
2024-04-02·10页·278.6 K



本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共 130 分,考试用时 100 分钟。第

卷1至 12 页,第卷 13至 16页。







1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干


2. 本卷共 55 小题,共 95分。

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题:每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

例:Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see it better.

A. or B. and C. but D. while


1. —Why don’t we go to a movie?


A. I’m game. B. What’s up?

C. What a relief! D. I really envy you.

2. Hate and anger are felt only for those ________ we care deeply.

A. for which B. with which C. for whom D. with whom

3. He usually dresses formally for work reasons, but when he comes home, he dresses ________.

A. naturally B. economically C. casually D. seriously

4. The results are entirely ________with our earlier research.

A. artificial B. consistent C. decent D. humble

5. When she went outside she was temporarily ________by the sun.

A. blinded B. threatened C. opposed D. interpreted

6. She ________that the glass would break while opening the window.

A. has frightened B. was frightened C. frightened D. had frightened

7. More often than not, it is easier to make a plan than to ________ a plan.

A. come out B. carry out C. give out D. work out

8. It seemed that Jim had become ________ his parents had wanted him to be.

A. whether B. where C. what D. when

9. Kathy reached the company out of breath only ________ she was fired.

A. told B. to be told

C. being told D. having told

10. I can’t go to the party tonight, ________ I have to work late.

A. even though B. as if C. in that D. ever since

11. Tom, along with his assistants, ________ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.

A. work B. have been working

C. is working D. are working

12. —Today is my 30th wedding anniversary with Philip.

—Oh, ________!

A. cheer up B. congratulations C. go ahead D. well done

13. TikTok, known as Douyin in China, is a mobile app ________ users to create, share and watch short videos.

A. having allowed B. allowing

C. allowed D. to be allowed

14. I know he was wrong, but I ________ tell him because he never listens.

A. mustn’t B. daren’t C. needn’t D. oughtn’t

15. First, we need to build up a detailed ________ of our customers and their requirements.

A. phase B. profile C. tendency D. distribution

第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~35 各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Eighty-year-old retired tailor, James McKay, spent Saturday night in prison after hitting 30-year-old Keith

Smith over the head with his walking stick. McKay’s wife, Laurene said that, while McKay is usually a(n)

16 and pleasant person, he had been driven to this act of 17 by literally getting wet just once too often.

He could no longer 18 it.

Smith lives above the McKays. He is a(n) 19 gardener, and also a fish collector. Unfortunately, the

water he 20 over his balcony(平台)every day ended up on the McKay’s floor, or too often, on the

unsuspecting McKays themselves.

“For the last two weeks, since Smith moved into the flat above us, we dared not go onto our 21 ,” said

Laurene. She added that it wasn’t only the water 22 their balcony from Smith watering his plants that

23 them, but also the way he cleaned his fish 24 . “We’d be sitting there happily reading our

newspapers, when suddenly so much water would come from above that we’d be as wet as if we had 25

with our clothes on! We could hardly 26 the smell of fish!”

And on Saturday evening it was just too 27 , “It was James’ birthday,” Laurene recalled, “and it was

such a beautiful night to enjoy the starry night 28 . I made him a birthday cake. The candles were a great

sight as you can 29 , but James didn’t get to blow them out.” Instead,

Smith 30 one of his larger tanks over his balcony and both the McKays and the cake were wet

through. “I have never seen him move so fast and I couldn’t stop him. He was up there in a(n) 31 .”

Smith is not going to take things further with the police. He has also 32 to change his ways from now

on. And what of James McKay? As he left the 33 station,a large crowd of supporters sang him “Happy

Birthday”. “Definitely the most exciting birthday ever!” said the 34 old man. “The best since my

35 , I’d say!”

16. A. aggressive B. peaceful C. bad-tempered D. rude

17. A. celebration B. violence C. neighborhood D. brotherhood

18. A. honor B. appreciate C. support D. tolerate

19. A. keen B. independent C. selfless D. careful

20. A. drank B. cleaned C. bought D. sent

21. A. floor B. balcony C. flat D. garden

22. A. coming across B. hanging on C. falling onto D. dropping out

23. A. valued B. risked C. bothered D. encouraged

24. A. skins B. dishes C. meat D. tanks

25. A. showered B. boiled C. fried D. dreamed

26. A. make use of B. make room for C. get down to D. get rid of

27. A. much B. late C. hard D. early

28. A. upstairs B. outside C. downstairs D. inside

29. A. see B. imagine C. name D. afford

30. A. sacrificed B. handed C. emptied D. delivered

31. A. flash B. jump C. way D. hour

32. A. promised B. refused C. declined D. admitted

33. A. railway B. gas C. police D. power

34. A. embarrassed B. depressed C. annoyed D. cheerful

35. A. mind B. youth C. return D. arrest

第二部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Most people assume that the human brain is set on “automatic”—that means it learns all by itself. But this isn’t

always true. We need to train ourselves to be better learners—to actively take part in the learning process and to

reflect on what we have learnt. These kinds of learning behaviours are called “active learning”. I suggest doing four

things to take an active role in your learning.

