
2023-12-06·27页·45.9 K

【赢在高考黄金8卷】备战2024年高考英语模拟卷(新高考七省专用)黄金卷07(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Why won’t the woman give the man directions?A.She is late for class.B.She isn’t familiar with the area.C.She has never heard of the community college.【答案】B【原文】M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the community college?W: I wish I could. I’ve heard about that place, but I just moved here, and I’ve lost myself.M: I guess I’ll have to ask someone else. Thanks anyway.2.(2023河北沧州高三校联考阶段练习)What will the speakers do next?A.Book a table.B.Cook a meal.C.Order takeout food.【答案】C【原文】M: I’m starving, have you got lunch ready?W: Not yet, I have been working at my desk all morning and I’m too tired to cook.M: That’s OK. We can order takeout food.3.When will Jim return?A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.【答案】C【原文】M: It’s Friday already. Jim’s supposed to come back today. Why isn’t he here yet?W: Oh, he decided to put off his return date. He’ll be back the day after tomorrow.4.(2023山东济宁高三统考期中)What day is it when the conversation takes place?A.Saturday.B.Sunday.C.Monday.【答案】B【原文】W: I won’t have anything to wear to work on Monday unless I pick up my clothes at the dry cleaner’s.M: Then you’d better hurry. It closes at noon on Sundays.W: Oh! I should have gone there on Saturday.5.When should Susan go to meet Professor Brown?A.At 10:00.B.At 10:30.C.At 11:00.【答案】B【原文】W: Can I come to see you at 10:00, Professor Brown?M: I’m sorry, Susan. I’m seeing my students then. Why not come half an hour later.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答6~7小题。6.What is May learning to do?A.Write Chinese characters. B.Collect art works.C.Paint nature scenes.7.What does May say about her teacher?A.He is smart.B.He is strict.C.He is patient.【答案】6.A 7.C【原文】M: What have you been doing these days, May?W: Nothing. I’m just taking classes in art.M: Is it painting class?W: Not really. I’m learning how to write Chinese characters.M: You are very smart and perseverant. Speaking Chinese is hard, let alone writing Chinese characters with a writing brush.W: It does take a lot of practice. My teacher is in his late fifties. He never loses temper easily for my slow progress, though and he makes it fun to study.M: Will you show me a little?W: Not until I’m better at it. I just started last month.听下面一段较长对话,回答8~9小题。8.What does the man say about the restaurant?A.It offers many tasty dishes.B.It’s the biggest one around.C.It’s famous for its seafood.9.What will the woman probably order?A.Fried fish.B.Roast chicken.C.Beef steak.【答案】8.A 9.C【原文】M: I've been here many times. There are quite a lot of delicious dishes to choose from. What are you thinking of ordering?W: Well, I haven't decided yet. What are you going to order?M: I think I'll have the roast chicken. They really make it well here.W: I had roast chicken yesterday when I ate out with Shelly.M: Their beef steak is good, too. You can have it served with beans and mushrooms.W: But I'm not that hungry. Is the fried fish or the seafood salad good?M: Never had them before. Maybe if you get the steak, we could share.W: That sounds like a good idea.(2023吉林统考一模)听下面一段较长对话,回答10~12小题。10.Where are the speakers?A.In the man’s house.B.In a clothing store.C.In a design company.11.What does the woman say about her business?A.It focuses on personal needs.B.It only provides formal clothing.C.It attracts mainly young customers.12.When will the wedding take place?A.In one week.B.In four weeks.C.In one year.【答案】10.B 11.A 12.B【原文】M: Excuse me. I need formal clothing for an event. Can you help me select something?W: Of course, sir. We have a wide range of clothing for you to choose from. M: OK. I’ve heard your clothing store is the best one in the neighborhood!W: We’ve been in business for only one year. We can’t serve as many customers as large companies, but we care more about individual needs. M: Great. I’m invited to my younger brother’s wedding. And I’ll be on stage at the party.W: I see — this suit looks perfect. But it could take a week to make some changes to fit you.M: That’s fine. They are going to have the wedding in a month, so I’ll have plenty of time.(2023河北石家庄高三正定中学校联考期中)听下面一段较长对话,回答13~16小题。13.Where has the man travelled with his parents?A.China.B.Thailand.C.Mexico.14.What makes the woman’s parents’ travel easier?A.Smartphone apps.B.Travel brochures.C.Friendly local guides.15.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their parents.B.Different cities.C.A travel plan.16.What will the man do this summer vacation?A.Work hard to earn extra money.B.Explore tourist attractions.C.Have a rest at home.【答案】13.C 14.A 15.C 16.C【原文】M: So what are you doing during the holidays? Any plans?W: I’m going to Thailand for 2 weeks with my parents this summer.M: That’s great! Have you visited Thailand before?W: I’ve been there before. But it will be the first time for my parents.M: Ooh. How do they feel? I have travelled to many foreign countries, like China and France. But I only took my parents with me to Mexico. It was a little stressful even though we had local guides.W: My parents will be okay as long as they have online translation and maps. We aren’t doing anything too crazy, just relaxing on the beach for a week and then a few days visiting different cities.M: That’s great. My parents aren’t so brave. They get nervous when leaving the house. How are the beaches?W: Beautiful. There are a lot more tourists than before but still breathtaking.M: I can imagine.W: So what about you? What’s your plan?M: I think I will take it easy. We spent way too much money on our last vacation. So this time we will stay at home and do nothing.