
2023-11-22·22页·463.9 K

2023 年秋期高中三年级期中质量评估

英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷分第卷(选择题, 满分 95分 )和第卷(非选择题,满分 55分 )两部分。

2. 将所有答案均按题号填涂或填写在答题卡或答题纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。满分 150分 ,考试时间

120 分钟。

第 卷(选择题, 共 95分 )

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分 )


第一节 (共5 小题; 每小题 1.5分 ,满分 7.5分 )

听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the man want his pie served with?

A. Cream. B. Cheese. C. Nothing.

2. Who is the woman probably?

A. A customer. B. An eye specialist. C. An online shop owner.

3. Which jeans will the boy wear?

A. The white ones. B. The black ones. C. The blue ones.

4. What does the man think of the woman's hair?

A. Short hair suits her. B. She should grow it long. C. Her hair grows slowly.

5. How many times has the man seen the singer?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three time.

第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5分 ,满分 22.5分 )

听下面5 段对话或读白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作


听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6. Where are the speakers?

A. In Scotland. B. In Italy. C. In India.

7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Travel tips.

B. Gestures in different cultures.

C. Interesting traditions in Europe.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 10 题。

8. Where do abandoned bikes become a major problem?

A. Outside the subway station.

高三英语 第 1 页(共9 页 )

B. Outside the shopping mall.

C. In the park.

9. How is the woman related to the man?

A. She's his mother. B. She's his sister. C. She's his neighbor.

10. What bike did the woman have as a child?

A. A hired one. B. A new one C. A used one.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Writer and reader. B. Schoolmates. C. Teacher and student.

12. How does Neil go to school on Fridays?

A. By car B. On foot. C. By bus.

13. Which troubles Neil most?

A. English. B. Science. C. Physical education.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14. What will Russell most likely get to eat?

A. A cheeseburger. B. A milk shake. C. A salad.

15. Why does Russell change his diets?

A. To feel less sick. B. To keep fit. C. To lose more weight:

16. What is the woman's attitude to the man's idea?

A. Intolerant. B. Favorable. C. Skeptical.

17. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Diets. B. Sports. C. Menus.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18. What are the arguments based on?

A. Language researches. B. Academic journals. C. Medical interviews.

19. What is the benefit of speaking more languages?

A. To improve your memory. B. To make you stronger. C. To save more language

20. What can improve a research's accuracy?

A. Accepting whatever the Internet says.

B. Mastering more than one language.

C. Referring to more previous studies.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分 )

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分 ,满分 37.5分 )

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


In honor of World Animal Day, celebrated annually on October 4, here are three picture books to stir up

affection, appreciation, and empathy for our non-human friends. Find more related books and articles from

Hbook.com here;orclicktheAnimalsandPetssubjecttagsintheHornBookGuide/Reviews Database.

Gianferrari, Maria To Dogs, With Love: A Love Letter to the Dogs Who Help Us

高三英语 第 2 页(共9 页 )

40 pp. |Roaring Brook|December,2023|Trade ISBN 978-1-250-24494-9 $18.99

Illustrated by Ishaa Lobo. With a refrain of “thank you for,” this wholehearted shout-out to our canine

companions(the narrator addresses them directly) lists their physical attributes to celebrate what makes them so

harmonious with humans. A grief therapy dog, a courtroom support dog, and a future assistance dog are among the

sung heroes featured in the artwork.

O'Watch, Heather Auntie's Rez Surprise

24 pp.|Second Story|September,2023|Trade ISBN 978-1-77260-344-6 $21.95

Illustrated by Ellie Arscott. Cree, a young Nehiyaw girl, never fails to marvel at the neat stuff her kind aunt

collects from garage sales. But this time, Auntie has brought a surprise. Unable to guess what it is, Cree is delighted

when Auntie reveals a“ puppy.” Nehiyaw people consider dogs their relatives, Auntie explains, and describes the

integral role they have historically played in Nehiyaw communities providing protection, furnishing warmth, and

transporting goods. Cree learns the importance of caring for bowwows with heart and hands. Arscott's sunny hand-

drawn illustrations incorporate comic-book elements.

