
2024-01-17·18页·42.4 K

20232024学年高三年级冬季教学质量检测英语考生注意:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B. 9.18.C. 9.15.答案是C。1. What time is it now?A. 8:40 am.B. 8:50 am.C. 9:30 am.2. How is the weather now?A. Hot.B. Warm.C. Freezing.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a shop.B. In the man’s office.C. At the woman’s home.4. What is Jennifer going to do this Saturday?A. See a doctor.B. Do some shopping.C. Go to the cinema.5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Boss and secretary.C. Interviewer and interviewee.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the man doing?A. Taking a road test.B. Directing the traffic.C. Teaching the woman to drive.7. How will the man probably feel at last?A. Excited.B. Nervous.C. Disappointed.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where is the Pink Flamingo?A. On Pine Street.B. On 2nd Street.C. On 3rd Street.9. When does the restaurant close on Monday?A. At 10:30 pm.B. At 11:30 pm.C. At midnight.听第8段材料,回答第10至13题。10. What is the man’s work like?A. Tiring.B. Relaxing.C. Boring.11. What is the most challenging to the man?A. Dealing with unique animals.B. Treating injured lions.C. Looking after baby animals.12. What is the woman?A. A zookeeper.B. A reporter.C. A student.13. What is the man’s advice to the woman?A. To get a higher degree. B. To receive some training.C. To raise a pet.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What will the speakers do on Saturday?A. Go on a picnic.B. Hold a party.C. Go to the supermarket.15. Who is the man’s roommate?A. Jim.B. Kathy.C. Dave.16. How many bags of potato chips will the man buy probably?A. Five.B. Eight.C. Eighteen.17. What will the speakers ask Kathy to do?A. Teach her to cook. B. Make some pies.C. Buy some hamburgers.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Who are most likely to join the club?A. Those living in the countryside.B. Those looking for a traditional gym.C. Those working in the Central Business District.19. Which is a high-intensity workout?A. Indoor cycling.B. Weight-lifting.C. The BodyAttack.20. How much will a yearly membership cost per month?A. $29.B. $149.C. $189.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABook Passage is offering dozens of exciting classes in several categories. To view the classes by date, please click here for a calendar view.The Memoir SeriesInstructor: Connie JosefsWe all have life stories to tell. But how do we write about our lives in a way that will engage a reader? This series focuses on the skills of writing memoir (回忆录) . Each class provides concrete tools and strategies for transforming memory into attractive narrative(记叙). Format includes reading, discussion and writing exercises.DATES: Oct. 7—284 SaturdaysTIME: 10AM—1PMLOCATION: Online via ZoomYour Story, Well ToldInstructor: Corey RosenAuthor and Storyteller Corey Rosen helps you to uncover your best stories, develop them in a safe and supportive environment, and then perform them in a free LIVE show for friends and family.DATES: September 19—October 175 TuesdaysTIME: 1:30PM—4:30PMSHOW: Saturday Oct. 21, 4PMLOCATION: Corte Madera StoreTravel LiteratureInstructor: Michael ShapiroThis book group will review modern classics from four great works of travel literature. Led by author and longtime Book Passage Travel Writers Conference faculty, Michael Shapiro, the group will explore best-sellers and lesser known but equally rewarding books from these masters of the genre.DATES: Sep. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9TIME: 10:30 AM—12:30 PMLOCATION: Corte Madera StoreContemporary ClassicsInstructor: Jennifer CarsonThe instructor will lead this group in reading recent literary fiction with exceptional promise. With a diverse selection of inspiring voices, Jennifer aims to facilitate stimulating, engaged, and improved discussions that bring forth fresh insights about each month’s book.DATES: Sep. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12TIME: 10:30AM—12:30PMLOCATION: Corte Madera Store21. What makes The Memoir Series special?A. It provides a chance to discuss.B. It is an online activity.C. It shares performing strategies.D. It is about Josefs’ memoir.22. When can participants perform their stories?A. On Sep. 9. B. On Sep. 12.C. On Oct. 14.D. On Oct. 21.23. Which class offers a chance to read recent literary fiction?A. Travel Literature.B. Your Story, Well Told.C. Contemporary Classics.D. The Memoir Series.BLilyma Khan recalls that she desired to be a chef for as long as she can remember. When she was around three years old, she’d watch her father cook for the entire neighbourhood, and the simple dishes would comfort and nourish(滋养) everyone in their area of Taimoor Nagar, New Delhi.But it turned out that these evenings, filled with food, laughter, and warmth, were limited—at the age of 5, she lost her father, and then her mother within the following six months.When she was around 11 years old, she was rescued by an NGO. It was here that she received an education for the first time. At the age of 13, she went to another NGO called Kilkari Rainbow Home. There, she got opportunity to give wings to her dreams. After finishing Grade 12, she was able to work at a restaurant thanks to the Creative Services Support Group(CSSG).“Anand Kapoor, who runs the CSSG, visited our NGO one day. He asked us all about our ambitions, and I expressed my desire to become a chef. He got me a job as a staff cook at an Italian restaurant in Lodhi Road, New Delhi,” recalled Lilyma.Chef Sadeev Pasricha, who has trained Lilyma, has known her for eight years. He says, “She amazes me with everything that she does. She is very clever and works well under pressure. She is a quick learner and works very hard, for almost 12 hours a day,” says Sadeev.Today, Lilyma also leads a team of 35 people at Dear Donna. With pride in her voice, she says that she stays at her own house today, and has purchased land in Noida and Ghaziabad.“It’s very easy to take a wrong turn and fall into bad company. Have courage to move ahead in life. From being hungry all the time, I am now able to feed many. You too can achieve your dreams,” says Lilyma.24. What can we know about Lilyma?A. She was born into a poor family.B. She was brought up by an NGO.C. She suffered a lot when she was young. D. She first learned to cook from her father.25. When did Lilyma get the chance to realize her dream?A. At 3.B. At 5.C. At 11.D. At 13.26. Which words can best describe Lilyma?A. Determined and ambitious.B. Courageous and generous.C. Curious and enthusiastic.D. Humorous and confident.27. What message can we get from Lilyma’s story?A. Failure is the mother of success.B. Challenges come along with opportunities.C. It is important for us to have a good friend.D. Courage and hard work can bring success.CRaising a litter of teething wolf pups (幼崽) is not easy, but the wolves living in Yellowstone National Park are parenting experts. This spring, the park’s biologists shot a video of adult wolves repeatedly returning to their den(窝) with so-called “toys”—in the form of bones and sticks—to keep their little ones happy between meals.Once they stop eating their mother’s milk, pups rely on adults to go out, hunt, and then bring back food to the den. But when that’s not possible, the adults instead retrieve odd items for the wolf pups to play with.“Pups wait for food deliveries from successful hunts, but in the absence of food, adults bring ‘toys’,” the park wrote on Facebook. “The behavior of bringing items back to the den may be enhanced from generation to generation and probably helps keep adults from being surrounded by sharp puppy teeth.”The adult wolves are part of “Mollie’s Pack”, one of ten known wolf packs living within Yellowstone as of January 2023. This particular pack is named after Mollie Beattie, who in 1993 became the first woman to serve as director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.Beattie, who died in 1996, advocated for the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park to help rebalance the ecosystem after the animals were systematically killed within the park Wolf reintroduction was a highly controversial initiative that many people opposed. And yet, Beattie and other wildlife managers ultimately achieved their vision and successfully relocated 41 wolves from western Canada to the park between 1995 and 1997. Today, that number has blossomed to at least 108 wolves living in Yellowstone.Today, gray wolves are protected under the Endangered Species Act in many states. In late 2020, the administration removed the animals from the endangered list. But in February 2022, they were re-listed as endangered after a judge reversed the decision28. What does the underlined word “retrieve” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Hide.B. Fetch.C. Decorate.D. Design.29. