
2024-06-23·10页·44.8 K

宁波市2023 学年第二学期期末考试高二英语试卷第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1. What does the woman recommend the man to do? A. Have a cup of tea. B. Drink some water. C. Eat lots of chips.2. How many favorable comments did the woman receive? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.3. Why does the man want to visit Denmark? A. For the food. B. For the fashion. C. For the scenery.4. How much has the city's population increased since five years ago? A.1.5%. B.15%. C.50%.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Buying their dream house.B. Creating an artistic painting.C. Finishing preparations for their new house.第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题.6. Why does the man want to open a new account?A. For daily use.B. For saving money.C. For a more expensive purchase.7. What is the man's main problem?A. He doesn't own an ID card.B. He doesn't get enough money.C. He doesn't have the right documents.听下面一段对话,回答第8、9题.8. How fast can the man's electric bike go per hour now? A.30 kilometers. B.50 kilometers. C.120 kilometers.9. How can the man make his bike go faster?A. He can drive out of the city.B. He can take it to a mechanic.C. He can change the limit himself.听下面一段对话, 回答第10至13题.10. What job is the man applying for? A. A restaurant manager. B. A waiter. C. A chef.11. What is the man asking for help with?A. How to make different coffee drinks.B. What to do while serving customers.C. Where to find necessary items for work.12. What do the speakers definitely have in common?A. They grew up in the same area.B. They're excited to work together.C. They've worked in restaurants for a long time.13. How much money did the man expect to make per night? A.$80. B.$100. C.$200.听下面一段对话, 回答第14至17题.14. Why is the woman exhausted?A. She is running.B. She is wet in the rain.C. She didn't sleep well.15. How far does the woman cover every week? A. Six miles. B. Three miles. C. Two miles.16. What is the man's healthy habit? A. He gets enough sleep. B. He has a healthy diet. C. He does much exercise.17. What would the man like to do?A. Start cycling.B. Go to bed earlier.C. Go to the pool every day.听下面一段独白, 回答第18至20题.18. What did the detective notice about the apartment? A. It was empty. B. It was noisy. C. It was tidy.19. What was the woman doing in the kitchen?A. Feeding her cat.B. Cooking a meal.C. Talking to her grandmother.20. What did the detective probably think happened?A. A person stole the woman's necklace.B. The woman's pet swallowed the necklace.C. The woman gave her necklace to someone else.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATimes are hard and the price of just about everything we need and care for our rescued animals, has been skyrocketing.As you can imagine, with over 4,000 mouths to feed, ha y (草料) is one of our biggest expenses and we are finding it very hard to make ends meet this winter.If you could help, every donation towards providing ha y for the animals, however small,will be so gratefully received. Donation/Order helpline:01603 736200Time: 9 A. M. — 9 P. M.(7 Days) Info: Hillside Animal Shelter was founded in 1995 to help and campaign for animals in need, particularly those suffering every day in the intensive factory farming industry. We are home to 2,500 rescued horses and donkeys, 750 cows, 300 pigs,850 sheep and goats, and lots of other animals including dogs and deer...PleasehelpustofeedandcareforourmanyrescuedanimalsbymakingadonationTODAYorbuyingcardsorgiftsatwww.Hillside.org.uk.ItemsPriceHillside Notepad & Pen Set$5Coasters (杯垫) -choose HORSE or COW.$4Shelter Scene Greeting Cards$8Hillside Toy Donkeys$721. What makes it extra difficult to run Hillside Animal Shelter? A. Small donations. B. Rising ha y prices. C. High medical expenses. D. Skyrocketing price of animals.22. Whatcanyoupossiblygetwith$10 www.Hillside.org.uk?A. Coasters and Hillside Toy Donkeys.B. Coasters and Hillside Notepad & Pen Set.C. Hillside Toy Donkeys and Hillside Notepad & Pen Set.D. Hillside Toy Donkeys and Shelter Scene Greeting Cards,23. What might be the purpose of this passage?A. To seek support for shelter operation.B. To raise awareness of animal sheltering.C. To encourage donations for Hillside website.D. To promote Hillside Animal Shelter' products.B“It can be very annoying being a composer,” laughs Errollyn Wallen. Music constantly consumes her thoughts even during walks or chores. “Music is always on my mind, even when I'm doing something else. But with dishwashing, I tidy up and escape occasionally, says the composer.Wallen's passion for music shines through her impressive works and awards. Her music, both instinctive and emotionally expressive, shows great technical skill. With an Ivor Novello Award, 22 operas, and numerous other compositions, she graced events like the 2012Paralympics and the Queen's anniversaries with her music. Her re-imagining of Jerusalem took the BBC Last Night of the Concerts by storm in 2020. Composing for her is as natural as breathing.She's warm, talkative, and open-minded. Last year, she completed a memoir Becoming a Composer, reflecting on her musical journey, creative process, and the challenges of composing for a living. The book is a generous, amusing and beautiful read, effectively telling the composer's