Ruddock, Nicholas This Is a Tiny Fragile Snake

40 pp.|Groundwood|February,2024|Trade ISBN 978-1-77306-784-1 $19.99

Illustrated by Ashley Barron. A racoon(浣熊) is panic-stricken after taking a spill down a chimney. During a

nighttime car ride, a family is startled when a moose(麋鹿) sallies out onto the road. A chipmunk(花栗鼠) is

brought to bay in a rainspout by its feline predator. In the fifteen short narrative poems in this picture book, racially

diverse children and their caregivers unexpectedly come face to face with undomesticated creatures, some imperiled,

and choose to show them kindness and respect. A closing poem observes each animal's whereabouts following their

human encounters. Readers will warm to the wisdom of giving wildlife their space.

21. What can we know from Auntie's Rez Surprise?

A. The author of it is Ashley Barron.

B. Nehiyaw people think highly of dogs.

C. Stuff collected from garage sales is useless.

D. Cree can always guess what Auntie brings for her.

22. What do the three books have in common?

A. They are all about dogs.

B. They are all about animal abuse.

C. They all include poems and pictures.

D. They all show harmony between animals and humans.

23. Where is this text probably taken from?

A. A website B. A journal C. A history book D. A guidebook


One January evening in 2008, Rachel Lapierre bought a $4 lottery ticket at the grocery store. As a nearly full-

time emergency-room nurse and part-time volunteer aid worker, after an exhausting day cutting sugar maples , she

needed something to lift her spirits. For years, Lapierre had done humanitarian work overseas for organizations and

she longed to be able to one day quit her nursing job and focus on the volunteer work she found most fulfilling.

She swore to herself that if she ever won the lottery, that's what she would do. Lapierre went home and

高三英语 第 3 页(共9 页 )

scratched her ticket, revealing three sunny faces. Not sure what they meant, she took it to a corner store, where the

ticket-checking machine went berserk but didn't reveal the prize. The next day, the lottery office informed her that

she had won a lump sum of $6,75,000 or $1,000 a week for life. She chose the latter. “I know myself, ”she says.”

The lump sum would have melted like snow in the sun.”

Staying true to her word, Lapierre quit her nursing job and dedicated her life to helping others through her

passion project, Le Book Humanitaire, which has since become a registered charity. LeBook, as Lapierre, now 62,

affectionately calls it, began as a simple list of good deeds she jotted down in a black-and-white notebook. She had

been using it to keep track of what she had done to help those living in the small communities around her.

To her, the deeds were just small acts of kindness that anyone else might have done. But word started spreading,

her phone began ringing and a Facebook page she created for the project became an efficient way to field requests

from those in need and those who wanted to help.

Le Book Humanitaire now has a team of 80 volunteers. The non-profit provides local emergency support,

homeless and medical out- reach, food delivery for seniors and a community fridge. Its kitchen volunteers make

about 500 meals a day, with all food donated from local restaurants, hospitals and schools.

The book itself? It has since been replaced by dozens more, representing millions of deeds. In2022 alone, the

organization carried out nearly 4,50,000 acts of service.

24. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?

A. Lapierre chose a lump sum of $6,75,000.

B. Lapierre loved her full- time job very much.

C. Lapierre knew the meaning of three sunny faces at first.

D. Lapierre didn’t think she would spend a large amount of money wisely.

25. What is Le Book Humanitaire?

A. It is a notebook. B. It is a Facebook page.

C. It is a non-profit charity. D. It is run by local communities.

26. Which of the following is true about the project?

A. It conducted 45000 acts of service in all.

B. It provided everything a community needed.

C. It relied on local donations to provide meals.

D. It was just about small acts of kindness for anyone else .

27. Which words can best describe Lapierre?

A. Greedy and close-minded. B. Courageous and easy-going.

C. Humorous and self-disciplined. D. Determined and tender-hearted.


Hiking is tricky when you're carrying a threatened species. Ally Whitbread carefully jumped over logs while

carrying a cooler full of tiny, rare snails. “I feel like I've got like 500 babies to take care of just a very crazy mother

hen,” she said.

The Chittenango ovate amber snails inside are facing extinction. Only dozens are estimated to remain at one

waterfall in Upstate New York. But Whitbread is part of a team transporting a lab-bred population to a new, remote

home for a shot at survival. Such a recovery process can take years to decades, and success is obscure, but scientists

are racing to better understand our planet's biodiversity before species are wiped out.

高三英语 第 4 页(共9 页 )

The hike to a hidden waterfall is a chance to examine what makes them thrive in the wild, or what doesn't.

