
2023-12-07·6页·524.8 K



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)


第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

6~10 CBBAB 11~15 CBABB 16~20 CACBC

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21~23 CDB 24~27 CBAA 28~ 31 ADBD 32~35 CBCD

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36~40 DFGBE

第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41~45 DCACA 46~50 BADCC 51~55 BDABD

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. tailored 57.have been revealed 58. of 59. pioneering 60. a

61. editor 62. that 63. newly 64. officials 65. to call

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)


Dear Smith,

I’m Li Hua, one of your students. In order to adjust to the mixed accents of British and

American English in listening practice, I’m wondering if you could accept the following

suggestions I would like to offer on our oral English lessons.

First of all, we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide some pronunciation rules

which can help us sharpen our listening skills. Additionally, it would help to introduce us to

some useful materials, such as English songs or film clips where we can be exposed to various

accents. I am firmly convinced that we will make great progress with your aid.

Thank you for your attention to this letter! Looking forward to your support and guidance!

Li Hua

高三英语试卷答案 第1页/ 共6页


第二节 (满分 25 分)


So I pulled down the edge of my hat to hide my face. Nervous and worried, I didn’t want the

store owners to recognize me. I was hurrying up to explore the store to find something that fitted

Kitty’s wish list, when I heard a voice behind me. Turning around, I was greeted by the sunny

smile on the owners’ face. “ We know one day you’ll come back,” he said. Quickly but quietly,

his wife disappeared into the back room and reappeared with my old doll.

And the owner hold out my old ballet-dancer doll, adding, “It’s our Christmas present to

you.” For a split second, I froze and couldn’t believe my eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes, with

excitement and gratitude taking hold of me. The stone in my heart finally dropped after so many

years, since the owners’ warm smile and hug drove my regret away. The rest of the holiday

quickly went by and my face stopped looking swollen. But that doll remains in my room, a

reminder of the ordinary but precious kindness that lives around us.


Text 1

W: We need to arrive at the airport at 10 am tomorrow, right?

M: No. All passengers are required to arrive at the airport two hours before their flights. So we

need to be there before 9:40.

Text 2

M:Thank you, Officer Williams, for showing us that video on driver’s safety.

W: Thank you, Mrs. Holloway. Now, our fire chief Mr. Atkins would like to say something about

traffic rules.

M:OK. Let’s welcome Mr. Atkins…

Text 3

W: I bought this book from you yesterday. I’d like to return it now, because some pages are


M:I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you’ll have to talk to the manager about that.

W: All right.

Text 4

M: Excuse me, how much is this T-shirt?

W: It’s 50 dollars. But today it’s on sale. So I could offer you 10 percent off if you buy two.

M: Really? Then I’ll take a white one and a blue one.

W: No problem.

高三英语试卷答案 第2页/ 共6页


Text 5

M: Li asked me to give a speech about Mark Twain in class tomorrow.

W: What will you talk about about the famous writer?

M: I plan to give all the important information about the writer’s life and his novels within five


W: That sounds great!

Text 6

M: Hi. Welcome to Happiness Pies. May I take your order?

W: Yes. I'd like the BBQ chicken... Oh, sorry, I changed my mind. Hunan chicken, please.

M: Okay. And would you like bread or rice with your meal?

W: I'll take the rice.

M: Would you like to have something to drink?

W: Yeah. I'll take a cup of Coca-Cola.

M: OK. Would you like something else?

W: Well, I'd like to see your pie menu. That's the main reason why I want to have a meal here.

M: Oh, I'm sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

W: Huh?

M: Well, you see, the person who bakes pies has been off for two days.

W: Oh, it’s a pity.

Text 7

W:So why do you think you're fit for this job?

M: I've worked as a music teacher my whole life, and now I'm ready for a change. I love music,

so I think working at a radio station would be perfect for me.

W: We have some early mornings here in the studio. Sometimes you'll have to be here around 4

am or 5 am. How do you feel about that?

M: I'm an early riser, so that's easy for me.

W: Great! Then what about answering the phones? That’s an important part of the job.

M: When I was a teenager, I worked at a TV station answering phone calls, so this is probably

pretty similar. I believe I won't let you down.

W: Great! Well, I think that's it. I'll tell you the result in the next few days.

M: Thank you so much.

Text 8

M: Anna, come in, please.

