
2023-12-19·14页·11.5 M


(考试时间: 100 分钟)

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分 ,满分 37.5分 )

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Internet makes your work or study more convenient and efficient, and there are many apps that are

beneficial both in your life and study. Below are some examples that you may find easy to download.

App Detox(Android)

To prevent you spending too much time browsing the web, App Detox blocks your access to the Internet or to

apps of your choosing for a certain period of time to allow you to get things done without distractions.

Price: $3 per month


Studious is an efficient homework planner that helps you achieve your maximum potential. You can input

your class schedules in Studious, and it saves them and organizes them by their due dates in order to help you better

be prepared for what's up next. It can be set to remind you of when homework assignments are due and when your

tests are approaching.

Price: $20 per year

Streaks(iOS and Android)

This award-winning app is an addicting goal-tracking app that challenges you to achieve a “victory” by

tracking the number of continuous days you've stayed focused and completed specific tasks. It works well for goals

like turning in homework on time or reading chapters in assigned books.

Price: Yearly Fee: $24

Remember the Milk (iOS and Android)

This is a smart to-do list app. You can create lists of things you need to accomplish on a specific day and

organize these lists. The app breaks down all your tasks by the day, and organizes them the way you want to with

priorities, due dates, repeats, lists and more.

Price: Monthly Fee: $4

21. Which app should you choose to break the Internet connection temporarily?

A. App Detox. B. Studious. C. Streaks. D. Remember the Milk.

22. What is the lowest annual cost to use one of the apps for Android?

A.$20. B.$24. C.$36. D.$48.

23. In which category can you find these apps?

A. Smart Finance B. Developer Tools.

C. Social Networking. D. Time Management.


A few years ago, I stood underneath a red overhanging cliff near my hometown. The weather was amazing.

Deer chewed on the brown grasses by the river below. An eagle rode the wind. Townsfolk and visitors wandered in

a nearby hot spring.

I was tied in, ready to climb. I was attempting to do a route first try, “onsight,” as we call it, which means I

didn't know what I was climbing into. It would have been a hard on sight for me to onsight hard climbs. You need

clarity. No interference.

Just as I was about to climb, nerves in my body, which I hadn't felt yet, said hello. That's not good for any

athlete. Desperate, I painted a coat of confidence on my inner walls of doubt. I visualized myself at the top,

celebrating. “You can do this,” I firmly told myself. “If you believe, success is certain.”

It didn't work. I fell near the top. Defeated, I lowered to the ground and realized powerfully that the desire to

climb the route had kept me from doing it. My self-worth was bound together by my success or failure at that

moment, and that set off a chain reaction: unnatural desire, pressure, performance anxiety, anticipation, a mind

fascinated with the top but a body struggling below, bad decision-making, irregular movement, distraction,

frustration. All in that order, too.

In a flash, 1 told myself that on my next attempt, success or failure was irrelevant. “Make one move at a time.

That's all.” I gave myself a pass from whatever would happen. It worked. I floated to the top with self-control and


That moment got me thinking. At some point, I framed this experience for myself in terms of simple

mathematics. When I added determination, courage, self-confidence and desire, I failed. When I took away the

desire for success, I improved. I enjoyed it more as well, which, as an athlete of 30 years, I didn't think was possible.

Eventually, I discovered the power of subtraction.

24. What can we infer from the author's first attempt?

A. He managed to reach the top of the cliff.

B. He fully knew what he was climbing into.

C. He was confident in his own ability to get over obstacles.

D. He employed mental practice in order to overcome his nervousness.

25. What is the author's purpose in writing Paragraph 4?

A. To list his shortcomings. B. To give background information.

C. To describe a social phenomenon. D. To explain the reason for his failure.

26. Which of the following can best describe the author?

A. Determined and sensible. B. Optimistic and humorous.

C. Modest and conservative. D. Aggressive and stubborn.

27. What is conveyed in the text?

A. Every dog has its day. B. Sharp tools make good work.

C. Go into battle with a light pack. D. Every cloud has a silver lining.


As athletes get stronger and faster, the pace of play continues to increase. The burden of making sure games

are played according to the rules and that the officiating(裁判) is accurate is now being taken out of human hands

and falling more and more into the lap of technology. It's called the video replay.

The National Football League is expanding its replay system this upcoming season to include pass

interference(传球干扰). Major League Baseball now relies on it for safe-or-out and home run calls. If you've been

watching the FIFA World Cup, you may have noticed that the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) played a key role in

almost every game. And in the Kentucky Derby, a horse was disqualified for knocking another horse. No one knew

why until a video replay confirmed the call and controversy was avoided.

However, many purists—those who want people to follow rules carefully and do things in the traditional way—

especially in soccer, argue it's not the way the game was invented, and that the video replay is tainting the sport.

But don't you want to see the proper application of the rules throughout the games? I know I do. Yes, it can slow

the game down, but I feel it is worth it. If technological advancements allow fans watching from home to spot

mistakes instantly, those same views need to be available to the officiating crews. Another example occurred in the

most recent National Football Conference(NFC) Championship Game between the Los Angeles Rams and the New

Orleans Saints. When obvious pass interference was committed by the Los Angeles Rams player Nickell Robey-

Coleman, with just 109 seconds to play, no flag was raised on the field. It weakened the New Orleans Saints spirits.