life through Wallen's accessible approach. In her book, Wallen reflects on her complex childhood, moving from Belize to London and growing up in Tottenham with an uncle and aunt while her parents lived in New York. Despite feeling deserted and rejected, music became her comfort, “The moment I began learning the piano was magical. The piano served as my window into the world of music and my composing table, transporting me to new places.”Wallen's music often addresses political themes, such as Mighty River and her opera YES. She believes in telling stories that haven't been explored enough, especially from personal perspectives. However, she acknowledges that being a Black artist requires more personal, cultural, and historical consideration than White artists. There is still much progress to be made.Wallen challenges the classical music norm, advocating for composers to embrace their unique backgrounds. She encourages her non-Western students to use their heritage into their work, opposing the need to follow traditional styles.24. What would help Wallen to get rid of music for a while? A. Preparing dishes. B. Going for a walk. C. Thinking about chores. D. Doing some wash up.25. According to the underlined part, Wallen's re-imagining of Jerusalem .A. received mixed review s from critics.B. caused a minor stir among concertgoers.C. became a hit and attracted a lot of attention.D. was an unexpected addition to the concert program.26. What is the focus of Becoming a Composer? A. The shaping of Wallen's personality. B. The complex childhood and growth. C. The journey to musical composition. D. The magical piano and composing table.27. What does Wallen think of composing as a Black artist? A. Challenging. B. Annoying. C. Comforting. D. Amusing.CFat-shaming comments and weight-loss advice from classmates and relatives have been a constant in my life for years. One vivid memory is from ninth grade when a friend embarrassed my sister in the cinema by calling her “fat”. In university, this pattern continued with my uncle's frequent questioning about my diet and progress in losing weight.As a former therapist, I guided clients on body image and coping with hurtful comments, advising them to set boundaries with well-meaning but critical relatives. As for myself, I've always had to avoid questions about my body, while recognizing the natural curiosity that arises when we notice our friends’ bodies experiencing noticeable changes. It's human nature to compare ourselves to our peers.With more weight-related ads all over bus shelters, TV and your social media feed, it's hard not to feel the impact. But is commenting on others' weight loss ever appropriate?However well-intentioned, remarks about weight loss can be quite hurtful, says clinical psychologist Elizabeth Fedrick. Even if curiosity gets the better of you, it's not necessary or acceptable to mention a friend's weight gain or loss.“We often think we're being supportive, but in reality, saying ‘You lost weight —you look great’ actually implies that they didn’t before, or that they need to be a certain weight to look great,” says Fedrick. Such remarks can be uncomfortable and fatphobic.Fatphobia extends beyond harmful comments; it's also present in subtle clothing suggestions and judgments over dessert. This prejudice links our sense of self-worth closely to thinness, falsely associating it with health. To address this issue, we must value all bodies, reject food-shaming, and promote body positivity by accepting ourselves at any weight or size.“Praise for appearance changes isn't always welcome,” says Fedrick, “Instead, showing understanding and asking open questions”. She cautions against assuming weight loss equals good health, as it can sometimes indicate health issues or disordered eating. Fedrick says focusing on a person's character or appearance isn't effective support; rather, caring about their well-being as a whole person is key.28. Why does the writer mention his uncle in Paragraph 1?A. To introduce his uncle to readers.B. To share his vivid memory about his uncle.C. To show his relatives` concern for his weight.D. To make a comparison between classmates and relatives.29. Which of the following is an example of Fatphobia?A. You are pretty just to be yourself.B. You look great in whatever clothes.C. I think you'd better not order that cake.D. I'm glad you're making health a priority.30. What does Fedrick think people should focus on according to the last paragraph? A. A person's diet. B. A person's well-being. C. A person's characters. D. A person's weight loss.31. What is mainly discussed in the passage? A. The challenges of weight loss. B. The importance of body positivity. C. The impact of media on body image. D. The harm of weight-related comments.DAccording to the Global Maritime Wrecks Database, the ocean's bottom hosts over 250,000shipwrecks (沉船) , from 2,200BCE to today, but UNESCO believes there could be as many as three million, largely undiscovered.Wrecks offer historical insights, relics, metals for reuse, and potential treasures. The Colombian government is working out the best way to raise the San Jose, an 18th-centurySpanish sailboat that sank within the country's waters, having invested $3.5 million in conservation. But some scientists