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2023北京市高考英语试卷第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was always timid(羞怯的). Being new to the school made me even ____1____ , so it was surprising I’d ____2____ to anyone around me. Now I was paying the priceto write a fivepage essay on “Why I Should Not Talk in Class”. That would take all night!After I got home, though. I took my time petting the catpostponing the pain.When I finally sat down to ____3____, I began with the reasons Ms Black would want to hear.Talking kept me and my neighbours from ____4____. One paragraph down; now what? I chewed on my pencil. Aha! What if talking were the first step towards life as a criminal? Without the education I was throwing away, I’d turn to theft and go to prison. When I got out, people would say, “She used to talk in class.” The pages began ____5____.But when mum got home from work, I was still ____6____, “Five pages! That’s impossible!”“Well, you’d better get back to work,” she said. “and I want to read it when you’re through.”Soon after dinner, I handed the essay to mum. I half expected a____7____at least an “I hope you’ve learned your lesson”. ____8____, mum laughed and laughed as she read.The next day, when Ms Black read the essay to the class, everyone laughed. I could ____9____ they weren’t making fun of me: they laughed because I had the power to tell a funny story. My____10____ still needed some nudging(激发), but I did learn I wasn’t shy in print.1. A. freerB. shyerC. calmerD. happier2. A. nodB. pointC. listenD. chat3. A. weepB. restC. writeD. read4. A. learningB. playingC. planningD. laughing5. A. standing outB. flying byC. breaking upD. checking in6. A. celebratingB. longingC. complainingD. warning7. A. lectureB. reasonC. rewardD. solution8. A. ThereforeB. MoreoverC. MeanwhileD. Instead9. A. hopeB. imagineC. tellD. predict10. A. patienceB. confidenceC. toleranceD. independence【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B【解析】【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要主要讲述了作者很害羞,刚来到新学校后更加害羞,不爱说话。于是老师让作者写一篇五页的“我为什么不应该在课上讲话”的文章。作者写的文章很搞笑,第二天当老师在课堂上读作者的文章时,同学们都笑了起来。【1题详解】考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:初来乍到使我更加害羞,所以我应该和身边的任何人聊天这是很令人惊讶的。A. freer更自由的;B. shyer更害羞的;C. calmer更冷静的;D. happier更高兴的。由上文“I was always timid(羞怯的)”和“even”可知,前后是程度的加深,我很害羞,所以刚到新学校更加害羞了,故选B。【2题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:初来乍到使我更加害羞,所以我应该和身边的任何人聊天这是很令人惊讶的。A. nod点头;B. point指;C. listen听;D. chat闲聊。由下文“Now I was paying the priceto write a fivepage essay on “Why I Should Not Talk in Class”.(现在我在付出代价——就“我为什么不应该在班里说话”写一篇五页的文章)”和“I began with the reasons Ms Black would want to hear.”可知,布莱克老师想知道我为什么不在班里说话的原因,由此可知,当老师想让我和同学们说话时,我认为要我和身边的任何人聊天这是很令人惊讶的,故选D。【3题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我终于坐下来开始写作时,我首先说出了布莱克老师想听的理由。A. weep哭泣;B. rest休息;C. write写;D. read读。由上文“to write a fivepage essay on “Why I Should Not Talk in Class””可知,此处write是同词复现,我开始写这篇五页的文章,故选C。【4题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:谈话使我和我的邻桌不能学习。A. learning学习;B. playing玩;C. planning计划;D. laughing笑。由上文“Now I was paying the priceto write a fivepage essay on “Why I Should Not Talk in Class”. That would take all night!”和“I began with the reasons Ms Black would want to hear.”可知,现在我要写一篇五页的文章,那要花费我一晚上,所以说和邻桌谈话会阻止我和邻居学习,且以谈话会妨碍学习来解释,说明自己爱学习,这也是老师愿意听到的,故选A。【5题详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:书页开始飞逝。A. standing out突出;B. flying by飞越;飞逝;C. breaking up分手;D. checking in登记。由上文“Without the education I was throwing away, I’d turn to theft and go to prison. When I got out, people would say, “She used to talk in class.””可知,我开始写出很多内容,所以此处用fly by来说明我很快写出了很多页,故选B。【6题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当妈妈下班回家的时候,我仍然在抱怨,“五页!这不可能!”A. celebrating庆祝;B. longing渴望;C. complaining抱怨;D. warning警告。由下文““Five pages! That’s impossible!””可知,我认为我不可能写完这五页的内容,所以在抱怨,故选C。【7题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有点期待得到一种说教——至少一句“我希望你已经吸取了教训”。A. lecture说教;B. reason原因;C. reward奖励;D. solution解决办法。由下文“at least an “I hope you’ve learned your lesson”.”可知,“我希望你已经吸取了教训”这是一种说教,故选A。【8题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,妈妈一边读一边笑。A. Therefore因此;B. Moreover此外;C. Meanwhile同时;D. Instead代替;反而。前后句子“I half expected a______7____at least an “I hope you’ve learned your lesson”.”和“mum laughed and laughed as she read.”内容相反,应用instead,我本期待得到妈妈的奖励,然而妈妈非但没有奖励,反而在读我的文章时一边读一边笑,故选D。【9题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能判断出他们不是在取笑我:他们笑是因为我有能力讲一个有趣的故事。A. hope希望;B. imagine想象;C. tell告诉;看出,判断出;区分;D. predict预计。由下文“they weren’t making fun of me: they laughed because I had the power to tell a funny story.”可知,我能判断出来,他们笑是因为我讲的故事搞笑,而不是在取笑我,故选C。