
2024-02-18·18页·587.5 K


20232024 学年福建百校联考高三正月开学

英 语

全卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。






3.选择题用 2B 铅笔在答题卡上把所选答案的标号涂黑;非选择题用黑色签字笔在



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


例:How much is the shirt?





1.Who is the woman having a conversation with?

A.A reporter.

B.A travel agent

C.A shop assistant.

2.What aspect of the sculpture is the man's favourite?

A.The material.

B.The designer

C.The colour

3.What does the woman think of the lecture?

A.It's interesting.

B.There's nothing better than it.

C.She doesn't like it at all.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Taking photos.

B.Career choices.

C.Family relationships.

5.Why is the customer angry?

A.The man was rude to her.

B.She didn't get her food.

C.The manager refused to talk to her.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C


秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?


B.Tutor and student.


7.When will the speakers probably meet next time?

A.On Thursday.

B.On Monday

C.On Friday.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8.What do we know about the man?

A.He likes fresh coconut.

B.He prefers coconut to be dried.

C.He dislikes the taste of coconut.

9.What did the speakers just buy last weekend?




10.What will the man do next?

A.Turn the oven on.

B.Buy some eggs

C.Cut the coconut into piece.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11.What did the woman last read?

A.Great Expectations.

B.War and Peace.

C.The History of Jews in Russia.

12、What kind of books does the woman want to read now?

A.More serious literature.


C.Ones about family life.

13.What is the man probably?

A.A writer.

B.A historian.

C.A librarian.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 16 题。

14.How long did the man's trip last?

A.Five months

B.Two weeks.

C.A year.

15.Why did the woman plan to go to Brazil last year?

A.To accompany her boss.

B.To visit her parents.

C.To have a business trip.

16.What will the woman do for the man?

A.Find him a place to live.

B.Offer him some food.

C.Introduce him to her friend.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.What does the speaker want to show by telling the story?

A.Kids' struggle in learning instruments.

B.The benefits of music.

C.The popularity of learning the piano.

18.When did the man start practising piano?

A.When he was 15 years old.

B.When he was 4 years old.

C.When he was a high school student.

19.What helped the man find confidence?

A.His training

B.His attitude.

C His achievement.

20.Which can summarize the main idea of the talk?

A.Love is a thing that grows.

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.Content is better than riches.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


A language corpus(语料库)is a huge collection of texts taken from print、video,audio and

other sources.It is a powerful tool that can help you learn more about English words and


The Corpus of Contemporary American English,or COCA,contains over one billion

words from 1990 to 2019.And it has many ways to help learners find out more about how

words are used.

How to use COCA

First,you will need to register with COCA to use the collection.You can register for two

kinds of accounts.A free account limits you to 20 searches for words within any 24- hour

period. A paid account will give you 200 searches within any 24-hour period.

Here are the steps for using COCA to find examples of how a word is used.We vill use

the word profound to show this.

On the home page.type the word profound in the white search box on the left side of the


Click find matching stringsjust below the search box.This will take you to a new


On this new page.you will see the word profound in blue.Click on it.

You will now see a page with 100 examples using the word profound,and the word

profound is shown in green.The source of each example is shown on the left side.

If you click on the source on the left,COCA will show you a larger part of the text

containing the example.

If you want to see more examples,click the two forward page arrows >>at the top or

bottom left.This brings you to the next 100 examples.In this way,you might find more kinds

of sources for the examples.

21.What is COCA?

A.A textbook on American English changes.

B.A report about the development of English.

C.An Essential tool for beginners of English.

D.A database of Contemporary American English.

22.What is the disadvantage of a free account?

A.Only 200 searches available.

B.Less usage within 24 hours.

C.Only 20 examples per word.

D.Difficulty in applying for an account.

23.How can you find a broader source for each example?

A.Reenter this word on the home page.

B.Click another page with 100 more examples.

C.Click on the left side of the relevant example.

D.Click page arrows at the top or bottom left.


When I was in my second year in senior high school,I found a four-dollar-an-hour

part-time job at Villa-nova Pizza.Like many of my friends,I longed to earn some pocket

money from the job as well as gaining social experience.Just one week after I worked there,

Stubby, the manager,called me into his office.As the saying goes,life isn't a bed of roses.My

first job ended in failure,His reason was that I showed up late twice and took more breaks

than others.“Oh,I'm a loser,”I thought to myself.I believed that thought was shared by my

brothers, neither of whom had ever been fired,and my mother,though she would never express

it in those terms.

“I am too sad to do anything,”I complained to my father.After listening to my words,he

laughed.“It's not funny;I'm a loser,”I said.

