
2024-01-30·9页·280.9 K




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第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Literary festivals all over the USA offer opportunities for readers to meet their favorite authors and learn about

their new projects. You can start planning your next literary vacation!

Summer Words

Dates: June 19-22

Price: Free

It’s one of America’s most respected literary festivals and writing conferences. Authors are able to attend

advanced workshops in order to improve the craft of writing. Besides, they can meet editors and literary agents and

attend public panel discussions to gain inspiration and insight.

Book Bonanza

Dates: June 23-24

Price: $250

It is a celebration of books covering multiple styles and always nets a huge list of incredible author attendees.

What makes it stand out, however, is not just its impressive list of attendees: it’s the charitable focus. All proceeds are

donated to charitable causes, including those that benefit women and children.

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

Dates: April 22-23

Price: Free, although indoor panels will require tickets

It is a massive celebration of books and the bookish community, with book signings, panel discussions with

distinguished professors and experts, art performances and book giveaways. The two-day event has grown to become

an essential element of the L.A. cultural scene.

Imaginarium Book Festival

Dates: May 20-21

Price: Free, but VIP tickets for early entry to signing rooms ($45), tickets for the brunch ($50)

It celebrates all things about fantasy and science fiction. In addition to panels where authors will answer your

questions, you’ll get to meet and acquire signed books from your favorite authors and have the option of brunching

with them at the cosmic (宇宙的) brunch buffet.

1. In which literary festival can you catch a show?

A. Summer Words. B. Book Bonanza.

C. Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. D. Imaginarium Book Festival.

2. What is special about Book Bonanza?

A. Its profits go to charity.

B. It’s meant for women and children.

C. It doesn’t charge admission fee.

D. It features workshops for notable writers.

3. What can you do in Imaginarium Book Festival?

A. Get an author-signed photograph. B. Dine with your admiring writers.

C. Interact with science fiction supermen. D. Obtain one-on-one reading training.


In a video submitted to a nationwide science competition, Heman Bekele from Virginia spelled out his mission

briefly — cure cancer, one bar of soap at a time. He created a cheap soap that could potentially help fight skin cancer.

His invention won him the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist” at the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, an annual

competition that invites students in grades five through eight to “change their world for the better with a single

innovative idea”, on October 10, 2023.

At age 4, Heman moved to America from Ethiopia, where he always saw people constantly working under the

hot sun. While he considered ideas for the competition, it struck him that so many people in his hometown were

unaware of the risk of sun exposure. The recollections fueled his decision to focus his research on skin cancer.

“I hoped to make my idea something that not only was great in terms of science but also could be affordable for

as many people as possible,” Heman said. As he initially thought about his approach, Heman wanted his product to be

something as much of a “constant” in people’s life as possible, an item that was most convenient in contrast to other

medicinal products.

In June 2023, he was selected as a top-ten finalist and paired with 3M product engineering specialist Deborah

Isabelle to develop and test a physical prototype (原型) of his idea. It took the pair four months of trial and error to

create “Skin Cancer Treating Soap” (SCTS). The bar contains chemicals that restore the body’s dendritic cells killed

by cancer cells. Once reconstructed, dendritic cells, the body’s first line of defense against cancer and infections, are

capable of fighting against cancer cells. SCTS, which costs just 50 cents a bar, still has to undergo clinical trials. The

process could take over five years.

Heman’s plan for the soap stretches far beyond the winning. He has a five-year plan, which includes seeking

approval from the Food and Drug Administration. He also hopes to start a nonprofit to distribute the soap in the

future. “There is still a lot left to do,” the 14-year-old teenager said.

4. What inspired Heman’s idea for the invention?

A. Folk tales. B. Childhood memories.

C. Working experiences. D. Medical observations.

5. In which aspect did Heman want his product to differ from other treatments?

A. Accessibility. B. Function. C. Security. D. Effectiveness.

6. How does SCTS work?

A. It minimizes solar radiation. B. It kills cancer cells directly.

C. It reactivates destroyed cells. D. It removes viruses from the skin.

7. Which of the following best describes Heman according to the last paragraph?

A. Industrious and sociable. B. Ambitious and caring.

C. Intelligent and competitive. D. Sensitive and conservative.


Andrea Lankford quit her job after spending 12 years as a National Park Service forester specializing in search

and rescue missions in scenic and remote American landcapes. However, decades later, three young hikers went

missing on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). She found herself unable to turn away from the three separate cases despite

challenges in the inquiry into them.

