
2023-12-20·10页·839.5 K

20232024 学年度第一学期阶段联测


(考试时间 120 分钟;总分 150 分)

命题人: 审题人:



2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅


1. What is Alice worried about?

A. An upcoming lecture.

B. The students’ behavior.

C. A traditional custom.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In a supermarket.

3. How do the speakers feel now?

A. Surprised. B. Happy. C. Annoyed.

4. What is the woman doing?

A. Baking cakes.

B. Preparing for a party.

C. Making a shopping list.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Peter’s holiday. B. Peter’s trip plan. C. Peter’s cousins.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项


每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Why did Tom come home late?

A. He lost track of the time.

B. He missed the last bus.

C. He finished school late.

7. What does Tom say about the singer?

A. He needs some money.

B. He just wants to be appreciated.

C. He’s good at singing classical songs.

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听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What did David ask his colleagues to do?

A. Attend the afternoon meeting.

B. Arrive at the restaurant by 7: 00.

C. Leave early to avoid busy traffic.

9. Why is the man unable to ensure his arrival time?

A. He has to pick up Mr. Smith.

B. He has to prepare for a meeting.

C. He has to deliver some packages.

10. What does Monica suggest the man do?

A. Give David a call.

B. Skip the gathering.

C. Take public transportation.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. How often does the woman walk to work?

A. Two days a week.

B. Three days a week.

C. Four days a week.

12. What does the woman dislike about shared bikes?

A. The speed. B. The expense. C. The parking situation.

13. Where will the man go next?

A. His office. B. His home. C. The subway station.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。

14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Schoolmates.

B. Former neighbors.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

15. Why does the man feel upset about the interview on campus?

A. He didn’t attend it.

B. He found it meaningless.

C. He hasn’t received any notice.

16. What advice does Jenny give to the man about interviews?

A. Providing satisfactory answers.

B. Arriving at the company on time.

C. Doing research on the company beforehand.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. Which group do the listeners belong to?

A. The first one. B. The second one. C. The third one.

18. What product is the store selling now?

A. Home electronics. B. Outdoor furniture. C. Indoor furniture.

19. When did the speaker become the store manager?

A. One year ago. B. Four years ago. C. Ten years ago.

20. Who is the speaker talking to?

A. The employees. B. The customers. C. The partners.

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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Universal Beijing Resort(UBR)

The Chinese capital is known for its historical

landmarks, but a brand-new international theme park in

Beijing, which was open to the public on September 20, 2021,

is drawing tourists all over the country. Built in the capital’s

eastern suburb at a cost around $ 7 billion, the park is the

fifth Universal Studios theme park in the world, the third in

Asia following Japan and Singapore and the first in China. UBR, covering an area of 160 hectares,

includes 7 theme areas: The Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness, Minion Land, Jurassic World

Isla Nublar, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Transformers Metrobase, WaterWorld as well

as Hollywood. The park mixes tradition with technology, as it is digitally advanced and innovative.

Facial recognition technology allows for contactless entry and the park’s app lets visitors check

waiting times at attractions.

Opening hours (except holidays)

Opening time: 9: 00am

Closing time: 9: 00pm


Slow season price: 418 yuan (the weekdays of November to April)

Regular tickets price: 528 yuan (the weekdays of May to October except Summer holidays)

Peak season price: 638 yuan (summer holidays & weekends)

Specific day price: 748 yuan (legal holidays)

How to get to UBR?

If you are taking the subway, Universal Beijing Resort is the final stop of the Batong Line

and Line 7. The park is equipped with nearly 10, 000 regular parking spaces, so driving is another

quick and convenient option.

Tickets for its opening day sold out in just one minute after they were released on September

14. Beijing resident Han Lifei said she was amazed by what she experienced while visiting UBR.

What are you waiting for? If you want to know more information, please click here.

21. What do you know about UBR?

A. It is the 5th Universal Studios in Asia.

B. It is noted for its historical landmarks.

C. Advanced technology is applied for convenience.

D. Opening hours are from 9:00am to 9:00pm each day.

22. If a couple plan to visit UBR on Oct.3, how much should they pay?

A. 836 yuan. B. 1056 yuan. C. 1276 yuan. D. 1496 yuan.

23. Where does the text probably come from?

A. A news report. B. A science magazine.

C. A travel website. D. An advertising brochure.


It all started with a simple question: “Can I paint your portrait?”

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This summer, Brian Peterson and his wife, Vanessa, had just moved to California. Outside

the couple’s fourth-floor apartment, an untidy homeless man was often yelling on the street corner,

sometimes keeping them awake at night.

