
2024-09-07·12页·6.9 M



考试时间:120分钟 满 分:150分

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Where are the speakers?

A. In the street. B. On the bus. C. In the museum.

2. What are the speakers going to do next?

A. Go home. B. Go to the tower. C. Go to some shops.

3. What is the man probably doing?

A. Waiting for someone. B. Cutting in line. C. Looking for his way.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Looking for a job. B. Graduating from college. C. Seeking information online.

5. What is the weather like now?

A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Warm.

第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒

钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What seems to be the woman’s problem?

A. She lives in poverty. B. She feels weak. C. She gets short of breath.

7. When did the problem become worse?

A. Eight months ago. B. When she was in London. C. A year and a half ago.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. Why is the man worried?

A. He may miss his flight. B. He can’t find Terminal B. C. He can’t collect his bags.

9. How will the man’s luggage be transferred?

A. By air. B. By bus. C. By other passengers.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. What is the man’s profession?

A. A cleaner. B. A salesman. C. A plumber.

11. What does the man think is the main reason for the leak?

第 1 页 共 9 页

the Aurora Borealis in the UK. Travelers can witness the northern lights between September and March during

cold and dark evenings.

The Kirkwall Hotel: Starts at $86 per room per night

Other popular places in Orkney: Wideford Hill and Inganess Bay

Lapland, Finland

Lapland is another location within the Arctic Circle, in Finland’s northernmost part. Travelers can expect

to see the northern lights from late August to April, about 200 times annually. One of the best bucket list

experiences is watching the light show from Santa’s Hotel Aurora.

Kakslauttanen Artic Resort Glass Igloos: Starts at $484 per night

Santa’s Hotel Aurora: Starts at $121 per night

Yellowknife, Canada

Yellowknife, more popular for being North America’s Aurora Capital, sits at the center of the Aurora Oval,

with the best views from mid-November to early April. Aurora Village tours are also available for viewing the

northern lights, with free pick-up from hotels around the area.

Aurora Village tour: Starts at $100 per person

Aurora Village Hotel package: Rates differ during fall and winter

21. Which of the four locations has the longest season of viewing the northern lights?

A. Troms. B. Orkney. C. Lapland. D. Yellowknife.

22. What is the lowest price for renting two rooms for one night in the Kirkwall Hotel?

A. $172. B. $200. C. $222. D. $242.

23. What can tourists do in both Troms and Lapland?

A. Enjoy sightseeing tours around the village.

B. Watch the northern lights from the hotel.

C. Participate in Santa-themed activities.

D. Get free pick-ups to the viewing spots.


As we drove along the country road, a herd of deer emerged as if by magic, surrounding us from all sides.

I shouted at my husband to slow down and avoid hitting them. We were coming to a stop when the car doors

flew open and we sprang out of the car. A deer lay injured by the roadside, with its eyes wide open. While

some deer scattered, a few remained at a safe distance, observing the scene. “I have to call the police,” my

husband said.

As we waited for help, a nearby resident came out of his house, angrily shouting instructions. I told him

that we had already contacted the police. He stood at his doorway, arms crossed, watching us. I know he wanted

to make sure we didn’t leave the scene.

I suggested calling a 24-hour veterinarian clinic, but before doing so, I noticed a slight movement in the

deer’s back leg. We watched as she struggled to rise. After several minutes, she managed to stand. She turned

her head to look at us, and then leapt gracefully toward the forest.

第 3 页 共 9 页

I raced after her until she disappeared into the forest. Tears streamed down my face, a mix of joy that she

could run again and fear for her survival. I walked back to the car just as the police arrived. Our “security

guard” returned to his house, satisfied that his role was complete.

After listening to our account, the police praised us for remaining at the scene. They told us that deer are

resilient creatures and that she would survive.

The following day, we revisited the scene. The area showed no signs of blood. I discovered a piece of our

car’s plastic bumper with the deer’s fur attached to it. I picked it up and took it home.

Whenever I see a deer walking through the forest along our country road, I wonder if it was our deer from

that summer evening.

