
2024-09-06·18页·12.6 M



高三年级 英语试题


命题:长兴中学 衢州二中(审校) 审核:春晖中学






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每


例:How much is the shirt?

A.f 19.15. B.f9.18. C.f9.15. 答案是C。

1.What did the man do over the weekend?

A. He saw a movie. B.He attended a match. C. He went to the hospital.

2. What day is it today?

A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.

3. What is happening near the park?

A.People are giving away their books

B. The police are searching for a thief.

C. There is a new restaurant opening up.

4. What is the most unbearable thing for the woman?

A. Mosquito bites. B. Horrible snakes. C.High temperatures.

5.What does the man mean?

A.Leave the cat alone. B.Choose another time. C.Consider other vehicles.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳




6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.A couple. B.Neighbors. C.Colleagues.

7. When did Mr. Thompson arrive home today?

A.At 6:30 p.m. B.At 6:15 p.m. C.At 5:45 p.m.

英语试题 第 1 页(共8 页)

听第7段材料,回答第 8至9题。

8.What did the woman want to do when she was a child?

A. Create new musical pieces. B. Become a singer. C.Play the piano.

9.What is probably the man?

A. An educator. B.A musician. C.An astronaut.


10.What did the woman do before lunchtime?

A. She tidied a place up. B.She bought some fruit. C. She sang a song to the elderly.

11.What will the man do next?

A. Play basketball. B.Go to hospital. C. Join the woman.

12. What do the speakers mainly talk about?

A. Respect for the old. B. The holiday plan. C. Housework chores.


13.Who isTom Lee?

A.A movie character. B.A TV actor. C.A journalist

14. What do we know about Tom Lee?

A.He grew up in China. B. He is humorous and wise. C. He dreams of becoming a hero.

15. What suggestion does the man give to kids?

A. Learning from obstacles. B.Keeping positive all the time. C. Being brave to seek support.

16. What is the woman doing?

A. Chairing a meeting. B. Having an interview. C. Explaining film plots.


17. Why does the speaker give the talk?

A.To introduce some new authors. B.To share book reviews. C. To advertise some new books

18. Which book is suitable for people who are interested in time-traveling adventures?

A. This Again?. B.Daughters of the Lamp. C. The Partition Project.

19. What can we learn about Sahara?

A. She lost a necklace in Cairo.

B.She moved from India to Pakistan.

C.She is fascinated by adventure stories.

20.Who attaches great importance to family in the book?

A.Adam Borba. B.Nedda Lewers. C. Saadia Faruqi.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




Culinary herbs are fragrant plants which are fit to eat and used in small amounts to add flavor to dishes. Most

herbs are found in food and also have medicinal uses. There are four herbs for you.

英语试题 第 2 页(共 8 页)


The curry tree is native to India and Sri Lanka. The

leaves are dark green and shiny, releasing a pleasant nut-like

scent when they are fried in oil. They are a main component of

South Indian cuisine, used in the same way as bay leaves are

in Western cuisines


Shiso is a Japanese herb with a unique flavor, whose

green leaves are often used as a garnish(装饰)for traditional

Japanese dishes. Whether red or green, it can be used in

various other ways: mixed into salads, put into green tea, or

added to stir-fries.


Basil has shiny, deep green, pointed leaves and a

sweet-and-savory flavor, which is used in both fresh and dried

forms to flavor dishes ranging from Italian sauces to meat

dishes to Asian curries. When cooking, add it towards the end

to maintain flavo


Mint has a delicately sweet flavor and creates a distinct

cooling feeling due to the menthol(薄荷醇)in the herb. Used

for cooking and a varietyof medicinal purposes, mint has soft,

bright green leaves that are commonly used in drinks like mint

tea, as well as dishes like Vietnamese pho and Thai stir-fries.

While dried mint is used in tea making, fresh mint is the

preferred form of the herb for cooking

21.Which of the following statement about Curry leaves is true?

A. They are only native to Sri Lanka. B. They enjoy great popularity among Westerners.

C. They smell pleasant, like fried nuts. D. They play an important role in South Indian cuisine.

22. Which herbs can be used both in tea drinks and stir-fries?

A.Mint and Basil. B. Basil and Shiso.

C. Curry leaves and Basil. D.Mint and Shiso.

23.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A biology textbook. B.An academic paper.

C. A botanical magazine. D.A commercial poster.


I first saw the earth—the whole earth from the shuttle Challenger in 1984. The view takes your breath away

and fills you with childlike wonder. That's why every shuttle crew has to clean nose-prints offtheir spacecraft's

windows several times a day.

