
2024-01-02·16页·1.3 M





1. 本卷共 10 页满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟;

2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。

3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效;

4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。


第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例


1. Why is the man stressed out?

A. He has to assess his performance.

B. He hasn’t tried his best all semester.

C. He has to prepare a lot in a limited time.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. In the office. B. At home. C. In a hospital.

3. Why does the woman want to return the shirt?

A. Because of the terrible design.

B. Because of the unsuitable size.

C. Because of the eye-catching color.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Designing a talent show.

B. Organizing a sports competition.

C. Planning student council activities.

5. What aspect of “National Geographic” appeals to the woman?

A. Latest news. B. Diverse topics. C. Unique viewpoints.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中

选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题

将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Sister and brother. C. Husband and wife.

7. What do they plan to do?

A. Buy a nice watch. B. Record a special album. C. Arrange a family dinner.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. What does the man like best in the new cafe?

A. Coffee. B. Atmosphere. C. Book.

9. What does the woman plan to do this weekend?

A. Check out some books. B. Make blueberry muffin. C. Explore the cafe with the man.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 13 题。

10. What motivated the man to become a professional basketball player?

A. His high-level skills. B. His love for the game. C. His childhood experience.

11. What is the hardest part of being a professional basketball player?

A. To fit in with the training routine.

B. To cope with the constant pressure.

C. To meet the physical and mental demands of the game.

12. What suggestions does the man give to young athletes?

A. Be a learner and doer. B. Be an enthusiast and dreamer. C. Be a supporter and team worker.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13. How did the man notice the problem first?

A. His bank called him. B. His bill showed him. C. His credit card was stolen.

14. What do the bank do to fix the problem?

A. They give the man his money back at once.

B. They decide to talk to the bank’s manager.

C. They ask the man to provide the evidence.

15. What might have caused the problem according to the man?

A. Unsafe website. B. Overdue debt. C. Improper download.

16. What do the two speakers mainly talk about?

A. Shopping habits. B. Money management. C. Information safety.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What will Todd Messegee be responsible for?

A. Writing a play. B. Directing a play. C. Starring in a play.

18. What will participants mainly do by the fourth day?

A. Practice the play. B. Attend a lecture on acting. C. Perform on stage formally.

19. What is suggested by the speaker?

A. Signing up early. B. Receiving top-level training. C. Developing complex characters.

20. What is the speaker doing?

A. Making a plan for a play.

B. Recruiting actors for a play.

C. Announcing arrangements for a play.

第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项



Study Areas in Iowa State University’s Library

Quiet Area

The Periodical Room on Floor 2 is a Quiet Zone, requiring an absolute minimum of noise and

distraction. Users are completely banned from conversations (including mobile phones), and no group

work is allowed.

Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms must be reserved online using a valid University account and a University Card on

a first-come-first-served basis.

Thirteen rooms are available for groups wanting to work together in the Library.

Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance.

Groups have 15 minutes after the start of their reservation to arrive. If a group has not claimed their

study space by that time, their reservation will be cancelled.

Research Study Rooms

Research study rooms are assigned to individual users for research and other scholarly activities that

require extensive use of library materials.

Applications can be picked up at the Circulation Desk in the Library or request one via email at


There is usually a waiting list for these rooms. Applications should be made in advance if possible.

Generally, these rooms are shared spaces because of the high level of demand.

Essential equipment is provided for each study, and additional equipment may not be added without

authorization. The Library is not responsible for personal property (laptops, textbooks, notebooks, etc) left

in these rooms. All Library rules and regulations apply to these rooms. Food and fruit are forbidden,

though drinks in covered, spill-proof containers are permitted.

At the end of the assigned period, the key issued for each study room must be returned promptly to

Circulation staff or the user will be billed.

21. What may be suggested doing in the Periodical Room?

A. Reading in small groups. B. Having a discussion in a low voice.

C. Putting one’s stuff in order. D. Setting one’s phone on silent mode.

22. What condition should be met to book a group study room?

A. Possessing an active student card.

B. Leaving phones out of the room.

C. Groups consisting of over 15 members.

D. Filling in an application form 30 days earlier.

23. What is prohibited in a Research Study Room?

A. Personal computers. B. Bottled water. C. Sandwiches. D. Study materials.


For a long time, I kept a selection of books on a shelf next to my bed that I called my “heart books”.

