
2024-09-02·11页·1.8 M

开学考试 A. Book a class online. B. Find out the camp’s price. C. Tell Amy about the camp.

大理民族中学2024-2025学年上学期 8 月 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

高三英语 11. What did Guy Parker-Rees do for the book?

A. He wrote the story.

考试时间 120 分钟 满分 150 分 B. He financed it.

C. He drew its paintings.

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 12. What did John decide to do after reading the book?

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 A. Learn to admire others.

B. Keep learning new things.


C. Appreciate his own strengths.

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 13. Where did John get the book?

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 A. From a bookstore. B. From a library. C. From a friend.

选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

读一遍。 14. What record does Zuriel Oduwole hold?

1. What does Linda love most about Chongqing? A. The filmmaker of making the most films.

A. The food. B. The people. C. The landscape. B. The most famous filmmaker at the moment.

2. Where does Jason’s mother come from? C. The youngest filmmaker in the film industry ever.

A. Spain. B. Mexico. C. America. 15. Why did Zuriel Oduwole make films?

3. What makes the woman choose the zoo? A. To make some money.

A. Its size. B. Its location. C. Its design. B. To draw attention to African lives.

4. What does the woman think of the man’s deed? C. To promote education for African girls.

A. Stupid. B. Great. C. Confusing. 16. What does the woman say about Zuriel Oduwole?

5. How would the woman like to watch movies? A. She is brave. B. She is inspiring. C. She is confident.

A. At the cinema. B. On the computer. C. On the smartphone. 17. Who is most probably the woman?

第二节 A. An athlete. B. A coach. C. An actress.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项

中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各 18. What is the speaker’s opinion on learning after leaving school?

A. It’s popular. B. It’s important. C. It’s challenging.

小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

19. What does the speaker love doing most?

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 A. Traveling to new places.

6. What is Karen’s favorite leisure time activity? B. Joining peer groups.

A. Gardening. B. Reading books. C. Collecting stamps. C. Reading books.

7. How many stamps has the man collected? 20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. 100. B. 150. C. 200. A. How to get a better tutor.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 B. How to develop new hobbies.

8. How old should a child be to go to the camp? C. How to become a lifelong learner.

A. At least 3 years old. B. At least 9 years old. C. At least 19 years old.

9. What do older children mainly learn in the class? 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

A. Basic dance skills. 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

B. Different styles of dance. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

C. Challenging ballet movements.

10. What will the speakers do next? A

There are tons of physics textbooks available around the world. Based on our web research, here are The Feynman Lectures on Physics

our top four picks with the introduction of physics in simple, practical language. Richard Feynman is regarded as one of the greatest teachers of physics to walk the face of the earth.

Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics This book is a collection of Feynman’s lectures. In his words, these lectures all began as an experiment,

This book is a collection of online teachings by Professor R. Shankar. Shankar is one of the first to which, in turn, formed the basis of this book.

be involved in the innovative Open Yale Courses program. It is a perfect introduction to college-level University Physics with Modern Physics

physics. Students of chemistry, engineering, and AP Physics will find this book helpful. The book is recognized for teaching and applying principles of physics through a narrative (叙事的)

Physics for Students of Science and Engineering method. To ensure a better understanding and ability to apply these concepts, worked examples are

This book helps students to read scientific data, answer scientific questions, and identify provided, giving students tools to develop problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding.

fundamental concepts. The new and improved 10th edition features multi-media resources, and questions 21. What do the first two books have in common?

to test students’ understanding of each concept. A. They are improved editions.

B. They are written by professors. across the Serengeti from east to west, which would take four flights on successive days, taking off and

C. They favor students of engineering. landing where no one had ever seen a balloon before.

D. They feature multi-media resources. As a journalist, I was so lucky to make a journey with Abeid. We were up at 3 a.m.. Abeid walked

22. Which book best suits students who enjoy learning physics through practical examples? into the basket and checked the lines and the fastenings. Moments later, he was instructing me to get into

A. Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics. it. With barely time to catch my breath, he gave a long blast (猛吹) on the burners and the basket tipped

B. Physics for Students of Science and Engineering. upright.

C. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Over the following days, we gasped at the joy and wonder of the sky; at the beauty and complexity

D. University Physics with Modern Physics. of the land beneath us. There was no fear, just a sense of being part of something fantastic as we floated

23. Where is this text probably taken from? in the silence of the African sky.

A. An online article. But not everything went entirely to Abeid's carefully worked-out plan. The rains that had started to