W: Yes, Mr. Smith. What would you like me to do?

M: I need a train ticket to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. I will have a meeting with Mr. Cooper

before eleven. So I need to leave as early as I can.

W: There's a train every thirty minutes starting at six in the morning.

高三英语试卷答案 第3页/ 共6页


M: In that case. I'd like to leave at six. Wait. My wife's going to drop me off here on her way to

work. Could you buy me a 7:00 ticket instead?

W: Will it be one-way or round-trip?

M: Oh, I probably should buy a round-trip ticket, since I'll be coming back tomorrow evening.

Uh, is there a train at around 6 pm?

W: Yes, there’s one at 5:40. And the other is 6:10. Which one would you like?

M: I’ll take the former one. Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday. I need to come home early to have

dinner with her.

Text 9

W: You finally came back, Peter. I've been waiting for you for a long time in the store.

M: Have you got the dress for the wedding?

W: Yes. I searched every corner of this place and finally found this perfect dress in this store.

What took you so long, Peter?

M: Oh, there was another problem at the bank. The Internet couldn't be connected to. The

repairman was supposed to get it fixed this morning, but I overheard he forgot the repair time.

So I went to the travel agency next to it.

W: Why?

M:I have no idea where we should spend our honeymoon. So I thought the agents could give me

some advice.

W: Did they?

M: Yes. At first, I was thinking about Paris or Berlin. But soon I found Henry, the agent I was

talking to, is from Los Angeles.

W: You mean we're going to Los Angeles? That's great! I love beaches!

M: I'm so glad you like it. Henry gave me a guidebook. On my way back, I also bought a map of

the city.

W: Sounds great. I'm hungry now. Shall we discuss it while we are eating?

M: No problem. I also need a cup of coffee.

Text 10

For hundreds of years, people have enjoyed ice cream. No one is sure when people first

started to eat this frozen food. But paintings show an icy dessert being enjoyed as far back as the

twelfth century. Ice cream became popular among the rich in Europe during the 1500s. King

Charles I of England liked ice cream so much. He carried out a law which said that it could be

served only at his table. He even said that he would cut off his cook's head if the cook gave the

ice cream recipe to anyone. To Charles, the food was of great value, so he didn't want to share it

with anyone. In the United States, ice cream was eaten on special occasions by the country's

richest people. However, ice cream didn't reach the rest of the nation until 1845. At that time, a

New Jersey woman made a hand-held ice cream maker. With that machine, ice cream is not just

for kings and presidents. Now it's for all of us!

高三英语试卷答案 第4页/ 共6页




23. B 根据文章结尾 “转发,点赞”等图标可以看出来文章出自于网上,故最可能出自网


24. C 由第三段“But his story, the life inside of him, inspired me.”“ …he found himself asking

if he could paint Faris's portrait. Faris said yes. That led him to form Faces of Santa Ana…可知,