Listen to the outer voice

There are two kinds of voices: the inner voice and the outer voice. Your inner voice expresses your personal

opinions, while the outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read. Although your inner voice can

be useful, it can also get in the way of learning. If you keep paying too much attention to it, you risk missing

important information. Instead, active learners are open-minded and focus on what the speaker/ write is saying, not

on what their brain is saying in the background. In this way, they are in a better position to make decisions.

Ask questions

Asking questions is the easiest way to promote active learning. When you get information from someone, from

books or the Internet, ask two, three, even five question about the topic. The answers will lead you to further

learning, and the very act of working out questions will help you to achieve a higher level of understanding about

the topic. In short: Do not stop being curious.

Get to the truth

Active learners do not accept everything they learn. They attempt to find the truth at the heart of each idea.

Even when an idea sounds entirely unlikely, there may be an aspect of it that is based on truth. So if someone says

that dinosaurs still exist today, think about why they believe this. Where does the idea come from? Do they have

enough data to support their views? If you try to find out the source of an idea, no matter how crazy it seems, you

will increase your chance of learning something.

Focus on the message

Many people miss out on learning opportunities because they let their feelings get in the way. They refuse to

learn or ignore what is said because of who the speaker/ writer is. It is true that we cannot help disliking some

people —this is human nature, after all. But do not forget you can still learn from them. Active learners do not

judge people based on firs impressions or personal feelings. Instead, they separate the message from the message.

This goes the other way as well---do not just assume that some people are always right because of who they are or

just because they are your friends.

36. Which of the following is TRUE about inner voice and outer voice?________

A. Your inner voice is useless, and always gets in the way of learning.

B. Your inner voice is what you think.

C. The outer voice usually is what your brain is saying.

D. The outer voice expresses your personal opinions.

37. According to Paragraph 3 what do you know about asking questions?

A. Asking questions will lead you to further learning.

B. Asking questions won’t make you more motivated to learn

C. Asking questions facilitates active learning.

D. Asking questions will stop you from being curious..

38. According to Paragraph 4, an active learner ________.

A. won’t find out the source of an idea

B. is-willing to accept everything they learn

C. believes that dinosaurs still exist today

D. always tries to find the truth at the core of every opinion

39. What do we learn about from Paragraph 5?

A. We should try our best to like people we don’t like.

B. We often ignore what the author says.

C. Active learners judge people based on personal feelings

D. The person we like may not always be right.

40. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To offer some tips on how to learn actively

B. To advise us to listen to the outer voice.

C. To help us get to the truth.

D. To share his learning experience.


Last weekend I made my first visit to a remote village, home to one of our students, Tombe. Another teacher

and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first, up a mountain from where we had fantastic views, and

then down a shaded path to the valley below. When we arrived at the village, Tombe’s mother, Kiak, saw us

coming and started crying “ieee ieee”. We shook hands with all the villagers. Everyone seemed to be related to


Tombe’s father, Mukap, a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead, led us to his house, a low, round

bamboo hut with no windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and with grass sticking out of the roof—

this shows it is a man’s house. Such housing is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. Fresh grass had

been laid on the floor and there was a platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. There was a fireplace in the centre of

the hut. The only possessions I could see were one broom, a few saucers, a kettle, cups, pans, and a couple of jars.

Mukap built a fire outside and laid stones on it to heat. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum

with kau kau(sweet potato), ripe corn, and greens. He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left

them to steam. It smelled delicious. We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire. I loved listening to the family

talking softly to each other in their language, even though I could not participate much in the conversation. Luckily,

Tombe interpreted for us.

Later. I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill(烤架)over the fire. After a while. Tombe threw it

out of the doorway. Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover food. His family believes that

leftovers attract bad spirits in the night, so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of

the hut.

We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes. My muscles were aching and

my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. That evening I fell happily into bed.