One day, Peterson was relaxing in his living room, reading the book Love Does, about the

power of love in action, when his quiet was disturbed by the homeless man. Inspired by the book’s

compassionate message, Peterson made an unexpected decision: He was going to go outside and

introduce himself.

In that first unexpected, Peterson learned that the man’s name was Matt Faris. He’d moved

to California to pursue a career in music, but he soon fell on hard times and ended up living on the

street for more than a decade. “It was the strangest thing to me,” Peterson recalled later. “I saw

beauty on the face of a man who hadn’t shaved in probably a year. But his story, the life inside of

him, inspired me.” And even though Peterson hadn’t picked up a brush in about eight years, he

found himself asking if he could paint Faris’s portrait. Faris said yes.

Peterson’s connection with Faris led him to form Faces of Santa Ana, a nonprofit

organization focused on befriending and painting portraits of members of the community who are

unhoused. Peterson sells the impressive 30-by-40-inch canvas signed by both subject and artist for

a few thousand dollars, splitting the profits and putting half into what he calls a “love account” for

his model. He then helps people use the money to get back on their feet.

Peterson has painted 41 of these portraits himself. But there’s more to the finished products

than the money they bring to someone down-and-out. He’s discovered that the buyers tend to

connect to the story of the person in the painting, finding similarities with someone they might

have otherwise overlooked.

“People often tell me, ‘I was the one that would cross the street. But I see homeless people

differently now,’” Peterson says. “I didn’t know that would happen.”

24. What inspired Brian Peterson to approach the homeless man?

A. The positive impact from Love Does.

B. The loud yell from the street comer.

C. The beauty he saw on the homeless’ face.

D. The desire to donate money to the homeless.

25. What does Peterson do with the profits from selling the portraits?

A. Uses them to fund the local disadvantaged communities.

B. Donates them to local homeless shelters and relief centers.

C. Invests them in his nonprofit organization, Faces of Santa Ana.

D. Gives money to the portrait subject and helps people regain stability.

26. What impact have the portraits had on buyers?

A. They have become friends with the homeless individuals.

B. They have stopped crossing the street to avoid the homeless.

C. They have gained profits from those who are down-and-out.

D. They have overcome their misunderstandings about the homeless.

27. What is the main purpose of Faces of Santa Ana?

A. To discover the root cause of homelessness.

B. To raise awareness about the homeless through art.

C. To provide resources and housing for the homeless.

D. To boost connection between artists and their subjects.


Chinese Teapot Escaping from British Museum Goes Viral

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Chinese state media has praised a viral video series telling the story of a jade teapot coming

to life and fleeing the British Museum to make its way back home.

The set of three short videos, entitled Escape from the British Museum, shows the teapot

turning into a young woman in a green dress, who then engages a London-based Chinese

journalist to help her reunite with her family. It appears to have struck a chord(弦)in China after

first being released by independent vloggers on Douyin. By Monday evening, it had reportedly

received more than 310 million views. The plot line taps into growing Chinese criticism of the

British Museum after reports last month that more than 1,500 priceless objects, including gold

jewelry, semi-precious stones and glass, were missing, stolen or damaged.

In August the state media Global Times called for the return of Chinese artifacts from the

museum “free of charge” in the wake of the controversy. “The huge holes in the management and

security of cultural objects in the British Museum exposed by this scandal(丑闻)have led to the

collapse of a long-standing and widely circulated claim that ‘foreign cultural objects are better

protected in the British Museum’,” it said. It strongly supported the video series for touching on a

“powerful message” about the importance of cultural heritage and reflecting “Chinese people’s

desiring for the repatriation of the Chinese cultural relics.”

State broadcaster CCTV also gave the short films a glowing review saying: “We are very

pleased to see Chinese young people are passionate about history and tradition… We are also

looking forward to the early return of Chinese artifacts that have been displayed overseas.”

The museum scandal made headlines around the world and reawakened earlier demands by

the Chinese media to restore the country’s relics. The new three-part show has triggered a wave of

nationalism among viewers, with many praising the creative plot that reduced them to tears by

showing how the teapot experienced the happiness of returning to China to see pandas and watch a

flag-raising ceremony on Tiananmen Square.

28. What excuse does Britain give for keeping other nations’ cultural objects in its museum?

A. It has taken possession of these objects by all lawful means.

B. These objects are safer and taken better care of in its museum.

C. It is requested by other nations to protect their cultural objects.

D. These objects may come to life, flee their countries and go viral.

29. What does the underlined word “repatriation” (Para. 3) probably mean?

A. Repair. B. Reflection. C. Reserve. D. Return.

30. Which of the following can we infer from the passage?

A. China had already demanded the restoration of its cultural relics before the scandal.

B. The museum’s awful management and security systems are involved in the scandal.

C. The Britain Museum is under pressure to return the cultural relics to China sooner or later.

D. A London-based Chinese journalist has contributed a lot to the viral three-part video series.

31. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To appeal to Britain to return China’s cultural objects.

