
2024-04-05·18页·965 K



本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,共 130 分,考试用时 100

分钟。第卷 1 至 10 页,第卷 11 至 12 页。









2.本卷共 55 小题,共 95 分。

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

例:Stand over there you’ll be able to see it better.

A.or B.and C.but D.while

答案是 B。

1.—I was thinking we could grab some ice cream at that new shop downtown.

—______. That’s exactly what I was longing for!

A.I didn’t get it B.It’s up to you

C.You never know D.You read my mind

2.—The test is very important to us. Do you think so?

—Yes, so we ______ be too careful during the test.

A.mustn’t B.daren’t C.needn’t D.can’t

3.Football is a very popular sport, ______ many people like to compete.

A.at which B.for which C.in which D.with which

4.China’s Belt and Road Initiative means a new ______ for trade and investment between

countries, leading into a new era of prosperity.

A.burden B.dawn C.chart D.survey

5.—I’ve just learnt that James has finally published his novel. He’s been working on it for


—______! I know how much effort he’s put into that project.

A.Good for him B.Go for it

C.What a coincidence D.All the best

英语(高三)笔试 第1页(共12页)


6.Considering the different demands of the students, the school has adopted a more

______ approach to education.

A.independent B.responsible C.flexible D.general

7.If we all agree on the price of the products, let’s ______ the discussion and come into

the next part.

A.wind up B.turn up C.make up D.set up

8.It’s amazing that the ocean contains 99% of the living space on the planet and yet less

than 10% of that space ______ by humans up to now.

A.has been explored B.is being explored

C.have been explored D.are being explored

9.Please ensure you have a backup of all your documents ______ the system upgrade

encounters unexpected issues.

A.even if B.as if C.ever since D.in case

10.When Mrs Smith arrived at her company, she saw her office ______ dark blue by some


A.to paint B.painting

C.being painted D.to be painted

11.When a friend is ______ comfort, a silent hug often conveys more than a thousand

words ever could.

A.in need of B.in charge of C.in possession of D.in search of

12.Practising Tai Chi has taught me ______ it means to truly relax my mind, enabling me

to stay cool in stressful situations.

A.that B.what C.why D.how

13.Nearly seventeen centuries ______ before the city of Pompeii was dug from its silent

resting place.

A.has rolled away B.had rolled away

C.rolled away D.was rolling away

14.Life, like a musical symphony with its highs and lows, brings students bittersweet

moments, like ______ a major exam, giving a presentation, or first-time boarding.

A.reciting B.observing C.sitting D.putting

15.The botanical garden features a wide variety of foreign plants, largely ______ from

tropical and subtropical regions mainly from Africa.

A.importing B.imported

C.being imported D.having imported

英语(高三)笔试 第2页(共12页)


第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1635 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,


On a cool autumn day in Minnesota, hundreds of runners gathered at the starting line

for a challenging cross-country race. Among them was an athlete named Amelia Anderson,

who became known for her determination and 16 through the events. When the race

started, Amelia ran at a fast pace, pushing herself to the 17 . However, fate had

something else 18 for her that day.

As the race progressed, Amelia, more than two-thirds of the way through her 19 ,

noticed a fellow runner, Isabella Harris, suddenly collapsing to the ground in pain. Without

a moment’s hesitation, Amelia 20 Isabella and extended a helping hand, offering to

assist her in completing the race.

As reported by a local newspaper, Amelia took Isabella’s arm, trying to support

her in 21 forward. Recognizing the severity of Isabella’s condition, Amelia 22 ,

allowing Isabella to climb onto her back. With 23 determination, Amelia not only

carried her across the finish line but also an 24 300 feet to where Isabella could

receive much-needed 25 attention.

Once there, Isabella was quickly 26 and subsequently transported to a hospital,

where she learned she had serious injuries in one of her knees. It became 27 that

without Amelia’s timely intervention, Isabella would have 28 extreme pain to reach

the aid checkpoint on her own.

After this extraordinary act of kindness towards Isabella, Amelia remained modest.

She was more 29 about why her act was considered a big 30 . “She was just

crying. I couldn’t 31 her.” Amelia humbly explained to a reporter, emphasizing that,

in her eyes, she was merely doing what she believed to be the right thing.

