
2024-05-14·16页·588.1 K


第四次模拟考试英语 试卷


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出

最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15 B. 9.15 C. 9.18

答案是 B。

1. What does the man want to know?

A. The address. B. The time. C. The participants.

2. What happened to the woman’s computer?

A. It’s broken. B. It’s dark. C. It’s dead.

3. Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A. He tore her coat. B. He dirtied her coat. C. He bought her a coat.

4. What benefits does online teaching bring to the woman?

A. She needn’t make lots of video calls.

B. She needn’t tidy a classroom.

C. She needn’t drive to work.

5. What information was misunderstood by the woman?

A. The time. B. The location. C. The phone number.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三

个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒

钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答 6、7 题。

6. How long has the woman been in swimming racing?

A. Four years. B. Eight years. C. Ten years.

7. What does the woman worry about?

A. Her scholarship. B. Her future university. C. Her parents.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. Where are the speakers?

A. At a school. B. At the man’s office. C. At a doctor’s office.

9. What does the man urgently need to do according to the woman?

A. Quit his current job.

B. Change his habits and lifestyle.

C. Attend meetings with the woman.

10. How much will the man pay for the phone call each week?

A. $25. B. $100. C. $400.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. Why was the man in England?

A. He was on business there. B. He was visiting there. C. He moved there.

12. Where did the woman ever see the Queen?

A. In India. B. In England. C. In Canada.

13. Which of the following is hard for the king according to the man?

A. Being too old. B. Living a full life. C. Coming to power suddenly.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. When is the woman supposed to finish her essay?

A. By next Friday. B. By next Monday. C. By this Saturday.

15. Why is the woman behind with her writing class?

A. She was a bit cold.

B. The course is too difficult.

C. She missed some lessons.

16. What does the man think of his college life?

A. Busy. B. Boring. C. Colorful.

17. What is the woman probably going to do on the 28th?

A. Visit an exhibition. B. Attend a party. C. Watch a play.

听第 10 段材料回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. Where did the man come from?

A. India.

B. A country in the South Pacific.

C. The Andaman Sea.

19. How does the man want to leave the island?

A. By finding a way to fix his boat.

B. By seeking the help of local people.

C. By getting rescued by an airplane.

20. What is the man most frightened about?

A. Being attacked by sea robbers.

B. Running out of food and water.

C. Being trapped on the island forever.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。


Revel in the Wonders of Spring

From April 10 through May 31, 2024, Shanghai Disney Resort will be filled with a

breathtaking display of blossoming flowers. Come and join us as we celebrate the spring

season with a color and wonder!

Springtime In-Park Offerings

Springtime Dcor Disney Characters in their Spring Festival

With spring in full swing, Shanghai Costumes

Disneyland blossoms with the magic of the Our Disney Characters are all dressed up

season. There will be delicate hanging vines, for the season in stylish new outfits. Enter the

and delightful flower beds. magical field and take a selfie with Minnie

Throughout the spring season, the park Mouse and all the residents of Mickey

and Disney town will be beautified with Avenue!

large egg sculptures, which have been In order to allow our Disney characters to

thoroughly decorated to represent the charm share time with more guests, please keep your

of beloved Disney characters, providing the greeting short and sweet. Guests in the queue

perfect accompaniment for memorable can ask for one autograph from each Disney

photos. character.

Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! Zao Shang Hao

In celebration of the beautiful spring Every morning, beloved Disney

season, our parade route will come to life Characters will gather on Mickey Avenue and

with a brilliant street party celebrating color, bring the park to life with their performance.

music and Disney characters! These performances may be impacted due to

When the parade comes to a stop, a bad weather or other unforeseen

vibrant performance featuring bright lights, conditions. During poor weather we will

lively music and vivid colors will blossom. temporarily delay or cancel the show.

Come dance to the music!

Important Details

Each Guest (age 3 and older) is required to have both a park reservation and valid ticket

or Magic Key pass, for the same date and same park, for each day of their visit.

Theme park reservations for select dates and parks may be made in advance for a period

of time, on a rolling basis.

Theme park reservations are subject to the availability of applicable park reservation

allocations and theme park capacity; and are not guaranteed for any specific dates or park,

no matter the ticket or pass type.

Buy Ticket and Get Park Reservation online or through the Disneyland app.