To qualify for a place on the shelf, a book had to be not only one I loved, but one that mattered. There was

one book that never made it onto that shelf, though I read it in high school: Writing Down the Bones by

Natalie Goldberg.

I can still remember the day I bought it. It was summer and I must have been 14 or 15. Desperate to

get out of my house, I rode my bike into town and walked into the bookstore. I was going through the shelf

of books on writing and it caught my eye. I picked it up, read a few pages, and bought it. Then I took it

with me to a park, read the first few chapters, and opened my notebook to write.

It’s a fairly straightforward writing book. Goldberg’s method is simple: you choose a topic, set a timer,

and write for 10, 15, or 20 minutes without picking up your pen. Free writing, timed writing, writing topics:

anyone who has taken a creative writing class may have encountered these things. It’s not earth-

shattering. There was nothing particularly new or unusual about the book so I can’t say why it attracted me

so much. But it changed everything. I went from being someone who enjoyed writing to being a writer.

During my teen years and early twenties, following Goldberg’s method was at the core of my identity.

No matter where I was or what I was doing, I filled notebooks. When I eventually started writing fiction, I

did the same thing. The “I” in my notebooks became someone else, but I held to the same practice.

This writing practice led me to a writing group in Boston. It led me to my current career. It led me, in

so many ways, to myself. Becoming a writer allowed me to become so many other things: an activist, a

business owner, a farmer, a baker... Writing is where I found my confidence. It was where I became

curious about the world. From that, everything else has followed.

24. How did the author encounter Writing Down the Bones?

A. By following a selection of “heart books”.

B. By referring to a book list about writing.

C. By recommendation of Natalie Goldberg.

D. By seeking writing books on a bookshelf.

25. What does the word “earth-shattering” underlined in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Remarkable. B. Useful. C. Controversial. D. Amusing.

26. What can we infer about Writing Down the Bones?

A. It inspired the author to be a writer.

B. It was the first novel the author read.

C. It made the author start to love writing.

D. It is one of the books the author reads most.

27. Which of the following is answered by the last paragraph?

A. What is the author’s life like right now?

B. What did the author do in the writing group?

C. How has the writing practice shaped the author?

D. Why did the author give up the writing practice?


Personality used to be a one-per-customer deal: like it or not, you were who you were, and lying to a

pen pal was about the closest you could get to have a different ego. That was then. With the appearance of

MySpace, Facebook, and other social networking sites, a second, carefully crafted identity is now available

to anyone with an Internet connection. And that has psychologists wonder: just how well do these online

personalities match the person sitting at the keyboard?

The answer, it turns out, is pretty well. In a recent study of 133 undergraduates with Facebook profiles,

University of Texas psychologist Samuel D. Gosling measured the correlation between personality tests

online and off, and found — contrary to the assumption that social networking sites can’t capture one’s

features—that the students represented themselves quite faithfully.

Gosling surveyed the group on a standard five-point personality test, which measures extroversion

( 外 向 性 ), agreeableness, sense of responsibility, emotional stability, and openness to new experiences.

Then he rated the same subjects based only on their Facebook profiles, which usually included photos and

lists of interests, from academic majors to favorite books and movies.

Gosling found a correlation between assessments in four of the five categories, with emotional

stability as the only one showing no significant results across personal and online assessments. (Gosling

says he was not surprised at the latter, since emotional stability is something that people are good at hiding

across most media.) While extroversion showed the highest correlation, the study suggests that “openness

to new experience” is perhaps better conveyed online than in person.

“Facebook users don’t tend to put a lot of personal information on their pages,” Gosling says, so

someone who posted touching personal stories, for example, might come off as oversharing without

intending to.

In short, says Gosling, Facebook users aren’t generally using the site as an image buffer, a resume

enhancer, or a separate self. “They just use it as a medium for social life.”

28. What is the usual assumption about social networking sites?

A.They provide good study platforms.

B. They contain totally fake information.

C. They couldn’t show one’s real nature.

D. They are friendly to various personalities.

29. Which showed no connection between personality tests online and off?

A. Openness to new experience. B. Extroversion.

C. Sense of responsibility. D. Emotional stability.

30. Why do Facebook users stay true to themselves online?

A. True personality beautifies image.

B. The site is a medium for social life.

C. Only cheats invest in a false identity.

D. Various interests can be shared there.

31. What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce a finding. B. To offer a recommendation.

C.To defend a viewpoint. D. To present a phenomenon.