B. To introduce a viral video series about a fleeing jade teapot.

C. To arouse readers’ concern about Chinese cultural objects abroad.

D. To praise Chinese young people’s passion for history and tradition.


Adapting to technological advances is a defining part of the 21st-century life. Just two months

after being launched in November 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has already reached an audience of

over 100 million people. While ChatGPT threatens to change writing and writing-related work, the

Mesopotamians, who lived 4,000 years ago in a geographical area centered in modern-day Iraq,

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went through this kind of far-reaching change before us.

Ancient Mesopotamia ( 美 索 不 达 米 亚 ) was home to many of civilization’s early

developments. Its people were world leaders in adapting to technological and cultural changes.

They invented the wheel and agriculture, and pioneered advances in mathematics and urbanization.

These breakthroughs are reflected in cuneiform(楔形文字)literature, one of the oldest known

forms of writing.

In its literature, Mesopotamians don’t present cultural and technological advances as

consistently beneficial. They often represent new technologies being controlled in the service of

human conflict and mostly serving the interests of those with high social positions. In some ways,

the representation of new technologies in its literature echoes(映现)contemporary concerns about

AI: fears of increasing social inequalities and its potential use in information war.

In recent years,AI-the newest form of writing-has been used to decipher(破译)the oldest:

cuneiform literature. In broader fields, the boundaries of how AI may be used haven’t been clearly

explained. In January, for example, a top international AI conference banned the use of AI tools

for writing scientific papers.

Humans have been struggling to invent, use and adapt to technology since our earliest

civilizations. But the technology and resulting knowledge are not always evenly distributed.

Knowing how we adapted to changing technology in the past helps us more fully understand the

human condition and may even help us prepare for the future.

32. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about concerning Mesopotamians?

A. Their adaptation to threats.

B. Their influences on writing.

C. Their achievements in civilization.

D. Their contributions to literature.

33. What can be inferred about technological advances from paragraph 3?

A. They bring about hidden dangers.

B. They prevent human conflict.

C. They take away people’s concerns.

D. They lower people’s social status.

34. What is the current situation of AI according to paragraph 4?

A. Its use in literature is popular.

B. Its range of application is undefined.

C. It is not allowed to finish papers.

D. It is not accepted in broader fields.

35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the passage?

A. How People Can Use the Latest Technology

B. How ChatGPT Will Threaten Writing and Work

C. What AI Will Do by Learning Cuneiform Literature

D. What History Can Teach Us About New Tech’s Impact

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Are you frequently depressed by the feeling that life is leaving you behind particularly when

you look over social media sites and are faced with all the exciting things your friends are up to?


FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out refers to the perception that other people’s lives are superior to

our own, others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. It appears as a

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deep sense of envy, and constant exposure to it can have a weakening effect on our self-respect.

While feelings of envy and lack of confidence seem to be human nature, social media seems to

have added fuel to the fire. ____37____ Social media, with its built-in appeal, allows us to share

only the best presentations of our life, while leaving out the more boring aspects. Although this

could be characterized as dishonest, it is the atmosphere social media seems to demand. So how do

we avoid being trapped into our own insecurities by social media?

Consider your own social media posts. ____38____ Well, so have others. And what they’ve

left hidden is the fact that boredom, loneliness and unpleasant household chores are an unavoidable

part of everyone’s life, and you’re not the only one feeling left out.

____39____ You may not be a regular at fancy parties or a climber of dizzying peaks, but you

have your health, a place to live and real friends who appreciate your presence in their lives.

Learn to shake it off. We are all flooded daily with photos of other people’s perfections, but

really, what does it matter? ____40____ And even if you are more easily affected than others by

social media envy, all you need to do is to look around and acknowledge that you are doing pretty

well after all. Live in the moment, and you’ll find nothing is missing out in our life!

A. If so, you are not alone.

B. Value your friends in real life.

C. Learn to appreciate the positives.

D. Why does it have such a stimulating effect?

E. They are probably no more real than the funniest reality TV show.

F. The feeling that we are left out has long-term damaging psychological consequences.

G. Have you ever chosen photos that lead others to the finest conclusions about your life?

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Tired of the busy and chaotic life in Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I

decided to slow down to lead an eco-friendly life. None of us felt that this could be ___41___

where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.

Before long we ___42___ looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less

than 1,000 people. When I called to ___43___ about the property, I was informed that there was

no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost ___44___ the idea immediately.

But what better way is there to go green? After giving it a second ___45___, we decided to put in

a(n) ___46___ and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.

