
2023-11-21·9页·419.3 K


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

1~5 CCBAB 6~10 BABAC 11~15 CBAAC 16~20 ACABB

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21~25 DABAD 26~30 DCBDC 31~35 ACCBB

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36~40 GACED

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41~45 ABDAB 46~50 CDCBA 51~55 DCDAB

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56.was penned 57.on 58.drawings 59.who/that 60.sells

61.a 62.Since 63.missing 64.extremely 65.To ensure

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)


Dear fellow students,

Nowadays,everyone has become aware that wildlife protection is of great importance.If

we continue killing wild animals without mercy ,sooner or later ,nature will rebel against

mankind.Therefore,strong measures should be taken to solve this problem.

Firstly,the government should put wildlife protection at the top of its priorities and make

policies to stop illegal hunting . Secondly , various activities can be held to raise students’

awareness of wildlife protection.Thirdly,individuals should promise that they won’t kill,buy

or eat wildlife.

In a word,it’s urgent that all of us take action to protect wildlife.

Thank you for your attention!

第二节(满分 25 分)


He held me with his sad,shocked eyes and searched for an answer.Then before he disappeared

into the garage and closed the door between us,my father said,“I like my clothes.”All of a

英语参考答案第 1页(共 9页)

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sudden,I sensed that a trace of disappointment seized my father,who obviously had never expected

such an irrational question from me.Later,my mother stormed into my room and lectured me about

my attitude towards my father’s clothes.She told me how desperately he wanted to save every cent

for me while I was so ungrateful for his good intentions.

In the following days,my father proved to me that there are things more important than what

one wears.Each time my father won high praise from neighbors for his timely help in repairing their

household appliances,I felt proud though he still wore those plain clothes.I finally understood one

can’t be judged by what he or she wears . As his son , I should have known he finds personal

fulfillment in his job and that he is always trying to set a good example for me and make my life

better.I no longer envy others having a father dressed smartly.I love my father,who teaches me the

profound truth:it is one’s character,not what one wears that really matters.


第二部分 阅读






21.D 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 二 句 “This is your chance to show the world your

story-telling talents.”可知,该比赛是关于故事写作的,故选 D。

22.A 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Don’t forget to include your full name,address,email

and phone number when filling in the form.”可知,参赛者需提供较详细的个人信息,

故选 A。

23.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“...and the runner-up will receive a 50 book voucher.”

可知,12 岁以下参赛组的第二名可获得 50 英镑的代金券,故选 B。




24.A 细节理解题。根据第二段的倒数第二句“So she decided to bring the books to her

neighbors by turning a bus into a bookmobile.”以及第五段最后一句“…I can probably

pop up on a lot of different corners,”可知,为了给街坊邻居提供阅读的机会,Latanya

把公交车变成了移动的汽车图书馆,可以开往社区的各个角落,故选 A。

英语参考答案第 2页(共 9页)

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25.D 推理判断题。根据第五段 Latanya 所说的话“I can’t open up a bookstore on every

corner,but I can probably pop up on a lot of different corners,”可知,Latanya 虽然不


大家提供方便,故选 D。

26.D 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“Latanya also makes sure that she stocks books with

various characters,so all readers can see themselves in the pages.”可知,Latanya 收集


到。根据第二段第三句“...she saw her chance and got creative.”可知,Latanya 建立了

移动的汽车图书馆,说明她还很有创意,故选 D。

27.C 作者态度题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为 Latanya 的汽车图书馆为书籍爱好者提供


故选 C。





28.B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Since then,White Rabbit has been the mainstay of

Wanderlust’s ice cream lineup and is regularly sold out in their webshop.”可知,大白兔

奶糖口味的冰淇淋可以网购,故选 B。

29.D 词义猜测题。根据第三段最后一句“Since then,White Rabbit has been the mainstay of

Wanderlust’s ice cream lineup and is regularly sold out in their webshop.”可知,大白兔

奶糖口味的冰淇淋常常在实体店及网上被一抢而空,成为最畅销的产品,故选 D。

30.C 推理判断题。根据第五段内容可知,大白兔奶糖的包装和口感都赢得了大家的喜爱,



受欢迎的程度,故选 C。

31.A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了大白兔奶糖口味的冰淇淋成为新潮流背后的故事,故选 A。





