
2024-05-11·15页·979.4 K


英 语


1.本试卷共四部分。满分:150 分。考试时间:120 分钟。






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对


1.What does the man want to do most?

A.Have a swim. B.Visit a museum. C.Go to an air show.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.How to go to work.

B.How to learn a language.

C.How to get along with workmates.

3.What is the woman’s attitude towards going rock climbing?

A.Hesitant. B.Confident. C.Uninterested.

4.When does the film festival probably finish?

A.At 4 pm. B.At 5 pm. C.At 7 pm.

5.Why does the man probably come here this time?

A.To do some sightseeing.

B.To go on business.

C.To attend a wedding.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或读白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个


小题,每小题5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.Who is probably good at accounting?

A.Anna. B.Matt. C.Justine.


7.What are the speakers probably doing?

A.Choosing a major. B.Selecting books. C.Doing an interview.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8.What will the woman do first?

A.Buy some furniture. B.Try on the dress. C.Choose some accessories.

9.Which department has been moved?

A.The shoe department.

B.The womenswear department.

C.The menswear department.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 13 题。

10.What is the woman doing?

A.Hosting a program. B.Taking a photo. C.Exploring a forest.

11.Why did the man go to South America?

A.To preserve local culture.

B.To collect art materials. C.To protect the rainforest.

12.What were used to track the threats by sounds?

A.Phones and computers.

B.Phones and microphones.

C.Computers and microphones.

13.How can we describe the man?

A.He’s weak. B.He’s creative. C.He’s understanding.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14.What did the woman’s father do?

A.An actor. B.A director. C.A producer.

15.What made the woman take up editing?

A.Her love for reading. B.Her father’s support. C.Family influences.

16.When did the woman start to build her team?

A.Four years ago. B.Five years ago. C.Six years ago.

17.What does the woman plan to do in the future?

A.Produce a film. B.Write a book. C.Be a book editor.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18.How can people order books that are unavailable in the library?

A.By sending an email.

B.By making a phone call.

C.By visiting the library website.

19.What is on the right of the reception area?

A.The reading rooms. B.The children’s area. C.The study zone.

20.What does the library provide for students in the far left corner?

A.Computers. B.Chargers. C.Power sockets.


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。



From the pyramids of Giza to the Colossus of Rhodes,Bettany Hughes explores some of the

world’s most thrilling landscapes.In a landscape that values convenience and quick-fire progress

over all else,it’s a treat to look into the BCE years and discover the astonishing accomplishments

of leaders and kings long,long dead,some of which still puzzle the modern mind.

Hughes takes us through each of the Seven Ancient Wonders, not only wondering at the

construction and grandness but, perhaps more interestingly, the experiences of those who

imagined,built and enjoyed them.

This is not a book to be quickly understood,but enjoyed in delicious pieces,regularly glancing

from the page to inform whoever is nearby:“Did you know the Temple of Artemis was destroyed

and rebuilt three times, each more impressive than the last?”or “Did you know that when the

Pyramid of Giza was built,it was a waterside feature,and the Egyptian landscape was green?”

Thoroughly researched and cited,Hughes also appears to have visited many of the locations,

even those we can’t be sure of,and this first-hand accounting adds a much-needed element of

engagement to the otherwise fact-and date-heavy narrative.Recounting the unpleasant smell of bat

guano(夜明砂)while crawling through pyramid passageways,doing her own on-foot detective

work at Rhodes to discover the location of the Colossus,you can imagine her,not in a dusty library

but putting on an Indiana Jones style hat and adventuring for numerous legendary treasures.

21.What does Hughes focus on in her writing?

A.Quick-fire progress. B.Common sense.

C.Ancient wonders. D.Modern minds.

22.What can we learn about Hughes?

A.She prefers to describe delicious food.

B.She is fond of questioning the truth.

C.She is used to working in a dusty library.

D.She highlights hands-on experiences.

23.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To recommend a book. B.To introduce places of interest.

C.To attract tourists. D.To hunt for treasures.


Collingwood-Norris was playing with her new pet dog,Stitch,while wearing a favourite

second-hand find:a coral wool jumper.Stitch jumped up and grabbed her sleeve and tore several

holes in it with her sharp teeth.

