
2024-02-03·10页·2.2 M




2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,

你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。

例: How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

答案是 C。

1. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Keep quiet. B. Read a book. C. Lend her the earphones.

2. Where will Kelly probably be on Saturday night?

A. In a restaurant. B. In the man’s house. C. In a shopping mall.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A radio. B. A match. C. An advertisement.

4. When does the next train for Los Angeles leave?

A. At 5: 30. B. At 8: 30. C. At 11: 30.

5. How will the man make the reservation?

A. By phone. B. In person. C. On the Internet.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每

段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. Who is helping out at the local senior center?

A. The man’s friend. B. The man’s mother. C. The woman’s mother.

7. What will the woman do for her volunteer work?

A. Pick up rubbish. B. Help elderly people. C. Plant trees in a group.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. Who recommended the book to the speakers?

A. Greg. B. Andy. C. Andrew.

9. What does the woman think of the book?

A. It’s worth reading.

B. It’s far from satisfactory.

C. It’s difficult to understand.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 13 题。

10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and employee. B. Professor and assistant. C. Salesman and customer.

11. Why is Mark sent to California?

A. To do a sales analysis. B. To open a branch store. C. To assist a new manager.

12. What is Peter doing at present?

A. Data collection. B. Product research. C. New staff training.

13. What will the woman do next?

A. Pack the bag. B. Send an email. C. Have a meeting.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. What does the man wear today?

A. A hat. B. A suit. C. A jacket.

15. Where does the woman come from?

A. The US. B. The UK. C. China.

16. Why does the woman like to buy used clothes?

A. To look older. B. To save money. C. To find rare items.

17. What does the woman do to ensure the used clothes are safe?

A. She has them cleaned.

B. She shops at famous stores.

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C. She chooses expensive clothes.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. Why are changes in traffic systems needed in Granford?

A. The number of accidents has risen.

B. The amount of traffic has increased.

C. The types of vehicles have changed.

19. What did local residents particularly complain about?

A. Speeding. B. Improper parking. C. Noise from trucks.

20. What will be the challenge of introducing new traffic reform?

A. Controlling the budget. B. Getting police’s support. C. Making people obey rules.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Winter Volunteer Programs Abroad

Volunteer abroad during your winter break to make the most of the holiday season. Our winter volunteer programs

abroad are short-term team trips that all form part of our efforts to find long-term sustainable solutions to specific


Medical Internships(实习期)in Nepal for Teenagers

Join our medical internships for teenagers and learn directly from doctors. Attend lectures at a local teaching hospital

and gain a deeper insight into a developing country’s medical practices.

Price: $2,646 USD for 2 weeks

An Extra Week: $ 570 USD

Start Date: Winter Break

Volunteer with Children in Nepal as a Group

Travel to Asia with like-minded people to do community volunteering in Nepal. Support local teachers by running

educational activities and games with the children. When you’re not working, we’ve organized plenty of cultural and social

activities for you to enjoy, along with a weekend trip guided by local staff.

Price: $2,245 USD for 2 weeks

An Extra Week: $470 USD

Start Date: Throughout the year

Volunteer Community Work in Fiji for Teenagers

Help make schools and care centers places that encourage learning by painting, building playground equipment, or

maintaining a vegetable garden. This project is open to teenagers from all over the world, so you’ll make lots of new

friends, and our staff are there to support and guide you throughout.

Price: $3,045 USD for 2 weeks

An Extra Week: $ 570 USD

Start Date: Winter Break.

Volunteer Building in Nepal for Teenagers

Put your strength, time and energy into rebuilding homes damaged by earthquakes. Help to give young children a

chance to live in a safe environment. You, as well as teenagers from around the world, will work along with local engineers,

architects and our staff.

Price: $2,545 USD for 2 weeks

An Extra Week: $570 USD

Start Date: Summer/Winter Break

21. How much will you pay if you are in the first program for three weeks?

A. $2,646 USD. B. $3,216 USD.

C. $2,715 USD. D. $1,710 USD.

22. Which program provides a guided tour during the weekend?

A. Volunteer Building in Nepal for Teenagers.

B. Medical Internships in Nepal for Teenagers.

C. Volunteer with Children in Nepal as a Group.

D. Volunteer Community Work in Fiji for Teenagers.

23. What do these four programs have in common?

A. They are all held in Nepal. B. Their activities center on education.

C. They are available only in winter breaks. D. Their minimum duration is two weeks.


I always listen to my local public radio station while I’m driving. My focus often changes as I stare out at the road

ahead. But I became fully attentive on a recent morning once I realized the entire newscast was dedicated to local wildlife.

