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高三英语试题 203 年 11 月 8 日

注意: 本试卷分四个部分,答案全部做在答题纸上。总分为 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。

第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)


听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段


1. What is the woman probably doing?

A. Watching TV.

B. Writing a school report.

C. Reading a journal article.

2. What will the speakers do first?

A. Board the train.

B. Shop for some gifts.

C. Look fora restaurant.

3. Which place will the speakers probably head for next?

A. The garden. B. The kitchen. C. The dining room cod

4. What does the man advise the girl to do?

A. Play with her brother.

B. Buy a new robot.

C. Do other things.

5. Where will the speakers probably have the picnic?

A. In the forest. B. In the nearby town. C. At the top of the hill


听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个

选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟; 听

完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. How long has the man been a wedding photographer?

A. For 16 years. B. For 24 years. C. For 40 years.

7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A wedding ceremony.

B. The man's career story.

C. A modem digital camera.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Dentist and patient. C. Teacher and student.

9. Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A. For forgetting to buy her a gift.

B. For starting the movie without her.

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C. For taking a shower for a long time.

10. How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation?

A. Amused. B. Annoyed. C. Thankful.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. Why was the woman worried about Lily?

A. She suddenly became shy and quiet.

B. She had to study at a new school.

C. Her friends were too talkative.

12. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home. B. In a library. C. In a classroom.

13. What do we know about Lily?

A. She is bad at writing stories.

B. She can’t concentrate on her studies.

C. She goes to the library every week.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。

14. What was John doing at the time of the accident?

A. Buying some food. B. Walking to the shop. C. Talking on the phone.

15. How did John probably get hut?

A. He fell into a hole. B. He was hit by a car. C. He tripped over a stone.

16. Who will drive John to the hospital?

A. The woman’s colleague. B. His daughter. C. The woman.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What happened to the little dog met by Klongsanum?

A. He was lost and alone.

B. He had been hit by a car.

C. He was running on a busy road.

18. What did Klongsanun do first to help the dog after the race?

A. She took him to a pet hospital.

B. She tried to find his owner.

C. She adopted him herself.

19. How many cats does Klongsanun have?

A.28. B.30. C.58.

20. What is Klongsanun’s biggest dream?

A. Helping more homeless people.

B. Becoming a marathon champion.

C. Creating an animal rescue center.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


SAT Registration Fee Policy

About SAT

The SAT is the most widely used and most rigorously researched college admissions test in

history. Virtually every college in the United States accepts the SAT as a measure of the critical

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thinking skills students need for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well students

analyze and solve problems — skills learned in school that are needed in college.

SAT is typically administrated seven times a year. Students can take it as many times as they


SAT Registration Fee

The SAT registration fee for international students is $60, plus a $43 regional fee.

Additional Registration Fees

Additional fees are charged for these services. All additional fees related to digital testing are

the same regardless of whether students choose to test inside or outside the United States.

Service Fee Details

Test center fee (select View a list of test centers that are known to charge a


locations only) test center fee.

For registering after the regular decline but before the

Late registration $30

late registration deadline.

For changing your test center only. (To change the test

Change test center $25 date, you must cancel and register for a new test. Lear

how to change your registration information.)

Cancel registration fee $25 For canceling your registration by the change


Score Service Fees

Checking your scores online is free of charge, Fees are charged for some score-related

services, however.

Refund policy

If you cancel your SAT registration two days before the test, you’ll receive a full refund of

your registration fee but will be charged a cancellation fee. Rush score reports can’t be refunded.

21. What can be learned about SAT from the text?

A. It is held every other month. B. It highlights critical thinking.

C. It is meant for international students. D. It is administrated by different colleges.

22. A Chinese student who misses the regular deadline and still wants to take the test will pay a

total of ______.

A. $103. B. $127. C. $133. D. $157.

23. What of the following can you get for free?

A. Sitting an SAT test. B. Selecting where to take a test.

C. Cancelling an SAT test. D. Checking your scores online.


A protein is a large, complex macromolecule composed of one or more long chains of amino

acids (氨基酸). Present in and vital to every living cell, proteins are essential for the structure,

function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. Yet, before Frederick Sanger — one of

only two people to ever receive two Nobel Prizes in the same category — little was known about

proteins and the sequence (排序) of their amino acid chains.

Frederick Sanger graduated with a doctorate in biochemistry from St. John's College in 1943.

Yet, it wasn’t until his work with insulin (胰岛素) that Sanger differentiated himself in the field of

chemistry. His first true accomplishment occurred when he successfully determined the complete

amino acid sequence of two protein chains in bovine(牛) insulin in the early 1950s. His research

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proved that proteins have a defined chemical composition, and he eventually concluded that every

protein had a unique sequence. In 1958, Sanger was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for

showing how amino acids link together to form insulin, and, therefore, providing the tools for

scientists to analyze any protein in the body.

