
2024-09-04·10页·214.3 K

2024苏州市初中学业水平考试试卷英语审核:魏敬德老师注意事项:1.本试卷共七大题,满分100分(不含听力口语30分),考试用时100分钟;2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上,并认真核对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人的相符合;3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。第一部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The first person in our family to do yoga (瑜伽) was my mum. Her best friend, Sissy, who lived next door to us, ___1___ yoga to her. She said if Mum was tired of the rush of modern life and wanted to feel less ___2___, then yoga could help. Sissy was a very peaceful person so Mum ___3___ accepted.I watched Mum every day doing her breathing exercises and ___4___ her postures (动作). After a few months, she said she felt much ___5___. Dad was getting envious. He wasn’t going to be left out so he ___6___ yoga too. He goes to a class twice a week now.Then Mum had the bright ___7___ that my sister and I should do yoga. She researched the kind of yoga that is ___8___ for children and learned as much as she could about it. Then she became our ___9___. To my surprise, it turned out really well.At first, we mostly did breathing exercises but then we moved on to stretching (伸展) exercises. We had to lift our ribcage (胸廓), reach our arms to the side and circle our body with them. Mum told us to ____10____ we were enjoying ourselves in the sunshine. It was really fun!Our whole family does yoga now. Even our dog, Bingo, likes to join in!1. A. tookB. recommendedC. donatedD. sent2. A. surprisedB. excitedC. stressedD. amazed3. A. easilyB. hardlyC. luckilyD. strictly4. A. testingB. raisingC. practisingD. protecting5. A. healthierB. luckierC. heavierD. cleverer6. A. set upB. made upC. put upD. took up7. A. futureB. ideaC. smileD. start8. A. noisyB. difficultC. secretD. helpful9. A. friendB. studentC. teacherD. partner10. A. imagineB. showC. learnD. prove第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIt is generally neither too hot nor too cold in Suzhou. Sometimes summer can be hot and wet. Winter can be a little cold, but not too cold if the wind is not blowing too strongly.MonthsAverage (平均) TemperatureAverage RainfallJanuary-February2-105-7cmMarch7-139-10cmApril-May12-247-9cmJune-August22-3119-22cmSeptember-October17-285-7cmNovember-December5-174-5cmMany of the classical gardens in the city are designed with the change of seasons in mind. They show different features during different months. The Master of Nets Garden is full of different kinds of trees. Each of them blooms (开花) in a different season. The view of this garden changes according to the time of year.Rain should not be a problem. It shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your stay in Suzhou. Instead, many would say the classical gardens are at their best in rain or heavy fog.11. What’s the average temperature in Suzhou in March?A. 2-10.B. 7-13.C. 12-24.D. 5-17.12. To better explain the design features of the gardens, the writer ________.A. gives an exampleB. asks a questionC. makes a surveyD. lists some numbers13. What’s the best title for the text?A. Gardens in Suzhou.B. Rain in Suzhou.C. Seasons in Suzhou.D. Weather in Suzhou.BA recent TV series To the Wonder has become China’s breakout TV hit of the year. It has also won praise at a film festival abroad. To the Wonder is based on the award-winning novel of Li Juan, My Altay, and is directed by Teng Congcong. It is very poetic and filled with beautiful wisdom.The TV drama follows the journey of Li Wenxiu. She once wished to leave Altay, an area in Northern Xinjiang. After failing to realize her dream in the capital of Xinjiang, Li has to move back to her hometown and tries to find a new direction for herself. At first, Li finds it hard to understand her neighbours’ traditional way of thinking. Under the influence of her mother Zhang Fengxia, Li starts to see the place and its people in a new light. Later, she comes to understand their lifestyle and respect for nature.Fans describe watching the drama as an experience in the wonderland. “It’s like breathing in fresh air or lying under the sun,” said one fan. “It is a unique drama, very different from the usual Chinese series. A must-watch if you want to discover the beauty of the grassland and life there,” another fan said.“People enjoy the wonderful view of Altay. But the key to the success of the series lies in its ability to connect with the viewers on a human level,” said Teng Congcong. “In the drama, everyone communicates sincerely. Even if I disagree with you, I sincerely respect you. In fact, this is a very important part of human nature—the love for truth, goodness and beauty.”14. To the Wonder is the name of ______.A a foreign dramaB. a famous filmC. a TV seriesD. a beautiful poem15. Why does Li Wenxiu come back to Altay?A. To look after her mother.B. To find herself a new direction.C. To help the local people.D. To enjoy its beautiful view.16. The underlined word “unique” has the closest meaning to ______.A. seriousB. commonC. specialD. strange17. What is the key to the success of To the Wonder according to Director Teng?A. Its sincere respect for nature.B. The beautiful wisdom of the writer.C. The lifestyle of the local people.D. Its sincere connection with viewers.CChina has become the world’s largest producer and market of EVs (电车). According to a report, 9.58 million Chinese-made EVs were produced and 9.49 million were sold in 2023. Among the total sales, 1.2 