【10题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的自信心仍然需要一些推动,但我确实学到了我在写作的时候并不害羞。A. patience耐心;B. confidence自信;C. tolerance忍受;D. independence独立。由下文“still needed some nudging(激发), but I did learn I wasn’t shy in print.”和第一段提到的我很害羞可知,我的自信心不足,需要一些推动,故选B。第二节(共15分)A阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules, such as ones on punctuality (守时). I’m British. Soon after moving to Switzerland, I ____11____(throw) a house-warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests showed up ____12____(exact) on time. Years later, having moved to France. I turned up at the appointed hour for a dinner, only to find that no other guest____13____(arrive) and my hostess was still in her sleeping suit.【答案】11. would throw 12. exactly 13. had arrived【解析】【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者在瑞士和法国体验到的不同的守时习俗。【11题详解】考查时态。句意:搬到瑞士后不久,我要举办一个乔迁派对,当所有30位客人都准时出现时,我感到非常惊讶。表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或呈现的状态应用过去将来时。故填would throw。【12题详解】考查副词。句意:搬到瑞士后不久,我要举办一个乔迁派对,当所有30位客人都准时出现时,我感到非常惊讶。修饰介词短语on time应用副词exactly,故填exactly。【13题详解】考查时态。句意:多年以后,搬到法国后,我在约定的时间赴宴,却发现没有其他客人到场,女主人还穿着睡衣。从句中表示“过去的过去”应用过去完成时。故填had arrived。B阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Mangroves, known as “red forest” in China, grow between land and sea, characterised by their complex roots. When ____14____(see) from afar, the mangrove forests appear more splendid.Mangroves can help soften waves and protect ____15____(city) from coastal winds. For these reasons, they are praised as “coastal guardians”. Up to now, China ____16____(establish) a number of protected areas with mangroves.【答案】14. seen 15. cities 16. has established【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。红树林,生长在陆地和海洋之间,有助于软化海浪,保护城市免受沿海风的侵袭,到目前为止,中国已建立了一批红树林保护区。【14题详解】考查状语从句的省略。句意:从远处看,红树林显得更加壮观。逗号前面是when引导的状语从句的省略,当状语从句和主句主语是同一主语时,且从句含有be动词,从句可以省略主语和be动词。在从句中,主语为the mangrove forests,和动词see是被动关系,从句应用一般现在时的被动语态,完整形式为when they are seen from afar,省略主语和be动词,故填seen。【15题详解】考查名词复数。句意:红树林有助于软化海浪,保护城市免受沿海风的侵袭。此处应用名词city作宾语,为可数名词,应用复数形式表泛指,故填cities。【16题详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,中国已经建立了一些红树林保护区。由Up to now(到目前为止)可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语是China,助动词应用has,故填has established。C阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Nina has run marathons in 32 countries. All of her runs have a guiding purpose: to call attention ____17____ global water issues. Nina recently finished her year-long series of runs in Chicago, ____18____ thousands were attending a water conference.She called for action ____19____(address)the struggles of people around the world ____20____(face) “too little water or too dirty water”. Her efforts have encouraged others to take part by running through a global campaign called“Run Blue”.【答案】17. to 18. where 19. to address 20. facing【解析】【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。尼娜在32个国家跑过马拉松。她所有的跑步活动都有一个目的:呼吁人们关注全球水资源问题。最近,尼娜在芝加哥结束了长达一年的系列跑步活动,数千人在那里参加了一个水会议。她呼吁采取行动,解决世界各地面临“水太少或水太脏”的人们的斗争。她的努力鼓励其他人参与到一场名为“蓝色奔跑”的全球运动中来。【17题详解】考查介词。句意:她所有的跑步活动都有一个指导目的:呼吁人们关注全球水资源问题。表示“关注”短语为call attention to。故填to。【18题详解】考查定语从句。句意:最近,尼娜在芝加哥结束了长达一年的系列跑步活动,数千人在那里参加了一个水会议。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Chicago,在从句中作地点状语,故填where。【19题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她呼吁采取行动,解决世界各地面临“水太少或水太脏”的人们的斗争。分析句子结构可知address在句中作目的状语,故用不定式。故填to address。【20题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她呼吁采取行动,解决世界各地面临“水太少或水太脏”的人们的斗争。分析句子结构可知face与逻辑主语people构成主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语,故填facing。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The International Olympic Committee(IOC)Young Leaders programme empowers talents to make a positive difference in their communities through sport. Twenty-five Young Leaders are being selected every two years for a four-year period. They promote the Olympic values, spreading the message of sport for good.To be an IOC Young Leader, you need to first complete the 4-Week Learning Sprint (冲刺).4-Week Learning SprintThe 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during November 2023, is a virtual learning programme. The sessions can be attended live or watched back after they are made available on the IOC channel. Each week, participants will be asked to complete a topicspecific reflection task.The 4-Week Learning Sprint is open to anyone, with the target audience aged between 20 and 28.After successfully completing the 4-Week Learning Sprint, you will need to submit a plan for a sportbased project, which you will work on if selected as an IOC Young Leader.Requirements for the ApplicantsYou have successfully completed the 4-Week Learning