“No,you're not.This is a part of growing up.You will be all right,my dear daughter,”he

said, patting my shoulder.Trust me.You are good enough.

I looked into my father's eyes and I could see he really trusted me.And I believed him.

Since then,“Trust me.You are good enough”are the only words I have repeated to myself.I

have worked hard to be a better person and cherished every chance I have got.

Finally,I succeeded in entering a good university.After graduation I found my dream

job.I couldn't wait to call my father and show my gratitude.

Look ahead when you experience something unpleasant and there is always someone

around believing in you.When they believe in us,we begin to believe in ourselves,too.They

tell us we are good enough over and over until we can hear it.

24.Why was the author fired?

A.She was usually late for work,

B.She had no social experience,

C.She had too many breaks.

D.She failed to complete her task.

25.What did the author's father do after knowing her failure?

A.He laughed at her.

B.He complained to the cruel boss.

C.He was too sad to do anything.

D.He comforted her and said he believed in her.

26.What did the author do as soon as she found her dream job?

A.She phoned her father and thanked him.

B.She returned home to have a celebration.

C.She showed her gratitude to her teacher.

D.She invited her family to a big party.

27.Which of the following can best describe the author's father?

A.Strict and devoted.

B.Caring and kind.

C.Ambitious and brave.

D.Humble and humorous.


Throughout history,technological progress has brought new wealth but has not always

improved people's lives.Economists now say it is not clear whether artificial intelligence (AI)

will help or hurt society.

McKinley is a business consulting company.It said AI could add between $14 trillion

and $22 trillion of value to the world's economy.Supporters say the technology will create

wealth and improve living standards.Some go as far as saying AI will increase people's free

time and help them be more creative.-But others are worried the technology will lead to

losing jobs.They point to Hollywood writers and actors who are worried that they will be

replaced by technology.

The Internet arrived with a similar omen of more productivity,wealth and jobs. Recently,

the French bank Natixis noted in its research that most of the wealth has gone to a few

billionaires.And many of the jobs do not require highly paid,skilled workers.Some workers

hope the technology will increase pay and job satisfaction.But they are also concerned that the

technology could push people to work too hard.

Such concerns are not unfounded. History has shown the economic impact of

technological progress is generally uncertain,unequal and even harmful.Johnson recently

published a book,Power and Progress,with Dacron Acemoglu, another economist from MIT.

They studied technological progress over the last 1,000 years including clothing production,

train travel,and even food shopping.Johnson noted that it is easier to create something new

than to make sure it works for everyone.The two economists looked at an invention called the

spinning jenny that made it easier to turn cotton and wool into yarn(纱线 ).They said the

device helped clothing production and created wealth for many people in the late 1700s.

However, it also increased the demand for cotton and led to longer hours for workers.The

demand also led to the growth of slavery in the southern United States.

As for AI technology,Johnson wonders if it will make existing inequalities worse,

orcould it help us get back to something fairer?

28.What does the underlined wordomenmean in Paragraph 3?





29.What does Paragraph l intend to tell us?

A. Lessons from history.

B. The excitement of creating new things,

C.Important technological innovations in history.

D. The application of the spinning jenny.

30. What is Johnson's attitude towards artificial intelligence?





31.Where is the text probably from?

A.A book review.

B. A science fiction novel.

D.An economics textbook.

C.A technology report.


A blind fish living within a Mexican cave system's deep, enduring darkness still

maintains some ability to sense light. As the cave fish no longer seem to rely on an internal

daily cycle and some sleep very little, biologist Inca Stein-dal and her colleagues were keen to

see if their bodies can still regulate cyclically through time. Most animals on Earth have an

internal clock for this.the circadian rhythm(昼夜节律)that uses light levels to make our bodies

fit in with our planet's day and night cycles. This rhythm is then used to cycle through

different biological processes that can influence our behaviour, such as our hunger cycles.

The Mexican blind cave fish live in a complex of over 30 isolated caves, within which

they have each independently adjusted to the dark. Their bodies are extra sensitive to

vibrations (震动), allowing them to sense changes in water currents for navigation(导航)in

compensation for their limited or complete lack of sight. This adaptation occurred despite the

fish from each cave evolving from the same species with fully functioning eyes. This

ancestral group still lives in the surface waters in the El Albra region of Mexico and some

parts of the Southwestern US.

