
2024-05-06·16页·307.5 K




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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What does the man do now?

A. A musician. B. An accountant. C. A college teacher.

2. What is the woman’s old laptop like?

A. It starts up slowly. B. It doesn’t work. C. It is heavy.

3. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In an office. B. In a garage. C. At home.

4. What does the woman want to know from the man?

A. The cost. B. The weather. C. The address.

5. What does the woman want to do?

A. Find a new job. B. Make more friends. C. Rent an apartment.






6. Why does the man come in?

A. To express gratitude. B. To train staff members. C. To work an evening shift.

7. What will the man probably do next?

A. Walk home. B. Change shoes. C. Take medicine.


8. What is the problem with the camera?

A. Its battery is dead. B. It is delivered late. C. There is a mark on it.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues. B. Provider and supplier. C. Deliveryman and receiver.


10. Why did the woman stay in Milan for three years?

A. For work. B. For study. C. For sightseeing.

11. How long will the man spend touring Milan?

A. One day. B. Four days. C. Five days.

12. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Avoid a group bus tour.

B. Turn to local people for help.

C. Find more information online.


13. Why does the woman talk to the man?

A. To ask for a favor. B. To seek cooperation. C. To give comments.

14. What is key to attracting the audience’s attention in the man’s opinion?

A. Providing data. B. Showing pictures. C. Explaining an outline.

15. What is the man’s suggestion for the woman at last?

A. Making a to-do list. B. Thinking positive. C. Expressing herself freely.

16. What will the woman do to relieve anxiety?

A. Practice in advance.

B. Give a speech to the man.

C. Get advice from the audience.


17. How many members does Duolingo have?

A. Less than 23 million. B. About 59 million. C. Over 120 million.

18. Where is Severin Hacker from?

A. Switzerland. B. Guatemala. C. Costa Rica.

19. Why did Luis von Ahn create Duolingo?

A. To do some research on English.

B. To allow people to learn for free.

C. To promote economy in his town.

20. How was Duolingo originally funded?

A. By a town. B. By schools. C. By big websites.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Four Must-see Museum Exhibitions in2024

LaToya Ruby Frazier, “Monuments of Solidarity”

Museum of Modern Art, New York

May 12—September 7

Museum of Modern Art will present a range of works, including photography, text, and moving images, from the

artist LaToya Ruby Frazier’s career. Frazier’s first museum show, the exhibition spans over 20 years and highlights

her ongoing interest in revitalizing and preserving overlooked and erased stories from America’s post-industrial era, in

particular, stories of gender, race, inequality and labor.

Jenny Holzer, “Light Line”

Guggenheim Museum, New York

May 17—September 29

The museum is revisiting the artist’s influential practice with “Light Line”, an expanded version of the landmark

show. The 2024 exhibition will include some of Holzer’s earliest and rarely shown works alongside new text that has

been generated with AI, illustrating the artist’s continued interest in employing the latest tech innovations.

Anselm Kiefer, “Fallen Angels”

Palazzo Strozzi, Florence

March 22—July 21

Bringing together new and historic paintings, sculptures and prints, “Fallen Angels” offers a comprehensive look

at the influential German artist’s career. Kiefer, one of the most important figures in German art, draws from a range

of sources, including religion, philosophy, collective memory and the history of war. The exhibition promises to

explore the complexity of Kiefer’s works, showcasing a range of subjects and materials in the context of Palazzo

Strozzi’s historic Renaissance (文艺复兴) architecture.

Caspar David Friedrich, “Infinite Landscapes”

Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin

April 19—August 4

Celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of the great German artist Caspar David Friedrich (1774—1840),

“Infinite Landscapes” joins two other major German exhibitions of the Romantic landscape painter’s works in

Hamburg and Dresden. “Infinite Landscapes” will bring together nearly 60 paintings and 50 drawings, including

several pairs of paintings that the artist created to explore the concepts of perspective (透视) and change.

21. What can you do at the exhibition in Museum of Modern Art?

A. Interact with Italian photographers.

B. Admire the latest tech innovations.

C. Watch films about various machines.

D. Learn about the overlooked side of America.

22. Which of the following exhibitions lasts the longest?

A. “Light Line”. B. “Fallen Angels”.

C. “Infinite Landscapes”. D. “Monuments of Solidarity”.

23. What do the last two exhibitions have in common?

A. They take place in three different places.

B. They celebrate two famous painters’ birthdays.

C. They focus on historic Renaissance architecture.

D. They display the works of artists from the same country.


In the summer of 2020, a wildfire caused by lightning tore through 43,000 acres of Cima Dome in the Mojave

National Preserve in California, which is home to the world’s largest Joshua tree forest, and destroyed 1.3 million

Joshua trees-that’s about a quarter of the trees. Repairing the forest would not be easy. But a special solution was

adopted: using camels to help restore the unique desert trees.