B. A research paper. fall every afternoon slowed the air. On the final day, we landed 20km short of the destination. Luckily,

C. A physics textbook. we finally made the crossing the next morning.

D. A science journal. When we were returning to the land, crowds of people shouted and waved. Many children looked up

as we flew over them, and started to run. As Abeid brought the balloon down, people gathered around the


balloon, pressing against the basket. Those children were also there, flushed and breathless, eyes wide

Abeid was born in a village of Tanzania and dreamt of flying a plane, soaring (翱翔) through the

with amazement. Abeid and I both looked at each other in silent agreement. Suddenly we were helping

sky. Due to financial difficulties, he became a wildlife guide instead.

some children into the basket. Abeid lifted off and we flew just a few hundred metres with the excited

Abeid didn't give up. He became a chief pilot of hot air ballooning at the age of 20. His passion for


flying was matched by his skill both as a pilot and as a guide. Then, he came up with the idea of flying

running alongside.


I realized that Abeid's journey was more than just about flying. It was about hope, inspiration, and

Is diet soda safe? If you’re concerned about sugar, diet products seem a better option, sweet and not

the joy of sharing one's passion. And as I penned down the last words of this extraordinary experience, I

so bad for you. Wrong! Drinking diet soda regularly can increase your risk of diseases. Despite the fact

knew that Abeid's story would resonate (回荡) far beyond the Serengeti.

that we call these drinks “diet”, the artificial sweeteners they contain are linked to weight gain, not loss.

24.What did Abeid dream of?

There’s the latest evidence that they increase the risk of depression, which comes from a new

A. Being a wildlife guide. B. Being a journalist.

analysis by researchers at Harvard Medical School. The team drew upon a data set of nearly 32,000

C. Flying a hot air balloon. D. Flying a plane.

female nurses, ages 42 to 62 when the study began. It turned out that the nurses who consumed the most

25.Which of the following best describes the journey across the Serengeti?

diet drinks had a 37 percent higher chance of depression, compared to those who drank the least or none.

A. Smooth. B. Pioneering. C. Painful. D. Eco-friendly.

Diet soda also increases your risk of stroke (中风), according to a separate meta-analysis that

26.What agreement did Abeid and the author reach?

included 72 studies. Looking for the causes behind the stroke, researchers took various blood

A. Showing their technical skills.

measurements when 12 healthy volunteers in their 20s drank water, soda, or diet soda. The result showed

B. Teaching the children to be a pilot.

that both sodas slowed the flow of blood within the brain. Though the effect didn’t seem sufficient to

C. Taking the children for a ride.

cause stroke, slower blood flow could have accumulating effects.

D. Attracting people to their show.

Other researchers have found that diet soda increases the risk of dementia (痴呆), from data from

27.What would be the best title for the passage?

nearly 178,000 volunteers tracked over an average of nine years. That’s not a big surprise. An earlier

A. A Beautiful View: from East to West

study of about 4,300 volunteers concluded that drinking diet soda every day was tied to three times the

B. A Balloon Adventure: the Dream Soaring High

risk of dementia over the following decade. The researchers looked at brain scans and the results of

C. Different Job Experiences: from a Guide to a Pilot

mental function assessments. A daily diet soda was linked to smaller brains and aggravates long-term

D. A Wildlife Exploration: the Unforgettable Experience

memory, two risk factors for dementia.

Avoiding depression, stroke, and dementia is an obvious goal for whoever desires to age healthily. A. Slight weight loss.

So you know what to do. B. Increased blood flow.

28. How does the author present his point of view? C. Raised depression risk.

A. By analyzing causes. D. Severe mental decline.

B. By giving opinions. 30. Which can best replace the underlined word “aggravates” in paragraph 4?

C. By quoting specialists. A. Deletes.

D. By presenting research. B. Worsens.

29. What effect might diet soda have on people? C. Motivates.

D. Stimulates. 32. What is the report mainly about?

31. What might the author advise us to do? A. Comparisons of robots with humans.

A. Quit consuming diet sodas. B. Analysis of automation’s potential in economy.

B. Limit the daily sugar intake. C. Prediction of the unemployment problem.

C. Set achievable health goals. D. Explanations of the concept of the automation age.

D. Follow fixed aging process. 33. What might happen in 2055 according to the text?

D A. Automation will cause weak productivity growth.

Recent developments in robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have brought us in the B. Automation will reduce employees’ wages.

eye of the storm of a new automation age. About half of the work carried out by people was likely to be C. Activities like data collection and processing will disappear.

automated by 2055 with adaption to technology, a McKinsey Global Institute report predicted. D. Activities involve feeling emotions can be performed by robots.

