
2024-03-17·8页·266.9 K


英 语





3.考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑


If you think about World Heritage Sites, you probably think of places connected with anient art and culture.

historical buildings and monuments. And of course, many of these are on the World Heritage List(WHL)(世界遗

产名录). But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so olivious. Lei’s look at a few of them.

Robben Island in South Africa

This island was used through the centuries as a prison, a hospital and a military base. But it’s probably most

famous as a maximum-security prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century. Nelson Mandela was one of its

most famous residents. The WHL says it represents “the victory of democracy and freedom over oppression and


Borders of France and Spain

This is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological used to be common in

mountainous areas of Europe but that has almost completely disappeared in modern times.

The city of Brasilia. Brazil

Brasilia is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956. The WHL calls it“a landmark in the history of

town planning”. The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time

carefully. Every part of the city shows the ideas of the planner and architect.

Simien National Park, Ethiopia

Simien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978. It is one of the highest mountainous areas in

Africa, and the WHL calls it”one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world”. It is also important for its wildlife.

The population of some rare animals is getting smaller and smaller.

21. Which of the following sites was listed on the WHL. for its political symbol?

A. Simien National Park Ethiopiat. B. Borders of France and Spain.

C. Robbe n Island in South Africa. D. The city of Brasilia. Brazil.

22. Which of the following sites is famous for the wonderful plan of buildings?

A. Robbe n Island in South Africa. B. Borders of France and Spain.

C. Mien National Park. Ethiopia. D. The city of Brasilia. Brazil.

23. The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. the remains of ancient cultures on the WHL.

B. some of the less well-known sites on the WHL.

C. important places of art and culture

D. the household heritage sites on the WHL.


Eradajere Oleita thinks she may have a partial solution to two of her country’s problems: garbage and poverty.

It’s called the Chip Bag Project. The 26-year-old student and environmentalist from Detroit is asking a favor of local

snack lovers:Rather than throw your emply chip bags into the trash, donate them so she can turn them into sleeping

bags for the homeless.

Chip waters drop off their empty bags from Doritos. Lays. and other favorites at two locations in Detroit:a print

shop and a clothing store. where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them. After they clean the chip bags in so apy

hot water. they slice them open, lay them flat, and iron them together. They use padding(衬垫) and liners(衬

里) from old coats to line the insides.

It takes about four hours to sew a sleeping bag. and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags. depending on

whether they’re single-serve or family size. The result is a sleeping bag that is“waterproof. lightweight. and easy to

carry around”. Oleita told the Detroit News.

Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has collected more than 800,000 chip bags and, as of last December,

created 110 sleeping bags. Sure, it would be simpler to raise the money to buy new sleeping bags. But that’s only half

the goal for Oleita — whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria a decade ago with the hope of attaining a

better life —and her fellow volunteers.“We are devoted to making an impact not only socially, but environmen-

tally,”she says.

And, of course, theres the symbolism of rescuing bags that would otherwise land in the trash and using them to

help the homeless. It’s a powerful reminder that environmental problem and poverty often go hand in hand. As Oleita

told hourdetroit. Com,“ I think it’s time to show connections between all of these issues.”

24. What did Oleita ask the snack lovers to do with their empty chip bags?

A. To turn them into sleeping bags. B. To give them away to her.

C. To throw them into the trash. D. To donate them to the homeless directly.

25. What do we know about the sleeping bag made by Chip Bag Project?

A. Its size is adjustable. B. It is only made of old coats.

C. It has the function of heating D. It is portable.

26. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. The aim of the project is more than social issues.

B. Poverty results from environmental problems.

C. Oleita’s project made 110 sleeping bags per month.

D. Oleita started the project mainly to raise money.

27. Which words can best describe Oleita?

A. Hardworking and loyal. B. Talented and social.

C. Responsible and creative. D. Selfless and modest.


The Asch Conformity Experiments, conducted by psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, demonstrated the

power of conformity(从众)in groups and showed that even simple objective facts cannot resist the pressure of

group influence.