There was something about the pack of some 30 to 50 javelinas(野猪)that ruined a golf course near Sedona,

Arizona, followed by talk of the recent sighting of a jaguar(美洲虎), a species that ranged across Arizona and Sonora,

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Mexico, until construction of the border wall blocked the way. Finally, there was an update on Mexican wolf reintroduction

efforts in New Mexico and Arizona. The results were mixed: Nine of the wolves had died or been killed recently.

As I sat in my car, listening to the news, I felt helpless, even mournful. What would it take for most of us to understand

that the javelinas’ behavior on that heavily irrigated golf course in the desert was a sign that maybe the course shouldn’t be

in the desert to begin with? The way I saw it, the javelinas weren’t invading(入侵)the site; they were reclaiming it. After

all, the javelinas’ needs—for food and space—are more basic than a few privileged humans’ desire to play golf.

As for the Arizona Mexican wolf pup reintroduction effort that I heard about in the news, for the past 25 years,

scientists have been working hard to restore the native wolf population, and yet are unable to remove its greatest threat.

Today, almost 250 Mexican wolves are believed to be in the wild, and every year, humans illegally kill one out of ten. The

wolf recovery effort is necessary, but it’s extremely difficult because we humans keep getting in the way.

I need to tackle my helplessness, because helplessness leads to no longer wanting to take care of what matters most.

Therefore, I think that it must be a good sign that my local news now regularly covers the challenges of coexistence and

possible solutions to our problems. That’s progress and fuels my hope.

24. What is the morning news about?

A. Dangers of local wildlife. B. Efforts to reintroduce wildlife.

C. Issues of human-wildlife coexistence. D. Distribution of wildlife around the world.

25. Why did the javelinas destroy the golf course according to the author?

A. To meet basic needs. B. To protect the desert.

C. To oppose golf playing. D. To attack human beings.

26. What do we know about the Mexican wolves?

A. They are bound to go extinct. B. Humans threaten their survival.

C. Their number has greatly increased. D.10% of them have been reintroduced.

27. What is the author’s attitude to the challenges mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. Unclear. B. Negative.

C. Optimistic. D. Indifferent.


Authors are upset after tech companies started using their books to train artificial intelligence without letting them

know or seeking the ir permission. They worry about copyright and loss of income, among other issues.

According to CNN, the system is called Books3, and according to an investigation by The Atlantic, the system is based

on a collection of pirated(盗版的)e-books including all genres, from fiction to poetry. Books help generative AI systems

with learning how to communicate information.

The Atlantic article notes that some of the text that’s training AI on how to use language is taken from Wikipedia and

other websites. But high-quality generative AI requires higher-quality input than what is usually found on the internet— that

is, it requires the kind found in books.

Many authors apparently don’t view the use of their books to train artificial intelligence as an honor. Rather, it’s a

shortcut that robs them of their due, they say. CNN reported that Nora Roberts, who writes romantic novels, has 206 books

in the database —“second only to William Shakespeare.” “The database is all kinds of wrong. We are human beings, we are

writers and we are being exploited by people who want to use our work, without permission or compensation(赔偿金),

to ‘write’ books, scripts, essays because it’s cheap and easy, “she said in a statement to CNN.

Not everyone is upset, however, by use of their work to train AI. I an Bogost, author of some popular books, wrote a

column for The Atlantic. Bogost claims that successful art is beyond its creator’s plans, noting that an author cannot

accurately predict a book’s audience. “To complain this unexpected use for my writing is to decline all of the other

unpredictable uses for it. Speaking as a writer, that makes me feel bad.”

28. What contributes to some authors’ dissatisfaction with Books3?

A. It is unable to train AI. B. It uses their works illegally.

C. It fails to improve their income. D. It sells books without permission.

29. What is mainly presented in paragraph 3concerning Books3?

A. The reason it was created. B. The high quality it possesses.

C. The benefit it has brought. D. The bond it has with Wikipedia.

30. What does the underlined word “exploited” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Made fun of. B. Caught up with.

C. Taken advantage of. D. Looked down upon.

31. Which statement would I an Bogost probably agree with?

A. It’s necessary to predict a book’s audience.

B. Being involved in Books3 is hardly an honor.

C. Good art should be limited to creators’ plans.

D. It’s acceptable for books to be used to train AI.


Soda bottles and sour cream containers—these plastics typically arrive at recycling plants mixed together in the same

bin. But because they are made of different monomers(单体), they must be sorted into different streams before they can

be melted to make new products.

