
2024-02-24·14页·4.4 M




第一部分 听力

1—5 ACACA 6—10 ACABC 11-15 CBCCB 16—20 ACBAB

第二部分 阅读

21-23 CBD 24-27 ABDC 28-31 ABCB 32-35 ABDA

36-40 DEBGC

第三部分 语言运用


41-45 ABCBC 46-50 ADCBA 51-55 CADDB


56. was favoured/favored 57. upper 58. complicated 59. requires 60. gradually

61. painting 62. used 63. on/ upon 64. featuring 65. when/while

第四部分 写作



To celebrate the upcoming Lantern Festival and share the beauty of this traditional Chinese

festival with our international students, Student Union is organizing a photography exhibition

themed Lantern Festival and Me .

We invite all students to participate by submitting up to three original photographs that

capture your personal experiences and emotions related to the festival. Please submit your

high-resolution digital photos to SUO@qq.com by Feb. 28. Let's showcase the diverse cultural

experiences and make this exhibition a memorable celebration of the Lantern Festival.

Snap your unique picture and we can't wait to see your awesome shots!


Li Hua


When I paused for her response, she slowly turned and proudly stated, You're using your

‘tool’ against me! Her words hit me that I had used my authority and anger as a tool to hurt her,

just as we had discussed during our lesson. Feeling a mix of guilt and admiration for her insight, I

took a deep breath and softened my tone. I apologized to Laura sincerely, acknowledging that I

should have approached the situation differently, with understanding and empathy. She looked me

in the eye and softly said, “Yes, I forgive you, Mrs. Ekre. I’m sorry, too.”

For the rest of the day and the rest of the year, Laura never had another outburst. Our

relationship deepened day by day. At the end of the year, she wrote me a beautiful letter about how

she loved being in my class and that some of the most important lessons she learned. Attached to

the note was a small key—a tool, she said, for a language arts teacher who taught her how

important words can be. It serves as my reminder of a lesson I taught as a teacher but one I really

learned from my student.



Text 1

M: Have you bought the drinks for the party yet?

W: Yep — a case of red wine and two boxes of beer, also five bottles of orange juice for kids.

Text 2

W: When will you have time to go to America? I can lend you money if you need.

M: I’ve already given up that thought. It’s just too hard to get a visa.

Text 3

W: Is Max gonna show up in the concert this weekend?

M: No, he broke his leg for playing football with his son last month.

W: Oh, too bad. I can’t see his amazing guitar skill this time.

Text 4

W: Wanna go camping with us this Saturday?

M: Remember my last camping experience? Sleeping on a cold, wet floor, eating horrible food, and

so many mosquitos. So, I think I’ll pass this time.

Text 5

M: Bright purple jacket? Sparkly blue skirt? Who would wear such ridiculous clothes?

W: I can’t agree with you more. Guess people like us could never understand what is the so called


Text 6

W: Hi, Clint. What are you reading?

M: Oh, it’s just a really interesting article about a man who made a fortune by selling shoes. He

is a billionaire now.

W: A billionaire?! I guess the shoes must be very expensive for the upper classes.

M: Not at all. The shoes are just for average folks.

W: How could that be possible?

M: You know, to do something extraordinary, sometimes you just start from doing ordinary things

with a little extra effort.

Text 7

M: Look at you, Miranda. You look so happy. Got a pay rise or something?

W: Well, I’m on an online dating site actually. I’ve met a guy named Frank. Oh, he is the Mr. Right

I’ve been waiting for so long!

M: What’s so special about that guy?

W: Look for yourself. Don’t you think he looks like the young version of Johnny Depp? And he said

he’s got a PhD, a salary of $300,000 a year and a huge house in the countryside. You know what?

I’ve just known him for two days, but he already said he loves me! Isn’t he romantic?

M: Just two days and he’s in love with you? Sounds to me he’s not someone you can trust.

Text 8

W: Hello, Derek. You look so busy. What are all those papers?

M: Oh, Yvonne, I have to get a permit to build an extension to my house. It’s a very small bit of

building work but I have to fill in all these forms.

W: What’s this blue form for?

M: Well, this one here is for my local council. I need to apply for planning permission, and then they