In a world where competition is common, Anderson’s kind act 32 as a powerful

reminder that the greatest victories are not always about 33 the finish line first, but

rather about helping and connecting with others. This was beautifully exemplified (是……

的典型) when Amelia and Isabella, 34 strangers, became close friends through their

tough experience. Although neither won the race, the 35 of human kindness won the day.

16. A.sympathy B.grace C.concern D.indifference

17. A.edge B.limit C.boundary D.extent

18. A.at hand B.in vain C.in store D.on duty

19. A.race B.school C.town D.training

20. A.returned B.approached C.agreed D.promised

英语(高三)笔试 第3页(共12页)


21. A.falling B.walking C.putting D.leaning

22. A.went away B.stood up C.stepped aside D.bent down

23. A.firm B.delicate C.soft D.ambitious

24. A.traditional B.professional C.international D.additional

25. A.public B.constant C.medical D.equal

26. A.interrupted B.appreciated C.identified D.assessed

27. A.obvious B.abstract C.controversial D.practical

28. A.fought B.suffered C.enjoyed D.defended

29. A.worried B.ashamed C.confused D.discouraged

30. A.game B.problem C.lesson D.deal

31. A.leave B.cure C.bother D.understand

32. A.overlooks B.absorbs C.fades D.shines

33. A.crawling B.crossing C.staying D.standing

34. A.immediately B.finally C.initially D.subsequently

35. A.secret B.benefit C.display D.exchange

第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


We are seeking volunteers to join our program and make a difference in the lives of

young children by sharing the joy of reading. As we know, in the field of education, the

ability to read fluently and comprehend written text holds the key to unlocking a world of

knowledge and opportunities. For children between the ages of 5 and 10, this skill is

particularly crucial, as it forms the foundation for their academic and personal growth.

An Hour a Week from You

You’ll spend one hour a week reading stories with a child aged 5 to 10 years, on our

secure online platform. The program involves two 30-minute sessions a week with the

same child, spanning six weeks. Our online volunteering can fit around your schedule and

there’s no need to travel. We ask all our volunteers to complete at least three programs a

year, so we can continue to support as many children as possible.

A World of Opportunity for Them

With just one hour of your time each week, you can make a profound difference in a

child’s life, nurturing their love for reading and fostering (促进) their ability to navigate

the vast ocean of written communication. In essence, you help young readers make

progress and open up a world of opportunity for their future.

英语(高三)笔试 第4页(共12页)



As a bookmark volunteer, you’ll:

** help children gain the reading skills they need to progress at school and in life.

** help boost a child’s confidence by giving them one-to-one attention.

** show that learning to read can be fun! It’s amazing when you introduce a young reader

to a book, comic, or poem that they love.

Join our community! Join us on this incredible journey! Volunteers can share tips and

stories on our online forum and meet like-minded people at the online events. Enrich your

week. Taking time out of your day to read with a child can support your own well-being as

you enjoy a new experience. Together, we can create a world where every child has the

opportunity to succeed both in school and beyond.

36.What is the impact of the reading program on children’s future?

A.Enhancing their future career in literature.

B.Guaranteeing academic success in higher education.

C.Developing children’s preference for online learning.

D.Creating a foundation for learning and future success.

37.Why are volunteers required to participate in at least three programs yearly?

A.To ensure stable support for children.

B.To enhance volunteer experience.

C.To meet educational guidelines.

D.To reduce administrative tasks.

38.Who are most likely to be potential applicants?

A.People hoping to improve reading skills.

B.People preferring one-to-one interactions.

C.People having a heart for helping others.

D.People needing support from communities.

39.What is the primary objective of the reading program?

A.Boosting children’s literacy and passion for reading.

B.Enhancing children’s overall academic performance.

C.Providing a platform for online social interactions.

D.Training children to become professional writers.

40.What can be expected to gain from the experience of reading with a child?

A.Improvement in professional skills.

B.Joy in assisting a child’s growth.

C.Free books and comics.

D.Financial rewards.

英语(高三)笔试 第5页(共12页)



On a cool autumn evening, while wandering through the streets of the old town, my

attention was captured by a charming bookstore located between towering buildings. The

warm light through its windows drew me closer, and without realizing it, I stood at its

entrance, peering through the glass.

Earlier that day, after enjoying a pleasant lunch with friends, I had decided to explore

the city on foot. Despite passing through this part of town numerous times, I had never

spotted the charming bookstore. However, on this particular evening, something about it

seemed irresistibly inviting.

