天津市第一百中学 2023—2024 学年第一学期期中考试-英语试题+答案

2023-11-18·15页·578.7 K



试卷满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20分)

第一节:听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C


10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 (共 5

小题:每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

1.When will the goods arrive?

A.On February 13th.B.On February 16th. C.On February 19th.

2.How does the woman fight a cold?

A.By having a rest.

B.By eating a certain diet.

C.By taking some medicine.

3.What does the man plan to buy for his brother?

A.A mobile phone. B.A book. C.A shaver.

4.What does the man like best in the zoo?

A.The Cat House. B.The Lizard Lounge. C.The Monkey House.

5.What does the Man mean by saying “it is all Greek to me. I can’t follow him at


A.The physics problem is difficult.

B.He can explain everything clearly.

C.Professor Smith can’t speak Greek.



间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。

每段材料读两遍。(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 8 小题。

6.Where does the man know about homeless population?

A.From an article. B.From the radio. C.From TV.

7.How many homeless people are there in India?

A.One million. B.Two million. C.Three million.

8.Which country has the biggest percentage of homeless people?

A.France. B.America. C.Germany.

听下面一段对话,回答第9 至第 11 小题。

9.Why does the man visit the woman?

高三英语试卷 第 1 页(共 13 页)

A.To get news about the university.

B.To seek advice on his study.

C.To look for a part-time job.

10.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Try to balance his study, work and free time.

B.Work long hours a week.

C.Make full use of the pocket money.

11.What is the hourly payment in the library?

A.$6. B.$10. C.$20.

听下面一段独白,回答第 12 至第 15 小题。

12.Who started the competition?

A.A bus company. B.A teacher. C.A student.

13.What are the participants invited to do?

A.Organize a program. B.Write an essay.

C.Plant a garden.

14.What will the winning school receive besides some money?

A.A lot of computers. B.A hybrid school bus. C.Some beautiful lights.

15.What is the advantage of the hybrid school bus over the ordinary one?

A.It is much safer. B.It runs much faster. C.It creates less


第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,


16.—Bob claimed to have seen a UFO last night.

—______ I don’t believe a word of that.

A.Good for him! B.Don’t mention it. C.Oh, come on! D.I can’t agree


17.—Oh,my English novel is missing.

—I saw Tom leaving with ________,but I am not sure whether yours was included.

A.one B.it C.some D.that

18.—I’m thinking of going away after Christmas for a week or so. Somewhere

warm, you know.

—What kind of price _____ were you thinking about? I can find the exact

information for you.

A.variety B.range C.list D.level

19.While taking part-time jobs indeed provides many obvious benefits, its

____effects on students shouldn't be ignored.

A.sensitive B.alternative C.negative D.effective

高三英语试卷 第 2 页(共 13 页)

20 .—Were you able to catch a train home yesterday when your car broke down

on the way?

—I’d just missed the last one. Fortunately,a friend _____ and he gave me a lift.

A.was just passing B.had just passed C.would just pass D.has just passed

21.Mr. Smith seemed to ______ the confusion on my face, so he came to me and

offered a hand with the maths problem.

A.find B.catch C.keep D.read

22.—Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

—Sorry.With so much work _______ my mind,I almost break down.

A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled

23.A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not _____________ ships are built for.

A.what B.whom C.why D.when

24.Private cars really provide much convenience to people, and ___ they cause too

many problems.

A.meanwhile B.therefore C.otherwise D.instead

25.—You seem to be familiar with Tianjin.

—Yes, I ______ here for 4 years. It’s great to be back again.

A.studied B.have studied C.am studying D.had studied

26.The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just

one year.

A.where B.which C.what D.as

27.Mr. Baker, some students want to see you. ________ they come in right now?

A.Shall B.Should C.May D.Will

28.Working with the medical team in Wuhan during the urgent period ______ the

best in him as a doctor.

A.held out B.gave out C.picked out D.brought out

29.Since I have little work experience, I will have to take a series of unpaid jobs

______ I can find my ideal one.

A.until B.so C.after D.when

30.—Skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight.

