
2024-05-07·15页·1.7 M


英 语

本试卷共 8 页,共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。



2.选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试

卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读


1. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Lock the doors. B. Go to the seaside. C. Look after her home.

2. When did the woman go to the dentist?

A. Last week. B. One month ago. C. Six months ago.

3. What did the man buy yesterday?

A. Jeans. B. Shoes. C. A shirt.

4. Where does the talk take place?

A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In a house.

5. What does the woman think of the man?

A. He is OK. B. He is sad. C. He seems sick.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题;每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作


听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。

6. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Wife and husband. C. Teacher and student.

7. What will the woman do?

A. Go to Russia. B. Stay at home. C. Visit sister and brother.

听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。

8. What happened to the man's mother?

A. She fell ill. B. She broke her words. C. She met an accident.

9. Why does the man say sorry to the woman?

A. He made her angry. B. He failed the date. C. He forgot her birthday.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。

10. How many people spend their holiday at home now?

A. 40%. B. 50%. C. 90%.

11. Where do people like to spend their holiday?

A. In big cities. B. On the beach. C. At cultural sites.

12. What do the speakers mainly talk about?

A. Great pleasure of travel. B. Changes in travel ways. C. Costs of different travels.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. Why does the woman want to work?

A. To gain experience. B. To make friends. C. To earn money.

14. What does the man think is most important to his daughter?

A. Her study. B. Her interest. C. Her happiness.

15. What will the woman do?

A. Clean toilets. B. Do housework. C. Work in a shop.

16. What does the man do?

A. He's a boss. B. He's a worker. C. He's a teacher.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. Who do the devices of technology benefit?

A. Parents. B. Children. C. Scientists.

18. What information can you get from Lively?

A. Everyday needs. B. Unusual situations. C. Relatives' greetings.

19. Which statement matches the Jitterbug Pluis?

A. It gets power from light. B. It runs without power. C. It works a long time.

20. What can the third device do?

A. Keep your home safe. B. Get energy by itself. C. Help your phone work better.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A Day Out at the City Farm

Come and join us for a day of fun! Get in touch with nature and learn about the importance of growing our

own food. Bring back your own mini garden to start your urban farming journey!

Date:28 May 2024(Sunday) Time: 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Venue: City Farm

GUIDED TOUR 9 a. m. or 3 p. m.

Free registration (registration ends 5 minutes before tour starts)

Our friendly guide will share interesting facts about some common local plants and their uses. You will have

an opportunity to touch, smell and taste some of the vegetables and fruits. Our guide will also highlight some

farming methods that are environmentally friendly.


My Miniature Garden 10 a. m. and 1 p. m.

Tickets (payment at site): Children $15 per person

Adult $25 per person

Learn to make an easy herb or vegetable garden in a recycled box. Bring it home and be excited as you watch

your plants come up. Cook a meal after harvesting them.

How To Make A Seed Ball 11 a. m. and 2 p. m.

Free entry (first come, first served)

Each seed ball is made by wrapping seeds with compost(堆肥) and clay, which provide nutrients for seeds

to grow and act as a carrier to spread the seeds. They also prevent the seeds from being eaten by birds and animals.

Our seed balls are wrapped in craft paper and make great gifts for your family and friends.

21. What can visitors do while visiting GUIDED TOUR?

A. Have a treat. B. Grow green plants.

C. Watch plants come up. D. Buy vegetables and fruits.

22. How much should a couple with two kids pay to visit My Miniature Garden?

A. $ 40. B. $ 55. C. $ 65. D. $ 80.

23. Which of the following is a benefit of the seed ball?

A. It provides food for birds. B. It improves the environment.

C. It protects seeds in it. D. It produces nutrients by itself.


On January 12, three EF-3 tornadoes came through the city of Griffin, Georgia, where I live. One of the

tornadoes passed directly over my house. The rumbling(隆隆声) was strong as the winds pushed against the

house. Trees were uprooted, and broken pieces flew through the air. Rain and hail fell in sheets.

Students had to shelter in place. The students gathered together for hours, according to Nicole Dowling, a

math teacher at Kennedy Road Middle School. We all waited for safe passage, she said. There were downed

trees blocking each direction on Kennedy Road.

Most students got home safely by 11 p. m., but about two dozen had to remain until the early hours of January


I'll never forget the sound, Dowling said. She heard loud noises as she waited with other teachers in a

classroom. All at once, she added, we were under desks for cover. We were all one, listening attentively, until

we sensed the storm moving away.

Mariyah Dallas, a sixth grader, said that she and her family were frightened. It was very scary because the

power was out for more than a day, she said. We had to move a lot of trees out of the yard.