Gently brushing away the fallen leaves from the window frame, I took a closer look

inside. Rows of shelves filled with books of various sizes and colors stretched across the

small and friendly interior, each volume whispering tales of adventure and wisdom. As my

eyes moved over the titles, a wave of fond memories washed over me, transporting me

back to my childhood.

Growing up, my world was dominated by sports and outdoor activities, often at my

father’s insistence. He would say, “You need to play football, Alex. It builds character.” Yet

deep down, I always felt out of place on the football field, my mind wandering to distant

lands and heroic tales.

Every Sunday, after an exhausting football match, I would secretly go to my room and

lose myself in books. The characters became my friends, and their journeys provided my

escape. I still vividly recall the overwhelming joy I experienced when I first read about the

adventures of a young wizard. His bravery and determination deeply touched me.

One day, our school librarian noticed my passion for reading and suggested I join the

book club. Hesitant and unsure of my father’s reaction, I took the club flyer (宣传单)

home, my heart racing with a mix of fear and hope. To my surprise, he was supportive, his

typically serious expression softening as he signed the permission slip.

Joining the book club marked a turning point. I discovered a community where I truly

belonged, and my passion for reading was embraced and nurtured. I began to craft my own

stories, each one reflecting my dreams and desires.

As I stood there, lost in these thoughts, the door of bookstore opened, inviting me in.

Stepping inside felt like coming home, a place where dreams and reality met. It was a

reminder of how books had shaped my life, guiding me through the challenges of

childhood and inspiring me to find my true passion.

41.What was the author’s first impression of the bookstore on the autumn evening?

A.It appeared to be closed and deserted.

B.It seemed disappointing and dark.

C.It was incredibly welcoming.

D.It looked modern and busy.

英语(高三)笔试 第6页(共12页)


42.Why did the author’s father ask him to play football during his upbringing?

A.To improve his strong personal qualities.

B.To keep him physically fit and healthy.

C.To prepare him for a sports career.

D.To follow a family tradition.

43.The father’s act of signing the club flyer implies that he is ________.

A.strict and demanding

B.mindless and annoying

C.considerate and approving

D.protective and understanding

44.What effect did joining the book club have on the author?

A.It isolated him from social life.

B.It made him give up on sports entirely.

C.It shaped the author’s personal growth.

D.It changed the author’s view on reading.

45.What message does the author’s story convey?

A.Meeting expectations.

B.Pursuing one’s passions.

C.Exploring with excitement.

D.Prioritizing physical activities.


Every year, millions of monarch butterflies migrate 3,000 miles to Mexico from North

America. “Everybody knows about the monarchs’ migration,” says Andy Davis, an animal

ecologist at the University of Georgia. “But one of the things that we still don’t understand

is how they’re capable of making such tremendous flight while being such small animals

with limited energy.” Amazingly, some of the monarch’s continent-spanning magic may be

owed to the size of its wing spot, according to a study published in PLOS One.

The question of how color influences the monarch’s flight began when Mostafa

Hassanalian, a professor of mechanical engineering, published a paper about how the

colors on the wings of the albatross (信天翁) might help it fly for longer distances. The

black on the top of the bird’s wings absorbs more solar energy, creating a pocket of warm

air; the white on the bottom absorbs less. Together, the opposite colors create more lift and

less drag, helping the albatross to fly up more efficiently.

英语(高三)笔试 第7页(共12页)


Motivated by Hassanalian’s paper, Andy Davis contacted him and they teamed up

with three other experts to investigate whether the orange, black, and white patterns on

North American monarch butterflies’ wings influenced their flight distance. Specifically,

they explored whether these color patterns determined how far the butterflies could fly.

They discovered that surviving migratory monarchs had 3% less black pigment (色素) and

3% more white pigment a surprising contrast from the albatross. They also observed larger

white spots on Eastern monarchs, which migrate farther than Western and Floridian

populations, along with deeper shades of orange. The team assumed that these color

patterns might offer an aerodynamic (空气动力) advantage, although the reason for the

larger white spots remains unknown.

Should the connection between white markings and flight performance prove true,

they plan to apply it to drone technology. “If small coloration (自然色彩) effects can

improve like 10% of your efficiency, that’s a lot,” Hassanalian says. “Another aspect is that

your drone would be able to carry more, because this coloration helps it gain extra lift.”

