
2024-03-05·10页·375.4 K


英语试题 2024. 03

(考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅


1. Which place is the woman leaving for?

A. A shop. B. Jack’s home. C. Her office.

2. What is the weather like now?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.

3. How does the man sound?

A. Embarrassed. B. Grateful. C. Nervous.

4. How will the speakers probably travel?

A. By car. B. By plane. C. By train.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Traffic accidents. B. Sci-fi movies. C. Flying ambulances.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项

中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,

各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. When will Mary’s rent be due?

A. On February 19. B. On February 20. C. On February 21.

7. What are the speakers going to do about thirty minutes later?

A. Call the man’s cousin. B. Attend a meeting. C. Search for an apartment.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Travel together. B. Look for a job. C. Receive further education.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Neighbors. B. Co-workers. C. Former schoolmates.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10. When did the earthquake happen?

A. On Wednesday night. B. On Thursday morning. C. On Thursday afternoon.

11. What damage did the earthquake cause?

A. Forty people lost their lives.

B. At least 140 people were injured.

C. A railway was nearly destroyed.

12. What will the man do next?

A. Help the victims. B. Tell some survival skills. C. Check the highways.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. Which assignment has the man finished?

A. The one on Future Education.

B. The one on Education Psychology.

C. The one on Classroom Approaches.

14. What is the second part of the man’s finished paper about?

A. Testing systems. B. Teacher training. C. Rewards and punishments.

15. How does the man support his conclusion?

A. By making comparisons. B. By giving examples. C. By doing surveys.

16. What is the man’s attitude to online learning at home for children?

A. Disapproving. B. Uncertain. C. Supportive.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What has Barty decided to do at age 25?

A. Retire from tennis. B. Go to college. C. Enter a new contest.

18. Who is Casey Dellacqua?

A. Barty’s main opponent. B. Barty’s personal trainer. C. Barty’s former partner.

19. How old was Barty when she became a professional tennis player?

A. 12. B. 14. C. 16.

20. Which match did Barty win in 2022?

A. British Open. B. French Open. C. Australian Open.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair 2024

The Novel Fair is an annual competition initiated by the Irish Writers Centre (IWC). Described

by The Irish Times as “A Dragons’ Cave for writers”, each year the Fair aims to introduce

up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents.

The Prize

The twelve winners will have the opportunity to present the summary of their novel directly to

industry professionals. Leading publishers and agents will be invited by the IWC to meet these

writers in person or through a series of online meetings. To get fully prepared for the meeting with

publishers and agents, the winners will receive a place in a workshop on “How to Promote Your

Novel”, two weeks in advance. Also, applicants who are longlisted (初选) but do not make it to the

shortlist of twelve will have their works evaluated and criticized by the judging panel.

How to Enter

Entry fee for application is 55 (Members of IWC can enter for a discounted fee of 45). This

competition only accepts manuscripts for novels. Applicants are required to send a summary within

300 words and up to five chapters of their novel, which should be 10,000 words (+/-10 ).

Manuscripts should be submitted online. There is a limit of one entry per applicant.

Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world. Before entering the competition, please ensure

that you have read the Novel Fair Terms & Conditions 2024 very carefully as the Fair is open to only

novelists who have never published work previously. If you have any questions about the application

process, please email novelfair@irishwriterscentre.ie.

21. What’s the purpose of the Fair?

A. To advertise local stories.

B. To encourage literary reading.

C. To serve as a platform for writers.

D. To arouse enthusiasm for writing.

22. What can the workshop help the winners do?

A. Deal with the judging panel.

B. Improve their writing skills.

C. Learn about publishing process.

D. Present their novels attractively.

23. Which of the following meets the requirement of the Fair?

A. A summary of 200 words.

B. A novel published in 2023.

C. A paper manuscript by post.

D. A submission of seven chapters.


My plan to learn to play the cello was a healthy choice. So I took the next innocent step of going

to a shop that sells and rents string instruments, especially violins, violas, and cellos. The place was a

hole-in-the-wall, up a steep flight of stairs. Instruments left a narrow path to the counter where a

woman with grey hair and warm eyes greeted me. Since I couldn’t form a question about what I

wanted, I just stood there exploring the scene, which felt immensely pleasurable.

I rented a cello, a bow, and a case to hold them. What attracted me to the cello was its enormous

size and its soft, smooth, and memorable sounds. It’s an instrument made of beautifully polished

wood that I could wrap my arms around and feel its powerful vibrations when the strings were

played. That was a good starting point for me. The only problem was that I didn’t know how to play


There’s a popular belief that the cello is a particularly difficult instrument to learn. Another is

the admonition, “Don’t bother if you are a beginner over age 10!” Well, I was 70, and what others

thought no longer influenced me. And besides, I thought of the words of Dr. Cohen, who suggested

that learning causes physical changes in the brain.