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?A. Pups of any kind are playful by nature.B. Wolves are intelligent enough to make toys.C. Finding food is becoming harder and harder.D. Wolves’ “toy-delivery” behavior may be more obvious in later generations.30. What was Beattie’s contribution?A. She helped rebalance the ecosystem in Yellowstone.B. She got involved in drawing up the Endangered Species Act.C. She succeeded in reintroducing 108 wolves to Yellowstone.D. She established the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.31. What will the author continue talking about?A. The reason why gray wolves were considered as endangered again.B. The factors that contribute to the wolves’ behavior.C. People’s response to the Endangered Species Act.D. The change in gray wolves’ population.DCreative people are more likely to make the most of their idle(空闲的) time during a typical day by exploring their mind, a new study by University of Arizona researchers suggests.In the study, the researchers divided the study into two parts. For the first experiment, the researchers asked each participant to sit alone in a room for 10 minutes without any access to digital devices. In the absence of any particular prompt (提示), the participants were asked to speak out their thoughts aloud in real time. The recorded files from 81 participants were then analyzed.The researchers assessed the participants’ creativity through a thinking test, a lab-based verbal test that measures a person’s ability to think outside of the box. Participants who performed well in the thinking test had thoughts that flowed freely and were associated with one another, often indicated by phrases such as “this reminds me of” or “speaking of which”.“While many participants had a tendency to jump between seemingly unrelated thoughts, creative individuals showed signs of thinking more associatively,” Raffaeli said, who was a senior author of the paper.The first experiment also found that creative people were more engaged in their thoughts when they were left alone without distractions (干扰), such as the cellphone and Internet. “Creative people rated themselves as being less bored, even over those 10 minutes. They also spoke more words overall, which indicated that their thoughts were more likely to move freely,” Raffaeli said.To further prove their initial findings, the researchers extended their study in the context of a much larger span of time—from 2020 to 2023 when many people were alone with their thoughts more often. For the second experiment, over 2,600 adults answered questions through a smartphone app called Mind Window. Participants who self-identified as being creative reported being less bored and more engaged in their thoughts during that period.The researchers are continuing this line of work using their Mind Window app. They encourage people to download and use the app to help scientists understand how people across the world think in their everyday lives. “Understanding why different people think the way they do may lead to promising interventions to improve health and well-being,” Raffaeli said.32. What were the participants asked to do in the first experiment?A. Play digital devices for just 10 minutes.B. Voice their thoughts quickly when asked.C. Observe and record each other’s performance.D. Make self-assessment in a thinking test.33. What was the feature of the creative participants in the study?A. They often had associated ideas.B. They thought of anything as a reminder.C. They preferred to sit alone without