
2024-03-23·12页·925.5 K

机密启用前 【考试时间: 3月21日 15: 00—16: 40】



本试卷共三个部分。 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 满分 120分,考试用时100分钟。


1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、 准考证号、考场号、 座位号在答题卡上填写清

楚, 并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、 姓名、考场号、 座位号及科目,在规定的位置上贴好条形码。

2. 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动, 用橡皮擦擦

干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。 答在试卷上的答案无效。

第一部分:阅读(共两节, 满分50分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项



If there may be any errors when using the juicer, please confirm the following points

before contacting the customer service for support.

1. Error: Can't work

Reason: Dead battery

Solution: Charge in time

2. Error: Stop suddenly during working Coca-Cola Juicer

Reason: (1) The fruit is too big (2) The battery is down

Solution: (1) Cut small pieces of fruit (2) Charge in time

3. Error: Abnormal noise

Reason: (1) Parts of the machine are not installed in place

(2) The machine is placed in an inclined (倾斜的) position when working

Solution: (1) Confirm whether parts of the machine are well assembled

(2) Put the machine on a level surface for use

4. Error: There is food overflow when working

Reason: (1) The fru仆 1s too big (2) The upper cover is not installed correctly

Solution: (1) Cut small pieces of fruit (2) Install the upper cover correctly

英语 第l页(共8页)


【考试时间: 3月21日 5. Error: (1) The red alarm light flashes for about 10 seconds

(2) The charging indicator light is not bright

Reason: (1) The battery is dead or the automatic protection is on

(2) The charging cable is not connected

Solution: (1) Charge in time (2) Connect the charging cable

Warranty (保修) exception

The product is not covered by the warranty if it breaks down or is damaged under any of the following


1. The products used are obtained through other channels than the company's sales channels.

2. Products whose warranty card is lost and cannot provide relevant supporting materials.

3. Damage caused by disassembly or repair of the product by any individual other than the special repair

designated (指定) by the company.

4. Product damage judged to be man-made.

If any repairs occur, the relevant fees will be charged.

1. What can users do when hearing abnormal noise?

A. Charge in time. B. Replace certain parts.

第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分) C. Cut small pieces of fruit. D. Put the machine on a level surface.

2. What will happen if the upper cover isn't put in place?

涂黑。 A. The food will spill. B. The machine will stop.

A C. The red alarm light will flash. D. The automatic protection will be on.

3. In which condition do customers lose the right to warranty?

A. The users refuse to pay relevant fees.

B. The product is purchased at a discount.

C.The users have reset the machine for many times.

D. The product is damaged due to users' carelessness.


It all began in Everett, Washington, where my project team was in the process of conducting one of our

business systems. So tough was the project that we often stayed up completing the tasks assigned. All of us were

worn out. One night, as I walked through the parking lot with one of my employees, I found a cent and picked

it up. Glancing at my exhausted employee, I suddenly had an idea to delight him. Playfully, I presented the

cent to the employee and said, This is an informal award for your efforts. He put the cent in his pocket.

Thank you, he said, a wave of joy sweeping across his face.

About six months later, I was walking with the same employee, this time in Los Alamitos, California, when

I again found a cent and gave it to him with the same words.

Later, I got into his office and there, taped on a piece of paper were the two cents, which made me

surprised. He said he was displaying them as his recognition for a job well done.





昆明一中 2024 届高三第8 次联考


第一部分:阅读理解 (50分)

第一节(37.5分): 1-3 DAD 4-7 BCAB 8-11 DBAB 12-15ADCC

第二节(12.5分): 16-20 FDACG

第二部分:语言运用 (30分)

第一节(15 分)

21-25 BACDA 26-30 BCDCA 31-35 BDDAB

第二节(15 分)

36. winning 37. most common 38. detected 39. seriousness 40. had spread

41.competitive 42. or/but 43. with 44. which 45. an


第一节:应用文写作(15 分)

Currently, the wildlife is facing severe challenges. Their habitats are being destroyed. Worse still, their

populations are declining rapidly.

It is our collective responsibility to protect these precious species. First, it is proposed that we promote green

lifestyles and reduce hunting activities. Besides, we should respond to the advocacy of no buying, no killing,

saying no to illegal trade. Finally, supporting wildlife conservation projects is a good way, which can bring

wildlife a bright future.

Let's take action to safeguard nature together and ensure sustainable development and survival of wild


第二节:读后续写(25 分)

One afternoon in September, I went to the poor community again. I walking along the narrow road, shabby

houses and people in rags came into my sight. A wave of sympathy and bitterness crowded in, my eyes watered.

A little figure appeared in my view, who was sorting out coconuts. Getting closer, I was amazed to find it was my

little friend. In the meantime, he also recognized me immediately. Overcome with excitement and astonishment,

he froze, standing rooted to the spot. Having recovered from his shock, he invited me to his house.

The boy led me into his house. It was nearly empty and rarely furnished with anything. However, what made

me surprised was that there were many books piled up in the corner. “Thanks to your money, now I can read

books whenever I want,” he grinned. So moved was I that I had a lump in my throat. That afternoon, I asked

everything about him, feeling closer to him. It was then that I was more conscious of my responsibility to help

him and the poor. This time I knew I wasn’t take advantage of him just to ease my mood.



第一部分:阅读 (50分)



【语篇导读】 应用文 本文是可口可乐榨汁机的故障处理及保修范围。

1. D 事实细节题 根据故障三的 Solution 可知,如果听到异响,应把机器放在水平面上再使用。故选D。

2. A 事实细节题 根据故障四的叙述,机器工作的时候食物溢出的原因可能是上盖没有正确安装。故选


3. D 事实细节题 根据保修范围中的第三条可知,由个人造成的损坏及不恰当组装造成的损坏将不在保



【语篇导读】 记叙文 本文讲述作者一次不经意给员工发了一枚硬币,以表示对其工作的认可,之后员


4. B 事实细节题 根据第一个自然段第五句话及第六句话 “Glancing at my exhausted employee, I

suddenly had an idea to delight him. Playfully, I presented the cent to the employee and said,‘This is an informal

award for your efforts.’”可知,作者起初只是想让员工高兴,与他开了个玩笑。故选B。

5. C 事实细节题 根据第四个自然段第一二句话“Other employees noticed the cent proudly displayed and

began asking why they hadn't received any. They were also longing for the reward.”可知, 其他的雇员看到这枚


6. A 推理判断题 根据上文的叙述可知,一枚硬币代表的一次认可。故选A。

7. B 推理判断题 根据文章的叙述可知,作者的雇员们积极上进。故选B。


【语篇导读】 说明文 本文讲述养狗可以帮助主人降低得心脏病的风险。

8. D 猜词猜义题 根据第二个自然段可知,美国心脏病协会召集的一个心脏病专家小组,对一项将心脏



9. B 事实细节题 根据第三个自然段最后一句话“That trend is supported by other studies that found people

who owned dogs were less likely to be overweight.”可知,这种趋势为其他研究所支持,发现养狗的人患


10. A 推理判断题 根据最后一个自然段第一句话可知,据美国疾病控制和预防中心汇报说,宠物并不



11. B 主旨大意题 根据第一自然段及全文可知,本文讲述养狗可以帮助降低心脏病的风险。故选B。