These efforts to study rare species can unlock their hidden benefits to humans, said Professor Laura Dee. “Our

idea that we might want to have a species down the line comes from the uncertainty of what the future is going to

bring, and what role that species might play,” Dee said.

Like the once-rare Madagascar rosy periwinkle - a compound from the plant is now used in leukemia treatments.

While not every species will cure cancer, Dee said more study is needed because we don't fully know what will

happen if we lose them.

Even just observing species in their habitats can prove helpful. University of Utah biology professor Jack

Longino is cataloging the planet's ants. He said understanding how the insects communicate could help

programmers with robotics. “To create things, to make new technologies, we’re sort of imitating nature all the time,”

Longino said.

The Chittenango ovate amber snail doesn't have any known unique traits critical to humans, and it's been a

lengthy journey just to attempt to save them. The half-hour hike to the new habitat is the latest step in a process

that's lasted more than five years.

28. Which can best replace the underlined word “obscure” in Paragraph 2?

A. Undeniable. B. Unpredictable. C. Inevitable. D. Incomparable.

29. According to Professor Laura Dee, why should we save the Chittenango ovate amber snails?

A. Because they help programmers create robotics.

B. Because we have a great affection for this rare snail.

C. Because they can be adopted for the treatment of cancer and leukemia.

D. Because we are uncertain about the hidden benefits of them to humans.

30. What are Para.5 and Para.6 mainly about?

A. The benefits of sustaining and studying rare species.

B. The helpfulness of observing how ants communicate.

C. The consequences of losing rare animals and plants in nature.

D. The healing effect of the compound from Madagascar rosy periwinkle.

31. Which is the best title for the text?

A. Explore the rare species B. Tiny snails, Great benefits

C. Small snails, Long journey D. Save the extinct species


Mathematics and language arts are the two areas of study that are most heavily tested in school. However,

many people have not considered the strong relationship between mathematics and language skills. This relationship

makes sense when you think about it. After all, both mathematics and language require logical thinking and careful

attention to detail. They also both involve memorization, rote learning, and the ability to see patterns and make

connections. In other words, if you're good at one, you're more likely to be good at the other.

Young children are exposed to math concepts as they explore the natural world and the understanding of

mathematical ideas begins with language. For example physical states such as size, weight and quantity begin with

understanding vocabulary such as more and less or heavy and light. Preschools use experiential learning to build

these language-based math concepts, and it is not until later that children will begin to apply symbols and numbers

to the language of math.

高三英语 第 5 页(共9 页 )

Language supports math for word problems as well as how to organize information, sequence steps, and arrive

at conclusions. When a child is struggling with weak language comprehension or expression, they will find

challenges in fluid thinking for complex math. Additionally, mathematical thinking helps children develop ordered

thinking and visualization skills. These skills overlap language-based skills such as reading and writing, where

students must infer, comprehend and connect new information to the world they know.

Nurture your children's natural curiosity. Help your children explore the world around them. Going to museums,

walking around the park, collecting seashells on vacation, or gardening are opportunities to learn about new things

and expand vocabulary. Play classic board games that involve making guesses and strategizing. Your children will

be exercising critical thinking skills without realizing they're learning.

32. What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 1?

A. English and math both require logical thinking.

B. People good at English will also do well in math.

C. There is a strong relationship between English and math.

D. English and math are the subjects most heavily tested in school.

33. What role does language play in children's learning of math?

A. It helps children build up their vocabulary.

B. It helps children understand math concepts.

C. It helps children lay a solid foundation for math.

D. It helps children apply symbols and numbers to math.

34. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. Language learning and math influence each other greatly.

B. Language learning helps students draw conclusions faster.

C. Mathematical thinking helps children learn language better.

D. Students weak in language will undoubtedly fail in complex math.

35. Why is natural curiosity important?

A. It helps children learn with ease and fun.

B. It helps children enjoy the games they play.

C. It helps children improve their critical thinking.

D. It helps children explore the world around them.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分 )


Cold and Flu Prevention Strategies

Colds and flu spread primarily via droplets released in the air when someone who is ill coughs, sneezes, or

talks, and via surface contact(touching something a sick person has touched). 36 .

Cough and sneeze into your elbow. Instead of covering your cough with your hand, turn your head and cough

into your elbow, which will requester a virus just as well. Your elbow, however, is far less likely than your hands

to come in contact with people or surfaces.