being distracted.D. They tended to jump between unrelated thoughts.34. Why did the researchers encourage people to use Mind Window?A. To analyze their own thoughts.B. To try out the function of the app.C. To keep track of their thinking.D. To improve their own mental well-being.35. What can be the best title for the text?A. Idle Time Makes Creative PeopleB. Creative Thoughts Appear in Idle TimeC. Creative People Are Less Affected by DistractionD. Creative People Enjoy Idle Time More Than Others第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Outdoor camping can be fun and relaxing, but cold nights are no picnic! 36 But don’t worry! You can warm up a tent in several different ways.Hot Water BottlesHot water bottles and heat packs are the perfect way to warm up your tent. All you need is a camping stove, or a campfire and a pot. 37 With hot water bottles, make sure you get some in various sizes. Grab some mini hot water bottles for your feet, and then get a full-size hot water bottle to hold at night.Using Leftover Coals 38 Let your campfire run its course, and then put it out before bed. Bury the hot coals, and set up your tent on top of where they’re buried. Their heat will radiate through the ground and warm your tent.Electric Blankets and Heating CarpetsIf you don’t plan on shying away from electricity, then electric blankets can keep you comfortable at night. Plus, the heat they radiate can heat the tent for a few hours before you lie on top of them to sleep. You can use them on all types of camping bedding. Don’t put them inside a sleeping bag, though, as that’ll get hot. 39 Electric Heating FansIf you’re okay with electricity, these might do well for you. Electric heating fans and radiators are classic ways to heat a home. 40 Just make sure you keep them away from the tent walls. No one wants them to overheat. They need space for the air to circulate well.A. You can use them to heat a tent, too.B. Then you can boil the water you need for them.C. You may be wondering how to heat your tent.D. It is known that coals are widely used in our life.E. They work well without being affected in any case.F. This method works if you’ll set your tent up later than usual.G. Instead, putting them over it can work to add some extra heat.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The email got my heart racing. “Thank you for letting me 41 your classes. It was an unusual experience,” it began.As an industry scientist, I taught at a university in my spare time. By that point in the semester, I hadn’t asked the students to solve any 42 problems or even turn on their computers. Instead, I’d 43 practical exercises that taught them teamwork and communication, skills they’d need in industry. My 44 caught the attention of the university, so a teaching expert appeared in my class.The 45 made me wonder whether university officials would praise the 46 view I brought from industry—or remove me from the classroom.I 47 they might have been taken aback (吓一跳). But after that unsettling 48 , their email was positive: “I understand the important message you’re 49 ,” they wrote. “Today’s industry is about people, not just computers. I 50 support you. Keep up the good work.”I’ve now been teaching this course for 4 years, enough 51 for me to see some of my students 52 and take jobs in industry. Recently, some students told me how the 53 they gained in my class helped them land their jobs. Hearing that my 54 had a positive impact on their career paths was truly 55 .41. A. improveB. observeC. documentD. organize42. A. mentalB. personalC. technicalD. environmental43. A. focused onB. cut offC. applied forD. set aside44. A. discoveryB. experienceC. growthD. approach45. A. mailB. posterC. announcementD. invitation46. A. familiarB. traditionalC. similarD. unique47. A. admittedB. recalledC. worriedD. realized48. A. newsB. openingC. conversationD. phenomenon49. A. receivingB. collectingC. deliveringD. revising50. A. temporarilyB. definitelyC. mainlyD. secretly51. A. timeB. energyC. confidenceD. ability52. A. recoverB. returnC. withdrawD. graduate53. A. praiseB. skillsC. fameD. relationships54. A. warningB. supportC. teachingD. example55. A. rewardingB. easyC. convincingD. beneficial第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。