Trail of the Lost was her answer.

It’s an absorbing nonfiction narrative (叙事) about the three hikers, including their lives and those of the people

looking for them. It also explores the history of the PCT and the rich subculture, practices and even literature that

surround it and those who undertake the 2,650-mile journey.

The book is a rich multilayered narrative that works on three different levels. The first is the story of each of the

three hikers. Lankford offers a biography (传记) of each of the missing men and shows them through the eyes of those

who knew them well and those who joined the search.

Right underneath the narratives about the three hikers are the stories of everyone looking for them. Lankford

played a role in each search but she allowed friends, family and even strangers to occupy center stage throughout most

of the narrative. The story looks at the role of missing person Facebook groups in the searches and how crucial word

of mouth can be. Many warm-hearted individuals came forth and became instrumental in the searches or provided

valuable information. But Lankford also writes of the many who lied for no apparent reason and confused the


The narrative also shines a light on diverse aspects of the PCT. Lankford, who has hiked the entire Appalachian

Trail and was the first person to mountain bike the 800-mile Arizona Trail, knows just how the PCT is physically and

mentally demanding. Besides, the book explores threats from mountain lions to people with bad intentions who don’t

observe the PCT’s unspoken moral rules, serving as a revelation of the well-known, hidden or ignored dangers of the


Written with a clear, fast-paced, straightforward style, Trail of the Lost is as full of hope and humanity as it is

packed with pain, sorrow, danger and tension. Read it and you’ll find more than you seek.

8. What led Lankford to write Trail of the Lost?

A. Her love for her prior career.

B. Her strong attachment to the PCT.

C. The stress from the missing families.

D. Her investigation into hikers’ disappearance.

9. What is presented on the second level of the book?

A. Efforts by different people in searches.

B. A string of wilderness survival tips.

C. Approaches to information classification.

D. Respective stories of the three hikers.

10. What’s the purpose of mentioning Lankford’s previous adventures?

A. To promote her book.

B. To make her a celebrity.

C. To motivate hikers to challenge themselves.

D. To stress the difficulty of hiking the PCT.

11. What can we say about the book?

A. It targets single youth. B. It’s a romantic novel.

C. It’s based on actual events. D. It’s a detailed account of a journey.


Do you have a favorite sport? Are you passionate about sewing or reading? Typically, you engage in these

activities simply because you enjoy them. Would you be taken aback to know the overjustification effect that when

you are rewarded for your beloved activities, your desire to participate in them diminishes?

Edward Deci, a psychology professor, conducted a series of experiments, in one of which Deci divided the

participants into two groups: one was paid to complete a puzzle, and the other was not paid to. After money was

removed, the group that was previously paid to play showed less motivation to complete the task than the group that

was never paid and only did the puzzle for enjoyment. The outcome demonstrated the overjustification effect, which

occurs when an external stimulation decreases a person’s internal motivation to perform a behavior or engage in an


According to the self-determination theory, three conditions are essential for people to feel internally motivated

and perform at their best: autonomy, freedom from external restrictions; competence, the need to feel capable, and

relatedness, the need to feel connected with others. In Deci’s experiment, money acted as a tie, which reduced

participants’ autonomy, a crucial component of internal motivation, discouraging them from experiencing the freedom

of external restrictions. The pressure to perform for the money lessened the pleasure and freedom felt by those who

were doing the puzzle merely for fun.

But if external stimulation is tied to performance, the overjustification effect is less influential. For example,

being rewarded for studying is unlikely to decrease internal motivation because the grade depends upon actually doing

well rather than just going through the motions.

While the overjustification effect can reduce motivation, some strategies can lower its impact. One is to focus on

providing feedback and recognition rather than concrete rewards. For instance, praising an individual’s effort or

acknowledging their accomplishments can maintain their internal motivation. Additionally, allowing individuals to

have autonomy and control over their tasks also works. By giving them the freedom to choose how they complete

tasks, individuals are more likely to be internally motivated and experience a greater sense of satisfaction and


12. What does the underlined word “diminishes” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Remains. B. Weakens. C. Ceases. D. Solidifies.