24. What did the author and her husband do upon discovering an injured deer by the roadside?

A. They drove away the other deer. B. They slowed down to avoid it.

C. The husband contacted the police. D. The wife tried to help the deer stand up.

25. How did the nearby resident react to the situation?

A. He kept a close watch on the couple. B. He immediately called a local veterinarian.

C. He observed the injured deer closely. D. He gave tips on how to handle the injured deer.

26. How did the author feel when the injured deer stood up and ran into the forest?

A. Sad and disappointed. B. Surprised and confused.

C. Happy but a little worried. D. Relieved but a little frustrated.

27. What did the police do about the incident?

A. They fined the couple. B. They comforted the couple.

C. They tracked the injured deer. D. They investigated the scene.


Given the astonishing potential of AI to transform our lives, we all need to take action to deal with our

AI-powered future, and this is where AI by Design: A Plan for Living with Artificial Intelligence comes in.

This absorbing new book by Catriona Campbell is a practical roadmap addressing the challenges posed by the

forthcoming AI revolution.

In the wrong hands, such a book could prove as complicated to process as the computer code that powers

AI but, thankfully, Campell has more than two decades’ professional experience translating the heady into the

understandable. She writes from the practical angle of a business person rather than as an academic, making

for a guide which is highly accessible and informative and which, by the close, will make you feel almost as

smart as AI.

As we soon come to learn from AI by Design, AI is already super-smart and will become more capable,

moving from the current generation of “narrow-AI” to Artificial General Intelligence. From there, Campbell

says, will come Artificial Domination Intelligence. This is why Campbell has set out to raise awareness of AI

and its future now—several decades before these developments are expected to take place. She says it is

essential that we keep control of artificial intelligence, or risk being sidelined and perhaps even worse.

Campbell’s point is to wake up those responsible for AI—the technology companies and world leaders—

第 4 页 共 9 页

so they are on the same page as all the experts currently developing it. She explains we are at a “tipping point”

in history and must act now to prevent an extinction-level event for humanity. We need to consider how we

want our future with AI to pan out. Such structured thinking, followed by global regulation, will enable us to

achieve greatness rather than our downfall.

AI affects us all, and if you only read one book on the subject, this is it.

28. What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. If read by someone poorly educated. B. If written by someone less competent.

C. If reviewed by someone ill-intentioned. D. If translated by someone unacademic.

29. What is a feature of AI by Design according to the text?

A. It is packed with complex codes. B. It is intended for AI professionals.

C. It adopts a down-to-earth style. D. It provides step-by-step instructions.

30. What does Campbell urge people to do regarding AI development?

A. Observe existing regulations on it. B. Reconsider expert opinions about it.

C. Learn from prior experience to slow it down. D. Make joint efforts to keep it under control.

31. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To honor an outstanding AI expert. B. To recommend a book on AI.

C. To clarify the definition of AI. D. To give a brief account of AI history.


Most of us don’t have any memories from the first three to four years of our lives. And when we do try

to think back to our earliest memories, it is often unclear whether they are the real thing or just recollections

based on photos or stories told to us. The phenomenon, known as “childhood amnesia (健忘症)”, has been

puzzling psychologists for more than a century.

It may seem that the reason why we don’t remember being babies is that babies don’t have a fully

developed memory. But babies as young as six months can form both short-term and long-term memories. In

one study, six-month-olds who learned how to press a lever to operate a toy train remembered how to perform

this action for two to three weeks after they had last seen the toy.

Of course, memory capabilities at these ages are not adult-like—they continue to develop until puberty.

In fact, developmental changes in basic memory processes have been put forward as an explanation for

childhood amnesia, and it’s one of the best theories we’ve got so far. These basic processes involve several

brain regions and include forming, maintaining and later bringing back the memory.

But this does not seem to be the whole story. Another factor that we know plays a role is language. From

the ages of one to six, children progress from the one-word stage of speaking to becoming fluent in their native

language(s), so there are major changes in their language competence that overlap with the childhood amnesia

period. It is true to some extent that a child’s ability to describe an event predicts how well they remember it

months or years later.

While there are still things we don’t understand about childhood amnesia, it’s important to remember that,

even if we can’t clearly remember specific events from when we were very young, they still influence our

第 5 页 共 9 页

behavior. The first few years of life are forgettable and yet powerful in shaping the adults that we become.

32. What does the study mentioned in paragraph 2 show?

A. Babies don’t have a fully developed memory.

B. Babies don’t suffer from childhood amnesia.

C. Babies can remember things for weeks.

D. Babies can benefit from hands-on learning.

33. Which of the following is one of the best theories concerning childhood amnesia?

A. Babies’ brains are not mature enough.

B. Babies’ language skills need developing.

C. Babies cannot go through basic memory processes.

D. Babies rarely experience events that had a big impact.

34. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Specific events from early childhood should be told to children.

