
2024-09-11·9页·1.3 M

英 语 (试题卷)







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出佳选项。听完每

段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段话仅读一遍。

例: How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

答案是 C。

1. When should the man have his ticket checked?

A. At 6:45p. m. B. At 7:15p. m. C. At 7:30p. m.

2. What does Tom Green do?

A. A student. B. A writer. C A doctor.

3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Neighbors. B. Husband and wife C. Doctor and patient.

4. According to the woman, what financial responsibility can Kevin take?

A. College fee. B. Living expenses. C. Phone bills.

5. Why does the woman want to quit her job?

A. To work in a flexible environment.

B. To concentrate more on work.

C. To find a more challenging job.

第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C.选项中选出最佳

选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。

6. What does the man apologize for?

A. Not waiting for the woman.

B. Not listening to the tour guide.

C. Not knowing about the building

7. What are the speakers going to do next?

A. Plan a travel to Egypt.

B. Appreciate the works of art in the museum.

C. Consult the tour guide about the museum.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。

8. How much did、The Scream by Edvard Munch sell for?

A. $82.5 million. B.$106.5 million. C.$119.9 million

9. What does the woman say about the commercial value of famous paintings?

A. It always increases over time.

B. It mainly depends on the painters.

C. It is determined by the market and other factors.

高三英语试题卷 第 1 页 共 8 页

听第 8 段材料,回答第 1 至第 12 三个小题。

10. What is the main purpose of the man visiting the woman?

A. To discuss the design of a brochure.

B. To order new brochures for the hotel.

C. To inquire about the cost of reprinting brochures.

11. What does the man suggest doing with the front page of the brochure?

A. Increasing the size of the letters.

B. Removing all text and adding a picture.

C. Filljing it in with the introduction of the gym

12. What color was the print of the prices before?

A. Blue. B. Black. C. Red.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. What does the woman want to do during the summer?

A. Travel to Alaska. B. Learn photography. C. Sell her photograph equipment.

14. What does the man think of the woman's equipment?

A. It's perfect for the field.

B. It's too expensive for the woman.

C. It's not suitable, for close- ups of animals.

15. How does the woman think of the man?

A. Demanding. B. Helpful. C. Stubborn.

16. How will the man help the woman in the end?

A. Lending her some equipment.

B. Selling her some equipment.

C. Teaching her how to use the equipment.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. What is the speaker doing?

A. Organizing a conference. B. Introducing a restaurant. (C. Delivering a speech.

18. Who started the Slow Food Movement?

A. A Frenchman. B. An Italian. C. A Spanish.

19. What does the Slow Food Movement mainly focus on?

A. The promotion of healthier food only.

B. The criticism of fast food companies.

C. The protection of traditional food and lifestyles.

20. What problem does the speaker mention about fast food companies?

A. Their food is not fresh.

B. They seldom advertise.

C. Their food is too similar worldwide.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The best times to visit Kauai are August- October and April- June, with agreeable wealth and discounted

travel expenses. While the rainy season from November to March attracts win escapists, be warned: Peak

season rates apply.

September- November

With the departure of summer's crowds, autumn offers hotel savings and less competition from tourists.

The weather remains pleasant, with highs in the mid- to- low 80s and lows in upper 60s.

Key Events:

Kauai Mokihana Festival

Kaua'i Marathon

Kaua'i Chocolate & Coffee Festival

December- March

Many folks visit Kauai during colder months to escape chilly weather, but they encounter its worst weather

then. Average rainfall is high, especially in December. Don't worry about rain ruining your trip as showers are

brief. Plan ahead and book early for peak travel season.

Key Events:

Waimea Town Celebration

Prince Kuhi o Festival

April- June

Kaua'i weather is picture- perfect in spring ( high 70s to low 80s) and so are the hotel rates( low season).

For the fewest row ds, book your vacation for early spring, before schools break.

Key Events:

Kaua'i Art Festival

July- August

Kaua’i hotels sharply increase prices for summer family vacations. Remember, for a summer trip, book

months ahead and be prepared to pay winter rates. It's challenging to resist; the weather is ideal for beaches, with

temperatures ranging from the mid-70s to mid-80s.