13. How did Deci prove the overjustification effect in the experiment?

A. By interpreting a concept. B. By presenting an argument.

C. By making a comparison. D. By describing a phenomenon.

14. What is mainly illustrated in paragraph 3?

A. The skills needed for a puzzle.

B. The core elements of inner drives.

C. The impact of autonomy on competence.

D. The theoretical basis for the overjustification effect.

15. Which serves as an example of preventing the overjustification effect?

A. Speaking highly of a pupil’s hard work.

B. Rewarding a kid with candy for playing the violin.

C. Offering a clerk financial bonuses for daily routines.

D. Promising an employee a decent position for doing his duty.



Culture shock is the experience that often accompanies moving to an unfamiliar place. It could be marked by

feeling lost, anxious or hesitant. 16 You’ll become accustomed to the same things that initially “shocked”

you! Read on for tips for overcoming culture shock in a short time.

When deciding to visit an entirely new place, don’t expect the traditions and cultures followed by your current

home to be followed by the new land. 17 So keep your expectations low.

Even though it is an unfamiliar environment hosting different cultures and traditions from the one you’re used to,

it’s vital to broaden your mind and be willing to try new things. Don’t be quick to form discriminatory judgments just

because it is “odd”. Have a go at something different, like a food or clothing — different isn’t necessarily bad. 18

Social psychologists claim that lack of information is the biggest contributor to prejudices. Talk to the local

population and ask them about how their culture works instead of assuming the worst. 19 Plus, you’ll make

some friends who can ease your transformation.

Keep yourself open-minded, await new experiences and familiarize yourself with the conduct of the people.

20 Go out there and have fun!

A. Integrity breaks down barriers.

B. You can gain insight into your surroundings.

C. Culture shock will eventually disappear, though.

D. Every city or country has its own values and beliefs.

E. Never do you know where you might find an interest.

F. Consequently, such memories are what you should treasure.

G. As long as you stick to that, you’ll soon adjust to the new culture.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



Leigh Ann Sondrup, a devoted nurse at Valleywise, earned the title of a hero after a remarkable off-duty rescue.

The extraordinary chain of events unfolded as Sondrup was heading home from 21 one morning. Having

just completed her fourth straight night shift, she was 22 . Driving on State Route 143 near Sky Harbor,

Sondrup suddenly noticed a horrible situation in the distance. As she 23 , she found a concrete truck had

overturned, with a man 24 inside.

Emergency first responders had not yet made it to the 25 . Despite her tiredness, Sondrup didn’t 26

to make a decision to intervene.

She 27 her car. No other cars were moving on the road, 28 her to safely walk across the usually

busy highway. She got closer to the truck and then quickly 29 the situation. She discovered the driver was

still conscious, but severely injured and losing 30 at an alarming rate. Every second counted. She 31

crawled (爬) underneath the overturned truck. In a display of resourcefulness, she 32 the man’s belt to stop the


Months later, the man who had suffered a life-threatening injury reached out to Sondrup to express his gratitude

for a second 33 at life. The Phoenix Fire Department recognized Sondrup for her 34 actions. When

interviewed, Sondrup said she maintained a strong 35 that everyone serves a purpose in life and that she was

glad to have done her part when duty called.

21. A. exercise B. work C. vacation D. school

22. A. high-spirited B. cut off C. worn out D. heart-broken

23. A. awoke B. wandered C. departed D. approached

24. A. trapped B. transported C. questioned D. laid

25. A. office B. scene C. hospital D. base

26. A. continue B. attempt C. offer D. hesitate

27. A. held onto B. warmed up C. pulled over D. backed up

28. A. forcing B. allowing C. reminding D. requiring

29. A. controlled B. pictured C. assessed D. revealed

30. A. blood B. heart C. balance D. strength

31. A. accidentally B. secretly C. curiously D. quickly

32. A. marked B. employed C. swung D. fetched

33. A. encounter B. choice C. lesson D. chance

34. A. courageous B. optimistic C. amusing D. effortless

35. A. assumption B. proposal C. belief D. character



Acupuncture (针灸), an ancient Chinese medical practice, has given countless patients 36 (relieve) of

suffering and pain for thousands of years.

37 treatment aims to promote the body’s self-regulating functions. Evolving from the discovery 38

using stone needles to stick specific points into the skin and underlying tissues could ease pain, acupuncture has

become an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine, the philosophical concepts of 39 emphasize balance

of bodily functions and overall physiological well-being. Acupuncture is also in line with the philosophy that

promotes the 40 (harmony) coexistence of humans with nature.