It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

41. Why did Tombe’s mother start crying “ieee ieee”?

A. Because she was excited to see her son home

B. Because she saw someone who scared he

C. Because she was welcoming the teachers.

D. Because that was her daily routine.

42. What can we learn about Tombe’s father from the passage?

A. He’s not a considerate one.

B. He has a luxury house.

C. He had a good talk with the author.

D. He is good at cooking

43. When the author saw the family talking softly to each other, her feeling can be best described as ________.

A. amazed B. puzzled

C. frightened D. happy

44. According to Paragraph 4, the can was used to ________.

A. drive bad spirits B. protect the hut

C. hold the leftovers D. be thrown out of the hut

45. What did the author think of this visit?

A. She hated the long and tiring visit

B. She was pleased to visit the Tombe family.

C. She thought Tombe’s family was too poor.

D. She thought some of the Tombe family’s actions were stupid.


We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions with other

people. We can learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their body language. Words are important,

but the way people stand, hold their arms, and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.

Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body

language in a way that is appropriate to the culture you are in. For example, making eye contact—looking into

someone’s eyes—in some countries is a way to display interest. In other countries, by contrast, eye contact is not

always approved of. For example, in many Middle Eastern countries, men and women are not socially permitted to

make eye contact. In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down when talking to an older person.

The gesture for “OK” has different meanings in different cultures. In Japan, someone who witnesses another

person employing the gesture might think it means money. In France, a person encountering an identical gesture

may interpret it as meaning zero. However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is

not considered polite.

Even the gestures we use for “yes” and “no” differ around the world. In many countries, shaking one’s head

means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. By comparison, in Bulgaria and southern Albania, the gestures have the

opposite meaning. There are also differences in how we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are

talking to, and how we act when we meet or part. In countries like France and Russia, people may kiss their friends

on the cheek when they meet. Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head

when they meet someone else.

Some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere. Placing your hands together and resting them on

the side of your head while closing your eyes means “sleep”. A good way of saying “I am full” is moving your

hand in circles over your stomach after a meal.

Some body language has many different uses. Perhaps the best example is smiling. A smile can help us get

through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can break down barriers. We can use a

smile to apologise, to greet someone, to ask for help, or to start a conversation. Experts suggest smiling at yourself

in the mirror to make yourself feel happier and stronger. And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing

better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.

46. What could be inferred from Paragraph 1?

A. Body language is as important as spoken language.

B. Body language alone cannot express what we are thinking

C. Body language is not more important than spoken language

D. We can’t communicate with others without spoken language.

47. The most important thing about using body language is that ________.

A. you needn’t use it everywhere

B. you ought to make eye contact

C. you should respect the local culture

D. it should be consistent with your own culture

48. With the example “OK” in Paragraph 3, the author intends to show that ________.

A. the Japanese value money more

B. people from different countries can’t communicate

C. in Brazil and Germany, people never use the gesture “OK”

D. the same gesture may mean different things in different places

49. What could be inferred from Paragraph 4about the gesture “yes” and “no”?

A. In Bulgaria, nodding means “yes”.

B. In southern Albania, shaking your head means “yes”.

C. The “yes” and “no” gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere

D. The “yes” and “no” gestures in Bulgaria and southern Albania are completely opposite.

50. The underlined part “A smile can break down barriers.” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

A. a smile is the key to success

B. smiling can make you feel happier and stronger

C. smiling can help you break down the barriers in your way

D. a smile is a powerful tool for building and strengthening social connections


This morning, I saw the shocking headline: “Passenger Dies When Car Crashes in Driverless Mode”. In the

article, various people said that the public should oppose the idea of developing driverless cars. They said that some

advances in technology were unnecessary and could even be dangerous. Hence, we should cease accepting

technology just because it is new. The newspaper reported that the car company had already apologised for the

accident, but the families of the deceased(死者)said it was not enough. Nevertheless, the company still claimed

that most people would be travelling in driverless cars one day soon.

On the one hand, there are many different groups of people around the world who live happily in the absence

of new technology. Probably the most well known are the Amish(亚米希人),a group of Christians living in rural

America. They do not own or drive cars, watch TV, or use the Internet. They have lived mainly as farmers since the

18th century, and they will probably be living the same way in the distant future. They advocate a simple life with

an emphasis on hard work, family, and community. They think that is better than caring about luxuries or following

the lives of the rich and famous. It could even be argued that the Amish’s quality of life is better since they live in

and appreciate the natural environment rather than living in large, polluted cities.

On the other hand, new technology has provided people everywhere with many benefits over the years. For

example, the latest weather-tracking computer programmes give people lots of warnings about potential natural

disasters, which saves many lives. Moreover, the Internet has made it possible for friends and family to keep in

touch easily even if they are on opposite sides of the world. It has also made finding opportunities in life much

easier, as it allows people to make larger networks of friends through using social media.

Personally, I have benefited quite a lot from technological advances. I found my career as an AI designer

through a social media network. My health monitor, which I wear all the time, has also helped me get into the best

shape of my life. Of course, when new technology changes the way we live, it can be a scary prospect.