During the ice age, giant sloths (巨型树懒) used to feed on the trees and this helped spread the seeds. But these

sloths are extinct and now small mammals (哺乳动物) that are less effective have taken up the role. “Joshua tree

seeds don’t spread very quickly,” said Debra Hughson, who worked at the Mojave National Preserve. “They don’t

move very fast or they don’t move very far with just small mammals around.”

The plan was to restore the Cima Dome area first because its higher elevation allows the trees to survive the

effects of climate change. Hughson and her professional volunteer team began to plant seedlings (幼苗) in the burned

area. However, what had been considered effective in theory didn’t really work. The area is a wilderness and even the

hike to it takes several hours.

That’s where Herbie, Sully and Chico came to the rescue.

The idea of using the three camels came from Nance Fite, a 70-year-old volunteer at the reserve. When she heard

about the restoration project, she made efforts to convince the Park Service to let the camels help. She also eventually

persuaded her friend, Jennifer Lagusker, who owns the camels to bring them to the reserve. The three camels have

been helping in the restoration process since 2021 and around 3,500 young Joshua trees have been planted. The

camels helped to carry water and the seedlings on the long trips through the desert reserve.

After this work is finished, the Park Service will focus on a different area that was destroyed by the wildfire. The

camels will be ready to help out wherever they are needed.

24. What happened to the Mojave National Preserve in 2020?

A. Joshua trees in this area went extinct.

B. Lightning caused damage to its camels.

C. A wildfire swept across the whole reserve.

D. Its desert trees encountered a natural disaster.

25. What do the underlined words “the role” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Spreading the seeds. B. Restoring the trees.

C. Helping giant sloths. D. Working for a reserve.

26. Why did the volunteer team’s first attempt turn out ineffective?

A. Hiking was legally forbidden in the wilderness.

B. They had trouble traveling to the Cima Dome area.

C. Few people in the team were willing to plant seedlings.

D. The trees couldn’t survive the effects of climate change.

27. What can we learn from the text?

A. The idea of using camels was initially adopted easily.

B. The Park Service is satisfied with the camels’ work.

C. Nance Fite is responsible for raising the three camels.

D. The restoration project has been followed in many areas.


Researchers discovered a new function for a common protein in the brain—a development that throws new light

on the mysteries of the mind and holds promising implications for the treatment of memory loss and post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD).

The protein, called RPT6, normally performs necessary housekeeping in the brain’s hippocampus (海马体) by

working as part of a larger protein complex called the proteasome to destroy other proteins. But researchers in the

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ School of Animal Sciences recently noticed this protein behaving in a

previously undetected way.

“We have found that RPT6 is capable of this completely different function where it can combine with DNA and

increase the expression of other genes or proteins during memory formation,” said Tim Jarome, associate professor of

neurobiology. “This indicates that RPT6 plays a dual (双重的) role in memory formation, both inside and outside the

proteasome complex.”

Gene expression is critical to memory formation. It helps to build the neural networks needed to form and

strengthen memories. The discovery, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, opens up new avenues for exploration

of how RPT6 functions in the brain and how it can be controlled to improve memory and reduce the harm of memory

disorders like PTSD.

Researchers don’t yet understand why RPT6 has this dual function or how it is helping to control the cells that

form a memory. “There has to be something else that’s working with it to control gene expression,” Jarome said. “We

are trying to understand now how it’s doing that.”

Hopefully, the discovery will be helpful to the ongoing research in Jarome’s lab, which focuses on understanding

and treating memory disorders.

“The discovery of RPT6’s new function is leading us somewhere new in revealing the complexities of the brain

and how we learn and store memories,” said research scientist Kayla Farrell. “We believe that this will help to inform

new directions into understanding how gene expression is controlled during memory. In the long term, this could lead

to potential treatment of controlling and improving memory.”

28. What does Tim Jarome say about RPT6 in paragraph 3?

A. It is a new kind of protein. B. It has little to do with DNA.

C. It can feed most of the cells. D. It affects memory formation.

29. What is still unclear to researchers?

A. What contributes to RPT6’s dual function.

B. The role of gene expression in memory formation.

C. The discovery of RPT6’s dual function in the brain.

D. Whether RPT6 can increase the expression of other genes.

30. What message does Kayla Farrell mainly want to convey?

A. The brain is not complex to explore.

B. The finding is of great significance.

C. The new treatment of memory loss works.

D. The problem of storing memory is serious.

31. Where does the text most probably appear?

A. In a lab report. B. In a chemistry textbook.

C. In a health magazine. D. In a first aid brochure.


If you’ve been on BookTok, an online community where readers recommend, review and theorize about their

favorite books, authors and genres, you’ve probably heard of Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing. On BookTok, the release

of Fourth Wing came with hype (炒作) around a mix between romance and fantasy. The novel was published last

May and its sequel (续集) followed just six months later.