He went on to think about the ideas of how DNA codes for proteins. Together with another

scientist, Sanger published the “Plus and Minus Technique,” a sequencing procedure to determine

the order of the chemical bases which spell out the genetic code for all living things. When he

designed a more efficient method in 1977, he named it the “Sanger Method”. The “Sanger Method”

allows long stretches of DNA to be rapidly and accurately sequenced, which earned him his

second Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980.江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126

This method eventually allowed scientists to decode the three billion letters of the human

genetic code, giving science the ability to distinguish between normal and abnormal genes. In the

same way, Sanger’s work directly contributed to the development of biotechnology drugs like

human growth hormone.

24. Why does the passage starts with mentioning the function of proteins?

A. To lead in the topic of biochemistry.

B. To attract the attention of the readers.

C. To illustrate the significance of Sanger’s discovery.

D. To show the complexity of bodies’ tissues and organs.

25. What mainly leads to Sanger’s success

A. His life-long commitment to the same scientific field.

B. His choice of majoring in biochemistry in college.

C. His cooperative relationship with other scientists.

D. His courage of challenging former research findings.

26. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Side effects of Sanger's findings.

B. Sanger’s primary methods of research.

C. Practical applications of Sanger' s discovery.

D. Proper justifications for Sanger's research process.

27. The author develops this article _____.

A. in order of time B. in order of space

C. by making comparisons D. by giving examples


Many say artificial intelligence is the biggest invention since the Internet. The sudden rise of

large language models like ChatGPT has fueled the hype(大肆宜传)to a higher level—AI will be

the common language the world speaks and humans can build the Tower of Babel again. With the

technology in hand, it seems spending thousands of hours to master a different tongue is simply a

waste of time.

Duolingo’s co-founder and CEO Luis von Ahn has a different opinion He said it’s still

worthwhile for people to learn a new language despite the rapid advancement of AI powered

translation technology in the past decade. “Computers are better than humans playing chess. And

there are more people playing chess now than there’s ever been,” said von Ahn. “People just want

to do certain things even if computers are good at it.

According to Duolingo's research, the majority of new language learners agreed learning a

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new language could make travelling a better experience and more fin; and 80 percent think

learning new languages will inspire them to be travelers with an adventurous spirit.

Luis von Ahn co-founded Duolingo in 2011, which offers customized learning exercises,

immediate feedback and gamification(游戏化). The platform provides equal access with over 40

languages to everyone who wants to learn. Last year, the company even rolled out sessions for its

first dialect language - Cantonese. The app attracted many Mandarin leaners as well. Their

primary motivation to try the language was for “intellectual(智力的) development,” according to

the company. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126

Duolingo has applied AI technology to the language learning platform since day one. With a

powerful AI tool, it can provide conversations based on previous exchanges with the user to make

language leaning more natural. The AI can understand the sentences and react to the input from

learners to keep the conversation going.

The goal for the language learning app for von Ahn himself, is to operate on par with a

human tutor. He said Duolingo is already as effective as study in a classroom. “I think with AI,

we’re getting closer and closer to being as good as a one-to-one human tutor.” he said.

28. The author writes the underlined part in paragraph 1 to show that many people believe ______.

A. learning a second language is significant to humans

B. AI should not be used as a common language for humans

C. it is unnecessary for humans to learn different languages

D. humans are powerful enough to master different languages

29. Why do people want to learn a new language according to Duolingo's CEO and research?

A. Out of human nature.

B. Out of pressure of travelling,

C. Thanks to human’s increasing intelligence.

D. Thanks to the advancement of AI technology.

30. What does the underlined phrase “on par with” in paragraph 7 mean?

A. together with B. instead of C. specially for D. as well as

31. What is the best title of this text?

A. People learn languages to enrich their life, not ruin it.

B. Duolingo uses AI to help, language learning, not kill it.

C. With Duolingo, learning a second language is time-consuming.

D. Helped by Duolingo, more people are learning a new language.


The great British public loves two things: dogs and banning things. What happens when the

two passions bump into each other?

To answer that, consider the dilemma of the Bully XL, a dog that has huge, powerful jaws

and can grow to be 60kg. To fans the creature is a gentle giant. To campaigners, it is a threat

behind a sharp increase in fatal attacks.

After a man was killed by a pair of the dogs in Staffordshire on September 14th, the

government sided with the campaigners. Adopting the serious manner of a prime minister

declaring war, Rishi Sunak said that the Bully XL would be banned by the end of the year.