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32.C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“‘Horses are known to engage in play almost as

soon as they are born.Once they can walk,they immediately start to gallop,frolic and

buck,developing the motor skills they may need when they’re mature,’notes BBC


戏和跳跃,培养它们成熟后可能需要的运动技能,故选 C。

33.C 细节理解 题。根据第三 段最后一句“And while it’s unclear why bear cubs are so

playful ,zoologists believe at least some of their funny behaviors have a more serious

purpose that aids in their survival as adults.”可知,虽然还不清楚为什么熊宝宝如此贪


它们成年后的生存,故选 C。

34.B 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“In ways that are remarkably similar to the training

which children of traditional tribal cultures receive,it is through the rules of play that lion

cubs,kangaroo joeys,and wolf pups discover and establish the roles they’ll be expected to

perform as adults.”可知,狮子、袋鼠和狼的幼崽通过游戏规则发现并确立了它们成


见,动物和人类社会化的方式是类似的,故选 B。

35.B 标题归纳题。本文介绍了玩耍对动物也很重要的原因,故选 B。





36.G 语篇句间因果关系。上文提到主办奥运会成本很高,修建奥运会场馆需要花费大量


资金对场馆进行维护。设空处与下文构成因果关系,故选 G。

37.A 语篇句间解释关系。下文提到有些奥运场馆继续供体育赛事使用,“That is”表示后

一句是对前一句的进一步解释说明,“they”指代上文中的“the buildings”,故选 A。

38.C 语篇句间对比关系。根据上文可知,普莱西德湖奥运村以前可容纳 1800 名运动员,

而现在变成了监狱,里面关押着 1000 名囚犯。“originally”和“Now”形成对比关

系,故选 C。

39.E 语篇句间并列关系。根据上文可知,奥运会结束后,洛杉矶奥运馆继续供拳击和摔


电影拍摄场地使用。设空处与上下文构成并列关系,故选 E。

40.D 语篇句间承接关系。奥运会结束后,北京水立方得以重新翻修,有了许多新用途。

设空处与下文构成承接关系,故选 D。

英语参考答案第 4页(共 9页)

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第三部分 语言运用





41.A 考查语境中名词的辨析。evaluation“评估”;anecdote“轶事”;biography“传记”;

agenda“议程”。一位大学教授让他的社会学学生到巴尔的摩的贫民窟对 200 个小

男孩进行背景调查。他们被要求对每个男孩的未来进行评估。上文的“get case

histories”是提示,故选 A。

42.B 考查语境中名词的辨析。belief“信仰”;chance“机会;可能性”;bonus“红利”;

reward“回报”。在每个案例中,学生们都写道:“他们没有机会。”,故选 B。

43.D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。final“最后的”;factual“事实的”;formal“正式的”;

former“先前的”。25 年后,另一位社会学教授偶然发现了先前的这项研究,故选 D。

44.A 考查语境中动词的辨析。investigate“调查”;consider“考虑”;predict“预测”;


么样了,故选 A。

45.B 考查语境中名词的辨析。expectation“期待”;exception“除外”;exploration“探

索”;estimation“估计”。学生们了解到,除了 20 个搬走或去世的男孩之外,剩下

的 180 个男孩中,有 176 人取得了非凡的成就,成了律师、医生和商人,故选 B。

46.C 考查语境中动词的辨析。dismiss“不理会”;picture“想象”;achieve“取得”;enhance

“提高”。解析同上,故选 C。

47.D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。amused“被逗乐的”;alarmed“担忧的”;annoyed“生


选 D。

48.C 考查语境中副词的辨析。apparently“显然”;consistently“一贯地”;fortunately“幸

运地”;undoubtedly“毫无疑问地”。幸运的是,所有人都在这个地区,故选 C。

49.B 考查语境中动词短语的辨析。call up“回忆”;account for“解释”;talk about“谈

论”;rely on“依靠”。他能够问到每一个人:“你如何解释你的成功?”,故选 B。

50.A 考查语境中名词的辨析。gratitude“感激”;caution“谨慎”;hesitation“犹豫”;

sorrow“忧伤”。每个人的回答都充满感激之情:“因为一个老师。”,故选 A。

51.D 考查语境中名词的辨析。sponsor“赞助者”;professor“教授”;leader“领导者”;

teacher“老师”。解析同上,下一段的“teacher”也是提示,故选 D。

52.C 考查语境中动词的辨析。help sb.out“帮助……摆脱困难”;point sb.out“指出某

人”;seek sb.out“找出某人”;pick sb.out“看中某人”。这个老师还活着,教

授找到了她,故选 C。

英语参考答案第 5页(共 9页)