The tornadoes damaged nearly 2,000 buildings in Griffin. Dowling described the result. Massive trees were

broken in half and thrown about, she said. Electrical wire were hanging like loose noodles. Ruins lay


Power was knocked out in the city, which has a population of more than 23,000. When I looked into the

damage, I saw that a gas station overhang had fallen down, destroying a car under it. The roof of the Hobby Lobby

near the shopping center had fallen down.

A study from 2019 suggests that climate change may be a contributing factor to the shift of Tornado Alley,

causing it to move eastward. As a result, heavily-populated areas east of the Mississippi River are experiencing

more tornadoes than they have in the past.

24. What happened to the students according to the math teacher?

A. They ran away from school. B. They were trapped in a disaster.

C. They found no places to shelter. D. They were injured in the tornado.

25. What impressed Dowling most about the tornado?

A. Its sight. B. Its speed. C. Its power. D. Its noises.

26. What do we know about the car in the gas station?

A. It broke down half way. B. It ran out of gas on the way.

C. It was covered by falling ruins. D. It was destroyed by falling trees.

27. How does climate change affect tornadoes?

A. It changes their areas. B. It changes their moving speed.

C. It increases their force to destroy. D. It increases times to take place.


Scientists have discovered fossils that might have belonged to the heaviest animal in Earth's history. The blue

whale holds the current record as the largest creature to live on Earth. But a collection of bones found in Peru might

break that record.

Mario Urbina discovered the bones in 2012. He is with the University of San Marcos' Natural History

Museum in Lima. An international team spent years digging them out from the side of a rocky hill in the Ica desert.

The large fossils date back to around 39 million years ago.

After the digging operation, the researchers used 3D scanners to study the surface of the bones and also looked

inside. The researchers used the huge but incomplete skeleton to estimate the whale's size and weight.

The team estimates the ancient creature weighed somewhere between 85 and 340 metric tons. The biggest blue

whales found have been within that range, at about 180 metric tons. This means the newly discovered whale was

possibly the heaviest animal ever. Bu it was most likely not the longest animal ever.

The research team said one reason the animal weighs more is because its bones are much denser and heavier

than a blue whale's bones. Those super-dense bones suggest the whale may have spent its time in less deep, coastal

waters, the scientists said. Other animals that stay close to the coast have heavy bones to help them stay close to the


Amson, from the State Museum of Natural History in Germany, said that without the skull, it is hard to know

what the whale was eating to support such a huge body. It is possible that the large creature sought food along the

seafloor, the researchers said. Or it could have eaten up tons of smaller sea life in the ocean.

28. What did the researchers want to know by using 3D technology?

A. How big and heavy the whale was. B. What environment the whale faced.

C. What caused the whale to die. D. How long the whale lived.

29. What do heavier bones mean for this ancient whale?

A. The strength it had. B. The area where it lived.

C. The way it hunted for food. D. The speed it swam in the sea.

30. What interested Amson about the ancient whale?

A. The way it moved in the sea. B. The miss of its head bones.

C. The large amount of food it ate. D. The threat it brought to other sea life.

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Ancest or of Blue Whales Was Discovered

B. Hug e Ancient Whale Bones Shock Researchers

C. Mysterious Giant Ancient Whales Puzzle Scientists

D. Ancient Whale May Be Heaviest Animal Ever Found


American Jason Stark's two young sons talked excitedly for months about seeing the The Super Mario Bros.

Movie. When the film opened this month, Star k decided to make a special event of taking his boys to the show.

Star k took a day off from work and drove his boys, ages 9 and 6, about a half-hour from their Connecticut

home. They went to watch the movie at an AMC theater with a large special screen called an IMAX.

We got lunch, we went to the movies and had a fun day together, said Stark. They loved it. They were

amazed by how big(the screen) was.

Filmmakers and theater business leaders say movie watchers are seeking such new, interesting experiences.

American and Canadian ticket sales of traditional movies this year are 16 percent below 2019. However, people

have attended movies in large numbers for films and showings that use special effects, including Top Gun:

Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water.

Theaters are employing technology to create improved experiences. Changes include larger screens, special

sound systems, seats that move in connect ion with action in a film and other environmental effects.

Market researcher Comscore visualizes these special shows will make up 16.7 percent of U. S. movie ticket

sales. The company says that number was 9.2 percent in 2019.

Theater companies continue to build large, special viewing screens known as premium format (高级格式).

The total number of premium format screens in North America reached 1,940 in 2022, says Omdia, another

research company. It says the new number represents an increase of 4.4 percent over the year before.