In ancient times, all roads 56 (lead) from the outside to Sichuan were referred to as the Shu Path, including those from Shaanxi and Gansu.Surrounded by mountains, Sichuan, called Shu in ancient times, was known for its inaccessibility. That became widely known partly due to a line from Chinese poet Li Bai, 57 reads “Traveling on the Shu Path is as difficult as climbing to heaven”. The most famous section of the Shu Path is about 600 kilometers long. It starts at Chengdu, and then passes Deyang and Guangyuan in Sichuan before ending in Hanzhong in Shaanxi. The 58 (construct) of the section started around 316 BC. It was on such 59 (danger) mountains that Li Bai was inspired 60 (mention) it.When builders approached the Mingyue Gorge in Guangyuan, they found 61 impossible to continue because of high cliffs (悬崖). So they dug three levels of holes in the rock, and put in wooden beams. The upper beams were 62 (complete) covered by planks (木板) to form a road for people to walk on. The plank road 63 (rebuild) many times during wars. Now part of it has been restored to allow visitors to admire the man-made wonder.The Sword Gate Pass, a towering V-shaped mountain pass—the one that gave rise 64 a household idiom, “One man at the pass keeps 10,000 men at bay”—witnessed countless battles during the Three Kingdoms and 65 (be) a tourist attraction now in the Guangyuan section of the Shu Path.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)中国日报外文网站正在举办中国旅游城市推介活动。请你写一篇文章,向该网站推荐一个你所喜爱的旅游城市。内容包括:1. 推荐理由;2. 发出来中国旅游的邀请。注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右:2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。_______________________________________________________________________________________________第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When I was still a young girl, I used to love going adventuring in the wild. One of my clearest memories from early childhood was when my dad took me along for a trip on a small path that went through the woods near our home. If he was not busy working, my dad would always take me down to the bush every weekend and together we would collect many sticks and stones to add to our collections.I wasn’t like any ordinary girl as I loved the outdoors even as a young toddler (学步的儿童). I was never fond of colorful dolls and noisy tea parties. Soon I became old enough to venture out on my own. When I ventured forth through the Australian bush land I felt as if I were in heaven. It gave me great joy that I had never felt before. I thought there was nothing more beautiful than feeling the cool air gently brushing across my back. The leaves crunched (嘎吱作响) beneath my feet at every step. I felt as if I were home.As the sun dipped slowly below the horizon, there was nothing more to do than to head back home. On my way I suddenly heard a screeching sound somewhere in the distance. It was the most horrible sound I had ever heard in my life. Sure enough, I just had to investigate, feeling curious to know what it was that had made this strange sound. In the dead of night, I headed towards where the strange sound came from. While seeking for it, I came across a river. Looking up and down the river; I couldn’t find a way to cross it. In much shame I decided to give up in the end. It was about one o’ clock in the morning and I thought my dad must have got worried.注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。As I moved away from the river, I did not remember which direction I came from. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________After what seemed like hours, I felt a sigh of relief rush through my body. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2023—2024学年高三年级冬季教学质量检测英语答案听力原文Text 1W: When does your train to London depart?M: It leaves at half past nine in the morning. I’ve got only fifty minutes left.W: You’d better hurry, or you will miss it.Text 2M: Come on, keep climbing! This is the best exercise you’ll get all winter.W: My face hurts and I can’t stop trembling.M: If we pick up the pace, you’ll warm up.Text 3W: Do you have any green tea?M: I’m sorry. I don’t really like green tea, so I don’t have green tea here in my office. But I have some at home.Text 4M: Hey, Ranae. Do you know where the church is? It’s said that there is a movie theater next to it. I promised Jennifer to see a film this Saturday.W: It is also near a hospital. Okay, write down these directions so you don’t get lost.Text 5W: There! You’ve woken the baby!M: That’s all right. Don’t worry. I can take care of him. But darling, could you help iron my suit? You know, tomorrow’s interview means a lot to me.Text 6W: Watch out. You’re too close to the vehicle in front of us.M: Oh, yeah. I’m just too excited.W: Okay. Now carefully, turn right here, and wait, WAIT… STOP!! You almost hit that man. How in the world did you pass the written test anyway?M: Oh. Sorry about that. It won’t happen again.W: Look, Mr. Smith. Could you do me a favor? When you come back to take the test again, plan on coming on Friday.M: Why?W: It’s my day off.Text 7M: Jane, can you recommend any nice restaurants?W: The Pink Flamingo.M: Well, where’s that?W: Starting from our company, go south on Pine Street, cross 2nd Street, and drive to 3rd Street. You’ll see a parking lot on the left side of the street.M: Then what?W: Then turn left and drive east on 3rd Street. The Pink Flamingo is the building just before the river on the left side. I think it’s open on weekdays from 10: 30 in the morning to 11: 30 at night, but it stays open until midnight on weekends.M: Great. Thanks a lot.Text 8W: Andy, as a worker in a large zoo, what is a typical day for you like?M: Basically, I’m on the go all day. Yesterday, I started off by checking a baby camel. Then I went to see a lion.W: What did you find?M: What worries me is that the lion’s injured back should have got better but it hasn’t. The lion is still in pain. You know, an injured lion is dangerous.W: What do you think of your job?M: I love this job, but sometimes it’s difficult. Performing an operation on huge animals like elephants is pretty demanding, but what I find the most challenging is working with species that are really unique.W: If I want to work in this area, what should I do?M: Today, you college students are facing a totally different time. When you finish your zoology degree, you’re qualified to treat pets, but you have to do specialized training. Good luck in your future career!W: OK. Thanks for your guidance!Text 9W: Dave, I’m going to the supermarket when I return from the party to pick up food and drink for Saturday’s picnic. Any suggestions?M: Well, why don’t you pick up some hamburgers and hot dogs?W: Okay, but how much are we going to need?M: Uh, oh, I don’t know. How about three pounds of hamburgers and a couple packages of hot dogs?W: Oh, that’s not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic? Jim, your roommate, alone ate about ten hamburgers by himself!M: You’re right. Uh, then buy nine pounds of hamburger meat and seven packages of hot dogs.W: And you’d better pick up some chicken for those who don’t like hamburgers or hot dogs.M: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?W: Better make that eight or so.M: Alright. Maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few cherry pies like she did last time.W: Well, I wouldn’t mind that.Text 10W: Welcome to Urban Den! I will give you a brief introduction to this club. It is a fitness club that just opened at Change Alley Mall, which is convenient for those who are looking for a modern gym to head to right after work in the Central Business District. The gym is equipped with a full range of fitness equipment and classes to satisfy all of your needs. If you look for a high-intensity workout, choose the BodyAttack or BodyPump workouts to strengthen and tone your body. Urban Den also offers other classes like indoor cycling and gymnastics to help you increase your flexibility and weight-lifting mainly increases physical strength. You can choose to purchase class-only packages, $29 per session, or sign up for a monthly membership to gain access to both the fitness equipment and classes. A six-month membership will cost you $189 a month, and an annual membership will cost you $149 a month. Urban Den is definitely the gym to head to for all your fitness needs.