Sprint.You have completed your high school studies.You have at least one year of work experience.You have strong public speaking skills.You are self-motivated and committed.You are passionate about creating positive change in your community.You are open to being coached and advised by experts and peers (同伴).You are able to work with people from different backgrounds.21. In the 4-Week Learning Sprint, participants will ________.A. create change in their communityB. attend a virtual learning programmeC. meet people from different backgroundsD. promote the IOC Young Leaders project22. If selected as an IOC Young Leader, one will need to ________.A. complete a reflection task each weekB. watch sports on the IOC channelC. work on a sport-based projectD. coach and advise their peers23. Which is a requirement for the applicants?A. Spreading the message of sport for good.B. Having at least one-year work experience.C. Showing great passion for project planning.D. Committing themselves to becoming an expert.【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B【解析】【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一个成为国际奥委会青年领袖的项目以及要求。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据4-Week Learning Sprint部分中“The 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during November 2023, is a virtual learning programme. The sessions can be attended live or watched back after they are made available on the IOC channel. (为期4周的学习冲刺是一个虚拟学习计划,将于2023年11月进行。这些会议可以现场观看,也可以在IOC频道播出后观看)”可知,在为期四周的学习冲刺中,参与者将参加虚拟学习课程。故选B。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据4-Week Learning Sprint部分中“After successfully completing the 4-Week Learning Sprint, you will need to submit a plan for a sportbased project, which you will work on if selected as an IOC Young Leader. (在成功完成为期4周的冲刺学习后,您需要提交一份以体育为基础的项目计划,如果您被选为国际奥委会青年领袖,您将参与其中)”可知,如果被选为国际奥委会青年领袖,需要做一个以运动为基础的项目。故选C。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据Requirements for the Applicants部分中“You have at least one year of work experience. (你至少有一年的工作经验)”可知,对申请人的要求是至少一年工作经验。故选B。Sitting in the garden for my friend’s birthday. I felt a buzz (振动) in my pocket. My heart raced when I saw the email sender’s name. The email started off: “Dear Mr Green, thank you for your interest” and “the review process took longer than expected.” It ended with “We are sorry to inform you…”and my vision blurred (模糊). The position—measuring soil quality in the Sahara Desert as part of an undergraduate research programme — had felt like the answer I had spent years looking for.I had put so much time and emotional energy into applying, and I thought the rejection meant the end of the road for my science career.So I was shocked when, not long after the email, Professor Mary Devon, who was running the programme, invited me to observe the work being done in her lab. I jumped at the chance, and a few weeks later I was equally shocked—and overjoyed—when she invited me to talk with her about potential projects I could pursue in her lab. What she proposed didn’t seem as exciting as the original project I had applied to, but I was going to give it my all.I found myself working with a robotics professor on techniques for collecting data from the desert remotely. That project, which I could complete from my sofa instead of in the burning heat of the desert, not only survived the lockdown but worked where traditional methods didn’t. In the end, I had a new scientific interest to pursue.When I applied to graduate school, I found three programmes promising to allow me to follow my desired research direction. And I applied with the same anxious excitement as before. When I was rejected from one that had seemed like a perfect fit, it was undoubtedly difficult. But this time I had the perspective (视角) to keep it from sending me into panic. It helped that in the end I was accepted into one of the other programmes I was also excited about.Rather than setting plans in stone, I’ve learned that sometimes I need to take the opportunities that are offered, even if they don’t sound perfect at the time, and make the most of them.24. How did the author feel upon seeing the email sender’s name?A. Anxious.B. Angry.C. Surprised.D. Settled.25. After talking with Professor Devon, the author decided to ________.A. criticise the review processB. stay longer in the Sahara DesertC. apply to the original project againD. put his heart and soul into the lab work26. According to the author, the project with the robotics professor was ________.A. demandingB. inspiringC. misleadingD. amusing27. What can we learn from this passage?A. An invitation is a reputation.B. An innovation is a resolution.C. A rejection can be a redirection.D. A reflection can be a restriction.