Key Events:

Koloa Plantation Days

21. Why do people like visiting Kauai during December March?

A. To attend an art festival. B. To get away from cold weather.

C. To take part in marathon. D. To enjoy beach sunbathing.

22. To avoid peak travel and find best hotel deals, when should you plan a Kauai vacation?

A. In December. B. In February. C. In June. D. In August.

23. Where is the article possibly taken from?

A. A science magazine. B. A research paper. C. A news report. D. A guidebook.


“ Greetings, all. I'm Zhuojuema, sharing insights on Tibetan black pottery's evolution.” You might

encounter this cheerful 19- year- old at the Jambhala Tibetan Pottery Training Institute in Sichuan's Zamtang


In 2016, Zhuojuema started mastering black pottery at the institute. Since graduating in2019, she's been

committed to preserving and promoting this 1.000- year- old Tibetan pottery craft. However, its traditional

craftsmanship is fading due to lack of interest, especially among young people like Zhuojuema.

Choi Wang, Zhuojuema's mentor, founded the institute with local government support to revive (复兴)

ancient crafts. Zhuojuema noted,“ The lack of systematic written records and patterns poses the biggest challenge,

as skills were traditionally transmitted orally from master to apprentice.” Zhuojuema and her team compiled

materials by consulting historical texts, gathering black pottery, and interviewing senior craftsmen for

manufacturing details.

An authentic Jambhala Tibetan pottery is purely handmade, free from modern tools. Fired with highland

barley (青稞), it uniquely interacts with local clay, producing its characteristic black color, as explained by


Firing pottery items in the kiln(窑) is a key technique.“ The size and shape of pottery are closely related to

the time and temperature of heating,” Zhuojuema said. Without much previous experience, artisans (工匠) from

the institute keep experimenting and consulting seasoned craftsmen.

Young potters like Zhuojuema have revived the craft, master ing Xi’ an and Jingdezhen techniques. Over

time, techniques have evolved, enhancing Tibetan Jambhala pottery with polishing for shine and modernity.

“ We' re making the craft more accessible through small items like teapots and cups,” Zhuojuema notes.

Typically used for large storage (5L+), Tibetan Jambhala pottery now adapts to modern needs.

“ To make it well- known, we must adapt,” Zhuojuema said, sharing her pottery- making

and daily life videos on Douyin to showcase local culture.

24. What do Zhuojuema and her companions work for?

A. Creating pottery with modern tools.

B. Increasing Tibetan pottery production.

C. Preserving the art of Jambhala Tibetan pottery.

D. Selling Tibetan pottery at reasonable prices.

25. How were traditional techniques of Jambhala Tibetan pottery passed down in the past?

A. By word of mouth. B. By records in books.

C. By pottery patterns. D. By systematic education.

26. Why is firing in the kiln a crucial skill in Jambhala Tibetan pottery?

A. Because it decides the pottery's color.

B. Because it makes the pottery shiny.

C. Because it uses highland barley as fuel.

D. Because it determines the pottery's size and shape.

27. What is the purpose of Zhuojuema sharing videos on Douyin?

A. To popularize the Tibetan pottery craft.

B. To compete with other artisans in the market.

C. To promote the institute where she learned the craft.

D. To show off her personal skills in pottery- making.


For many, Burning Man is more than just an annual festival; it's a community, a way of

life, and a gathering of like- minded individuals who come together in the Nevada desert to

celebrate art, self- expression, and the spirit of community. However, this year, the event is

facing a significant shift as ticket sales have slumped, leading to a smaller crowd than in

previous years.

The festival, always a sell- out, is noticing a shift. Long- time attended a Lenhart

observes that while the core group of“ absolute friends and family” remains, overall numbers

are decreasing. Artist Tim Bremner from Oakland sees this as potentially positive, as it might

reduce attendees who are more interested in the experience than the festival's ethos,

potentially making room for a new generation of Burners truly interested in its aim.

Bremner's perspective is insightful, as he himself was once a newcomer who managed

to attend due to last- minute ticket availability. The festival's policy change in 2011, which

required registration in advance, has made it harder for casual attendees to secure a spot.

However, the recent drop in sales might once again open the doors to those who previously

found it challenging to get tickets.

The expectation among the“ new generation” of Burners is obvious, as evidenced by the

posts on the Burning Man 2024 Facebook group. Katie Kritzell, a self- proclaimed newbie,

expresses her eagerness to share experiences. Her enthusiasm is a testament to the festival's

lasting popularity and its ability to attract fresh blood into the fold.

On the other hand, some first- times like Mike Morrow have a more skeptical view. His

post, which remarks about skipping the event even if weather is favorable and crowds are

smaller, has sparked debate within the community. Morrow's words make us wonder what

really makes the Burner experience.