The average ticket price to see a movie in the U. S. is around $11. Premium screenings usually cost five to

seven dollars more.

B&B Theatres operates 531 screens in 14 states and offers large format screens as well as heated chairs that

can be raised and lowered, immersive(亲临其境) audio and seats timed to move with a movie's action.

32. What impressed Star k and his two sons most about the movie?

A. Its large screen. B. Its moving story. C. Its famous actors. D. Its excited audience.

33. What's the problem with traditional movies?

A. They are out of date. B. They will disappear in the future.

C. They are less popular now. D. People no longer like to see them.

34. What does the underlined word visualizes mean in paragraph 6?

A. Warns. B. Expects. C. Doubts. D. Announces.

35. What do we know about the new technology movies?

A. They are costly and difficult to build. B. They have lost their traditional style.

C. They only attract the young to watch. D. They cost more for people to enjoy.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


There Are 4 Types of Anger: Which One Is Yours?

You're passive-aggressive(被动攻击型)

36 when a colleague asks for a favor, but then oh, forget to do it—or do it late and not well. You say

it's fine when it's really not or 'whatever' when you really mean no. These are all classic passive-aggressive

behaviors-or patterns of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them.

You make mountains out of molehills(小题大做)

You find the fault in every situation, and regard each conversation as an argument you have to win. Maybe

you were made to look or feel inferior(卑微的) growing up. To pay off, you become more aggressive. Instead

of feeling like a victim, you learn to be the rejecter. 37 . And you create conflict or deliver the first blow

in an argument so it gives you the chance to be heard, to prove you are smarter, and to show you're right.

Your fuse(保险丝) is short and you burst into anger

When you lose the ability to control a situation, it may set off aggression, violent behavior or explosive

outbursts that are not necessary to the situation. 38 . This type of anger can also put people at risk for harm,

so it's important to seek professional help.


When it comes to your religious, political or other beliefs—yours are right, the others are wrong; yours are

good, the others are bad. So when others go against your beliefs, you're on the offensive because your beliefs are

correct, and therefore your anger is reasonable. Even if your intentions are good, anger gets you in trouble when

you allow it get out of control. 40 because you think your morals back the behavior.

A. Your morals fuel your anger

B. Anger itself is not a bad emotion

C. You give an enthusiastic sure, no problem!

D. It's how you use your anger that makes it good or bad

E. And you feel you have the right to do whatever you want

F. You put down or reject others first before it can be done to you

G. Getting stuck in traffic, for example, may lead you to yell at other drivers

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A homeowner is puzzled by two dolls moving into his mailbox one day. Don Powell said the two dolls 41

in his mailbox last summer with a 42 that read: We've decided to live here. Mary and Shelley.

He asked his neighbors if anyone else had 43 dolls in their mailbox but no one had. It's important to

note that Powell has a mailbox that looks 44 to his actual home. So, he could see why a doll family might

want to 45 .

His first thought was to 46 the couple and their belongings into the garbage can. But then, 47 ,

he changed his mind. He pushed the couple and their belongings to the 48 of the mailbox and started doing

his own business.

But this was just the 49 . Soon after, someone dropped off a dog for the doll couple living in the

mailbox. Over time more 50 started to appear inside the mailbox including a carpet, chair, and a bed.

By Christmas time, Shelley and Mary 51 some wrapped presents and a little Christmas tree. After a

while, Powell turned to social media to see whether anyone would 52 they put the dolls in his mailbox, or

if they 53 who did. But no one came forward.

I'm kind of enjoying the mystery, he said. I look forward to 54 things being added to the mailbox.

Powell said although the dolls have found a home inside his mailbox, it doesn't disturb his mailman from 55

his letters.

41. A. grew B. married C. arrived D. quarreled

42. A. book B. note C. order D. request

43. A. found B. lent C. kept D. made

44. A. strange B. proper C. close D. similar

45. A. sign up B. move in C. carry on D. come along

46. A. throw B. warn C. force D. drive

47. A. absolutely B. actually C. obviously D. suddenly

48. A. top B. side C. back D. outside

49. A. attempt B. beginning C. excuse D. joke

50. A. furniture B. adventure C. fortune D. wealth

51. A. bought B. created C. received D. expected

52. A. admit B. promise C. refuse D. declare

53. A. blamed B. considered C. knew D. feared

54. A. new B. valuable C. unique D. terrible

55. A. getting B. writing C. sending D. delivering

第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recently, a cleaner named Chen Liyan has made the headlines for her honesty. Early last Tuesday morning,

Chen was sweeping the floor at Taiyuan Railway Station when 56 (sudden)she found a small plastic bag

near a chair and discovered 100,000 yuan inside. Chen 57 (shock)but determined to return the money to its


While 58 (work), Chen watched carefully for anyone who might have been the owner. She waited for

over two hours, but, having no luck, she went to 59 nearest police station to turn the money in. There, it

was finally returned to Wang Zheng, the owner of the money.