【答案】24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章中作者结合自己被拒绝后得到了更好的职业发展机会,告诉我们最初的拒绝给予了更好的方向。【24题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“My heart raced when I saw the email sender’s name. The email started off: “Dear Mr Green, thank you for your interest” and “the review process took longer than expected.” It ended with “We are sorry to inform you…”and my vision blurred (模糊). (当我看到邮件发件人的名字时,我的心跳加速了。这封邮件是这样开头的:“亲爱的格林先生,感谢您的关注”,“审核过程比预期的要长。”信的结尾是“我们很抱歉地通知你……”,我的视线模糊了)”可知,收到的是被拒绝的邮件,所以推测作者在看到电子邮件发件人的名字时感到焦虑。故选A。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“So I was shocked when, not long after the email, Professor Mary Devon, who was running the programme, invited me to observe the work being done in her lab. I jumped at the chance, and a few weeks later I was equally shocked—and overjoyed—when she invited me to talk with her about potential projects I could pursue in her lab. What she proposed didn’t seem as exciting as the original project I had applied to, but I was going to give it my all. (因此,当我收到这封邮件后不久,负责这个项目的玛丽德文教授邀请我去她的实验室观察正在进行的工作时,我感到非常震惊。我欣然接受了这个机会,几周后,当她邀请我和她谈谈我可以在她的实验室里从事的潜在项目时,我同样感到震惊——同时也是欣喜若狂。她提出的建议似乎没有我最初申请的项目那么令人兴奋,但我打算全力以赴)”可知,与德文教授交谈后,作者决定全心全意地投入实验室工作。故选D。【26题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段“I found myself working with a robotics professor on techniques for collecting data from the desert remotely. That project, which I could complete from my sofa instead of in the burning heat of the desert, not only survived the lockdown but worked where traditional methods didn’t. In the end, I had a new scientific interest to pursue. (我发现自己和一个机器人教授一起研究从沙漠中远程收集数据的技术。我可以在沙发上完成这个项目,而不是在沙漠的酷热中完成,它不仅在封锁期间幸存下来,而且在传统方法不奏效的地方也奏效了。最后,我有了新的科学兴趣去追求)”可推知,机器人学教授的项目很鼓舞人心。故选B。【27题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Rather than setting plans in stone, I’ve learned that sometimes I need to take the opportunities that are offered, even if they don’t sound perfect at the time, and make the most of them. (我明白了有时候我需要抓住提供机会,即使这些机会在当时听起来并不完美,也要充分利用,而不是一成不变地制定计划)”结合文章中作者结合自己被拒绝后得到了更好的职业发展机会,告诉我们最初的拒绝给予了更好的方向。故C选项“拒绝可以是重定向”最符合文章的主旨。故选C。In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies. The inability to engage with longer-term causes and consequences leads to some of the world’s most serious problems: climate change, biodiversity collapse, and more. The historian Francis Cole argues that the West has entered a period where “only the present exists, a present characterised at once by the cruelty of the instant and by the boredom of an unending now”.It has been proved that people have a bias (偏向) towards the present, focusing on loud attractions in the moment at the expense of the health, well-being and financial stability of their future selves or community. In business, this bias surfaces as short-sighted decisions. And on slow-burning problems like climate change, it translates into the unwillingness to make small sacrifices (牺牲) today that could make a major difference tomorrow. Instead, all that matters is next quarter’s profit, or satisfying some other near-term desires.These biased perspectives cannot be blamed on one single cause. It is fair to say, though, that our psychological biases play a major role. People’s hesitancy to delay satisfaction is the most obvious example, but there are others.One of them is about how the most accessible information in the present affects decisions about the future. For instance, you might hear someone say: “It’s cold this winter, so I needn’t worry about global warming.”Another is that loud and urgent matters are given too much importance, making people ignore longer-term trends that arguably matter more. This is when a pop star draws far more attention than, say, gradual biodiversity decline.As a psychologist once joked, if aliens (外星人) wanted to weaken humanity, they wouldn’t send ships; they would invent climate change. Indeed, when it comes to environmental transformations, we can develop a form of collective “poor memory”, and each new generation can believe the state of affairs they encounter is nothing out of the ordinary. Older people today, for example, can remember a time with insect-covered car windscreens after long drives. Children, on the other hand, have no idea that insect population has dropped dramatically.28. The author quotes Francis Cole mainly to ________.A. draw a comparisonB. introduce a topicC. evaluate a statementD. highlight a problem29. