
2024-05-16·9页·724.5 K



英 语


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第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂



Here's our pick of the finest lamb dishes on menus worldwide mutton plates.

Hand-Pulled Belt Noodles With Cumin Lamb

Xi'an Biang Biang Noodles, London

The cuisine of China's northwestern Shaanxi province is known for its complex flavours; for its lamb and

mutton dishes; and for its hand-pulled noodles. At no-frills canteen-style Xi'an Biang Biang Noodles, in London's

Spitalfields, all three come together in one hugely popular, generously proportioned dish, which combines tender

pieces of cumin-spiced lamb and chewy biang biang noodles (also known as belt noodles due to their impressive

width) .

13. 80. xianbiangbiangnoodles. com


Rose Mary, Chicago

There are many regional variations of cevapi, a grilled minced meat dish popular across the Balkans. The

mixed lamb and beef version is served with sweet and spicy ajvar (a smoky roasted red pepper and aubergine dip) ,

tangy kaymak (a dairy product similar to clotted cream) and red onion, all sandwiched into a soft, fluffy flatbread.

$20 (16) . rosemarychicago. com

Slow-Roastleg of Lamb

The Cotley Inn, Somerset

At this rural pub, head chef Dan Brown endeavours to source all ingredients locally. The lamb for his Sunday

roast is reared in a field opposite the pub and the vegetables — honey-glazed beetroot, spring greens, courgette

puree and roast potatoes—are supplied, where possible, from within a 25-mile radius.

18. cotleyinnwambrook. co. uk


Gasthof Hotel Andlwirt, St Andr im Lungau

Traditional to Austria's Lungau region, schpsermes is a harvest festival dish that uses meat from the first

lambs brought down fom their summer's grazing. At Gasthof Hotel Andlwirt, a generous platter of roasted lamb

cuts, aromatic with rosemary and garlic, is served alongside white cabbage salad, potatoes and cranberry.

Available from mid-September to 1 November. 24 (20. 50) . gasthofhotelandlwirt. at

1. Which dish is originally from China?

A. Cevapi. B. Biang biang noodles.

C. Schpsernes. D. Slow-Roastleg of Lamb.

2. How much do you pay for a dish in the Cotley Inn, Somerset?

A. 13. 80. B. 16. C. 20. 50. D. 18.

3. What is special about Schpsemes?

A. It is linked with a harvest festival. B. It is the cheapest of the four dishes.

C. It uses meat from lambs. D. It can be tasted in July.


Nik was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer in 2008 when he was 17. He died in 2012. But Nik's kindness and

generosity have lived on long after his death.

After he was diagnosed and started treatment, Nik was granted (给予) a wish experience from the Make-A-

Wish Foundation. “For just this period of time, we didn't think about cancer,” Kelli Boehle said. “All we thought

about was enjoying our time together.” In 2009, Nik met another young man Nate, who was also going through

cancer treatment. He'd been diagnosed a month after turning 18, and Nik leaned he was too old to qualify for a

wish. The night before Nik's death, he asked his mother to help ensure that young adults fighting cancer could have

their wishes come true too.

“It was like a seed he planted that just wouldn't stop coming into my mind,” she said. In 2012, Kelli Boehle

started Nik's Wish. The nonprofit grants wishes to young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 who are battling

cancer. Nate was the organization's first wish recipient. “It's meant to bring them joy and know that they're loved

and that we're fighting for them, too,” Kelli Boehle said.

Recently, 19-year-old Jordan Morrow received her wish to attend a Taylor Swift concert as part of a trip to

Los Angeles. For Morrow, who has spent the last year battling brain cancer, going to the concert has done more

than lift her spirits. “I think it's something to get me through whatever comes my way,” she said. “And I'm thankful

for Nik's Wish for that.”

In the 11 years since Nik died, the organization has granted more than 300 wishes across more than 30 states.

In the beginning, Kelli Boehle says she wasn't sure she could be a wish maker and work closely with the young

adults. But now, it's her favorite thing to do.

4. What did Nick ask his mother to do?

A. Make young adults with cancer enjoy the treatment.

B. Stay with young adults with cancer before their death.

C. Help young adults with cancer realize their wishes.

D. Allow young adults with cancer to join a foundation.

5. Which of the following best describes Nik?

A. Generous and caring. B. Honest and positive.

C. Kind and proud. D. Confident and serious.

6. What do we know about Kelli Boehle?

A. She helped Nik cure cancer. B. She asked Morrow to hold a concert.

C. She set up Nik's Wish in 2012. D. She was diagnosed with cancer.

7. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Cancer patients. B. A wish maker. C. A kind mother. D. Young adults.


