
2024-04-12·12页·276.5 K



1.本试卷共 150 分,考试时间 120分钟


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 80分)


第一节(共5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试

卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读


1. What are the speakers doing now?

A. Discussing a painting. B. Admiring a view. C. Doing a breath exercise.

2. Where are the speakers most probably?

A. In a restaurant B. On the plane. C. In the classroom.

3. What does the man think of the woman?

A. She looks so pretty. B. She is a little lazy. C. She is too nervous.

4. What does the man intend to do?

A. Start a new job. B. Build up his vocabulary. C. Finish a practice book.

5. In which country is it OK to show up late?

A. Italy. B. Switzerland. C. Germany.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作


听第6 段材料,回答6、7 题。

6. What is the fiction Another Reality about?

A. Kids' discovery. B. A respectful scientist. C. Space Travel.

7. What is the author famous for?

A. Humorous language. B. Complex ideas. C. Moving stories.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至9 题。

8. What is the matter with the car?

A. It is making a noise. B. It is running out of gas. C. Its radio doesn't work.

9. Why did the man suggest stopping at the gas station?

A. To refuel the car. B. To ask for directions. C. To check his car.

听第8 段材料、回答第 10至 12题

10. What interests the man most?

A. Chinese history. B. Chinese opera. C. Chinese music

11. Why does the man learn Chinese poetry and novels?

A. To develop a new interest.

B. To take part in a competition.

C. To get a better understanding.

12. What impresses the man about Chinese literature?

A. Imagination. B. Language. C. Development.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. How does the man feel about playing a game?

A. Stressed. B. Curious. C. Relaxed.

14. What sport does the woman most like to watch?

A. Football. B. Basketball. C. lee hockey.

15. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Do some sports. B. Watch more matches. C. Make new friends.

16. Why does the man suggest joining a gym?

A. It is easier to start. B. It needs more skills. C. It is competitive.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What is the speaker most probably?

A. A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A guide

18. What feels pain if one has a headache?

A. The muscle. B. The blood. C. The brain.

19. How much of the energy does the brain often need to support a kid's growth?

A. About 3%. B Less than 30%. C. Nearly 50%.

20. Why can some blind people “see” through their ears?

A. Their brain can change eyes into ears.

B. Their brain can rewire itself for sounds

C. Their brain can help ears to get simple images.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Throughout history, remarkable leaders have started to appear, leaving an indelible mark on their civilizations

and shaping the course of human history. Here are some historical leaders whose impact reverberated far beyond

their lifetimes, leaving a lasting legacy that transformed the civilizations they led.

Julius Caesar

As a brilliant military strategist and charming statesman, Caesar played a vital role in the transformation of the

Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. His military conquests, including the famous crossing of the Rubicon,

expanded the Roman territories and altered the political landscape, Caesar's vision for a centralized and stable

Rome laid the groundwork for the imperial era, shaping the development of Western civilization.

Queen Elizabeth l

Queen Elizabeth I became the English throne in the 16th century and entered a period of cultural flourishing

known as the Elizabethan Era. Under her rule, England saw remarkable achievements in literature, exploration and

the arts, with master minds like William Shakespeare contributing to the cultural renaissance. Elizabeth's reign not

only strengthened England's status as a global power but also left an enduring legacy of artistic and intellectual


Nelson Mandela

South Africa in the 20th century bore witness to the transformative leadership of Nelson Mandela, A symbol

of resistance against apartheid(种族隔离), Mandela spent 27 years in prison before emerging as a unifying figure in

seeking for racial equality. Elected as South Africa's first Black president in 1994. Mandela made efforts to unify a

divided nation. promoting forgiveness and inclusivity.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang

In ancient China, the remarkable leadership of Emperor Qin Shi Huang laid the groundwork for a unified and

centralised state. As the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang standardised writing systems, currencies

and measurements, fostering unity across diverse regions. Perhaps most famously, he initiated the construction of

the Great Wall of China as a defence against invasions.

21. What was Julius Caesar's major influence?

A. The vision for a military Rome.

B. The impact on Western civilization.

C. The foundation of Roman Republic.

D. The expansion of the Roman landscape.

22. What did Nelson Mandela fight for?

A. Personal right. B. Economic boom.

C. National power. D. Racial equality.

23. Who unified the weights and measures?

A. Qin Shi Huang. B. Queen Elizabeth I.

C. Nelson Mandela. D. Julius Caesar.


First established in 2000 to help thousands of working donkeys in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, the

charity Safe Haven for Donkeys has begun working with an Egyptian partner organisation, the Bridge Foundation,

to provide care to the donkeys in the El Saf region of Egypt.