“Until about a year ago, everybody thought the only thing you could do is take a plastic, break it back down to a

monomer and then re-form it,” says Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer at Columbia University. To seek new solutions to

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old recycling problems, his team had to solve a fundamental chemical difficulty: when different plastics are melted together,

their various monomers tend to separate from one another. They have developed a process that allows different kinds of

plastic to be recycled together. Their findings, reported recently in Nature, could give new life to many items that end up in


The new process solves this problem by adding chemicals called universal dynamic cross-linkers(交联剂)to the

mix. Just as soap brings together oil and water, which creates a bridge, allowing the oil and water to mix together and form

a stable liquid, these cross-linkers(when applied under heat)form covalent molecular bonds(共价键)that attach the

diverse monomers together. These materials can then be melted and remade again and again because the cross-linkers can

break and re-form their bonds.

The researchers hope the technique could eventually help handle more plastic waste—but it’s not yet cheap enough to

be widely used at existing recycling facilities. Still, Kumar wishes it would be one way to help recyclers address the plastic

waste crisis. “The plastics problem is huge,” he says, “and you’re going to have to look for multiple solutions.”

32. The difficulty of recycling different plastics together lies in how to ________.

A. re-form them more quickly B. prevent various monomers being apart

C. break them down thoroughly D. separate various monomers successfully

33. How does the author explain the new process?

A. By listing facts. B. By quoting a report.

C. By providing examples. D. By making a comparison.

34. What can be inferred about the new technique from the last paragraph?

A. It still needs some improvement.

B. It will solve the plastics problem.

C. It has already gained great popularity.

D. It has been affordable for most plants.

35. What can be a suitable title for the test?

A. Monomers Are Still Important for Plastics Recycling

B. The Use of Cross-linkers Outperformed Other Chemicals.

C. Multiple Solutions Are Needed for Mixed-Plastics Recycling

D. New Chemical Process Offers Hope for Mixed-Plastics Recycling

第二节 七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


How to give effective feedback(反馈)

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional growth, feedback serves as a compass(指南针)guiding

our journey towards improvement. 36 Constructive feedback should follow several principles.

37 It’s not unusual to tell someone about something that upset or pleased you six months later. It’s also easy

for people to start from the point of view of “everything you do is rubbish”, especially when things are not going well. But

don’t. Think about exact and precise occasions and behavior that are still fresh in both the giver’s and receiver’s minds.

Lay stress on behavior, not personality. Your feedback should target how they act, what effects it has on you or how it

makes you feel. Remember that you are making no comment on what type of person they are, or what they believe or value.


Focus on improvement rather than criticism. It is expressed in a manner that encourages growth and avoids being

negative. To take it a step further, it also provides suggestions for change. 39 It involves putting constructive

criticism between positive or encouraging comments. For example, when discussing a project with an employee, start by

praising their hard work, then add the areas for improvement, and conclude with encouragement.

Offering effective feedback to others is a win-win act. 40 Both of you get a slice of personal development. To

develop better feedback skills, you need to keep practicing and make it a habit. Anyway, practice makes perfect!

A. Be timely and specific.

B. Adopt a tolerant attitude.

C. It’s just like sharing a pizza with a friend.

D. So giving feedback is like making sandwiches.

E. But you can get better at it after reading the principles.

F. However, it can be difficult to give feedback effectively.

G. This reduces the risk of making the receiver feel attacked.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在


When I first built my website 3 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing.

Naturally, I went to various websites and blogs for 41 . I noticed features like social media buttons,

advertisements, comments and more. At first glance, these seemed 42 since every website had them. But as I 43

my site, I found they were not. Instead, a clean, user-friendly design had 44 effects. Without advertisements or

social media buttons, more people were 45 in my articles. It seemed that the 46 my website became, the

better the results were.

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Later, I noticed the 47 of simplicity in other areas of life.

As a kid, I was too thin. As an athlete, I needed to get stronger. So I spent hours designing the right combination of

exercises. But when I 48 got stronger, I assumed that I was missing some kind of exercise. So I kept 49

something new. But it took me years to realize that the key was the exact opposite.

I 50 the complex workouts and focused on just one or two exercises. Surprisingly, there was a noticeable

51 in my strength in just four months.

From 52 to workouts, my skills didn’t improve overnight. Instead, I made progress by ignoring, reducing and

53 non-essential choices. I think this principle also 54 to most things in life. So when you make a list of your

plans, decide what truly matters to you and 55 the rest.

41. A. attention B. relaxation C. inspiration D. recognition

42. A. familiar B. essential C. similar D. special

43. A. abandoned B. tested C. copied D. imagined

44. A. temporary B. harmful C. serious D. positive

45. A. trapped B. disappointed C. absorbed D. uninterested

46. A. simpler B. richer C. cheaper D. faster

47. A. impact B. limit C. fault D. purpose

48. A. finally B. gradually C. obviously D. barely

49. A. adding B. achieving C. admiring D. avoiding

50. A. carried on B. gave up C. took out D. set down

51. A. blow B. gap C. drop D. rise

52. A. websites B. comments C. articles D. features

53. A. making B. removing C. facing D. accepting

54. A. responds B. appeals C. applies D. objects

55. A. turn off B. put off C. cross off D. show off

第二节(共 10 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

China Post recently issued a special collection of stamps featuring Pingyao, an ancient city in Shanxi Province, to mark

its 26th anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The special stamp collection, which 56 (comprise)of

three distinct stamps and a souvenir(纪念品)sheet, displays overall scenes and representative architecture of 57

ancient city.