21. During which holiday can you enjoy the celebration of spring in Shanghai Disney Resort?

A. Tomb Sweeping Day. B. Mid-Autumn Day.

C. Labour Day. D. Children’s Day.

22. What can visitors do in the spring season according to the text?

A. Decorate the park with large egg sculptures.

B. Chat with their favourite characters on Mickey Avenue.

C. Take pictures with each character as many as they please.

D. Enjoy an exciting parade followed by a performance.

23. What should you do first if you want to make a reservation?

A. Check for updated availability. B. Buy a Magic Key pass.

C. Select a day you’d like to visit. D. Have a valid ticket.


To those normal kids, it’s not unusual to hear “Goodnight” when you kiss them, saying

“Goodnight” to them. For most parents, it’s just a storm in a teacup. However, for me it’s just

the opposite.

My son James, suffered from the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental

disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD may have advanced

conversation skills whereas James is an exception.

Pre-diagnosis, I’d give James a big kiss and whisper goodnight when putting James to bed.

Post-diagnosis, the silence that I received in return was deafening. It had never occurred to me

before as a concern that when I said “Goodnight, James. I love you”, my toddler said nothing in


I needed to hear him say something. My husband and I began to promote James to say

goodnight back to us. “Say goodnight, Mommy.” For over a year, “Say goodnight, Mommy”

was the parting routine of the day. Every night, it made me cry. I never got used to it. But I

never gave up hope.

With more efforts one night, I heard something more organic come out of James’ mouth.

He dropped the “say” — and his response became “goodnight, Mommy” when James turned

four. It was fantastic—but it was still prompted (提示的). At six, I got my first unprompted,

“Goodnight, Mommy. I love you!” Next to my wedding, and births of my children, this was the

most exciting night of my life. James, now eight, routinely kisses us goodnight and tells us he

loves us.

The other evening, after giving me a big hug and kiss, James told me, “You’re a great

mom! You’re not a mom with feathers, or a mom with colors and markers. I’m glad you’re a ...

a person!” I don’t know if he had the book Are You My Mother? in his mind, or if this was just

one of the many random thoughts that crossed my son’s brain on a daily basis. I do know it was

music to my ears.

24. What do most parents think of a kiss goodnight from their normal children?

A. It’s an unusual bedtime practice.

B. It’s a precious conversation they treasure.

C. It’s a routine they take for granted.

D. It’s a good way to recover from ASD.

25. How did James behave at first after suffering from ASD ?

A. He remained talkative. B. He didn’t say anything.

C. He dared not sleep alone. D. He appeared insecure.

26. James’s reaction to his mother’s goodnight kiss .

A. has improved overtime B. upsets his parents forever

C. benefits his interpersonal skills D. helps exercise his mind

27. What can we know about James according to the text?

A. He suffered from ASD due to a surgery in the brain.

B. He replied to his mom without any prompts when he was four.

C. His silence was never considered a problem before the diagnosis.

D. His voice sounded as beautiful as musical notes after the treatment.


After staring at a computer screen for hours at a time, the body often gives us a clue that it

is stressed: unbearable neck and back pain. To fix the problem, you might have gotten advice to

focus on posture, but exercise research points to another strategy as well— taking short-term

exercise throughout the day to relieve tension and stress in the body.

Fitness specialists at NASA, an agency where people work in high-stress seated positions,

developed a set of 20 one-minute exercises to prevent pain that anyone can do at their desk.

“Movement is hydrating ( 补水) for connective tissues and joints, changing the stiffness that

arises from too much sedentary behavior.” says Dr. Helene Langevin, director of the National

Institute of Health, which recently funded more than a half-dozen studies on connective tissue

and pain. “Taking small breaks and moving around throughout the day prevents your body

from congealing (凝结),” Langevin says.

The NASA program included seated marches, standing calf raises, push-ups with hands on

the desk, and neck, shoulder, and back stretches. “Your body is always talking to you,” said

Marceleus M. Venable, a personal trainer in Washington D.C. and co-author of the NASA

exercise program. “Your hands cramp (抽筋), you have hip pain and neck pain ... it’s saying:

‘Hey, can you stretch me?’ ”

No one set of exercises works for every body. Rather, people should focus on movements

that challenge areas of weakness, strengthen multiple parts and that they enjoy, says Katy

Bowman, a biomechanist and author of the book Move Your DNA. “It’s not as simple as asking

everyone with back pain to do these four moves,” says Bowman. “It’s just like dietary nutrition.

You need a range of movements that make the body strong from head to toe.”