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53.D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。conventional“传统的”;iconic“象征性的”;logical“合


奇的方法使这些男孩走出贫民窟,取得了成功,故选 D。

54.A 考查语境中动词的辨析。sparkle“闪烁”;roll“滚动”;discolor“褪色”;recover

“恢复”。老师的眼睛闪闪发光,露出温柔的微笑,故选 A。

55.B 查语境中形容词的辨析。accidental“意外的”;simple“简单的”;personal“个人

的”;decent“体面的”。“很简单,”她说,“我爱那些孩子。”,故选 B。





56.was penned 考查动词时态和语态的运用。此处句意为:这部著名的小说是二战期间由

法国作家安托万德圣-埃克苏佩里在纽约创作的。此处 pen 作动词,意为“创作”,

根据语境应该用一般过去时的被动语态,故填 was penned。

57.on 考查固定搭配。on display 为固定搭配,意为“展出”,故填 on。

58.drawings 考查可数名词复数的运用。drawing 意为“图画”,是可数名词,在此语境中

应使用其复数形式,故填 drawings。

59.who/that 考查定语从句关系代词的运用。该句先行词指人,在从句中作主语,故填


60.sells 考查谓语动词的运用。sell well 意为“卖得好”,用主动形式,且该从句先行词是

tale,为第三人称单数,故填 sells。

61.a 考查不定冠词的运用。此处句意为:《小王子》是关于一个小孩环游宇宙并收获智慧

的故事。a 表示泛指,故填 a。

62.Since 考查介词的用法。此处句意为:《小王子》自出版以来,被翻译成近 500 种语言,

成为世界上被翻译次数最多的作品之一。本句中的现在完成时是提示,故填 Since。

63.missing 考查形容词作表语的运用。go 为系动词,后接形容词 missing 作表语,意为“失

踪的”,故填 missing。

64.extremely 考查副词的运用。修饰形容词 thin 应使用副词,extremely 意为“极其”,故

填 extremely。

65.To ensure 考查不定式的运用。此处句意为:为保证运输过程中的安全,人们还细心地

为这些手稿镶上了框。根据句意,此处表目的,故填 To ensure。

英语参考答案第 6页(共 9页)

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Text 1

W:Neil,are you a tidy person?

M:Me? Oh dear no! You should see my floordrobe!

W:Your floordrobe?

M:Yes.Tidy people keep their clothes in a wardrobe.I just dump a lot of my clothes on the

floor.So,a floordrobe.

Text 2

M:Hey,Lily,how’s your application to run the marathon?

W:Not great.I filled in a form and then I was told to fill in another one.

M:Have you tried phoning someone?

W:Yes.But they haven’t given me a straight answer.

Text 3

W:As far as you know,are there any illnesses that run in your family?

M:Not that I know of,Doctor.

W:Nothing like diabetes,high blood pressure,heart disease or anything like that?

M:Oh,I see! My father has a heart condition,and I have two aunts who have diabetes.

Text 4

M:You know what,Jane,I just love living here in London.I mean the culture,the parks,the

restaurants — it’s got everything.

W:Yeah,it’s not bad,though to be fair it’s not the cheapest place to live.Actually,I think there

are a lot of reasons to move out of this big city.You know,to get more space,better air,and

most important — nature!

Text 5

W:Are you working right now?

M:No,I’ve just been laid off.

W:Oh,I am sorry.What was your job?

M:I used to be a manager for an import and export company.

W:I see.Was it an office job or were you on your feet all day?

M:I worked behind a desk.

Text 6

W:Calvin,are you free this evening? Tom Hanks’ new movie is on!