—______. Actually it has the opposite effect.

A.I’m glad to know that B.I can’t agree more

C.That’s not the case D.That’s for sure

第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出最佳选


Diana Velez does everything with maximum effort—and at maximum speed.

That 31 learning a new language, completing two certificates and opening a


高三英语试卷 第 3 页(共 13 页)

When arriving in Canada in 2008, she had one 32 : to have what she had

back home in Colombia. I didnt want to 33 what I do, like so many who

come to a new country, she said. I 34 to open a store here in Canada but

knew I had to 35 myself properly.

Diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop ownership in Canada a

36 meant going to school to get the 37 education and certification. My

experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me 38

in my abilities, but I couldn’t speak the language and I had to 39 how to do

things in Canada. It was like having to 40 all over again, ” said Diana.

41 ,she found just the help she needed for her relaunch (重新开张) 42

continuing education at George Brown College. She began taking 43 for both

the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate and the Image Consulting Certificate in

May 2009. 44 Diana met with the language barrier, she was always going

45 while at college.

By the end of October 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements.

Within two years after her 46 in Canada, Diana at last achieved her 47

goal when her new store opened its doors in Torontos Sheppard Centre. She was

on the fast-track to 48 .

Looking back, Diana, a fashion designer, 49 her achievements to the

goal she set, the education she received from the college, and 50 , the efforts

she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.

31. A. requires B. encourages C. includes D. advises

32. A. goal B. memory C. choice D. problem

33. A. continue B. choose C. change D. lose

34. A. demanded B. decided C. agreed D. hesitated

35. A. teach B. prepare C. enjoy D. persuade

36. A. reality B. fact C. challenge D. wonder

37. A. physical B. private C. primary D. necessary

38. A. pressure B. judgement C. influence D. confidence

39. A. put away B. depend on C. learn about D. look into

40. A. advance B. start C. suffer D. work

41. A. Naturally B. Gradually C. Luckily D. Clearly

42. A. through B. for C. before D. with

43. A. notes B. responsibilities C. chances D. courses

44. A. Though B. As C. Since D. Once

45. A. around B. back C. ahead D. out

46. A. adventure B. arrival C. performance D. journey

47. A. original B. common C. another D. distant

48. A. success B. wealth C. glory D. happiness

高三英语试卷 第 4 页(共 13 页)

49. A. adds B. connects C. devotes D. owes

50. A. after all B. above all C. at least D. at first

第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


A blocked airway can kill someone in three to four minutes, but it can take

more than eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive. So a simple procedure such as

opening someones airway can save their life while theyre waiting for

emergency medical help. This means youre more likely to give first aid to

someone you know than a stranger.

There are many misconceptions surrounding first aid. Below are the most

popular ones with details of what you should do.

Top four first aid misconceptions:

You should put butter or cream on a burn. The only thing you should put on a

burn is cold waterkeep the butter for cooking. Put the affected area under cold

running water for at least ten minutes.

The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under a tap. If you put a

bleeding wound under a tap, you wash away the body`s clotting agents(凝血剂)

and make it bleed more. Instead, put pressure on the wound with whatever is

available to stop or slow down the flow of blood. As soon as possible call 911.

Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives.

Nosebleeds are best treated by putting the head back. If you put the head back

during a nosebleed, all the blood goes down the back of the airway. Instead, advise

them to tilt(倾斜)their head forwards and ask them to pinch(捏)the end of

their nose and breathe through their mouth.

You need lots of training to do first aid. You dontwhat you mostly need is

common sense. You can learn enough first aid knowledge in a few minutes to save

someone`s lifewhether it`s from reading a book, attending a course or watching

videos online.

Remember that anyone can save a life.

51.The most important point to save an airway blocked person’s life is to________.

A.keep his airway open

B.ensure the ambulance’s arriving time

C.keep the surroundings quiet

D.ask for emergency medical help immediately

52.If a person is burnt, what you should do immediately is________.

A.put some cream on the burn area

B.heat up some butter for the burn

C.place the burn under cold running water

高三英语试卷 第 5 页(共 13 页)

D.wash the affected area for a long time

53.If a bleeding wound is put under a tap, what will happen?