Automation can enable businesses to improve performance by reducing errors and improving 34. How does the author feel about human workers?

quality and speed, and in some cases achieving outcomes that go beyond human capabilities. At a time of A. Worried. B. Mixed.

weak productivity growth worldwide, automation technologies can provide the much-needed promotion C. Optimistic. D. Doubtful.

of economic growth, according to the report. Automation could raise productivity growth globally by 0.8 35. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

percent to 1.4 percent. At a global level, technically automated activities involved 1.1 billion employees A. Automation: A challenge to all?

and 11.9 trillion U.S. dollars in wages, the report said. B. Automation: Where to go from here?

The report also showed that activities most influenced by automation were physical ones in highly C. Automation: Who is the eventual winner?

structured and predictable environments, as well as data collection and processing. In the United States, D. Automation: A future replacement for humans?

these activities make up 51 percent of activities in the economy, accounting for almost 2.7 trillion dollars 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

in wages. They are most common in production, accommodation and food service, and the retail (零售) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选


trade. And it’s not just low-skill, low-wage work that is likely to be influenced by automation; middle-

Sustainable travel is now one of the fastest-growing movements. Its goal is to meet the needs of the

skill and high-paying, high-skill occupations, too, have a degree of automation potential.

tourism industry without harming natural and cultural environments. 36 Here are some concrete ways

The robots and computers not only can perform a range of routine physical work activities better

to reduce your environmental impact as a traveler.

and more cheaply than humans, but are also increasingly capable of accomplishing activities that require

37 Travel doesn’t have to be about going somewhere far away. It’s the art of exploration,

cognitive (认知的) capabilities, such as feeling emotions or driving.

discovery and getting out of your comfort zone, all of which can just as well be nearby. Find somewhere

While much of the current debate about automation has focused on the potential that many people

nearby you haven’t been, get in your car, and go for a visit. You never know what you’ll come across.

may be replaced and therefore lose their financial resources, the analysis shows that humans will still be

Make greener transportation choices. After walking, public transportation is the next best way to

needed: The total productivity gains will only come about if people work alongside machines.

explore new destinations. 38 When it comes to longer distances, buses and trains are your best way of

getting around, both of which can be quite an experience in and of itself. crowds and lower prices, and you also won’t be putting as much pressure on local communities

Avoid over-visited destinations. If you can, avoid places with over-tourism. You’ll find fewer struggling to keep up. And, from a personal-enjoyment point of view, who wants to deal with crowds or

long lines? No one. 39 her kids. I didn't know what to say. Looking into her eyes, I tried to remember the lessons from a

Take a nature-related trip. If you want to better understand and appreciate the natural world, try communication skills class a few years earlier, but my mind was (49) . Without realizing it, I had begun

taking a trip with the single purpose of connecting with nature. 40 I promise that when you come holding Ms. A's hand. Since I didn't have anything to say, I just sat quietly while she talked. That's when

home, you’ll have a new viewpoint on why we’re all so focused on being environmentally friendly these it (50) to me that she was not expecting any (51) from me. She just wanted me to listen. All I did was

days. nodding my head as a way of showing my (52) . Finally, Ms. A stopped talking. I'm very sorry for

A. Stay close to home. keeping you here to listen to my problems, but I feel (53) now. A single tear fell from the corner of her

B. Find an ideal place to explore. eye. Finally, I knew what to say. It's OK, Ma'am. It's part of my (54) .

C. Sustainable travel can be useful to support communities. Ms. A taught me one of the most important lessons a doctor can learn. Sometimes patients do not need

D. Not only is it better for the environment, but it’s cheaper as well. expensive medicine or technology. They just need someone with the (55) and willingness to lend an ear

E. Get in touch with the world in a way that sitting at home doesn’t. and spare a little of their time.

F. If not managed properly, tourism can have incredibly negative impacts. 41.A. exposed B. evaluate C. committed D. submitted

G. Visiting less-visited destinations can be much more enjoyable and rewarding. 42.A. lonely B. rarely C. exactly D. slightly

43.A. differing B. resulting C. recovering D. hearing

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 44.A. intention B. protection C. instruction D. function