Collingwood-Norris,now 37,wasn’t about to cast the item out.“I can’t bear to throw away

nice clothing just because of a hole,” she explains.As a knitwear designer based in Galashiels,


Scotland,she was used to making her own jumpers,but after she was left with a handful that had

dog-affected holes,she decided to tackle a new skill:mending.She began by reading a book called

Make Do and Mend,about the innovative thriftiness(节俭)that emerged during World War

Instead of trying to make the repair as small as possible,she turned to “visible mending”,a trend

in repairing clothes that leaves an intentionally obvious fix.Needleworkers add flowers,bright

squares or other small designs to damaged clothes.“Every time you do a repair,it’s like having a

new garment in your wardrobe,” says Collingwood-Norris.She’s even started to repair other

things,including a hole in the red sofa chair she’s sitting on during our video interview.

Sadly, we have become accustomed to replacing things instead of repairing them and the

garbage is piling up.Worldwide,we cast out 92 million tonnes of textiles(纺织品)every

year.Electronic waste is another growing problem:an estimated 50 million tonnes of it is created

each year around the world.

The good news is that fixing things can help solve the waste problem.It’s part of a larger shift

towards a circular economy—the idea that instead of casting out items once they are broken or out

of date,we reuse or repair them,keeping them out of the landfill for as long as possible.

About one-third of greenhouse gas emissions come from man-made goods and

consumables.According to a 2023 report from Circle Economy,a Netherlands-based NGO,if the

world switched to a circular economy we could lower the amount of material we need to extract

from nature by a third.Of course there is still something to do with the waste.

24.Why does the author mention Collingwood-Norris’ pet dog?

A.To show how lovely the dog was.

B.To introduce the topic of mending.

C.To highlight the second-hand jumper.

D.To tell an interesting story about the dog.

25.How did Collingwood-Norris deal with damaged clothes?

A.She threw them away. B.She stored them in a wardrobe.

C.She skillfully repaired them. D.She made the repairs as small as possible.

26.What can we learn about the circular economy?

A.It promotes sustainable use of resources.

B.It leads to greenhouse gas emissions.

C.It prevents production innovation.

D.It extracts more from nature.

27.What will be discussed in the following paragraphs?

A.Electronic waste. B.The video interview.

C.Man-made goods. D.Solutions to the waste problem.


What are these ants doing,gathering around a caterpillar? If you guessed eating,you’d be

right,but probably not in the way you imagined.


These ants are engaged in what’s called “tending”,and far from

being harmed by the interaction, the soft and weak caterpillar is

likely benefited.In fact,the caterpillar has a set of complex adaptations

that seem aimed at keeping ants nearby.Most striking among these is

an organ that secretes a nutritious liquid high in sugar.Exploring

worker ants eagerly consume the food and bring it back to their

habitats.The cost to the caterpillar is only the cost of producing these

little nutrition packets.

But why would a caterpillar want a murderous group of ants

collected around it? The answer is protection.For one thing,when you manage to get the attackers

on your side,they won’t attack you anymore:that is,the calm ants are no longer a threat to the

caterpillar.And in general,being a caterpillar is very dangerous.They have soft bodies,often feed

in the open,and are not known for their quick movement,making them easy food.In addition to

being eaten directly,there is a huge diversity of parasitoids(寄生)in the insect world,who lay

eggs inside caterpillars’ bodies and eat their way out.This kills the caterpillar.A standing guard of

ants,who generally protect their food sources and each other,lowers the caterpillar’s risk of being

parasitized. Thus, because this interaction is often mutually(相互) beneficial, we call it

mutualism,meaning that both the ants and the caterpillars do better because of it:ants get food and

caterpillars get protection.

In order to keep their attendants friendly,caterpillars can also release a strong combination of

chemicals,encouraging the ants to stick around,and hopefully keeping them from trying a bite of

caterpillars.This mixture is so effective that sometimes the ants can’t distinguish the smell of the

caterpillar from their own kind.If the ants are absent and an enemy approaches,some caterpillars

also make use of specialized organs that produce noises or smells, attracting ants from farther


28.Which word best describes the relationship between caterpillars and ants?

A.Coexistence. B.Employment.

C.Separation. D.Independence.

29.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Having a soft body and eating in the open.

B.Parasitoids laying eggs and eating out.

C.Moving at an amazingly low speed.

D.Ants robbing them of food sources.

30.Why do caterpillars release a strong mixture of chemicals?

A.To attack the surrounding ants. B.To keep ants from approaching.

C.To attract ants to keep them around. D.To communicate with other caterpillars.

31.What is the main topic of the text?