So I found a teacher who had respect for older adult beginners and I practiced diligently, daily

for years, and sometimes disheartened, but I kept up. I’m happy to report that now, more than a

decade later, I can hold my own in a string trio and two quartets (two violins, a viola, and me, the

female cello) and even a senior community band. Of course, I’ll never sound like Yo-Yo Ma but you

could recognize a Mozart piece if you heard me play it. And, more importantly, I don’t need to please

anyone but myself.

Whether it’s a pleasurable pastime or a new career, the starting point is the same: wonder,

curiosity, determination, and the desire to keep your brain sharp.

24. How did the writer feel in the shop?

A. Amused by the shop assistant.

B. Anxious for a live performance.

C. Pleased at the nice music atmosphere.

D. Curious about where to find a teacher.

25. What does the underlined word “admonition” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Approval. B. Criticism. C. Puzzlement. D. Warning.

26. Why does the writer mention Dr. Cohen in paragraph 3?

A. To recommend a reliable doctor.

B. To provide proof for common belief.

C. To add another reason for her decision.

D. To stress the crucial function of the brain.

27. Which of the following can best convey the writer’s idea?

A. Art is man’s second nature.

B. One is never too old to learn.

C. Education is the key to success.

D. Happiness is the best form of health.


Two and a half millennia ago, Socrates complained that writing would harm students. With a

way to store ideas permanently and externally, they would no longer need to memorize. However,

studies today have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series

of words to better understanding complex concepts.

For learning material by repetition, the benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and

sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The scribbling (涂鸦) on a page

feeds into visual memory: people might remember a word they wrote down in French class as being

at the bottom-left on a page.

One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in note-taking.

Students typing on computers wrote down almost twice as many words directly from lectures,

suggesting they were not understanding so much as rapidly copying the material. However,

handwriting forces note-takers to process and organize ideas into their own words. This aids

conceptual understanding at the moment of writing, resulting in better performance on tests.

Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note.

Though America’s curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade

(roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it. In Sweden there

is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices. England’s national curriculum

already includes the teaching of basic cursive writing (连写体) skills by age seven.

However, several school systems in America have gone so far as to ban most laptops. This is too

extreme. Some students have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard. Nearly all will

eventually need typing skills. Virginia Berninger, professor of psychology at the University of

Washington, is a longtime advocate of handwriting. But she is not a purist; she says there are research

tested benefits for “manuscript” print-style writing but also for typing.

Socrates may or may not have had a point about the downsides of writing. But no one would

remember, much less care, if his student Plato had not noted it down for the benefit of future


28. According to the text, why does writing on paper have benefits for learning?

A. It provides visual enjoyment in class.

B. It improves the effect of memorization.

C. It promotes the motor and sensory ability.

D. It helps to remember the information forever.

29. How does the author show the emphasis on handwriting instruction at school?

A. By giving examples. B. By providing statistics.

C. By making comparisons. D. By making classification.

30. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. Difficulties faced by the disabled.

B. Unreasonableness of forbidding typing.

C. The research-tested benefits of typing.

D. The longtime advocacy for handwriting.

31. Why does the writer mention Socrates and Plato in the last paragraph?

A. To thank Plato for his efforts.

B. To defend Socrates’ point of view.

C. To show people’s indifference to typing.

D. To confirm the importance of handwriting.


Nowadays, people are increasingly interacting with others in social media environments where

algorithms (算法) control the flow of social information they see. People’s interactions with online

algorithms may affect how they learn from others, with negative consequences including social

misperceptions, conflict and the spread of misinformation.

On social media platforms, algorithms are mainly designed to amplify (放大) information that

sustains engagement, meaning they keep people clicking on content and coming back to the

platforms. There is evidence suggesting that a side effect of this design is that algorithms amplify

information people are strongly biased (偏向的) to learn from. We call this information “PRIME”,

for prestigious, in-group, moral and emotional information.

In our evolutionary past, biases to learn from PRIME information were very advantageous:

Learning from prestigious individuals is efficient because these people are successful and their

behavior can be copied. Paying attention to people who violate moral norms is important because

punishing them helps the community maintain cooperation. But what happens when PRIME

information becomes amplified by algorithms and some people exploit algorithm amplification to

promote themselves? Prestige becomes a poor signal of success because people can fake prestige on

social media. News become filled with negative and moral information so that there is conflict rather

than cooperation.