The enhancement could also benefit other aircraft, but he points out one warning: planes

fly at a much faster speed than butterflies, so coloration may not be as relevant to them.

Other butterfly scientists have reacted to their work with both enthusiasm and

skepticism. “It is a totally new idea and it’s quite exciting,” says Marcus Kronforst, an

evolutionary biologist. “I’ve worked on butterfly color patterns my whole life, basically,

and never, never considered this. It’s never crossed my mind that it might influence how

the butterflies fly.”

46.According to Andy Davis, what remains a mystery of the monarchs’ migration?

A.How the monarchs manage the migration.

B.Why the monarchs make the migration.

C.Why the monarchs migrate to Mexico.

D.How the monarchs choose the route.

47.Why are the colors on the wings of the albatross mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To reveal the mechanism of the albatross’ flight.

B.To show Hassanalian’s achievements in albatross study.

C.To indicate where the researchers drew their inspiration.

D.To introduce common color patterns of the albatross’ wings.

48.What assumption can be drawn from Eastern monarchs’ color patterns?

A.They reduce orange pigment.

B.They limit migration distance.

C.They resemble albatross spots.

D.They offer extra lift for migration.

英语(高三)笔试 第8页(共12页)


49.How did the researchers draw the conclusion?

A.By conducting an experiment.

B.By making comparisons.

C.By doing field research.

D.By studying models.

50.How does Hassanalian feel about the application of the coloration effects?

A.Scientifically curious.

B.Cautiously optimistic.

C.Technologically skeptical.

D.Environmentally concerned.


In today’s digital age, where a vast ocean of information is just a click away, the

question arises: can one learn too much? Given that no individual can grasp the entirety of

human knowledge. However, there exists a phenomenon where excessive learning can lead

to inaction, a state of being overwhelmed by too much information.

Consider a scenario where you’re eager to achieve a particular goal. You begin by

conducting extensive research, diving deep into the subject. As you absorb more

information, it paradoxically (矛盾地) feels like your understanding diminishes. Each new

concept or strategy reveals further layers, making the goal seem more complex and out of


This situation is a common trap: the endless pursuit of more information. Although

gaining comprehensive knowledge is valuable, that is to say there’s nothing wrong with

learning a lot, issues arise when this pursuit obstructs practical application. If learning

continuously prevents you from starting, you’ll find yourself stuck, unable to achieve your

desired outcomes.

An alternative and more effective approach to achieving goals is to strike a balance

between learning and doing. Gather essential information, then transition into action

swiftly, even if you feel somewhat unprepared. This is often the best way to learn, as

hands-on experience provides insights that theoretical knowledge alone cannot.

The comparison with a baby learning to walk is a good example here. A baby doesn’t

learn to walk by sitting and analyzing the process. Instead, it learns by attempting to walk,

falling, and then understanding from each fall what works and what doesn’t. Through

repeated effort, walking is eventually mastered. This method is applicable to goal

achievement too. By engaging in action, learning from the outcomes, and adjusting

accordingly, you gradually move closer to your goals.

英语(高三)笔试 第9页(共12页)


In summary, while the pursuit of knowledge is valuable, it’s crucial not to let it

become a barrier to action. Learning should be a stepping stone to doing, not an end in

itself. It’s through the interplay of gathering knowledge and applying it that we can truly

progress towards our aspirations. This balanced approach is key to overcoming the

paralysis of overlearning and actively moving towards realizing your ambitions.

51.What problem does the digital age present in learning?

A.Too much information.

B.Learning to inaction.

C.Online distractions.

D.Technical issues.

52.What stops people from achieving the goal?

A.The distraction caused by unrelated tasks.

B.The inability to find relevant information.

C.The confusion caused by the information.

D.The desire to learn basic concept or strategy.

53.Why is practical experience important in the learning process?

A.It replaces continuous learning.

B.It is irrelevant in gaining knowledge.

C.It holds back theoretical understanding.

D.It offers a comprehensive understanding.

54.The example “baby learning to walk” mentioned in Paragraph 5 is used to _______.

A.compare different learning styles

B.show the importance of making mistakes

C.emphasize the need for parental guidance

D.explain learning through action and experience

55.What makes the best title for the passage?

A.The Paradox of Information Overload

B.The Harmony of Learning and Doing

C.The Pursuit of Balanced Knowledge

D.The Process of Learning to Walk

英语(高三)笔试 第10页(共12页)