Thousands of donkeys and mules work in the brick kilns (砖窑) in Egypt, of which there are approximately

1,000, carrying l.4 to 1.6 tonnes of bricks and moving at an intense pace to prevent unfired bricks from cracking in

the heat. Due to a lack of expert veterinary (兽医) care, many of these animals are suffering intense pain from

harness wounds, beatings, teeth and hoof issues and parasitic diseases spread by flies.

Now a collaboration between UK charity Safe Haven for Donkeys and Egyptian community development

charity the Bridge Foundation is providing much-needed relief to these animals. The project includes a mobile

veterinary clinic which treats common injuries and infections and trains owners on how to best look after their

donkeys and mules.

Safe Haven for Donkeys CEO Andy Foxcroft said, “Currently, no other animal welfare charity provides

veterinary interventions in these particular kilns, hence the need for Safe Haven's expertise, on the ground, treating

sick and injured animals and providing training for owners and local professionals (vets and farriers). This first year

is vital as we hope to make a lasting impact by reducing the unnecessary suffering of working animals which sadly

is all too common a feature in the brick kilns.”

Safe Haven for Donkeys' work, which helps an estimated 10.000 animals a year is made possible by charitable

donations that fund the treatment and training that they offer. You can donate at safehavenAdonkeys.org.

24. What causes the sufferings of the donkeys?

A. The needs of kilns and their owners' cruelty.

B. Lack of expert advice and food shortage.

C. Heavy work and shortage of proper care.

D. Water shortage and the heat of brick kilns.

25. How will Safe Haven for Donkeys help the working donkeys?

A. Offering relief to them.

B. Providing training for them.

C. Rescuing them from hard work.

D. Monitoring those brick kilns.

26. What does Andy Foxcroft expect Safe Haven for Donkeys to do?

A. Bring about more professional vets.

B. Treat sick and injured animals well.

C. Provide professional training for owners.

D. Shift working animals’ situation lastingly.

27. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To call for donations

B. To summarize the article.

C. To introduce Safe Haven.

D. To praise the work of Safe Haven.


People may form inaccurate impressions about us from our social media posts, finds new Cornell University

research that is the first to examine perceptions (认知) of our personalities based on online posts.

An analysis of online status updates found great difference between how viewers saw the authors across a

range of personality traits, and the authors' self-perceptions.

Viewers rated the Internet users on average as having lower self-esteem and being more self-revealing, for

example, than the users rated themselves, Status updates containing photos, videos or links in addition to text

facilitated more accurate assessments than those with just text the researchers found.

Overall, they said, the study sheds light on the dynamic process by which a cyber audience tries to make sense

of who we are from isolated fragments(碎片) of shared information, jointly constructing our digital identity.

“The impression people form about us on social media based on what we post can differ from the way we

view ourselves.” said Qi Wang, professor of psychology and director of the Culture &. Cognition Lab. “A

mismatch between who we are and how people perceive us could influence our ability to feel connected online and

the benefits of engaging in social media interaction.”

The Cornell researchers believe their study is the first to investigate audience perceptions of social media users

through their posts, On platforms, users often share fragmentary personal narratives while interacting with “friends”

they may know only a little or sometimes not at all.

Interestingly, the study found that online status updates generated perceptions of users that were consistent

with cultural standards in offline contexts concerning gender and ethnicity—even though viewers were blind to

their identities.

Wang said the findings could help developers design interfaces that allow people to express themselves most


“If people's view of us is very different from who we actually are, or how we would like to be perceived.”

Wang said, “it could harm our social life and well-being.”

28. What may your online posts lead to?

A. Authentic digital identity.

B. Viewer's misjudgment of you.

C. Less social media interaction.

D. Making more online friends.

29. Which of the following will least reveal your personality?

A. A link with text

B. A pure video post.

C. A plain text post.

D. A text post with photos.

30. Who will be most interested in these findings?

A. Online web viewers.

B. Internet bloggers.

C. Computer repairmen.

D. Social media developers.

31. What does Wang think of the result of the research?

A. Profitable. B. Meaningless. C. Useful. D. Unpractical.


A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has demonstrated

that communication among memory-coding neurons(神经元)—nerve cells in the brain responsible for maintaining

working memory—is disrupted with ageing and that this can begin in middle age.

Findings from the study provide new insights into the ageing process of the human mind. and pave the way for

therapies(治疗方法) to maintain the mental well-being of an ageing individual.

Scientists have long studied the impact of ageing on the brain's executive functions, such as poorer self-control

and working memory. While it is well established that memory can worsen as people age, it has not been clear what

changes occur at the individual brain neuron level to cause this—until now.