(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5ACBCA 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 ACBAA16-20 BBCCB(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主题语境为人与社会。文章介绍了几个有关写作、故事讲述、旅行文学和当代文学经典的课程安排。21. 答案 B命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据The Memoir Series中的“LOCATION: Online via Zoom”可知,该课程是线上的,而其他课程都是线下的。22. 答案 D命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据 Your Story, Well Told部分中的“perform them in a free LIVE show for friends and family”以及“SHOW: Saturday Oct. 21,4PM”可知,在10月21日有故事表演展示活动。23. 答案 C命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据 Contemporary Classics部分中的“The instructor will lead this group in reading recent literary fiction with exceptional promise.”可知,在这节课上人们可以有机会阅读最近的文学小说。文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主题语境为人与自我。文章主要讲述了印度著名厨师Lilyma Khan的成长历程,她凭着自己的努力成为了一名著名的厨师。24. 答案 C命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根据第二段中的“at the age of 5, she lost her father, and then her mother within the following six months.”可知,她在5岁时父母双亡。再根据第三段首句“When she was around 11 years old, she was rescued by an NGO.”可知,她在11岁时被一个非政府组织救了。由此推断,她经历了很多艰难困苦。25. 答案 D命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据第三段中的“At the age of 13, she went to another NGO called Kilkari Rainbow Home. There, she got opportunity to give wings to her dreams.”可知,她在 13岁时才得到机会追逐自己的梦想。26. 答案 A命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根据第一段首句“Lilyma Khan recalls that she desired to be a chef for as long as she can remember.”和第四段中“and I expressed my desire to become a chef.”可知,Lilyma是一个很有抱负的人。再根据第五段内容可知,她是一个志向远大并且意志坚定的人。27. 答案 D命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 阅读文章,尤其是最后一段可知,Lilyma主要通过自己的经历告诉我们,只要有勇气,并肯为了梦想努力工作,每个人都可以取得成功。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境为人与自然。文章主要介绍了黄石公园的狼在找不到食物带给幼崽时会带回一些稀奇古怪的东西给幼崽当玩具。28. 答案 B命题透析 词义猜测题。思路点拨 根据上文“adult wolves repeatedly returning to their den (窝) with so-called ‘toys’”及下文“adults bring ‘toys’”可知,如果狼找不到食物给长牙的幼崽,它们会带回一些“玩具”,因此判断fetch与其意义相近。29. 答案 D命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根据第三段中的“The behavior of bringing items back to the den may be enhanced from generation to generation and probably helps keep adults from being surrounded by sharp puppy teeth.”可知,狼带回“玩具”的行为在某种意义上对自己是一种保护,因此从进化的角度推断这种行为会一代代传递下去。30. 答案 A命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 根据倒数第二段可知,Beattie倡议重新引进灰狼,目的是帮助恢复黄石公园的生态,最后灰狼被成功引进,由此可知,她对恢复黄石公园的生态做出了贡献。31. 答案 A命题透析 推理判断题。思路点拨 文章最后介绍灰狼曾经被移除濒危物种的名录,但后来又被列为濒危物种,由此推知,接下来有可能会介绍为什么灰狼又一次被列为濒危物种。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境为人与社会。新的科学研究发现有创造力的人更有可能有效地利用空闲时间,而不会感觉无聊。32. 答案 B命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据第二段中的“the participants were asked to speak out their thoughts aloud in real time”可知,参与实验的人在被提问时需要立即说出自己的想法。33. 答案 A命题透析 细节理解题。思路点拨 根据第三段中的“Participants who performed well in the thinking test had thoughts that flowed freely and were associated with one another”可知,有创造力的人的思维都是有联系的。34. 答案 C命题透析 细节理解题思路点拨 根据文章倒数第一段中的“They encourage people to download and use the app to help scientists understand how people across the world think in their everyday lives.”可知,研究人员鼓励人们使用Mind Window的目的是了解人们日常的思想。35. 答案 D命题透析 标题归纳题。思路点拨 文章开头表明文章主旨,倒数第二段再次通过实验证实那些更有创造力的研究参与者独自坐在房间里时感觉不那么无聊,他们会有效地利用空闲时间,因此判断D项适合作文章标题。文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境为人与自然。文章主要讲述如何让帐篷在夜晚保持温暖。36. 答案 C命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 根据后句内容可知,C选项“你可能在琢磨如何给帐篷保暖。”符合语境,能够和下文语义衔接。37. 答案 B命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 本段提到用热水保暖,因此根据“boil the water”确定B选项“然后你可以煮你需要的水。”符合语境。38. 答案 F命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 根据“before bed”和“later than usual”判断F选项“如果你搭帐篷的时间比平时晚,这个方法就有效。”符合语境,能够引出下文。39. 答案 G命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 前句建议人们不要把电热毯放进睡袋,因此判断G选项“相反,把它们放在上面可以增加一些额外的热量。”可以承接上文。Instead是提示信息。40. 答案 A命题透析 考查上下文衔接。思路点拨 前面提到了电暖风可以给家里面供暖,因此判断A选项“你也可以用它们来给帐篷取暖。”