
2023-12-30·13页·9.1 M

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例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.


1. Which course is the man interested in?

A.English. B.History. C. Math.

2. When will the train arrive at the station?

A. At 7:30. B.At 8:00. C.At 8:30.

3. What are the speakers discussing?

A. A training project. B.Ajob. C. An event.

4. What program does the man generally listen to?

A.News. B. Talk shows. C. Education programs.

5. Where are the speakers?

A.In a clothing shop. B.In a swimming pool. C.At home.

高三英语试题 第1页(共10页)







6. How did the two speakers get here?

A.By car. B.By bike. C.By taxi.

7. Why did the two speakers arive carly?

C. To get a good place.

A. To fnd Peter. B. To meet the players.


8. When did the man begin to work in Courtaulds?

A.4 years ago. B.40 years ag0 C. 44 years ago.

9. Who is Rover probably?

A. The man's workmate. B. The man's wife. C. The man's dog.


10. What kind of painting did the woman prefer at frst?

A. The one that has beautiful colors.

B. The one that looks quite peaceful.

C. The one that is simple but great.

11. Where will the forest painting look great according to the man?

A. In the bedroom. B. In the dining room. C. In the living room.

12. What will the speakers buy?

A. The forest painting. B. The sunset painting. C. The mountain painting.


13.Who is the woman?

A. A dormitory assistant. B. An immigration offcial. C. An air hostess.

14. Which line is for the residents?

A. The line on the man's right.

B. The line on the woman's left.

C. The line on the woman's right.

15.How long will the man study in the UK?

A. For a few months. B. For about a year. C. For about two years.

16. How will the man pay for his living costs and tuition fees?

A. His father has paid in advance.

B. He has paid with his scholarship.

C. He will pay after his settlement.

高三英语试题 第2页(共10页)



17. Who is the speaker talking to?

A. Freshmen. B. Librarians. C.Teachers.

18. What is scheduled in the frst week!

A. A tour. B. Some training. C. Some talks.

19. What do we know about the library computers?

A. They are connected to printers.

B. Not all of them are available to students.

C. They have access to the Internet all the time.

20. Who can help to fnd things in the library?

A. The Section Manager.

B. The Cataloguing Assistant.

C. The Training Supervisor.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)




Henry, Like Always

Ienu Bailey, illustrated by Mika Song

When his teacher upsets the regular class routine by placing an unexpected class parade

during the period usually set aside for Share Time, Henry is having none of it. While there's

been a marked increase in books featuring kids on the autism spectrum, few have been early

readers and fewer still are as funny as this one. lt's a masterpiece in conveying an understanding of a

deep frustration that you might not necessarily feel yourself.

- Rakiesha Chase-Jackson, project manager, Member Partnership


Charles Waters and Traci Sorell

This multiple-viewpoint novel refects opinions of those with anti -racism. The conversation,

which begins in the classroom, tests the tweens and their relationships. Respectively Black and

Cherokee co-authors interweave differences of identity and impact with noteworthy attention to

socioeconomy. Their engaging, accessible narrative invites readers to refect on the controversy.

— Cynthia Leitich Smith, author of Harvest House and author-curator of Heartdrum

All the Beauy in the World: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me

Patrick Bringley

The book is for grown-ups: a peek behind the curtain at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

That's where, after his brother died from cancer, Patrick Bringley quit his job and put on a blue

uniform to become a gquard. He writes that he just wanted to stand still for a while, but ended up

staying for 10 years— studying the Masters, pondering the mummies, and thinking about life,

art, and beauty. It was so impressive that I actually planned a trip to The Met!

— Samantha Balaban, producer, Weekend Edition



Artifcial: A Love Story

Amy Kurzweil

In Arifcial: A Love Stiory, New Yorker cartoonist Amy Kurzweil describes how she and her

father, a futurist, technologist and inventor Ray Kurzweil, harness the power of artifcial inteligence

to connect with the grandfather she never knew. Fred Kurzweil was a talented conductor and

pianist from Vienna who fed the Nazis in 1938 to begin a new life in the USA. Through words

and detailed pen and ink drawings, this smart and spiritual memoir demonstrates the relationship

between technology and humanity.

— Chloe Veliman, correspondent, Culture Desk

21. Who are probably interested in the book Henry, Like Alnays ?

A. Art lovers. B. Music fans. C. Schoolchildren. D. Athletes.

22. Which book is completed by two writers according to the text?

A. Henry, Like Always. B.Mascot.

C.All the Beauty in the World. D. Artifcial: A Love Story.