Each stamp in the collection is a window into the world of Pingyao, 58 (offer)a visual journey through its

well-preserved streets and structures 59 (combine)in a collage(拼贴画)style. The complex designs on the

stamps highlight the narrow streets winding through the city, the traditional buildings with distinctive architectural features

of Han era, 60 the historical walls, which stand as silent witnesses 61 centuries of history.

The souvenir sheet accompanying the stamps is a masterpiece in 62 (it). It provides a bird’s-eye view of the

city, emphasizing the 63 (harmony)combination of architecture and urban design as well as 64

(constant)reminding us of the significance of promoting cultural heritage.

As stamp collectors and history enthusiasts explore these stamps, they are invited to appreciate the architectural

wonders and urban planning, 65 have made Pingyao a timeless diamond in the crown(皇冠)of Chinese heritage.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你校英文报专栏节目 Voices of Youth 就是否在校内成立心理健康俱乐部(Mental Health





1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear editor,

I’m Li Hua, a student of Class 1.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


It was a warm Sunday. 16-year-old Stella settled down with a book, enjoying her quiet moment when her friend Bog

came over with his 6-year-old sister. “Stella, please! I need you to help to watch Hazel! I have a lecture to attend this

afternoon,” Bog begged.

Stella frowned, not thrilled with the idea of babysitting a little girl. However, Bog didn’t offer her any other choice. He

dropped Hazel off with Stella and quickly ran away before she could react.

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With a heavy sigh, Stella unwillingly turned her attention to Hazel. “Fine, just stay there and don’t cause any trouble,”

she grumbled(嘟囔). To her surprise, little Hazel smiled and obediently sat by the table, drawing quietly without making

a single noise.

For the next hour, Stella was quietly engaged in reading without being disturbed by Hazel. Gradually, her annoyance

disappeared and she got accustomed to the company of Hazel. After a while, Hazel cautiously approached Stella, holding a

picture. “Look, it’s you and me,” she said in a low voice. It was a simple drawing of two girls, hand in hand, smiling.

Stella’s heart softened as she looked at the drawing. She felt guilty about treating Hazel impatiently. Setting her book

aside, Stella smiled warmly and said, “I love it. Thank you!” Then Stella began to join Hazel to create it together.

Just as they were lost in a world of colors, a sudden phone ringing broke the warm atmosphere. It was a phone call

from her friend, reminding her about the long-awaited plan to go skating on the ice rink(溜冰场). Stella’s heart sank

because she had forgotten all about it. She was torn between the desire to go skating and her duty to look after Hazel. She

was also worried that taking her to skate would prevent her from enjoying gliding(滑)freely on the ice.


1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


As Stella hesitated, Hazel looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

Hazel admiringly watched Stella and her friends gliding on the ice.

湖北省高中名校联盟 2024 届高三第三次联合测评英语试卷参考答案

1—5 ABBCB 6—10 CCABA 11—15 ACCBA 16—20 CABBC

21—23 BCD 24—27 CABC 28—31 BACD 32—35 BDAD 36—40 FAGDC

41—45 CBBDC 46—50 AADAB 51—55 DABCC

56. is comprised 57. the 58. offering 59. combined 60. and 61.to 62. itself 63. harmonious 64. constantly 65. which

第四部分写作(共两节 ,满分 40 分)

第一节:应用文写作(满分 15 分)

Dear editor,

I'm Li Hua, a student of Class 1. In today 's competitive world, it's not unusual for young people to suffer from mental

problems. So I am fully in favor of establishing a Mental Health Club in our school.

For one thing, it provides a safe and supportive environment for us students to pour out our hearts freely. For another,

in the club, we can gain professional guidance on how to cope with stress, emotions and relationships with others, which

will in turn improve our well-being. Furthermore, a Mental Health Club will help foster a culture of understanding and

break down the invisible prejudice against mental problems.

Personally, I think mental health is of equal importance to academic record. Hope that the Mental Health Club will be

set up as early as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节:读后续写(满分 25 分)

As Stella hesitated,Hazel looked up at her with hopeful eyes.“Can I come with you? she asked eagerly. Stella's

heart melted again at the sight of Hazel's twinkling eyes and she couldn't bear the thought of disappointing Hazel. “Of

course, she said softly with a warm smile. Hazel's face lit up with sheer delight as she jumped with excitement. Then, they

quickly gathered things and headed to the ice rink. Upon arriving, Stella introduced Hazel to her friends, who welcomed her

with open arms. They patiently helped Hazel put on skates and encouraged her to follow them onto the ice.