(2023全国高三校联考阶段练习)听下面一段独白,回答17~20小题。17.Who is the speaker?A.A social psychologist.B.A TV host.C.A publisher.18.What is David Clinton doing?A.Introducing a speaker.B.Conducting a class.C.Recommending a book.19.What is Professor Putnum’s book about?A.Tips for escaping unhappiness.B.Benefits of painful experiences.C.Ways to develop reading ability.20.What is Professor Putnum going to do next?A.Discuss his plans.B.Share his stories.C.Explain his views.【答案】17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C【原文】Good afternoon, everyone. I’m David Clinton. Thanks for joining us. Present today’s edition of Pursuit of Happiness is Jennifer Putnum, a social psychologist from the Harvard University. Professor Putnum focuses on the relationship between pain, happiness and morality. Recently, she released a book on the role of pain in promoting pleasure. The title of the book is The Other Side of Happiness. In this book, she points that as we seek to flee away from pain or sorrow, we’re weakening ourselves and may lose our ability to deal with pain in the future. Painful experiences are actually essential for our development and how we face the unavoidable challenges ahead, and they play a vital role helping us develop our ability to feel truly happy. Now, let’s warmly welcome Professor Putmum to talk about the ideas in the book.第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe books written and published in the 1920s remain on the “best ever” lists. Here are 4 books that everyone should read.The Great GatsbyThe themes in the novel reflect the sudden change in the character of America itself, and in some ways it’s among the first major modern novels produced in this country. The novel also makes a new and powerful concept clear at the time: The American Dream, the idea that self-made men and women could make themselves into anything in this country.A Farewell to ArmsThe story is one of a love affair interrupted and dogged by events beyond the lovers’ control, and a central theme is the pointless struggle of life — that we spend so much energy and time on things that finally don’t matter. Hemingway masterfully combines a realistic description of war with some abstract literary techniques, which is one reason why this book endures as a classic.UlyssesWhen people make lists of the most difficult novels, Ulysses is almost certainly on them. The one thing almost everyone knows about Ulysses is that it employs “stream of consciousness”, a literary technique that seeks to show the inner monologue of a person. James Joyce wasn’t the first writer to use this technique, but he was the first writer to attempt it on the scale as he did. Mrs. DallowayIt takes place on a single day in the life of the main character, and it employs a dense and tricky stream-of-consciousness technique, roaming (漫游) around to other characters and point of view. Mrs. Dalloway is concerned with using these techniques to make the characters clear and definite. The use of stream of consciousness is deliberately disorienting in the way it skips through time.21.Which book shows us the truth of daily life conflicts?A.Ulysses.B.Mrs. Dalloway.C.The Great Gatsby.D.A Farewell to Arms.22.What do Ulysses and Mrs. Dalloway have in common?A.They share the same literary technique.B.They show a new and powerful concept.C.They describe the daily life of the character.D.They are on the list of the most difficult novels.23.Where can the text be found?A.In a biography.B.In a history book.C.In a travel brochure.D.In a literature magazine.【答案】21.D 22.A 23.D【导语】本文是一篇应用文。本文介绍了依旧经典的四本20世纪20年代出版的书:《了不起的盖茨比》《永别了,武器》《尤利西斯》和《达洛威夫人》,分别从小说主题、文学技巧和创新等角度进行了分析。21.细节理解题。根据A Farewell to Arms部分中“The story is one of a love affair interrupted and dogged by events beyond the lovers’ control, and a central theme is the pointless struggle of life — that we spend so much energy and time on things that finally don’t matter. (故事讲述的是一段爱情被恋人无法控制的事件打断和纠缠,中心主题是生活中毫无意义的挣扎——我们在那些最终无关紧要的事情上花费了如此多的精力和时间)”可知,该书探讨了生活中冲突的真相,即我们在那些最终无关紧要的事情上花费了过多精力和时间。故选D。22.细节理解题。根据Ulysses部分中“The one thing almost everyone knows about Ulysses is that it employs “stream of consciousness”, a literary technique that seeks to show the inner monologue of a person. (关于《尤利西斯》,几乎每个人都知道的一件事是,它采用了“意识流”,这是一种文学技巧,旨在表现一个人的内心独白)”以及Mrs. Dalloway部分中“It takes place on a single day in the life of the main character, and it employs a dense and tricky stream-of-consciousness technique, roaming (漫游) around to other characters and point of view. (它发生在主角一生中的某一天,它采用了一种密集而微妙的意识流技巧,漫游到其他人物和视角)”可是,这两本书的共通之处在于是使用相同的文学技巧——意识流写作手法。故选A。23.推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了依旧经典的四本20世纪20年代出版的书:《了不起的盖茨比》《永别了,武器》《尤利西斯》和《达洛威夫人》,分别从小说主题、文学技巧和创新等角度进行了分析,并建议读者去阅读。故推断文章出自于一本文学杂志。故选D。