A.Ants’ survival strategies. B.Caterpillars’ defense skills.

C.The balance of insects. D.Ant-caterpillar pairings.



Some might say that handwriting has become a dying art since the appearance of the

typewriter in the mid-1880s,and even more so due to computers.In fact,many schools in the

United States no longer require teaching cursive(草体) as a part of the core

curriculum.However,despite the sense that writing on paper is out of fashion,it actually has a

number of very important benefits.

Writing by hand is not only important for language processing and memory but also for

cognitive(认知)development.A Psychology Today blog explains how learning to write by hand

teaches the brain “functional specialization” or,in other words,the best efficiency.When learning

to write by hand,the human brain must integrate sensation,movement control,and thinking,

which it does not do when learning to type.

The cognitive benefits of writing by hand are numerous,and there are many studies that can

prove that. A 2021 study by the University of Tokyo shows that writing on paper could help

students recall material better than typing on a keyboard. Similarly, a 2014 study from the

Association for Psychological Science shows that taking notes on a laptop,as opposed to writing

them longhand,leads to shallower processing of the learned material.This is because when using a

laptop,students often type out lectures word for word,instead of processing and rewording the

information in their own language.

These benefits actually translate to how you recall the information.In this case,writing it by

hand instead of typing also helps students perform better on exams.A study led by Dr.Virginia

Berninger,a professor at the University of Washington,suggests that children write longer and

more complex essays when they write by hand, as opposed to using a keyboard. “Children

consistently did better writing with a pen when they wrote essays.They wrote more,and they wrote

faster,” Berninger told Futurity.

So the next time you sit down to write an email to a loved one,consider the possibility that it

might be better for your brain if you wrote a handwritten letter instead.

32.What do we learn about handwriting from Paragraph 1?

A.It has its unique value.

B.It has become a new fashion.

C.Its cursive form is required in the US.

D.Its nature has been replaced by computers.

33.According to Paragraphs 2-3,writing by hand_______.

A.can result in less brain connectivity

B.can boost memory and understanding

C.might have little to do with recalling materials

D.might lead to shallower processing of information

34.What is the author’s attitude toward writing?

A.Critical. B.Uncertain. C.Tolerant. D.Supportive.

35.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Efficiency Comes First


B.More Complex Essays Are Needed

C.The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard

D.Science Is the Primary Productive Force

第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



Start Your Journaling Journey

When looking for a way to better manage stress and feel your best,consider adding journaling

to your regular wellness routine.This practice goes beyond just recording daily events. 36

Journaling acts as a mirror,reflecting your innermost thoughts,feelings,and behaviors.By

regularly putting pen to paper, you can uncover patterns, leading to increased

self-awareness. 37__ Just the act of recognizing how you feel can build self-confidence and

improve your mood.

38 Think of it as a safe space to express how you feel,leading to a significant decrease in

stress levels. Sometimes the first step in building the life you want starts with simple

awareness.Journaling gives you a chance to recognize what stresses you out in the first place.

As you launch your journaling journey, remember that the most important aspect is to

start.Even if you’ve never journaled before,it’s easy to begin. 39 Aim to journal at the same

time each day,whether you prefer the first thing in the morning or in the evening as a way to

decrease the pressure.Even just five minutes can help gain some clarity and reflection.

Think of your journal as your confidential space.Approaching journaling with honesty and

openness,free from self-judgment.Remember,there’s no right or wrong way to journal.It’s about

the process,not perfection. 40 This can explain your growth over time,patterns in your thinking

or behavior,and how you’ve navigated past challenges.Reflection can help harvest new

insights into your personal journey.

A.Consistency is key to the journaling.

B.Later,take time to read back through your entries.

C.Accept yourself in the present moment just as you are.

D.It’s also a pathway to deeper self-understanding and psychological flexibility.

E.This can be the first step toward meaningful change and personal growth.

F.Writing about your day,worries,or challenges acts as an emotional way out.

G.Journaling encourages a shift from a passive attitude to an active one to problems.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


On a bright April day in 2024,McAvoy was 38 kilometres into a demanding ultramarathon

(超马拉松赛)through rough mountain paths. 41 tiredness,he pushed his body and mind

through the final 42 of the race.With the finish arch just 4 kilometres away,he welled up with


__43 .In that moment,he felt so free and alive.

It was quite the opposite from 44 his life had been a decade before.McAvoy had just been

45 from prison after serving a 10-year sentence for robbery.Now 40 years old,he has

__46 the last 10 years rebuilding his life to one with 47 .After his release,he began making

speeches at schools.But it was on this day that he 48 how impactful conquering(征服)this

mountain run could be for kids.After all,sport had helped him renew and 49 his world.It could

do the same for others.