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

45.A. spoke B. consisted C. approved D. complained

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选

项。 46.A. bow B. rise C. flee D. pass

During my first seven semesters as a medical student, I (41) myself to studying and (42) spoke 47.A. while B. when C. until D. after

with real patients in a hospital. Then I started visiting local hospitals to gather data for my essay. One 48.A. awfully B. merely C. properly D. absolutely

cold evening, I was hunting for the final three patients I needed to complete my study. The records 49.A. narrow B. dull C. innocent D. blank

showed a 43-year-old patient, Ms. A, was in the ward (病房) still (43) from her recent stroke (中风). No 50.A. stuck B. referred C. occurred D. hit

relatives or friends were with her. When I sat down on a chair next to her bed and told her my (44) , she 51.A. reply B. value C. skill D. point

agreed. The questionnaire (45) of three simple questions. Before I could (46) after finishing it, Ms. A 52.A. permission B. admiration C. enthusiasm D. sympathy

spoke up in her weak voice. Doc, do you think I can get back my normal life? Deep in my heart, I 53.A. thrilled B. relieved C. excited D. pleased

thought, God, I wish I were your doctor so I could answer you properly. I replied that (47) I didn't know 54.A. belief B. luck C. promise D. duty

much about her case, I could tell her what I had learned about the recovery of stroke patients. Ms. A then 55.A. determination B. caution C. patience D. convenience

talked about herself. She told me that her husband died and her pay as a cleaner was (48) enough for

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) for its elegant design. And a string-patterned stove vividly reflects the significant role that the Silk Road

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 played in 64 (connect) China with the world.

An exhibition titled “Learn from the Past and Know the Future: China’s Archaeological (考古学的)

It is also worth noting that the design of the exhibition hall was inspired by the unique spatial (

Achievements in the New Era” is taking place at the National Museum of China. Nearly 400 of the most 空间的) structures of the archaeological sites, offering audiences the chance 65 (understand) the relationship

recently 56 (unearth) cultural relics from the collections of 43 museums and archaeological institutions between archaeological work and its outcomes better.

are 57 (current) on display.

The exhibits cover a wide range of periods 58 include a variety of fields. The exhibition vividly

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

describes the history of human origins, the 59 (form) of Chinese civilization and its development

第一节(满分 15 分)

within the boundaries of China. One striking part of the exhibition is the hand axes (斧), 60 are

你校英语学习社团(English Club)将举办“读名著,学英语(Read Classics, Learn

fundamental tools that were created and used by early humans. They are characterized by both their aesthetic English)”活动。请你代表该社团写一封倡议书,发表在校报上。内容包括:

(美学的) and practical 61 (function). Bronzeware is another eye-catching part of the exhibition. A bronze


box 62 Yuncheng, Shanxi Province that 63 (date) back to the Spring and Autumn period is famous

注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右; After setting everything out for the yard sale, he made the lemonade and baked some cookies to begin his

2.请按如下格式作答。 business adventure.

Read Classics,Learn English After about an hour or more, we had several customers, but Braxton still had not sold any lemonade.

He was a little sad. Then a young woman walked up with her baby to browse the items. While making

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ small talk, we told her about Braxton’s plan to save his money for his little dream. She then selected a

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ couple of baby toys for just $6 and paid with a $10 bill. “Keep the change, boy!” she said gently. Braxton

________________________________________________________ offered to give her the lemonade and cookies he made. He couldn’t have been happier to receive his first

little bit of money for the day.

第二节(满分 25 分)

The woman left with the baby toys, the lemonade and some cookies. We didn’t give it much thought


after that, but the story didn’t end there.

People say there seems to be so much negativity in this world, but there are good people out there


and sometimes we are made aware of them when we least expect it. (1)续写词数应为 150 个左右;

My family had been planning a yard sale for several weeks. Our five-year-old son, Braxton, asked if (2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

he could set up a lemonade (柠檬水) stand during the yard sale. He wanted to make a little money and Several minutes passed and the woman returned.


save up to buy a set of Lego bricks, which might add up to $100. “I will earn it myself!” he declared


proudly. He had been talking about it almost non-stop and couldn’t wait for the day to finally arrive.


Two days ago, we put up the sign “Yard Sale” in front of the driveway, telling neighbors about the


time and items. On the very day, Braxton woke up early at 6:00 am and couldn’t hide his excitement.

Holding the envelope and the bill, we were so moved.