In short, the drop in ticket sales at Burning Man might not be bad. It could let the

festival change and bring in new people who really get what it's about. It will be fun to watch

how Burning Man keeps its special spirit as it grows and changes.

28. What does the underlined word“ ethos” in paragraph 2m ean?

A. Purpose. B. Influence. C. Location. D. Fradition.

29. What was the impact of the 2011 policy change at Burning Man?

A. It had no significant impact on attendance.

B. It attracted more common attendees to get tickets.

C. It made it harder for casual attendees to participate in it.

D. It led to an increase in the number of overall attendees.

30. What does Kat ie Kritzell's post indicate about the festival?

A. It is hard to attract new participants.

B. It is losing its appeal among new generations.

C. It is only popular among experienced attendees.

D. It continues to be popular and attract new attendees.

31. What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Art of Burning Man B. Burning Man for Everyone

C. The Decline of Burning Man D. Burning Man's Changing Tides


In an era where policymakers neglect play's significance, its absence from national agendas highlights its

overlooked status. Since 2008, the UK has lacked a unified play plan, with the Conservative Party (保守党)

neglecting previous Labour efforts ( unlike Scotland and Wales). Some non- profit organizations are trying hard,

yet their impact and resources are limited.

The sudden stop to a parliamentary report on children and the built environment, which was close to ending

during the election calls, highlights the previous administration's disrespect for the issue. The children's minister,

David Johnston, reinforced this neglect by refusing to provide evidence, signaling a broader lack of attention to

children's well- being.

Amid Labour’s proposals to ease planning regulations to ensure that new developments meet children's

needs, play should take on a more notable role. Even in educational settings, play could offer a healthy alternative

to excessive screen time. Experts, including Professor Heler Dodd, stress that the scarcity of opportunities for

unstructured and adventurous play contributes to rising anxiety among young people. The well- documented

connection between sedentary(久坐的) lifestyles, poor diets, and unhealthy weights emphasizes the importance of

addressing this issue immediately.

The Centre for Young Lives, founded by Anne Longfield, the former Children's Commissioner for England,

has taken the initiative by launching a commission to advance this critical agenda. A suggested so lution is to

incorporate (吸收) play into Ofsted's inspection framework, although concerns arise about the potential for turning

children's leisure activities into a game or assigning grades.

While play is a natural part of childhood, the new government must go beyond the assumption that children

will naturally benefit from play without the guidance of strategic policies. Francis Als's video artwork serves as a

powerful reminder of the richness and value of play, emphasizing its potential to enrich lives and foster creativity.

Bridget Phillipson, the freshly appointed Education Minister, stands ready to back this vita cause. By

acknowledging the urgency to restore play as a cornerstone of childhood, she can pave the way for a brighter, more

energetic future for our youth. The moment to act is upon us, and th potential for success is high.

32. What's the main problem about play in the UK?

A. The lack of non- profit organizations' support.

B. The election of a new anti- play government.

C. The neglect for the crucial role of play in national agendas.

D The success of Scotland and Wales in applying play policies.

33. What is a contributing factor to rising anxiety among young people?

A. Excessive screen time. B. A lack of adventurous play.

C Structured play opportunities. D. A healthy lifestyle.

34. What's the main purpose of writing this article?

A. To ease planning regulations to meet kids' needs.

B. To incorporate play into education to limit screen time.

C. To promote adventure activities for children.

D. To re- emphasize the importance of play in childhood.

35. What's the tone of Bridget Phillipson in the last paragraph?

A. Optimistic. B. Skeptical. C. Indifferent. D. Neutral.

第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)



Will a purpose- driven life help you live longer?

Do you get joy out of volunteering or learning new skills in the class you' ve been


36 As rt turns out, being inspired by things in your life doesn't just help your

emotional well- being- it may keep you healthier.

A 2019 JAMA Network Open study found that among a group of nearly 7,000 adults

over age 50, those who scored highest on a scale that measured“ life purpose” were less

likely to die during the four- year study period. 37

“ There have been a number of studies suggesting that a higher sense of purpose in life is

associated with reduced risk of early death,” says Eric S. Kim, Ph. D. , a visiting scientist in

the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of

Public Health.“ 38 That's an interesting advancement of knowledge.”

80, what exactly is life purpose? Life purpose is defined differently by different people.

35 This purpose, the study authors said, helps make it more likely that you will engage in

behaviors that are good for your health. Some studies also have been carried out to simply

ask people what gives them a sense of purpose in life. 40 That may include family and

relationships, community, helping others, learning new skills and taking part in leisure

activities or hobbies, to name just a few.

