
2024-05-22·18页·1.1 M


英 语 试 卷

(考试时间:下午 3:00—5:00)

本试卷采用闭卷、笔试形式。试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。







第一部分 听力(共两满,满分 30 分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案


第一。 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,。分 5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和。。下一小题。每段对话仅。


例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.

答案是 C

1. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Get off the bus. B.Ask the passenger. C. Check the schedule.

2.Where are the speakers probably?

A.In a cinema. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.

3. What was difficult for the man?

A.Waiting to get help. B.Driving in the snow. C. Finding a parking place.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A club. B.Asong. C.A video.

5. What does the man mean?


A. He plans to revisit Yellowstone.

B.He doesn't think the visit is good.

C.He agrees with the woman's opinion.

第二满(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中做给的 A、B、C 三个选

项中选出最佳选项,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间。。各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,

各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白。两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. New facilities assisting the disabled.

B.Traffic safety for people with disabilities.

C.The dificulties that disabled people face.

7.Who might benefit most from the new doors?

A.People in wheelchairs.

B.People with hearing loss

C. People with vision problems.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. For what did the man get his pet dog?

A.His graduation. B.His responsibility. C.His academic performance.

9.What is the most importunt duty for keeping a dog?

A.Learning about its character,

B. Taking good care to keep it healthy.

C.Training it into a well-behaved one.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.Why can't David check the books out?

A.His student ID is not available.

B.He hasn't returned the overdue book.

C. He has been fined by the library before.

11. Why does David need the five books?

A. To do his friend a favor.


B. To work on his research paper.

C. To prepare for the midterm exam.

12.What does the woman advise David to do?

A. Call his friend. B. Apply for a new ID. C. Make a copy.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.Why is Chen asking for leave?

A. To prepare for the final exam.

B. To spend time with her parents.

C. To travel around in Los Angles.

14. What do we know about Chen's parents?

A. They don't speak English.

B. They will get around themselves.

C. They don't have an electronic translator.

15. How many days is Chen allowed to take off?

A.Two days. B. Four days. C.Seven days,

16. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues. B. Teacher and student. C. Employer and employee.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.What is the purpose of the speech?

A. To introduce college life to students.

B. To welcome students back to school.

C.To congratulate students on their graduation.

18. What is the core value of Redmond High School?

A. Gratitude. B.Leadership. C.Perseverance.

19. What does the speaker inspire the students to have?

A.Confidence. B.Intelligence. C.Patience.

20. Who is giving this speech most probably?

A. A student's parent. B.A graduate student C.A school principal.

第二部分满满理解(共两满,满分 60 分)

第一。(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,。分 45 分)


。。下列短文,从每题所给的 A,B.C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。


Amazing apps helping seniors stay sharp

Undoubtedly, your grandparents gain experience and wisdom as they get older. However,

they are likely to be anxious about health problems many seniors face, especially the frightening

disorder of mental functioning 一 thinking, remembering, and reasoning. But don't worry! The

apps are here to help your grandma and grandpa.

It presents level-based crossword puzzles and word search games,

featuring oversized buttons and controls for seniors.Its games use point

systems to judge the performance of players and it can dynamically adjust

the difficulty of games to suit each individual -which keeps seniors

enjoying their sense of achievement.

It includes everything seniors need to stay sharp-minded. All they

have to do is spend ten minutes per day playing a wide range of the app's

45 available games. Peak even includes a built-in personal trainer that

helps track players' progress and arrange the seeps that they'll need to

improve their mental sharpness.

It takes a scientific approach to brain training with a variety of games

to improve seniors’ mental keenness. Players begin by seeing how well

they challenge specific types of mental abilities. Then with fun themes and

enjoyable elements added, they can keep players engaged while improving

their performance at the given tasks.

It is a multipurpose app that helps seniors keep fit with brain training,

physical activities, and tips on healthy eating. The approach starts with

brain. stimulating games that improve memory, attention and speed. And

to top it off, it also comes with senior-friendly workout videos.

21.What can the four apps help seniors do?

A.Gain experience and wisdom. B.Keep life in order.

C.Relieve mental aging anxiety. D.Extend social circle.

22.How does Witty Words app make operation easier for the senions?


A. By designing large buttons. B. By tracing their progress.

c. By using built-in trainers. D. By providing dynamic games,

23.Which app also helps the seniors to build up the body?