There are close to 7,000 languages spoken on Earth. However, it’s estimated that by the end of this

century, up to 50% of them may be lost.

It’s commonly thought that majority languages tend to be valued for being useful and for promoting

progress, while minority languages are seen as barriers to progress, and the value placed on them is seen

mainly as sentimental ( 感情用事的 ). But is sentimentality really the only motivation for preserving

language diversity?

Speakers of endangered languages often live in remote areas with unique landform. It is quite

common for these languages to distinguish between hundreds more types of plants and animals than those

known to modern science. For example, in Southeast Asia, some tribes have discovered the medicinal

properties of over sixty-five hundred plant species. This has led to many of landmark achievements in


It was once believed that the limits of one’s language defined the limits of one’s thought. This theory,

called the Sapir-Wharf hypothesis ( 假 说 ), has been largely rejected in favor of the improved version,

which assumes that the language we speak does not set the limits of our thoughts, but it does direct our

focus in certain ways. For example, English is a tense-based language. It’s nearly impossible to talk about

doing something without specifying the time — i.e. I went to the party (past), I’m going to the party

(present), or I’ll go to the party (future). This differs from Chinese, where it’s perfectly reasonable to say,

“I go to the party” without defining the “when”. Thus, part of the richness of language is that it allows us

to organize the world in so many unique ways.

Some languages categorize the world in ways so different from our own that they are difficult to

conceptualize (概念化). The United States employed native Navajo speakers to create a system of message

coding during the Second World War. The Japanese were never able to break it, and the “code talkers” are

often cited today as having helped decide the outcome of the war.

As we’ve already seen, minority languages are valuable for many practical reasons. In conclusion, I’d

say the short answer is yes — dying languages are certainly worth saving!

32. What do people tend to think of minority languages?

A. Valueless. B. Time-honored. C. Informal. D. Stable.

33. How can we benefit from endangered languages according to the author?

A. We can discover drugs in a much safer way.

B. We don’t have to rely on modern medicine.

C. We can acquire a broad knowledge of nature.

D. We can learn how to protect plants and animals.

34. Why does the author mention the Second World War?

A. To correct the Sapir-Wharf hypothesis.

B. To prove the value of minority languages.

C. To show wars’ role in preserving a language.

D. To explain ways to conserve some languages.

35. What would be a suitable title for the text?

A. Are majority languages worth valuing?

B. Are we willing to save dying languages?

C. Should endangered languages be saved?

D. Is the future of minority languages bright?

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


We all lose motivation from time to time. We’re human beings, not machines, and we don’t always

possess the steam we need to keep going. 36 From getting rid of distractions, reminding yourself

of your goals, to taking a well-deserved break to recharge your batteries, this article will explore tips to

help you restore your drive.

37 Before devoting time to any specific endeavor ( 努 力 ), make sure you know exactly what

you’re setting out to do—and when you hope to accomplish it. Apart from setting achievable targets, you

should also establish regular checkpoints to track your progress. If you are falling behind with your goals,

it may be the kick start you need to help get you back on track.

Give yourself breaks. Sometimes, even the most determined people get overwhelmed. You may be

burning yourself out, and a much-needed break might be just what you need to help you achieve your goal.

If it’s at school, for example, don’t try to do all your work in one sitting, but stretch it out over the course

of the day. 38

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone falls short sometimes. If you fail to meet your goals for the

week, take it as a lesson. Try to complete your next target before time, so that you can use the saved time

to complete the delayed work. 39 Don’t dwell on failure; just accept it, and continue working

towards your goals.

Surround yourself with positive people. Developing a network of supportive and inspiring friends and

mentors can make it a lot easier to stay motivated and achieve your goals. Reach out to classmates in your

field or your favorite professors or bosses for advice and professional support—and make a point to stay in

touch. 40

A. Develop a schedule of “checkpoint” goals.

B. Set manageable goals with realistic deadlines.

C. Thankfully, there are ways to help you feel motivated again.

D. If you’re excelling in your progress, you’ll feel more motivated.

E. This way, you’ll stay right on schedule even if you have taken a hit.

F. They’ll be able to offer wisdom, encouragement, and even opportunities.

G. If it’s a fitness goal, take a four-day rest instead of a normal two-day one.

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上


Being a mom of five children is no easy task, but being a single mom of five children and graduating

law school with honors? Well, that’s absolutely remarkable.