In July 2023, Langevin published a video, demonstrating some of the movements she

recommends, including taking one arm in a large gentle circle, while stretching the neck in the

opposite direction and then repeating the move in the opposite direction, and on the opposite

side. “Even if you are feeling sore, gentle motion can be soothing.” she says, “For

musculoskeletal (肌肉骨骼) pain in general, movement is a really good thing.”

28. What does it indicate when there is unbearable pain in your neck and back?

A. You have to stare at the computer screen.

B. Your body is suffering from tension.

C. You have got advice to focus on posture.

D. Your body has released its stress.

29. What does the underlined word “sedentary” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Remaining too busy. B. Staying up late.

C. Spending much time sitting. D. Taking exercise overly.

30. Which of the following is the correct way to relieve body stress according to the text?

A. Resigning from NASA and taking a light job.

B. Providing sufficient water for various tissues of the body.

C. Promoting a set of exercises to benefit everyone.

D. Stretching your body whenever there is a chance.

31. In which section of a magazine is this text most likely to appear?

A. Health and Life. B. Astronomy and Space.

C. Computer and Technology. D. Office and Efficiency.


The new radio programme from Self-help expert Glennon Doyle unexpectedly disturbed

me. In a session of We Can Do Hard Things, she focuses on boundaries and their importance to

our mental happiness. I heartily agree with her, because saying a polite but firm “no” is one of

the basics for a happy life. I was, however, particularly interested when she raised the idea that

perhaps, as well as learning when to confirm our boundaries, we also need to stretch them.

When does a boundary become a cage that locks us away?

Isn’t it always the case that just as you think you’ve got an area of life nailed, somebody

comes along to show you that that’s not the case? As I listened, I started to see boundaries that

might cause more problems than they were solving.

There was the work boundary saying that unless a project fell exactly into my topics, I

wouldn’t take it — which meant I turned down work that was otherwise interesting and


There was the boundary saying that I wasn’t to buy anything until I’d reached my savings

goal — which resulted in me having to restart my laptop 20 times a day.

And then there was a boundary around relationships setting out exactly how I should be

treated and what I wanted in others. Helpful to some extent, it blocked me from allowing

someone to express their love for me, even if it wasn’t quite what I had predicted.

Had I been doing boundaries wrong all the time? Did I need to figure them all out again?

I’ve spent the past few weeks looking at the boundaries I’ve secretly put in place, and I’ve let

myself lower some that have been my protection over the years. Then I’ve come to the

conclusion that, when it comes to boundaries, I’m a beginner again, and that’s fine. In fact,

being back at the beginning is a blessing because it means there are still lessons to be learned

and adventures to be taken and that is something for which I can only be grateful.

32. What has really interested the author in Glennon Doyle’s programme?

A. The importance of boundaries to our life.

B. The benefits of boundaries to our happiness.

C. The urgency of confirming our boundaries.

D. The necessity of expanding our boundaries.

33. Which statement on boundaries will the author agree with?

A. We should favor savings goals over boundaries.

B. Boundaries tend to keep us from potential friends.

C. Boundaries are very likely to relieve boredom at work.

D. We should stick to boundaries whatever the case.

34. How did the author feel after drawing the conclusion about boundaries?

A. Relaxed and thankful. B. Astonished and regretful.

C. Pressured and anxious. D. Amused and delighted.

35. What is probably the best title for the text?

A. Boundaries: New Way Out

B. Boundaries: Mental Happiness

C. Boundaries: Cage Allowing No Escape

D. Boundaries: Limit We Should Break

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



How To Find Spring Fashion Trends

Fashion changes faster than most people can keep up with. 36 . Keep yourself at the

forefront by paying attention to designers and social media, shopping early and knowing the

basics of spring fashion.

Look through fashion magazines to get fashion ideas. Magazines like GQ, Vogue, and

Cosmo are generally considered “taste makers”. 37 , and often bring excellent runway

shows together. To keep ahead, make notes about the fashion trends that keep popping up in

different magazines.

Find your favorite fashion blogs. What’s on the catwalk isn’t necessarily what’s on the

streets, so I also like getting inspiration from travel blogs, fashion blogs, and smaller designers.

Many brands, designers, and fashionistas post their inspiration online, as well as

recommendations on where to find the best new fashions. 38 .

Explore social media. More and more often, people are using the Internet to broadcast

their personal fashion recommendations, which is a great way to get a pulse on spring fashion.