But questions came: Are publishers and authors publishing books too quickly, and does this affect the quality of


On the day of the sequel’s release, Yarros and her publisher, Red Tower Books, were met with much criticism

about her misuse of a language’s grammar in the novel. Many argued that the mistakes could have been avoided if the

publishers had hired someone to proofread (校对) the language.

So what does BookTok have to do with this? It was one of the reasons why within the first week of Fourth Wing

being published, the book quickly shot up to the top of the New York Times Best Sellers list despite criticism.

With the rising readers, it isn’t uncommon for both publishers and authors to use that hype to their advantage.

This was likely a reason why the series, originally including three books, was dragged into a five-book series.

This is kind of what fast fashion is all about. Fast fashion refers to the process of clothing manufacturing that

moves from production/design to stores quickly to keep up with current trends. These pieces are often cheap and

low-quality and sent to stores with the hope of selling out quickly. The same approach used in the publishing world,

thanks to BookTok to some degree, could lead to decreasing book quality when writing and editing aren’t able to

reach their maximum potential.

This isn’t to say that books like Fourth Wing are bad just because they’re hyped. But abandoning developed

work for crowd-pleasers doesn’t do all readers justice. These worries about the quick turnover in the publishing

industry aren’t directed towards independent authors who carefully write, edit and publish themselves, but rather

towards those who overlook the importance of everything that goes into the writing process.

32. Why does the author raise questions in the text?

A. To doubt readers’ judgment. B. To keep the text developing.

C. To highlight BookTok’s advantages. D. To provide background information.

33. What was the situation of Fourth Wing after its release?

A. It enjoyed popularity. B. It faced little criticism.

C. It was publicly rejected. D. It didn’t sell well in stores.

34. Which of the following shows the author’s opinion?

A. Book quality is vital in the publishing industry.

B. Books like Fourth Wing are not good ones.

C. Authors should avoid doing too many duties.

D. BookTok shouldn’t be to blame for fast fashion.

35. What is the best title for the text?

A. BookTok Is Misleading Consumers in Reading.

B. Are Those Books Posted Online Worth Reading?

C. Fast Fashion Emerges in the Publishing Industry.

D. Can the Publishing Industry Adapt to Challenges?



Cooking skills are abilities that allow you to cook safely and effectively. 36 , there are also professional

skills for cooks that allow you to perform in ways that appeal to customers and impress employers. Here are some

ways to improve your cooking skills for your career.

Attend classes or pursue a degree

37 , consider attending cooking classes or pursuing a degree in cooking. Attending classes or completing

coursework with others can help you practice many skills like cleanliness and teamwork, and you can learn cooking

techniques that may appeal to employers.


Learning from others is a great way to understand how cooks work with different types of cuisine and what

employers might expect from you in the food service industry. While learning from a colleague who is as skilled as

you is a useful method for improving your skills, it’s also valuable to find an experienced mentor (导师) to teach you

how to behave in a kitchen and develop your strengths.

Gain experience

To improve your cooking skills, you can work in a professional environment. Performing work gives you the

opportunity to gain experience and see in what areas you can improve to be more successful in your role. 39 .

Ask for feedback (反馈)

Asking for feedback can give you valuable information about what you do well and which abilities you can

improve. 40 . That’s because they know more about your typical behavior in a professional kitchen. However,

mentors who help you train or teach you in class can also be a good source of feedback.

A. Learn from others

B. Understand how great cooks work

C. It’s usually best to ask those who work with you frequently

D. You should ask for feedback from your employees or mentors

E. It’s better if you can choose a job in an area of food service you’re interested in

F. If you want to learn a specific cooking skill or develop your expertise in this field

G. Although some skills are specific techniques that help you make particular food at home

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



My colleagues and I, who have been teaching powerful communication skills, talk about the power of words all

the time. We think the words we use are at the heart of 41 .

Over the last twenty years, I have 42 thousands of people. I have heard some 43 of the

following many times: “How can I get my boss/colleague to 44 me like I am part of the team?” I have met

young people who are made to feel like 45 by their older colleagues, often because the experiences that are

shared around the table are about something that happened long ago. I have talked with older people who feel out of

touch because their younger and more culturally-current colleagues 46 refer to new developments in

technology that an older colleague is 47 to know.