23. Why does Chloe Velman recommend the book Artifcial: A Love Story?

A. Because it pictures the happy life of some musicians.

B. Because it conveys the amazing dream of those futurists.

C. Because it is a cartoon with the theme of the family love.

D. Because it shows the links between technology and reality.


I started in the profession of journalism in an age of typewriters and telex machines. The

technology is totally different now but the principles of honest journalism remain the same.

My frst job was at the Bradford Telegraph and Argus (T&A). The news editor, Don Alred,

taught me how to get the balance between information and entertainment and to respect the

readers, who could always write in to complain.

Later, I went to London Reuters as a trainee, where we had a slang expression — GSIT—

which meant“good story, if true” And it was our job to make sure the stories were true.At

Reuters, four senior editors drilled into us that we were the witnesses of the world. Accuracy and

balance were to journalists what basic hygiene was to medics. So as one of very few women in the

newsroom, I never felt that my gender held me back. Instead, I realised that competence —

“being a good operator”— was all that mattered.

I increasingly learnt subtle things about the craft of journalism. As essential as it was to be

prepared, it was vital to keep an open mind because you never knew what you would fnd when

you went out into the feld. What you found was what you had to report, not what you imagined or

wanted to be true. Once, I went to Stavanger in Norway with a fxed idea in my head: American

oil workers had come to the city to take advantage of the North Sea oil boom. I was convinced

that they would end up raising hell in the area, and, before leaving, sold the story to my editors

with that angle. In reality, it turned out to be the other way round. I had to recast my planned

story. It was a good lesson for me.



In jouralism, you never know who your readers are going to be, and you cannot guess their

Iesponse. How they respond is their right. You state the facts and Leave them to draw their own

conclusions, Tnaith cam be biter. But truth can E be zeplaced. Beauty is truih, tnuh Deauly F

as the poet Keats put it, so beautifully

that is all you know on earth, and all you need to know,”


24. What do we know about the author's work experience?

A. She stood out at T&A for her wonderful performance.

B. She respected the readers despite their dissatisfaction.

C. She learned most of her professional skills from Don Alred.

D. She received many complaints from the readers at Reuters.

25. How did the author feel about working at Reuters?

A. She should improve her competence.

B. She was not treated as equally as men.

C. She was quite confused as a trainee.

D. She would have a promising career.

26. The experience in Stavanger is probably that a jouralist should

A.be very sensitive to unexpected events

B. be prepared before covering an event

C. maintain communication with the editors

D.not judge before actually looking into it

27. According to the author, what is the most important principle in jouralism?

A. Balance. B. Independence. C. Truthfulness. D. Responsibility.


Flights are getting bumpier 更颠簸的)as the climate changes, scientists have revealed. And

it is only set to continue or worsen in the coming years.

The study, conducted by scientists at the University of Reading in the U.K., shows an increase

in clear-air turbulence — unexpected air currents in cloudless air. These invisible currents are

potentially dangerous to aircraft. The researchers said the increases are in line with the effects of

climate change.

Research in the past decade has shown that climate change will increase clear-air turbulence

in the future. We now have evidence suggesting that the increase has already begun,” said

professor Paul Williams, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Reading. We should be

investing in improved turbulence forecasting and detection systems, to prevent the rougher air

from translating into bumpier fights in the coming decades,” he added.

The study focused on one of the world's busiest fight routes over the North Atlantic Ocean.

The results show that it has seen a 55% increase in annual duration of severe turbulence.In

1979, the duration recorded was 17.7 hours. In 2020, it was 27.4 hours. Turbulence increased by

37%, from, 70 hours to 96.1 hours. The increase is due to warmer air from COz emissions.

This increases a sudden change in wind speed or direction in jet streams.



Clear-air turbulence is most severe over mountainous areas and also close to thunderstorms.

While it hasn't been known to cause aircraft crashes, it has caused damage to aircraft and

injuries to passengers. “Airlines will need to start thinking about how they will manage the

increased turbulence. It costs the industry $150 to $500 million annually in the United States

alone.” Ph. Dresearcher Mark Prosser said.

“Every additional minute spent travelling through turbulence increases wear-and-tear(磨

损) on the aireraf, and the risk of injuries to passengers and fight attendants, he added.

28. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The increase in turbulence damages aircraft.

B. The turbulence duration has increased greatly.

C. Climate change contributes to bumpier fights.

D. Flights routes are in line with the climate change.

29. What can we learn from what professor Paul Williams said?

A. He was relieved that turbulence was not dangerous.

B. He was confdent of the future of the prevention systems.

C. He was aware of what to do to reduce bumpier fights.

D. He was worried fights would become bumpier and bumpier.

30. Why are the fgures listed in the fourth paragraph?

A. To reveal the great change in turbulence duration over time.

B. To introduce how terrible the fights were in turbulence duration.

C. To tell readers about the effect of turbulence on the fight route.

D. To stress the relationship between increased turbulence and fights.

31. What do we know about clear-air turbulence?

A. It is the most powerful to aircraft around the world.

B. It leads to aircraft crashes and climate change.

C. It can both damage airlines and kill passengers.

D. It puts the airlines under huge fnancial pressure.


As a kid, I hated having to memorise those long-winded speeches of Macbeth and Hamlet.