A. Witty Words. B.Peak. C.Lumosity. D.MindMate.


Walking into the on-campus barbershop, the student customers will be greeted by Alexander

Garcia with clippers in hand, a harber chair, a full professional clipping set, and customers

chatting about Ozzy's latest DJ set in the background

Garcia started cutting hair during his junior year of high school. He spent his time learning

from barber videos by 360Jeery on YouTube about different hair styles. That learning took trial

and error, and he spent his time practicing on his younger cousin, but he never intended it to be a


He came into college as an Electrical and Computer Engineering major and spent his time in

the students associations, working as a part-time DJ. His journey of cutting hair on campus began

in the second year, with mainly roommates and close friends coming in for a cut and a chat, but

his hobby fully developed into CutzbyOzzy earher this year. Barbens in the city are expensive, he

noticed, especially for college students, which pushed him to expand his hobby to a private


Garcia is busy, with appointments made usually a week in advance. Customers can pay $18

for a full haircut and $5 for a line-up. His business grows mostly through the word-of-mouth of his

customers, who are mainly first-years. Seeing that most of the customers are freshmen, I like to

give them advice, try to expiain my own experience and promote student organizations because I

feel that enhances my experience, he said. I lead them through things I encounter on the way--

internships(实习),scholarships, job opportunities, and questions.

To Garcia, it’s about creating the feel of walking into an actual barbershop; it's about offering

instructions and friendship to his customers. He's found over time that these students start

breaking out of their shells and coming to him with their problems.

I can just never stay put, he said. I always like to try different things in different fields.

Apart from being an engineer, the barbershop is truly my life.

24. What inspired Garcia to start his barbershop business?


A. His hobby as a part-time DJ. B.The real demand from his friends.

B. The high cost of haircut in the city. D.His barbering experience in high school.

25. What helps Garcia's business grow?

A.Discounts for the freshmen. B.Recommendation by customers.

C.Advertisements via social media. D. Partnership with local barbershops.

26.How does Garcia distinguish from other barbers in the city?

A.He keeps his burbershop better-equipped

B.He provides a wider selection of hairstyles.

C.He shares more practical guidance for students.

D.He introduces more job opportunities to graduates.

27. Which of the following can best describe Garcia?

A.Ambitious and adventurous. B. Multitalented and supportive,

C.Knowledgeable and intelligent. D. Business-minded and fame-seeking.


Feeling down about money? Do you know you could have thousands of pounds worth of

junk hiding in your drawers? Well, here's some fantastic news to brighten your day: your

unwanted tech could be a goldmine, with potential earrings ranging from 1,300 to 6,330.That's

right - that neglected hairdryer, forgotten electric toothbrush, or unused smartphone sitting in your

cupboard could be your ticket to some extra holiday cash, a dream summer vacation, or a special

weekend treat!

Recent research from Recycle Your Electricals reveals a shocking 880 million unused

working electrical items gathering dust in UK households, averaging 31 items per household. The

potential earnings? A suriprising 36.7 billion for older, lower, and unbranded items and an

astonishing 178.5 billion for newer, higher branded items. It's an incredible new opportunity!

It's not just about making money; selling your old electricals is also great for the planet.

Waste electricals are the fastest growing e-wastc stream, with few people realising that they

contain some of the most precious materials on the planet, like gold, aluminium and lithium. So

whether you choose to sell or donate your working items, or you recycle the broken ones, it's

going to be good for the environment.

It's time to unlock that money. Start by taking stock of all your electricals and research their


market value by considering factors like brand, age, and condition. Wipe down surfaces, remove

dust, and ensure everything is in working order. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words -

a detailed description with high-quality photos speaks louder. Select the platform that suits your

item and target audience. Above all, security first. Ensure all personal data are securely wiped. If

meeting in person, choose a safe, public location. Alternatively,use secure shipping methods with

tracking for added peace of mind.

28. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?

A. The wealth from junk is often overlooked

B. People often put plenty of cash in the drawers.

C.The potential earnings from wastes are worth a goldmine.

D. Electricals are likely to break down if not used frequently.

29. What can the e-waste be used for according to the text?

A. Repair work, B. Metal extraction. C.Data security. D.Scientific research.

30. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Methods of saving money. B. Ways to promote online sales.

C. Procedures of online shopping. D. Steps to profit from used electricals.

31. What's the author's writing purpose?

A. To offer tips for making a fortune.

B. To warn against e-waste pollution.

C. To increase the purchase of new electricals.

D. To advocate recycling economically and environmentally.


In an incrensingly fast-paced world that rewards immediacy, urgency culture makes it hard to

tell what is truly important and what is not. At work, this could involve handling frequent last-

minute requests, unrealistic deadlines, and the expectation to be reachable even after hours. In

personal life, behaviour patterms of urgency culture include overextending in relationships,

frequently checking social media updates out of fear of missing out, and responding immediately

to calls and texts, even when it 's inconvenient.

The constant rush to be “always on professionally and personally can create stress. Being

part of the always on culture often involves multitasking. However, research shows every time


we multitask, it actually slows the brain down and may reduce productivity by up to 40 percent.