Hazel admiringly watched Stella and her friends gliding on the ice. Then she tentatively stepped onto the ice. Sensing

Hazel's fear, Stella skated closer to help her. With patience and care, she gently guided Hazel how to find balance and glide

on the ice. Step by step, they moved forward. Stella's gentle encouragement and support helped Hazel gain confidence.

The initial fear gradually gave way to excitement as Hazel glided more smoothly. Watching it, Stella felt a sense of

fufillment welling up inside her. They had a fantastic time on the ice and gradually formed a bond going beyond being

temporary companions.

湖北省高中名校联盟 2024 届高三第三次联合测评英语试卷参考答案与解析


1-5 ABBCB 6- 10 CCABA 11- 15 ACCBA 16- -20 CABBC


[A 篇]



21.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Price: $2,646 USD for 2 weeks 以及“An Extra Week: $ 570 USD,可知需要将两个

金额相加.故选 B。

22.C 细节理 解题。根据第三段“When you're not working, we’ve organized plenty of cultural and social activities for

you to enjoy, along with a weekend trip guided by local staff. ,可知 Volunteer with Children in Nepal as a Group提供

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“a guided tour”, 故选 C。

23.D 细节理解题。文章介绍了四个寒假志愿服务项目,每个项目的价格明细处都标注有“for 2 weeks ,可知最短时

长为两周,故选 D.

[B 篇]



24.C 推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,作者介绍了当地新闻中提到的三种野生动物和人类相处时遇到的问题,



25.A 细节理解题。根据第三段“The way 1 saw it, the javelinas weren't invading the site; they were reclaiming it. After

all, the javelinas' needs- for food and space--are more basic than a few privileged humans' desire to play golf. ,可 知作者

认为野猪破坏修建在沙漠中的高尔夫球场是为了寻找食物和生存的空间,而不是人侵球场,故选 A.

26. B 推理判断题。 根据第四段“Today, almost 250 Mexican wolves are believed to be in the wild, and every year,

humans illegally kill one out of 10. The wolf recovery effort is necessary, but it's extremely difficult because we humans

keep getting in the way可知狼的恢复工作是必要的,但这是非常困难的,因为我们人类(非法猎杀)一 直在挡道,故选


27.C 观点态度题。根据最后-段Therefore, 1 think that it must be a good sign that my local news now regularly covers

the challenges of coexistence and possible solutions to our problems. That's progress and fuels my hope.”可知作者认为当


的希望,所以作者对于挑战的态度是积极的,故选 C。

[C 篇]


[语篇解读]本文是-篇新闻,介绍了 Books3 使用盗版书籍训练 AI 在作家中引发争议这一社会热点问题。

28. B 推理判断题。根据第一段“Authors are upset after tech companies started using their books to train artificial

intelligence without letting them know or sacking their permission. They worry about copyright and loss of income, among

other issues. 可知科技公司使用这些作家的书没有得到他们的许可,是不合法的,这些作家担心自己的权益和收入受

到伤害,故选 B。武汉乐 学教育 1 日方发布

29.A 推理判断题。 根据第三段“But high-quality generative AI requires higher - quality input than what is usually

found on the internet- that is, it requires the kind found in books.”可知高质量的生成式人工智能的输人需要比通常在

互联网上找到的内容质量更高,也就是书本的内容,而 Books3 的创建就是为了解决这个问题。所以这段话重点解释

了创建 Books3 的原因,故选 A.

30.C 词义猜测题。根据第四段“people who want to use our work, without permission or compensation, to write' books,

scripts, essays because it 's cheap and easy”可知,exploit 是指利用,故选 C。,

31.D 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段To complain this unexpected use for my writing is to decline all of the other

unpredictable uses for it Speaking as a writer, that makes me feel bad.”可知 Ian Bogost 将自己的书籍被 Books3 收录视

作一种意料之外的使用,并且认为拒绝这种意料之外的用途 会让自己“feel bad,所以得出他能够接受自己的书籍

被 Books3 收录来训练 AI,故选 D。

[D 篇]


[语篇解读]本文是- -篇说明文,介绍了一个新研究突破垃圾回收难题,使得不同种类的垃圾能够同时被回收利用。

32.B 细节理解题。 根据文章第二段they have faced a fundamental chemical difficulty: when different plastics are

melted together, their various monomers tend to separate from one another可知因为同时被熔化时不同单体往往会分离,

所以不同的塑料不能被同时处理回收,可知遇到的难题是如何防止不同单体的分离.故选 B。

33.D 推理判断题。 根据文章第三段“Just as soap brings together oil and waler, which creates a bridge. allowing the oil

and water to mix together and form a stable liquid 可知作者在解释处理过程时将其和肥皂能把油和水结合在一起进

行类比,降低读者理解的难度.故选 D.