Only later did I realise how brilliant Shakespeare was and how knowing his plays gives you a

facility for language and deep insight into human psychology.

Now, 400 years later, in today' s world, quick rewards, and smooth-talking infuencers, the

dishonest characters in Shakespeare's works are still very much alive. For instance, whenever I

see a politician defend himself on TV with righteous indignation(义愤填膺),I remember a line

from the play Hamlet: The Lady doth protest too much, me-thinks. It is spoken in response to

the overacting of a character in the play created by Prince Hamlet to prove his uncle had killed

his father. Today the phrase is commonly used to indicate doubt of someone's sincerity.

A good education grounds you in permanent wisdom that helps you cope with all your

victories and disasters. Leamning algebra(代数)and statistics helps you make better fnancial

高三英语试题 第6页(共10页)


decisions and basic knowledge about economics helps you get out of the stock market before the

bubble bursts. 1 know how hard it can be for your teenage brain to focus on things that don ' t

make sense in your life right now. But my advice is to do it anyway because one day this

knowledge will come in handy.

Take, for example, the 18th century English economist and scholar Thomas Robert Malthus

wrole about how the human population was growing at too fast a rate to be sustainable. After

reading his works Charles Darwin developed the theory of biological evolution.

People ofen say that in the age of Al, you don't look for jobs— you look for opportunities

instead. To recognize these, you will need to be prepared. More specifcally, you should cherish

the opportunity to learn new things while never losing sight of the basic principle. The great thing

about being grounded in the basics of different areas of study is that you can mix and match them

to apply them to all sorts of situations.

32. What does the underlined word ground”mean in the third paragraph?

A. Lay the foundation for. B. Keep up with.

C. Take advantage of. D. Make the most of.

33. What is the purpose of mentioning the story of Thomas Robert Malthus'?

A. To show his deep insight into sustainable development.

B. To prove the success of Darwin is based on his ideas.

C. To draw readers' attention to the fast-growing population.

D. To inspire everyone to make efforts to learn skills.

34.How can we seize opportunities in the age of Al?

A. By making preparations for fnding jobs.

B. By grasping knowledge on the basic rules.

C. By applying theories to different situations.

D. By developing practical and critical theories.

35. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A. How the Opportunities Hit Me on the Head

B. Reading Shakespeare Opens the Door to Wisdom

C. Good Education Pushes Individuals Hard Forward

D. You Never Know When What You Know Will Come in Handy


。 0阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项


How to seek professional help for depression

People with depression can feel very lonely. L 36 Here's how to seek professional

help for depression.


Your doctor will be able to advise you on the various options for talking therapy(疗法)for a

range of mental healthproblems including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Painful

experiences can be hard to talk about, but professionals understand this. Be as open as you can

so that you can receive the best help.

高三英语试题 第7页(共10页)


Try going for counselling(咨询)

The counsellors will listen and may ask questions. 38 . This therapy may be

suitable for mild anxiety and depression and can help you cope with problems such as anger,

relationship issues and panic attacks.

Manage your depression with CBT

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) works by helping you identify unhelpiul and unrealistic

thoughts and shows you how these can lead to problematic emotional and behavioural patterns.

Once identifed, you can learn to replace unhelpful thoughts with more realistic and balanced

oneS. 39

Consider Psychotherapy

40 . They include interpersonal therapy, which focuses on relationship and

communication problems; family therapy, in which the therapist works with the whole family,

and couples therapy, which involves both partners. Whichever form, it looks into past experiences

to fnd their relevance to present diffculties.

A. Talk to your doctor

B. Ask your doctor questions

C. There are many different forms of psychotherapy

D. So talking about your depression is the frst step in getting help

E. Working with professionals can help handle the problem effectively

F. They won't provide answers but will encourage you to fnd your own solutions

G. This can help you react more positively to situations causing anxiety and depression

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)




Iturned on the radio and heard a woman describe her father's fnal days in a hospice(临终

安养院).41,his end was a warming memory because of the hospice volunteers who 42

the pain of strangers. In her sadness, she had 43 humanity at its best. I suddenly realised

that I wanted to be where life matters most, which is when it is 44 .I wanted to be one of

those hospice volunteers.