第一部分 听力

1—5 ABCBA 6—10 ACACB 11—15 CCBCC 16—20 BABAC

第二部分 阅读

21-23 CDA 24-27DBCB 28-31 DCBA 32-35 BDCD 36-40 FADGE


A 篇


21. C 细节理解题。文章第二段提到,《力学、相对论和热力学》( Mechanics, Relativity, and

Thermodynamics)这本书适合化学、工程学和 AP 物理学专业的学生,而文章第三段提到,《理工科学

生适用物理学》(Physics for Students of Science and Engineering)帮助学生阅读科学数据、回答科学问


故选 C。

22. D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句“To ensure a better understanding and ability to apply these

concepts, worked examples are provided, giving students tools to develop problem-solving skills and

conceptual understanding.”可知,为了确保学生能够更好地理解和应用物理概念,《大学物理学与现代

物理学》(University Physics with Modern Physics)这本书中提供了可行的例子,来帮助学生更好地理

解概念并解决问题,故这本书最适合喜欢通过实际例子学习物理的学生。故选 D。

23. A 文章出处题。根据文章第一段第二句“Based on our web research, here are our top four picks with the

introduction of physics in simple, practical language.”并分析文章的语言和内容结构可知,这篇文章可能

是一篇在线文章(类似于网络文章或博客帖子)。故选 A。

B 篇


灵 感 和 分 享 的 快 乐 。

24. 根据第一段中的 Abeid was born in a village of Tanzania and dreamt of flying a plane, soaring (翱翔)

through the sky.(阿贝德出生在坦桑尼亚的一个村庄,他的梦想是驾驶一架飞机,在天空翱翔。)可知,

Abeid 的梦想是开飞机。故选 D。

25.根据第二段中的 Then, he came up with the idea of flying across the Serengeti from east to west, which

would take four flights on successive days, taking off and landing where no one had ever seen a balloon


有人见过气球的地方。)可知,穿越塞伦盖蒂是开创性的,以前这里没有热见过气球。故选 B。

26.根据倒数第二段中的 Abeid and I both looked at each other in silent agreement. Suddenly we were

helping some children into the basket. Abeid lifted off and we flew just a few hundred metres with the

excited crowd running alongside.(阿贝德和我都默默对视一眼达成协议。突然,我们帮助一些孩子进入


奔跑。)可知,阿贝德和作者达成的协议是带孩子们飞一段路程。故选 C。

27. 根 据 第 一 段 中 的 Abeid was born in a village of Tanzania and dreamt of flying a plane, soaring (翱

翔)through the sky.(阿贝德出生在坦桑尼亚的一个村庄,他的梦想是驾驶一架飞机,在天空翱翔。)及

第二段中的 Then, he came up with the idea of flying across the Serengeti from east to west, which would

take four flights on successive days, taking off and landing where no one had ever seen a balloon before.





享的快乐,因此推断 B 项“气球冒险:高飞的梦想”为最佳标题。故选 B。

C 篇



28. D 推理判断题。结合全文内容可知,作者通过引用多项研究来支持自己的观点。这些研究结果佐证了

作者关于饮用无糖汽水会对人体造成危害的观点,故作者通过展示研究来提出自己的观点。故选 D。

29. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“There’s the latest evidence that they increase the risk of depression ...”

可知,根据哈佛医学院研究人员的数据,无糖汽水会增加患抑郁症的风险。故选 C。

30. B 词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“A daily diet soda was linked to smaller brains”和画线词后的“two risk

factors for dementia”可知,每天喝无糖汽水会导致大脑萎缩,所以“aggravates long-term memory”也

应表示无糖汽水的不良影响。因此,aggravate 的意思应为“使恶化”,worsen 与之意思相近。故选 B。

31. A 推理判断题。结合全文内容可知,多项研究表明喝无糖汽水对人的健康有危害,包括增加患抑郁

症、中风和痴呆的风险。同时结合最后一段中的“Avoiding depression, stroke, and dementia is an

obvious goal for whoever desires to age healthily.”可知,为了能健康地老去,作者可能会建议我们停止

喝无糖汽水。故选 A。

D 篇

本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了麦肯锡全球研究院的一份报告。报告预测,到 2055 年,随着对


32. B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“About half of the work carried out ... a McKinsey Global Institute report


在提高效率、推动经济增长方面的作用,以及这一趋势对不同类型工作的影响。故选 B。

33. D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,机器人和计算机会越来越能够完成需要认知能力才能完成

的事,例如感受情绪或驾驶车辆。故选 D。

34. C 推 理 判 断 题。 根 据 最 后 一 段 中 的“the analysis shows that humans will still be needed: The total

productivity gains will only come about if people work alongside machines”可知,人类仍然是被需要的