The interaction of human psychology and algorithm amplification leads to disfunction because

social learning supports cooperation and problem-solving, but social media algorithms are designed

to increase engagement. We call it functional mismatch. One of the key outcomes of functional

mismatch is that people start to form incorrect perceptions of their social world, which often occurs in

the field of politics. Recent research suggests that when algorithms selectively amplify more extreme

political views, people begin to think that their political in-group and out-group are more sharply

divided than they really are. Such “false polarization” might be an important source of greater

political conflict.

So what’s next? A key question is what can be done to make algorithms facilitate accurate

human social learning rather than exploit social learning biases. Some research team is working on

new algorithm designs that increase engagement while also punishing PRIME information. This may

maintain user activity that social media platforms seek, but also make people’s social perceptions

more accurate.

32. What are social media algorithms targeted at?

A. Improving social environment. B. Generating PRIME information.

C. Avoiding side effects of social media. D. Raising the media platform click rate.

33. Why does the author refer to “false polarization” in paragraph 4?

A. To make an assumption. B. To illustrate a conclusion.

C. To explain a political issue. D. To present an extreme case.

34. According to the author, algorithms will be improved so as to ________.

A. boost engagement and regulate amplification

B. strengthen social learning and delete biases

C. identify biases and punish PRIME information

D. monitor media platforms and guarantee users’ privacy

35. What is the best title of the text?

A. PRIME information meets with misperceptions

B. Algorithms control the flow of social information

C. Social media algorithms twist human social learning

D. Online algorithm designs face unexpected challenges

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)

Leave-No-Trace Camping

For those of us who love spending time in the great outdoors, wild spaces are very special. These

are places we visit to recharge, or to fill our hearts with natural beauty.___36___If you feel this way,

then you’re the perfect person to promote and practice Leave-No-Trace camping.

Its principles are to treat the wilderness the way a decent visitor would and leave everything just

as you found it, with no evidence that you passed through.___37___That’s because your visit makes

a minimal impact on the environment.

You can carry out these ideals in a number of ways. Begin by packing out all your litter.

Whenever you go camping, take an empty trash bag with you and put all garbage into the bag. In

addition, try not to damage vegetation.___38___Wherever you go, think about what your heavy

shoes or boots are doing to the plants underneath and try to keep damage to a minimum.

It’s also important that you should not take things away from the wilderness. Rocks, plants,

flowers and seashells are all part of the natural landscape.___39___Plus, many animals find homes

and food in abandoned shells and flower-heads, and these are things they would miss if you collected


Leave-No-Trace camping is about being respectful and thoughtful. It’s about honoring the

natural world and the creatures that live in it. If you love seeing an untouched mountain stream or a

lovely field of wildflowers, then you’ve already taken the first step.___40___

A. This means not stepping into a wild animal’s space.

B. This is also called “low impact” or “no impact” camping.

C. Once taken away, they won’t be there for others to enjoy.

D. An increasing number of people take up camping in the wilderness.

E. When you put up your tent, try to find a place that’s already bare of plants.

F. We hate to see them littered with rubbish or any reminders of previous visitors.

G. Follow these basic practices and you can be models of the Leave-No-Trace philosophy.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

Lewis B. Smedes once said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner

was you.” For years Tom Anderson’s life was withered by the memory of his ___41___ in an

adventure that ___42___ the death of one of his classmates. He and his wife ___43___after six years

of marriage. Then the news about Tom Anderson changed. His wife Betty came back; he ___44___ a

fine position.

One day he told me what had changed his life, “ I used to think nothing could ___45___ what I

had done. The thought of my ___46___ would stop me in the middle of a smile. It put a ___47___

between my wife and me. Then I had an ___48___ visit from the person I dreaded most to see —the

mother of the college classmate who died. ‘Unless you forgive, you cannot love,’ she said. ‘And

without love, life has no ___49___.’ She paused, and then said ___50___, ‘You are the only person

who hasn’t forgiven Tom Anderson.’ I found there in her eyes ___51___ to be the person I might

have been if her boy had lived. For the first time in my life, I felt ___52___ to be loved. ”

Forgiveness is truly ___53___, through which we gain the freedom to learn from experience.

But forgiving our shortcomings doesn’t mean ___54___ that they exist. On the contrary, it means

facing them ___55___.