是两个人的交流促使 Peterson 有了建立非盈利组织的想法。

25.B 根据画线句的句意和其后边句子得知,画的价值不仅在于会给穷困潦倒的画的主人


些画改变了买画人对待无家可归人们的态度,所以正确答案为 B, 肖像画或许会给买画


26. A 文章中 Peterson 关注无家可归人的生活,关心他们的生活,同时建立了慈善组织,



27. A 本文介绍了 Peterson 由给流浪汉 Faris 画像开始建立了非盈利组织,致力于利用画

肖像画帮助这些人开启新生活,而且 Peterson 和很多买画的人都与这些无家可归的人结

下了深厚的友谊。所以 A 项 可以理解为“一种饱含友情的艺术”。文章重点不是介绍这

个组织,所以 B 错误。文章里没提到艺术梦想的影响所以 C 排除。D 项是指介绍了这个


28. A.根据全文第二段最后一句,包含了消费者补贴,票价打折等经济支持,故 A 项提供

经济划算的选择给人们是正确的。文章第二段提到 “enhance the quality of cultural and

tourism products…”即提高文化旅游项目产品的质量,而非 B 项的增加数量。C 未提及。

文章第二段提到为 cultural and tourism consumption action plan 提供支持,而非 D 项制定


29.D. 第五段可看出出国旅行大热,但并不是从携程报告中所得出的结论,故 A 错误。


的人在网上订房,故 B 错误。C 项,人们仍旧喜欢与朋友一起一日游,而第四段最后一

句提及的是“远距离和家庭旅行依然火爆”。D 项根据第四段最后一句,年轻人越来越喜


30. B. 全文最后一段,作者提及旅游市场的火爆既是机遇也是挑战,再结合全文作者的叙


32. C. 根据第二段第二行,战争给大象的迁徙带来了困难,故 C 项正确。D 项说迁徙被

游牧方式影响。但是,根据文章第二段第四行,trade…for 指很多非洲人将游牧方式转变

为 farming 即农业耕种,所以才有下文农民们搭建栅栏,某种程度上阻挡了大象迁徙的路

线。D 项错误。

33. B. 结合划线词的前后句”roads” 和 “unguard roads”的提示,此处指国家公园边界外的


35. D. 根据倒数第二段Chase 所说的话,了解大象的迁移将带来很多好处,所以D 正确。

C 项中应注意 keep …from 为阻止大象迁移是错误的。


36.D 简要介绍汽车的优点,即解释前一句为什么汽车是最伟大的发明之一。

37.F 后一句提到是 Henry 开启了批量生产使得汽车价格下降,F 项提到刚开始汽车费用


38. G “很多人认为电动车是新发明,但事实并非如此。”38 空后面一句说,发明者在开


高三英语试卷答案 第5页/ 共6页


39. B 由电动车的优点过渡到缺点。

40. E 本题前一句说电动车将会使得燃油汽车退出历史舞台。本空继续展望未来,无人驾

驶车辆将很快取代人员驾驶。故 E 正确。


41. D 根据全文最后一段,ears to hear 本题选 listen。只要我们多看,多听,多学,一定


42. C Stew 当之无愧是领头的小公鸡,有着完美的叫声和明星般的外表。

43. A 根据前文得知 Stew 完美的条件使得它甚至可以当电影的主角。A 选项 feature 译为

在…中扮演主角,D 项 shoot 及物动词,一般用作 shoot a film 译为拍摄电影。

44. C 天还没亮,小公鸡就会用叫声来开启新的一天, “forecast the dawn”,预报黎明的到来。


45. A 嫉妒,羡慕。根据本句,虽然 Smoker 外表不好看, 但是它从来不会表现出嫉妒或


46. B Smoker 通常会负责警惕危险,并发出像咳嗽一样的声音来提醒大家。

47. A 有敌人出现的时候发出警报提醒大家。

48. D 听到有声音,作者迅速冲出去查看情况。B 选项 stormed 表示怒气冲冲做某事。

49. C 听到有鸡尖叫,我以为有鸡在发出痛苦的声音(in great pain), 但是当我冲出去发

现并没有鸡受伤。A 项吵架,B 项辩论都不会发出惨叫。

50. C Rocky 对于自己唱的不好听这件事没有任何低落沮丧的心情。

51. B 其他小鸡都没有嘲笑过 Rocky。

52. D 通常小鸡们都会在早晨开始叫,包括上文提到过的 dawn,所以对于作者来说,哪


53. A 结合三只小鸡以及下文解释,每个人都有自己擅长的本领,每个人都是独特的。

54. B 此处 make up stories 指编造故事。A. 占据,从事 C. 起草 D. 举起,搭建,张贴,


55. D 由第一段得知,Animals have lessons to teach.所以此处可理解为我们可以从自然中



56. tailored. 本句中 tailor 应为非谓语动词。tailor 及物动词含义“定做,定制”。此处,与

textbooks 构成被动关系,故答案 tailored.

57. have been revealed. 本题中 reveal 充当谓语动词,含义为“揭示,透露”,与 titles of

three textbooks 构成被动关系,so far 现在完成时.

58. of. 本题考查 be + of +名词=be +形容词。use 抽象名词不可数故不能填 a.

59. pioneering. 本题 pioneering 在句中做形容词,译为先驱性的,开拓性的。

60. a 此处泛指。

61. editor. 本题需要名词,主编,考查学生不规则名词的变化。

62. that. 本题考查定语从句,先行词为 majors,本题中从句中缺少 see 的主语,先行词前有

all 限定,所以本题填 that。

63. newly. 本题中“新成立的专业”,newly 修饰 established 应为副词。

64. officials. 本题中 official 名词含义为官员,加复数即可。

65. to call. 本题考查短语 lead sb. to do.

高三英语试卷答案 第6页/ 共6页