英语试题 第 3 页(共 8 页)

An incredibly beautiful tapestry(织锦) of blue and white, tan, black and green seems to glide beneath you at

an elegant, stately pace. But you are actually going so fast that the entire map of the world spins before your eyes

with each 90-minute orbit. After just one or two laps, you feel, maybe for the first time like a citizenof a planet.

All the colors and patterns you see—the visible evidence of the complex working of the natural systems that

make our planet habitable—seem both vast and precise, powerful and yet somehow fragile.

You see volcanoes spewing smoke, hurricanes roiling the oceans and even fine tendrils' of Saharan dust

reaching across the Atlant

You also see the big, gray smudges of fields, paddies and pastures, and at night you marvel at the lights, like

brilliant diamonds, that reveal a mosaic of cities, roads and coastlines—impressive signs of the hand of humanity.

Scientists tell us that our hand is heavy, that we are wiping out of other species at an unprecedented rate and

probablytransforming our climate.

Will the immense power of global systems withstand the impact of humanity? Or is it possible that our

collective actions will change the nature of our planet enough to cripple its ability to support life?

I no longer believe that we can wait for all the scientific data needed to answer these questions conclusively.

We must recognize immediately what it means to be citizens of this plan

It means accepting the obligation to be the stewards of the earth's life-giving capacities. As homeowners, we

wouldn't neglect or damage our houses until they weren't fit to live in. Why would we do that with our planet?

24. What does the writer want to express in Paragraph 1?

A. They feel scared flying in the out-space. B. They are homesick in the space shuttle.

C. They are awed by the view of the earth. D. They feel excited to explore the universe

25. What's the main function ofParagraph 3?

A.Setting the stage for further discussion. B.Summarizing the main idea of the text.

C. Providing data for the writer' s argument. D. Introducing different ideas on human impact.

26.According to the last paragraph, which of the following statement does the writer agreewith?

A. It's not clear what humans can do to nature.

B. The earth is strong enough to support more lives.

C. Human beings are not the only creature of the earth.

D. We must act now to take care of naturebefore it's too late.

27. What is the best title of the text?

A. Flying to the Future B.Going Green with Our Earth

C.A Glimpse of Home D.My Experience as anAstronaut


Eating a plant-based diet has been shown to be very good for your heart and your overall health. In fact, a

recent study found a young person could live an additional 13 years by eating more vegetables and legumes(豆类),

as well as whole grains, fruit and nu

Which makes the findings of a new analysis of the diets of nearly 400,000 UK adults published Monday in the

journal Frontiers in Nutrition rather shocking: Eating veggies, especially cooked ones, doesn't reduce your risk of

heart disease over time.

“Our large study did not find evidence for a protective effect of vegetable intake on the occurrence of CVD

(cardiovascular disease),”said Qi Feng, an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, in a statement.

While the study found eating raw veggies could protectagainst heart disease, cooked vegetables did not. Any

benefit went away when researchers factored in lifestyle factors such as physical activity, educational level,

smoking, drinking, fruit intake, red and processed meat consumption, and use of mineral and vitamin supplements.

英语试题 第 4 页(共8 页)

“Instead, our analyses show that the seemingly protective effect of vegetable intake against CVD risk is very

likely to be accounted for by bias(偏差)related to differences in socioeconomic situation and lifestyle,”Feng


Don't start celebrating yet, veggie haters. Experts in the UK and United States quickly took exception to the

study's conclusion.

“Although this study found that eating more vegetables wasn't associated with a lower risk of heart and

circulatory diseases once other lifestyle and other factors were taken into account, that doesn't mean we should stop

eating vegetables,said Victoria Taylor, a senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, in a statement.

“The results are not surprising. Picking out one single component and assuming just adding it to thediet, e.g.,

vegetables, is not likely to result in the desired effect,”Alice Lichtenstein, director and senior scientist at Tufts

University's Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory, told CNN in an ema

“One thing that has become clearover the past decade is we should not be looking at single foods or nutrients,

rather the whole dietary pattern,” said Lichtenstein.

28. What can we learn from the new study led by Feng?

A. It followed a young UK person for 13 years.

B. Its findings came as no surprise to other people.

C. It overturned the conclusion of previous studies.

D. Its purposewas to find the right vegetables forpeople.

29. What did Feng imply about vegetables'protective effect?

A.It was totally made up by some researchers.