“I define it as the extent to which people experience their lives as being directed and

motivated by valued life goals,” says Kim.

A. People made a long list.

B. If you said yes, it could help you live longer.

C. Many factors contribute to their physical health.

D. The study showed the role a sense of purpose plays in life.

E. They were also less likely to die from heart or blood conditions.

F. But in general it indicates that you have an aim in life and goals.

G. But this study first showed a purposeful life is linked with specific causes of death.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最


Starting my career with the famous desktop game— Dungeons and Dragons and

contributing to a Star Wars picture book at Lucasfi lm has been an incredible journey. My job

is 41 , involving the creation of imaginative stories for young readers.

Over the years, many people have remarked,“ You' re lucky to have talent and pursue a

job you love.” Reflecting on it, I realize they' re 42 in some ways—I am fortunate. Growing

up in South Florida, I was 43 to drawing in class, often more than I should have. While my

teacher was lecturing, I would sit at the back drawing Star Wars characters, dragons and bugs.

I learned to be a/an 44 by copying the art I loved.

Mr Strassberger, my fifth- grade teacher, recognized my 45 and made a significant impact. Once I was

46 with an oral book report on The Mouse and the Motorcycle written by Eeverly Cleary. I was anxious about it

because there was little art in it to help me interpret it, only a few illustrations. 47 my struggle. Mr

Strassberger offered a unique solution. He challenged me to read the book and create my own original

illustrations. This transformed the task into a creative try, and 48 became an experience like receiving

instructions on what scenes to draw. When1 49 my report, I felt a newfound confidence.

This experience transformed me. I started reading various books. and based on the content. 50 drawings

of the characters. My walls were 51 with my drawings of Smaug the dragon from The Hobbit and Milo from

The Phantom Tollbooth.

I consider myself fortunate, not because of my drawing 52. but because there was an adult who saw 53

in me that I hadn't seen in myself. Now, in my fantastic job, I get to re- experience the 54 I felt at 10 years old

every day. Looking back, that moment with Mr Strassberger 55 as a crucial turning point.

41| A. awesome B. tiring C. flexible D. boring

42. A. right B. nice C. wrong D. strange

43. A. assigned B. directed C. forced D. attracted

44. A actor B. artist C. photographer D. teacher

45. A. patience B. passion C. intelligence D. creativity

46. A. burdened B. rewarded C. tasked D. encouraged

47 A. Noticing B. Ignoring C. Remembering D. Predicting

48. A. writing B. reading C. describing D. copying

49. A. dropped B. received C. replaced D. presented

50 A. created B. selected C. appreciated D. analyzed

51.. A. produced B. packed C. cleaned D. covered

52. A. belief B. talent C. efforts D. styles

53. A. influence B. progress C. potential D. responsibility

54. A. vision B. freshness C. joy D. struggle

55.A.comes across B. carries out C. fades away D. stands out

第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recently, Jiang Ping, a 17- year- old vocational school student from China , 56 ( amaze) worldwide

netizens by ranking 12th in a global math competition. She became the first vocational school student to make the

finals and the only girl among the top 20 contestants. Most of the finalists, 57 ( total) around 800, are from

prestigious institutions such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, MIT and Princeton University.

The teen, 58 spends most of her spare time solving math problems, keeps an English dictionary hundy

y so that language doesn't become 59 barrier when she's learning from international mathematical works.

Apparently. her approach to learning English is different from that of most Chinese learners. English 60 (

acquire) as a practical tool, enabling her to study the original advanced math textbooks from abroad.

Jiang said she believes that regardless 61 which subject she is studying, interest and effort are both

crucial.~“I lean toward subjects such as advanced math and fashion design, as they spark my desire 62 (

explore),” she said.“I enjoy the step- by- step process of mathematical deductions, and reaching the desired result

brings me great joy.”

Multiple universities in China、 such as Donghua University, Jiangsu University and Tongji University,

expressed their 63 (congratulate) on her success, and some even encouraged her to pursue 64 ( nigh)

studies on math or fashion design at their campus. Jiang's story clearly demonstrates that one's potential does not

65 ( necessary) depend on the obedience or adaptation to the school entrance examination system, and that

dreams do come true if one follows his or her own gift and talent with determinations.

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

在 2024 年法国巴黎奥运会上,中国体操男团摘得银牌,队员苏炜德因在单杠项






体操 gymnastics 单杠 horizontal bar

注意:1.写作词数应为 80 词左右(已给开头与结尾,不计入总词数);


Dear Su Weide,

I' ve closely watched the exciting 2024 Paris Olympics.