Nevertheless, I will always look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it.

51. In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ________.

A. propose a definition B. make a comparison

C. reach a conclusion D. introduce a topic

52. What does the author intend to show with the example of the Amish?

A. Their way of life will change in the near future.

B. Not everyone is willing to embrace new technology.

C. The quality of life in the countryside is higher than in the city.

D. Following the lifestyle of celebrities will lead to a decline in the quality of life.

53. What does the author mainly want to tell us in Paragraph 3?

A. New technology has brought a lot of convenience to mankind.

B. New technology can prevent potential natural disasters from happening.

C. New technology can help us expand our circle of friends.

D. New technology can help us find our friends on the other side of the world.

54. What is the author’s attitude towards new technology?

A. Pessimistic. B. Critical.

C. Skeptical. D. Grateful.

55. What makes the best title for the passage?

A. Should Driverless Car Have a Future.

B. The Amish and New Technology

C. Driverless Car with New Technology

D. Should We Fight New Technology?

2023-2024 学年度第二学期高三年级质量监测(一)

英语 笔试



1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。

2. 本卷共6 题,共 35分。


第一节:阅读表达(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分)


Dear Max,

It must seem a little odd to get a letter from your own mother who m you see every day, but I hope you will

read this and take what I have to say seriously.

I bought you a phone for your 12th birthday because you wanted one so much, and all your friends have one. I

know you love your phone, but I wonder whether you are aware of just how much you use it.

From my perspective, it seems that you are constantly checking your phone for notifications(通知) or

messages. You even do this when we’re having a family meal in a restaurant or when I’m talking to you. You may

not realise this, but whenever you feel even slightly bored, you check your phone. You never seem to relax. You’re

constantly on alert, and I don’t think this is very good for you. We all need to switch it off every now and then. And

if I ask you to leave your phone at home when we go out, you sulk(生气) and get twitchy, almost as if you’re

suffering withdrawal symptoms(戒断症状). It’s like your phone is a drug.

I have tried to talk to you about this, but whenever I ask you to put down your phone and look at me, you say

“in a minute”. Unfortunately, “in a minute” never comes, and we never talk. I can’t actually remember the last time

we had a proper face-to-face conversation. I even have to message you to let you know dinner is on the table!

That’s why I decided to put my concerns in a letter to you.

Please don’t think I am writing this letter to punish you or to nag(唠叨) you. I know you are a good boy. I

don’t think you want to hurt me or be rude intentionally. However, I recently heard about something called

“nomophobia”—the fear of being without a phone. It’s a real illness and I’m worried whether you have it. I really

think it would be a good idea if we all went to see an addiction expert together so we can all have a discussion

about this serious problem. I know you won’t want to, but I’m very concerned about you. Please take some time to

think about what I have written. Then let’s talk.


56. What’s Max’s mum worried about?(no more than 10 words)

57. Why did Max’s mum have to message him that dinner was ready?(no more than 6 words)

58. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 5?(no more than 2 word)

59. What is mum’s suggestion to solve this problem?(no more than 15 words)

60. What do you think of Max’s problem? Please explain.(no more than 20 words)

第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)

61. 假定你是高三学生李津,你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。给外教 Chris 写封邮件,请他帮忙指






(1)词数不少于 100;






2023~2024 学年度第二学期高三年级质量监测。

高三英语 参考答案

第I卷 第一、二部分(Key to 1—55)

1—5 ACCBA 6—10 BBCBC 11—15 CBBCB 16—20 BBDAD

21—25 BCCDA 26—30 DABBC 31—35 AACDB 36—40 BCDDA

41—45 CDDCB 46—50 ACDBD 51—55 DBADD

第卷 第三部分


56. She worries about Max using his phone too much.

57. (Because)Max never put down his phone.

OR: (Because)Max was addicted to the phone.

58. On purpose.

59. She suggests seeing an addiction expert with Max.

60. Open. (I don’t think being addicted to the phone is a good thing. Because it’s bad for our health.)

(只要答案合理、内容积极向上且语法拼写正确即可得2 分)

第二节 61.(One possible version: )

Dear Chris,

I am Li Jin, and I’m writing to ask if you could help me and my classmates in changing our text into a short


Our play will be based on the text “horse”. The text tells a story of a king and an artist. In the story, the king

asked the artist to draw him a beautiful horse. But the artist misunderstood the king, and in the end the king forgave

him because of his effort. My classmates and I are struggling with the lines of the play, as we always stumble over

pronoun citations. We will have a rehearsal next Wednesday afternoon in the school hall, and I hope you can come

and give us some advice.


Li Jin





