look at the collective data and a clear pictureemerges:that the salt,sugar,fat and

processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation'shigh rates of

obesity,diabetes and heart disease.

By prescribing(开处方 )nutritional changes or launching programs such

as“Shop with yourDoc”,they are trying to prevent,limit or even reverse disease by

changing what patients eat.Theprogram will offer patients several bags of food

prescribed for their condition,along with intensivetraining in how to cook it.They

believe teaching people about which foods are healthy and how toprepare them can

actually transform a patient's life.And beyond that,it might transform the healthand

lives of that patient's family.

8.Why does Doctor Nadeau advise buying whole grain macaroni and real cheese?

A.They're easy to make. B.They're plant-based.

C.They're delicious to eat. D.They're processed food.

9.What does the underlined word “reverse”in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Try out. B.Pick up. C.Take in. D.Turn around.

10.What is the author's attitude toward the power of food?

A.Neutral. B.Dismissive. C.Doubtful. D.Positive.

11.What is the text mainly about?

A.A good cure for diabetes.

B.A new attempt on cooking.

C.A food-as-medicine program.

D.A simple tip on doing shopping.


Top-down processing is the process of using context or general knowledge to

understand whatwe perceive(感知).In 1970,psychologist Richard Gregory introduced

the concept.He claimed thatperception is constructive

The processing plays an important role in our interactions with our

environment.Our fivesenses are constantly taking in information.At any given

time,we are experiencing different sights,sounds,tastes,smells,and ways things feel

when we touch them.If we paid attention to each one ofour senses all the time we'd

never do anything else.It enables us to simplify the process by relyingon context and

our pre-existing knowledge to understand what we notice.If our brains didn't

employtop-down processing our senses would overwhelm us.

Top-down processing helps us understand what our senses are perceiving in our

daily lives.Forexample,suppose you receive an important letter but a few drops of

water have ruined part of thetext.A few letters in different words are now just

smudges(污迹).Yet,you're still able to read theletter in its entirety using top-down

processing.You use the context of the words and sentences inwhich the smudges

appear and your knowledge of reading to comprehend the meaning of the

letter'smessage.See a word LO*E,with one letter knocked down,yet you are still able

to quickly recognizethe word as LOVE.

On the one hand,top-down processing serves a positive function by

simplifying the way wecomprehend our sensory perceptions.It enables us to shortcut

the cognitive path between ourperceptions and their meaning.On the other hand,

patterns can also prevent us from perceivingthings in unique ways.So we may

understand the pattern of how to use a mobile phone,but if themanufacturer comes

out with a new phone that employs completely unique interaction patterns,wemay not

be able to figure out how to use it.Besides,as our knowledge is limited and biased (片

面的) in certain ways,it can lead to perceptual errors.

12.What is the author's purpose in writing paragraph 2?

A.To explain main reasons. B.To give practical examples.

C.To draw specific conclusions. D.To analyse theoretical frameworks.

13.What may be the key to understanding a text with missing letters?

A.Pre-existing knowledge. B.Active interactions.

C.Five physical senses. D.Lessons from mistakes

14.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Seeing is believing. B.Practice makes perfect.

C.Every coin has two sides. D.Experience is the best teacher.

15.What does the author intend to do according to the text?

A.Introduce a reading method. B.Deepen underlying meanings.

C.Illustrate a cognitive strategy. D.Clarify a producing process.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



How to Fall Back in Love with Reading

Do you remember the last time you spent time reading books for pleasure?In

the age of digitaldistractions,it is easy to struggle to find the time and headspace to

get lost in literature. 16 Thefollowing tips will help you fall in love with

reading again.

17 Whether it's a thriller,romance,or even a non-fiction book about your

favorite hobby,make sure you choose something that will hold your attention from

beginning to end. If you'reunsure where to start,ask your friends or family for

recommendations,check out online reviews,orbrowse through your local bookstore or


Set aside time for reading books.Whether it's 20 minutes before bedtime or an

hour on yourlunch break,carving out some time in your schedule will make it easier

to sit down and read.And ifyou find that you don't have much free time,try listening

to audiobooks. 18

Keep a reading journal.In your journal,you can write down your thoughts

about what you'rereading or grafii pictures inspired by the book. 19 This is a

great way to engage with whatyou're reading on a deeper level and a fun way to

document your reading journey.

Make reading a social activity.Whether you start a book club with your

friends or join anonline reading group,being able to discuss what you're reading with

others can make the experiencemore enjoyable. 20

A.Find a book that interests you.

B.Create a positive reading routine.

C.But that doesn't mean reading books is a thing of the past!

D.By this way,you can easily fit reading into your busy lifestyle.

E.Plus,it's a great way to get recommendations for what to read next!

F.The others in your book club may come from different backgrounds.

G.It doesn't have to be very involved,just a couple of sentences to jog your memory.

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的


Once I'd reached retirement age I spent a lot of time travelling to distant

countries,and afterseeing a documentary on Mount Kilimanjaro,I thought perhaps I

should give it a 21 .

When I made 22 with my favorite travel company,I was told their age

limit for the 23 was 80,and as I was 79 at the time I realized it was a question of

now or never!I 24 up andthe date I was given meant that if I could make it to the

summit(顶峰),I'd arrive on the day before my 80th 25 .

When I arrived in Tanzania,Africa,I 26 a group of seven ladies and eight

gentlemen, all of whom I could see were half my age.I could also tell from the 27

that the man incharge would have been 28 without me,and he gave me strict 29

to always walkimmediately behind the leader.I noticed too that he'd asked two of the

group to keep an eye on me,as they were 30 checking to see if I was OK.

For the first three days we had excellent weather,and hour after hour we

trudged (跋涉 )in line,with occasional 31 for toilet and snacks.However,halfway

through day four,the bosssuddenly shouted my name from the end of the line,and

when I 32 in response he yelled,“Norman,you are summit material!”

From then on,no one 33 on me,and on day five we all reached the summit

and then 34 to the peak.In spite of the fact that my birthday was a day

away,everyone stood togetherand sang Happy Birthday To You.You could say we'd

become a 35 .

21.A.run B.reach C.walk D.go