When we came across a troublesome problem, we often gather a group to brainstorm. However, plenty of

evidence has shown that when we generate ideas together, we fail to maximize collective intelligence.

To unearth the hidden potential in teams, we'd better turn to a process called “brainwriting”. You start by

asking group members to write down what is going on in their brains separately. Next, you collect them and share

them among the group without telling the authors. Then, each member evaluates them on his or her own, only after

which the team members come together to select and improve the most promising options. By developing and

assessing ideas individually before choosing and expanding on them, the team can surface and advance possibilities

that might not get attention otherwise.

An example of great brainwriting was in 2010 when 33 miners were trapped underground in Chile. Given the

urgency of the situation, the rescue team didn't hold brainstorming sessions. Rather, they established a global

brainwriting system to generate individual ideas. A 24-year-old engineer came up with a tiny plastic telephone.

This specialized tool ended up becoming the only means of communicating with the miners, making it possible to

save them.

Research by organizational behavior scholar Anita Woolley and her colleagues helps to explain why this

method works. They find that the key to collective intelligence is balanced participation. In brainstorming meetings,

its too easy for participation to become one-sided in favor of the loudest voices. The brainwriting process ensures

that all ideas are brought to the table and all voices are brought into conversation. The goal isn't to be the smartest

person in the room. It's to make the room smarter.

Collective intelligence begins with individual creativity, but it doesn't end there. Individuals produce a greater

volume and variety of novel ideas when they work alone. That means they not only come up with more brilliant

ideas than groups but also more terrible ideas. Therefore, it takes collective judgment to find the signal in the noise

and bring out the best ideas.

8. What's the purpose of brainwriting?

A. To discover the hidden potential in teams. B. To minimize collective intelligence.

C. To use thinkers' brains separately. D. To develop and assess ideas individually.

9. What may help to save the miners in Chile?

A. Brainstorming sessions. B. The urgency of the situation.

C. A tiny plastic telephone. D. Researchers from universities.

10. What do the underlined words “this method” refer to?

A. Brainstorming B. Balanced participation.

C. Collective intelligence. D. Brainwriting

11. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. What is brainwriting. B. How best ideas occur.

C. Why brainwriting is good. D. Where best ideas are.


Three years ago, Juan Carlos Sesma thought that global warming and climate change seemed to be a mounting

problem, with scientific records indicating rising temperatures and sea levels across the world. At the same time,

forest fires, cutting down trees in the forests, and aggressive human expansion meant the supply of trees was

decreasing. As everyone knew, trees helped to regulate and remove greenhouse gases from our atmosphere.

He thought the best way to deal with this problem was to combine two of the most powerful forces emerging

in technology: big data and robotics. Therefore, Sesma decided to found such a new company called CO2

Revolution, whose plan was to use drones (无人机) to better understand where new trees should be planted and to

automate the process of planting so that much larger areas of forest could be repopulated. The company designed a

special smart seed that helped to deliver just the right amount of protection and nutrition to the young trees. The

overall goal was to considerably lower the time and cost of large scale re-forestation.

CO2 Revolution isn't alone. In the UK, a startup called Biocarbon Engineering ran a trial earlier this year

where it used drones to help replant Mangrove trees in Myanmar. It has also deployed (部署) its technology in

Australia, South Africa, and Morocco. “In a lot of places, people will either have a map taken by aeroplane, or just

use Google Earth satellite imagery. They'll draw things out freehand and manually plant, either by hand or tractor,”

said CEO Susan Graham in a recent interview.

The challenge for all these startups like CO2 Revolution is to find ways to create a profitable, or at least

sustainable business model. For Sesma and the team at CO2 Revolution, recent regulatory action has highlighted

one potential pathway. Sesma said, “We offer a solution that allows clients to carry out massive plantings,

increasing forest mass and thus compensating for their carbon footprint. Amid growing calls for carbon

sequestration, this kind of effort might prove not just noble, but financially sensible (明智的) for large