B. The first few years of life should be taken seriously.

C. We can overcome childhood amnesia someday.

D. Childhood amnesia is fairly common.

35.What can be the best title for the text?

A. How our early childhood memories form

B. How childhood amnesia influences our lives

C. Why some memories disappear and others don’t

D. Why we can’t remember our early childhood

第二节 (共 5 小题, 每小题 2. 5 分, 共 12. 5 分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Not all great writers are great spellers. If you want to be published, it’s vital to submit a perfect,

professionally presented manuscript. 36 No editor is likely to tolerate a writer who does not take the

trouble to spell words correctly.

I keep two reference books close-by on my desk: dictionary and thesaurus (同义词词典). I don’t trust my

laptop’s spellchecker. 37 Of course, these days there are plenty of online dictionaries and thesauruses,

but I’m old-fashioned enough to prefer a hard cover and pages I can leaf through with my fingers. I use the

Concise Oxford Dictionary and the Collins Thesaurus.

38 It should give you a precise definition of each word, thus differentiating it from other words

whose meanings are similar, but not identical. It will also usually show how the word is pronounced.

In addition, I have an old two-volume copy of Shorter Oxford Dictionary, picked up a few years ago in a

bookshop sale for just 99 pence. Of course, with its 2,672 pages, it’s not exactly short. It contains around

163,000 words, plus word combinations and idiomatic phrases. 39 However, if I need to check the

origin of a word or to look up examples of its usages, there’s nothing better.

For well over a hundred years the most influential English dictionary was Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary

第 6 页 共 9 页

of the English Language published in 1755. “To make dictionaries is dull work,” wrote Johnson, illustrating

one definition of “dull”. 40 A few minutes spent casting your eye over a page or two can be a rewarding


A. I don’t often use this dictionary.

B. It takes no account of the context.

C. But I still don’t want to replace them.

D. But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read.

E. Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling.

F. That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes.

G. Dictionaries don’t always give you enough information.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)


I dropped a clay cooking pot on my feet. More accurately, I slipped down the back steps of my house on

a rainy night, 41 the pot into the air. I managed to stay upright and 42 on my backside with

my feet in front of me, but the pot also landed upright—and on my feet, breaking in two. The hot juices I was

trying to throw into the outdoor dustbin 43 in the air, and then rained down upon me. At the very

moment, I could 44 the headline: “Woman Dies Doing Dishes After Dinner.”

Life didn’t stop because I got 45 .

However, my daily routine slowed down. I 46 less urgent appointments. Though I hated the

47 in my plans, I soon realized it left me a gift: spare time. I rediscovered long-forgotten 48 . I read

a book just for pleasure. I caught up with friends and family members in e-mails and texts. I 49 with

my watercolor set. And my spirit 50 again.

When I was 51 to slow down, I realized how unhealthy my lifestyle used to be. So I decided

something had to 52 . Now I try to leave some 53 for activities and practices that bring me joy,

like going for walks or enjoying a meal with friends.

Every time I cook in my new pot, I remember the 54 of slowing down. And I never ever walk

down 55 stairs with a pot in my hands.

41. A. blowing B. throwing C. putting D. bringing

42. A. landed B. sank C. kept D. survived

43. A. mixed B. gathered C. floated D. flew

44. A. remember B. picture C. read D. appreciate

45. A. deserted B. attacked C. injured D. ignored

46. A. cancelled B. made C. forgot D. expected

47. A. stress B. trouble C. loss D. interruption

48. A. choices B. roles C. joys D. designs

49. A. dealt B. played C. helped D. experimented

第 7 页 共 9 页

50. A. came off B. came alive C. gave out D. gave in

51. A. forced B. ordered C. permitted D. encouraged

52. A. suffer B. return C. change D. repeat

53. A. money B. time C. reward D. patience

54. A. theme B. pace C. importance D. freedom

55. A. wet B. new C. narrow D. dark

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Breaking Records: Pan Zhanle Wins Gold in Men’s 100m Freestyle at Paris 2024 Olympics

Paris, August 1 — Chinese Pan Zhanle stunned the world by claiming the gold medal in the men’s 100m

freestyle at the 2024 Paris Olympics, breaking the world record with a 56 (shock) time of 46.40

seconds. This historic achievement marks China’s first-ever Olympic gold in the event, adding a 57

(nine) gold to the country’s tally (奖牌榜) at the Games.