Although they account for barely 1% of all dogs, Bully XL carry out almost half of all

reported attacks, says Bully Watch, a campaign group. The data are not exact, as not all dog bites

are recorded. But nor are they equal. Gentle bites from a Chihuahua are one thing; an attack by a

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monster mutt (凶猛的杂交犬) is another.

Before the Bully can be banned, however, the government is struggling to define (定义) it.

Only then would it be added to a list of four existing illegal breeds (品种) with consequences for

anyone who owns, sells, breeds or abandons them.

Lawyers argue that the law used, the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991, is a mess. Animal

charities say bad owners are the problem — they can always find large equally fierce dogs.

The affair shows how it can be easy to influence policy. The campaign against them began as

a one-man operation by an academic. By attracting attention mostly via social media, he and some

volunteers won press and politicians' interest. It helps that the problem is cheap to fix, but the

posting-to-policy pipeline can be remarkably short for a specific campaign to succeed. It pays to

be dogged.

32. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A. The British are divided over Bully XL.

B. The British like arguing over things.

C. Bully XL is gentle unless made annoyed.

D. Bully XL often attacks people.

33. What does “they” (underlined in Paragraph 4) refer to?

A. Bully XL. B. Dog bites.

C. The dog attack data. D. Gentle bites from Chihuahua.

34. According to animal charities, who are to answer for the tragic attacks?

A. Fierce large dogs. B. The messy law.

C. The victims themselves. D. The dog owners.

35. The text seems to suggest that the Bully XL ban was declared ______.

A. under the influence of campaigners B. due to the life losses by dog attacks

C. under the pressure of lawyers D. due to the call from animal charities

第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



A fixed mindset of interest can harm creativity and innovation. If people believe they are

limited to only a few particular interests and, in consequence, do not explore other areas, they may

miss seeing important connections across different dimensions. 36 Those who with a

growth mindset are also more likely to be creative when solving problems.

37 In June we published findings from an intervention that succeeded in that aim. In

two studies involving more than 700 first-year liberal arts undergraduates, we began by assessing

how our participants saw themselves. The majority held strong interests in the arts, humanities and

social sciences. 38

We then randomly assigned students to either our intervention or a study skills module. Our

intervention included reading and effective writing activities that helped students think about

interests and passions as cultivated(培育) rather than as simply found and fixed. 39 The

study skills module had a similar set of exercises but with an emphasis on building classic skills,

such as time management and active learning.

These students were required to take at least one math and science course during their first

year. That meant we could check how the intervention may have influenced their perspectives on

math and science. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126

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By the end of the year, students who had received the intervention were more interested in

their required math and science courses than those who received the study skills module—and this

boost was particularly apparent among students who initially reported that they were not a

“math-and-science person.” 40 These students became more skilled in math and science

and grew into interdisciplinary scholars.

A. How can a growth mindset of interest be cultivated?

B. Meanwhile, a growth mindset of interest comes with many advantages.

C. So can a growth mindset of interest be taught?

D. Moreover, most reported that they were not a “math-and-science person.”

E. They also earned better grades in courses than those receiving the study skills module.

F. However, a growth mindset of interest can fuel people's further exploration to different


G. For example, students read an article stating the benefits of viewing interests as


第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


I finished college for good in Austin, Texas, and started a job in Fort Worth, a city of

northeast Texas. So, I, together with my friend Mark, packed our 41 into a truck to Fort


I drove the truck, while Mark 42 me in an old car on a northward journey along the

highway. After passing through the city of Waco, I noticed heavy clouds 43 m ahead of

us. May was the tornado season in North Texas! My phone had died, so I had no communication

with Mark. However, I was not 44 him because Mark was an alert (警觉的) native here.

I turned on the radio of the truck, hoping to get some weather information.

I drove on in 45 , my head turning back and forth watching for spinning or dropping

rain. At the 46 of a hill, I looked upward to see many brake lights turning on as cars

reached the top. It was not a good 47 but I had no other way to go. I slowed down,

looking in the mirror to make sure Mark stayed behind me.

When I reached the hilltop, I 48 why these cars had stopped on the highway. In a

field a mile away, a thin, white tornado was coming. We stopped among other cars to 49

in awe (敬畏). 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126

For a few minutes we watched the tornado 50 towards us. Then many cars in front of

me_ 51 . 52 ,they wanted to go back to Waco. However, a female voice from

the radio warmed that a big tornado was moving towards the highway behind us in Waco. Mother

Nature was approaching us from 53 directions, I got out of the truck and walked to

Mark's car to discuss with him. According to his experience, the first tornado was not very strong

enough and it could disappear before we met it: Then we cautiously drove 54 again. After

watching storming clouds for half an hour, we reached a clear sky with great 55 .