B(2023山东济宁高三统考期中)Graduating from high school is a milestone event. Most students are 18 when they graduate, but one Pennsylvania boy from Bensalem, a suburb of Philadelphia, just graduated and he is only nine and he is one of the youngest ever to do so.David Balogun recently received his diploma from the Reach Cyber Charter (特许)School in Harrisburg where he was studying remotely. He has already started taking college courses. Besides being excellent in school, David loves computer programming, science, martial arts, and playing the piano.David’s parents have advanced degrees but it is demanding to raise a child with an extraordinary intellectual gift. “I had to get outside of the box.” David’s mother, Ronya Balogun, told the local television station. “Playing pillow fights when you’re not supposed to, throwing the balls in the house. He’s a 9-year-old with a brain that just has the capacity to understand and comprehend a lot of concepts that are beyond his years and sometimes beyond my understanding.”Putting David in the charter school was a no-brainer for his parents. “When he heard the STEM program, at seven years old, he was jumping up and down. I said ‘Okay, this is where we’re going, and this is what we’re doing’. He loved it from the first moment. It’s been an amazing journey,” she added.David’s remarkable education began two years ago, when he became a student at the charter school. Shortly after he began attending the school, David placed out of the elementary and middle school courses and began high school.David already knows that he wants to be an astrophysicist (天体物理学家). But he has to complete his education first. While he has already completed a semester at Buck County Community College, his parents are researching college and university options that will be more challenging. They are looking into Ivy League schools including the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Harvard, but since David is still only nine, he can’t live on campus.24.What can we learn from the third paragraph?A.David grows faster than other children.B.David discourages his mother completely.C.Teaching David has proved efficient.D.Raising David has been challenging.25.How did David react when he heard about the STEM program?A.Confused.B.Abnormal.C.Resistant.D.Delighted.26.What is a must for David before becoming an astrophysicist?A.Developing multiple hobbies.B.Being expert in computers.C.Finishing school first.D.Getting used to distance learning.27.What is a suitable title for the text?A.The Universe Arouses a Boy’s CuriosityB.9-Year-Old Boy Graduated from High SchoolC.Age Restriction for Going to College is RemovedD.Parenting Contributes to a Boy’s Achievement【答案】24.D 25.D 26.C 27.B【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。这篇文章讲述了宾夕法尼亚州本塞勒姆市的一位9岁男孩David Balogun毕业于特许学校,是有史以来最年轻的毕业生之一。24.推理判断题。根据第三段中“David’s parents have advanced degrees but it is demanding to raise a child with an extraordinary intellectual gift. (大卫的父母都有高等学位,但要培养一个具有非凡智力天赋的孩子是很困难的)”和“ He’s a 9-year-old with a brain that just has the capacity to understand and comprehend a lot of concepts that are beyond his years and sometimes beyond my understanding.(他是一个9岁的孩子,他的大脑有能力理解和理解很多超出他年龄的概念,有时甚至超出我的理解。)”可推断, 就David的父母来说,培养一个具有非凡智力天赋的孩子是很困难的,即抚养David一直很有挑战性。故选D。25.细节理解题。根据第四段中“When he heard the STEM program, at seven years old, he was jumping up and down. (当他七岁听到STEM项目时,他欢呼雀跃)”可知,听到STEM项目时,大卫非常高兴。故选D。26.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“David already knows that he wants to be an astrophysicist (天体物理学家). But he has to complete his education first. (大卫已经知道他想成为一名天体物理学家。但他必须先完成学业。)”可知, 在成为天体物理学家前, 大卫要先完成学业。故选C。27.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Graduating from high school is a milestone event. Most students are 18 when they graduate, but one Pennsylvania boy from Bensalem, a suburb of Philadelphia, just graduated and he is only nine and he is one of the youngest ever to do so. (高中毕业是一个里程碑式的事件。大多数学生毕业时都是18岁,但一位来自费城郊区本萨勒姆的宾夕法尼亚州男孩刚刚毕业,年仅9岁,是有史以来最年轻的学生之一。)”以及通读全文可知,这篇文章讲述了宾夕法尼亚州本塞勒姆市的一位9岁男孩David Balogun毕业于特许学校,是有史以来最年轻的毕业生之一。由此判断B项“9-Year-Old Boy Graduated from High School (9岁男孩高中毕业)”适合本文标题。故选B。C(2023江苏徐州高三统考期中)Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest power on earth. It is cleaner than any energy source except wind. But that doesn’t necessarily mean nuclear is the long-term solution for the world because nuclear material is perhaps the most poisonous matter on earth. In addition, uranium, the element most commonly used in nuclear reactors, is not in limitless supply. But the biggest problem is nuclear waste. How can we deal with nuclear waste? The answer is simple—put them somewhere where they can stay, undisturbed, isolated, forever. Finland is building just that. This region is largely lacking in natural disasters. It really doesn’t encounter any natural phenomenon that could damage a nuclear waste storage site, especially if it’s 1, 500 feet underground. Beneath an island on the Finnish Baltic Sea coast, the country is digging. They’ re building the very first permanent nuclear waste storage facility in the world in the stable bedrock 1,500 feet below. Currently they’ re just finishing their dig down, then very soon they’ll start filling the facility with nuclear waste. They’ll dig long tunnels with small holes in which they’ll place nuclear waste then backfill the tunnels with clay to be left forever. With this system, there’s near zero risk of nuclear material leaking out into the groundwater and, once it’s filled in the year 