Pan, who set the world record at the February world championships in Doha, 58 (face) intense

competition from the likes of former record holder David Popovic of Romania and Rio Olympic champion

Kyle Chalmers of Australia. However, Pan’s powerful stroke and impeccable (无可挑剔的) timing saw him

59 (finish) 1.08 seconds ahead, shaving 0.4 seconds 60 his own previous record. The 20-year-old

gold medalist from Zhejiang province 61 (remarkable) displayed consistency throughout the meet,

clocking 46.92 in the relay race and 47.21 in the semifinals. His victory is just like a legend, from breaking the

Asian record in 2023 to becoming 62 Olympic champion in 2024.

The young swimmer’s journey from a 4-year-old beginner to the 63 (fast) swimmer serves as an

inspiration to aspiring athletes around the globe. 64 Pan celebrates his historic feat, the world watches

in awe, anticipating more groundbreaking 65 (perform) from the rising star of Chinese swimming.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

请你写一篇短文向校英文报“Mental Health”栏目投稿, 向同学们推荐一种调节情绪的方法。内容


1. 介绍这种方法;

2. 说明推荐的理由。


1. 词数 80 左右;2. 题目自拟, 不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






第 8 页 共 9 页

第二节(满分 25 分)


Katie was happily jumping rope on the grass in front of her house facing the expansive city park just

across the road. The neighborhood residents often enjoyed walking around the lake in the park, and on this

pleasant day, with the sun casting its warm light, Katie spent the unhurried moments devoted to her jumping


Her thoughts were focused on her jumping: how to match the spinning of the jump rope in her hands and

the jumping of her feet so that they didn’t get mixed, causing her to trip. When her mind and muscles were

working together, and when every move flowed smoothly, all of it felt pretty good in the afternoon sunshine.

While jumping, she remembered that her grandmother had given her the jump rope for Christmas. She

knew that her grandmother didn’t have a lot of money and had to save up to buy the jump rope for her. Before

Christmas, her grandmother had taken her to some toy shops to look at different things, hoping to find out

what Katie wanted. When Katie finally got the gift, it was not just a jump rope but the very jump rope she had

wanted for a long time. She felt especially loved by her considerate grandmother.

The warmth of the afternoon sun enhanced the joy Katie felt as she skipped along. Suddenly a boy rushed

across the road to her. Without any warning he robbed her of her jump rope, shouting, “Give me that.” and

raced back across the road towards the park.

Empty-handed, Katie was left in confusion. It took her a while to recover from the shock. When she came

to her senses and realized the theft of her grandma’s gift, tears welled up. A wave of anger and disappointment

swept over her. But in that moment of upset, something unusual in the park captured her attention.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: Following the boy quickly, she spotted a group of kids crying anxiously by the lake. ________





Paragraph 2: After making sure the drowning girl was okay, the boy walked up to Katie with the jump rope.






第 9 页 共 9 页




1-5 BCBAC 6- 10 CBABC 11- 15 BCACB 16-20 ACACA


21-23 CAB 24-27 CACB 28-31 BCDB 32-35 CABD


36-40 FBEAD


41-45 BADBC 46-50 ADCDB 51-55 ACBCA


56. shocking 57. ninth 58. faced 59. finish 60. off 61. remarkably

62. an 63. fastest 64. As/When/While 65. performance/performances



Text 1

W: Excuse me, sir. Does this bus go to the museum?

M: Yes, you get off at the square. We will get there in about half an hour if the traffic isn’t too heavy.

Text 2

W: I think we should buy some souvenirs to take home. On our way to the tower there are many shops selling

all kinds of souvenirs.

M: OK. Let’s head there.

Text 3

M: Just look at that line! It seems to stretch on for miles. I can’t imagine waiting for another two hours.

W: Hey, the end of the line is over there.

M: Yeah ...

W: No, I’m serious. I was here first.

Text 4

M: Oh, Mia, I’ll be graduating from college soon, but I have not found a job yet.

W: You can try posting your job-seeking information online.

Text 5