The Los Angeles Rams won a 26-23 overtime victory. The no-call deeply angered the public. The video replay

showed the referees had just missed one of the most apparent pass interference calls.

There are no easy answers regarding replay technology and whether it is a curse(魔咒). But for me, keeping

the officiating honest and on task is the right step in limiting controversy.

28. What trend in sports can be observed in paragraph 2?

A. The video replay has been widely used.

B. League games have become competitive.

C. Rules of professional games are becoming stricter.

D. People are showing more interest in sports than before.

29. What does the underlined word “tainting” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Tricking. B. Promoting. C. Damaging. D. Restoring.

30. What might the New Orleans Saints think of the referees in the NFC Championship Game?

A. They relied a lot on the video replay.

B. They cared too much about details.

C. They were definitely stressed out.

D. They were terribly disqualified.

31. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Video replays: high-end technology in sports

B. Is technology like VAR a blessing in sports?

C. Officiating: a duty that requires honesty

D. What do qualified referees really mean?


It's good to be smart. After all, intelligent people earn more money, accumulate more wealth, and even live

longer. But there's another side to the story. The brightest people and strongest leaders sometimes make errors others

don't, especially in situations that require common sense.

Travis Bradberry, president at Talent Smart, explained in his post Why Smart People Act So Stupid that

“Rational thinking(理性思维) and intelligence don't tend to go hand in hand. Intelligent people are more likely

to make silly mistakes because of blind spots in how they use logic. These blind spots exist because smart people

tend to be overconfident in their reasoning abilities.” They are so used to being right and having quick answers

that they don't even realize when they're making a mess by answering without thinking things through.

A lifetime of praise leads smart people to develop too much faith in their intelligence and abilities. They often

fail to recognize when they need help, and when they do recognize it, they tend to believe that no one else is capable

of providing it.

“It's hard for anyone to graciously accept the fact that they're wrong. It's even harder for smart people because

they grow so used to being right all the time that it becomes a part of their identity,” Bradberry wrote. “For smart

people, being wrong can feel like a personal attack, and being right, a necessity.”

Smart people also have a hard time accepting feedback. They tend to undervalue the opinions of others, which

means they have trouble believing that anyone is qualified to give them useful feedback. Not only does this tendency

slow their growth and performance, it can lead to harmful relationships, both personally and professionally.

Smart people develop overachieving personalities because things come so easily to them. They simply don't

understand how hard some people have to work to accomplish the same things, and because of that, they push

people too hard. They set the bar too high, and when people take too long or don't get things quite right, they assume

it's due to a lack of effort. So they push even harder.

32. What do we learn from the passage about the brightest people?

A. They can differ in their personalities.

B. They are admired by people around them.

C. They usually face their own weaknesses calmly.

D. They can make silly mistakes in straightforward situations.

33. What accounts for the existence of intelligent people's logical blind spots?

A. Their irrational way of thinking.

B. Too much concern about their work.

C. Too much faith in their ability to think.

D. Their ignorance of behavioral science.

34. What may happen to smart people who find it difficult to accept suggestions?

A. They may experience a lot of emotional stress.

B. They may commit more errors than ever before.

C. They may lose faith in their administrative abilities.

D. They may suffer in their professional and private life.

35. What is said about those working with or under overachieving people?

A. They are under increasing pressure.

B. They set higher goals for themselves.

C. They put a lot of effort into their work.

D. They take less time to get things done.

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2.5分 ,满分 12.5分 )


How to Learn a Language as an Adult

If you dream of learning a foreign language, your age does not disqualify you. Make the process more fun

and by extension, more successful with these tips.

Find your motivation

Wish you had paid more attention in high school Spanish classes? 36 . Perhaps all you wanted out of the

class was a good grade, or to fulfill a graduation requirement. Linguists(语言学家)call these “extrinsic(外在的)

motivators”, but the most successful language students are “intrinsically motivated, sincerely devoted to their own

learning. 37 , whether on a grand vacation in Spain or on your couch watching Spanish soap operas.

Pick your tools

38 , but you'll figure out which resources work best for you. Mobile apps such as Duolingo and Babbel gamify

your learning, so if you could easily spend hours playing on your phone, you'll likely find these similarly addictive.

And don't forget books. McGraw Hill and Barron's offer excellent textbooks with answer keys to let you see how

you're doing.


Immerse(沉浸) yourself in your chosen language as much as you can. Watch movies or listen to songs, even

if they are just on in the background. Periodically look around you and see how many things you can name in the

language you're studying. Or, better yet, label items around your home with those words. You'll have no choice but

to see them and, in very little time, learn them.

Get social

Practicing with other people helps solidify what you've already learned and make you more aware of which

ideas you're able to express. 40 , though various websites and apps such as language exchange.com, Hello Talk,

and Talk Abroad can connect you with some, either free or for a small fee.