2120, it can just be left, forever. Because the material will be so far down and so difficult to get to, no human management will be necessary once completed. No security, no maintenance, nothing which means it should be truly secure, but before leaving it, Finland needs to fight against one thing—human nature. As curious beings, it’s hard to fight a person’s urge of discovery. If someone finds a mysterious structure from thousands of years ago, it’d just be natural to want to open it up, and that’s a problem for nuclear waste sites. We essentially did just that with the pyramids in Egypt. These structures were built as the final, permanent resting places and we opened them up because we were curious. Opening the nuclear storage facilities would release radiation into a future civilization, so we have to tell them to leave the sites alone, but that’s easier said than done.28.Why is Finland building a nuclear storage site deep underground?A.The tunnels there are easy to dig.B.The supply of uranium is limited.C.Modern technology makes it possible.D.No natural disaster can influence the site.29.What human nature does the author worry about?A.Being curious.B.A desire for security.C.Being adventurous.D.A desire for control.30.What is the author’s attitude toward Finland’s action?A.Supportive.B.Tolerant.C.Doubtful.D.Pessimistic.31.Why are the pyramids in Egypt mentioned?A.To arouse people’s curiosity.B.To predict the site’s development.C.To illustrate the author’s concern.D.To stress the importance of the project.【答案】28.D 29.A 30.A 31.C【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了芬兰正在地下建造核废料储存设施,以防止泄漏,但人类好奇心可能成为问题。28.细节理解题。根据第二段“This region is largely lacking in natural disasters. It really doesn’t encounter any natural phenomenon that could damage a nuclear waste storage site, especially if it’s 1, 500 feet underground. (这个地区很少发生自然灾害。它真的不会遇到任何可能破坏核废料储存地点的自然现象,尤其是在地下1500英尺的地方。)”可知,芬兰要在地下深处建造核储存设施是因为这个地区不受自然灾害影响。故选D。29.细节理解题。根据第五段“As curious beings, it’s hard to fight a person’s urge of discovery. If someone finds a mysterious structure from thousands of years ago, it’d just be natural to want to open it up, and that’s a problem for nuclear waste sites. (作为好奇的人,很难抑制一个人的探索冲动。如果有人发现了一个数千年前的神秘结构,很自然就会想要打开它,这对核废料场来说是个问题。)”可知,作者担心的人类天性是好奇心。故选A。30.推理判断题。根据第五段“No security, no maintenance, nothing which means it should be truly secure, but before leaving it, Finland needs to fight against one thing—human nature. As curious beings, it’s hard to fight a person’s urge of discovery. If someone finds a mysterious structure from thousands of years ago, it’d just be natural to want to open it up, and that’s a problem for nuclear waste sites. (没有安全,没有维护,没有什么意味着它应该是真正安全的,但在离开它之前,芬兰需要与一件事作斗争——人性。作为好奇的人,很难抑制一个人的探索冲动。如果有人发现了一个数千年前的神秘结构,很自然就会想要打开它,这对核废料场来说是个问题。)”可知,作者对人类好奇心的担忧,可以推断出作者对芬兰的行动持支持的态度,但是,却因为人类的好奇而担忧是否能成功。故选A。31.推理判断题。根据最后一段“We essentially did just that with the pyramids in Egypt. These structures were built as the final, permanent resting places and we opened them up because we were curious. Opening the nuclear storage facilities would release radiation into a future civilization, so we have to tell them to leave the sites alone, but that’s easier said than done. (我们对埃及的金字塔就是这样做的。这些建筑是作为最终的,永久的休息场所,我们打开它们是因为我们很好奇。打开核储存设施会将辐射释放到未来的文明中,所以我们必须告诉他们不要打扰这些地方,但这说起来容易做起来难。)”可知,作者提到埃及的金字塔是为了说明人们会因好奇心而打开被视为永久安息之地的结构,从而推断提到金字塔是为了强调作者对核废料储存场所的担忧。故选C。D(2023湖南高三校联考阶段练习)The Greek historian Herodotus reported over 2,000 years ago on a misguided experiment in which two children were prevented from hearing human speech so that a king could discover the true, unlearned language of human beings.Scientists now know that human language requires social learning and interaction with other people, a property shared with multiple animal languages. But why should humans and other animals need to learn a language instead of being born with this knowledge?Given that the ways honeybees communicate are quite complex, we decided to study how they learn to communicate to answer this language question.Bees possess one of the most complicated examples of nonhuman communication. They can tell each other where to find resources such as food, water, or nest sites with a physical “waggle (摇摆) dance”, by circling around in a figure eight pattern centered around a waggle run. This dance conveys the direction, distance and quality of a resource to the bee’s nestmates.Bees begin to dance only as they get older. Could they be learning from practiced teachers?We thus created isolated experimental colonies of bees (蜂群) that could not observe other waggle dances before they themselves danced. Like the ancient experiment described by Herodotus, these bees could not observe the dance language because they were all the same age and had no older, experienced bees to follow. In contrast, our control colonies contained bees of all ages, so younger bees could follow the older, experienced dancers.We recorded the first dances of the bees. The bees that could not follow the dances of experienced bees produced dances with significantly more directional, distance and disorder crrors than the dances of control bees.We then tested the same bees later, when they were experienced dancers. Bees who had lacked teachers now produced significantly fewer errors, possibly because they had more practice