12. What did Sesma find in the first paragraph?

A. Human expansion led to forest fires. B. The supply of trees was going up.

C. Global warming are becoming worse. D. The sea level is decreasing gradually.

13. Why did Sesma set up CO2 Revolution?

A. To sell seeds. B. To produce drones. C. To collect data. D. To decrease CO.

14. Which statement will the author probably agree with?

A. CO2 Revolution doesn't have the ability to use robotics.

B. CO2 Revolution isn't the only environmental company.

C. Biocarbon Engineering is lack of technology.

D. Biocarbon Engineering helps replant Mangrove trees in USA.

15. What's Sesma's attitude towards the development of his company?

A. Optimistic. B. Negative. C. Unclear D. Disappointed.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)


How to strengthen your willpower

Many of us face challenges with willpower, yet most people seem to believe this skill can be learned and

strengthened. Fortunately, researchers have also come to similar conclusions. 16

Work it like a muscle

Think of willpower as a muscle that can be strengthened with time and effort. Experts recommend simple but

challenging tasks, like using your left hand to open doors or turning off lights when leaving a room. 17 .

Training your willpower can have amazing effects, but don't overdo it.


Bad sleeping habits exhaust you physically and mentally, affecting your resistance to temptation. Sleep-

deprived people are more prone to lack of focus and risky decisions. While everyone's sleep needs vary, the

National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night for the best performance.


19 . Regular mindfulness meditation improves focus and willpower even when not actively meditating.

Easy to perform anywhere, anytime, a five-minute session in the morning or during lunch is a great star. With

practice, resisting the urge to wander will make resisting other temptations easier.

Avoid temptations (诱惑)

When tempted by food, drinks, or spending, use the “out of sight, out of mind” method. If not possible,

remove the temptation or distance yourself temporarily. Walk, call a friend, or pursue a hobby until the urge fades.

20 . Distraction until the urge passes can help you stay focused and reach your goals.

A. Sleep as long as possible

B. Form a good sleeping habit

C. Here are tips to help you strengthen your willpower

D. Meditation is a powerful tool for enhancing willpower

E. Engage in these tasks for a few weeks to boost your willpower

F. This is effective for behavioral addictions or problematic behaviors

G. Meditation is the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡


Hackett was on the way from a Colorado mountain last May when he heard a faint bark. After 21 ,

Hackett found the source: a black-and-white Shetland sheepdog behind fallen pine trees. The dog was too weak to

move and looked 22 .

Five weeks earlier, Krugman had let his dog Riley out for a walk. When it didn't 23 after supper,

Krugman became concerned and. 24 .

“I thought, Maybe Riley has 25 looking for Pam,” says Krugman. His wife, Pam, had died of a heart

condition months earlier. “When Pam 26 , Riley hid behind the bed for several days,” Krugman says. “You

could tell Riley really 27 . Pam.”

The next morning, Krugman looked for the Riley's 28 in the snow and asked a local animal shelter to

help 29 .

Spotting Riley, Hackett 30 it in his coat and carried him like a baby. When he reached his apartment, he

ran a 31 bath for cold Riley and turned on a heater. Hackett 32 Riley through the night, and then drove

him to a nearby shelter in the morning.

Krugman picked up Riley in the shelter and drove him straight to an animal 33 . Three days later,

Hackett 34 Krugman to see how Riley was doing. “I'm just so 35 for what he did and for the efforts of

all the people who searched for Riley,” Krugman says.

21. A. observation B. rescue C. adaptation D. instruction

22. A. regretful B. upset C, active D. sick

23. A. come B. return C. move D. leave

24. A. confused B. depressed C. worried D. ashamed

25. A. gone B. known C. disappeared D. waited

26. A. passed away B. ran away C. set out D. stepped out

27. A. frightened B. bothered C. followed D. missed

28. A. toys B. items C. tracks D. belongings

29. A. manage B. recover C. search D. escape

30. A. crashed B. wrapped C. pressed D, trained

31. A. public B. complete C. free D. warm

32. A. operated on B. cared for C. relied on D. cooperated with

33. A. park B. cage C. reserve D. hospital

34. A. wanted B. told C. visited D. advised

35. A. positive B. thankful C. anxious D. eager

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The talc of China's tea is 36 (actual) as long as the talc of China itself. References to tea in Chinese

literature go back approximately 5, 000 years. Originally, tea was respected for 37 (it) medicinal features. It

has long been known for a long time that tea assists in digestion. That explains. 38 many Chinese like to

drink it during or after their meals.

However, tea is not just a supplement to a meal. It has evolved into a part of the country's daily routine as well

as special occasions. Moreover, it is really deep-rooted as. 39 overall element of Chinese culture.