A. Dive in

B. Just do it

C. Consider why you didn't

D. It might take some trial and error

E. You might as well practice on your own

F. So pick a language you are excited to use

G. They need not to be native speakers you chat with

第三部分 语言运用 (共三节,满分 30 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分 )

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Sometimes, the life will enlighten you in an unexpected way. I experienced a day when I was extraordinarily

41 . I'm never a picture of grace, but on this particular day, I seemed to be42 everything. It's an old church, and

the floor is 43 in some places, so my fall was the floor’s fault. But when I fell again on my way out to the car,

and yet again in my own home, I began to grow 44 . Had I let myself get so stressed out that I had 45 become


Having been raised by devoted Christian parents who also worked in the mental-health field, I tended to look

for spiritual and emotional reasons before I headed to the local 46 . I have the calming practice that 47 a yoga

pose with a breath prayer. I went to 48 more comfortable clothes for the exercise, and as I removed my shoes, I

was 49 .

I wasn't having a stroke at all. I had completely worn out my favorite pair of sandals(凉鞋).The soles(底) of

both shoes were split in two! I had 50 all the possibilities to figure out what was causing my clumsiness. It never

occurred to me to check my soles.

So often when we start to feel 51 , we look for ways to make things better. But just as it never occurred to

me to check the soles of my shoes, our own souls are the very 52 thing we think of to check. Take a moment to

remember the last time you sat still, meditating. If you can't remember when that was, it might be a(n) 53 .

The local cobbler(鞋匠) said my soles were irreparable. We had a good 54 , but it was time to let them go.

Fortunately for us, our souls can be mended and restored—once we realize they are in need of 55 .

41. A. busy B. clumsy C. stressed D. bored

42. A. going through B. stepping on C. falling off D. tripping over

43. A. uneven B. sharp C. stained D. shallow

44. A. inspired B. grieved C. concerned D. interested

45. A. luckily B. literally C. obviously D. skeptically

46. A. doctor B. coach C. tailor D. psychologist

47. A. exchanges B. equips C. associates D. combines

48. A. wrap up B. take off C. change into . D. look after

49. A. rescued B. cured C. injured D. slipped

50. A. exhausted B. predicted C. ignored D. discussed

51. A. delighted B. divided C. overwhelmed D. thrilled

52. A. best B. last C. easiest D. hardest

53. A. mistake B. solution C. test D. clue

54. A. run B. exercise C. yoga D. gesture

55. A. repair B. review C. response D. replacement

第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分 , 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

During the Hangzhou 2023 Asian Games, athletes from around the world have been exploring acupuncture (针

灸),56 component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This practice has been an important part of

Chinese healthcare system for centuries.

TCM, which includes acupuncture, herbal therapy, massage, Tai Chi, and Qigong57 (remain) an essential

component of China's medical system, gaining increasing58 (recognize) on a global scale. Not only is it

popular among the Chinese population, but it is also gaining interest in Western societies,59 has led to

increased investments in professional TCM services.

While China places significant emphasis on the integration of TCM with modern biomedicine, it is also

becoming more popular worldwide. Although some medical professionals are60 (doubt) about the far reaching

effects of TCM, the practice 61 (accept)as a fundamental aspect of global healthcare to date.

TCM has been recognized for the potential benefits, particularly when 62 (use)alongside with modern

medicine, which has resulted in its increasing integration into modern healthcare systems.63 its ancient

Chinese origins, TCM's principles and practices have a global influence currently, with experts 64 (offer)

their special skills across the world.

As research into TCM continues to advance and more individuals embrace it for65 their healthcare

needs, the field is definite to grow.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你发现上周网购的电子词典笔(electronic dictionary pen)有问题,请给客户服务中心写一封


1) 进行投诉 2)说明问题 3)说明解决方案

注意:1.词数 80 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua, a devoted customer of your online store.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节 (满分 25分 )


A heavy rain was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the shop, eager to get home and play with the presents

that our parents had prepared for us and our baby sister, Sharon. Across the street from the shop was a gas station

where the Greyhound bus stopped, which was closed for New Year, but I saw a family standing outside the locked

door, gathering closely together under the narrow overhang in an attempt to keep dry. I wondered briefly why they

were there but then forgot about them as I raced to keep up with Jill.

Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house

for our annual family dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there,

standing outside the closed gas station.

My father was driving very slowly down the highway. The closer we got to the turnoff(岔道 )for my

grandparents’ house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father made a U-turn in the middle of the road and said

that he couldn't stand it. “What?” asked my mother. “It's those people back there at the station, standing in the rain.

They've got children. It's New Year. I can't stand it.”

When my father pulled into the service station, I saw that there were five of them: the parents and three

children——two girls and a small boy, who were getting wet standing there. My father rolled down his window.

“Happy New Year, ”he said.

“Thanks. You, too,” the man replied. He was very tall and had to bend slightly to look into the car. Jill, Sharon,

and I looked at the children, and they looked back at us.

“You waiting for the bus?” my father asked. The man said that they were. They were going to Birmingham,

where he had a brother and chances of a job. Knowing the bus wouldn't come along for several hours, my father

invited them to our home to shelter from the rain.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

The man thought about it for a moment, but then refused.


When we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran through the front door happily.