符合语境,too是提示信息词。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主题语境为人与自我。作者在大学兼职授课时打破传统教学方式,在学期初没有教授知识,而是教给学生们团队精神以及沟通能力,他的这种方法获得了赞赏。41. 答案 B命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 根据下文中的“so a teaching expert appeared in my class”可知,这封邮件是来听课的专家写给作者的,对作者允许他进入课堂听课进行感谢。42. 答案 C命题透析 考查形容词。思路点拨 作者被大学聘请教计算机,而还没有让学生开过电脑,或者是解决过任何专业的问题。43. 答案 A命题透析 考查动词短语。思路点拨 作者没有进行规定的课程,相反,他专注于培养学生们的团队精神和沟通能力。44. 答案 D命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 作者不遵循传统的教学方式引起了学校的注意,因此一名专家出现在了作者的课堂上,对他的课进行观察。45. 答案 A命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据首段首句可知,作者收到了一封邮件,因此这封邮件引起了他的猜想。46. 答案 D命题透析 考查形容词。思路点拨 作者在学期初没有按照传统的做法在课堂上教授教学内容,而是开展了团队精神的培养等企业对人才需求的技能,因此这是独到的做法。47. 答案 C命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 在上文中作者不知道学校会让自己离开还是会赞扬自己的独特的教学,再结合后句内容可知,作者担心学校可能会被自己独特的教学方式而吓到。48. 答案 B命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据文章首段首句内容及后面“their email was positive”可知,作者只是读了邮件的开头。49. 答案 C命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 根据空后内容可知,专家明白作者这种教学模式的意义或者是所传递的信息:注重人能力的培养,而不仅仅是电脑知识。50. 答案 B命题透析 考查副词。思路点拨 根据后句“Keep up the good work.”可知,专家完全赞同作者的做法。51. 答案 A命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据语境可知,作者教这门课程已经四年了,时间长到能够看到一些学生毕业并在企业中找到工作。52. 答案 D命题透析 考查动词。思路点拨 参考上题解析。53. 答案 B命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据上文中“I’d… practical exercises that taught them teamwork and communication, skills they’d need in industry.”可知,学生们靠他们在课上学到的技能找到了工作。54. 答案 C命题透析 考查名词。思路点拨 根据上句内容可知,作者认为自己的教学对学生们的职业道路起到了积极的影响。55. 答案 A命题透析 考查形容词。思路点拨 当作者知道自己的教学对学生们的职业道路起到了积极的影响时会感到自己所做的是值得做的。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主题语境为人与社会。蜀道,是古代由外界通往蜀地的道路。蜀道穿越秦岭和大巴山,山高谷深,道路崎岖,难以通行,诗仙李白曾作《蜀道难》一诗,具言蜀道之艰难。56. 答案 leading命题透析 考查非谓语动词。思路点拨 分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语形式。all roads与lead之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词短语作后置定语。57. 答案 which命题透析 考查定语从句。思路点拨 分析句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为名词line,引导词在从句中作主语,故用which。58. 答案 construction命题透析 考查词性转换。思路点拨 分析句子结构可知,此处作主语,根据空前的“The”和空后的“of”可知,用名词形式。Construction“建造,施工”,为不可数名词。59. 答案 dangerous命题透析 考查词性转换。思路点拨 此处用形容词修饰名词mountains。60. 答案 to mention命题透析 考查非谓语动词。思路点拨 be inspired to do sth. “被激励做某事”。61. 答案 it命题透析 考查代词。思路点拨 此处用it作found的形式宾语,其真正的宾语是后面的不定式to continue。62. 答案 completely命题透析 考查词性转换。思路点拨 修饰谓语部分,应用副词completely。63. 答案 was rebuilt命题透析 考查动词时态及语态。思路点拨 根据句意可知,The plank road与rebuild之间为被动关系,且表示过去(战争时期)的情况,故用一般过去时的被动语态。64. 答案 to命题透析 考查介词。思路点拨 give rise to sth. “使发生(或存在)”。65. 答案 is命题透析 考查主谓一致及时态。思路点拨 根据句意可知,主语是The Sword Gate Pass,且表示一般情况,故用第三人称的单数形式。写作第一节(满分15分)One possible version:Personally, my favorite tourist city is Qingdao, which is a coastal city in the east of Shandong Province. The city has a mild climate all the year round, with several beautiful beaches which are very popular with travelers. Most importantly, the city offers delicious seafood to tourists from all over the world.Dear friends, we Chinese are looking forward to your visit to our country. We are sure that you will find it a worthwhile trip and fall in love with China.写作第二节(满分25分)One possible version:As I moved away from the river, I did not remember which direction I came from. My brain told me left but my instinct told me right. In my past experiences I had always gone with my instinct. So of course I went with my instinct. It was still dark and I couldn’t see the path clearly. It was a bit cold, and from time to time, I could hear dew drops fall off the tall trees onto the ground. As I walked off into the distance I could see the sun breaking out in my distant view.After what seemed like hours, I felt a sigh of relief rush through my body. I saw the country field filled with cows and sheep. In the foggy distance I saw my dad lying down without moving a muscle. I wished the night had been just a dream as my dad was worried because of my long absence. I moved closer down the steep hill. I felt a smile creep across my face. I shadowed the sun from my dad’s face and he woke up with a jump. “You are alive!” my dad cried excitedly. “You are alive!” A joy came over his face. Since then he has always gone with me on my adventures.