34.A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“but it's not yet cheap enough to be widely used at existing recycling facilities”可

知这个技术的使用成本仍然较高.目前不能够被广泛使用所以还有改进的空间,故选 A.

35.D 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知本文将探讨垃圾回收的问题,文章第二段提出垃圾回收所面临的一个难题,第


同塑料的同时回收带来希望,故选 D.




36.F 首段为总起段,功能为引人话题。36 空前一句话表明了反馈的重要性,下一句“建设性的反馈应遵循以下几个

原则”引出话题,故 36 空应为过渡句,“然而,要提供有效的反馈很难。”故 F 项符合上下文逻辑关系,同时 elective

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与 constructive 相呼应。

37.A 本题为段落概括句。 根据段落内容可知,人们经常在事情发生六个月后告诉别人一些让他们沮丧或高兴的事



38. G 38 空前一-句话告诉我们“反馈应该针对对方的行为、对你的影响或给你的感觉”而“不要评论他们是什么

类型的人,或者他们相信或重视什么,38 空就解释这样做的好处一“可以降低让接收者感到受到攻击的风险”。正确


39. D 根据本 段的概括句Focus on improvement rather than criticism可知,本段介绍第三个原则“注重改进而不是批

评”。先介绍了这一原则,后通过举例进一步解释具体做法一 “它包括在积极或鼓励的评论之间提出建设性的批



40.C 本段为总结段.40 空前一句说“向他人提供有效的反馈是-种双赢的行为。” 后- -句说“你们两个都能在个人

发展中分一块儿。”“a win-win act对应 C 项中的 “sharing a pizza ,“slice”呼应 C 项中的一块块的 “pizza”。因








41.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我三年前第-次建立我的网站时,我不知道自己在做什么。自然而然,我去浏览各种

网站和博客寻求灵感。attention 关注;relaxation 放松;inspiration 灵感 recognition 认可。故选 C 项。

42.B 考查形容词词义排析。句意:我注意到了社交媒体按钮、广告、评论等功能。乍-君,这些似乎是必不可少的,

因为每个网站都有。这里要结合后一句“但当我测试我的网站时.我发现它们不是。”一起判断。familiar 熟悉的;

essential 基本的、必不可少的、极其重要的;similar 类似的:special 特殊的。同时, essential 与最后一段中的 non-

essential choices 相呼应.故选 B 项。

43. B 考查动词词义辨析。 句意:但当我测试我的网站时,我发现它们不是。abandon 放弃; test 测试;copy 抄

袭;imagine 想象。故选 B 项。

44.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:相反,干净.对用户友好的设计产生了积极的好效果。temporary 暂时的; harmful 有

害的; serious 严重的,不好的; positive 积极乐观的。故选 D 项。

45.C 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意:没有广告或社交媒体按钮.更多的人被我的文章所吸引。trapped 被困

的;disappointed 失望的: absorbed 全神贯注的、被..吸引的; uninterested 不感兴趣的。故选 C 项。

46.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:似乎我的网站越简单,结果就越好。simpler 更简单的;richer 更丰富的;cheaper 更便

宜的;faster 更快的。故选 A 项。

47.A 考查名词词义辨析。 句意:后来,我注意到了简单对生活其他方面的影响。impact 影响; limit 限制;fault 缺点.

弱点;purpose 意图。第二个故事讲的是 simplicity 对健康的积极影响,故选 A 项。

48. D 考查副词词义辨析。 句意:小时候,我太瘦了。作为一名运动员,我需要变得更强壮。所以我花了几个小时设

计正确的练习组合。但当我几乎没有变强壮的时候,我以为我缺失了某种锻炼。finally 最终;gradually 逐渐

地;obviously 显然; barely 几乎没有。根据转折词 but 可知,我没有变强壮。故选 D 项。

49.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我几乎没有变强壮的时候.我以为我缺失了某种锻炼。所以我不断添加一些新内

容。但好几年后我才意识到问题的关键恰恰相反。add 增加; achieve 实现; admire 赞赏;avoid 回避。这里 add 与

miss 相呼应,也可结合故事主题 simplicity 和 the key was the opposite 来反推.故选 A 项。

50.B 考查动词词组辨析。句意:我放弃了复杂的锻炼计划,只专注于- -两项锻炼。carry on 继续;give

up 放弃; take out 拿出;set down 制定、写下、放下。故选 B 项。

51.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,我的力量在短短四个月内明显增强。blow 打击、挫折; gap 差距间