In lab experiments, the NTU scientists investigated how neurons in mice of three different age groups—

young, middle age and old age—responded to tasks that required memory.

The researchers showed that compared to young mice, middle—aged and old mice required more training

sessions to learn new tasks, indicating some decline in memory and learning abilities from middle age. But beyond

that, they also found changes in the nerve cells of older mice.

Using advanced optical techniques that allow researchers to observe multiple individual neurons and control

their activity, the NTU team discovered that neurons in one part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, showed strong

memory coding ability in young mice. However this ability to hold memory diminishes in middle—aged and old

mice due to weakening connections among the neurons, which causes the mice to take longer to recall and perform


Dr Jun Nishiyama, Assistant Professor in the Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders programme at Duke-

NUS Medical School said. “This research emphasises the importance of early, strategic interventions (干预) to

cope with cognitive decline, providing a vital framework for future ageing research and brain health maintenance.

32. What is unknown to scientists now?

A. When memory begins to decrease.

B. How aging influences mental health

C. What causes memory loss as people age.

D. Whether memory may decrease with age.

33. Which can best replace the underlined word “diminishes” in paragraph 6?

A. stands out B. goes down

C. comes true D. dies out

34. According to the research, what is key to fighting against cognitive decline?

A. Strategic diet habit,

B. Healthy living condition.

C. Early scientific prevention.

D. Strengthening ageing research.

35. What is a suitable title for the text?

A. Experiments conducted to test cognitive decline.

B. Neurons that are responsible for the aging process.

C. The importance of assessing the degree of memory loss.

D. The way aging weakens brain cells’ ability to maintain memory.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分)


So, if you are one of those who felt something was missing, we recommend rethinking your philosophy to

work and career. It may be time to reframe what being happy with your career requires. The good news is that there

is a better path out there waiting for you. 36 . Here are some prompts to help you break free from the old

vicious cycle (恶性循环) and struggle inside for a new virtuous one:

Purpose inspired work

Is there a clear and appealing purpose to your work? 37 ? Look for an opportunity to work for a

company with an inspiring purpose, or think about starting one of your own.

Help further a cause

We under-estimate our ability to do something in addition. We can always find time for something we truly

love. 38 .Non-Governmental Organizations always need volunteers new entrepreneurs always need advice,

and there are many causes struggling to be heard. 39

As time goes by. we lose some of our youthful vigour (活力). Spend some time reminding yourself of what

mattered most to you in your teens and early twenties. Sometimes we put these things to one side while we start our

careers believing we will return to them and then forget, Make2024the year that you fulfil any hidden promises to

your youth.

Reacquaint (重新熟悉)yourself with joy

40 .Climb Kilimanjaro, learn a new language or how to write JavaScript. Whatever it is, commit

yourself to something that inspires you to make 2024 mean something greater than the old familiar routines.

A. Reconnect with your youthful idealism

B. Set aside some time to evaluate your past work

C. Is it a job that you would like to pull yourself out

D. However, to find it, you will need to think differently

E. Can you link your daily efforts to making a difference to something important

F. If you don't love your work, try to find something you can love alongside your job

G. Give yourself permission to find one pleasure, goal, or ambition you will conquer

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Working at a hotel, I had the pleasure of welcoming a family of five one Friday. As they entered the 41

child excitedly greeted me with a cheerful “hi”. I always 42 well-behaved children like them, as they bring a

special energy and joy to the place. 43 around young ones in my own family. I have a talent for

understanding their 44 . making interactions with them enjoyable. I always like hearing about their plans for

the weekend, and our hotel 45 us to engage with young guests.

During the check-in 46 with the parents, the youngest 47 announced. “It's my birthday

tomorrow!” I congratulated her and asked how old she would be. “Nine!” she 48 with a big smile. I was

impressed by her excitement.

The mother 49 they were in the area for university visits and applications for their eldest child, but

didn't talk about any 50 for the little one. As they went up to their room, I felt it necessary to do something

special for the birthday girl. Though we couldn't 51 anything extravagant(奢侈的), I decided to give her a

children's 52 with a toy. a chocolate from the vending machine, and a handwritten Happy Birthday

53 .

I delivered the 54 to the family's room and later, when they returned, the mother expressed how 55

the birthday girl was with the presents. She mentioned they would read the book together that night, which 56

my heart.

After my shift 57 , I didn't work until Monday. Upon my return, I found a(n) 58 thank-you letter

and drawings from the girl directed to me. The gesture nearly brought tears of 59 to my eyes, knowing that a

60 act of kindness bad made a difference in their stay.