In the book Records of the Grand Historian, which Sima Qian 41 (write) about 2,100 years ago, Bian

Que, a 42 (true) skilled physician during the Warring States Period, was well known for having saved a

prince 43 “death” by using needles to stimulate the Baihui acupoint (穴位) on the head of the unconscious


Over the years, acupuncture 44 (see) many advancements in scientific research and become a global and

mainstream alternative treatment for various illnesses. According to a WHO report 45 (issue) in 2019,

acupuncture is widely used in 113 of its 120 member countries, illustrating its increasing recognition and application.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


假定你是李华,留学生朋友Peter借给你一本英文名著《飘》(Gone with the Wind),可是你不小心损坏了。


1. 表示道歉;

2. 解释损坏原因;

3. 提出补救办法。


1. 写作词数应为80个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Peter,


Li Hua



Ever since Jake first watched the 1988 Olympics held in Seoul, South Korea, he had dreamed of being in the

Olympics. For years, he had worked hard to become a good swimmer, training and practicing. Two decades later, he

was in Beijing, China, for his first Olympic performance, as part of his country’s swimming team!

The Olympic Stadium was packed with athletes from all over the world, all eagerly awaiting the start of the

opening parade (入场式). The atmosphere was electric and everything seemed perfect. Almost.

Jake loved his red, white and blue official Olympic jacket with the Olympic rings on the back. But several

minutes before, Jake had torn a hole in the left sleeve (袖子) of his jacket when it got caught in a gate.

“Too bad about your jacket,” his teammate, Ben, commented.

“I hope nobody notices it,” Jake sighed.

“Someone will,” Ben laughed.

Jake didn’t respond as he was already feeling annoyed and depressed after having to deal with his lost suitcase

when they landed at the airport the day before. He could not believe how things were not going his way.

Suddenly, a lovely little girl about 8 years old came up to Jake and pointed at the tear in his sleeve. Jake smiled at

her. The girl started speaking in a language he couldn’t understand, all the while pointing at his torn sleeve. Unable to

catch a word, Jake turned to his teammates for help but all of them shook their heads with a helpless expression. At

that moment, the little girl began to take off her own jacket that was marked with a red English word “China” and

looked up at Jake eagerly, signing to Jake to do so.

“Oh, I get it. You want to try it on. Here you go!” Jake slipped off the jacket and handed it to her. The Chinese

girl took it, bowed and took off with his jacket right away!


1. 续写词数应为150个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

“Can’t she be a little thief?” Ben joked, pointing at her back.

Jake turned around, only to see the little girl coming.

2023—2024 学年度第一学期期末学业水平诊断


第一部分 阅读(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50分)

1—5 CABBA 6—10 CBDAD 11—15 CBCDA 16—20 CDEBG

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

21—25 BCDAB 26—30 DCBCA 31—35 DBDAC

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

36. relief 37. The 38. that 39. which 40. harmonious

41. wrote 42. truly 43. from 44. has seen 45. issued

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)(One possible version)

Dear Peter,

I’m writing to express my sincere apology for the accidental damage to the English classic Gone with the Wind

you kindly lent me.

Yesterday evening I was absorbed in the book when I carelessly knocked down the cup, the hot water pouring

over the book. I was upset that the whole book was in bad shape. Knowing how precious the book is to you, I’m

terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I expect to make it up to you by replacing the book with a new copy. I’ve purchased one online, which will be

sent to you in 3 days. I hope this unfortunate incident won’t affect our friendship. Please accept my heartfelt apology.


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25分)(One possible version)

“Can’t she be a little thief?” Ben joked, pointing at her back. His words suddenly made Jake awake to

something wrong. Without delay, Jake rushed into the crowd, desperate to catch up with the girl. But she quickly

disappeared from view. Frustration and anger welled up inside him when he realized he might lose his precious jacket.

But Jake had to stand back with his team, waiting for the parade to start. Noticing his depression, Ben patted him on

the shoulder, saying gently, “It’s okay. You’re with us.” Jake nodded, grateful for the support from his teammate. Just

as Jake was starting to accept the fact that he’d march without his jacket, he heard someone calling.

Jake turned around, only to see the little girl coming. In her hands was his jacket. With a sincere smile, the

girl handed it to Jake and showed him where his left sleeve used to be broken. What Jake saw left him speechless and

wide-eyed: the big hole in the sleeve was skillfully replaced by a perfectly sewn pattern that well matched the sleeve.

Guilty and grateful, Jake thanked the girl repeatedly. Soon, the music began and the parade started. Marching forward,

Jake waved his left arm proudly to the excited audience, deeply touched by Chinese people’s kindness and