隔;drop 下降、减少: rise 上升、增长。故选 D 项。

52.A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从网站到锻炼.我的技能并没有在一夜之间提高。websites 网站;comments 评

论;articles 文章; features 特点。这- -句 总结了两个故事的收获. websites 是原词复现,代表第-一个故事.故选 A 项。

53.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,我通过忽略、减少和删除非必要的选择来取得进展。make 做(不重要的选

择);remove 去除(不重要的选择);face 面对(不重要的选择);accept 接受(不重要的选择)。结合文中的两个故事可知,

作者通过减少和去除-些非必要的选择,取得了好的结果,故选 B 项。

54.C 考查动词词义辨析。 句意:这一原则也适用于人生的很多事情。respond to .对.....作出回应;appeal to 吸引; apply

to 适用于;object to 反对。故选 C 项。

55. C 考查动词词组辨析。句意:当你列出你的计划时.决定什么对你来说真正重要.并把其他的划掉。turn off 关

掉;put off 推迟; cross off 划掉;show off 炫耀。故选 C 项。


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合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 26 周年。

56. is comprised 考查谓语 动词的被动语态。旬意:这套特别的邮票集由三枚不同的邮票和一张小全张组成,展示古

城的整体景观和代表性建筑。这句话中 which 引导定语从句,空格处应填谓语动词,be comprised of 意为“由...组成

,故填 is comprised,

57.the 考查冠词。文章首句已提到平遥是一座古城,故空格处应填 the。

58.offering 考查非谓语动词。句意:藏品中的每一枚邮票都是了解平遥的--扇窗户,通过其保存完好的街道和结构,

提供-次视觉之旅。 这里 Each stamp in the collection is a window into the world of Pingyao 已经是完整的“主系表结

构,offer 应为非谓语动词作状语.并与主语 every stamp 构成主动关系,故填 offering.

59. combined 考查非谓语动词作 streets and structures 的后置定语。句意:这些街道和结构以拼贴画的形式被结合在

一起。streets and structures 与 combine 构成被动关系.故填 combined。

60. and 考 查并列连词。narrow streets, traditional buildings 和 historical walls 同为动词 highlight 的宾语,为并列结构,

故填 and.

61.to 考查介词。句意:邮票上复杂的设计突出了蜿蜒穿过城市的狭窄街道.具有鲜明汉代建筑特色的传统建筑和历史

悠久的城墙,它们无声地见证了数百年的历史。a witness to sth 意为“...的见证者/目击证人,故填 to.

62. itself 考查反身代词。句意:邮票附带的小全张本身就是一件杰作。根据句意,应填 itself.

63. harmonious 考查形 容词。句意:它提供了城市的鸟瞰图,强调建筑与城市设计的和谐融合,并不断提醒我们保护文

化遗产的重要性。修饰名词 combination 的应为形容词,故填 harmonious.

64. constantly 考查副词。副词修饰动词 remind,故填 constantly.

65.which 考查定语从句。句意:当集邮者和历史爱好者探索这些邮票时,他们被邀请去欣赏平遥的建筑奇迹和城市规

划,它们使平遥成为中国遗产皇冠上-颗永恒的钻石。这里 which 引导非限定性定语从句,替代先行词 architectural

wonders and urban planning,故填 which.




本文话题为学校是否应该设立心理健康俱乐部,要求学生给校英文报专栏节目 Voices of Youth 的编辑写一封邮件,









这个故事讲述了一个 16 岁的女孩 Stella 被朋友 Bog 拜托照顾他 6 岁的妹妹 Hazel 的故事。起初,Stella 并不情愿照

顾这个小女孩,但是 Hazel 的乖巧和她送的一幅画,让她心生柔软。于是,她开始与 Hazel-起画画,两人完全沉浸

在创作的世界中。就在这时,Stella 的朋友打来电话,提醒她与朋友们的滑冰约定。这通电话让 Stella 陷入了纠结,她

既渴望去体验滑冰的乐趣,又不能把 Hazel 单独留在家里。同时,她也担心带着 Hazel 会影响自己的滑行体验。


第一段段首句表明 Hazel 非常期待能够和 Stella--起去滑冰场,那么首先应该写她请求 Stella 带她去及两个人之间的

互动,这是本段描写的重点。其次,由第二段段首句可以推出 Stella 答应了她的请求,并且两个人一起前往冰场。还

可以简单描写下 Stella 的同学们看到 Hazel 的反应,要注意第-段和第二段的衔接。

第二段段首旬表明 Hazel 已经去了冰场,结合她的年纪和她羡慕地看着别人在冰上滑冰,这一段可以设计 Stella 教

Hazel 滑冰的情节,如 Stella 耐心地指导 Hazel 滑冰,经过一番努力,Hazel 最终学会滑冰。冰场上,大家一起享受

著滑冰的乐趣.度过了一个愉快的下午。在与 Hazel 相处的过程中,Stella 明白了责任和爱的重要性。


Text 1 降低声音

W: Hey, could you please turn the volume down or use the earphones? Someone's reading here. (1)

M: Oh, I'm sorry. 1 didn't realize it was bothering you.