41. A. cleverest B. youngest C. thinnest D. tallest

42. A. observe B. meet C. imagine D. appreciate

43. A. Going along B. Dropping in C. Growing up D. Getting out

44. A. behaviors B. struggles C. ambitions D. dreams

45. A. requires B. permits C. forces D. encourages

46. A. process B. attention C. movement D. incident

47. A. really B. quickly C. proudly D. definitely

48. A. appeared B. replied C. left D. remarked

49. A. worried B. insisted C. argued D. explained

50. A. places B. sources C. plans D. concerns

51. A. discover B. host C. revise D. arrange

52. A. book B. hat C. shirt D. picture

53. A. song B. note C. wish D. design

54. A. toys B. orders C. gifts D. machines

55. A. thrilled B. confused C. shocked D. frightened

56. A. ceased B. melted C. broke D. beat

57. A. came B. quit C. settled D. ended

58. A. touching B. interesting C. bothering D. convincing

59. A. relief B. anger C. joy D. sorrow

60. A. willing B. diverse C. flexible D. simple

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An exhibition of zodiac (生肖) sculptures called Peak Life and Water opened in Chengdu, Southwest China's

Sichuan Province on Saturday.

The 12 zodiac signs are 61 (traditional) used in Chinese culture to mark each year. Each zodiac sign also

corresponds to twelve hours in the day. In addition 62 the traditional calendar function, the 12 zodiac signs

are also a kind of folk custom and culture, 63 reflects Chinese people's understanding of the year.

Each sculpture 64 (base) on a single zodiac animal. For example, the tiny golden birds standing on the

head of an ox remind visitors of birds settling on an ox, 65 (chew) the worms they have just captured. In

another, a monkey balances 66 golden peach on its head. For the dragon sculpture, a golden and glorious ball

67 (float) in front of the intimidating dragon.

The expressions of these zodiac sculptures are vivid 68 calm. Some of them seem to be resting, content

in their mediation. Only the snake has its eyes open. If you see a 69 (snake) eyes are closed, that means it is

in hibernation(冬眠). The elegant and exquisite modelling has delighted visitors so much that even before the

opening ceremony of the exhibition, some collectors expressed a desire 70 (buy) the sculptures.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)

第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 10 分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错






2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My school is a place full of laughter or learning. Every morning, walking through the gate, I saw a warm

learning environment. The classrooms are filled in colorful posters, with books and pencils on the desks, Students

in our school enjoy spend time in the library, are equipped with shelves of books that transport them to different

new worlds. The teachers here are kind and patient, always ready help us succeed. My school is not just the

building, but it is also a community that we grow and learn together, I am gratefully for all the memories and

knowledges I have gained in my school.

第二节 书面表达(满分 25分)

你校英文报计划举办主题为“志愿服务,互帮互助(Volunteer to help each other)”的征文活动。请你写一则活





1.词数 100 左右;




Text 1

W: Hey, look at the sunset over the horizon. It is fantastic!

M: Yes, it's always been one of my favorite things.

W: Absolutely breathtaking. Like a painting, but this is real life.

Text 2

W: I can't believe we're finally here! This place is always so busy.

M: I know. I was expecting it to be quiet since it's the off-season.

W: I thought we'd get a better table if we came early. But look at all the people!

Text 3

M: What seems to be the problem?

W: My energy is low and I am always missing the targets.

M: OK, let's start with some stretches to get you relaxed. Then we'll focus on your technique.

Text 4

W: Hello, can I help you? We have a variety of books.

M: Yes, I'm looking for a book about vocabulary. Do you have any recommendations?

W: Do you want a textbook or a practical guide?

M: I think a textbook is better for a beginner like me.

Text 5

M: It was amazing all people arrived on time.

W: And it's not just in Germany. I've noticed this in Switzerland.

M: It's like they have a sense of urgency that we don't have in Italy.

Text 6

W: Hey, have you read the book Another Reality?

M: What's it about?

W: It's a science fiction novel written by Sergery, a highly respected author in the genre. The story is about a group

of scientists who discover a way to travel through different universes.

M: Hmm, that sounds appealing. Is it for adults or kids?

W: It's definitely for adults. The author has a reputation for writing science fiction that explores complicated


M: I think I might give it a try.

Text 7

M: Hey, the car is making a strange noise.

W: I didn't notice that, Maybe it is our cases on the backseat.

M: No. Something might be wrong. We should pull over to find a safe place to park.

W: OK, there's a gas station up ahead. We can stop there.

M: Good idea. And maybe they can help us figure out what is wrong.