In the experiments, groups of university students were asked to participate in a perception test. In reality, all but

one of the participants were “confederates” —cooperators with the experimenter who only pretended to be

participants. The study was about how the remaining student would react to the behavior of the other “participants”.

The participants of the experiment were presented with a card with a simple vertical(垂直)black line on it.

Then, they were given a second card with three lines of varying length labeled A, B, and C. One line on the second

card was the same length as that on the first, and the other two lines were obviously longer and shorter.

Participants were asked to state out loud in front of each other which line, A, B, or C, matched the length of the

line on the first card. In each experimental case, the confederates answered first, and the real participant was seated so

that he would answer last. In some cases, the confederates answered correctly, while in others, they answered


Asch intended to see if the real participant would be pressured to answer incorrectly in the instances when the

confederates did so, or whether their belief in their own perception and correctness would outweigh the social pressure

provided by the responses of the other group members.

Asch found that one-third of real participants gave the same wrong answers as the confederates at least half the

time. Forty percent gave some wrong answers, and only one-fourth gave correct answers in defiance of the pressure to

conform to the wrong answers provided by the group.

In interviews following the trials, Asch found that for those who answered incorrectly, in conformance with the

group, some believed that the answers given by the confederates were correct, some thought that they were suffering a

lapse(失误)in perception when they originally had the answer different from the group, and others admitted that

they knew that they had the correct answer, but conformed to the incorrect answer because they didn’t want to break

from the majority.

28. What are the participants asked to do in the experiment?

A. Pick out two lines of the same length.

B. Label the cards with different letters.

C. State the reason for matching the cards.

D. Identify the longest vertical black line.

29. What’s Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. The result of the experiment. B. The purpose of the experiment.

C. The design of the experiment. D. The procedure of the experiment.

30. What does the underlined part “in defiance of” in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. In response to. B. For fear of. C. In spite of. D. On account of.

31. Why did the real participants give a wrong answer?

A. They failed to resist group influence . B. They believed their own judgment .

C. They misunderstood the question . D. They wanted to be different from others.


You’re asleep on a Saturday morning when the sound of an alarm clock erupts from your device. You turn over

to see the word SNOOZE projected in the air above your device. You reach out and touch the virtual button with your

finger — a slight feeling on your fingertip — before falling back to sleep.

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan are working on a technology that could make this possible.

Led by associate professor Yoichi Ochiai, the team create s shapes in the air using a laser(激光)that releases short

pulses(脉冲)of light. The high-intensity light can break down air molecules(分子), which produces short-lived

spots of light. The system polishes images by rapidly adjusting the central point of the laser in three dimensions.

A previous version of the technology used nano-second laser pulses, which have the unfortunate side effect of

burning human skin. Ochiai’s system, named Fairy Lights, employs much shorter laser pulses that are much less

dangerous despite having a high peak intensity, Ochiai says. The tiny hearts, stars and fairies that the system projects

are not only safe to touch, but they are sensitive to contact. In one test, the system projects a checkbox that can be

filled in with your finger.“It feels like sandpaper or a mild electric shock,”Ochiai says.

Ochiai also predicts large-scale emergency monitors that could be projected high over a city to warn residents

about a natural disaster or direct them toward an escape route. While the initial images were not large, Ochiai says the

flexibility of the system depends on the size and power of the equipment used. Large systems are currently expensive,

he says, adding that technologies that draw images will likely become more achievable over the next 10 to 20 years as

the multi-million-dollar price decreases.

32. What is the author’s purpose of writing Paragraph 1?

A. To introduce the use of a new technology. B. To promote a high-tech alarm clock.

C. To explain the function of a project. D. To describe a scene of sleep-in.

33. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. Air molecules can be broken down in a short time.