or had learned by eventually following other dancers. The dances of the control bees remained just as good as their first dances.Complex communication is often difficult to produce even when individuals are born with some knowledge of the correct signals. Bees are born with some knowledge of how to dance, but they have to learn how to dance even better by following experienced bees.32.Why does the author say the experiment on the two children is a misguided experiment?A.Language learning is a social activity.B.Language learning has changed greatly.C.Children are born with human speech.D.Children develop differently in language.33.What does the underlined word “isolated” in paragraph 6 indicate?A.Old bees could not produce waggle dances.B.Old bees could not observe waggle dances.C.Young bees were separated from older ones.D.Young bees could follow experienced bees.34.What do we know about the bees whose dances remained as good as their first dances?A.They had little practice in waggle dances.B.They had learned waggle dances without teachers.C.They were experienced in teaching waggle dances.D.They had learned waggle dances before their first dances.35.What does the last paragraph serve as?A.A guide to complex communication.B.An answer to why language should be learned.C.An example of nonhuman communication.D.A proof that bees are born with some knowledge.【答案】32.A 33.C 34.D 35.B【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了为什么人类和其他动物需要学习语言,而不是生来就具备这种知识。32.推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“Scientists now know that human language requires social learning and interaction with other people, a property shared with multiple animal languages.(现在科学家们知道,人类语言需要通过与其他人的社交学习和互动,这与多种动物语言的特性相似。)”可知,语言学习是一种社会活动,而误导性实验并未考虑到这一点,因此被认为是误导性的。故选A项。33.词义猜测题。根据文章第六段中“We thus created isolated experimental colonies of bees (蜂群) that could not observe other waggle dances before they themselves danced. (我们因此创造了……的实验性蜂群,它们在自己起舞之前无法观察到其他的摇摆舞蹈。)”及“Like the ancient experiment described by Herodotus, these bees could not observe the dance language because they were all the same age and had no older, experienced bees to follow.(就像希罗多德描述的古代实验一样,这些蜜蜂无法观察舞蹈语言,因为它们都是同龄人,没有年长、有经验的蜜蜂可以跟随。)”可知,isolated experimental colonies of bees是没有包含年长的、有经验的蜜蜂,是与其他蜂群隔离开的,故isolated是指幼蜂与老蜂分开,意为“被隔离的”,故选C项。34.细节理解题。根据文章第八段“The dances of the control bees remained just as good as their first dances. (对照蜜蜂的舞蹈仍然和它们最初的舞蹈一样好。)”可知,对照组蜜蜂在第一次舞蹈后仍然能够保持同样的舞蹈水平。故选D项。35.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“Complex communication is often difficult to produce even when individuals are born with some knowledge of the correct signals. (即使个人天生就对正确的信号有一定的了解,通常也很难进行复杂的交流。)”可知,最后一段强调了即使个体在出生时具备一些知识,仍然需要通过学习来进一步提高沟通的质量,从而回答了为什么语言需要学习的问题。故选B项。第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2023湖南长沙高三长沙一中校考阶段练习)Which is more important for people, book learning or experience? Some have spent their lives studying and gradually acquiring valuable deep knowledge. They are afraid to start and do something wrong. 36 They quickly start doing something using learning beyond the book, make mistakes, and learn from this experience.The debate between book learning and experience has been going on for a long time. There is no clear “right answer” yet, but there is strong evidence that experience gives us important skills that can’t be learned in books. 37 Of course, reading the best books on learning gives someone knowledge, but experience gives know-how. It comes from practicing again and again. Professionals can make themselves because they devote their work, practice, and time to obtaining this position instead of managing to read books only. This distinguishes them from all the others.Reading more books about something doesn’t lead to success. You can acquire a lot of knowledge by reading, but there are also ways to accumulate knowledge through experience. Knowledge is theoretical, but experience is distinguished by the fact that you can put into practice what you have learned in a book. 38 Book learning to understand a concept is important. But if you can’t understand the application of the concept in real time, the concept is useless. Experience allows you to put the learned concepts into practice. 39 You can’t effectively learn important skills without applying these concepts to real life.Certainly, the experience can lead to failure. But you can also learn from that failure and lead to success. 40 Therefore, experience is your greatest ally(盟友) in professional development if you want to understand the theory behind the concept, become an expert in this field, keep the technique in mind, and gain valuable insights through failure.A.In contrast, others don’t worry about anything.B.You can learn a lot from books on self-learning.C.Of course, with these concepts, experience is acquired.D.This is valuable knowledge that is not found in any book.E.It is also an opportunity to test and challenge your knowledge.F.Through experience, you can also learn how to interact with people.G.Neither scientists nor doctors have read books only and become experts.【答案】36.A 37.G 38.E 39.B 40.D【导语】本文是一篇议论文。书本知识和经验之间的争论已经持续了很长时间。目前还没有明确的“正确答案”,但有强有力的证据表明,经验能教给我们书本上学不到的重要技能。本文主要论述了经验的作用和好处。36.