Li Hua

第二节 (满分 25 分)



When Bernadette, my daughter, turned 10, I got really concerned. Our family had been

through a lot in the last 4 years. She loved her grandparents, but they left us too soon. It really

got to her, especially with her sensitive nature. She was down for nearly a year, hardly

smiling, just getting by. She lost her sparkle.

Back then, I didn't know what to do for her. She saw my concern, and it just made her

sadder. One day, after she headed to school, I sat in the living room, thinking about all our

hugs. We' re a hug family, and it always lifts my spirits. I wished I could have hugged her

then to cheer her up too.

“ Dad, I'm lost without you. I don't know how to help Bernadette.” Then I thought,“ Hugs

might cheer her up.” So I started hugging her more, trying to make it feel normal.

Little by little, Bernadette started smiling more frequently, and it looked like joy was

always with her. She became super excited about her activities, in a way she never had been

before. After a couple of months, our hug sessions really cheered her up. I didn't reveal my

intentions, but she understood the depth of those embraces. When she felt blue or anxious,

she'd request a hug from me. And if she noticed I was down, she'd give me a warm hug too. It

became a natural thing for us- giving and receiving lots of hugs!

As time passed, hugging became a regular thing that felt really nice. But when

Bernadette started college hunting, we knew we'd have to part ways soon. Her dream school

was way far, over 1,700 miles away. Right before she left, we had my b- day bash together.

She told me she was excited about a surprise gift and went shopping secretly. On my birthday,

she presented me with a beautifully, wrapped present. She hoped I'd love it and it'd bring a

smile to my face. This gift was like a little reminder of all the hugs and good times we shared.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


I opened the accompanying envelope and found a handwritten letter.

Deeply moved, I unwrapped the gift eagerly.

英 语(参考答案)


1-5 BBACA 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 ABACB 16-20 BCBCC


21-23 BCD 24-27 CADA 28-31 ACDD 32-35 CBDA

三.七选五: BEGFA


41-45 AADBB 46-50 CABDA 51-55 DBCCD


56. has amazed 57.totaling/totalling 58.who 59. a 60. is acquired

61. of 62. to explore 63. congratulations 64. higher 65. necessarily


Dear Su Weide,

I've closely watched the exciting 2024 Paris Olympics. Though the Chinese men’s gymnastics

team secured silver, my admiration for your commitment and perseverance remains unwavering.

Your efforts are greatly valued.

The Olympic stage brings immense pressure and overwhelming expectations. Despite

unexpected outcomes, sports are a journey of triumphs and setbacks. Your mistake on the horizontal

bar is insignificant amidst a career of achievements. Do not let it define you. Rise above criticism

and focus on your strengths that have led to many successes.

With full confidence, I believe you’ll emerge stronger. Your resilience and talent are invaluable;

turn this setback into a stepping stone. Push boundaries, strive for excellence, and remember

adversity shapes champions. The world cheers for you, Su Weide. Keep shining!

Warmest regards,

Li Hua


I opened the accompanying envelope and found a handwritten letter.As I carefully opened

the envelope's delicate paper, my heart raced. Bernadette's handwriting, now elegant, warmly

greeted me. The letter, addressed to Dear Dad, took me back to our cherished moments. She

expressed gratitude for my silent support, embodied in every hug. Bernadette said those hugs were

her beacon during tough times, lifting her up when she stumbled. Despite college's distance, our love

and solace will always be in her heart, guiding her home. She promised to keep our connection

through letters and virtual hugs, ending with Thank you, Dad. My love for you is immeasurable.

My eyes filled with tears of pride, knowing my little girl had grown into a resilient young woman

who still treasures our bond.

Deeply moved, I unwrapped the gift eagerly. When I peeled back the paper layers, a sleek

wooden box appeared, and I was curious about what was inside. I lifted the lid, and inside was a

collection of photos—like a photo journal, capturing every moment of our lives together. From our

funny selfies to heartfelt family hugs, each photo had a handwritten note next to it, telling the story

behind it. Bernadette carefully put together these memories, so I'd always have something to remind

me of our happy and tough times, no matter how far apart we are. This gift is a sweet reminder of

all the hugs and great times we've had. As I look through the pages, feeling her love in every photo,

I know Bernadette's appreciation will stay with me, cheering me up on my upcoming journey and

filling my heart with happiness.