Steindal and her team took tissue samples from the blind cave fish, from three isolated

caves, and their surface relatives and tested the cells in different conditions. They detected the

activation of several molecular(分子的)clock mechanisms when the cells were exposed to

light, even in the cave fish cells.“Non-visual light detection is maintained at a fundamental

cell-based level,” the researchers explain,although the cave fish cells did not respond as

strongly as those cells from surface fish. While there were some similarities between the fish

from the different caves compared to their surface relatives, there were also differences that

confirm their biological clock changes each evolved independently of one another via

different molecular mechanisms.

“We have provided proof that despite being blind, cells from the Mexican blind cave fish

can detect light and make their clocks fit in with a light/dark cycle,” Steindal and her

colleagues conclude. The team hopes these can help us learn more about the circadian rhythm

and provide an easier way to study animal adaptations to dark environments.

32.As to the cave fish, what did Steindal and her fellows try to find out?

A. If they have a circadian rhythm.B. If they rely on an internal daily cycle.

C. If they need to sleep.D. If they are able to sense light.

33. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. The Mexican cave fish's ancestors had normal vision.

B. The Mexican cave fish's home is in the dark deep sea.

C. The Mexican cave fish have adapted to darkness.

D. The Mexican cave fish have trouble navigating.

34.Which of the following can support the conclusion of the study?

A. Cave fish's unique molecular structures.

B.Non-visual light detection in cave fish cells.

C. The cave fish's adjustment t0 molecular clock mechanisms.

D. Biological clock changes evolved independently.

35.What is a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Do the Mexican Cave fish Live in the Darken

B.A Blind Cave fish Can Still Perceive Light.

C.How Can the Mexican Cave fish Fit in with the Day Cycles?

D.The Biological Clocks of the Life in the Sen Are Constantly Changing.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



Do you know anyone who has gone backpacking?It's a type of travel that is low-cost and

independent, often meaning no fixed plans regarding accommodation or destination. __36__

Traveller typically fill a backpack with life essentials,like clothing.plus anything extra needed

for adventure.The stereotypical(刻板印象的)view of a backpacker is someone in their 20s,

keen to tick off items on their bucket list.__37__You're about to find out that anyone can


Last year,my best friend's parents retired at age 65 and set off on a 630-mile trail along

the southwest coast of England.Each carrying a 15 kg backpack,Mike and Lorraine hiked

along cliffs,explored golden sandy beaches and even cycled.For accommodation,they didn't

pre-book but stayed in whatever they could find on the day,which varied from B&.Bs to

camping in fields full of sheep.__38__

Backpackers are also known for travelling with little money,but few begin with as little

as Othmane Zolati from Morocco.In 2015,he embarked on(开始)an almost four-year journey,

but he started out with just $80(式 64).He zigzagged(曲折前进)across 24countries on the

African continent and filmed his experience,aiming to show the world the diversity and

beauty of Africa,all on a shoestring budget.He said that he often had to do odd jobs and rely

on the kindness of strangers to be able to afford to keep travelling.__39__South Africa was

Othmane's final destination and,on reaching it,he said,It was one of the best moments in my

life.It made me know that if you fight for something,you really stick to that goal...then you

will reach it.”

__40__If you want to travel,you can,no matter your age or budget!

A.So,don't give up.

B.But,forget this.

C.But it was worth it.

D.Some people can spend years backpacking around the world.

E.Hiking is one of the most important parts of backpacking,which is very popular.

F.They did stop for the occasional well-deserved cup of tea—they were in England after all.

G.The wordbackpackingcomes frombackpack,a type of bag you carry on your back,

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最


It's not every day that you lose something unimportant and gain something amazing!

When Kason Johnson turned 8 years old,a big bunch of helium balloons(氨气球) was

__41__to his second-grade classroom at Mountain Grove Elementary in Missouri.It was a(n)

__42__day,but on the way out to his mum's car,tragedy(悲剧)struck.Kason lost__43__of the

balloons,and they __44__

Five hundred miles away,Todd Hurley was mowing(割草 )his lawn in Cleveland,

Tennessee when he__45__Kason's balloons caught on his fence.He opened the__46__

attached to the strings and saw that the balloons had been sent to Kason's middle school.

Most people would have thrown the balloons into the garbage,but not Todd!__47__,the

woodworker started gathering a few gifts to send to the__48__boy.He wrote Kason's parents a

letter and included a photo of himself and his dog,Henry,Todd also 4handmade wooden

baseball bat,a gift for Kason's teacher,and $100 in cash for the child!

Todd 50 off his care package to the middle school,where the 51 passed it to Kason and

his family.In his letter.Todd told Kason and his parents the balloons were truly a(n)__52__in

a bottle.The simple gesture of a family showing__53__and appreciation to their 2nd grader

with a gift of surprise impacted me beyond belief,he continued.“How amazingly__54__

Kason is to have a family that will make the effort to show unselfish love.