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Climate change has been forgotten.B. Lessons of history are highly valued.C. The human mind is bad at noting slow change.D. Humans are unwilling to admit their shortcomings.30. What does the author intend to tell us?A. Far-sighted thinking matters to humans.B. Humans tend to make long-term sacrifices.C. Current policies facilitate future decision-making.D. Bias towards the present helps reduce near-term desires.【答案】28. D 29. C 30. A【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。近年来,来自不同领域的研究人员一致认为,短期主义现在是工业化社会的一个重大问题。事实证明,人们对现在有偏见,以牺牲健康为代价,专注于当下有吸引力的事物,而牺牲了未来自己或社区的健康、幸福和财务稳定。【28题详解】推理判断题。第一段首句“In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies.(近年来,来自不同领域的研究人员一致认为,短期主义现在是工业化社会的一个重大问题。)”提出一个问题——短期主义,接着下文“The historian Francis Cole argues that the West has entered a period where “only the present exists, a present characterised at once by the cruelty of the instant and by the boredom of an unending now”.(历史学家弗朗西斯科尔(Francis Cole)认为,西方已经进入了一个“只有现在存在的时代,现在的特点是瞬间的残酷和无休止的现在的无聊”。)”引用历史学家Francis Cole的话来强调只注重现在的这种短期主义的危害,由此可推知,文章引用Francis Col的话是为了强调一个问题,故选D。【29题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“As a psychologist once joked, if aliens (外星人) wanted to weaken humanity, they wouldn’t send ships; they would invent climate change. Indeed, when it comes to environmental transformations, we can develop a form of collective “poor memory”, and each new generation can believe the state of affairs they encounter is nothing out of the ordinary.(一位心理学家曾经开玩笑说,如果外星人想削弱人类,他们不会派出飞船;他们会发明气候变化。的确,在环境变化的问题上,我们可以形成一种集体的“记忆不良”,每一代人都会认为他们所遇到的情况并没有什么不同寻常的)”可知,一位心理学家曾经开玩笑说,如果外星人想要削弱人类,他们会发明气候变化,通过这种方式来削弱人类,因为人们对于气候变化形成一种集体的“记忆不良”,认为他们所遇到的情况没什么异常的,由此可推知人们不擅长察觉出缓慢的变化,故选C。【30题详解】推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“In recent years, researchers from diverse fields have agreed that short-termism is now a significant problem in industrialised societies.(近年来,来自不同领域的研究人员一致认为,短期主义现在是工业化社会的一个重大问题。)”提出一个问题——短期主义,和第二段“It has been proved that people have a bias(偏向) towards the present, focusing on loud attractions in the moment at the expense of the health, well-being and financial stability of their future selves or community. In business, this bias surfaces as short-sighted decisions. And on slow-burning problems like climate change, it translates into the unwillingness to make small sacrifices(牺牲) today that could make a major difference tomorrow.(事实证明人们对现在有偏见,以牺牲健康为代价,只专注于当下引人注目的事物,而牺牲了未来自己或社区的健康、幸福和稳定。在商业中,这种偏见表现为短视决策。在气候变化等缓慢燃烧的问题上,这意味着不愿意今天做出小的牺牲,而这些牺牲可能会在明天产生重大影响。)”可知,文章主要讲述了短视决策的危害,呼吁我们要做出有远见的思考。由此可推知,作者的写作目的是告诉我们有远见的思考对人类的重要性,故选A。What is life? Like most great questions this one is easy to ask but difficult to answer. The reason is simple: we know of just one type of life and it’s challenging to do science with a sample size of one. The field of artificial life-called ALife for short — is the systematic attempt to spell out life’s fundamental principles. Many of these practitioners, so-called ALifers, think that somehow making life is the surest way to really understand what life is.So far no one has convincingly made artificial life. This track record makes ALife a ripe target for criticism, such as declarations of the field’s doubtful scientific value. Alan Smith, a complexity scientist, is tired of such complaints. Asking about “the point” of ALife might be, well, missing the point entirely, he says. “The existence of a living system is not about the use of anything.” Alan says. “Some people ask me, ‘So what’s the worth of artificial life?’ Do you ever think, ‘What is the worth of your grandmother?’”As much as many ALifers hate emphasizing their research’s applications, the attempts to create artificial life could have practical payoffs. Artificial intelligence may be considered ALife’s cousin in that researchers in both fields are enamored by a concept called open-ended evolution (演化). This is the capacity for a system to create essentially endless complexity, to be a sort of “novelty generator”. The only system known to exhibit this is Earth’s biosphere. If the field of ALife manages to reproduce life’s endless “creativity” in some virtual model, those same principles could give rise to truly inventive machines.Compared with the developments of Al, advances in ALife are harder to recognize. One reason is that ALife is a field in which the central concept — life itself — is undefined. The lack of agreement among ALifers doesn’t help either. The result is a diverse line of projects that each advance along their unique paths. For better or worse, ALife mirrors the very subject it studies. Its muddled (混乱的) progression is a striking parallel (平行线) to the evolutionary struggles that have shaped Earth biosphere.Undefined and uncontrolled, ALife drives its followers to repurpose