believe that shipwrecks are just as valuable when left at the bottom of the sea.A shipwreck contains history and becomes part of the ocean, influenced by nature. It's like a museum piece interacting with its surroundings. Shipwrecks help us see how oceans and coasts change. In the Mississippi delta, they track dangerous mudslides affecting oil facilities and pipelines. A sunken tanker near Louisiana moved 1 1km over 80 years due to mud. Shipwrecks also show how sea life might live around new underwater structures. They create homes for sea animals, with some having more diversity than natural reefs. Meyer-Kaiser says any man-made object in water becomes a habitat, though some might not be as good for sea creatures.Ocean currents, warming waters, and invasive species can be risks to shipwrecks. To prevent unauthorized exploration, the locations of more than 200 shipwrecks have largely been kept secret. Meyer-Kaiser says she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement (保密协议) to study them. However, Meyer-Kaiser's research suggests that another activity could be causing much more damage: commercial fishing. In response, a pilot project called the Shipwreck Avoidance Program was launched, showing promising results.32. What do some scientists probably agree with according to Paragraph 2?A. Underwater shipwrecks should also be valued.B. The San Jose sailboat is worth the investment.C. Shipwrecks are more valuable than potential treasures.D. The Colombian government thinks little of shipwrecks.33. What does Paragraph 3 focus on? A. The history of shipwrecks. B. The interaction with nature. C. The habitat for sea creatures. D. The significance of shipwrecks.34. What has been done to protect shipwrecks?A. Removing invasive creatures.B. Stopping exploring shipwrecks.C. Agreeing to prevent further damage.D. Conducting the Shipwreck Avoidance Program.35. What might be the best title for the passage? A. Diversity of Shipwrecks B. Ocean's Hidden Museums C. Undiscovered Shipwrecks D. Insight into Wrecks Research第二节 (共 5 小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The opening sentences of your essay are crucial; first impressions often matter. 36 Think of how you skim a magazine, reading a paragraph or two of each article that looks promising. If the early paragraphs interest you, you'll continue reading. When writing your own introductory paragraph, assume you have limited words to attract your audience. Therefore, focus on making your initial lines especially interesting and well written.In some essays, a strong main point alone can attract readers. 37 The lead-in serves three key purposes: drawing readers’ attention, introducing the essay’s topic and tone, and paving the way for the thesis and essay outline.Here is some advice to help you avoid common lead-in errors.Make sure your lead-in clearly presents your main point. 38 To prevent a loose flow, use a bridging sentence or phrase between your lead-in and main point.Keep your lead-in brief. Long lead-ins in short essays often give the appearance of a tail wagging the dog. 39 Don't make your introduction the biggest part of your essay. 40 Identify the related facts even though you know your readers know the assignment. If you are writing about a particular piece of literature or art, identify the title of the work and its author or artist, using the full name in the first reference.A. But how can we write a good sentence?B. But other times, using a lead-in can help.C. You might think of your essay as a clear, connected whole.D. Don't assume your readers already know your subject matter.E. Use a brief, engaging introduction to establish your main point.F. A common issue is an interesting start but no clear link to the main point.G. Then, your essay's start must attract readers' attention and keep them engaged.第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共 15 小题:每小题1分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.When Linda Newbery was eight, she knew she wanted to become a writer. “I wrote a lot —usually in secret 41 people told me at school that writing wasn't a proper job,” she recalls. “I was motivated by the books I 42 , like a simplified version of Black Beauty which I could almost recite.”This sets the tone for Linda's lifelong theme of animal 43 , which is central to her work. For instance, her recent book Cruelty Free, published in 2021, explores how our daily choices 44 animals and the environment.“I once aimed to be a poet,” says Linda, admitting her 45 attempts were less than impressive. “It's strange that although I write my prose(散文) 46 on the computer, I still prefer using traditional pen and paper for poetry.”Originating from Essex, Linda attended grammar school before earning an English degree and 47 settling as a secondary school teacher in Oxfordshire. Her first novel Run with the Hare, released in 1988 without the aid of an agent, was 48 by her experiences teaching and running writing workshops for 49 . Despite facing numerous industry 50 ,including takeovers (收购) and lost publications, Linda remains positive, 51 for a consistent writing practice to maintain creative drive even while dealing with other tasks.Linda 52 her writing style to suit each story's needs, always considering readers' perspective. As