A.It will help the bleeding stop at once.

B.The wound will help produce more clotting agents.

C.It will produce more pressure on the wound.

D.The wound will bleed more and it is hard to stop the bleeding.

54.Which of the following statements is RIGHT?

A.When a person’s nose bleeds, please put the head back.

B.You can learn first aid quickly in different ways.

C.When a person is burnt, keep pressure on the burn until help arrives.

D.Not everyone can do first aid to save a life.

55.The passage mainly tells us________.

A.how to learn first aid by yourself B.some misunderstandings about first aid

C.the importance of first aid D.how to help the medical team save a life


Plastic bags are not costly to produce. They are also strong and easy to carry.

This is why they are a popular container in most parts of the world. But they are

also a major source of pollution. It can take hundreds of years for plastic bags to

break down. As they do, tiny pieces can poison soil, lakes, rivers and oceans.

Therefore, environmental experts urge people to reuse and recycle plastic bags.

Maryland artist Allita Irby does just that. It starts with the morning newspaper.

What is more important is getting that plastic bag the paper comes in. The mixed

media artist recognized its rich possibilities about three year ago. “As I was taking

the newspaper out, I felt the texture of these bags. They were soft. I just looked

down and realized it would take three to make a braid (辫子).” Since then, Irby has

been using plastic bags to create abstract lines in her art works.

Before incorporating plastic bags in her works, Irby used natural materials like

feathers, leather and dried plants. All those elements represent her Native American

ancestry (血统) and identity, like one of her works called “Navaho Bundles”.

Ms. Irby’s neighbors praised her ability to turn waste into treasure. Some, like

Charlotte Hogan, asked the artist to teach them how to create art using the used

plastic bags. “I think it is fascinating, and it is wonderful. I do plan to share it with

my seniors at my church. One of Irbys neighbors Aleta Meyer expressed her

surprise, I have never given any more thought to what to do with a plastic bag.

This is definitely different.

Shirley Watts also lives in the neighborhood. She plans to show others her art.

I want to make a masterpiece that I can put in a frame and put it up on my wall

and then I know that I did it.

Making art with found materials is not a new idea. Anyone can do it.

高三英语试卷 第 6 页(共 13 页)

Recycled paper, cloth and metal goods can become beautiful pictures and

sculptures, Allita Irby said, I think we are all artists really, and there is beauty

all around us. The artist also said that all you had to do was open your eyes and

bring the outside in.

56.What is mainly discussed in the first paragraph?

A.The advantage of plastic bags.

B.The disadvantage of plastic bags.

C.How to reuse and recycle plastic bags.

D.The importance of recycling plastic bags.

57.The underlined part “does just that” in the second paragraph means “_______”.

A.produces plastic bags

B.makes use of used plastic bags

C.makes plastic bags break down

D.urges people to reuse and recycle plastic bags

58.What is Irby’s neighbors’ attitude towards her action?

A.Supportive. B.Negative C.Suspicious. D.Unknown.

59.Who intends to share the skill of turning used plastic bags into art with old


A.Aleta Meyer. B.Allita Irby. C.Charlotte Hogan D.Shirley Watts

60.According to Alllita Irby, the most important step in making art with found

materials is _______.

A.to come up with the idea B.to seek beauty all around us

C.to be open to new ideas and things D.to choose the most suitable objects


What if you could use your clothes to browse the internet and send messages?

A “digital cloth” created by researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai is making

this a reality.

Research on a new type of flexible textile (织物) with a display system that has

multiple applications was published in the journal Nature on March 10.