Wash up often. The more frequently you wash your hands, the lower your risk of becoming sick. Remember:

Colds and flu are caused by viruses not bacteria, 37 . Moreover, there's mounting evidence that triclosan —the

高三英语 第 6 页(共9 页 )

main active ingredient in many antibacterial soaps may facilitate the growth of resistant bacteria.

Avoid touching surfaces others touch. 38 . Block contact with faucets, door handles and other heavily

trafficked surfaces in public restrooms by cloaking your grip in a paper towel.

39 . Copper and copper alloys(brass, bronze) have inherent antimicrobial properties that make them capable

of reducing the spread of infection. Numerous follow-up studies of copper's antiviral properties indicate copper

surfaces could be an effective means of reducing the spread of colds and flu —and even superbug bacteria such as

MRSA—if this prevention tactic were widely adopted. Check out copper products for your home or business.

Get regular exercise. While colder weather may trigger an urge to curl up in the sedentary comfort of a blanket,

moving your body will actually boost its immune function. In a 2006 study, researchers at the University of

Washington enrolled 115 women in either a weekly 45-minute stretching session or 45 minutes of moderate-

intensity exercise five days a week. After 12 months, the exercisers had developed significantly fewer colds than

the stretchers did. You needn't necessarily carve out time for jogging or the like, either. 40 .

A. Consider copper surfaces.

B. Keep copper surfaces off.

C. so it is advised that we use antibacterial soap to keep them away.

D. The surest natural way to lessen your odds of falling ill is to tweak some of your habits.

E. so counting on antibacterial soap as a safeguard against colds and flu won't be effective.

F. Everyday chores such as raking leaves or shoveling snow can count as moderate-intensity exercise.

G. Encourage your workplace to outfit bathroom doors with foot-operated openers that allow for a hands-free exit.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分 )

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题1 分,满分 15分 )

Josh Garman had little cycling experience when he decided to pedal the 5,000 miles of Great Britain’s coastline.

Not even his closest family believed he'd 41 the end. His first day of the 42 was the first time he'd cycled with

a trailer(小拖车).

Josh had given up his job to do the 43 ride, for he wanted to 44 money for charities along the way. He

chose the charity Hope for Hasti, which 45 research in order to change the lives of those with Cornelia de Lange


This genetic condition 46 children with a wide range of life limiting physical and behavioral challenges.

Those with CdLS often need 47 care for their whole lives.

Josh's journey began in August 2021 when some lockdown restrictions were still 48 .“This meant it was

self-contained accommodation, so I slept in the 49 . It was burning hot and I was completely 50 most nights.”

In Wales, Jos h suffered dehydration(脱水), which led to a 51 stay. But he didn't give up. “Despite my mental

and physical deterioration, I got to the end. I owed it to everyone I had met on the way. They had helped me and I

couldn't 52 them.”

Josh raised a 53 30,000 for Hope for Hasti, but there were personal benefits, too. “My mindset changed

entirely, and I had to 54 my own problems, which made me tougher 55 .”he says.

41. A. make through with B. set out to C. make it to D. set sail for

42. A. voyage B. adventure C. bike D. coast

43. A. lonely B. joyful C. exhausting D. admirable

高三英语 第 7 页(共9 页 )

44. A. collect B. invest C. sponsor D. earn

45. A. furthers B. funds C. invests D. recommend

46. A. rewards B. presents C. engages D. corresponds

47. A. ambitious B. sensible C. urgent D. continuous

48. A. in doubt B. in theory C. in place D. in vain

49. A. trailer B. hotel C. tent D. apartment

50. A. awake B. tired C. wet D. lost

51. A. company B. shop C. club D. hospital

52. A. disappoint B. cheat C. abandon D. betray

53. A. much B. mere C. magnificent D. modest

54. A. cope B. address C. work D. discuss

55. A. physically B. temporarily C. severely D. mentally

第卷(非选择题,共 55分 )

第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分 )

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Last month, students from Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College visited Xiangshan county in Ningbo,

Zhejiang province 56 (learn) about the local intangible cultural heritage together with villagers for the Asian


One particular aspect of Zhejiang culture, Baiyelong dance, 57 (make) an immediate impression on hundreds

of millions of TV viewers at the Asian Games' opening ceremony.

Back in July, the Changxing Baiyelong dance troupe(剧团) 58 (inform) that Baiyelong dance had been

selected as a warm-up performance for the ceremony. During 59 (approximate)two months of rehearsals, the

troupe continuously refined the program to meet higher requirements.