Text 2 周六计划

M: Kelly, are we still getting together on Saturday?

W: Jane and 1 are going shopping on Saturday afternoon, but let's have dinner together that night.

M: Sounds great. You can come over to my house. I'm fed up with eating out. (2)

Text 3 观看比赛

M: What's the score now? I was listening on the radio earlier.

W: The score was tied at2- 2 just now. It’s quite an intense match. (3) But it's a commercial ad right now.

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Text4 火车发车时间

M: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train for Los Angeles leaves?

W: Well, trains for Los Angeles leave every three hours. You just missed the 8:30 trains, I'm afraid.(4)

Text 5 餐厅预约方式

M: I'm trying to make a reservation for dinner, but the Internet isn't working.

W: Well, you could call the restaurant,

M: 1 did, but the line was busy. I'll just go to the restaurant after work. (5)

Text 6 志感服务活动(80 词)

M: Volunteer week is coming, I'd like to try something more people-focused, like helping elderly people.

W: My mother is helping out at the local senior center. (6) Do you want to join her?

M: Sure. How about you? I know you are interested in environmental issues.

W: Well, I don't want to pick up rubbish alone anymore. I'd like a group activity.

M: My friend has formed a tree planting group. Would you like to plant trees? (7)

W: Sounds great!

Text 7 阅读感受(111 词)

M: Cathy, have you ever read the book that Greg has mentioned several times(8)?

W: Yes. I finished reading it with Andy last week.

M: Would you like to lend it to me? I've been dying for it for one month.

W: Of course. But I want to tell you that it’s not as good as Greg said.

M. Why do you say so?

W: The story is very simple, and the storyline is clear without thinking. And the characters aren't real. They' re imaginary.


M: It's strange. I've read two books of the writer. They're not like what you said. And my brother Andrew and I both like the


Text 8 工作安排(170)

W: Hey, Mark. I'm putting you on a new project. (10) You'll have to go to California.

M: What should I do there?

W: You have to collect and review the sales data from all the brand stores. If you find something missing, work with the

sales managers to get the information you need to finish the analysis. (11)

M: Sounds like a lot of work. Could Peter go with me?

W: I'm afraid not.

M: Why? We have worked together on many successful projects.

W: He is training new employees now. (12) Jack has already been there for product research, so he can help you.

M: That's good. He is experienced. I will set out as soon as possible.

W: You needn't hurry so much. I'll give you two days for preparations and packing up.

M: Ok. Who should I get in touch with when 1 get there?

W: You can get in touch with Lisa. I have a meeting scheduled in ten minutes. After that, I will email you the necessary

information. (13)

Text 9 二手商店(185 词)

W: You look incredibly handsome in this suit( 14).

M: Thanks! 1 love your jacket and hat too! Where did you get it?

W: 1 bought it at Tom's Used Clothes and Shoes store across the street from the campus.

M: You mean... it was worn by somebody else before you bought it? I don't think I could ever wear something that has been


W: Nobody buys used clothing in your country?

M: In China, people seldom do so.

W: But used clothing is pretty popular in my home city- -New York. (15) And I find many second stores in London too.

M: Do people purchase used clothing for saving money?

W: It's not really about saving money. For me, 1 enjoy searching for jackets and shoes that can't be seen very often

nowadays. (16) Some people also like the look of older clothes. But that's not why I shop at Tom's.

M: Aren't you worried that the clothes are dirty or have bacteria on them?

W: 1 usually have all used clothing I buy cleaned at high temperatures at the cleaner's, It's pretty safe for me. (17)

Text 10 新闻发布会(161)

Good evening, everyone! I'm Phil Sutton, the chairman of Granford Highways Committee. We've called this meeting

to inform the public about new traffic reform. The proposals are within budget so they can be covered by the Council. So

why do we need to make these changes? The overall rise in the volume of traffic of all kinds has bothered us. (18) So far,

there's not been any increase in traffic accidents, but that s not something we want to see happen. According to the recent

survey, residents were especially concerned about the random parking in the streets. (19) We'd expected complaints about

speeding and noise from trucks, but these weren't top of the list. We think new traffic regulations will make a lot of

difference. But we still have a long way to go. However, it's no use introducing new regulations if we don't make sure that

everyone obeys them. and that's an area we're still working on with the help of the police force. (20)

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