A user can read messages, reply and even navigate on his sleeve, as shown in a

video produced by the team. The team claimed that the material is also comfortable

to wear. Clothes woven with this new material can closely follow the irregular

outline of the human body and are as light and breathable as ordinary textiles,

ensuring comfort, said Peng Huisheng, leader of the team. The textile can also

endure repeated folding and stretching. Its brightness and stability remained

almost unchanged after having been washed in a washing machine 500 times,” said


Behind the magical textile is ten years of hard work by Peng and his team. The

research team created two functional fibers: a silver-plated thread that can light up,

高三英语试卷 第 7 页(共 13 页)

and a kind of thread that conducts electricity. According to The Paper, the biggest

challenge lies in building programmable arrays (排列) of twinkling dots on the soft

fibers with diameters(直径) ranging from tens to hundreds of microns. Inspired

by the weaving process, Peng’s team found a solution by trial and error: the

interweaving (交织) of the cross threads can naturally form a dot array similar to

the array on a digital display screen.

Peng believes that the new cloth could be used for many things. For example,

it could help people with language barriers or disabilities better communicate. In

one test, Peng’s team monitored brainwaves from volunteers who had either been

playing a game or relaxing. The waves were then translated into messages as

“anxious” or “relaxed” and shown on the cloth. This could help hearing-impaired

people “talk” to each other in the future.

“We hope that new materials will shape next generation electronic devices by

changing the way we interact with them,” Peng told AFP.

61.What can we learn about the “the digital cloth”?

A.It is an electronic device attached to sleeves.

B.It aims to replace traditional communication tools.

C.It’s characterized by flexibility and stability.

D.It’s designed for people with physical disabilities.

62.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A.The team’s efforts behind the new product.

B.The process of making the fibers.

C.Where the inspiration of the invention came from.

D.The advantages of the new digital cloth.

63.How could the textile benefit people?

A.It could help improve users’ emotions.

B.It could convey the wearer’s mood.

C.It could talk to people.

D.It could be used to treat hearing loss.

64.What’s the main purpose of the article?

A.To encourage the use of a new product.

B.To predict the prospects of the new technology.

C.To introduce a new way of communication.

D.To inform readers of new research.

65.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.A next generation electronic device has been developed.

B.A “digital cloth” helps hearing-impaired people “talk” to each other.

C.Shanghai researchers have developed a new type of textile with a display system.

D.It has been a reality for people to use their clothes to browse the internet and

高三英语试卷 第 8 页(共 13 页)

send messages.


Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever, even

though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events

happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact, according to an

official report on youth violence, In our country today, the greatest threat to the

lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but

the terrible reality of violence. Given that this is the case, why aren't students

taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive

cars, or stay physically fit?

First of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on

violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent

incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult (侮辱). For example,

a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each

lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to

violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the


Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable, they can practice the

golden rule of conflict resolution stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he or

she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words,

name-calling, and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fir. On the other hand,

soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes

out of control.

After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for

conflict resolution; listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each

other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen

without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to

clarify the speaker’s position. Then the two people should change roles.

Finally, students need f. consider what they are hearing. This doesn’t mean

trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding

what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a

shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person

thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask

themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want?

What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply

becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a

mutual solution.

There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn’t mean there needs to

be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program,

高三英语试卷 第 9 页(共 13 页)

according to Educators for Social Responsibility, “64 percent of the teachers

reported less physical violence in the classroom; 75 percent of the teachers reported

an increase in student cooperation; and 92 percent of the students felt better about

themselves”. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends,

teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic

life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.

66.This article is mainly about _______.

A.the lives of school children B.the cause of arguments in schools

C.how to analyze youth violence D.how to deal with school conflicts

67.From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ________.

A.violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime

B.a small conflict can lead to violence

C.students tend to lose their temper easily

D.the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight

68.Why do students need to ask themselves the questions stated in Paragraph 5?

A.To find out who to blame.

B.To get ready to buy new things.

C.To make clear what the real issue is.

D.To figure out how to stop the shouting match.

69.After the conflict resolution program was started in Atlanta, it was found that


A.there was a decrease in classroom violence

B.there was less student cooperation in the classroom

C.more teachers fell better about themselves in schools

D.the teacher-student relationship greatly improved

70.The writer’s purpose for writing this article is to _______.

A.complain about problems in school education

B.teach students different strategies for school life

C.advocate teaching conflict management in schools

D.inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence

高三英语试卷 第 10 页(共 13 页)