B. It still held true despite some different findings.

C. It could only be achieved by living a healthy lifestyle.

D. It was a misconception caused by differences in people.

30. Which of following is closest in meaning to underlined phrase “take exception to”?

A. Voice objections to. B.Add details to. C.Display ignorance of. D.Take notice of.

31. What did Lichtenstein think of the study?

A. It was groundbreaking. B. It was one-sided.

C. It would cause confusion. D. It needed more evidence.


Many people have wondered why children believe in things like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, thinking that

children's minds are easily fooled. However,developmental psychologyoffers a different perspective.

A study published in Developmental Psychology explores how children react to ideas that go against what

they usually think and if they check these ideas against what they expect. This way of checking, known as the

“empirical stance,”is evident by the time children reach elementary scho

The study involved nearly 200 children aged 3 to 8 from Chinese schools. Each child was presented with five

differently-sized objects made from painted Russian dolls. The children naturally assumed that the smallest doll

was the lightest and the largest the heaviest. When asked to identify the heaviest object, most children chose the

largestone. An adult then either agreed with the children's choice or made a claim that the smallest doll was the

heaviest. The researchers observed whether the children would change their minds or test the adult's claim by

comparing the weights of the dolls.

Initially, children seemed to trust the adult's word, with only a small percentage insisting on their original

belief. However, when given the opportunity to explore the dolls, elementary school children who had received the

surprising claim systematically tested it by comparing the smallest and largest dolls. This exploration allowed them

to generate evidence that could contradict the adult's cla

英语试题 第 5 页(共 8 页)

These findings suggest that while children are willing to trust an adult's surprising claims, their acceptance is

temporary. By elementary school, they systematiclly test such claims by seeking new evidence, which they then

use to update their belie

The study's implications extend beyond childhood. Most adults accept complex concepts, such as the

existence of electrons, based on the testimony(证词) of others rather than personal experience.

So while children may learn about the magic of Santa Claus from adults, adults might similarly have

something to learn from elementary school children: most of us would do well to adopt an empirical stance more

often than we currently

32. What is Paragraph 3 ma n y a out

A. The methodology of the study. B. The conclusion of the study.

C. The significance of the study. D. The theoretical basis of the study.

33. Which child's response matches the empirical stance?

A.Taylor believes what the teacher says no matter what.

B.Jordan thinks the earth is flat because his father says so.

C. Emma assumes the watermelon is sweet and then tastes it.

D.Maya suspects there are monsters living in trees as the story says.

34. What lesson could adults learn from children?

A. Rejecting complex concepts. B.Never trusting anyone.

C. Learning from their own experience. D.Counting on others'testimony.

35. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To highlight the importance of adult's role in children's education and growth.

B. To advocate fora more empirical approach to belief formation across all ages.

C. To clarify a misunderstanding about elementary school students'learning ability.

D. To persuade adults to help children rid themselves of wrong ideas about the world.



Shame has been called our “most dreaded emotional experience.”We know the feeling only too well: Our

pulse quickens. 36- The feeling is so bad that we want to escape at all costs. Here are some things you need

to know about shame and some tips for how to feel less of

Shame and guilt are different emotions.

You feel guilty when you think you've done something wrong, but you feel shame when you believe that you

are wrong. While guilt arises when you have made a mistake and can fix it, shame developswhen you see yourself

as the mistake. 37--

Shame has warning signs.

There are many signs that you are experiencing shame. 38 And when someone brings up something

you feel ashamed about, you may look down and avoid eye contact and talk in a soft voice.


Shame can lead to high blood pressure, stomach problems, insomnia, alcohol or drugs addiction, and eating

disorders. One study determined that external shame—the fear that others are judging us negatively—is associated

with anorexia, while internal shame—our negative self-evaluation and self-generated criticism—is associated with


There is a cure for shame.

When you have a caring person to share your shameful and otherwise painful stories with, you will be able to

英语试题 第 6 页(共 8 页)

fully express yourself and finally release the old, stored, toxic feelings that have been weighing you down.

40- At the sametime, you will stop seeing yourself as bad or wrong. The change you will feel is profound.

A.Our faces flush.

B.Our eyes light up.

C. Shame can harm your physical health.

D. Shame may make it harder for you to stay focused.

E. Free of those, you can shift your beliefs about yourself.

F. The critic inside your head tells you that you are a bad, worthless person.

G.You avoid being the center of attention and wish you could shrink into the walls.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)



In June of 2019, I was staying at a fitness camp in Thailand. I had just done 2.5 hours of 41 , and as I

went back to my room to shower and rest, I began to 42 . Thinking that it was probably from the intense

43 , I brushed it o

But over the next few hours, things took a(n) 44 turn. I vomited violently and my breath was caught in

my 45 . Panic kicked in. Idecided that I had to get some 46

Pulling myself up, I made my way to the 47 . My heart began to race as I walked downhill, bent over,

48 ,as my coughing started up agai

Shuffling to the front desk, a Thai woman took one look at me and asked me what was wrong. My voice was

raspy(沙哑的) as I tried to explain that I couldn't 49 . She was 50- on the phone, coordinating(协调)

a car to get me to a hospital. Some other camp workers began to gather around to 51 me.