根据上句“They are afraid to start and do something wrong. (他们害怕开始和害怕做错事)”以及后句“They quickly start doing something using learning beyond the book, make mistakes, and learn from this experience. (他们很快开始使用书本以外的知识来做一些事情,犯错误,并从这些经验中学习。)”设空处承上启下,对两种人对书本知识或经验的态度进行比较。A项:In contrast, others don’t worry about anything.(相比之下,其他人什么都不担心)合乎题意。故选A。37.根据后句“Of course, reading the best books on learning gives someone knowledge, but experience gives know-how. (当然,阅读最好的书籍会给人知识,但经验会给人诀窍。)”说明经验和读书相比经验的好处,可知,设空处和后句but构成转折关系,应为读书和经验都很重要。G项:Neither scientists nor doctors have read books only and become experts.(科学家和医生都不是光读书就成为专家的)合乎题意。故选G。38.根据上句“Knowledge is theoretical, but experience is distinguished by the fact that you can put into practice what you have learned in a book. (知识是理论的,而经验的区别在于你能将书本上所学付诸实践。)”设空处承接上句,说明经验的好处。E项:It is also an opportunity to test and challenge your knowledge.(这也是一个测试和挑战你知识的机会。)合乎题意。故选E。39.根据上句“Experience allows you to put the learned concepts into practice(经验能让你把学到的概念付诸实践)”以及后句“You can’t effectively learn important skills without applying these concepts to real life. (如果不把这些概念应用到现实生活中,你就无法有效地学习重要的技能。)”设空处承接上句,说明书本可以学到的东西,B项:You can learn a lot from books on self-learning.(你可以从自学的书中学到很多东西)和后句形成对应的关系,说明如果不把书本上的这些概念应用到现实生活中,就无法有效地学习重要的技能。故选B。40.根据上句“But you can also learn from that failure and lead to success (但你也可以从失败中吸取教训,走向成功)”设空处承接上句,说明从失败中吸取教训是不能从书本上学到的。D项:This is valuable knowledge that is not found in any book.(这是在任何书中都找不到的宝贵知识。)合乎题意。故选D。第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2023福建厦门高三厦门双十中学校考期中)It was just three days from Thanksgiving, and my husband, Gerald and I were on our first tour across the Canadian prairies. 41 I knew we would be away for Thanksgiving, but the reality of it didn’t really 42 on me before we hit the road. Now, we had to spend Thanksgiving with strangers.We 43 in front of a small, lakeside house, mildly 44 . Would it be okay to disturb others on this private celebration? As we 45 into Betty and Gary’s home, we were immediately met with 46 . The wood stove took every bit of chill out of the air, and the smell of food 47 us like a soft blanket. We gathered around the table. Our anxiety 48 as we were drawn into this circle of friendship. We told stories, shared laughs, and as the day called us to gave 49 .We thought we were going to spend Thanksgiving with strangers, but we really didn’t. Something 50 happens when good food is 51 shared around an open table. Conversations begin. 52 starts to flow. Divisions disappear. Relationships are 53 . Through the simple act of sharing a meal together, we discover we’re 54 by our desire to love, our need for 55 and our common humanity. What a perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving!41.A.BasicallyB.GenerallyC.HonestlyD.Secretly42.A.callB.dawnC.reflectD.fall43.A.dropped byB.headed offC.pulled upD.set out44.A.anxiousB.annoyedC.gratefulD.scared45.A.brokeB.ranC.steppedD.wandered46.A.friendsB.careC.foodD.warmth47.A.surroundedB.envelopedC.floodedD.welcomed48.A.melted awayB.picked upC.leveled offD.set in49.A.giftsB.hugsC.moneyD.thanks50.A.mixedB.specialC.relaxingD.typical51.A.generouslyB.patientlyC.casuallyD.cautiously52.A.BeliefB.LaughterC.MusicD.Noise53.A.bornB.exposedC.fixedD.split54.A.attachedB.encouragedC.connectedD.touch55.A.courageB.justiceC.libertyD.understanding【答案】41.C 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.B 48.A 49.D 50.B 51.A 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.D【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和丈夫在第一次穿越加拿大草原的旅行中,意外地在感恩节期间与陌生人一起庆祝的经历。41.考查副词词义辨析。句意:老实说,我知道我们不会在家过感恩节,但是在我们上路之前,我并没有意识到这个事实。A. Basically基本上;B. Generally通常;C. Honestly老实说;D. Secretly秘密地。由句中“I knew we would be away for Thanksgiving,”可知,作者承认在出发前就知道自己将无法在家过感恩节,作者承认了一个事实,用副词honestly作评注性状语,意为“老实说”,符合语境,故选C。42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老实说,我知道我们不会在家过感恩节,但是在我们上路之前,我并没有意识到这个事实。A. call打电话;B. dawn变得明朗,开始清楚;C. reflect深思;D. fall降落。由句中“the reality of it...”和下文“we had to spend Thanksgiving with strangers.”可知,作者之前并没有意识到这意味着什么,并不清楚状况;dawn on sb.“某人逐渐明白;逐渐意识到”,故选B。43.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们把车停在一座湖边的小房子前,有点焦虑。A. dropped by顺便拜访;B. headed off阻止;C. pulled up停车;D. set out出发。由第一段中“on our first tour across the Canadian prairies”可推知,作者和丈夫应该是开车穿越加拿大草原,所以此处指将车停在湖边的小房子前,故选C。44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们把车停在一座湖边的小房子前,有点焦虑。A. anxious焦虑的;B. annoyed生气的;C. grateful感恩的;D. scared害怕的。由下文“Would it be okay to disturb others on this private celebration?”和下文“Our anxiety”可知,作者和丈夫感觉会打扰到别人,所以有些焦虑,故选A。45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们走进贝蒂和加里的家时,我们立刻得到了热情的接待。A. broke打破;B. ran跑步;C. stepped迈步;D. wandered漫游。由句中“into Betty and Gary’s home, we were immediately met”可知,作者和丈夫迈步进入贝蒂和加里的家,故选C。46.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们走进贝蒂和加里的家时,我们立刻得到了热情的接待。A. friends朋友;B. care关心;C. food食物;D. warmth热情。由下文“We gathered around the table.”和“We told stories, shared laughs, and as the day called us to”可知,作者和丈夫受到了热情款待,故选D。47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:木制的炉子把空气中的寒气都驱散了,食物的气味像柔软的毯子一样覆盖在我们身上。A. surrounded围绕;B. enveloped覆盖;C. flooded淹没;D. welcomed欢迎。由句中“like a soft blanket”可知,此处指像毯子一样覆盖在身上,故选B。48.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我们被拉进这个友谊的圈子时,我们的焦虑消失了。A. melted away消失;B. picked up捡起;C. leveled off趋于稳定;D. set in来了。由句中“as we were drawn into this circle of friendship”可知,作者和丈夫融进这个友谊的圈子,所以感觉焦虑都消失了;melt away“消失”,故选A。