的态度。A 项“担忧的”;B 项“复杂的”;C 项“乐观的”;D 项“怀疑的”。故选 C。

35. D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文开头主要介绍了机器人技术、人工智能和机器学习的最新发展使

人类处于一个新的自动化时代的风口浪尖。麦肯锡全球研究院的一份报告预测,到 2055 年,随着对技


作的影响,最后提出人类和机器一起工作,总生产率提高才会实现。因此 D 项“自动化:未来人类的替

代品?”适合作本文标题。故选 D。



36. F 空前介绍了可持续旅游及其目标,空后建议了一些具体方法来降低旅游对环境的影响。分析选项可

知,F 项“如果管理不当,旅游业可能会产生令人难以置信的负面影响。”对开展可持续旅游的原因进行

了解释(即“为什么”),承接了上文的“是什么”,同时开启了下文的“怎么做”。故选 F。

37. A 空处应填入本段的中心句。空后内容“Travel doesn’t have to be about going somewhere far away ... all of

which can just as well be nearby. Find somewhere nearby ...”强调了旅游并不一定要去很远的地方,在附近

探索和发现也可以。分析选项可知,A 项“待在家附近。”符合语境。故选 A。

38. D 本段主旨是“选择更环保的交通方式”。空前提到公共交通是仅次于步行的探索新目的地的最佳方式

。分析选项可知,D 项“它不仅对环境更好,而且更便宜。”分析了公共交通的好处,解释了为什么要

选择公共交通工具,承接上文,符合语境。选项中的 it 指代的是上文的 public transportation。故选 D。

39. G 本段主旨是“避免(去)游客过多的目的地”。空处位于段尾,应总结本段内容,再次点明主旨。分

析选项可知,G 项“去探访较少有人去的目的地可能更加令人愉悦和有益。”总结了本段的内容,符合

语境。“Visiting less-visited destinations”是对本段关键信息“over-visited destinations”的反义转述。故选 G

40. E 空处上文强调,通过“与自然亲近”的旅游,人们可以更好地理解和欣赏自然界。分析选项可知,E 项

中的“Get in touch with the world”指的就是亲近自然,是“connecting with nature”的同义表达。同时,选项

中的“sitting at home”也和下文中的“come home”形成呼应。故选 E。

第三部分 语言运用


【答案】41-45 CBCAB 46-50BABDC 51-55ADBDC



41. 句意:在我作为一名医科学生的头七个学期里,我致力于学习,很少和医院里真正的病人交谈。

A.exposed 暴露;B.evaluate 评价,评判;C.committed 承诺;D.submitted 顺从。commit oneself to doing sth.

致力于做某事,固定搭配。故选 C。

42. 句意同上。A.lonely 孤独的,偏僻的;B.rarely 很少地,罕见地;C.exactly 确切地;D.slightly 略微地,

纤细地。根据上句 I (1) myself to studying 可知,作者致力于学习,很少和真正的病人交谈。故选 B。

43. 句意:记录显示,一名 43 岁的病人,A 女士,正在病房中,她最近中风后仍在康复中。A.differing 有

区别;B.resulting 产生;C.recovering 康复,恢复;D.hearing 听见。根据后面的提示 from her recent stroke

可知,她中风后仍处于康复中。故选 C。

44. 句意:当我坐在她床边的椅子上,告诉她我的意图时,她同意了。A.intention 意图;B.protection 保护

;C.instruction 教导;D.function 功能。根据后面的 The questionnaire (5) of three simple questions.可知,

作者的意图是向她提问三个简单的问题,完成问卷。故选 A。

45. 句意:问卷由三个简单的问题组成。A.spoke of 讲起,说到;B.consisted of 包含,由……组成;

C.approved of 赞成;D.complained of 埋怨。根据前后的提示词 questionnaire 和 three simple questions 可知,

三个简单的问题组成了作者的问卷。故选 B。

46. 句意:在我完成之后,我还没来得及站起来,A 女士就用她微弱的声音说了出来。A.bow 鞠躬;B.rise

站起来,上升,提高;C.flee 逃避,逃跑;;D.pass 通过。根据上文 When I sat down on a chair next to her

bed 可知,作者坐在她床边的椅子上问的问题,所以是还没来得及站起来,故选 B。

47. 句意:我回答说,虽然我对她的病情不太了解,但我可以告诉她我在中风病人康复方面学到了什么。

A.while 当……时候,虽然;B.when 当……时候;C.until 直到;D.after 在……之后。根据句意可知,故选


48. 意:她告诉我,她的丈夫去世了,她作为一个清洁工的工资仅仅够(养活)她的孩子。A.awfully 非常

,糟糕地;B.merely 仅仅;C.properly 正确地,适当地;D.absolutely 绝对地。根据上文 She told me that her

husband died and her pay as a cleaner 可知,她作为一个清洁工的工资很少,仅仅够养活她的孩子。故选 B

49. 句意:看着她的眼睛,我试着回忆起几年前的一堂沟通技巧课的课程,但我的脑子里一片空白。

A.narrow 狭窄的;B.dull 枯燥无味的;C.innocent 无罪的,无辜的;D.blank 空白的。根据上文的 I tried to

remember the lessons from a communication skills class a few years earlier 和转折连词 but 以及后文 I didn't