million EVs were exported (出口).The Chinese government has been encouraging EVs as part of its effort for green, high-quality development. As a result, China’s EV industry develops very quickly. At Auto (汽车) China 2004, BYD was the only company showing EVs there. At Auto China 2024, there were 278 different EV models on show, including BYD, SAIC, Geely, Li Auto, Nio, Xpeng and other brands (品牌).China’s EV industry is now facing both challenges and chances. It’s reported that 71% of EV brands cut prices in 2023. EV makers without the ability of innovation (创新) will face growing risks. In order to be both green and smart, Chinese EV makers are trying hard to improve technologies like battery qualities and AI support. At the same time, the government is adding even more charging points (充电站). On the other hand, more Chinese people are aware of the environmental problems. It is encouraging more buyers to choose EVs.EVs are the way of the future. In an ideal world, everyone benefits from innovation and green transport. Some might get there sooner than others, and will gain greater rewards. It is very likely that China will hold the lead.18. How many Chinese-made EVs were sold in China in 2023?A. 8.38 million.B. 9.49 million.C. 9.58 million.D. 8.29 million.19. What is the purpose of Paragraph 2?A. To introduce different EV brands in China.B. To give some information about Auto China.C. To show the development of China’s EV industry.D. To advise people to buy Chinese-made EVs.20. EV makers can most probably reduce growing risks by ______.A. improving innovation abilityB. winning the government’s supportC. adding more charging pointsD. dealing with environmental problems21. What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards the future of China’s EV industry?A. Uncertain.B. Hopeful.C. Doubtful.D. Worried.DAuggie’s StorySleepI’d been reading for over an hour and sleep still didn’t come. It was almost two a. m. Everyone else was asleep. I had my flashlight (手电筒) on under the sleeping bag. Maybe the light was why I couldn’t sleep, but I was too afraid to turn it off. What had happened kept coming back to my mind.When we got back to the camp, no one noticed we’d been gone. The teachers and all the other kids were still watching the movie. They didn’t know how something bad had just happened to me and Jack. It’s so strange how that can be, how you could have a night that’s the worst in your life, but to everybody else it’s just a usual night.Amos, Miles and Henry brought us back to our seats. Then they returned to their own seats. In a way, everything was exactly as we had left it. The sky was the same. The movie was the same. Everyone’s faces were the same. Mine was the same.But something was different. Something had changed.Home“So, do you want to hear about the bad part or the good part first?” I asked Mum.“Whatever you want to talk about,” she answered.“Well, except for last night, I had a fantastic time,” I said. “I feel like they ruined (毁坏) the whole trip for me.”“No, sweetie. Don’t let them do that to you. You were there for more than forty-eight hours, and that awful part lasted one hour. Don’t let them take that away from you, okay?”“I know.” I nodded. “But do I always have to worry about bad guys like that? Like when I grow up is it always going to be like this?”“There are always going to be bad guys in the world, Auggie,” she said, looking at me. “But I really believe there are more good people on this earth than bad people, and the good people watch out for each other and take care of each other. Just like Jack was there for you. And Amos. And those other kids.”“Oh yeah Miles and Henry,” I answered. “They were amazing, too. It’s very strange because Miles and Henry haven’t even really been very nice to me at all during the year.”“Sometimes people surprise us,” she said, rubbing the top of my head.22. Why couldn’t Auggie fall asleep?A He kept thinking about something.B. He was doing bedtime reading.C. He was looking for his flashlight.D. He didn’t like his sleeping bag.23. According to the first part, what was different at the camp?A. The sky.B. Auggie’s face.C. The movie.D. Auggie’s feeling.24. Auggie was worried that ______.A. his mum would feel unhappyB. bad guys would always be aroundC. he would not have a good tripD. Jack would not be his friend any more25. What do we know about Miles and Henry?A. They ruined Auggie’s whole trip.B. They took something away from Auggie.C. They were nice to Auggie this time.D. They were Auggie’s best friends.第三部分 信息还原(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Recharge (充电) Your Body’s BatteryMy phone is showing that little red low-battery sign. What if I didn’t recharge it—no, that would stress me out. But what if I took a few minutes to recharge myself—yes, that would help. But how? ____26____Tell yourself the truth.When something stressful happens, we often can’t help taking a deep breath at first. But we control what happens next. It’s possible to work with our stress, rather than against it. Thank it and remind yourself: “____27____”Turn your attention to joy.To protect energy stores, turn your attention to being present. Focus on what you can feel grateful (感激的) for. Smiling can reduce stress. ____28____ Plant something in your day that you look forward to.Work your stress out.You might think all your feelings live in your brain. But in fact, we feel them with our whole bodies. ____29____ It can change how you feel. Also, heating up and cooling down, like taking a shower, may cheer you up.