49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们讲故事,分享欢笑,并在这一天的召唤下表达感谢。A. gifts礼物;B. hugs拥抱;C. money钱;D. thanks感谢。根据上文可知,这一天是感恩节,且作者和丈夫受到贝蒂和加里夫妇的热情款待,所以对他们表示感谢,故选D。50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当好吃的食物在开放的餐桌上慷慨地被分享时,一些特别的事情就会发生。A. mixed混合的;B. special特别的;C. relaxing令人放松的;D. typical典型的。由下文“Divisions disappear. Relationships are____13____.”并结合上文提到的作者和陌生一家在一起过感恩节,刚开始感到焦虑,随后和陌生一家关系很好可知,作者认为这是很特别的事,故选B。51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当好吃的食物在开放的餐桌上慷慨地被分享时,一些特别的事情就会发生。A. generously慷慨地;B. patiently耐心地;C. casually随意地;D. cautiously谨慎地。由句中“shared around an open table.”和上文提到贝蒂和加里夫妇热情款待作者和丈夫可知,此处指好吃的食物在餐桌上被慷慨地分享,故选A。52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:笑声开始流淌。A. Belief信念;B. Laughter笑声;C. Music音乐;D. Noise噪声。由上文“shared laughs”可知,此处指笑声开始流淌,故选B。53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:感情产生了。A. born产生的,问世的;B. exposed暴露的;C. fixed固定的;D. split分裂的。由上文“Divisions disappear.”可知,分歧消失,所以感情产生,故选A。54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过一起吃饭这个简单的行为,我们发现我们被我们对爱的渴望,我们对理解的需要,以及我们共同的人性联系在一起。A. attached系;B. encouraged鼓励;C. connected连接;D. touched触摸。由下文“by our desire to love”和上文提到作者和丈夫在陌生人家中愉快地度过感恩节可知,此处指我们对爱的渴望将我们联系在一起,故选C。55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过一起吃饭这个简单的行为,我们发现我们被我们对爱的渴望,我们对理解的需要,以及我们共同的人性联系在一起。A. courage勇气;B. justice公平;C. liberty自由;D. understanding理解。由上文“Divisions disappear.”和上文提到的作者和丈夫受到陌生人的热情款待可知,对爱的渴望,对理解的需要,以及共同的人性将作者和丈夫与贝蒂和加里夫妇联系在一起,故选D。第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2023江苏南通高三海安高级中学校考阶段练习)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式Loulan, 56 ancient city on the Silk Road, brings back 57 (image) of mystery and romanticism even as it disappears into the mists of history.Shiji,or Records of the Grand Historian, the foundational text of Chinese history 58 (date) back to the first century BC, records that before the 2nd century BC,Loulan was already famous in Xiyu. 59 , it collapsed in about the 5th century. In 1900,Swedish explorer Sven Hedin discovered the site of ancient Loulan. 60 (locate) in Lop Nur, a former salt lake which 61 (dry) up to a large extent now, in Ruoqiang county, Bayingolin Mongol autonomous prefecture,Xinjiang, the Loulan site covers an area of about 120,000 square meters, 62 extremely harsh environment ensured that few people set foot on this area. In the 1990s, when mummies were discovered in this area, grave robbers noticed the wealth of cultural relics. 63 (tackle)the situation, a Loulan cultural relics protection station was built in 1998. At first it was 64 (season), and later became permanent in 2003.Over the years, five stations have been built in Lop Nur, and altogether 20 people 65 (work) at them safeguarding heritage, according to Feng Jing, director of Loulan Museum in Ruoqiang.【答案】56.an 57.images 58.dating 59.However 60.Located 61.has dried 62.whose 63.To tackle 64.seasonal 65.are working/have been working【导语】这是一篇说明文。介绍了楼兰古城的历史地位和变迁,以及近代对罗兰古城的保护工作。56.考查冠词。句意:楼兰,丝绸之路上的一座古城,即使消失在历史的迷雾中,也带来了神秘和浪漫的图片。分析句子可知,空格处缺少冠词,表示泛指“一个”,后面单词ancient发音是元音,故填an。57.考查可数名词复数形式。句意:同上题。分析句子可知,空格处所给名词image充当动词短语brings back的宾语,根据句意应使用复数形式,故填images。58.考查非谓语动词。句意:《史记》,或称《宏大的历史学家的记录》,中国历史的基础文本,日期可追溯到公元前1世纪,记录了楼兰在公元前2世纪之前已经在西域闻名。分析句子可知,空格处所给动词date为后置定语修饰名词Shiji,二者之间是逻辑上的主动关系,应使用现在分词形式,故填dating。59.考查副词。句意:然而,它在5世纪左右倒塌。分析句子可知,空格前后是语义上的转折,又有逗号隔开,故填However。60.考查非谓语动词。句意:楼兰遗址位于新疆巴音戈林蒙古族自治州若强县,罗布泊原是盐湖,现已大面积干涸。遗址面积约12万平方米,环境极其恶劣,人迹罕至。分析句子可知,空格处动词locate充当地点状语,和主语the Loulan site是逻辑上的被动关系,应使用过去分词形式,位于句首首字母大写,故填Located。61.考查动词时态。句意同上题。分析句子可知,空格处动词dry为定语从句的谓语部分,根据句意可知盐湖已经干了,应使用现在完成时,先行词lake是单数形式,故填has dried。62.考查定语从句。句意同5题。分析句子可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句引导词,先行词是 the Loulan site,和environment是所属关系,应使用whose,故填whose。63.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了解决这个情况,楼兰文物保护站于1998年建成。分析句子可知,空格处为目的状语,应使用不定式,位于句首首字母大写,故填To tackle。64.考查形容词。句意:最初是季节性的,后来在2003年成为永久性的。分析句子可知,空格处为句子表语,表示“季节性的”,应使用形容词,故填seasonal。65.考查动词时态。句意:多年来,罗布泊已经建成了五个站点,共有20人一直在这些站点从事保护遗产的工作。分析句子可知,空格处为句子谓语部分;根据时间状语Over the years可知,应使用现在完成时或者现在完成进行时,主语是20 people,故填are working/have been working。第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(满分15分)(2023江苏徐州高三统考阶段练习)假如你是校学生会主席李华,你校将举行以“孝敬父母”为主题的系列活动,请为这次活动写一篇开幕辞。内容包括:1. 活动目的;2. 活动内容;3. 预祝活动圆满成功。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。提示词:孝敬 show filial respect for________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Dear teachers and fellow students, I feel privileged to give you a brief introduction to the activity themed “showing respect for our parents” held in our school. As we all know, filial affection for parents is highly stressed in Chinese traditional education. To deepen our understanding of it, we are gathered here today to attend the activity. As scheduled, the activity consists of four parts, a themed speech, short drama performances, a photo show, and a painting exhibition, the specific time of which has been listed on the notice board. I do hope we could have a meaningful and enjoyable experience. Thank you for your attendance.【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文。要求考生以校学生会主席李华的身份,对你校将举行以“孝敬父母”为主题的系列活动写一篇开幕辞。【详解】1.词汇积累给:give present活动:activity pursuit理解:understanding appreciation希望:hope anticipate2.句式拓展同义句改写原句:I do hope we could have a meaningful and enjoyable experience.