old ideas and generated novelty. It may be, of course, that these characteristics aren’t in any way surprising or singular. They may apply universally to all acts of evolution. Ultimately ALife may be nothing special. But even this dismissal suggests something:perhaps, just like life itself throughout the universe, the rise of ALife will prove unavoidable.31. Regarding Alan Smith’s defence of ALife, the author is .A. supportiveB. puzzledC. unconcernedD. doubtful32. What does the word “enamored” underlined in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A. Shocked.B. Protected.C. Attracted.D. Challenged.33. What can we learn from this passage?A. ALife holds the key to human future.B. ALife and AI share a common feature.C. AI mirrors the developments of ALife.D. AI speeds up the process of human evolution.34. Which would be the best title for the passage?A. Life Is Undefined. Can AI Be a Way Out?B. Life Evolves. Can AI Help ALife Evolve, Too?C. Life Is Undefined. Can ALife Be Defined One Day?D. Life Evolves. Can Attempts to Create ALife Evolve, Too?【答案】31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D【解析】【导语】本文为说明文。文章主要探讨了ALife是否也在不断地进化的问题。【31题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段“As much as many ALifers hate emphasizing their research’s applications, the attempts to create artificial life could have practical payoffs. (尽管许多ALifer讨厌强调他们研究的应用,但创造人工生命的尝试可能会有实际的回报)”可知,作者认为创造人工生命的尝试是会有回报的;再结合第二段“So far no one has convincingly made artificial life. This track record makes ALife a ripe target for criticism, such as declarations of the field’s doubtful scientific value. Alan Smith, a complexity scientist, is tired of such complaints. Asking about “the point” of ALife might be, well, missing the point entirely, he says. “The existence of a living system is not about the use of anything.” Alan says. “Some people ask me, ‘So what’s the worth of artificial life?’ Do you ever think, ‘What is the worth of your grandmother?’”(到目前为止,还没有人能令人信服地制造出人工生命。这一记录使生命科学成为批评的成熟目标,比如对该领域可疑科学价值的声明。复杂性科学家艾伦史密斯厌倦了这样的抱怨。他说,询问ALife的“意义”可能完全没有抓住要点。“一个生命系统的存在与任何东西的使用无关。”Alan说。“有人问我,‘那么人工生命的价值是什么?’你有没有想过,‘你祖母的价值是多少?’”)”可推知,因为还没有人能令人信服地制造出人工生命,才导致使生命科学成为批评(认为其没有科学价值)的成熟目标,作者认为这是不合理的,所以后文引用了Alan Smith的话语对这种观点进行反驳,即关于Alan Smith对ALife的辩护,作者表示支持。故选A。【32题详解】词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“Artificial intelligence may be considered ALife’s cousin in that researchers in both fields are enamored by a concept called open-ended evolution (演化).(人工智能可能被认为是ALife的表亲,因为这两个领域的研究人员都被一个叫做开放进化的概念enamored)”可知,人工智能可能被认为是ALife的表亲,说明人工智能和ALife二者间有共同之处,可推测是因为这两个领域的研究人员都被一个叫做开放进化的概念所吸引,所以才有了这种观点。故划线词意为“吸引”。故选C。【33题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段“Artificial intelligence may be considered ALife’s cousin in that researchers in both fields are enamored by a concept called open-ended evolution (演化).(人工智能可能被认为是ALife的表亲,因为这两个领域的研究人员都被一个叫做开放进化的概念所吸引)”可知,ALife和AI有一个共同的特点。故选B。34题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段“They may apply universally to all acts of evolution. Ultimately ALife may be nothing special. But even this dismissal suggests something: perhaps, just like life itself throughout the universe, the rise of ALife will prove unavoidable.(它们可能普遍适用于所有进化行为。最终,ALife可能没有什么特别的。但即使是这种否定也表明了一些事情:也许,就像整个宇宙中的生命本身一样,ALife的崛起将被证明是不可避免的)”结合文章主要探讨了ALife是否也在不断地进化。D选项“生命在进化。创造ALife的尝试也能进化吗?”是最合适的标题。故选D。第二节(共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。It’s a joyful and stressful time of year in the United States for students and their families as they make decisions about where to attend college. Families often turn to rankings systems to help make a decision. ____35____When I talk to families as a scholar of higher education, they’re often surprised that teaching excellence is not counted in rankings. ____36____Emerging research suggests that courses in lower-ranked universities, on average, scored higher on teaching than courses in higher-ranked universities. ____37____ The absence of teaching excellence from the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is one of the most important predictors of a wide range of college outcomes.Rankings, however, are only one reason why a low value is placed on teaching in higher education. Administrators often don’t view teaching excellence as a way to increase enrolment (注册) or funding. ____38____ Research shows that the more time instructors spend on teaching, the lower their salary. What is the result? Many instructors continue to teach using traditional lectures, which lead to lower success rates.