Sites like Tumblr and Pintrest have specific sections devoted to fashion.

39 . If you’ve got friends in Miami, they will experience spring fashion a lot faster

than you might in the cold Chicago. Check out your friends’ pictures or go online and look up

southern fashion blogs to get ahead of the game before the snow melts.

Make your own spring trends. Having confidence in yourself and rocking your outfit is

more important than following any trend. Sometimes you still can’t figure out what spring

fashion trend to follow. 40 . Trends aren’t as exaggerated as they used to be because

people are more into developing their own personal styles, which is more permanent and


A. Make notes of fashions you see often

B. Look to warmer areas for inspiration

C. They are selling the right clothes for the right season

D. Find an outfit you like and make up your own trend

E. They are in touch with the big clothing designers

F. Spring is often when people launch new and inventive fashion for the warming weather

G. Search “Spring Fashion Blogs” and browse through a few to see styles you enjoy

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 完型填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)



The walk I’d plotted was 22 miles to the coast. It is enough to get my legs and feet

41 . But the real 42 for me was walking to a definite point in our country’s outline.

I was wondering if I’d have the endurance and determination to do it. I am, after all, in my

late 40s. I 43 the coast at 7: 00 am. I was, for the day, an arrow. My line of hiking was

as straight and short as I could make it.

Time on the road seemed to have passed quickly. 44 the five-hour mark, I was in a

good state of body and mind. The 45 of the usual routine had been eased by daydreams.

From this point on, the 46 seemed to change. The banks on either side were larger , and

the grasses longer, even though the sea was still miles off.

Things were getting 47 , with hardly anything in sight. Despite feeling like I was

nearly there, I still had four miles to go. My knees hurt. I 48 the painkillers down with

my secret weapon: coffee. Studies have shown caffeine 49 endurance and it kept me going.

Try as I might, I still couldn’t see my walk’s end. I could even smell a(n) 50 in the air,

but the horizon remained 51 in salt marsh (盐沼地). Then almost without realizing it, I

was “there”.

Where I had hoped to see the 52 , I saw salt marsh, like chocolate milkshake.

Feeling like a bit of a fool, I headed down into the nearest marsh and left my boot prints in the

mud. The seven-and-a-half-hour walk had hurt my 53 , but I’d acted on an old idea,

done it, and 54 it off my list. I am now free to think of new ones and move on, in this

dawn of possibilities we all face. Life is too short to let ideas stagnate (停止); now’s the time to

turn them to 55 .

41. A. aching B. relaxing C. bending D. recovering

42. A. excuse B. move C. draw D. trick

43. A. settled in B. set about C. arrived at D. left for

44. A. Recognizing B. Approaching C. Ignoring D. Missing

45. A. inconvenience B. comfort C. boredom D. peace

46. A. landscape B. weather C. shape D. spirits

47. A. flatter B. better C. colder D. wilder

48. A. put B. washed C. broke D. cooled

49. A. reduces B. controls C. boosts D. remains

50. A. sweetness B. fragrance C. saltiness D. bitterness

51. A. updated B. locked C. broadened D. restricted

52. A. sea B. horizon C. land D. forest

53. A. expectations B. feelings C. arms D. knees

54. A. crossed B. shown C. seen D. turned

55. A. curiosity B. reality C. imagination D. destination

第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The latest movie Re La Gun Tang or YOLO in English, directed by and starring Jia Ling

has finally made 56 onto the big screen as part of the 2024 Spring Festival film.

The film is adapted 57 a Japanese movie Love for a Hundred Yuan. It tells the story

of an overweight girl Du Leying who decides to leave the dull home 58 she lives with

her parents and her divorced younger sister. Her unexpected encounter with Hao Kun,

59 boxing coach, brings a glimmer of hope into her gloomy life. However, fate plays

another cruel trick on her, further 60 (complicate) her journey. Instead of getting

61 (depress), she turns to boxing and pulls through slowly.

It has set off an online 62 (argue) due to Jia’s significant weight loss, but it goes far

beyond that. Jia once explained on her Weibo account, “The film is not intended 63 (advocate)

weight loss but to tell how a kind person finds herself and learns to love herself.” The comedy

film 64 (dominate) the box office chart since its release, pocketing about

2.7 billion yuan in revenue. “It is 65 (incredible) moving,” said a viewer in Beijing.

“The heroine’s unwavering persistence and determination deeply touched me. I believe

everyone should applaud their own journey,” she added.