拓展句:It is my sincere hope that we could have a meaningful and enjoyable experience.【点睛】【高分句型1】I feel privileged to give you a brief introduction to the activity themed “showing respect for our parents” held in our school.(过去分词短语作后置定语)【高分句型2】As we all know, filial affection for parents is highly stressed in Chinese traditional education.(定语从句)第二节(满分25分)(2023广东高三校联考阶段练习)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I was an extremely shy girl in primary school and couldn’t make friends easily. My teacher, Mr. Doocy, called my mother and explained that I hadn’t spoken a single word in class. And we were more than half way through the school year. Even as a little girl, I knew this was unusual. I watched the free and happy interaction of my classmates with envy.Mom tried to excuse my behavior as something that I would outgrow. But Mr. Doocy was still quite concerned about me. He asked Mom if I had something at home that I liked. He said he would arrange a show-and-tell activity for the class if I brought it to school. My mom told him about my cat who had given birth to several baby cats about three weeks earlier. I was crazy about those baby cats.Then Mr. Doocy suggested I bring the baby cats to school the next day and introduce them to my classmates. It seemed that Mom didn’t think this show-and-tell activity would help me and hoped to discourage Mr. Doocy. She explained that I would have to bring the mother cat along with the six baby cats because they were too young to be separated from their mother. She probably thought this would put an end to the plan. But Mr. Doocy said that was fine.I normally walked to school, but my mother drove me the next morning along with a big brown cardboard box. I struggled to walk toward the classroom with the heavy load. In no time, the group of baby cats caught the attention of my classmates. Their eyes lit up in wonder when they caught sight of my tiny treasures. My heart beat quickly against my chest as pride swelled within me. I had never felt so important in my entire nine years of life!Mr. Doocy instructed me to sit on the steps outside the classroom so everyone could get a good look inside the container. “Can I hold one?” a little girl asked aloud with excitement. Then all the other children chimed in like a choir, begging to hold one of the baby cats.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I nodded and said, “Yes.”___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________With everyone sitting in the classroom, Mr. Doocy invited me to say something about my cats.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】I nodded and said, “Yes.” Then I, with great caution, handed the baby cats one by one to my expectant and excited classmates. They gently held kittens in turn cautiously, as if they were holding the most delicate find art in the world, petting them gently and observing them. Soon, the school bell rang. But all of us turned a deaf ear to it and no one moved or wanted to enter the classroom, even Mr. Doocy! He allowed us to sit there until each student had a turn holding the cats. Then, he walked me to the front of the classroom and waited for the students to come in and sit down. Still excited, my classmates like chirping birds were exchanging ideas about the lovely kittens until Mr. Doocy hushed them.With everyone sitting in the classroom, Mr. Doocy invited me to say something about my cats. Standing in front of the class, I really had butterflies in my stomach, palms sweaty, no knowing where to start. Mr. Doocy began to ask some questions and I began to tell how the mother cat loved and looked after her babies, what kind of “home” I designed for them, etc. My classmates were all staring at me and listening attentively, dancing in their eyes were the admiration that I had never expected. A surge of pride and confidence rose inside me, I raised my voice. After that class, I proudly sat among my classmates with a new sense of achievement. And my interaction with other kids increased. How much I appreciated the help of Mr. Doocy and my lovely cats! But for them, I would probably still be that inordinately shy girl I used to be.【导语】本文以事件为线索展开,讲述了作者在小学的时候非常害羞,不容易交朋友。学年已经过去一半多了,但是作者在课堂上没有说过话,于是Doocy老师打电话给作者的妈妈,想要解决这个问题。他建议作者把自己非常喜欢的小猫带到学校,把它们介绍给同学,虽然作者的妈妈并不看好这个计划,但是Doocy老师觉得可行。第二天作者用大纸板箱把小猫们带到了学校,立刻引起了同学们的注意,作者因为被重视而激动不已,这时一个小女孩提出想要抱小猫,其他孩子也附和起来。【详解】1. 段落续写:由第一段首句内容“我点点头说,‘可以。’”可知,第一段可描写孩子们轮流抱小猫,以及抱完小猫后热烈地讨论。由第二段首句内容“每个人都坐在教室里,Doocy老师邀请我说一些关于我的猫的事情。”可知,第二段可描写作者克服紧张讲述猫的事情,以及逐渐开始和同学们交流。2. 续写线索:点头同意——轮流抱猫——热烈讨论——邀请作者谈谈猫的事情——讲述猫的事情——增加交流3. 词汇激活行为类进入:enter/walk into交流:exchange/swap开始:start/begin/commence照顾:look after/take care of盯着看:stare at/look at/direct one’s gaze towards预料:expect/anticipate情绪类兴奋的:excited/thrilled钦佩:admiration/appreciation【点睛】[高分句型1] They gently held kittens in turn cautiously, as if they were holding the most delicate find art in the world, petting them gently and observing them. (运用as if引导方式状语从句)[高分句型2] Mr. Doocy began to ask some questions and I began to tell how the mother cat loved and looked after her babies, what kind of “home” I designed for them, etc. (how引导名词性从句作tell的宾语)[高分句型3] My classmates were all staring at me and listening attentively, dancing in their eyes were the admiration that I had never expected. (that引导限制性定语从句)公众号:高中试卷君