a long-time passionate advocate for animal welfare, she uses social media to 53 animal protection. Alongside fellow authors, she runs Reviews by Writers, a website discussing literature and industry topics, 54 Linda's adaptable storytelling approach and her devotion to 55 readers.41. A. until B. before C. because D. though42. A. read B. wrote C. published D. illustrated43. A. diversity B. intelligence C. welfare D. behavior44. A. reflect B. affect C. benefit D. interest45. A. frequent B. ultimate C. recent D. early46. A. directly B. briefly C. urgently D. perfectly47. A. accidentally B. eventually C. immediately D. gradually48. A. shaped B. inspired C. guided D. improved49. A. agents B. poets C. writers D. students50. A. trends B. opportunities C. challenges D. innovations51. A. advocating B. begging C. answering D. waiting52. A. keeps B. tailors C. mirrors D. simplifies53. A. hold back B. slow down C. defend against D. campaign for54. A. showing B. determining C. imagining D. expecting55. A. worrying about B. turning to C. connecting with D. depending on第二节 (共 10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.In today's fast-paced world, many people rush about their day, 56 (attend) to work and personal matters. It is in a world like this 57 the relationship between people becomes more complex due to poor communication. Such miscommunication may leave people feeling they have not been treated fairly. This, 58 turn, may affect other aspects of their life, such as happiness and well-being.When a person feels he is treated unfairly, he may feel he is not valued, contributing to a decrease in his happiness. For example, two 59 (employee) have been assigned the same role, 60 they choose to accomplish their tasks in different ways. One puts in the extra hours to ensure that his work is of top quality and goes beyond what is required, while the other simply finish the basic tasks to get the job 61 (complete). If they are given the same pay, the employee who makes more effort may feel frustrated as his contributions fail 62 (recognize).As humans, we have emotions and as we go about life, it is 63 (avoidable) that we come across situations 64 we may feel that we have not been treated fairly. It is important for us to acknowledge that the concept of fair treatment and its influence on one's happiness can't 65 (ignore).第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分 15 分)在英语口语课上, 外教 Chris 组织同学们讨论“Is it better to have siblings (兄弟姐妹)than to be an only child?”, 请你代表小组发言, 内容包括:1.小组观点;2.陈述理由.注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Hello, everyone. Thank you for listening.第二节 读后续写 (满分25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was Mar 8, 1970. Henry, the paperboy, finished delivering his newspapers on Maple Street. He was to meet the chief editor of the newspaper The Gazette. “Maybe I’d get a longer route,” he smiled.“Hello, Henry. Wow! Strong handshake!” The chief editor shook hands with Henry.“Thanks. It's from rolling and delivering all those newspapers.”“So, about the newspapers ……”the editor paused. Henry's smile faded.“We’re closing shop. Last July, the whole world saw the moon landing on TV —— live. Television is how people get their news today. Local newspapers are the first to close.” He shrugged.“Um, no! It's sad. People won't get their neighborhood news anymore,” said Henry. The editor nodded and sighed. Then, they waved goodbye.A week later, Henry wondered if his old customers on Maple Street missed The Gazette as much as he did. He started out in the morning on his old route with a notebook. First stop: No.26. Mr. Grady answered when asked, “I sure miss the days of reading the weeks’ happenings in The Gazette. By the way, I have a pile of comics(漫画) from The Gazette. Think someone would want them?”“Maybe. I'll ask around.” Henry took a note in his notebook.He stopped at No. 27. Mrs. Burke was busy feeding her three babies. Henry suggested, “You should hire a babysitter.”“Definitely! I was going to put an ad in The Gazette, but …… Know any neighbor with experience?”Mr. Simon was at No.28, carrying his guitar. “Hey, Henry. My band is having a concert in the park next Friday. Tell all your friends.”As Henry made more notes, an idea flashed across his mind: maybe he could create a newsletter(简报) for the neighborhood. But how would he print it?He headed to the library and found the librarian. Seconds later, in front of a mimeograph machine (滚筒油印机), the librarian turned a handle and a printed sheet rolled out. “Will mimeographed copies work?” she asked.注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Perfect, Henry was confident to carry out his plan. The neighbors on Maple Street were amazed at the newsletter.. 英语参考答案第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分;每题1.5分)1-5 ABACC 6-10 CCACB 11-15 CBBAA 16-20 BACAB第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)21-23 BBA 24-27 DCCA 28-31 CCBD 32-35 ADDB第二节 (共5小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)36-40 GBFED第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41-45 CACBD 46-50 ABBDC 51-55 ABDAC第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)56. attending 57. that 58. in 59. employees 60. but/yet61. completed 62. to be recognized 63. unavoidable 64. where 65. be ignored