Wang thanked Chen repeatedly and made an 60 (apologize) for the trouble he had caused to her, even

offering her 5,000 yuan as a reward. But Chen refused, believing it would be wrong to accept the money 61

she had spent the last of her savings treating her daughter, who is currently seriously ill.

Fortunately, Mr. Ma, 62 works at the police station, stepped in. Living in the same apartment building

as Chen's family, Ma was well aware 63 Chen's difficulties. When Wang Zheng was told about Chen's

situation, he decided to set up a fundraising website 64 (help)Chen out.

Money is important, but money definitely isn't everything, which 65 (be)a great attitude to take.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你的笔友 Jack 来邮件说,最近经常生病,影响学习。请根据提示回复一封英文邮件,要




注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;





第二节(满分 25 分)


The other day, I was driving home, a little upset because I hated working at the weekend. On the way, I

decided to buy some vegetables in the nearby greengrocer's. Since there was still thin ice on the road, I took a

glance at the back mirror to make sure no people or vehicles came close, and slowly turned the wheel to the right.

Then out of my expectation, my car knocked into an electric bike, giving out a loud noise of metal clash. I came

back to myself and saw out of the window screen a teenager lean on one side of the bike, one foot off the ground.

All of a sudden, a familiar scene flashed across my mind.

When I was in high school, I had fun riding my bike along the country road on extremely hot and boring

afternoons during summer holidays. Sometimes I carried my little brother to the only grocery store in the

neighborhood where we could buy our favorite ice cream.

Once we had an argument about what to buy. Seeing him leave the store in a temper, I jumped on the bike and

tried to talk him into going back. Suddenly, he gave me a push and I was pushed towards the middle of the road

when a motorbike came in my face. I fell on the ground before I could see anything clearly. Luckily, I didn't get

hurt but still couldn't rise to my feet. The motorist, a middle-aged man, ignoring his torn jeans, hurried to check on

me, Are you okay? Your leg? Your foot?

I am all right, but...I stared at him, terrified because I was sure he would ask for big sum of money for

compensation(赔偿). Instead, he just let me go despite his wife's protests. Guilty as I was, I was happy that I

was spared. I was really grateful to the man for pardoning a silly kid who had made such a big mistake by mistake.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右:


Now this boy was in the same situation I was in. ________________________________________________



Then I took a closer look at the damage to my car. ________________________________________________



2024 学年新教材新高考桂柳信息冲刺金卷(四)



1—5 CABCC 6—10 ABABA 11—15 BBCAC 16—20 AABCB

Text 1

W: Oh, we are going away to the seaside for a few days. Can you keep an eye on my home while I'm away?

M: Certainly, Jackie. Make sure you lock the doors and shut all the windows.

Text 2

M: Hey, Rita, when was the last time you went to the dentist? You know, you should go every six months to keep

your teeth healthy.

W: I went last week. But they want to see me again in one month. I need some more work done.

Text 3

W: Hi, John. You look good today. New shirt?

M: No, I've had this shirt for two years, but I bought these shoes yesterday. Do you like them?

W: Yes, very nice! They look good with your jeans.

Text 4

W: Look at the sofa and the table. I'd like to have them in our living room.

M: Perhaps you could also buy the dressing table. I think it would look good in your bedroom.

Text 5

W: Jack, you don't look quite well. You'd better go and see a doctor. Don't worry about the lessons.

M: Thank you, Mrs. Black. But I'm OK.

Text 6

M: Hasn't it been hard for you without your sister and brother, Mom?

W: Yes, Sam, of course. We haven't seen each other for a long time.

M: Mom, I have a surprise for you! I'll go on a business trip to Russia. I want you to come with me. You can meet

them finally.

W: No, Sam. It's very thoughtful of you, but I'm too old and sick to travel so far.

Text 7

M: Helen, I want to have a word with you.

W: Is it about the appointment yesterday evening? Forget it! It doesn't really matter.

M: But I must say sorry to you. I didn't mean to break my word. I was about to leave home when my mother

suddenly passed out. I took her to the hospital and looked after her all night. It was not until this morning that I

remembered my date with you.

W: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Is she OK now?

M: She's all right. But I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting last night!

W: I quite understand. It's not your fault, but don't forget to call me up next time if you can't come.

Text 8