When we first moved to the property, we did some ___47___ and stayed in our motor home.

We were faced with real challenges at the time. But the ___48___ just made us work harder. We

slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days.

While living here for the past four months has been a big ___49___, there are many benefits

to living off the grid(电网). I think one of the most ___50___ lessons is teaching my kids the

importance of ___51___. We started taking quicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry,

turning off the water while brushing our teeth. ___52___, we are also trying to make other

changes which include reducing the amount of trash we generate by ___53___, growing our own

organic vegetables and re-purposing things that we would ___54___ throw.

Overall, going off the grid has been ___55___ to our family. I hope that once my kids move

out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.

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41. A. accepted B. achieved C. abandoned D. anticipated

42. A. put forward B. came across C. set about D. went without

43. A. complain B. inquire C. worry D. argue

44. A. denied B. adopted C. promoted D. changed

45. A. chance B. try C. look D. thought

46. A. opinion B. position C. offer D. suggestion

47. A. remodeling B. removing C. reevaluating D. recollecting

48. A. depression B. appreciation C. confusion D. frustration

49. A. difference B. adjustment C. hit D. deal

50. A. painful B. educational C. moral D. bitter

51. A. cooperation B. conversation C. devotion D. conservation

52. A. Therefore B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Otherwise

53. A. recycling B. ignoring C. cleaning D. purchasing

54. A. rarely B. carelessly C. normally D. literally

55. A. familiar B. convenient C. friendly D. beneficial

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese writer Hai Ya's The Space-Time Painter won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette(中

篇小说)on Saturday. He became the third Chinese writer ____56____ (win) a Hugo award after

Liu Cixin in 2015 and Hao Jingfang in 2016.

Hai Ya's novelette ____57____ (inspire) by a painting masterpiece, Qianli Jiangshan Tu, by

Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Hai Ya has woven the story of Wang's life into

____58____ thriller that combines the elements of traditional Chinese culture and history with

sci-fi and detective genres.

____59____ (model) on the life of Wang, Hai Ya has created the character of painting genius

Zhao Ximeng, who painted for an emperor more than 1,000 years ago. After much ____60____

(suffer), the painter's mind abandons his physical body and enters a space ____61____ a modern

police officer is investigating a case____62____ (involve) an ancient painting. The story reveals

the political unrest of the period during which the painting was created.

Commenting ____63____ the Chinese winners of the Hugo Awards, sci-fi writer Han Song

wrote on Sina Weibo that it shows a new force of Chinese sci-fi ____64____ (rise) and become a

name card and a language for China to communicate with the world. But he said he also felt the

need for Chinese sci-fi writers to work even ____65____ (hard) because of the strong position

Europe and the United States enjoy in this area.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


主题为“Learning through Labor”。请你写一则书面通知,请同学们积极参加。内容包括:





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;

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Dear students,






The Students' Union

October, 11th

第二节(满分 25 分)


Sue was 83 years old and lived by the ocean shore in a big beautiful house. She wished her

son Steve would visit her, even if for only a day. Of course, the young man had a family of his

own now, a darling little daughter Eva, and a business to take care of. Steve got on video calls

with Sue every other day. However, Sue thought of her son and granddaughter, wishing she was

with them. One day, Sue heard sounds from the neighboring house. Sue looked through the

window and was delighted to see that she had new neighbors.

One morning, when Sue woke up and walked along the shore, she heard the sounds of water

being splashed and the sound of children laughing wildly. She followed the sound and was

concerned on finding the twins from the neighboring house standing, knee deep in ocean water.

Something didn’t feel right. “Why would anyone leave their kids unattended on the shore?” Sue

thought. She grabbed the kids’ hands and walked them to their home. As Sue opened the door, she

found the young mother lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. Sue didn’t waste a second in

calling 911.

The first responders managed to revive(恢复)her consciousness on the spot. “My boys!

Ralph! Ray!” the woman cried out to her kids as the ambulance took her away. Sue said, “Don’t

worry. Everything will be alright. I’ll take care of your sweet boys.” She kept her promise and

looked after the kids like a grandmother. She took Ralph and Ray in and let them sleep in the

bedroom that was specially made for her granddaughter Eva.

It was during these days that she knew that the boys’ father died of illness. Sue knew that the

neighbor, Selina, had been trying to make ends meet by selling sweaters and socks that she knit.

Looking at Selina’s children eat and drink with such joy, she realized how much she longed to see

her little Eva. By the time Selina came home from the hospital, the kids had already started calling

Sue “Grandma”.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

Selina was very moved and struggled to find the words to thank her elderly neighbor._______


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Paragraph 2:

One Thanksgiving, when Sue and the Selinas were talking, Sue’s door was knocked. _______






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