____30____Being in crowded and busy places sends our bodies signs of danger. We can recharge our batteries with green space time—look for a park, gardens or plants to calm our bodies and minds.Life is short. It’s even shorter living on half a battery. We can break our daily stress habits and create more energy.A. My body is producing energy to help me deal with it.B. Relax yourself in green.C. My energy is running out.D. Here are a few ways to recharge yourself.E. Warn your body of danger.F. Joy can recharge us.G. Doing exercise can help your body reduce stress.第四部分 词汇运用(共13小题;每小题1分,满分13分)第一节 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。31. Stop ______ (推) and just wait for your turn.32 It’s important to learn from ______ (错误) and become stronger.33. I have ______ (邀请) the whole class of children, so no one feels unhappy.34. The 2024 Paris Olympics will bring over 10, 000 athletes ______ (在一起) this summer.35. You need a good sense of b______ to ride a bicycle.36. Tiger Hill c______ an area of about 14, 100 square metres and is 36 metres high.37. There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in r______ countries.38. As the host city, Suzhou will m______ to make the 2026 ISF Football World Cup a great success.请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。speed since plenty of pollute such asFrogs are an environmental warning system. They have skin which takes in whatever is in the environment. This means that if the environment is ____39____, a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies. For this reason, if there’s something wrong in the environment, frogs are the first to die. If there are ____40____ frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster ____41____ in recent years than ever before. Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out ____42____ 1980. This is a disaster. Frogs are needed in the food chain as food for animals like snakes, birds and fish. Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects ____43____ grasshoppers. The world needs frogs.第五部分 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be ____44____ (great) different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text ____45____ (tell) how some common food plants spread around the world.As early as 5, 000 BC, ____46____ (potato) were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were ____47____ (take) to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it.Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon ____48____ (become) fashionable there but because ____49____ its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy.Sugar cane (甘蔗) was first used to produce ____50____ kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the ____51____ (wide) world.Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with ____52____ (they) in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. ____53____ it’s expensive, many people still love it.第六部分 阅读表达(共3小题;54题2分,55题2分,56题3分,满分7分)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。In his lovely piece of writing “Why Write?”, the writer Paul Auster shares a story about growing up as an eight-year-old in New York City. He was crazy about baseball, especially the New York Giants. The only thing he remembers about attending his first major league baseball game is that he saw his hero Willie Mays after the game. The young Auster gathered his courage and went close to his hero. “Mr. Mays,” he said, “could I please have your autograph (签名)?”“Sure, kid, sure,” Mays replied kindly. “Have you got a pencil?”Auster didn’t have a pencil on him, neither did his father or his mother or anyone else in his group.Mays waited patiently, but when it became clear that no one present had anything to write with, he said, “Sorry, kid. We’ve got no pencil. I can’t give you my autograph.”From that day on, Auster made it a habit to never leave the house without a pencil in his pocket. “It’s not that I had any special plans for that pencil,” Auster writes, “but I didn’t want to be unprepared. I had been caught empty-handed once, and I wasn’t about to let it happen again. The years have taught me this: If there’s a pencil in your pocket, there’s a good chance that one day you’ll feel like starting to use it. That’s how I became a writer.”What is your pencil? What is so important that without it you feel unprepared? I know some cartoonists always carry pen and paper and some photographers always have a camera in their pockets. They are always prepared.Pick your “pencil” and don’t leave home without it.54. To get Willie Mays’ autograph, what did Auster need?__________________________________________________________________55. What habit did Auster form after that day?__________________________________________________________________56. What do you think of Auster’s habit? Why do you think so?__________________________________________________________________第七部分 书面表达(共1题;满分25分)57. 你校English Reading Club正在组织一次英文小说读书分享会,本周阅读内容为Auggie’s Story(阅读D篇)。请从以下两个标题中任选一个,写一篇英文读后感。选择一:以Sometimes people surprise us为题,内容包括:1.你对这句话的理解;2.结合实际生活举例说明;3.你得到的启发。选择二:以Trouble is a friend为题,内容包括:1.你对这句话的理解;2.结合实际生活举例说明;3.你得到的启发。注意:1.词数:100左右;2.请先填写你所选的标题,再写文章;3.照抄阅读语篇不得分;4.文中不得出现与考生相关的真实校名和姓名等信息。Title: ____________After reading Auggie’s story, I’m really touched. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