Connecting the umbrella ribs, handle and top requires processes. Each step requires the utmost patience and

attention to detail.

60 the process was tough and time-consuming, the sense of 61 (excite) was obvious among both villagers

and students with beautiful oil paper umbrellas gradually coming together in their own hands.

Through this umbrella-making experience, people gained a deeper and 62 (genuine)appreciation for the

dedication and perseverance 63 (represent) the craftsman's spirit.

This traditional folk custom activity in Changxing county in Huzhou was selected as 64 provincial-level

intangible cultural heritage in May 2005.

65 the props used in traditional Chinese dragon dances, which are normally covered by cloth of gold and

red, the body in the Baiyelong dance is composed of hundreds of pink lotus petals(莲花花瓣). The formation and

development of the dance marks a notable variant in the evolution of lantern crafts.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分 )

第一节(满分 15分 )

假定你是李华,正在考虑上大学后的专业选择。你想给在中国大学任教的英国朋友 Jim 发一封邮件征求意


高三英语 第 8 页(共9 页 )

1.你的问题; 2.你的想法; 3.期待建议。

注意:1.词数 80 左右;


Dear Jim,


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25分 )


April has been a vet(兽医) for many years. Throughout her practice, there have been many unusual cases.

Some were quite sad and some were even funny. But most of all she remembered one time on a rainy day a little

girl came to her with her little guinea pig(豚鼠).

She was in tears and asked April to save her beloved pet. “This is my only friend. I really love my Dorothy,”

the girl said. April examined the animal and realized that it was very ill. The pig looked young. Probably, it was

already sick when it was sold to the girl. The vet saw many children's tears, and each time she felt awful. But she

always found strength to say that she couldn't save the pet.

However, this time she looked at the girl and couldn't say anything. April saw how simply the girl was dressed

and thought that her family didn't make a lot of money. Therefore, the pig wasn't just a pet for her, but a real treasure.

“Tell me your phone number, so I can call you after the operation,” April said. “I’ll give you my grandmother’s

phone number, because I live with her. My parents were gone. Grandma said that they had gone somewhere far and

for a long time. By the way, they gave me the pig before leaving,” the girl said. April wrote down the number, and

when the girl left the clinic, she burst into tears. She realized her parents had died and the girl didn't know the truth

yet. How could she tell her that her guinea pig was going to die? April looked at the animal helplessly and wondered

what she could do. Suddenly she came up with an idea. But before doing it she put the guinea pig to sleep, and went

to the nearest pet store during lunchtime. She wanted to buy exactly the same guinea pig and give it to the girl.


1. 续写词数应为 150 个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

However, finding it wasn't so easy.

Her grandmother understood everything, but the girl didn't notice the switch.

高三英语 第 9 页(共9 页 )

2023 –2024 学年秋期高中三年级期中质量评估


第一部分:听力(1-20) (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1—5 CBCAC 6—10 ABABC 11—15 BABCB 16—20 CAAAC

第二部分:阅读理解(21-40) (共两节,每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

21—23 BDA 24 —27 DCCD 28—31 BDAC 32——35CBAA 36—40 DEGAF

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(41-55)(共 15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

完形(每题1 分,共 15 分):41—45 CBDAB 46—50 BDCAC 51—55


第二节(56-65) (共 10 个小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. to learn 57. made 58. was informed 59. approximately60.While/Though/Although

61. excitement 62. more genuine 63. representing 64. a 65. Unlike

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

With the senior high school life coming to an end, I feel upset about what I

should major in. I show great interest in fields-computer science, medicine and

education which are difficult to choose from, so I would like to turn to you for help.

On the one hand, my parents strongly recommend that I should learn medicine.

On the other hand, as far as my future development is concerned, I prefer to learn

computer science and wish to become an AI scientist.

What do you think of it? Your prompt attention to this letter will be highly


第二节(满分 25 分)

However, finding it wasn’t so easy. The sick pet was black with a white spot on

the nose, which was uniquely uncommon. Her attempt to find nearby in vain, a flush

of disappointment swept over April. However, at the thought of the girl’s misty eyes,

April continuously went to extraordinary lengths to find a matching pig. Fortunately,

her persistent efforts paid off. In a store 8 kilometers away from her clinic, she found

第 1 页 共 13 页