B. Shapes can be released by pulses of light.

C. The system can be adjusted in three dimensions.

D. Images can be projected in the air.

34. What do we know about Fairy Lights?

A. It brings benefits to human skin.

B. It projects images safe to touch.

C. It employs nano-second laser pulses.

D. It becomes sensitive to electric currents.

35. According to Ochiai, he might agree that ______.

A. The technology will be put in use in a decade or two

B. The technology can accurately predict natural disasters

C. The more flexible the system is, the larger the image will be

D. The system can inform people of a safer escape route.

第二节(共5 小题;每题2 分,满分 10 分)


Have you considered how to choose your major in university, which is of great significance for your future

career? Here is some practical advice.

Initially, don’t choose a major merely based on money, otherwise mistakes will happen. 36 Can you see

yourself investing the next 40 years in this career without getting bored?Actually choosing a major with high-paying

career won’t guarantee you a high-paying job. It depends on position openings and your competitors when you


37 You want to pick something that interests you, but you need to be sure you won’t get sick of it as time

progresses. 38 A hobby is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation for relaxation while passion comforts you

and drives you crazy at the same time. It isn’t relaxing. It inserts itself into your life. When you choose to study your

hobby and build your life around it, it can lose its appeal and won’t be relaxing.

Thirdly, never choose a major by feeling instead of research. Being interested in a major isn’t enough.

Researching the field will ensure you to choose a right major. If you know someone in the field, ask them for some

information. Besides, consider the entire journey you’ll pursue—the coursework, the major demands, the school time

you’ll need, and the available job prospects. 39

Lastly, don’t always depend on your parents. 40 However, the choice is ultimately yours. If anyone wants

to help you in choosing a major and you completely agree with their opinions, then go with it. But if you want your

future to go in any other direction, speak up. The only way to get the best outcome is to shape your own future.

A. Next, a hobby is never meant to be your priority.

B. The opinions of your family aren’t something to ignore.

C. Besides, keep a balance between hobbies and relaxation.

D. Typically, people will confuse their hobbies with their passions.

E. Remember college is an investment of both your time and money.

F. You should also consider your passions, dislikes, and happiness.

G. If you’re passionate about a major after research, follow your heart.

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在


Having repeatedly heard“good manners”, do you really understand what the basic elements of good manners are?

Certainly, a strong sense of justice is one —(from this angle)politeness is often 41 but a highly developed

sense of fair play. A friend of mine once told me of him 42 along a one-lane dirt road. 43 was another

car that produced clouds of choking 44 , and it was a long way to the nearest highway. Suddenly, at a 45

place, the car in front pulled off the road. 46 that its owner might have engine trouble, my friend stopped and

asked if anything was wrong.“No”, said the other driver,“but you’ve tolerated my dust this far; I’ll 47 yours

the rest of the way.”

Another element of politeness is empathy, a ( an) 48 that enables a person to see into the mind or

heart of someone else, to 49 the pain or suffering there and to do something to minimize it. A man 50

alone in a restaurant was trying to unscrew(拧开)the ca p of a beer bottle. 51 , he couldn’t do it because of

badly injured 52 . He turned to a young kid for help. The kid took the bottle, 53 and loosened the ca p

without difficulty. Then he 54 it again. Turning back to the man, he 55 to make great efforts to open

the bottle without success. 56 he took it into the kitchen and returned shortly, saying that he had 57 to

loosen it—but only with a pair of pliers(钳子).

Last but not least, the ability to treat all people 58 is also an element of politeness, regardless of status or

importance. 59 when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy of your best manners. Are

you astonished to find out the basic factors of“ 60 ”?

41. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

42. A. driving B. running C. riding D. walking

43. A. Ahead B. Before C. Behind D. After

44. A. ash B. smoke C. steam D. dust

45. A. cleaner B. flatter C. wider D. straighter

46. A. Consuming B. Finding C. Guessing D. Confirming

47. A. do away with B. put up with C. catch up with D. go on with

48. A. quality B. personality C. behavior D. technique

49. A. reduce B. accept C. remove D. understand

50. A. dining B. begging C. working D. performing

51. A. Otherwise B. However C. Therefore D. Meanwhile

52. A. legs B. heart C. mouth D. fingers

53. A. sat down B. took a look C. turned around D. thought twice

54. A. watched B. checked C. covered D. tightened

55. A. seemed B. pretended C. promised D. happened

56. A. Luckily B. Happily C. Finally D. Sadly

57. A. tried B. failed C. meant D. managed

58. A. nicely B. alike C. warmly D. happily

59. A. Ever B. Specially C. Especially D. Even

60. A. politeness B. manner C. elements D. empathy

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Among China’s various forms of silk products, yunjin, 61 unique variety, has been attractive for

thousands of years. The origin of yunjin can be traced to the late Eastern Jin Dynasty(317-420), when general Liu

Yu defeated the Later Qin kingdom and 62 ( bring)the kingdom’s craftsmen from Chang’an to the then

capital Nanjing.

The influence of the craft on Nanjing is evident. In China’s literary classic Dream of the Red Chamber, 63

(write)by Nanjing-born novelist Cao Xueqin, yunjin garments are 64 ( frequent) mentioned. Besides,

many places in the city are named 65 silk manufacturing processes, such as Rongzhuang Street and Jinxiu


After the 66 ( establish)of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the country continued to place

special emphasis on 67 ( preserve)and passing down the weaving technique, founding the Nanjing Yunjin

Research Institute in 1957.

Earlier this century, 68 ( display)the brocade(织锦), the institute set up the Nanjing Yunjin Museum,

69 is the only professional museum in China, including its history, weaving technique, culture, and contemporary


And now, with the support of technology and research conducted by the institute, yunjin craftsmanship and

teaching are increasingly efficient and 70 ( effect). In 2009, the craftsmanship of Nanjing yunjin was

included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)

第一节(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 10 分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每






2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I live in a typically Chinese family of four generations lived together under the same roof. Everyone has funs

with each other here. Every night, we have dinner together, talking or laughing around the dinner table so that all the

worries of the day can be swept away. At weekends, Dad usually takes Grandpa, which likes outdoor activities a lot,

to the countryside. Mom and Grandma often cook delicious food for ourselves. When the weather is fine, I always

push my 99-year-old great grandmother in wheelchair to sunbathe in the yard. My family is such harmonious that I

have been grown up into a person with love and responsibility. I will definitely teach what I had already learned to my

future children.

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jean 来信了解中国青少年使用 APP 的情况。请你予以回复,并以自己为例,

谈谈你最喜欢的 APP 及理由。


1.词数 100 左右;


Dear Jean,





Li Hua

2024 年呼和浩特市高三年级第一次模拟调研考试


第一部分 阅读理解


21. C 22. D 23. B


24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C

C 篇

28. A 29. B 30. C 31. A


32. A 33. D 34. B 35. D

第二节 七选五

36. F 37. A 38. D 39. G 40. B

第二部分 知识运用

第一节 完形填空

41. B 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. D

53. C 54. D 55. B 56. C 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. A


【61 题】a【 62 题】brought【 63 题】written【 64 题】frequently

【65 题】after【 66 题】establishment【 67 题】preserving【 68 题】to display

【69 题】which【 70 题】effective


1. typically 改成 typical 2. lived 改成 living 3. funs fun 4. or and 5. which

who 6. ourselves us 7. in 后加 a 8. such so 9.删除 been 10. had have

Dear Jean,

My favorite app is WeChat, an indispensable tool in my life as a high school senior.

WeChat benefits me in various ways. Firstly, it is not only a messaging app but also a powerful platform for

staying connected with friends, family, and even teachers. WeChat allows me to share photos, videos, and thoughts

instantly, making it easy to stay in touch and up to date. Additionally, its payment feature is also incredibly convenient

for shopping online paying bills and transferring money.

In short, WeChat simplifies my life and keeps me connected to the people and information I need most.


Li Hua