There are lots of ways we can make someone feel excluded and 48 . But often, in my experience, the

words we use are a main 49 . The words have the power to make people feel included, but they also can make

people feel 50 .

So, the next time you are in a 51 of some kind, be 52 . If you are in a meeting of engineers and

there is someone who doesn’t “speak engineering” the way the rest of you do, 53 using fewer technical terms.

If you are in a party and are not 54 whether everyone “speaks football”, think about talking about another

55 of your weekend.

41. A. success B. friendship C. inclusion D. sympathy

42. A. praised B. employed C. criticized D. coached

43. A. assumptions B. options C. questions D. suggestions

44. A. treat B. rescue C. admire D. follow

45. A. competitors B. outsiders C. researchers D. professionals

46. A. gradually B. rarely C. temporarily D. constantly

47. A. hesitant B. unlikely C. afraid D. unwilling

48. A. unwelcome B. regretful C. envious D. disappointed

49. A. factor B. result C. change D. dream

50. A. sought for B. tested out C. cared for D. left out

51. A. contest B. gathering C. camp D. classroom

52. A. confident B. courageous C. thoughtful D. patient

53. A. imagine B. consider C. avoid D. miss

54. A. worried B. curious C. pleased D. sure

55. A. element B. day C. person D. party



The Three Mountains (Fragrant Hills, Jade Spring Hill and Longevity Hill) and Five Gardens (Jingming Garden,

Jingyi Garden, the Summer Palace, Changchun Garden and Yuanmingyuan) represent the rich cultural and historical

heritage of Beijing. 56 (primary) serving as leisure places 57 emperors and their family could relax

and entertain, they are now treasured as sites of natural beauty as well as repositories (存放处 ) of the nation’s

historical and cultural heritage.

Many important cultural items that 58 (house) in the Three Mountains and Five Gardens were lost in the

last century. But recently, 69 important long-lost cultural relics (文物) have been recreated 59 digital form and

are now being presented to the public. This is an achievement of the “Three Mountains and Five Gardens Dispersed

(流散的) Cultural Relics Three-dimensional Database Construction Project”, 60 (lead) by Wu Xiaomin, the

director of the Yuanmingyuan Research Center.

The completion of these 69 digital cultural relic models is the result of cooperative efforts 61 (involve)

many volunteers both at home and abroad. “We reached out to scholars and artists in France, as well as overseas

students, and asked them to help 62 (we) gather information about the dispersed cultural relics,” Wu says.

The project has created a digital museum that provides a comprehensive and 63 (system) exhibition of

dispersed cultural relics in seven 64 (category). Each artwork is accompanied by 65 unique

mini-program. With technologies such as virtual reality, the exhibition hall offers visitors an experience of close-up

appreciation of the items.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)




1. 俱乐部简介:

2. 欢迎加入。

注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Peter,






Li Hua



It was two weeks before a holiday, and I still hadn’t sent out our holiday cards. Each year, my family gets dozens

of holiday cards from friends and family. I wanted to send some out as well that year—perfect ones.

I decided to make them with a family picture taken by a professional photographer. After dropping off my two

boys at school, I called a local photographer. The photographer told me since there wasn’t much time before the

holiday, he would come on early Sunday morning and told me to have the whole family in white shirts.

Now, not only did I have my usual five million things to do, but I also had to find matching white shirts for my

entire family. My husband was trying to help, but I thought I could juggle (尽量兼顾) everything and fix everything

perfectly. He also suggested wearing our old shirts, but I insisted on getting new ones to ensure the picture was


After visiting a bunch of stores, I got perfect white polo shirts. I was able to continue doing all my other errands

(差事) with a smile, knowing that my family was going to look great for the holiday photograph session.

I’m not sure where the rest of the hours went, but when I went to get my younger son to sleep on Saturday night,

I noticed his hair was a complete mess. He needed a haircut! With all my running around, I hadn’t noticed how badly

he needed one. It was 8:00 at night—too late to find a barber. The photographer was coming the next morning.

I took out the scissors I barely used and told my younger son to come into the bathroom where I started to cut his

hair. My son was very cooperative. When I was done, we both knew that the haircut was a disaster! I started to

panic—our holiday cards might be delayed.

My husband offered to help again. I hesitated for seconds and agreed. He asked me to go downstairs and have a

cup of tea while he took care of the situation. My older son also came to help.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

With no mood for tea, I was walking around downstairs restlessly. _____________________________________




When I saw the three of them were happy with the same buzz cut (寸头) made by my husband, my tears were

replaced with smiles and I made a decision. ___________________________________________________________