Among all types of tea, green tea 40 ( produce) ahead of Tomb Sweeping Day in the early April is

particularly well-liked in China. This 41 (believe) to be the ideal time for green tea, as insects have not yet

come out from the soil. Green tea is not fermented (发酵) throughout the processing, which will preserve the

original color of the tea. 42 (leaf) .

Green tea also holds a close 43 (connect) with Tomb Sweeping Day. Many southern areas still maintain

the custom of offering tea to the ancestors. During the tomb sweeping ceremony, tea is poured. 44 the tea

cups and spread out in front of the tombs of the late relatives 45 (demonstrate) respect.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


“Green travel”的英语演讲活动,请根据以下提示准备一份英语演讲稿。


1. 绿色出行的好处;

2. 倡导绿色出行。

注意:1. 可以增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数 80 词左右。





第二节 (满分 25 分)


One Sunday morning, a high school student named Lily was wandering in the school. The sun shone brightly

through the leafy trees that lined in the school courtyard. A gentle breeze wafted (吹送, 飘送) through the air,

carrying the distant sounds of laughter and chatter from other students. It was at this peaceful and joyful moment

that Lily saw a wallet lying on the ground. “Whose is it?” Lily said to herself. She picked it up and opened it,

seeing a large amount of cash accompanied by important documents and ID cards.

Doubt and confusion began to consume Lily. “What should I do? Should I keep the money for myself? I can

buy many things I've wanted for a long time.” she thought. The trees around her seemed to swing together, as if

mirroring the chaos within her thoughts. “But if I took it, I'd be going against my values and breaking the trust

others have in me,” a voice within her whispered urgently.

A knot formed in Lily's stomach as she weighed the pros and cons, her thoughts racing. The blue sky above

seemed to laugh at her confusion, offering no answers or respite (喘息) , which reminded her of the difficult

choices she faced.

To make matters worse, just as Lily was about to hand the wallet over to the school administration, her phone

rang, which was from her sick grandmother. “Hi, Grandma, what's up?” Lily asked worriedly. “The doctor advised

me to be hospitalized.” her grandmother replied. This added an extra layer of complexity to her already disordered

thoughts. “Can I use the money to help Grandma?” Lily considered.

She shut her eyes, trying to close out her confusion and anxiety. She knew that she needed to make a decision,

but she was unsure what to choose.

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 词左右;

2. 请按如下格式作答.

In the end, Lily made the difficult decision to do the right thing.

One day. Lily received a phone call from the school administration teacher.

毕节市 2024 届高三年级第三次诊断性考试


第一部分(1—20 题;共 20 小题,每小题 2. 5 分;满分 50 分)

1-3 BDA 4-7 CACB 8-11 ACDB 12-15 CDBA 16-20 CEBDF


第一节(21—35 题;共 15 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)

21-25 ADBCA 26-30 ADCCB 31-35 DBDCB

第二节(36—45 题;共 10 小题,每小题 1. 5 分;满分 15 分)

36. actually 37. its 38. why 39. an 40. produced

41. is believed 42. leaves 43. connection 44. into 45. to demonstrate

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)

One Possible Version

Good morning, everyone! I'm Li Hua. Today, it's an honor for me to share with you about green travel.

Green travel means traveling in a way that is friendly to environment. It has a great many benefits. First of all,

green travel helps to reduce carbon emissions, thus contributing to a healthy and sustainable environment. Besides,

it allows us to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Finally, walking or cycling to our destinations gives us an opportunity to

exercise and stay fit.

I strongly support green travel. Hopefully, more and more people will choose green travel. That's all! Thank


第二节:读后续写(满分 25 分)

One Possible Version

In the end, Lily made the difficult decision to do the right thing. Without any hesitation, firmly holding the

wallet she had found, she walked towards the school administration office. When approaching there, she took a

deep breath, knocked at the door and gave it to the teacher in charge of the office. With a big smile on the face, the

teacher thought highly of Lily for her honesty immediately. Feeling relieved and proud, Lily went back to her

classroom as usual.

One day, Lily received a phone call from the school administration teacher. When she got to the teacher's

office, she saw a man was talking with the teacher. Knowing that Lily was the girl who returned his money, the

man expressed his great gratitude to her and gave Lily plenty of cash in return. He said that Lily had helped him a

lot and the documents were really important for him. He couldn't imagine the consequences of losing them. But

Lily didn't accept his reward. She smiled, “I just did what I should do as a student”.