M:Oh,I’m sorry,Ruby.I really want to go with you,but I have a test tomorrow.So I have to

study tonight.

W:OK,how about this weekend?

M:Um…this weekend,I have to stay in the lab to do experiments.We are working on a new project.

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W:I just can’t believe it,Calvin.You spend even more time in the lab than with your friends.

M:I’m sorry,Ruby.Maybe next time.

W:Oh Calvin,you have said that at least a hundred times.You know all work and no play makes

Jack a dull boy.

Text 7

M:It’s already 12 o’clock.Lunch time.Are you hungry?

W:Hmm...A little bit.

M:What do you have in your fridge?

W:There might be some leftovers from yesterday.Let me check.Umm...empty.I might have

thrown them away last night.

M:Maybe we can order something to eat from the food delivery app.

W:Good idea.Let’s see what’s good in the app.Oh my god! Guess what I’ve found! It’s my favorite

rice noodles restaurant!

M:Oh,I know this place.We had our dinner there once.

W:So what do you like to order? Today’s special is rice noodles with beef slices.

M:I’d like to try something else,because I had that last time.OK,I’ve made up my mind.Rice

noodles with pickled fish for me.

W:I’ll have the same.

Text 8

M:Alice,you seem troubled.What’s up?

W:Well,I bought this handbag from an online store the other day,and it has faded already.

M:I don’t think this bag is authentic.Let me see.Um...the texture feels weird.It’s definitely fake.

W:I knew it!

M:What are you gonna do about it?

W:Nothing,I suppose.I’ve already paid for it.

M:What? Are you letting them get away with selling fake items?

W:So what do you suggest?

M:Has the seller told you that the bag is 100% genuine?

W:I’ll check my online chat log to see if the seller has said that.But its product description page

definitely has the word “authentic” on it.

M:I think you have a pretty good chance to get your money back.I once bought a jacket online,

but it turned out to be a fake one.I managed to get a full refund in the end.

W:Really? How did you do that?

M:First,you need to gather the proof of the seller’s misconduct.And then send all your supporting

documents to the customer service.

英语参考答案第 8页(共 9页)

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W:That sounds complicated.

M:Actually,it’s not.I’ll help you with that.

Text 9

W:Does gardening make you happy,Frank?

M:Well,I tried to grow some tomatoes once.And to be honest it made me rather anxious.All the

leaves curled up and then dropped off.

W:Did you get any tomatoes?


W:So you don’t have “green fingers”,right? Actually,it’s funny you should say gardening

makes you anxious,because other people find it calming and relaxing.

M:Do they? Well,I don’t.Because each time I’m working in my garden,my hands get scratched

and I get stung by nasty bugs.

W:Oh,I’m sorry to hear that.You’d better try protective clothing next time.

M:So how about you,Sophie? Do you like getting your hands dirty?

W:Yes,I love it.And it turns out there might be a good reason for this.Dr. Christopher Lowry

from the University of Colorado conducted an experiment to test whether soil makes us

happy.He injected a bacterium commonly found in soil into mice and then placed them in a cup

of water.

M:Then what did he find?

W : He found that these mice swam for a longer period of time than those that hadn’t been

injected.So it proved that the bacterium in soil makes the mice happier and there’s a good

chance we would too.

Text 10

In East London,there is a building.It’s known as the Cathedral on the Marsh,but this is no

house of worship . It’s a monument to London’s waste water pipelines . Opened in 1865 , the

Crossness Pumping Station was one of the first of its kind in the world.Designed in the Romanesque

style,the Victorian masterpiece was built to tackle London’s struggles with waste water and cholera

outbreaks,which killed up to 20,000 people every year.The plant turns out to be beautiful in both

form and function.Almost every inch is decorated with tidy ironwork.Long pillars support the top

floor where four steam-powered engines rest,weighing 47 tons each.The station was a part of a

system intended to collect waste water and dispose of it in the eastern part of the city away from the

center.Despite there being other regulations to reduce waste water at the time,the station has been

praised for pushing London into a healthier,less smelly future.As the English capital has moved to

new solutions to keep its water clean and flowing , this cathedral is maintained as a museum ,

showing that even the dirtiest of jobs can inspire beauty.

英语参考答案第 9页(共 9页)

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