have anything to say, I just sat quietly 可知,作者脑子里一片空白。故选 D。

50. 句意:就在那时,我突然想到,她并不期待我的任何答复。A.stuck 粘贴,刺;B.referred 提及,提到;

C.occurred 发 生 ; D.hit 击 中 。 It occurred to me that... 某 人 突 然 想 起 ......, 是 固 定 句 型 , 故 选 C。

51. 句意同上。A.reply 答复,回应;B.value 价值;C.skill 能力,专长;D.point 尖,点。根据下句 She just

wanted me to listen.可知,她没有期望我的任何回复。故选 A。

52. 句意:我所做的只是点头以示同情。A.permission 许可;B.admiration 敬佩;C.enthusiasm 热情;

D.sympathy 同情。根据上文 She told me that her husband died and her pay as a cleaner 可知,她的生活处境艰

难,所以作者所做的是点头以示同情。故选 D。

53. 句意:我很抱歉让你留在这里听我的问题,但我现在感到宽慰。A.thrilled 非常兴奋的;B.relieved 感到

宽慰的;C.excited 兴奋的,激动的;D.pleased 高兴的。根据下 A single tear fell from the corner of her eye.可

知,作者的聆听使这位病人感到宽慰。故选 B。

54. 句意:这是我的一部分职责。A.belief 信念,信仰;B.luck 幸运;C.promise 承诺;D.duty 值日,职责。

根据语境可知,作者做了这位女士的聆听者,这只是作为医学生的部分职责。故选 D。

55. 句意:他们只是需要一个有耐心和意愿的人来倾听他们的想法,并抽出一点时间。A.determination 决

心 ; B.caution 谨 慎 ; C.patience 耐 心 ; D.convenience 方 便 。 根 据 上 文 Sometimes patients do not need

expensive medicine or technology.和后文的 willingness to lend an ear and spare a little of their time 可知,他们

只是需要一个有耐心和意愿的人来倾听他们,故选 C。



56. unearthed 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词“are”,所以此处应用非谓语动词

;动词 unearth 与其逻辑主语“cultural relics”之间是动宾关系,所以应用其过去分词作定语。故填


57. currently 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰整个句子。故填 currently。

58. and 考查连词。此处表示展品涵盖了各个时期,涵盖了各种领域。“cover”和“include”为并列谓语

,应用并列连词 and 连接。故填 and。

59. formation 考查词性转换。根据空前的“the”和空后的“of”可知,此处应用 form 的名词形式,指“

中华文明的形成过程”。故填 formation。

60. which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是“hand axes (斧)”,

指物,从句中缺少主语,应用 which 引导该从句。故填 which。

61. functions 考查名词的单复数。function 在此处指“功能”,为可数名词,其前无冠词,所以应用其复数

形式表泛指。故填 functions。

62. from 考查介词。此处表示“来自”山西运城的一个青铜盒子,应用介词 from。故填 from。

63. dates 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此处作定语从句的谓语,指这个青铜盒子可以追溯到春秋时期,是

对事实的陈述,应用一般现在时,“that”指代“a bronze box”,是第三人称单数,应用 date 的第三

人称单数形式。故填 dates。

64. connecting 考查非谓语动词。介词 in 后应用动名词形式。故填 connecting。

65. to understand 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰“the chance”。故填 to understand

第四部分 写作



Read Classics, Learn English

Dear fellow schoolmates,

Aimed at appreciating the charm of English classics and promoting English learning, the

school English Club will host the “Read Classics, Learn English” activity.

This activity will last roughly 2 weeks, scheduled from April 1st to 14th.Various activities

have been designed, ranging from attending a lecture on reading tips to recommending the favorite

English classics, followed by exchanging reading experiences as well as reading skills. Anyone who

shows interest in reading English

classics is welcome.

Looking forward to your participation.