Meanwhile, constant overstimulation - a significant contributor to urgency culture - will debilitate

your dopamine(多巴胺)system. In short, the more overstimulated you are, the less joy you can

feel. Over time, urgency culture can also be harmful to physical health. A false sense of urgency

tricks the body into reacting as if it' s in a threatening situation, activating the fight-or- flight”

response. Your breathing becomes faster, your blood pressure and heart rate go up, and you lose

the ability to regulate emotions, and an overactive fight-or-fight response contributes to high blood

pressure, poor quality of sleep and eating disorders.

To avoid the urgency trap, experts recommend pausing for a few moments before leaping

into action every time something comes up. It allows you to step back and assess whether this

demand for your attention is in line with your priorities. Setting clear expectations in personal and

professional relationships can also help plan, prioritize and problem-solve without causing false

urgency. The best thing you can do to deal with urgency calture is to regularty engage in activities

that remind you there is no rush.

32. Which of the following can be described as urgency culture according to paragraph1?

A.Focusing on important matters. B.Finishing work before deadline.

C.Giving everything high priority. D.Maintaining useful relationships.

33.How does multitasking influence people according to the author?

A. It contributes to their work efficiency.

B. They may feel under constant pressure.

C. It helps to slow down their working pace.

D.Their sense of achievement will decrease.

34.What does the underlined word debilitate in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Weaken, B.Balance. C.Activate. D. Divide.

35.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A. The Power of Rush: The Secret to Modern Success

B.Stay Well-connected: The New Path to Personal Productivity

C.No Pressure,NoGrowth: Boosting Yourself in Ungency Culture

D.More Haste, Less Speed: Breaking Free From the Always-on Tmp

第二。(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,。分 15 分)




How to choose a hiking trail (路径)

If you're a keen hiker, chances are you have your favorite trails mostly because they' re easy

to reach and fit into your schedule. If you desire to set foot in hiking in depth, this guide may walk

you through the steps of how to choose a hiking trail to your next great adventure.

36 , defining how many miles the hike covers before departure. Next, ask yourself if you

can reasonably walk that far. You can just walk as far down a trail as you want, and then turn back

when you're ready. 37 . such as a waterfall or standing stones, you'll ideally make sure you can

reach it.

Know what's going to be underfoot. 38 On a hike you might encounter all different types of

land, and the climbing is going to be dangerous or stable. So do research and understand what

type of terrain (地形) you're likely to encounter. There's a big difference between walking

through a forest and stair-stepping up a steep rock. When you're using route finding apps,

trails are usually rated us easy, moderate or difficult. Make sure you understand exactly what

the hike involves from a skill to equipment. 39

For hikers, a thundering waterfull falling over a cliff can be a breathtaking climax to a forest

hike. 40 . the things you'll see along the way are a great reason to choose one hiking trail over

another --so long as the rest of it falls within your ability level of course.

A. Master your hiking equipment

B. Even if they are worth visiting

C. Check the total distance involved

D. But if there's a waymark you're hoping to see

E. It helps you decide between hiking shoes or boots

F. Although not all hikes lead to a fantastic viewpoint

G. Don't rush into the journey without the investigations above

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空



I have had this long-sleeved shirt since college. After many years, there are warning 41 that it

is on the way out. Some buttons are getting a bit 42 .And even there are those faint 43 of meals

that haven't quite come out in the wash. Though 44 . it is still my favorite.

One morning. I was putting on it for the family trip when my wife noticed a hole in the

elbow(肘部). She advised me to 45 it or it would get worse. But it was so tiny. I decided to 46 it

and went to reach for the backpack at the top of my closet when I heard the ripsss- Was that...? I

reached for the closet door and 47 it shut. Riiippp again. The tiny hole became a big tear, leaving

my arm48. Now you look like a scarecrow(稻 草 人 ),” My wife laughed. Maybe you should

throw it away,

Should I? I asked myself in such a fast-fishion world which rushes to produce clothes that49

the latest trend, few material items 50 our loyalty. But this shirt had seen a lot with me, from my

51 to my marriage. I knew even a piece of clothing represented a life 52 lived. I intended to


Is it time to let that shirt go?” My wife asked. I paused for a moment and then grabbed a pair

of scissors.54 , I soun picked up my new” 55 shirt and showed it to her. Not yet, I replied with

a proud smile.

41.A.signs B.remarks C.deals D.problems

42.A.common B.fine C. flexible D.loose

43.A.spots B. appeals C.ingredients D.tastes

44.A. in low spirits B.in poor condition C.out of sight D.out of control

45.A.sew B.make C.recycle D.design

46.A. notice B.ignore C.mind D.refuse

47.A.kicked B.pressed C.slid D.kept

48.A.untouched B.examined C.broken D.exposed

49.A. protest B.miss C.fit D.pass

50.A: waste B. identify C. question D.gain

51.A. graduation B.family C.childhood D.retirement

52.A.poorly B. cautiously C.fully D.busily