____39____ Nevertheless, not much will change until schools with high-quality teaching are rewarded with more resources, higher rankings and increased enrolments. In the long term, universities, organisations that rank schools, and others should work to make teaching a valued, core part of the mission.What should students and their families do? They should give strong consideration to universities where high-quality teaching is valued, even though the schools may be ranked lower.A. Higher education has achieved its true potential.B. Therefore, it’s not highly valued in hiring or promotion.C. Quality teaching has been an important reputation-building factor.D. However, the rankings ignore a critical factor: the quality of teaching.E. Efforts to improve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.F. They’re even more surprised at how teaching is undervalued by universities.G. In fact, universities often shift emphasis from teaching to other ranking factors.【答案】35. D 36. F 37. G 38. B 39. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何选择高校提供了一些建议。【35题详解】根据空前内容“It’s a joyful and stressful time of year in the United States for students and their families as they make decisions about where to attend college. Families often turn to rankings systems to help make a decision.(对于美国的学生和他们的家人来说,这是一年中既快乐又紧张的时刻, 因为他们要决定去哪里上大学。家庭经常求助于排名系统来帮助做决定。)”可知,美国的学生和家人们在决定去哪儿上大学时,经常求助于排名系统。而根据下文第三段“Emerging research suggests that courses in lower-ranked universities, on average, scored higher on teaching than courses in higher-ranked universities. (最新的研究表明,排名较低的大学的课程在教学方面的平均得分高于排名较高的大学的课程。)”可推断出,本文主要讲述的是排名方面出现的问题。选项D“However, the rankings ignore a critical factor: the quality of teaching.(然而,排名忽略了一个关键因素:教学质量。)”延续上文内容,指出大学排名存在的问题;而根据下文内容也可以推断,排名中存在的问题是教学质量被忽略。故选D。【36题详解】根据空前内容“When I talk to families as a scholar of higher education, they’re often surprised that teaching excellence is not counted in rankings.(作为一名研究高等教育的学者,当我与一些家庭交谈时,他们常常惊讶地发现,优秀的教学水平并没有被纳入排名。)”可知,大学排名中优秀的教学水平并没有被纳入排名让人们觉得很惊讶。选项F“They’re even more surprised at how teaching is undervalued by universities.(更让他们惊讶的是,大学竟然低估了教学的价值。)”延续上文内容,指的都是大学排名忽略教学质量。其中“more surprised”和上文的“surprised”保持一致。故选F。【37题详解】空前内容“Emerging research suggests that courses in lower-ranked universities, on average, scored higher on teaching than courses in higher-ranked universities.(最新的研究表明,排名较低的大学的课程在教学方面的平均得分高于排名较高的大学的课程。)”以及空后内容“The absence of teaching excellence from the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is one of the most important predictors of a wide range of college outcomes.(考虑到高质量教学与学生成功之间的联系,排名中没有优秀教学令人惊讶。优质教学是衡量大学成绩的最重要因素之一。)”讲述的都是大学排名中没有考虑到教学。选项G“In fact, universities often shift emphasis from teaching to other ranking factors.(事实上,大学经常把重点从教学转移到其他排名因素上。)”与上下文内容相一致,故选G。【38题详解】根据空前内容“Rankings, however, are only one reason why a low value is placed on teaching in higher education. Administrators often don’t view teaching excellence as a way to increase enrolment (注册) or funding.(然而,排名只是高等教育中对教学重视程度较低的一个原因。管理者通常不会将卓越的教学视为增加入学率或资金的一种方式。)”可知,上文分析了教学不被纳入排名的原因,该空应该讲其后果。选项B“Therefore, it’s not highly valued in hiring or promotion.(因此,它在招聘或晋升中不受重视。)”是上文内容的延续,正因为管理人员通常不把卓越的教学视为增加入学率或增加资金的一种方式,所以教学在招聘和晋升中不受重视。故选B。【39题详解】根据下文内容“Nevertheless, not much will change until schools with high-quality teaching are rewarded with more resources, higher rankings and increased enrolments. In the long term, universities, organisations that rank schools, and others should work to make teaching a valued, core part of the mission.(尽管如此,在拥有高质量教学的学校获得更多资源、更高排名和增加入学人数之前,不会有太大变化。从长远来看,大学、学校排名组织和其他机构应该努力使教学成为使命的一个有价值的核心部分。)”可知,作者认为想要强调教学质量还需要更多努力。根据“Nevertheless”可知,空处内容和下文内容存在转折关系。选项C“Quality teaching has been an important reputation-building factor.(高质量的教学一直是建立声誉的重要因素。)”强调了高质量教学的重要性,而下文则话题一转,指出了高质量教学的难处。故选C。第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)第一节(共4题;第(1)、(2)题各2分,第(3)题3分,第(4)题5分,共12分)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。Habit formation is the process by which behaviours become automatic. People develop countless habits as they explore the world, whether they are aware of them or not. Understanding how habits take shape may be helpful in changing bad habits.Habits are built through learning and repetition. A person is thought to develop a habit in the course of pursuing goals by beginning to associate certain cues(刺激) with behavioural responses that help meet the goal. Over time, thoughts of the behaviour and ultimately the behaviour itself are likely to be triggered(触发) by these cues.A “habit loop(环)” is a way of describing several related elements that produce habits. These elements are called the cue, the routine, and the reward. For example, stress could serve as a cue that one responds to by eating, which produces the rewardthe reduction