41. A. act B. part C. conduct D. behavior

42. A. accounted for B. figured out C. participated in D.applied for

43. A. registered B. separated C. withdrew D. integrated

44. A. presented B. promoted C. earned D. guaranteed

45. A. reveal B. confirm C. strengthen D. undo

46. A. drawback B. survival C. guilt D. sympathy

47. A. wall B. reminder C. reserve D. comfort

48. A. impossible B. unexpected C. undoubted D. unbearable

49. A. concept B. standard C. principle D. meaning

50. A. deliberately B. humbly C. sincerely D. morally

51. A. permission B. passion C. ambition D. attempt

52. A. valuable B. significant C. worthy D. innocent

53. A. interesting B. beneficial C. challenging D. demanding

54. A. denying B. assuming C. clarifying D. opposing

55. A. emotionally B. diligently C. temporarily D. realistically

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The cute “auspicious rabbit” figure____56____ the first mascot for the “Happy Chinese New

Year” celebrations, has arguably been____57____international star. It travelled overseas to various

countries, leaping into countless hearts worldwide.____58____ (follow) the rabbit’s phenomenal

success, the ministry launched the 2024 “Happy Chinese New Year” mascot for the Year of the

Dragon global celebrations in Beijing on Oct 7, 2023.

“JiXiang Long”, ____59____ (literal) lucky dragon, the mascot features a gesture of a smiley

face with flame-shaped eyebrows and a gold ingot-shaped(元宝形状) nose. Its body____60____

(cover) by yellow and red flame patterns.

Gao Zheng, director-general of the ministry’s Bureau of International Exchanges and

Cooperation, unveiled the mascot alongside UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Tan Dun. “Dragon is

the only animal____61____does not actually exist in the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. The holy animal

is a(n)____62____ (separate) part of the Chinese civilization, representing our hope for and pursuit of

peace, joy, and good luck,” said Lin Cunzhen, the lead designer of the mascot.____63____ (come) up

with a design that combined the holiness of the divine creature and adorableness____64____(require)

for a mascot, she and her team pooled the wisdom of archaeologists, art historians, artists, and

designers. They also interviewed people of various age groups to learn about

the_____65_____(prefer) of a dragon mascot. Aside from being widely featured in the 2024 “Happy

Chinese New Year” celebrations at home and abroad, “JiXiang Long” will be developed into a host

of cultural creative products, ranging from stationery to souvenir statues.

第四部分写作 (共两节, 满分 40分)

第一节应用文写作(满分 15分)

66. 近日, 中国的传统节日春节被确定为联合国假日。请你为广播站写一篇面向全校师生的英

文发言稿, 分享这个好消息。内容包括:

1. 告知消息内容;

2. 说明它的意义;

3. 表达你的感想。


1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 涵盖要点, 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

Dear teachers and fellow students,

I'm delighted to share with you some great news now.







Thanks for listening.

第二节读后续写(满分 25 分)

67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was my job to watch my younger brother, Jack, and sister, Kelly, as we walked home from


“I'm tired, ” Kelly whined “and hungry.” “Me too,” added Jack. So we stopped to rest. “What

do you think Mama is cooking?” I asked. “Noodles!” Kelly said. “Barbecue!” said Jack. “Come

on. ”I stood up. “We need to keep walking. ”

At a busy corner, I noticed a street banner, reading “First Walking Race to Jasan Park! Climb

the Mountain to Win a Washing Machine.”

It might be fun to race. But could I walk fast enough to win?

At home, Mama was working in the kitchen. We had only a single burner stove, so it often

took ages to prepare a meal. Sometimes when father came back from work, Mama was still cooking

with the single burner stove.

Afterward, Mama and I washed dishes. When Mama pulled out two metal laundry tubs, her

smile disappeared. I knew doing laundry hurt Mama's back and knees. Mama heated a kettle of

water on the single burner stove and filled a tub. She filled the other with cold water. Then

kneeling, Mama began scrubbing shirts.

Then we carried the wet laundry to the flat roof, where Mama hung it to dry. On roof tops all

over the city, clothes and towels danced in the wind. I loved being on the roof with Mama, but I

wished we hadn't had so much housework. Then I would have had more time to play with friends.

How I wish we would have a washing machine! Both Mama and I would be happy.

I remembered the banner and told Mama about it. Mama sighed, “Maria, many people will

enter that race. You can not expect to win. ”

On the race day, I woke up early. I laced up my shoes and put on a head band. Mama kissed

the top of my head. “Be careful and be safe. Just keep walking!” Mama said.

At the foot of the mountain, large crowds of people gathered.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Then the race began.





With the big cardboard box aside, I rang the doorbell of our house.