I Googled hospices and45 to one hospice seeking a volunteer to write the life stories of

patients in its day center. Within a month, their 46 took my breath away. I was listening to

the strangers giving an 47 of their loves and their losses, the memories that had never been

shared and regrets that had 48_been expressed.

I began to see life differently. Everything I49 — the school run, the weekly shop-

seemed a gift to those no longer able to experience it. The details that the patients recalled of

their past were so 50, though so small. I saw people 51_,too. Instead of the unknown

faces of 52 in the street, I saw leading characters of untold stories and the quiet heroism of

ordinary lite.

Six months Later, my father fell ill and died ten days later. His sickness was sudden, but the

hospice had _53 me. It was my encounters with patients and their relatives that enabled me

to accept my father's diagnosis without 54

高三英语试题 第8页(共10页)


These days, I try to see the world from the perspective of those I briefy knew and cherish

chores and routines as a gift. And I want to take back into the outside world that sense of life

stripped back to its 55 , where what ultimately matters is love.

41.A. Naturally B. Immediately C. Unluckily D. Luckily

42. A.shared B.cleared C.ignored D.paused

43.A. tested B.gqrasped C.encountered D. developed

44. A.rising B. fading C.disappearing D. ending

45. A. tumed B.referred C.applied D.adapted

46.A.interest B. trust C.determination D.devotion

47.A. apology B.account C.assessment D. agreement

48. A.never B.almost C.always D.sometimes

49.A. took for granted B. kept in mind C. brought to life D. put up with

50. A. meaningless B. enormous C.precious D.confusing

51.A.reasonably B.correctly C.objectively D.differently

52. A. patients B. volunteers C. strangers D. neighbors

53.A.informed B.recalled C.dismissed D.prepared

54.A.joy B.peace C.excitement D.terror

55.A.nature B.start C.goal D. mission



ShuangJiang,or Frost ’s Descent, is the last term of autumn, marking the transition

from autumn to winter. Literally, Shuang Jiang refers to the time 56 frost starts to descend

in China due to cold weather. In the north, with large felds57 (do) for the season, farmers

can take a break. But in the south, farmers are still busy taking sweet potatoes home before

they _58 (destroy) by the coming frost. They must also protect the winter wheat and rape(油

菜)59 .major pests and diseases. lt is said that Frost' s Descent is the best time to adjust to

a nourishing(滋补的)diet and lifestyle. Besides putting on _ 60 (many) clothes to keep

warm, people also eat various fruits to keep healthy. Persimmon(柿子)is the favorite fruit

in many areas, which not only wards offthe cold, 61—strengthens the muscles andbones. _62

(additional), honey, jellyfungus(木耳)and sesame(芝麻)are believed to help provide the

necessary nutrition for the human body. For protein, chicken or mutton soup is advised to be

included in the diet. With golden maple 63 (leaf) turning to red, people often go hiking

in nature and enjoy the scenery during this period of time. In the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous

Region, people celebrate the Frost 's Descent Festival by_ 64 (offer) fruits and desserts in

addition to dancing and singing folk songs on the day of Frost' s Descent in honor of Cen Yuyin,

a heroine who 65 (fght) against foreign aggression in the Ming Dynasty.



第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)







Dear Jack,


Li Hua




In July, my dad, mom and I few to Whitehorse to care for my sick old grandfather. We

planned to spend two months in the town of my youth.

A few days before we arrived, my grandfather called to say he was being fown to Vancouver

for another operation. My dad and mom had already booked the air tickets and their leave from

work, so even though my grandfather wouldn't be there, we made the trip north anyway.

Grandfather kept a puppy. It was the only companion of my grandfather while we were not

in Whitehorse. He had adopted it from a local shelter (two years earlier and renamed him

“Scruffy” because it looked untidy. Its fur was messy. Its ears were like two wings when it ran.

While we were alone in my grandfather's house with nothing to do, Scruffy saved us. The dog

needed to be walked. Those walks were chances to re-visit where I'd grown up. 1 had left that

small town behind as soon as I fnished high school and had rarely visited home. Scruffy and Itook

my family to the school, where my picture still hung. We walked through the forest where I once

rode my bike. With no one to talk to when my parents were occupied with their own business. I

found myself chatting with Scruffy. He was too excited to see me. I gave him many nicknames:

Scruffster, Scruff-man, Scruffmaster. He would happily respond to them all.

By the fall, we were back in Toronto and my grandfather was back in Whitehorse. My mom

and her brothers took turns fying up to take care of him.




We visited my grandfather again in November.

After Grandfather's death, we had to rehome Scruffy.

高三英语试题 第10页(共10页)