of stress. While a routine involves repeated behaviour, it’s not necessarily performed in response to a deeprooted urge, as a habit is.Old habits can be difficult to shake, and healthy habits are often harder to develop. But through repetition, it’s possible to form new habits. The amount of time needed to build a habit will depend on multiple factors, including the individual and the intended behaviour. While you are able to pickup a new habit in a few weeks, it takes many months to build a healthy habit. Take some time to think about what leads to bad habits and reevaluate what you get out of them (or don’t). Consider and keep in mind why you want to make a change, including how the change reflects your values.40. How are habits built?________________________________________________________________41. In what way is a routine different from a habit?________________________________________________________________42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shorter time.________________________________________________________________43. What benefit(s) have you got from one of your good habits?(In about 40 words) ________________________________________________________________【答案】40. Habits are built through learning and repetition. 41. A routine involves repeated behaviour while a habit is a deeprooted urge. 42. Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shorter time. Because building a healthy habit takes many months. 43. I have a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Therefore, I can study energetically every morning, which makes me study efficiently. Also, I am very healthy.【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。习惯的形成是行为自动形成的过程。人们在探索世界的过程中养成了无数的习惯,不管他们是否意识到这些习惯。文章主要说明了习惯是如何形成的以及对人的影响。【40题详解】考查细节理解。根据第二段中“Habits are built through learning and repetition.(习惯是通过学习和重复建立起来的)”可知,习惯是通过学习和重复建立起来的。故填Habits are built through learning and repetition.。41题详解】考查细节理解。根据第三段中“While a routine involves repeated behaviour, it’s not necessarily performed in response to a deeprooted urge, as a habit is.(虽然一个常规包括重复的行为,但它不一定是为了应对深度根深蒂固的冲动,就像习惯一样)”可知,常规不同于习惯在于:常规是重复的行为,而习惯是深度根深蒂固的冲动,故填A routine involves repeated behaviour while a habit is a deeprooted urge.。【42题详解】考查细节理解。根据最后一段中“While you are able to pickup a new habit in a few weeks, it takes many months to build a healthy habit.(虽然你可以在几周内养成一个新的习惯,但是要养成一个健康的习惯却需要好几个月的时间)”可知,养成一个新的习惯需要好几周,而要养成一个健康的习惯却需要好几个月的时间。所以句子“Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shorter time.”中“a shorter time”错误,应该为many months,故填Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shorter time. Because building a healthy habit takes many months.。【43题详解】开放试题,言之有理即可。题干问“你的一个好习惯给你带来了什么好处?(大约40个字)”,答案可以是:我有早睡早起的好习惯。因此,我可以每天早上精力充沛地学习,这使我学习效率高。而且,我很健康。故填I have a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Therefore, I can study energetically every morning, which makes me study efficiently. Also, I am very healthy.。第二节(20分)44. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为主题的社团活动,他发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:(1)活动形式;(2)活动内容。注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear JimHearing that you are planning a club activity with the theme of “Green Beijing” and need my help, I am writing to offer you my suggestions.I think you can carry out this activity in an interactive and experiential manner, which means students can participate and have a better understanding of “Green Beijing” through getting involved in different activities by themselves. You can showcase garbage classification on site, plant trees and publicize sharing economy, which will all fit into the theme of “Green Beijing”.Hopefully, you will get some inspiration from my suggestions. Wish you success.Yours,Li Hua【解析】【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给好友Jim策划的“绿色北京”社团活动给出一些建议。【详解】1.词汇积累建议:suggestiontip提供:offerprovide开展:carry outconduct主题:themetopic2.句式拓展同义句转换原句:Hearing that you are planning a club activity with the theme of “Green Beijing” and need my d help, I am writing to offer you my suggestions.拓展句:Since you are planning a club activity with the theme of “Green Beijing” and need my help, I am writing to offer you my suggestions.【点睛】[高分句型1] Hearing that you are planning a club activity with the theme of “Green Beijing” and need my help, I am writing to offer you my suggestions. (运用了that引导宾语从句)[高分句型2] I think you can carry out this activity in an interactive and experiential manner, which means students can participate and have a better understanding of “Green Beijing” through getting involved in different activities by themselves. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)