Can you believe how__55__this stranger was?What a thoughtful and kind thing to do for

a little boy who lost his birthday balloons.We are sure Kason will always remember this


41.A.donated B.delivered C.introduced D.exposed

42.A.exciting B.annoying C.disappointing D.challenging

43.A.track B.touch C.control D.sight

44.A.blew up B.flew away C.ran out D.faded away

45.A.prevented B.doubted C.spotted D.ignored

46.A.balloon B.package C.box D.envelope

47.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Instead D.Otherwise

48.A,birthday B.country C.smile D.city

49.A.expected B.included C.filled D.stole

50.A.packed B.sewed C,mailed D.unfolded

51.A.staff B.detective C.waiter D.cashier

52.A.insect B.bomb C.pill D.message

53.A.love B.disbelief C,beauty D.confidence

54.A.grateful B.fortunate C.wise D.powerful

55.A.foolish B.adventurous C.dangerous D.generous

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As you walk into the Shandong Arts and Crafts Exhibition Centre,you are greeted__56__

a magnificent sight:a larger-than-life rabbit.The Tuzi Wang,or“lord rabbit”,is impressive in a

golden helmet,armor and a flowing red robe(长袍),complete with four banners on its back.

Its face is decorated with an artistically painted Chinese character,quan,and the cloud

beneath it__57__(feature)the landscape of Baotu Spring,one of the__58__(famous)scenic

spots in Jinan,the capital city of Shandong province,East China.

__59__creator of the rabbit figure is Yang Feng,52,an inheritor of this Shandong

intangible cultural heritage.Located on the second floor of the exhibition centre is his studio,

__60__ he displays his works,in different designs and sizes,as well as the legends and stories

associated with__61__(they).

From a large rabbit general who has an imposing(仪表堂堂的)appearance to a small

rabbit baby who looks cute and__62__(adore),Yang's artistic works are exhibited.Yang

named his works“Quancheng Tuzi Wang”,with quancheng meaningthe capital of

springs”—a nick name for his hometown, Jinan.

After dedicating two__63__(decade)to perfecting his craft,Yang is committed to __64__

(preserve) and evolving the traditional skill of creating the lord rabbit in his own unique style.

“For me,crafting the rabbit is not just a job,__65__a lifelong career that I am passionate

about,” he says.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节 (满分 15分)

假定你是李华,你的学校即将举办校园戏剧节,请你给加拿大的朋友 Alice 写封信,






1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear Alice,





第二节(满分 25分)


As my parents worked a late shift,my three small sisters looked at me.“What's for

dinner?one of them said.The last time I made dinner was when I made pizza in high

school.Now,I had three mouths to feed—ages two,six and nine—but I was short on ideas.Like

a deer in headlights,I searched for a possible answer.

“Where's the Twister(转盘游戏)game?”

“Not Twister,”Abby,my oldest sister,scolded,“Dinner.”

I walked to the closet,pulled out the game.and tested the spinner(转盘 ).Then I slid a

couple of sheets of paper between the plastic arrow and the cardboard base and divided it into

four quadrant(象限).I looked at my sisters.

“Who wants chocolate?”Alice,my youngest sister,screamed happily.Abby crossed her

arms.“Mum wouldn't let that happen.”

“Mum's not here.”I wrote in the upper right quadrant:chocolate.Andy,my middle

sister,asked,“What are you doing?”

“You'll see in a second.”I pointed at the second area.“How about noodles?”Alice started

dancing around in a circle.

“When we get four options written on the spinner,we'll spin to see what we do for dinner


My youngest sister said,“Dress up like superheroes.”

“Absolutely!”I wrote superheroes,with no idea how that would turn into a dinner

idea,hoping the dial would land somewhere else.They debated the final section for a few

seconds and then collectively decided on pizza.If they had suggestedRun around at the

mall,I would have written it down.I set the spinner in the middle of the table.We gathered

around the spinner,and I held up my hands.“We are going to spin it once,and whatever we

land on、that's what we'll do tonight.

Abby shook her head.“I don't think this is a good idea.”“It's okay,honey.Mum will


Alice yelled,“I want to spin it.”Alice's try sent the little,plastic arrow flying around and

around until it landed on...pizza.Everyone shouted,“Pizza”,including me.I still had no idea

what we were going to do.Abby looked at me.“But what are we going to do?”


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


“Let's buy some materials for making pizza first,”I said.__________________________




We were excited about preparing dinner by ourselves.___________________________