Ieshia Champs is that mother, appearing in her local news, for her 41 story of going from

growing up in foster care ( 抚 育 院 ) to becoming a 42 mother to five children to graduating with

honors. Champs’ story is full of twists and turns: she herself had a(n) 43 childhood, growing up in

foster care, with no stable family, 44 from home to home. At one point, she 45 school and

was even homeless in 8th grade. At the age of 29, she had her 5th child and then, a series of 46 : her

mother died, her children’s father 47 from a deadly cancer, house was burnt down, and she was in


In 2009, at the 48 of the church members who were always supportive, she achieved her

GED (General Educational Development) and then, kept going. Although making it through her degree

program was a 49 —her kids 50 hearing her cry and working together to make meals so

she could have time to keep 51 —she kept going.

When she graduated from law school, Champs posed for pictures with her 52 , all displaying

chalkboard signs that 53 the big day. Champs’ chalkboard read “I did it!” while her children

announced different 54 messages that reflected the journey the entire family had been on, like “I

helped!” and “We did it!” and “Me too!” The 55 quickly went viral online, sharing her story with

the rest of the world.

41. A. inspiring B. interesting C. frightening D. surprising

42. A. beloved B. full-time C. selfless D. single

43. A. adventurous B. difficult C. magical D. precious

44. A. working B. visiting C. bouncing D. exploring

45. A. attended B. quit C. finished D. operated

46. A. tests B. failures C. conflicts D. misfortunes

47. A. passed away B. passed out C. got away D. burnt out

48. A. mercy B. request C. encouragement D. invitation

49. A. success B. dream C. struggle D. fortune

50. A. resisted B. recalled C. escaped D. avoided

51. A. changing B. growing C. studying D. searching

52. A. church members B. mother C. children D. friends

53. A. celebrated B. prepared C. enjoyed D. featured

54. A. clear B. supportive C. important D. secret

55. A. journey B. children C. pictures D. videos


第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

There is an extremely informative book on baijiu called The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits, by

Derek Sandhaus, that 56 (explore) the history and production of baijiu in vivid and lively detail.

Sandhaus traces the invention of baijiu back a thousand years, 57 either traders from the Middle

East 58 invaders from Mongolia introduced the concept of distillation ( 蒸 馏 ) to the mainland.

Baijiu is identified 59 smell into four main categories: nong xiang (strong scent), qing xiang

(light scent), jiang xiang (sauce scent), and mi xiang (rice scent).

Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of China, was so taken with Kweichou Maotai, a sauce scent-style baijiu,

that it 60 (name) China’s National Liquor, necessary at state dinners. Due to limited production

and popularity, Kweichou Maotai can now fetch hundreds of dollars 61 bottle.

There are a few 62 (requirement) that unite all of these spirits while also distinguishing

them from Western drinks, 63 (chief) that baijiu is produced in a process known as solid-state

fermentation (固态发酵).

When you first drink baijiu, it’s hot enough to make you clutch your chest, 64 (set) your

mouth, throat, and nose on fire before leaving you with 65 (it) lingering taste — so fragrant and

complex, it reaches into your soul.

第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节: 应用文写作(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,校英语演讲比赛正在招募主持人,你校交换生 Chris 想竞聘但又很犹豫,


1. 鼓励竞聘;

2. 你的理由。


1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,


Li Hua

第二节: 读后续写 (满分 25 分)


I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus when my parents drove off, leaving me

with a word of wish “Be yourself, and enjoy your university life to the fullest!” However, no matter how

mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. I thought everyone on campus was

watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice that I

was a freshman.

With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out to my dorm, glancing

so carefully at the campus map grasped in my hand. Everything done, I spent the afternoon seeking out

each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having

to ask silly questions about it.

The next morning I found my first class and went in. Once I was in the room, however, another

problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen guidebooks advised sitting near the front, showing the

professor in intelligent and energetic behavior. Thinking for several minutes, I chose a seat in the first row

and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direct line of vision.

I opened my book of American Literature. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold

sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I looked at my schedule and checked the room number. I was in

the right room. Just the wrong building. So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? I

knew everyone would stare. Forget it. I settled into my chair and tried to pretend through the whole class.

After class I decided my stomach needed a little nourishment (营养), and I hurried to the cafeteria. I

piled my tray with sandwich and was heading for the salad bar when I accidentally stepped in a large

puddle of ketchup (番茄酱). Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy,

and this beneath my feet was doing no good.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Just at that moment, I totally lost my balance.

Once I recognized that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed.