So,McAvoy 50 the Alpine Run Project,which recently led 12 disadvantaged young people

through their own races.After a six-month training 51 ,the youth travelled to the Alps for their

race.For them,it was a 52 high.“It changed my point of 53 on life,” says

Mahamud,a 20-year-old who had 54 family abuse.Pushing herself to complete the race gave

her a glimpse of her own 55 through hard work and dedication.

41.A.Battling B.Changing C.Seeking D.Shaking

42.A.amount B.sum C.stretch D.number

43.A.courage B.spirit C.interest D.emotion

44.A.which B.what C.whether D.when

45.A.recorded B.released C.reserved D.relaxed

46.A.survived B.developed C.spent D.discovered

47.A.purpose B.idea C.question D.identity

48.A.remembered B.regretted C.imagined D.realized

49.A.come back B.close down C.open up D.go by

50.A.advanced B.started C.abandoned D.left

51.A.design B.interview C.movement D.program

52.A.life-changing B.time-killing C.head-spinning D.eye-catching

53.A.quality B.reason C.view D.mind

54.A.returned B.escaped C.recovered D.spread

55.A.concern B.decision C.information D.potential

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

My first visit to China was in 2016.By then,I 56 (study)Chinese for four years.Those

six days in Beijing were life-changing for me.I spared no effort to use my broken Chinese to write

diary entries 57 insisted off using Chinese to communicate with the locals.

So,my pursuit(追求)of studying,and ultimately working in China,had begun.First,

I studied at Tsinghua University for a time before applying 58 the joint honors degree

program that I am currently on, 59 allowed me to study at BNU for two years as part of the


This has very much enhanced my desire to live and work in China.During my time at BNU,

I have tried my best 60 (root)myself into university life and engage with Chinese students

naturally. One of the ways in which I’ve done this, is by seeking one of my other 61


(passion)—playing the violin—and joining the university’s String Society,of which I am now

vice president. 62 (organize)concerts and performing with fellow students have really made

me feel a part of the community at BNU.Although I am a foreign student,and my Chinese far

from __63 (perfectly),this foreign identity is nevertheless forgotten.In fact,my Chinese friends

outnumber my friends in the UK, and Chinese has become my 64 ( one) language of


This is the power of learning a language and why 65 is so important—it builds bridges,

resolves misunderstandings and makes the people of the world more connected.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)







1.词数 80 左右;


参考词汇:手帐 a bullet journal




第二节(满分 25分)


I was eight years old and forgot all the arrangements being made for our journey as a family

from Toowoomba to London in 1950.My mother was in great pain and wished to visit specialists

in London.Unwillingly My father had to sell our property “Hamilton Park” near Wallumbilla,in

south-west Queensland.

The day before we boarded the ship SS Orion,Father said a tender farewell to his five-year-old

red dog,Spider,who was loved by us all.Father’s friend Sandy had been getting to know Spider

for many weeks,as Sandy was to be his guardian(监护人)while we were overseas.We didn’t

know how long my mother’s treatment would take or how long we would be away.

Six weeks later,a blue air letter arrived from Sandy,giving my father the news that Spider had

run away just two weeks after we had sailed.I will always remember my father’s disappointed look

as he read this news. Sandy had advertised constantly on ABC radio and in other regional

newspapers.Despite many “sightings”,the dog was never found.It seems Spider just kept running

and searching for us.As he was a red dog,almost yellow in colour,my father thought he would be

shot or trapped,because of his appearance.But our family thought that Father held a secret hope

that Spider was still alive.


We sailed back to Australia two years later and re-established our home in Toowoomba.My

father immediately began his own search for Spider.The newspapers and radio were flooded by his

repeated calls to the people who had said they had seen his dog.Many false calls and sightings

meant that a huge atmosphere of disappointment hung over our household.My mother was fed up

with all this and impatient for my father to accept the inevitable.The dog was gone—possibly shot

or dead from starvation and exhaustion.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


One cold morning after eight months,my father had a call from an elderly lady,375kilometres

from us._______________________________________________________________________



Spider never once took his eyes off my father as we drove home.______________________