Soon, the car came to rush me to the hospital. The driver 52 me I was going somewhere 53 and

that it would all be okay. Thanks to these kind people, I fully recovered in two weeks.

It is hard to 54 the fear at the time, as well as the relief and 55 that I felt when people came to

my rescue. I don't know what would have happened without the

41.A.fundraising B.homemaking C. songwriting D. kickboxing

42.A.ache B.cough C.cry D. recover

43.A.pressure B. workout C.exposure D.demand

44.A.bad B.wrong C. interesting D.sharp

45.A.throat B.stomach C.mouth D. head

46.A.comfort B.advice C.assistance D.guidance

47.A.clinic B.gym C.reception D.office

48.A.conscious B.dizzy C.hopeless D.thrilled

49.A.stay B.think C.breathe D.stand

50.A. reluctantly B.instantly C.excitedly D. painstakingly

51.A.check in on B.get back to C. reach out to D.catch up with

52.A. threatened B. reminded C. lectured D. assured

53.A.affordable B.beautiful C. peaceful D.trustworthy

54.A.imagine B.believe C.describe D.conclude

55.A. thankfulness B.nervousness C.eagerness D. happiness



英语试题 第 7 页(共8 页)

A craze for Shanghai is sweeping China thanks to a television drama set in the city in the 1990s 56- has

tapped into growing nostalgia for a past era, at a time of deep economic transition in the country.

Blossoms Shanghai, 57 (original) a novel written by Jin Yucheng, 58 (adapt) by the Hong Kong

director Wong Kar-wai. It tells the story of Ah Bao, a young opportunist trying to strike riches through the city's

then booming stock market and export industry, while 59 (romance) three women. It became the first TV

series 60 (win) of 12 awards at the annual Chinese TV drama festival.

The show brings back memories of the good old days 61 portrays a time when the people's minds were

just liberated. Evidence of the show's popularity is visible in locations featured in Blossoms. 62 a recent

Friday afternoon, hundreds of people gathered at the crossing of Huanghe Road, as police officers stood by

63 (control) traffic, Tai Sheng Yuan, 64 restaurant opened in 1993, regularly serves elderly

Shanghainese, but younger people and those from outside the city 65 (begin) to show up since Blossoms

was first aired, booking up private rooms through the upcoming Lunar New Yea

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)



份礼物。请为这份礼物附上一张便条, 内容包括:(1)礼物简介;(2)意义阐述;(3)临别祝福。


第二节(满分25分) 微


From my memory, my father was a man of few words and we were never close to each other. Before he joined

the army, he built a house with his own hands. When he was tragically killed in one battle, the house became mine.

As the house aged, it became a relic of the past, and we moved away, carrying with me the echoes of his silent


One day, someone called, saying that he wanted to buy that house. I said yes.

Before we reached a deal, I thought it a must tocheck out the old shack(小屋)first, just in case something of

value had been left behind. My two young sons followed along, and we waded through the tall grass in the meadow

where the old house sat. Time had taken its toll. The front porch had collapsed in on itself, most of the windows

were gone, and the siding was falling off. We entered through an open window.

I felt as though I had chanced upon a time capsule(胶囊). Here lay the things of my dad’ s lives. A broken

chair. Some old clothes. But the thing that drew my eye was a cardboard box stuffed with papers. I dug through its

contents and was instantly transported back in time. There was a tax return from 1975. Greeting cards from old

relatives and friend

I spent most of a pleasant hour going through that box. All the while, I had to answer a stream of questions

from my sons about the old house. They were amazed that nine people once occupied the tiny structure. And they

shivered when I told them that in those days the cookstove was the only source of heat.

There' s nothing of value had been left, I confirmed. So we came back. The house once again enjoyed the

lonely solitude of our meado

Then the paying day came. or no reason, may e some reason, I came to that old house to say goodbye to



Paragraph 1: As I stood in the house, my eye was drawn to a big yellowed envelope with two words “FROM

ARMY” on it

Paragraph 2: I pulled out my telephone and madea call to that buyer.

英语试题 第 8 页(共8 页)