English Club



Paragraph 1:

Several minutes passed and the woman returned. “Is there anything wrong?” I thought to myself. I actually

thought she was here to ask for her change back. Of course, I couldn’t have been more wrong. She was carrying an

envelope this time. She handed it to us and said, “The lemonade and cookies are so delicious that I want to buy all

of them. I hope you can give them away to whoever passes by your stand for me.” We thanked her and she walked

away. We opened the envelope after she left and found a $100 bill in it.

Paragraph 2:

Holding the envelope and the bill, we were so moved. It was just a random act of kindness by a total stranger

that would make a little five-year-old boy’s wish come true. At the same time, she delivered that kindness to other

strangers by offering them lemonade and cookies for free. She obviously did not do it for praise or recognition.

She just did it out of the kindness of her heart. Contrary to what some may think, the positivity in this world really

does outweigh the negativity. There are good people around us doing good deeds, asking for nothing back.


Text 1

M: Linda, what’s your favorite city in China?

W: It’s Chongqing.

M: Is it because of the landscape or the people there?

W: Actually I fell in love with the city because of the hotpot restaurants there.

Text 2

W: Jason, who is this beautiful woman in the picture? Is she an actress?

M: No. Actually she’s my mother. She’s from Mexico.

W: Then she must speak Spanish.

M: You’re right. She speaks both English and Spanish and she teaches some American students Spanish.

Text 3

W: Tom, what about going to Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo this weekend?

M: Why do you want to go there? It’s a bit far away and it’s not very big.

W: I read in the magazine that it is the No. 1 family-friendly zoo in the US.

Text 4

W: Did you win in the London Marathon, Henry?

M: No. A competitor fell to the ground, so I helped him up. When he fell down again, I decided to support him to

the finish line 200 meters away. So I didn’t win.

W: Well, though you didn’t win, you’ve done something better than that.

Text 5

W: What about going to the cinema tonight?

M: I don’t feel like going out tonight. Why don’t we just watch a movie on Netflix? There are over forty new

movies on it this month.

W: Well, I just love watching movies on a large screen.

Text 6

M: Karen, what do you like doing in your spare time?

W: I generally spend my leisure time reading storybooks, gardening and collecting stamps.

M: So which do you like doing most?

W: Growing my own vegetables. It can not only help me relax after work but also allows me to eat vegetables

grown by myself. What about you?

M: I also love collecting stamps. I think it’s an activity that allows me to learn about different cultures of the


W: So how many stamps have you collected?

M: I have 100 British stamps and as many stamps from other countries.

Text 7

W: Mike, what about sending Amy to a camp this summer?

M: That’s a good idea. Do you know any good summer camps?

W: Yes. Since Amy loves dancing, what about sending her to Ballet Academy East? It has summer sessions for

children of all ages from 3 to 19 years old.

M: What classes does it have?

W: It has classes for younger dancers that include a variety of different activities. These activities work as an

introduction to many different styles of dance. It also has a class for older children aged 9 to 19.

M: So what can children do in this class?

W: They can learn some difficult movements. It’s perfect for children dreaming of becoming a professional dancer

in ballet.

M: So what about the price?

W: I have no idea. Let’s search on the Internet.

Text 8

W: John, what book have you read recently?

M: A book titled Free to Be Elephant Me written by Giles Andreae and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees.

W: What is the book mainly about?

M: It follows a young elephant named Num-Num as he competes in the Elephant Games to impress King Elephant

Mighty and get an elephant name. But he has a problem.

W: What problem does he have?

M: Num-Num isn’t good at normal tricks. He leaves, eventually finding his own strengths. The text shows how

Num-Num learns to appreciate his own strengths.

W: So have you learned a lesson from the book?

M: Yes. Before reading the book, I really admire other people’s strengths. But after reading the book, I know I

have my own strengths too.

W: Can I borrow the book? I also want to read it.

M: Sorry, but I no longer keep it. I’ve already returned it because it was due the day before yesterday.

Text 9

W: Mark, who is your role model?

M: It’s Zuriel Oduwole. She’s an advocate for girl’s education and a filmmaker. You may not believe it, but she’s

just 19 years old.

W: You mean a filmmaker at the age of 19? No way.

M: I’ve told you it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Actually she became the world’s youngest filmmaker to have her

work screened at the age of 12.

W: I just can’t believe my ears. So what does she like filming about?

M: Her films mostly show the importance of education of girls in Africa. You know in Africa many girls don’t go

to school for education. Zuriel wants to change that through her films.

W: So why is she your role model?

M: It’s mainly because she is courageous enough to follow a dream and she cares enough to reach it. She has set a

good example to me.