41. A. belongings B. documents C. books D. property

42. A. chased B. followed C. instructed D. guided

43. A. performing B. struggling C. recovering D. building

44. A. equal to B. worried about C. sympathetic to D. interested in

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45. A. alert B. anger C. confidence 50 D. strength

46. A. top B. back C. bottom D. end

47. A. gestures B. sign C. mark D. symbol

48. A. realized B. wondered C. recognized D. assumed

49. A. notice B. spot C. glance D. observe

50. A. flow B. float C. advance D. adjust

51. A. turned around h B. turned away C. turned over D. turned up

52. A. Eventually B. Fortunately C. Apparently D. Actually

53. A. either B. all C. any D. both

54.A. east B. south C. west D. north

55. A. excitement B. relief C. gratitude D. fright.

第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Australian researchers say they have produced the most complete history of the universe by

mapping to date, saying the study 56 (offer) new ideas about how the universe might

have started. The first map shows temperature and density of the universe 57 it

expanded and cooled, the second map 58 (illustrate) the mass and size of all objects in

the universe. The study suggests the universe may have started as 59 is known as an

instanton (瞬子), not a singularity(奇点). An instanton has a defined size and mass. A singularity

60 (define) as a point of huge density and temperature. Put 61 (simple), this would

mean that the beginning of the universe was not infinite( 无 限 的 ) 62 size, which is

important to researchers because they say what lies beyond the 63 (limit) of the universe

is also a major mystery. Perhaps the research into the beginning of the universe could help to

answer some basic 64 (science) questions about life beyond Earth. The basic idea is that

if we can figure out how we got there, maybe we can make better guesses about 65

there have been other life forms elsewhere.

第四部 分写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

近来,不少城市的“博物馆热”(museum fever)持续升温,到博物馆去已然成为一种新 的


1.说明 “博物馆热”的现象;

2.分析 “博物馆热” 产生的原因:

3.谈谈你对 “博物馆热” 的看法。


1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Ms/Mr Editor,


Li Hua

第二节 (满分 25 分)


In the heart of a bitter winter, snow blanketed the land, tuning the world into a frosty

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wonderland. In a small village nestled amidst the icy landscape, an unusual tale unfolded, starring

a dog named Max and a group of villagers. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126

Max, a loyal and spirited companion, belonged to a lovely girl named Emma. Together, they

braved the harsh winters, finding comfort in their unwavering (坚定的) bond. One fateful evening,

as the icy winds howled outside, a sudden snowstorm struck the village. Snow piled high, making

the roads dangerous and act of seeing nearly impossible. The village’s power supply was cut off,

leading the world into darkness.

In the midst of the storm, Emma found herself lost in the freezing wilderness. She had gone

out to fetch firewood for her family while Max was kept at home, but the snowstorm had

disoriented (使...失去方向) her, leaving her in severe danger. Emma's parents, consumed with

worry, desperately searched for her. “Emma! Emma!” her mother called out her daughter’s name

madly but got no response. Emma very probably lost her consciousness on such a cold night.

More and more villagers joined the search. They combed through the dark woods, their

breath forming misty clouds. The wind howled mournfully(哀伤地), echoing everyone’s worry.

Max, sensing the urgency and the bond between humans, sprang into action. With his keen

sense of smell and great determination, he set out to find the lost girl. Through the biting cold and

swirling snow, Max followed Emma’s scent(气味), not frightened by the freezing temperatures.


(1)续写词数应为 150 个左右;


Para l: As Max searched the frozen landscape, he encountered numerous challenges.

Para 2: As the two figures emerged from the storm, everyone watched in awe(敬畏).

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, .



第一部分 听力

1-5 ACACA 6-10 BBACA 11-15 BCCBC 16-20 AABBC

第二部分 阅读理解


21-23 BCD 24-27 CACA 28-31 CADB 32-35 ABDA


36-40 FCDGE

第三部分 语言运用


41-45ABDB 46-50A CBADC 51-55AC DDB


56 offers 57. as/when 58. illustrating 59. what 60. is defined

61. simply 62. in 63. limits 64. scientific 65. Whether

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文

Mr/Ms Editor,

Recently, visiting museums has emerged as a new lifestyle in many cities, with several renow

ned museums becoming the “must-visit” destinations for the general public.

The surge in “museum fever” can be attributed to various factors. People’s increasing enthusi

asm for traditional Chinese culture has drawn them to seek a deeper understanding of China’s rich

cultural heritage and history. Besides, the application of new technologies has made cultural relics

more accessible, which appeals to the younger generations.

From my perspective, the museum fever is a pursuit of beauty that can enhance aesthetics and

broaden horizons. The immersive experience is of greater significance than anything else.


Li Hua

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